Pike v8.0 release 1738

Method Filesystem.Monitor.basic()->monitor()

Method monitor

Monitor|void monitor(string path, MonitorFlags|void flags, int(0..)|void max_dir_check_interval, int(0..)|void file_interval_factor, int(0..)|void stable_time)


Register a path for monitoring.

Parameter path

Path to monitor.

Parameter flags

Don't recurse.


Monitor the entire subtree, and any directories or files that may appear later.


Monitor the entire subtree, and any directories or files that may appear later. Remove the monitor automatically when path is deleted.

Parameter max_dir_check_interval

Override of default_max_dir_check_interval for this path or subtree.

Parameter file_interval_factor

Override of default_file_interval_factor for this path or subtree.

Parameter stable_time

Override of default_stable_time for this path or subtree.

See also
