Pyrolite - client library for Java and .NET

This library allows your Java or .NET program to interface very easily with the Python world. It uses the Pyro protocol to call methods on remote objects. It also supports convenient access to a Pyro Flame server including the remote interactive console.

Pyrolite is a tiny library that implements a part of the client side Pyro library, hence its name ‘lite’. Pyrolite has no additional dependencies. So if you don’t need Pyro’s full feature set, and don’t require your Java/.NET code to host Pyro objects itself, Pyrolite may be a good choice to connect java or .NET and python.

Pyrolite also contains a feature complete implementation of Python’s pickle protocol (with fairly intelligent mapping of datatypes between Python and Java/.NET), and a small part of Pyro’s client network protocol and proxy logic. It can use the Serpent serialization format as well.

Use the 4.x version of the library with Pyro4.

Getting the .NET version: The .NET version is available using the nuget package manager, package name is Razorvine.Pyrolite (and Razorvine.Serpent, which is a dependency). Package info.

Getting the Java version: The Java library can be obtained from Maven, groupid net.razorvine artifactid pyrolite.

Source is on Github: in the ‘pyro4-legacy’ branch.


Small code example in Java:

import net.razorvine.pyro.*;

NameServerProxy ns = NameServerProxy.locateNS(null);
PyroProxy remoteobject = new PyroProxy(ns.lookup("Your.Pyro.Object"));
Object result ="pythonmethod", 42, "hello", new int[]{1,2,3});
String message = (String)result;  // cast to the type that 'pythonmethod' returns
System.out.println("result message="+message);

You can also read a more elaborate example. That writeup is an elaboration of the Pyro simple example appearing in the introduction chapter, but with a Java (rather than Python) client.

The same example in C#:

using Razorvine.Pyro;

using( NameServerProxy ns = NameServerProxy.locateNS(null) )
    using( PyroProxy something = new PyroProxy(ns.lookup("Your.Pyro.Object")) )
        object result ="pythonmethod", 42, "hello", new int[]{1,2,3});
        string message = (string)result;  // cast to the type that 'pythonmethod' returns
        Console.WriteLine("result message="+message);

You can also use Pyro Flame rather conveniently because of some wrapper classes:

Config.SERIALIZER = Config.SerializerType.pickle;   // flame requires the pickle serializer
PyroProxy flame = new PyroProxy(hostname, port, "Pyro.Flame");
FlameModule r_module = (FlameModule)"module", "socket");
System.out.println("hostname=" +"gethostname"));

FlameRemoteConsole console = (FlameRemoteConsole)"console");