17. The rest

Namespace 7.4::

Method hash

int hash(string s)
int hash(string s, int max)


Return an integer derived from the string s. The same string will always hash to the same value, also between processes.

If max is given, the result will be >= 0 and < max, otherwise the result will be >= 0 and <= 0x7fffffff.


This function is provided for backward compatibility reasons.

This function is byte-order dependant for wide strings.

See also

predef::hash(), 7.0::hash()

Namespace cpp::


Pike has a builtin C-style preprocessor. It works similar to the ANSI-C preprocessor but has a few extra features. These and the default set of preprocessor macros are described here.

Directive #require



If the directive evaluates to false, the source file will be considered to have failed dependencies, and will not be found by the resolver. In practical terms the cpp() call will return zero.

See also


Variable __COUNTER__

int(1..) __COUNTER__


This define contains a unique counter (unless it has been expanded Inte.NATIVE_MAX times) represented as an integer.

Constant __OS2__

constant __OS2__


This define is defined when the Pike is running on IBM OS/2.

Namespace predef::




The version of FUSE


constant int HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
constant int HKEY_CURRENT_USER
constant int HKEY_USERS


Root handles in the Windows registry.


These constants are only available on Win32 systems.

See also

RegGetValue(), RegGetValues(), RegGetKeyNames()

Method RegGetKeyNames

array(string) RegGetKeyNames(int hkey, string key)


Get a list of value key names from the register.

Parameter hkey

One of the following:

Parameter key

A registry key.


Returns an array of value keys stored at the specified location if any. Returns UNDEFINED on missing key. Throws errors on other failures.


> RegGetKeyNames(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Keyboard Layout"); (1) Result: ({ "IMEtoggle", "Preload", "Substitutes", "Toggle" })


This function threw errors on missing key in Pike 7.6 and earlier (see System.RegGetKeyNames_76()).


This function is only available on Win32 systems.

See also

RegGetValue(), RegGetValues(), System.RegGetKeyNames_76()

Method RegGetValue

string|int|array(string) RegGetValue(int hkey, string key, string index)


Get a single value from the register.

Parameter hkey

One of the following:

Parameter key

Registry key.

Parameter index

Value name.


Returns the value stored at the specified location in the register if any. Returns UNDEFINED on missing keys, throws errors on other failures.


This function threw errors on missing keys in Pike 7.6 and earlier (see System.RegGetValue_76()).


This function is only available on Win32 systems.

See also

RegGetValues(), RegGetKeyNames(), System.RegGetValue_76()

Method RegGetValues

mapping(string:string|int|array(string)) RegGetValues(int hkey, string key)


Get multiple values from the register.

Parameter hkey

One of the following:

Parameter key

Registry key.


Returns a mapping with all the values stored at the specified location in the register if any. Returns UNDEFINED on missing key. Throws errors on other failures.


> RegGetValues(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Keyboard Layout\\Preload"); (5) Result: ([ "1":"0000041d" ])


This function threw errors on missing key in Pike 7.6 and earlier (see System.RegGetValues_76()).


This function is only available on Win32 systems.

See also

RegGetValue(), RegGetKeyNames(), System.RegGetValues_76()




Don't unquote backslash-sequences in quoted strings during tokenizing. This is used for bug-compatibility with Microsoft...

See also

tokenize(), tokenize_labled()


constant UNDEFINED


The undefined value; ie a zero for which zero_type() returns 1.

Method _Static_assert

void _Static_assert(int constant_expression, string constant_message)


Perform a compile-time assertion check.

If constant_expression is false, a compiler error message containing constant_message will be generated.


Note that the function call compiles to the null statement, and thus does not affect the run-time.

See also


Method __automap__

array __automap__(function(:void) fun, mixed ... args)


Automap execution function.

Parameter fun

Function to call for each of the mapped arguments.

Parameter args

Arguments for fun. Either


Wrapper for an array to loop over. All of the arrays will be looped over in parallel.


All other arguments will be held constant during the automap, and sent as is to fun.


This function is used by the compiler to implement the automap syntax, and should in normal circumstances never be used directly.

It may however show up during module dumping and in backtraces.


It is an error not to have any Builtin.automap_markers in args.

See also

Builtin.automap_marker, map()

Method __empty_program

program __empty_program(int|void line, string|void file)

Method __handle_sprintf_format

type __handle_sprintf_format(string attr, string fmt, type arg_type, type cont_type)


Type attribute handler for "sprintf_format".

Parameter attr

Attribute to handle, either "sprintf_format" or "strict_sprintf_format".

Parameter fmt

Sprintf-style formatting string to generate type information from.

Parameter arg_type

Declared type of the fmt argument (typically string).

Parameter cont_type

Continuation function type after the fmt argument. This is scanned for the type attribute "sprintf_args" to determine where the remaining arguments to sprintf() will come from.

This function is typically called from PikeCompiler()->apply_attribute_constant() and is used to perform stricter compile-time argument checking of sprintf()-style functions.

It currently implements two operating modes depending on the value of attr:


The formatting string fmt is known to always be passed to sprintf().


The formatting string fmt is passed to sprintf() only if there are "sprintf_args".


Returns cont_type with "sprintf_args" replaced by the arguments required by the fmt formatting string, and "sprintf_result" replaced by the resulting string type.

See also

PikeCompiler()->apply_attribute_constant(), sprintf()

Constant __null_program

constant __null_program


Program used internally by the compiler to create objects that are later modified into instances of the compiled program by the compiler.

See also


Method __parse_pike_type

string(8bit) __parse_pike_type(string(8bit) t)

Constant __placeholder_object

constant __placeholder_object


Object used internally by the compiler.

See also


Method _disable_threads

_disable_threads _disable_threads()


This function first posts a notice to all threads that it is time to stop. It then waits until all threads actually *have* stopped, and then then returns a lock object. All other threads will be blocked from running until that object has been freed/destroyed.

It's mainly useful to do things that require a temporary uid/gid change, since on many OS the effective user and group applies to all threads.


You should make sure that the returned object is freed even if some kind of error is thrown. That means in practice that it should only have references (direct or indirect) from function local variables. Also, it shouldn't be referenced from cyclic memory structures, since those are only destructed by the periodic gc. (This advice applies to mutex locks in general, for that matter.)

See also


Method call_out
Method _do_call_outs
Method find_call_out
Method remove_call_out
Method call_out_info

mixed call_out(function(:void) f, float|int delay, mixed ... args)
void _do_call_outs()
int find_call_out(function(:void) f)
int find_call_out(mixed id)
int remove_call_out(function(:void) f)
int remove_call_out(function(:void) id)
array(array) call_out_info()


These are aliases for the corresponding functions in Pike.DefaultBackend.

See also

Pike.Backend()->call_out(), Pike.Backend()->_do_call_outs(), Pike.Backend()->find_call_out(), Pike.Backend()->remove_call_out(), Pike.Backend()->call_out_info()

Method _exit

void _exit(int returncode)


This function does the same as exit, but doesn't bother to clean up the Pike interpreter before exiting. This means that no destructors will be called, caches will not be flushed, file locks might not be released, and databases might not be closed properly.

Use with extreme caution.

See also


Method _next

mixed _next(mixed x)


Find the next object/array/mapping/multiset/program or string.

All objects, arrays, mappings, multisets, programs and strings are stored in linked lists inside Pike. This function returns the next item on the corresponding list. It is mainly meant for debugging the Pike runtime, but can also be used to control memory usage.

See also

next_object(), _prev()

Method _prev

mixed _prev(mixed x)


Find the previous object/array/mapping/multiset or program.

All objects, arrays, mappings, multisets and programs are stored in linked lists inside Pike. This function returns the previous item on the corresponding list. It is mainly meant for debugging the Pike runtime, but can also be used to control memory usage.


Unlike _next() this function does not work on strings.

See also

next_object(), _next()

Method _refs

int _refs(string|array|mapping|multiset|function(:void)|object|program o)


Return the number of references o has.

It is mainly meant for debugging the Pike runtime, but can also be used to control memory usage.


Note that the number of references will always be at least one since the value is located on the stack when this function is executed.

See also

_next(), _prev()

Variable _static_modules

object _static_modules


This is an object containing the classes for all static (ie non-dynamic) C-modules.

In a typic Pike with support for dynamic modules the contained module classes are:






If the Pike binary lacks support for dynamic modules, all C-modules will show up here.

Method _typeof

type _typeof(mixed x)


Return the runtime type of x.

See also


Method `!

bool `!(object|function(:void) arg)
int(1..1) `!(int(0..0) arg)
int(0..0) `!(mixed arg)


Logical not.

Every expression with the ! operator becomes a call to this function, i.e. !a is the same as predef::`!(a).

It's also used when necessary to test truth on objects, i.e. in a statement if (o) ... where o is an object, the test becomes the equivalent of !!o so that any lfun::`!() the object might have gets called.


If arg is an object that implements lfun::`!(), that function will be called.

If arg is 0 (zero), a destructed object, or a function in a destructed object, 1 will be returned.

Otherwise 0 (zero) will be returned.


No float is considered false, not even 0.0.

See also

`==(), `!=(), lfun::`!()

Method `!=

bool `!=(mixed arg1, mixed arg2, mixed ... extras)


Inequality test.

Every expression with the != operator becomes a call to this function, i.e. a!=b is the same as predef::`!=(a,b).

This is the inverse of `==(); see that function for further details.


Returns 1 if the test is successful, 0 otherwise.

See also


Method `%

mixed `%(object arg1, mixed arg2)
mixed `%(mixed arg1, object arg2)
string `%(string arg1, int arg2)
array `%(array arg1, int arg2)
float `%(float arg1, float|int arg2)
float `%(int arg1, float arg2)
int `%(int arg1, int arg2)



Every expression with the % operator becomes a call to this function, i.e. a%b is the same as predef::`%(a,b).


If arg1 is an object that implements lfun::`%() then that function will be called with arg2 as the single argument.

If arg2 is an object that implements lfun::``%() then that function will be called with arg2 as the single argument.

Otherwise the result will be as follows:

arg1 can have any of the following types:

If arg2 is positive, the result will be the last `%(sizeof(arg1), arg2) elements of arg1. If arg2 is negative, the result will be the first `%(sizeof(arg1), -arg2) elements of arg1.


The result will be arg1 - arg2*floor(arg1/arg2). The result will be a float if either arg1 or arg2 is a float, and an int otherwise.

For numbers, this means that

  1. a % b always has the same sign as b (typically b is positive; array size, rsa modulo, etc, and a varies a lot more than b).

  2. The function f(x) = x % n behaves in a sane way; as x increases, f(x) cycles through the values 0,1, ..., n-1, 0, .... Nothing strange happens when you cross zero.

