Pike v8.0 release 1738

Class GDK1.Pixmap

Inheritance graph
GDK1.Drawable GDK1.Pixmap

This class creates a GDK1.Pixmap from either an GDK1.Image or Image.Image object (or a numeric ID, see your X-manual for XIDs). The GDK1.Pixmap object can be used in a lot of different GTK widgets. The most notable is the W(Pixmap) widget.


Inherit Drawable

inherit GDK1.Drawable : Drawable

Method create

GDK1.Pixmap GDK1.Pixmap(int|object image)


Create a new GDK1.Pixmap object. Argument is a GDK1.Image object or a Image.Image object

Method destroy

GDK1.Pixmap destroy()


Destructor. Destroys the pixmap.