Pike v8.0 release 1738

Module Calendar.Discordian

Inheritance graph

The Discordian calendar, as described on page 34 in the fourth edition of Principia Discordia.

Chaotic enough, it's quite simpler then the Gregorian calendar; weeks are 5 days, and evens up on a year. Months are 73 days.

The leap day is inserted at the 60th day of the first month (Chaos), giving the first month 74 days. The description of the calendar is a "perpetual date converter from the gregorian to the POEE calendar", so the leap years are the same as the gregorians.

The Principia calls months "seasons", but for simplicity I call them months in this calendar.

If anyone know more about how to treat the leap day - now it is inserted in the month and week where it lands, rather then being separated from month and weeks, I'm interested to know.

- Mirar, Pope of POEE.

Inherit Gregorian

inherit Calendar.Gregorian : Gregorian