  3. The % operator implements the binary "mod" operation, as defined by Donald Knuth (see the Art of Computer Programming, 1.2.4). It should be noted that Pike treats %-by-0 as an error rather than returning 0, though.

  4. / and % are compatible, so that a == b*floor(a/b) + a%b for all a and b.

See also

`/, floor()

Method `&

mixed `&(mixed arg1)
mixed `&(mixed arg1, mixed arg2, mixed ... extras)
mixed `&(object arg1, mixed arg2)
mixed `&(mixed arg1, object arg2)
int `&(int arg1, int arg2)
string `&(string arg1, string arg2)
array `&(array arg1, array arg2)
mapping `&(mapping arg1, mapping arg2)
mapping `&(mapping arg1, array arg2)
mapping `&(mapping arg1, multiset arg2)
multiset `&(multiset arg1, multiset arg2)
type `&(type|program arg1, type|program arg2)


Bitwise and/intersection.

Every expression with the & operator becomes a call to this function, i.e. a&b is the same as predef::`&(a,b).


If there's a single argument, that argument is returned.

If there are more than two arguments the result is: `&(`&(arg1arg2), @extras).

Otherwise, if arg1 is an object with an lfun::`&(), that function is called with arg2 as argument, and its result is returned.

Otherwise, if arg2 is an object with an lfun::``&(), that function is called with arg1 as argument, and its result is returned.

Otherwise the result depends on the argument types:

arg1 can have any of the following types:

Bitwise and of arg1 and arg2.


The result is a string where each character is the bitwise and of the characters in the same position in arg1 and arg2. The arguments must be strings of the same length.


The result is like arg1 but only with the elements/indices that match any in arg2 (according to `== and, in the case of mappings, hash_value).


Type intersection of arg1 and arg2.

The function is not destructive on the arguments - the result is always a new instance.

See also

`|(), lfun::`&(), lfun::``&()

Method `()
Method call_function

mixed `()(function(:void) fun, mixed ... args)
mixed call_function(function(:void) fun, mixed ... args)


Call a function.

Calls the function fun with the arguments specified by args.

See also


Method `*

mixed `*(mixed arg1)
mixed `*(object arg1, mixed arg2, mixed ... extras)
mixed `*(mixed arg1, object arg2)
array `*(array arg1, int arg2)
array `*(array arg1, float arg2)
string `*(string arg1, int arg2)
string `*(string arg1, float arg2)
string `*(array(string) arg1, string arg2)
array `*(array(array) arg1, array arg2)
float `*(float arg1, int|float arg2)
float `*(int arg1, float arg2)
int `*(int arg1, int arg2)
mixed `*(mixed arg1, mixed arg2, mixed ... extras)



Every expression with the * operator becomes a call to this function, i.e. a*b is the same as predef::`*(a,b). Longer * expressions are normally optimized to one call, so e.g. a*b*c becomes predef::`*(a,b,c).


If there's a single argument, that argument will be returned.

If the first argument is an object that implements lfun::`*(), that function will be called with the rest of the arguments.

If there are more than two arguments, the result will be `*(`*(arg1arg2), @extras).

If arg2 is an object that implements lfun::``*(), that function will be called with arg1 as the single argument.

Otherwise the result will be as follows:

arg1 can have any of the following types:
arrayarg2 can have any of the following types:

The result will be arg1 concatenated arg2 times.


The result will be the elements of arg1 concatenated with arg2 interspersed.


The result will be arg1 concatenated arg2 times.


The result will be arg1 * arg2, and will be a float if either arg1 or arg2 is a float.


In Pike 7.0 and earlier the multiplication order was unspecified.

See also

`+(), `-(), `/(), lfun::`*(), lfun::``*()

Method `+

mixed `+(mixed arg)
mixed `+(object arg, mixed ... more)
int `+(int arg, int ... more)
float `+(float|int arg, float|int ... more)
string `+(string|float|int arg, string|float|int ... more)
array `+(array arg, array ... more)
mapping `+(mapping arg, mapping ... more)
multiset `+(multiset arg, multiset ... more)



Every expression with the + operator becomes a call to this function, i.e. a+b is the same as predef::`+(a,b). Longer + expressions are normally optimized to one call, so e.g. a+b+c becomes predef::`+(a,b,c).


If there's a single argument, that argument is returned.

If arg is an object with only one reference and an lfun::`+=(), that function is called with the rest of the arguments, and its result is returned.

Otherwise, if arg is an object with an lfun::`+(), that function is called with the rest of the arguments, and its result is returned.

Otherwise, if any of the other arguments is an object that has an lfun::``+(), the first such function is called with the arguments leading up to it, and `+() is then called recursively with the result and the rest of the arguments.

Otherwise, if arg is UNDEFINED and the other arguments are either arrays, mappings or multisets, the first argument is ignored and the remaining are added together as described below. This is useful primarily when appending to mapping values since m[x] += ({foo}) will work even if m[x] doesn't exist yet.

Otherwise the result depends on the argument types:


The result is the sum of all the arguments. It's a float if any argument is a float.


If any argument is a string, all will be converted to strings and concatenated in order to form the result.


The array arguments are concatened in order to form the result.


The result is like arg but extended with the entries from the other arguments. If the same index (according to hash_value and `==) occur in several arguments, the value from the last one is used.


The result is like arg but extended with the entries from the other arguments. Subsequences with orderwise equal indices (i.e. where `< returns false) are concatenated into the result in argument order.

The function is not destructive on the arguments - the result is always a new instance.


In Pike 7.0 and earlier the addition order was unspecified.

The treatment of UNDEFINED was new in Pike 7.0.

See also

`-(), lfun::`+(), lfun::``+()

Method `-

mixed `-(mixed arg1)
mixed `-(mixed arg1, mixed arg2, mixed ... extras)
mixed `-(object arg1, mixed arg2)
mixed `-(mixed arg1, object arg2)
int `-(int arg1, int arg2)
float `-(float arg1, int|float arg2)
float `-(int|float arg1, float arg2)
string `-(string arg1, string arg2)
array `-(array arg1, array arg2)
mapping `-(mapping arg1, array arg2)
mapping `-(mapping arg1, mapping arg2)
mapping `-(mapping arg1, multiset arg2)
multiset `-(multiset arg1, multiset arg2)


Negation/subtraction/set difference.

Every expression with the - operator becomes a call to this function, i.e. -a is the same as predef::`-(a) and a-b is the same as predef::`-(a,b). Longer - expressions are normally optimized to one call, so e.g. a-b-c becomes predef::`-(a,b,c).


If there's a single argument, that argument is returned negated. If arg1 is an object with an lfun::`-(), that function is called without arguments, and its result is returned.

If there are more than two arguments the result is: `-(`-(arg1arg2), @extras).

Otherwise, if arg1 is an object with an lfun::`-(), that function is called with arg2 as argument, and its result is returned.

Otherwise, if arg2 is an object with an lfun::``-(), that function is called with arg1 as argument, and its result is returned.

Otherwise the result depends on the argument types:

arg1 can have any of the following types:

The result is arg1 - arg2, and is a float if either arg1 or arg2 is a float.


The result is arg1 with all nonoverlapping occurrences of the substring arg2 removed. In cases with two overlapping occurrences, the leftmost is removed.


The result is like arg1 but without the elements/indices that match any in arg2 (according to `== and, in the case of mappings, hash_value).

The function is not destructive on the arguments - the result is always a new instance.


In Pike 7.0 and earlier the subtraction order was unspecified.

See also


Method `->

mixed `->(object arg, string index)
mixed `->(int arg, string index)
mixed `->(array arg, string index)
mixed `->(mapping arg, string index)
bool `->(multiset arg, string index)
mixed `->(program arg, string index)


Arrow indexing.

Every non-lvalue expression with the -> operator becomes a call to this function. a->b is the same as predef::`^(a,"b") where "b" is the symbol b in string form.

This function behaves like `[], except that the index is passed literally as a string instead of being evaluated.


If arg is an object that implements lfun::`->(), that function will be called with index as the single argument.

Otherwise the result will be as follows:

arg can have any of the following types:

The non-protected (ie public) symbol named index will be looked up in arg.


The bignum function named index will be looked up in arg.


An array of all elements in arg arrow indexed with index will be returned.


If index exists in arg the corresponding value will be returned. Otherwise UNDEFINED will be returned.


If index exists in arg, 1 will be returned. Otherwise UNDEFINED will be returned.


The non-protected (ie public) constant symbol index will be looked up in arg.


In an expression a->b, the symbol b can be any token that matches the identifier syntax - keywords are disregarded in that context.


An arrow indexing expression in an lvalue context, i.e. where the index is being assigned a new value, uses `->= instead of this function.

See also

`[](), lfun::`->(), ::`->(), `->=

Method `->=

mixed `->=(object arg, string index, mixed val)
mixed `->=(mapping arg, string index, mixed val)
bool `->=(multiset arg, string index, bool val)


Arrow index assignment.

Every lvalue expression with the -> operator becomes a call to this function, i.e. a->b=c is the same as predef::`->=(a,"b",c) where "b" is the symbol b in string form.

This function behaves like `[]=, except that the index is passed literally as a string instead of being evaluated.

If arg is an object that implements lfun::`->=(), that function will be called with index and val as the arguments.

arg can have any of the following types:

The non-protected (ie public) variable named index will be looked up in arg, and assigned val.


Index index in arg will be assigned val.


If val is 0 (zero), one occurrance of index in arg will be removed. Otherwise index will be added to arg if it is not already there.


val will be returned.


In an expression a->b=c, the symbol b can be any token that matches the identifier syntax - keywords are disregarded in that context.


An arrow indexing expression in a non-lvalue context, i.e. where the index is being queried instead of assigned, uses `-> instead of this function.

See also

`[]=(), lfun::`->=(), `->

Method `/

mixed `/(object arg1, mixed arg2)
mixed `/(mixed arg1, object arg2)
array(string) `/(string arg1, int arg2)
array(string) `/(string arg1, float arg2)
array(array) `/(array arg1, int arg2)
array(array) `/(array arg1, float arg2)
array(string) `/(string arg1, string arg2)
array(array) `/(array arg1, array arg2)
float `/(float arg1, int|float arg2)
float `/(int arg1, float arg2)
int `/(int arg1, int arg2)
mixed `/(mixed arg1, mixed arg2, mixed ... extras)



Every expression with the / operator becomes a call to this function, i.e. a/b is the same as predef::`/(a,b).


If there are more than two arguments, the result will be `/(`/(arg1arg2), @extras).

If arg1 is an object that implements lfun::`/(), that function will be called with arg2 as the single argument.

