Pike v8.0 release 1738

Method Image.Image()->scale()

Method scale

object scale(float factor)
object scale(0.5)
object scale(float xfactor, float yfactor)


scales the image with a factor, 0.5 is an optimized case.

Parameter factor

factor to use for both x and y

Parameter xfactor
Parameter yfactor

separate factors for x and y


the new image object

Method scale

object scale(int newxsize, int newysize)
object scale(0, int newysize)
object scale(int newxsize, 0)


scales the image to a specified new size, if one of newxsize or newysize is 0, the image aspect ratio is preserved.

Parameter newxsize
Parameter newysize

new image size in pixels


the new image object


resulting image will be 1x1 pixels, at least