Pike v8.0 release 1738

Method Image.XCF._decode()

Method _decode

mapping _decode(string|object data, mapping|void options)


Decodes a XCF image to a mapping, with at least an 'image' and possibly an 'alpha' object. Data is either a XCF image, or a XCF.GimpImage object structure (as received from __decode)

 Supported options
    "background":({r,g,b})||Image.Color object
         Draw invisible layers as well
         Draw the guides
          Mark the selection using an overlay
          Do not asume 'Normal' for unknown layer modes.
         Draw an outline around all (drawn) layers
    "mark_layer_names":Image.Font object,
         Write the name of all layers using the font object,
         Draw an outline around the active layer


Throws upon error in data. For more information, see Image.XCF.__decode

Method _decode

mapping(string:Image.Image|string) _decode(string gimp_image_data, mapping(string:mixed)|void opts)
mapping(string:Image.Image|string) _decode(GimpImage gimp_image, mapping(string:mixed)|void opts)
mapping(string:Image.Image|string) _decode(mapping(string:mixed) gimp_image_chunks, mapping(string:mixed)|void opts)


Decode the image data given as the first argument. If it is a string, it is a gimp image file.

If it is a mapping it is the value you get when calling ___decode()

The options can contain one or more of these options:

"draw_all_layers" : bool

If included, all layers will be decoded, even the non-visible ones.

"shrink_fact" : int

Shrink the image by a factor of X. Useful for previews.

"draw_guides" : bool

If true, draw the vertical and horizontal guides

"mark_layers" : bool

If true, draw boxes around layers

"mark_layer_names" : bool

If true, draw layer names in the image

"mark_active_layer" : bool

If true, highlight the active layer

The return value has this format:

"type" : string


"img" : Image.Image

The image

"alpha" : Image.Image

The alpha channel