If arg2 is an object that implements lfun::``/(), that function will be called with arg1 as the single argument.

Otherwise the result will be as follows:

arg1 can have any of the following types:
stringarg2 can have any of the following types:

The result will be and array of arg1 split in segments of length arg2. If arg2 is negative the splitting will start from the end of arg1.


The result will be an array of arg1 split at each occurrence of arg2. Note that the segments that matched against arg2 will not be in the result.

arrayarg2 can have any of the following types:

The result will be and array of arg1 split in segments of length arg2. If arg2 is negative the splitting will start from the end of arg1.


The result will be an array of arg1 split at each occurrence of arg2. Note that the elements that matched against arg2 will not be in the result.


The result will be arg1 / arg2. If both arguments are int, the result will be truncated to an int. Otherwise the result will be a float.


Unlike in some languages, the function f(x) = x/n (x and n integers) behaves in a well-defined way and is always rounded down. When you increase x, f(x) will increase with one for each n:th increment. For all x, (x + n) / n = x/n + 1; crossing zero is not special. This also means that / and % are compatible, so that a = b*(a/b) + a%b for all a and b.

See also


Method `<

bool `<(mixed arg1, mixed arg2, mixed ... extras)


Less than test.

Every expression with the < operator becomes a call to this function, i.e. a<b is the same as predef::`<(a,b).


Returns 1 if the test is successful, 0 otherwise.

See also

`<=(), `>(), `>=()

Method `<<

int `<<(int arg1, int arg2)
mixed `<<(object arg1, int|object arg2)
mixed `<<(int arg1, object arg2)


Left shift.

Every expression with the << operator becomes a call to this function, i.e. a<<b is the same as predef::`<<(a,b).

If arg1 is an object that implements lfun::`<<(), that function will be called with arg2 as the single argument.

If arg2 is an object that implements lfun::``<<(), that function will be called with arg1 as the single argument.

Otherwise arg1 will be shifted arg2 bits left.

See also


Method `<=

bool `<=(mixed arg1, mixed arg2, mixed ... extras)


Less than or equal test.

Every expression with the <= operator becomes a call to this function, i.e. a<=b is the same as predef::`<=(a,b).


Returns 1 if the test is successful, 0 otherwise.


For total orders, e.g. integers, this is the inverse of `>().

See also

`<(), `>(), `>=()

Method `==

bool `==(mixed arg1, mixed arg2, mixed ... extras)


Equality test.

Every expression with the == operator becomes a call to this function, i.e. a==b is the same as predef::`==(a,b).

If more than two arguments are given, each argument is compared with the following one as described below, and the test is successful iff all comparisons are successful.

If the first argument is an object with an lfun::`==(), that function is called with the second as argument, unless the second argument is the same as the first argument. The test is successful iff its result is nonzero (according to `!).

Otherwise, if the second argument is an object with an lfun::`==(), that function is called with the first as argument, and the test is successful iff its result is nonzero (according to `!).

Otherwise, if the arguments are of different types, the test is unsuccessful. Function pointers to programs are automatically converted to program pointers if necessary, though.

Otherwise the test depends on the type of the arguments:


Successful iff the two integers are numerically equal.


Successful iff the two floats are numerically equal and not NaN.


Successful iff the two strings are identical, character for character. (Since all strings are kept unique, this is actually a test whether the arguments point to the same string, and it therefore run in constant time.)


Successful iff the two arguments point to the same instance.


Returns 1 if the test is successful, 0 otherwise.


Floats and integers are not automatically converted to test against each other, so e.g. 0==0.0 is false.


Programs are not automatically converted to types to be compared type-wise.

See also

`!(), `!=()

Method `>

bool `>(mixed arg1, mixed arg2, mixed ... extras)


Greater than test.

Every expression with the > operator becomes a call to this function, i.e. a>b is the same as predef::`>(a,b).


Returns 1 if the arguments are strictly decreasing, and 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

`<(), `<=(), `>=()

Method `>=

bool `>=(mixed arg1, mixed arg2, mixed ... extras)


Greater than or equal test.

Every expression with the >= operator becomes a call to this function, i.e. a>=b is the same as predef::`>=(a,b).


Returns 1 if the test is successful, 0 otherwise.


For total orders, e.g. integers, this is the inverse of `<().

See also

`<=(), `>(), `<()

Method `>>

int `>>(int arg1, int arg2)
mixed `>>(object arg1, int|object arg2)
mixed `>>(int arg1, object arg2)


Right shift.

Every expression with the >> operator becomes a call to this function, i.e. a>>b is the same as predef::`>>(a,b).

If arg1 is an object that implements lfun::`>>(), that function will be called with arg2 as the single argument.

If arg2 is an object that implements lfun::``>>(), that function will be called with arg1 as the single argument.

Otherwise arg1 will be shifted arg2 bits right.

See also


Method `[..]

mixed `[..](object arg, mixed start, int start_type, mixed end, int end_type)
string `[..](string arg, int start, int start_type, int end, int end_type)
array `[..](array arg, int start, int start_type, int end, int end_type)


Extracts a subrange.

This is the function form of expressions with the [..] operator. arg is the thing from which the subrange is to be extracted. start is the lower bound of the subrange and end the upper bound.

start_type and end_type specifies how the start and end indices, respectively, are to be interpreted. The types are either Pike.INDEX_FROM_BEG, Pike.INDEX_FROM_END or Pike.OPEN_BOUND. In the last case, the index value is insignificant.

The relation between [..] expressions and this function is therefore as follows:

a[i..j]    <=>	`[..] (a, i, Pike.INDEX_FROM_BEG, j, Pike.INDEX_FROM_BEG)
    a[i..<j]   <=>	`[..] (a, i, Pike.INDEX_FROM_BEG, j, Pike.INDEX_FROM_END)
    a[i..]     <=>	`[..] (a, i, Pike.INDEX_FROM_BEG, 0, Pike.OPEN_BOUND)
    a[<i..j]   <=>	`[..] (a, i, Pike.INDEX_FROM_END, j, Pike.INDEX_FROM_BEG)
    a[<i..<j]  <=>	`[..] (a, i, Pike.INDEX_FROM_END, j, Pike.INDEX_FROM_END)
    a[<i..]    <=>	`[..] (a, i, Pike.INDEX_FROM_END, 0, Pike.OPEN_BOUND)
    a[..j]     <=>	`[..] (a, 0, Pike.OPEN_BOUND, j, Pike.INDEX_FROM_BEG)
    a[..<j]    <=>	`[..] (a, 0, Pike.OPEN_BOUND, j, Pike.INDEX_FROM_END)
    a[..]      <=>	`[..] (a, 0, Pike.OPEN_BOUND, 0, Pike.OPEN_BOUND)

The subrange is specified as follows by the two bounds:

  • If the lower bound refers to an index before the lowest allowable (typically zero) then it's taken as an open bound which starts at the first index (without any error).

  • Correspondingly, if the upper bound refers to an index past the last allowable then it's taken as an open bound which ends at the last index (without any error).

  • If the lower bound is less than or equal to the upper bound, then the subrange is the inclusive range between them, i.e. from and including the element at the lower bound and up to and including the element at the upper bound.

  • If the lower bound is greater than the upper bound then the result is an empty subrange (without any error).


The returned value depends on the type of arg:

arg can have any of the following types:

A string with the characters in the range is returned.


An array with the elements in the range is returned.


If the object implements lfun::`[..], that function is called with the four remaining arguments.

As a compatibility measure, if the object does not implement lfun::`[..] but lfun::`[] then the latter is called with the bounds transformed to normal from-the-beginning indices in array-like fashion:

`[..] (a, i, Pike.INDEX_FROM_BEG, j, Pike.INDEX_FROM_BEG)

Calls a->`[] (i, j)

`[..] (a, i, Pike.INDEX_FROM_BEG, j, Pike.INDEX_FROM_END)

Calls a->`[] (i, a->_sizeof()-1-j)

`[..] (a, i, Pike.INDEX_FROM_BEG, 0, Pike.OPEN_BOUND)

Calls a->`[] (i, Int.NATIVE_MAX)

`[..] (a, i, Pike.INDEX_FROM_END, j, Pike.INDEX_FROM_BEG)

Calls a->`[] (a->_sizeof()-1-i, j)

`[..] (a, i, Pike.INDEX_FROM_END, j, Pike.INDEX_FROM_END)

Calls a->`[] (a->_sizeof()-1-i, a->_sizeof()-1-j), except that a->_sizeof() is called only once.

`[..] (a, i, Pike.INDEX_FROM_END, 0, Pike.OPEN_BOUND)

Calls a->`[] (a->_sizeof()-1-i, Int.NATIVE_MAX)

`[..] (a, 0, Pike.OPEN_BOUND, j, Pike.INDEX_FROM_BEG)

Calls a->`[] (0, j)

`[..] (a, 0, Pike.OPEN_BOUND, j, Pike.INDEX_FROM_END)

Calls a->`[] (0, a->_sizeof()-1-j)

`[..] (a, 0, Pike.OPEN_BOUND, 0, Pike.OPEN_BOUND)

Calls a->`[] (0, Int.NATIVE_MAX)

Note that Int.NATIVE_MAX might be replaced with an even larger integer in the future.

See also

lfun::`[..], `[]

Method `[]

mixed `[](object arg, mixed index)
mixed `[](object arg, string index)
function(:void) `[](int arg, string index)
int `[](string arg, int index)
mixed `[](array arg, int index)
mixed `[](array arg, mixed index)
mixed `[](mapping arg, mixed index)
bool `[](multiset arg, mixed index)
mixed `[](program arg, string index)
mixed `[](object arg, mixed start, mixed end)
string `[](string arg, int start, int end)
array `[](array arg, int start, int end)



This is the function form of expressions with the [] operator, i.e. a[i] is the same as predef::`[](a,i).


If arg is an object that implements lfun::`[](), that function is called with the index argument.

Otherwise, the action depends on the type of arg:

arg can have any of the following types:

The non-protected (i.e. public) symbol named index is looked up in arg.


The bignum function named index is looked up in arg. The bignum functions are the same as those in the Gmp.mpz class.


The character at index index in arg is returned as an integer. The first character in the string is at index 0 and the highest allowed index is therefore sizeof(arg)-1. A negative index number accesses the string from the end instead, from -1 for the last char back to -sizeof(arg) for the first.


If index is an int, index number index of arg is returned. Allowed index number are in the range [-sizeof(arg)..sizeof(arg)-1]; see the string case above for details.

If index is not an int, an array of all elements in arg indexed with index are returned. I.e. it's the same as doing column(argindex).


