Pike v8.0 release 1738

Method Debug.Inspect()->create()

Method create

Debug.Inspect Debug.Inspect(string|function(void:void)|void cb)


Starts up the background thread.

Parameter cb

Specifies either the callback function which is invoked on each iteration, or the name of a file which contains a class which is (re)compiled automatically with an optional main() method, which will be called on each iteration. If the main() method returns 0, new stacktraces will be dumped every iteration; if it returns 1, stacktrace dumping will be suppressed.


The compilation and the running of the callback is guarded by a catch(), so that failures (to compile) in that section will not interfere with the running program.


If the list of running threads did not change, displaying the list again will be suppressed.

See also

triggersignal, pollinterval, _loopthread, _callback, Debug.globals