#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # Accept popularity-contest entries on stdin and drop them into a # subdirectory with a name based on their MD5 ID. # # Only the most recent entry with a given MD5 ID is kept. # $dirname = 'popcon-entries'; $gpgdir = 'popcon-gpg'; $now = time; $filenum=0; sub get_report { my($id,$file,$mtime,$vers); my $line=$_; chomp $line; my @line=split(/ +/, $line); my %field; for (@line) { my ($key, $value) = split(':', $_, 2); $field{$key}=$value; }; $id=$field{'ID'}; if (!defined($id) || $id !~ /^([a-f0-9]{32})$/) { print STDERR "Bad hostid: $line\n"; return 'reject'; } $id=$1; #untaint $id $arch=$field{'ARCH'}; if (defined($arch) && $arch !~ /^[0-9A-Za-z-]*$/) { print STDERR "Report rejected: $arch: $id\n"; return 'reject'; } $vers=$field{'POPCONVER'}; if (defined($vers) && ($vers =~ /^1\.56ubuntu1/ || $vers !~ /^[0-9A-Za-z.+~:-]*$/)) { print STDERR "Report rejected: $vers: $id\n"; return 'reject'; } $mtime=$field{'TIME'}; if (!defined($mtime) || $mtime!~/^([0-9]+)$/) { print STDERR "Bad mtime $mtime\n"; return 'reject'; } $mtime=int $1; #untaint $mtime; $mtime=$now if ($mtime > $now); my $dir=substr($id,0,2); unless (-d "$dirname/$dir") { mkdir("$dirname/$dir",0755) or return 'reject'; } $file="$dirname/$dir/$id"; open REPORT, ">",$file or return 'reject'; print STDERR "Accepted $id\n"; print REPORT $_; while(<>) { /^From/ and last; print REPORT $_; #accept line. /^END-POPULARITY-CONTEST-0/ and do { close REPORT; utime $mtime, $mtime, $file; return 'accept'; }; /.POPUL/ and print STDERR "Corrupted report $id ?\n"; } close REPORT; unlink $file; print STDERR "Bad report $file\n"; return 'reject'; } sub get_gpg { my $file="$gpgdir/$filenum.txt.gpg"; $filenum++; open REPORT, ">",$file or return 'reject'; print REPORT $_; while(<>) { /^From/ and last; print REPORT $_; #accept line. /^-----END PGP MESSAGE-----/ and do { close REPORT; return 'accept'; }; } close REPORT; unlink $file; print STDERR "Bad report $file\n"; return 'reject'; } while(<>) { /^POPULARITY-CONTEST-0/ and do { get_report(); next; }; /^-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----/ and do { get_gpg(); next; }; }