If index exists in arg the corresponding value is returned. Otherwise UNDEFINED is returned.


If index exists in arg, 1 is returned. Otherwise UNDEFINED is returned.


The non-protected (i.e. public) constant symbol index is looked up in arg.

As a compatibility measure, this function also performs range operations if it's called with three arguments. In that case it becomes equivalent to:

`[..] (arg, start, Pike.INDEX_FROM_BEG, end, Pike.INDEX_FROM_BEG)

See `[..] for further details.


An indexing expression in an lvalue context, i.e. where the index is being assigned a new value, uses `[]= instead of this function.

See also

`->(), lfun::`[](), `[]=, `[..]

Method `[]=

mixed `[]=(object arg, mixed index, mixed val)
mixed `[]=(object arg, string index, mixed val)
mixed `[]=(array arg, int index, mixed val)
mixed `[]=(mapping arg, mixed index, mixed val)
bool `[]=(multiset arg, mixed index, bool val)


Index assignment.

Every lvalue expression with the [] operator becomes a call to this function, i.e. a[b]=c is the same as predef::`[]=(a,b,c).

If arg is an object that implements lfun::`[]=(), that function will be called with index and val as the arguments.

arg can have any of the following types:

The non-protected (ie public) variable named index will be looked up in arg, and assigned val.


Index index in arg will be assigned val.


If val is 0 (zero), one occurrance of index in arg will be removed. Otherwise index will be added to arg if it is not already there.


val will be returned.


An indexing expression in a non-lvalue context, i.e. where the index is being queried instead of assigned, uses `[] instead of this function.

See also

`->=(), lfun::`[]=(), `[]

Method `^

mixed `^(mixed arg1)
mixed `^(mixed arg1, mixed arg2, mixed ... extras)
mixed `^(object arg1, mixed arg2)
mixed `^(mixed arg1, object arg2)
int `^(int arg1, int arg2)
string `^(string arg1, string arg2)
array `^(array arg1, array arg2)
mapping `^(mapping arg1, mapping arg2)
multiset `^(multiset arg1, multiset arg2)
type `^(program|type arg1, program|type arg2)


Exclusive or.

Every expression with the ^ operator becomes a call to this function, i.e. a^b is the same as predef::`^(a,b).


If there's a single argument, that argument is returned.

If there are more than two arguments, the result is: `^(`^(arg1arg2), @extras).

Otherwise, if arg1 is an object with an lfun::`^(), that function is called with arg2 as argument, and its result is returned.

Otherwise, if arg2 is an object with an lfun::``^(), that function is called with arg1 as argument, and its result is returned.

Otherwise the result depends on the argument types:

arg1 can have any of the following types:

Bitwise exclusive or of arg1 and arg2.


The result is a string where each character is the bitwise exclusive or of the characters in the same position in arg1 and arg2. The arguments must be strings of the same length.


The result is an array with the elements in arg1 that doesn't occur in arg2 concatenated with those in arg2 that doesn't occur in arg1 (according to `==). The order between the elements that come from the same argument is kept.

Every element is only matched once against an element in the other array, so if one contains several elements that are equal to each other and are more than their counterparts in the other array, the rightmost remaining elements are kept.


The result is like arg1 but with the entries from arg1 and arg2 whose indices are different between them (according to hash_value and `==).


The result is like arg1 but with the entries from arg1 and arg2 that are different between them (according to hash_value and `==). Subsequences with orderwise equal entries (i.e. where `< returns false) are handled just like the array case above.


The result is a type computed like this: (arg1&~arg2)|(~arg1&arg2).

The function is not destructive on the arguments - the result is always a new instance.

See also

`&(), `|(), lfun::`^(), lfun::``^()

Method `|

mixed `|(mixed arg1)
mixed `|(mixed arg1, mixed arg2, mixed ... extras)
mixed `|(object arg1, mixed arg2)
mixed `|(mixed arg1, object arg2)
int `|(int arg1, int arg2)
string `|(string arg1, string arg2)
array `|(array arg1, array arg2)
mapping `|(mapping arg1, mapping arg2)
multiset `|(multiset arg1, multiset arg2)
type `|(program|type arg1, program|type arg2)


Bitwise or/union.

Every expression with the | operator becomes a call to this function, i.e. a|b is the same as predef::`|(a,b).


If there's a single argument, that argument is returned.

If there are more than two arguments, the result is: `|(`|(arg1arg2), @extras).

Otherwise, if arg1 is an object with an lfun::`|(), that function is called with arg2 as argument, and its result is returned.

Otherwise, if arg2 is an object with an lfun::``|(), that function is called with arg1 as argument, and its result is returned.

Otherwise the result depends on the argument types:

arg1 can have any of the following types:

Bitwise or of arg1 and arg2.


The result is a string where each character is the bitwise or of the characters in the same position in arg1 and arg2. The arguments must be strings of the same length.


The result is an array with the elements in arg1 concatenated with those in arg2 that doesn't occur in arg1 (according to `==). The order between the elements that come from the same argument is kept.

Every element in arg1 is only matched once against an element in arg2, so if arg2 contains several elements that are equal to each other and are more than their counterparts in arg1, the rightmost remaining elements in arg2 are kept.


The result is like arg1 but extended with the entries from arg2. If the same index (according to hash_value and `==) occur in both, the value from arg2 is used.


The result is like arg1 but extended with the entries in arg2 that doesn't already occur in arg1 (according to `==). Subsequences with orderwise equal entries (i.e. where `< returns false) are handled just like the array case above.


Type union of arg1 and arg2.

The function is not destructive on the arguments - the result is always a new instance.

See also

`&(), lfun::`|(), lfun::``|()

Method `~

mixed `~(object arg)
int `~(int arg)
float `~(float arg)
type `~(type|program arg)
string `~(string arg)



Every expression with the ~ operator becomes a call to this function, i.e. ~a is the same as predef::`~(a).


The result will be as follows:

arg can have any of the following types:

If arg implements lfun::`~(), that function will be called.


The bitwise inverse of arg will be returned.


The result will be -1.0 - arg.


The type inverse of arg will be returned.


If arg only contains characters in the range 0 - 255 (8-bit), a string containing the corresponding 8-bit inverses will be returned.

See also

`!(), lfun::`~()

Method abs

float abs(float f)
int abs(int f)
object abs(object f)


Return the absolute value for f. If f is an object it must implement lfun::`< and unary lfun::`-.

Method access

int access(string path, string|void mode)


access() checks if the calling process can access the file path. Symbolic links are dereferenced.

Parameter mode

The mode specifies the accessibility checks to be performed, and is either not specified or empty, in which case access() just tests if the file exists, or one or more of the characters "rwx".

r, w, and x test whether the file exists and grants read, write, and execute permissions, respectively.

The check is done using the calling process's real UID and GID, rather than the effective IDs as is done when actually attempting an operation (e.g., open(2)) on the file. This allows set-user-ID programs to easily determine the invoking user's authority.

If the calling process is privileged (i.e., its real UID is zero), then an X_OK check is successful for a regular file if execute permission is enabled for any of the file owner, group, or other.


When the file is accessible using the given permissions.


When the file is not accessible, in which case errno is set to one of the following values:


Access denied.


Too many symbolic links.


The path is too long.


The file does not exist.


One of the directories used in path is not, in fact, a directory.


The filesystem is read only and write access was requested.

Other errors can occur, but are not directly related to the requested path, such as ENOMEM, etc.

See also

errno(), Stdio.File

Method acos

float acos(int|float f)


Return the arcus cosine value for f. The result will be in radians.

See also

cos(), asin()

Method acosh

float acosh(int|float f)


Return the hyperbolic arcus cosine value for f.

See also

cosh(), asinh()

Method add_constant

void add_constant(string name, mixed value)
void add_constant(string name)


Add a new predefined constant.

This function is often used to add builtin functions. All programs compiled after the add_constant() function has been called can access value by the name name.

If there is a constant called name already, it will be replaced by by the new definition. This will not affect already compiled programs.

Calling add_constant() without a value will remove that name from the list of constants. As with replacing, this will not affect already compiled programs.

See also


Method aggregate

array aggregate(mixed ... elements)


Construct an array with the arguments as indices.

This function could be written in Pike as:

array aggregate(mixed ... elems) { return elems; }

Arrays are dynamically allocated there is no need to declare them like int a[10]=allocate(10); (and it isn't possible either) like in C, just array(int) a=allocate(10); will do.

See also

sizeof(), arrayp(), allocate()

Method aggregate_mapping

mapping aggregate_mapping(mixed ... elems)


Construct a mapping.

Groups the arguments together two and two in key-index pairs and creates a mapping of those pairs. Generally, the mapping literal syntax is handier: ([ key1:val1, key2:val2, ... ])

See also

sizeof(), mappingp(), mkmapping()

Method aggregate_multiset

multiset aggregate_multiset(mixed ... elems)


Construct a multiset with the arguments as indices. The multiset will not contain any values. This method is most useful when constructing multisets with map or similar; generally, the multiset literal syntax is handier: (<elem1, elem2, ...>) With it, it's also possible to construct a multiset with values: (<index1: value1, index2: value2, ...>)

See also

sizeof(), multisetp(), mkmultiset()

Method alarm

int alarm(int seconds)


Set an alarm clock for delivery of a signal.

alarm() arranges for a SIGALRM signal to be delivered to the process in seconds seconds.

If seconds is 0 (zero), no new alarm will be scheduled.

Any previous alarms will in any case be canceled.


Returns the number of seconds remaining until any previously scheduled alarm was due to be delivered, or zero if there was no previously scheduled alarm.


This function is only available on platforms that support signals.

See also

ualarm(), signal(), call_out()

Method all_constants

mapping(string:mixed) all_constants()


Returns a mapping containing all global constants, indexed on the name of the constant, and with the value of the constant as value.

See also


Method allocate

array allocate(int size)
array allocate(int size, mixed init)


Allocate an array of size elements. If init is specified then each element is initialized by copying that value recursively.

See also

sizeof(), aggregate(), arrayp()

Method array_sscanf

array array_sscanf(string data, string format)


This function works just like sscanf(), but returns the matched results in an array instead of assigning them to lvalues. This is often useful for user-defined sscanf strings.

See also

sscanf(), `/()

Method arrayp

int arrayp(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is an array, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

intp(), programp(), mappingp(), stringp(), objectp(), multisetp(), floatp(), functionp()

Method asin

float asin(int|float f)


Return the arcus sine value for f. The result will be in radians.

See also

sin(), acos()

Method asinh

float asinh(int|float f)


Return the hyperbolic arcus sine value for f.

See also

sinh(), acosh()

Method atan

float atan(int|float f)


Returns the arcus tangent value for f. The result will be in radians.

