Pike v8.0 release 1738

Method Image.TIFF._decode()

Method _decode

mapping(string:mixed) _decode(string data)


Decodes a TIFF image to a mapping with at least the members image and alpha.

"image" : Image.Image

The actual image.

"alpha" : Image.Image

Image alpha channel.

"xres" : float


"yres" : float
"unit" : string
"xdpy" : float


"ydpy" : float
"xposition" : int 
"yposition" : int 
"photometric" : string

Type of photometric. Can be "unknown".

"extra_samples" : array(int|string)

Array elements are either integers or any of

"threshholding" : string 
"halftone_hints" : array(int)

Array is always two elements.

"artist" : string 
"datetime" : string 
"hostcomputer" : string 
"software" : string 
"name" : string 
"comment" : string 
"make" : string 
"model" : string 
"page_name" : string 
"page_number" : array(int)

Array is always two elements.

"colormap" : array(array(int))

Array of array of RGB values.

"whitepoint" : array(int)

Array is always two elements.

"primary_chromaticities" : array(float)

Array is always six elements.

"reference_black_white" : array(array(float))

Array of array of two elements.


Throws upon error in data.