Pike v8.0 release 1738

Method Image.Image()->apply_curve()

Method apply_curve

object apply_curve(object array(int(0..255)
object apply_curve(object array(int(0..255)
object apply_curve(object stringchannel, object array(int(0..255)


Apply a lookup-table on all pixels in an image. If only one curve is passed, use the same curve for red, green and blue. If 'channel' is specified, the curve is only applied to the specified channel.

Parameter curve_r
Parameter curve_g
Parameter curve_b
Parameter curve

An array with 256 elements, each between 0 and 255. It is used as a look-up table, if the pixel value is 2 and curve[2] is 10, the new pixel value will be 10.

Parameter channel

one of "red", "green", "blue", "value", "saturation" and "hue".


a new image object

See also

gamma, `*, modify_by_intensity