See also

tan(), asin(), acos(), atan2()

Method atan2

float atan2(float f1, float f2)


Returns the arcus tangent value for f1/f2, and uses the signs of f1 and f2 to determine the quadrant. The result will be in radians.

See also

tan(), asin(), acos(), atan()

Method atanh

float atanh(int|float f)


Returns the hyperbolic arcus tangent value for f.

See also

tanh(), asinh(), acosh()

Method atexit

void atexit(function(:void) callback)


This function puts the callback in a queue of callbacks to call when pike exits. The call order is reversed, i.e. callbacks that have been added earlier are called after callback.


Please note that atexit callbacks are not called if Pike exits abnormally.

See also

exit(), _exit()

Method backtrace

array(Pike.BacktraceFrame) backtrace()


FIXME: This documentation is not up to date!

Get a description of the current call stack.

The description is returned as an array with one entry for each call frame on the stack.

Each entry has this format:

string file

A string with the filename if known, else zero.

int line

An integer containing the linenumber if known, else zero.

function(:void) fun

The function that was called at this level.

mixed|void ... args

The arguments that the function was called with.

The current call frame will be last in the array.


Please note that the frame order may be reversed in a later version (than 7.1) of Pike to accommodate for deferred backtraces.

Note that the arguments reported in the backtrace are the current values of the variables, and not the ones that were at call-time. This can be used to hide sensitive information from backtraces (eg passwords).

See also

catch(), throw()

Method basename

string basename(string x)


Returns the last segment of a path.

See also

dirname(), explode_path()

Method basetype

string basetype(mixed x)


Same as sprintf("%t",x);

See also


Method callablep

int callablep(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is a callable, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

mappingp(), programp(), arrayp(), stringp(), objectp(), multisetp(), floatp(), intp()

Method cd

int cd(string s)


Change the current directory for the whole Pike process.


Returns 1 for success, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also


Method ceil

float ceil(int|float f)


Return the closest integer value greater or equal to f.


ceil() does not return an int, merely an integer value stored in a float.

See also

floor(), round()

Method column

array column(array data, mixed index)


Extract a column from a two-dimensional array.

This function is exactly equivalent to:

map(data, lambda(mixed x,mixed y) { return x[y]; }, index)

Except of course it is a lot shorter and faster. That is, it indices every index in the array data on the value of the argument index and returns an array with the results.

See also


Method combine_path
Method combine_path_unix
Method combine_path_nt
Method combine_path_amigaos

string combine_path(string path, string ... paths)
string combine_path_unix(string path, string ... paths)
string combine_path_nt(string path, string ... paths)
string combine_path_amigaos(string path, string ... paths)


Concatenate a number of paths to a straightforward path without any "//", "/.." or "/.". If any path argument is absolute then the result is absolute and the preceding arguments are ignored. If the result is relative then it might have leading ".." components. If the last nonempty argument ends with a directory separator then the result ends with that too. If all components in a relative path disappear due to subsequent ".." components then the result is ".".

combine_path_unix() concatenates in UNIX style, which also is appropriate for e.g. URL:s ("/" separates path components and absolute paths start with "/"). combine_path_nt() concatenates according to NT filesystem conventions ("/" and "\" separates path components and there might be a drive letter in front of absolute paths). combine_path_amigaos() concatenates according to AmigaOS filesystem conventions.

combine_path() is equivalent to combine_path_unix() on UNIX-like operating systems, and equivalent to combine_path_nt() on NT-like operating systems, and equivalent to combine_path_amigaos() on AmigaOS-like operating systems.

See also

getcwd(), Stdio.append_path()

Method compile

program compile(string source, CompilationHandler|void handler, int|void major, int|void minor, program|void target, object|void placeholder)


Compile a string to a program.

This function takes a piece of Pike code as a string and compiles it into a clonable program.

The optional argument handler is used to specify an alternative error handler. If it is not specified the current master object will be used.

The optional arguments major and minor are used to tell the compiler to attempt to be compatible with Pike major.minor.


Note that source must contain the complete source for a program. It is not possible to compile a single expression or statement.

Also note that compile() does not preprocess the program. To preprocess the program you can use compile_string() or call the preprocessor manually by calling cpp().

See also

compile_string(), compile_file(), cpp(), master(), CompilationHandler, DefaultCompilerEnvironment

Method compile_file

program compile_file(string filename, object|void handler, void|program p, void|object o)


Compile the Pike code contained in the file filename into a program.

This function will compile the file filename to a Pike program that can later be instantiated. It is the same as doing compile_string(Stdio.read_file(filename), filename).

See also

compile(), compile_string(), cpp()

Method compile_string

program compile_string(string source, void|string filename, object|void handler, void|program p, void|object o, void|int _show_if_constant_errors)


Compile the Pike code in the string source into a program. If filename is not specified, it will default to "-".

Functionally equal to compile(cpp(sourcefilename)).

See also

compile(), cpp(), compile_file()

Method copy_value

mixed copy_value(mixed value)


Copy a value recursively.

If the result value is changed destructively (only possible for multisets, arrays and mappings) the copied value will not be changed.

The resulting value will always be equal to the copied (as tested with the function equal()), but they may not the the same value (as tested with `==()).

See also


Method cos

float cos(int|float f)


Return the cosine value for f. f should be specified in radians.

See also

acos(), sin(), tan()

Method cosh

float cosh(int|float f)


Return the hyperbolic cosine value for f.

See also

acosh(), sinh(), tanh()

Method cpp

string cpp(string data, mapping|string|void current_file, int|string|void charset, object|void handler, void|int compat_major, void|int compat_minor, void|int picky_cpp)


Run a string through the preprocessor.

Preprocesses the string data with Pike's builtin ANSI-C look-alike preprocessor. If the current_file argument has not been specified, it will default to "-". charset defaults to "ISO-10646".

If the second argument is a mapping, no other arguments may follow. Instead, they have to be given as members of the mapping (if wanted). The following members are recognized:

"current_file" : string

Name of the current file. It is used for generating #line directives and for locating include files.

"charset" : int|string

Charset to use when processing data.

"handler" : object

Compilation handler.

"compat_major" : int

Sets the major pike version used for compat handling.

"compat_minor" : int

Sets the minor pike version used for compat handling.

"picky_cpp" : int

Generate more warnings.

"keep_comments" : int

This option keeps cpp() from removing comments. Useful in combination with the prefix feature below.

"prefix" : string

If a prefix is given, only prefixed directives will be processed. For example, if the prefix is "foo", then #foo_ifdef COND and foo___LINE__ would be processed, #ifdef COND and __LINE__ would not.

See also


Method crypt

string(7bit) crypt(string password)
bool crypt(string typed_password, string crypted_password)


This function crypts and verifies a short string (only the first 8 characters are significant).

The first syntax crypts the string password into something that is hopefully hard to decrypt.

The second syntax is used to verify typed_password against crypted_password, and returns 1 if they match, and 0 (zero) otherwise.


Note that strings containing null characters will only be processed up until the null character.

Method ctime

string ctime(int timestamp)


Convert the output from a previous call to time() into a readable string containing the current year, month, day and time.

Like localtime, this function might throw an error if the ctime(2) call failed on the system. It's platform dependent what time ranges that function can handle, e.g. Windows doesn't handle a negative timestamp.

See also

time(), localtime(), mktime(), gmtime()

Method decode_value

mixed decode_value(string coded_value, void|Codec|int(-1..-1) codec)


Decode a value from the string coded_value.

This function takes a string created with encode_value() or encode_value_canonic() and converts it back to the value that was coded.

If codec is specified, it's used as the codec for the decode. If none is specified, then one is instantiated through master()->Decoder(). As a compatibility fallback, the master itself is used if it has no Decoder class. If codec is the special value -1, then decoding of types, functions, programs and objects is disabled.


Decoding a coded_value that you have not generated yourself is a security risk that can lead to execution of arbitrary code, unless codec is specified as -1.

See also

encode_value(), encode_value_canonic()

Method delay

void delay(int|float s)


This function makes the program stop for s seconds.

Only signal handlers can interrupt the sleep. Other callbacks are not called during delay. Beware that this function uses busy-waiting to achieve the highest possible accuracy.

See also

signal(), sleep()

Method describe_backtrace

string describe_backtrace(mixed trace, void|int linewidth)


Return a readable message that describes where the backtrace trace was made (by backtrace).

It may also be an error object or array (typically caught by a catch), in which case the error message also is included in the description.

Pass linewidth -1 to disable wrapping of the output.

See also

backtrace(), describe_error(), catch(), throw()

Method describe_error

string describe_error(mixed err)


Return the error message from an error object or array (typically caught by a catch). The type of the error is checked, hence err is declared as mixed and not object|array.

If an error message couldn't be obtained, a fallback message describing the failure is returned. No errors due to incorrectness in err are thrown.

See also

describe_backtrace(), get_backtrace

Method destruct

void destruct(void|object o)


Mark an object as destructed.

Calls o->destroy(), and then clears all variables in the object. If no argument is given, the current object is destructed.

All pointers and function pointers to this object will become zero. The destructed object will be freed from memory as soon as possible.

Method destructedp

int destructedp(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is a destructed object, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

zero_type, undefinedp, intp

Method dirname

string dirname(string x)


Returns all but the last segment of a path. Some example inputs and outputs:


See also

basename(), explode_path()

Method encode_value

string encode_value(mixed value, Codec|void codec)


Code a value into a string.

This function takes a value, and converts it to a string. This string can then be saved, sent to another Pike process, packed or used in any way you like. When you want your value back you simply send this string to decode_value() and it will return the value you encoded.

Almost any value can be coded, mappings, floats, arrays, circular structures etc.

If codec is specified, it's used as the codec for the encode. If none is specified, then one is instantiated through master()->Encoder(). As a compatibility fallback, the master itself is used if it has no Encoder class.

If codec->nameof(o) returns UNDEFINED for an object, val = o->encode_object(o) will be called. The returned value will be passed to o->decode_object(o, val) when the object is decoded.


When only simple types like int, floats, strings, mappings, multisets and arrays are encoded, the produced string is very portable between pike versions. It can at least be read by any later version.

The portability when objects, programs and functions are involved depends mostly on the codec. If the byte code is encoded, i.e. when Pike programs are actually dumped in full, then the string can probably only be read by the same pike version.

See also

decode_value(), sprintf(), encode_value_canonic()

Method encode_value_canonic

string encode_value_canonic(mixed value, object|void codec)


Code a value into a string on canonical form.

