Pike v8.0 release 1738

Method `[]=()

Method `[]=

mixed `[]=(object arg, mixed index, mixed val)
mixed `[]=(object arg, string index, mixed val)
mixed `[]=(array arg, int index, mixed val)
mixed `[]=(mapping arg, mixed index, mixed val)
bool `[]=(multiset arg, mixed index, bool val)


Index assignment.

Every lvalue expression with the [] operator becomes a call to this function, i.e. a[b]=c is the same as predef::`[]=(a,b,c).

If arg is an object that implements lfun::`[]=(), that function will be called with index and val as the arguments.

arg can have any of the following types:

The non-protected (ie public) variable named index will be looked up in arg, and assigned val.


Index index in arg will be assigned val.


If val is 0 (zero), one occurrance of index in arg will be removed. Otherwise index will be added to arg if it is not already there.


val will be returned.


An indexing expression in a non-lvalue context, i.e. where the index is being queried instead of assigned, uses `[] instead of this function.

See also

`->=(), lfun::`[]=(), `[]