Pike v8.0 release 1738

Method Web.decode_jwt()

Method decode_jwt

mapping(string:string|int) decode_jwt(array(Crypto.Sign.State|Crypto.MAC.State)|Crypto.Sign.State|Crypto.MAC.State sign, string(7bit) jwt)


Decode a JSON Web Token (JWT).

Parameter sign

The asymetric public or MAC key(s) to validate the jwt against.

Parameter jwt

A JWT as eg returned by encode_jwt().


Returns 0 (zero) on validation failure (this includes validation of expiry times).

Returns a mapping of the claims for the token on success. See RFC 7519 section 4.


The time check of the "nbf" value has a hard coded 60 second grace time (as allowed by RFC 7519 section 4.1.5).

See also

encode_jwt(), decode_jws(), RFC 7519 section 4