Takes a value and converts it to a string on canonical form, much like encode_value(). The canonical form means that if an identical value is encoded, it will produce exactly the same string again, even if it's done at a later time and/or in another Pike process. The produced string is compatible with decode_value().


Note that this function is more restrictive than encode_value() with respect to the types of values it can encode. It will throw an error if it can't encode to a canonical form.

See also

encode_value(), decode_value()

Method enumerate

array(int) enumerate(int n)
array enumerate(int n, void|mixed step, void|mixed start, void|function(:void) operator)


Create an array with an enumeration, useful for initializing arrays or as first argument to map() or foreach().

The defaults are: step = 1, start = 0, operator = `+

Advanced use

The resulting array is calculated like this:

array enumerate(int n, mixed step, mixed start, function operator)
  array res = allocate(n);
  for (int i=0; i < n; i++)
    res[i] = start;
    start = operator(start, step);
  return res;
See also

map(), foreach()

Method equal

int equal(mixed a, mixed b)


This function checks if the values a and b are equal.

For all types but arrays, multisets and mappings, this operation is the same as doing a == b. For arrays, mappings and multisets however, their contents are checked recursively, and if all their contents are the same and in the same place, they are considered equal.

See also


Method errno

int errno()


This function returns the system error from the last file operation.


Note that you should normally use Stdio.File->errno() instead.

See also

Stdio.File->errno(), strerror()

Method error

void error(sprintf_format f, sprintf_args ... args)


Throws an error. A more readable version of the code throw( ({ sprintf(f, @args), backtrace() }) ).

Method exece

int exece(string file, array(string) args)
int exece(string file, array(string) args, mapping(string:string) env)


This function transforms the Pike process into a process running the program specified in the argument file with the arguments args.

If the mapping env is present, it will completely replace all environment variables before the new program is executed.


This function only returns if something went wrong during exece(2), and in that case it returns 0 (zero).


The Pike driver _dies_ when this function is called. You must either use fork() or Process.create_process() if you wish to execute a program and still run the Pike runtime.

This function is not available on all platforms.

See also

Process.create_process(), fork(), Stdio.File->pipe()

Method exit

void exit(int returncode, void|string fmt, mixed ... extra)


Exit the whole Pike program with the given returncode.

Using exit() with any other value than 0 (zero) indicates that something went wrong during execution. See your system manuals for more information about return codes.

The arguments after the returncode will be used for a call to werror to output a message on stderr.

See also


Method exp

float exp(float|int f)


Return the natural exponential of f. log( exp( x ) ) == x as long as exp(x) doesn't overflow an int.

See also

pow(), log()

Method explode_path

array(string) explode_path(string p)


Split a path p into its components.

This function divides a path into its components. This might seem like it could be done by dividing the string on <tt>"/"</tt>, but that will not work on some operating systems. To turn the components back into a path again, use combine_path().

Method file_stat

Stdio.Stat file_stat(string path, void|bool symlink)


Stat a file.

If the argument symlink is 1 symlinks will not be followed.


If the path specified by path doesn't exist 0 (zero) will be returned.

Otherwise an object describing the properties of path will be returned.


In Pike 7.0 and earlier this function returned an array with 7 elements. The old behaviour can be simulated with the following function:

array(int) file_stat(string path, void|int(0..1) symlink)
  File.Stat st = predef::file_stat(path, symlink);
  if (!st) return 0;
  return (array(int))st;
See also

Stdio.Stat, Stdio.File->stat()

Method file_truncate

int file_truncate(string file, int length)


Truncates the file file to the length specified in length.


Returns 1 if ok, 0 if failed.

Method filesystem_stat

mapping(string:int) filesystem_stat(string path)


Returns a mapping describing the properties of the filesystem containing the path specified by path.


If a filesystem cannot be determined 0 (zero) will be returned.

Otherwise a mapping(string:int) with the following fields will be returned:

"blocksize" : int

Size in bytes of the filesystem blocks.

"blocks" : int

Size of the entire filesystem in blocks.

"bfree" : int

Number of free blocks in the filesystem.

"bavail" : int

Number of available blocks in the filesystem. This is usually somewhat less than the "bfree" value, and can usually be adjusted with eg tunefs(1M).

"files" : int

Total number of files (aka inodes) allowed by this filesystem.

"ffree" : int

Number of free files in the filesystem.

"favail" : int

Number of available files in the filesystem. This is usually the same as the "ffree" value, and can usually be adjusted with eg tunefs(1M).

"fsname" : string

Name assigned to the filesystem. This item is not available on all systems.

"fstype" : string

Type of filesystem (eg "nfs"). This item is not available on all systems.


Please note that not all members are present on all OSs.

See also


Method filter

mixed filter(mixed arr, void|mixed fun, mixed ... extra)


Filters the elements in arr through fun.

arr is treated as a set of elements to be filtered, as follows:


Each element is filtered with fun. The return value is of the same type as arr and it contains the elements that fun accepted. fun is applied in order to each element, and that order is retained between the kept elements.

If fun is an array, it should have the same length as arr. In this case, the elements in arr are kept where the corresponding positions in fun are nonzero. Otherwise fun is used as described below.


The values are filtered with fun, and the index/value pairs it accepts are kept in the returned mapping.


The program is treated as a mapping containing the identifiers that are indexable from it and their values.


If there is a lfun::cast method in the object, it's called to try to cast the object to an array, a mapping, or a multiset, in that order, which is then filtered as described above.

Unless something else is mentioned above, fun is used as filter like this:


fun is called for each element. It gets the current element as the first argument and extra as the rest. The element is kept if it returns true, otherwise it's filtered out.


The object is used as a function like above, i.e. the lfun::`() method in it is called.


fun is indexed with each element. The element is kept if the result is nonzero, otherwise it's filtered out.

"zero or left out"

Each element that is callable is called with extra as arguments. The element is kept if the result of the call is nonzero, otherwise it's filtered out. Elements that aren't callable are also filtered out.


Each element is indexed with the given string. If the result of that is zero then the element is filtered out, otherwise the result is called with extra as arguments. The element is kept if the return value is nonzero, otherwise it's filtered out.

This is typically used when arr is a collection of objects, and fun is the name of some predicate function in them.


The function is never destructive on arr.

See also

map(), foreach()

Method find_all_clones

array(object) find_all_clones(program p, bool|void include_subclasses)


Return an array with all objects that are clones of p.

Parameter p

Program that the objects should be a clone of.

Parameter include_subclasses

If true, include also objects that are clones of programs that have inherited p. Note that this adds significant overhead.

This function is only intended to be used for debug purposes.

See also


Method floatp

int floatp(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is a float, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

intp(), programp(), arrayp(), multisetp(), objectp(), mappingp(), stringp(), functionp()

Method floor

float floor(int|float f)


Return the closest integer value less or equal to f.


floor() does not return an int, merely an integer value stored in a float.

See also

ceil(), round()

Method fork

object fork()


Fork the process in two.

Fork splits the process in two, and for the parent it returns a pid object for the child. Refer to your Unix manual for further details.


This function can cause endless bugs if used without proper care.

This function is disabled when using threads.

This function is not available on all platforms.

The most common use for fork is to start sub programs, which is better done with Process.create_process().

See also


Method function_name

string function_name(function(:void)|program f)


Return the name of the function or program f.

If f is a global function defined in the runtime 0 (zero) will be returned.

See also


Method function_object

object function_object(function(:void) f)


Return the object the function f is in.

If f is a global function defined in the runtime 0 (zero) will be returned.

Zero will also be returned if f is a constant in the parent class. In that case function_program() can be used to get the parent program.

See also

function_name(), function_program()

Method function_program

program function_program(function(:void)|program f)


Return the program the function f is in.

If f is a global function defined in the runtime 0 (zero) will be returned.

See also

function_name(), function_object()

Method functionp

int functionp(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is a function, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

mappingp(), programp(), arrayp(), stringp(), objectp(), multisetp(), floatp(), intp()

Method gc

int gc(mapping|void quick)


Force garbage collection.

Parameter quick

Perform a quick garbage collection on just this value, which must have been made weak by set_weak_flag(). All values that only have a single reference from quick will then be freed.

When quick hasn't been specified or is UNDEFINED, this function checks all the memory for cyclic structures such as arrays containing themselves and frees them if appropriate. It also frees up destructed objects and things with only weak references.

Normally there is no need to call this function since Pike will call it by itself every now and then. (Pike will try to predict when 20% of all arrays/object/programs in memory is 'garbage' and call this routine then.)


The amount of garbage is returned. This is the number of arrays, mappings, multisets, objects and programs that had no nonweak external references during the garbage collection. It's normally the same as the number of freed things, but there might be some difference since destroy() functions are called during freeing, which can cause more things to be freed or allocated.

See also

Pike.gc_parameters, Debug.gc_status

Method get_active_compilation_handler

CompilationHandler get_active_compilation_handler()


Returns the currently active compilation compatibility handler, or 0 (zero) if none is active.


This function should only be used during a call of compile().

See also

get_active_error_handler(), compile(), master()->get_compilation_handler(), CompilationHandler

Method get_active_error_handler

CompilationHandler get_active_error_handler()


Returns the currently active compilation error handler (second argument to compile()), or 0 (zero) if none is active.


This function should only be used during a call of compile().

See also

get_active_compilation_handler(), compile(), CompilationHandler

Method get_all_groups

array(array(int|string|array(string))) get_all_groups()


Returns an array of arrays with all groups in the system groups source. Each element in the returned array has the same structure as in getgrent function.


The groups source is system dependant. Refer to your system manuals for information about how to set the source.

array(int|string|array(string)) 0..

Array with info about the group

See also


Method get_all_users

array(array(int|string)) get_all_users()


Returns an array with all users in the system.


An array with arrays of userinfo as in getpwent.

See also

getpwent() getpwnam() getpwuid()

Method get_backtrace

array get_backtrace(object|array err)


Return the backtrace array from an error object or array (typically caught by a catch), or zero if there is none. Errors are thrown on if there are problems retrieving the backtrace.

See also

describe_backtrace(), describe_error()

Method get_dir

array(string) get_dir(void|string dirname)


Returns an array of all filenames in the directory dirname, or 0 (zero) if the directory does not exist. When no dirname is given, current work directory is used.

See also

mkdir(), cd()

Method get_groups_for_user

array(int) get_groups_for_user(int|string user)


Gets all groups which a given user is a member of.

Parameter user

UID or loginname of the user

array 0..

Information about all the users groups

See also

get_all_groups() getgrgid() getgrnam() getpwuid() getpwnam()

Method get_iterator

Iterator get_iterator(object|array|mapping|multiset|string data)


Creates and returns a canonical iterator for data.

data can have any of the following types:

If data is an object with lfun::_get_iterator defined then it's called in it to create the iterator.

