Pike v8.0 release 1738

Method Image.Color.Color()->light()

Method light

object light()
object dark()
object neon()
object bright()
object dull()


Color modification methods. These returns a new color.

methodeffect hsvas
light raise light level±0 ±0+50
dark lower light level±0 ±0-50
brightbrighter color ±0+50+50
dull greyer color ±0-50-50
neon set to extreme ±0maxmax

light and dark lower/highers saturation when value is min-/maximised respective.


the new color object


The opposites may not always take each other out. The color is maximised at white and black levels, so, for instance Image.Color.white->light()->dark() doesn't give the white color back, but the equal to Image.Color.white->dark(), since white can't get any lighter.