#!/usr/bin/env python """ Test AMQP library. Repeatedly receive messages from the demo_send.py script, until it receives a message with 'quit' as the body. 2007-11-11 Barry Pederson """ from optparse import OptionParser import amqplib.client_0_8 as amqp def callback(msg): for key, val in msg.properties.items(): print ('%s: %s' % (key, str(val))) for key, val in msg.delivery_info.items(): print ('> %s: %s' % (key, str(val))) print ('') print (msg.body) print ('-------') msg.channel.basic_ack(msg.delivery_tag) # # Cancel this callback # if msg.body == 'quit': msg.channel.basic_cancel(msg.consumer_tag) def main(): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('--host', dest='host', help='AMQP server to connect to (default: %default)', default='localhost') parser.add_option('-u', '--userid', dest='userid', help='userid to authenticate as (default: %default)', default='guest') parser.add_option('-p', '--password', dest='password', help='password to authenticate with (default: %default)', default='guest') parser.add_option('--ssl', dest='ssl', action='store_true', help='Enable SSL (default: not enabled)', default=False) options, args = parser.parse_args() conn = amqp.Connection(options.host, userid=options.userid, password=options.password, ssl=options.ssl) ch = conn.channel() ch.access_request('/data', active=True, read=True) ch.exchange_declare('myfan', 'fanout', auto_delete=True) qname, _, _ = ch.queue_declare() ch.queue_bind(qname, 'myfan') ch.basic_consume(qname, callback=callback) # # Loop as long as the channel has callbacks registered # while ch.callbacks: ch.wait() ch.close() conn.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()