If data is an object that lacks lfun::_get_iterator then it's assumed to already be an iterator object, and is simply returned.


If data is an array, an Array.Iterator object will be returned.


If data is a mapping, a Mapping.Iterator object will be returned


If data is a multiset, a Multiset.Iterator object will be returned


If data is a string, a String.Iterator object will be returned


This function is used by foreach to get an iterator for an object.

See also

Iterator, lfun::_get_iterator

Method get_profiling_info

array(int|mapping(string:array(int))) get_profiling_info(program prog)


Get profiling information.


Returns an array with two elements.

int num_clones

The first element is the number of times the program prog has been instantiated.

mapping(string:array(int)) fun_prof_info

The second element is mapping from function name to an array with three elements.

int num_calls

The first element is the number of times the function has been called.

int total_time

The second element is the total time (in milliseconds) spent executing this function, and any functions called from it.

int self_time

The third element is the time (in milliseconds) actually spent in this function so far.


This function is only available if the runtime was compiled with the option --with-profiling.

Method get_weak_flag

int get_weak_flag(array|mapping|multiset m)


Returns the weak flag settings for m. It's a combination of Pike.WEAK_INDICES and Pike.WEAK_VALUES.

Method getcwd

string getcwd()


Returns the current working directory.

See also


Method getgrgid

array(int|string|array(string)) getgrgid(int gid)


Get the group entry for the group with the id gid using the systemfunction getgrid(3).

Parameter gid

The id of the group


An array with the information about the group

string 0

Group name

string 1

Group password (encrypted)

int 2

ID of the group

array 3..

Array with UIDs of group members

See also

getgrent() getgrnam()

Method getgrnam

array(int|string|array(string)) getgrnam(string str)


Get the group entry for the group with the name str using the systemfunction getgrnam(3).

Parameter str

The name of the group


An array with the information about the group

string 0

Group name

string 1

Group password (encrypted)

int 2

ID of the group

array 3..

Array with UIDs of group members

See also

getgrent() getgrgid()

Method gethrdtime

int gethrdtime(void|int nsec)


Return the high resolution real time spent with threads disabled since the Pike interpreter was started. The time is normally returned in microseconds, but if the optional argument nsec is nonzero it's returned in nanoseconds.


The actual accuracy on many systems is significantly less than microseconds or nanoseconds. See System.REAL_TIME_RESOLUTION.

See also

_disable_threads(), gethrtime()

Method gethrtime

int gethrtime(void|int nsec)


Return the high resolution real time since some arbitrary event in the past. The time is normally returned in microseconds, but if the optional argument nsec is nonzero it's returned in nanoseconds.

It's system dependent whether or not this time is monotonic, i.e. if it's unaffected by adjustments of the calendaric clock in the system. System.REAL_TIME_IS_MONOTONIC tells what it is. Pike tries to use monotonic time for this function if it's available.


The actual accuracy on many systems is significantly less than microseconds or nanoseconds. See System.REAL_TIME_RESOLUTION.

See also

System.REAL_TIME_IS_MONOTONIC, System.REAL_TIME_RESOLUTION, time(), System.gettimeofday(), gethrvtime(), Pike.implicit_gc_real_time

Method gethrvtime

int gethrvtime(void|int nsec)


Return the CPU time that has been consumed by this process or thread. -1 is returned if the system couldn't determine it. The time is normally returned in microseconds, but if the optional argument nsec is nonzero it's returned in nanoseconds.

The CPU time includes both user and system time, i.e. it's approximately the same thing you would get by adding together the "utime" and "stime" fields returned by System.getrusage (but perhaps with better accuracy).

It's however system dependent whether or not it's the time consumed in all threads or in the current one only; System.CPU_TIME_IS_THREAD_LOCAL tells which. If both types are available then thread local time is preferred.


The actual accuracy on many systems is significantly less than microseconds or nanoseconds. See System.CPU_TIME_RESOLUTION.


The garbage collector might run automatically at any time. The time it takes is not included in the figure returned by this function, so that normal measurements aren't randomly clobbered by it. Explicit calls to gc are still included, though.


The special function gauge is implemented with this function.

See also

System.CPU_TIME_IS_THREAD_LOCAL, System.CPU_TIME_RESOLUTION, gauge(), System.getrusage(), gethrtime()

Method getpid

int getpid()


Returns the process ID of this process.

See also

System.getppid(), System.getpgrp()

Method getpwnam

array(int|string) getpwnam(string str)


Get the user entry for login str using the systemfunction getpwnam(3).

Parameter str

The login name of the user whos userrecord is requested.


An array with the information about the user

string 0

Users username (loginname)

string 1

User password (encrypted)

int 2

Users ID

int 3

Users primary group ID

string 4

Users real name an possibly some other info

string 5

Users home directory

string 6

Users shell

See also

getpwuid() getpwent()

Method getpwuid

array(int|string) getpwuid(int uid)


Get the user entry for UID uid using the systemfunction getpwuid(3).

Parameter uid

The uid of the user whos userrecord is requested.


An array with the information about the user

string 0

Users username (loginname)

string 1

User password (encrypted)

int 2

Users ID

int 3

Users primary group ID

string 4

Users real name an possibly some other info

string 5

Users home directory

string 6

Users shell

See also

getpwnam() getpwent()

Method getxattr

string getxattr(string file, string attr, void|bool symlink)


Return the value of a specified attribute, or 0 if it does not exist.

Method glob

bool glob(string glob, string str)
bool glob(array(string) glob, string str)
array(string) glob(string glob, array(string) str)
array(string) glob(array(string) glob, array(string) str)


Match strings against a glob pattern.

Parameter glob

The glob pattern. A question sign ('?') matches any character and an asterisk ('*') matches a string of arbitrary length. All other characters only match themselves.


the function returns true, or keeps a string, if any of the given patterns match

Parameter str

1 is returned if the string str matches glob, 0 (zero) otherwise.


All strings in the array str are matched against glob, and those that match are returned in an array (in the same order).

See also

sscanf(), Regexp

Method gmtime

mapping(string:int) gmtime(int timestamp)


Convert seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, Jan 1, 1970 into components.

This function works like localtime() but the result is not adjusted for the local time zone.

See also

localtime(), time(), ctime(), mktime()

Method has_index

int has_index(string haystack, int index)
int has_index(array haystack, int index)
int has_index(mapping|multiset|object|program haystack, mixed index)


Search for index in haystack.


Returns 1 if index is in the index domain of haystack, or 0 (zero) if not found.

This function is equivalent to (but sometimes faster than):

search(indices(haystack), index) != -1

A negative index in strings and arrays as recognized by the index operators `[]() and `[]=() is not considered a proper index by has_index()

See also

has_value(), has_prefix(), has_suffix(), indices(), search(), values(), zero_type()

Method has_prefix

int has_prefix(string|object s, string prefix)


Returns 1 if the string s starts with prefix, returns 0 (zero) otherwise.

When s is an object, it needs to implement lfun::_sizeof() and lfun::`[].

See also

has_suffix(), has_value(), search()

Method has_suffix

int has_suffix(string s, string suffix)


Returns 1 if the string s ends with suffix, returns 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

has_prefix(), has_value(), search()

Method has_value

int has_value(string haystack, string value)
int has_value(string haystack, int value)
int has_value(array|mapping|object|program haystack, mixed value)


Search for value in haystack.


Returns 1 if value is in the value domain of haystack, or 0 (zero) if not found.

This function is in all cases except when both arguments are strings equivalent to (but sometimes faster than):

search(values(haystack), value) != -1

If both arguments are strings, has_value() is equivalent to:

search(haystack, value) != -1
See also

has_index(), indices(), search(), has_prefix(), has_suffix(), values(), zero_type()

Method hash

int hash(string s)
int hash(string s, int max)


Return an integer derived from the string s. The same string always hashes to the same value, also between processes, architectures, and Pike versions (see compatibility notes below, though).

If max is given, the result will be >= 0 and < max, otherwise the result will be >= 0 and <= 0x7fffffff.


The hash algorithm was changed in Pike 7.5. If you want a hash that is compatible with Pike 7.4 and earlier, use 7.4::hash(). The difference only affects wide strings.

The hash algorithm was also changed in Pike 7.1. If you want a hash that is compatible with Pike 7.0 and earlier, use 7.0::hash().


This hash function differs from the one provided by hash_value(), in that hash_value() returns a process specific value.

See also

hash_7_0(), 7.4::hash(), hash_value

Method hash_7_0

int hash_7_0(string s)
int hash_7_0(string s, int max)


Return an integer derived from the string s. The same string always hashes to the same value, also between processes.

If max is given, the result will be >= 0 and < max, otherwise the result will be >= 0 and <= 0x7fffffff.


This function is provided for backward compatibility with code written for Pike up and including version 7.0.

This function is not NUL-safe, and is byte-order dependant.

See also

hash(), 7.4::hash()

Method hash_7_4

__deprecated__ int hash_7_4(string s)
__deprecated__ int hash_7_4(string s, int max)


Replaced by 7.4::hash.

See also

7.4::hash(), hash()

Method hash_value

int hash_value(mixed value)


Return a hash value for the argument. It's an integer in the native integer range.

The hash will be the same for the same value in the running process only (the memory address is typically used as the basis for the hash value).

If the value is an object with an lfun::__hash, that function is called and its result returned.


This is the hashing method used by mappings.

See also

hash(), lfun::__hash()

Method indices

array indices(string|array|mapping|multiset|object x)


Return an array of all valid indices for the value x.

For strings and arrays this is simply an array of ascending numbers.

For mappings and multisets, the array might contain any value.

For objects which define lfun::_indices() that return value is used.

For other objects an array with all non-protected symbols is returned.

See also

values(), types(), lfun::_indices()

Method intp

int intp(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is an int, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

mappingp(), programp(), arrayp(), stringp(), objectp(), multisetp(), floatp(), functionp()

Method is_absolute_path

int is_absolute_path(string p)


Check if a path p is fully qualified (ie not relative).


Returns 1 if the path is absolute, 0 otherwise.

Constant is_sql_null

constant int is_sql_null


SQL Null marker.


Replaced by is_val_null.

Constant is_val_null

constant int is_val_null


Nonzero recognition constant.

Method kill

bool kill(int pid, int signal)


Send a signal to another process.

Some signals and their supposed purpose:


Hang-up, sent to process when user logs out.


Interrupt, normally sent by ctrl-c.


Quit, sent by ctrl-\.


Illegal instruction.


Trap, mostly used by debuggers.


Aborts process, can be caught, used by Pike whenever something goes seriously wrong.


Emulation trap.


Floating point error (such as division by zero).


