Pike v8.0 release 1738

Class GTK1.RadioButton

Inheritance graph

Radio buttons are similar to check buttons except they are grouped so that only one may be selected/depressed at a time. This is good for places in your application where you need to select from a short list of options. To connect the buttons, use another button in the desired group as the second argument to GTK1.RadioButton().


Inherit CheckButton

inherit GTK1.CheckButton : CheckButton

Method create

GTK1.RadioButton GTK1.RadioButton(string|void title, GTK1.RadioButton groupmember)


Normal creation: object GTK1.RadioButton(string title) - First button (with label) object GTK1.RadioButton()->add(widget) - First button (with widget) object GTK1.RadioButton(title, another_radio_button) - Second to n:th button (with title) object GTK1.RadioButton(0,another_radio_button)->add(widget) - Second to n:th button (with widget)