What's New In python-apt 1.7 ============================ Changed -------- * Starting with 1.6.1 and 1.7~alpha1, the exception raised when passing objects of a different cache to :class:`apt_pkg.DepCache` is :class:`apt_pkg.CacheMismatchError`, and :class:`apt.cache.Cache` will automatically remap open packages and versions to a new cache. * :meth:`apt_pkg.Policy.get_priority()` now accepts :class:`apt_pkg.Version` objects in addition to :class:`apt_pkg.Package` and :class:`apt_pkg.PackageFile` ones. * :attr:`apt.package.Version.policy_priority` now returns the priority for that version rather than the highest priority for one of its package files. * :meth:`apt.Cache.commit` and :meth:`apt_pkg.DepCache.commit` now use frontend locking to run dpkg. Added ------ * The class :class:`apt_pkg.PackageRecords` can now lookup custom fields using ``records[key]`` and ``key in records``. * All code is now statically typed. Some methods from :mod:`apt_pkg` and :mod:`apt_inst` might still be missing or more strict than necessary. * A new method :meth:`apt.cache.Cache.fix_broken` has been added. * New methods for frontend locking have been added: :meth:`apt_pkg.pkgsystem_lock_inner`, :meth:`apt_pkg.pkgsystem_unlock_inner`, :meth:`apt_pkg.pkgsystem_is_locked` (starting in alpha 3). Deprecated ---------- * :meth:`apt_pkg.Policy.get_priority()` accepting :class:`apt_pkg.Package` is deprecated.