Pike v8.0 release 1738

Class Gnome.Appbar

Inheritance graph

A bar that GNOME applications put on the bottom of the windows to display status, progress, hints for menu items or a minibuffer for getting some sort of response. It has a stack for status messages  Gnome.Appbar( 1, 1, Gnome.PreferencesUser )->set_progress( 0.4 );

Signals: clear_prompt Emitted when the prompt is cleared

user_response Emitted when the user hits enter after a prompt

Inherit Hbox

inherit GTK1.Hbox : Hbox

Method create

Gnome.Appbar Gnome.Appbar(int has_progress, int has_status, int interactivity)


Create a new GNOME application status bar. If has_progress is TRUE, a small progress bar widget will be created, and placed on the left side of the appbar. If has_status is TRUE, a status bar, possibly an editable one, is created.

interactivity determines whether the appbar is an interactive "minibuffer" or just a status bar. If it is set to Gnome.PREFERENCES_NEVER, it is never interactive. If it is set to Gnome.PREFERENCES_USER we respect user preferences from ui-properties. If it's Gnome.PREFERENCES_ALWAYS we are interactive whether the user likes it or not. Basically, if your app supports both interactive and not (for example, if you use the gnome-app-util interfaces), you should use Gnome.PREFERENCES_USER. Otherwise, use the setting you support. Please note that "interactive" mode is not functional now; GtkEntry is inadequate and so a custom widget will be written eventually.