Really kill a process, cannot be caught.


Bus error.


Segmentation fault, caused by accessing memory where you shouldn't. Should never happen to Pike.


Bad system call. Should never happen to Pike.


Broken pipe.


Signal used for timer interrupts.


Termination signal.


Signal reserved for whatever you want to use it for. Note that some OSs reserve this signal for the thread library.


Signal reserved for whatever you want to use it for. Note that some OSs reserve this signal for the thread library.


Child process died. This signal is reserved for internal use by the Pike run-time.


Power failure or restart.


Window change signal.


Urgent socket data.


Pollable event.


Stop (suspend) process.


Stop (suspend) process. Sent by ctrl-z.


Continue suspended.


TTY input for background process.


TTY output for background process.


Virtual timer expired.


Profiling trap.


Out of CPU.


File size limit exceeded.


Stack fault




Failure. errno() is set to EINVAL, EPERM or ESRCH.


Note that you have to use signame to translate the name of a signal to its number.

Note that the kill function is not available on platforms that do not support signals. Some platforms may also have signals not listed here.

See also

signal(), signum(), signame(), fork()

Method limit

int|float|object limit(int|float|object minval, int|float|object x, int|float|object maxval)


Limits the value x so that it's between minval and maxval. If x is an object, it must implement the lfun::`< method.

See also

max() and min()

Method listxattr

array(string) listxattr(string file, void|bool symlink)


Return an array of all extended attributes set on the file

Method load_module

program load_module(string module_name)


Load a binary module.

This function loads a module written in C or some other language into Pike. The module is initialized and any programs or constants defined will immediately be available.

When a module is loaded the C function pike_module_init() will be called to initialize it. When Pike exits pike_module_exit() will be called. These two functions must be available in the module.


The current working directory is normally not searched for dynamic modules. Please use "./name.so" instead of just "name.so" to load modules from the current directory.

Method localtime

mapping(string:int) localtime(int timestamp)


Convert seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, 1 Jan 1970 into components.


This function returns a mapping with the following components:

"sec" : int(0..60)

Seconds over the minute.

"min" : int(0..59)

Minutes over the hour.

"hour" : int(0..23)

Hour of the day.

"mday" : int(1..31)

Day of the month.

"mon" : int(0..11)

Month of the year.

"year" : int(0..)

Year since 1900.

"wday" : int(0..6)

Day of week (0 = Sunday).

"yday" : int(0..365)

Day of the year.

"isdst" : bool

Is daylight-saving time active.

"timezone" : int

Offset from UTC, including daylight-saving time adjustment.

An error is thrown if the localtime(2) call failed on the system. It's platform dependent what time ranges that function can handle, e.g. Windows doesn't handle a negative timestamp.


Prior to Pike 7.5 the field "timezone" was sometimes not present, and was sometimes not adjusted for daylight-saving time.

See also

Calendar, gmtime(), time(), ctime(), mktime()

Method log

float log(int|float f)


Return the natural logarithm of f. exp( log(x) ) == x for x > 0.

See also

pow(), exp()

Method lower_case

string lower_case(string s)
int lower_case(int c)


Convert a string or character to lower case.


Returns a copy of the string s with all upper case characters converted to lower case, or the character c converted to lower case.


Assumes the string or character to be coded according to ISO-10646 (aka Unicode). If they are not, Charset.decoder can do the initial conversion for you.


Prior to Pike 7.5 this function only accepted strings.

See also

upper_case(), Charset.decoder

Method m_delete

mixed m_delete(object|mapping map, mixed index)


If map is an object that implements lfun::_m_delete(), that function will be called with index as its single argument.

Otherwise if map is a mapping the entry with index index will be removed from map destructively.

If the mapping does not have an entry with index index, nothing is done.


The value that was removed will be returned.


Note that m_delete() changes map destructively.

See also


Method map

mixed map(mixed arr, void|mixed fun, mixed ... extra)


Applies fun to the elements in arr and collects the results.

arr is treated as a set of elements, as follows:


fun is applied in order to each element. The results are collected, also in order, to a value of the same type as arr, which is returned.


fun is applied to the values, and each result is assigned to the same index in a new mapping, which is returned.


The program is treated as a mapping containing the identifiers that are indexable from it and their values.


If there is a lfun::cast method in the object, it's called to try to cast the object to an array, a mapping, or a multiset, in that order, which is then handled as described above.

fun is applied in different ways depending on its type:


fun is called for each element. It gets the current element as the first argument and extra as the rest. The result of the call is collected.


fun is used as a function like above, i.e. the lfun::`() method in it is called.


fun is indexed with each element. The result of that is collected.

"zero or left out"

Each element that is callable is called with extra as arguments. The result of the calls are collected. Elements that aren't callable gets zero as result.


Each element is indexed with the given string. If the result of that is zero then a zero is collected, otherwise it's called with extra as arguments and the result of that call is collected.

This is typically used when arr is a collection of objects, and fun is the name of some function in them.


The function is never destructive on arr.

See also

filter(), enumerate(), foreach()

Method mappingp

int mappingp(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is a mapping, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

intp(), programp(), arrayp(), stringp(), objectp(), multisetp(), floatp(), functionp()

Method master

object master()


Return the current master object.


May return UNDEFINED if no master has been loaded yet.

See also


Method max

int|float|object max(int|float|object, int|float|object ... args)
string max(string, string ... args)
int(0..0) max()


Returns the largest value among args. Compared objects must implement the lfun::`< method.

See also

min() and limit()

Method min

int|float|object min(int|float|object, int|float|object ... args)
string min(string, string ... args)
int(0..0) min()


Returns the smallest value among args. Compared objects must implement the lfun::`< method.

See also

max() and limit()

Method mkdir

int mkdir(string dirname, void|int mode)


Create a directory.

If mode is specified, it's will be used for the new directory after being &'ed with the current umask (on OS'es that support this).


Returns 0 (zero) on failure, 1 otherwise.

See also

rm(), cd(), Stdio.mkdirhier()

Method mkmapping

mapping mkmapping(array ind, array val)


Make a mapping from two arrays.

Makes a mapping ind[x]:val[x], 0 <= x < sizeof(ind).

ind and val must have the same size.

This is the inverse operation of indices() and values().

See also

indices(), values()

Method mkmultiset

multiset mkmultiset(array a)


This function creates a multiset from an array.

See also


Method mktime

int mktime(mapping(string:int) tm)
int mktime(int sec, int min, int hour, int mday, int mon, int year, int|void isdst, int|void tz)


This function converts information about date and time into an integer which contains the number of seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, Jan 1, 1970.

You can either call this function with a mapping containing the following elements:

"sec" : int(0..60)

Seconds over the minute.

"min" : int(0..59)

Minutes over the hour.

"hour" : int(0..23)

Hour of the day.

"mday" : int(1..31)

Day of the month.

"mon" : int(0..11)

Month of the year.

"year" : int(0..)

Year since 1900.

"isdst" : int(-1..1)

Is daylight-saving time active. If omitted or set to -1, it means that the information is not available.

"timezone" : int

The timezone offset from UTC in seconds. If omitted, the time will be calculated in the local timezone.

Or you can just send them all on one line as the second syntax suggests.


For proper UTC calculations ensure that isdst = 0 and timezone = 0; omitting either one of these parameters will mess up the UTC calculation.


On some operating systems (notably AIX and Win32), dates before 00:00:00 UTC, Jan 1, 1970 are not supported.

On most 32-bit systems, the supported range of dates is from Dec 13, 1901 20:45:52 UTC through to Jan 19, 2038 03:14:07 UTC (inclusive).

On most 64-bit systems, the supported range of dates is expressed in 56 bits and is thus practically unlimited (at least up to 1141 milion years in the past and into the future).

See also

time(), ctime(), localtime(), gmtime()

Method multisetp

int multisetp(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is a multiset, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

intp(), programp(), arrayp(), stringp(), objectp(), mappingp(), floatp(), functionp()

Method mv

int mv(string from, string to)


Rename or move a file or directory.

If the destination already exists, it will be replaced. Replacement often only works if to is of the same type as from, i.e. a file can only be replaced by another file and so on. Also, a directory will commonly be replaced only if it's empty.

On some OSs this function can't move directories, only rename them.


Returns 0 (zero) on failure, 1 otherwise. Call errno() to get more error info on failure.

See also


Method next_object

object next_object(object o)
object next_object()


Returns the next object from the list of all objects.

All objects are stored in a linked list.


If no arguments have been given next_object() will return the first object from the list.

If o has been specified the object after o on the list will be returned.


This function is not recomended to use.

See also


Method normalize_path

string normalize_path(string path)


Replaces "\" with "/" if runing on MS Windows. It is adviced to use System.normalize_path instead.

Method object_program

program|function(:void) object_program(mixed o)


Return the program from which o was instantiated. If the object was instantiated from a class using parent references the generating function will be returned.

If o is not an object or has been destructed 0 (zero) will be returned.

Method object_variablep

bool object_variablep(object o, string var)


Find out if an object identifier is a variable.


This function returns 1 if var exists as a non-protected variable in o, and returns 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

indices(), values()

Method objectp

int objectp(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is an object, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

mappingp(), programp(), arrayp(), stringp(), functionp(), multisetp(), floatp(), intp()

Method pow

int|float pow(float|int n, float|int x)
mixed pow(object n, float|int|object x)


Return n raised to the power of x. If both n and x are integers the result will be an integer. If n is an object its pow method will be called with x as argument.

See also

exp(), log()

Method programp

int programp(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is a program, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

mappingp(), intp(), arrayp(), stringp(), objectp(), multisetp(), floatp(), functionp()

Method query_num_arg

int query_num_arg()


Returns the number of arguments given when the previous function was called.

This is useful for functions that take a variable number of arguments.

See also


Method random

mixed random(object o)


If random is called with an object, lfun::random will be called in the object.

See also


Method random

int random(int max)


This function returns a random number in the range 0 .. max-1.

See also


Method random

float random(float max)


This function returns a random number in the range 0 .. max.

See also


Method random

mixed random(array|multiset x)


Returns a random element from x.

Method random

array random(mapping m)


Returns a random index-value pair from the mapping.

Method random_seed

void random_seed(int seed)


This function sets the initial value for the random generator.

See also


Method random_string

string random_string(int len)


Returns a string of random characters 0-255 with the length len.

Method removexattr

void removexattr(string file, string attr, void|bool symlink)


Remove the specified extended attribute.

Method replace

string replace(string s, string from, string to)
string replace(string s, array(string) from, array(string) to)
string replace(string s, array(string) from, string to)
string replace(string s, mapping(string:string) replacements)
array replace(array a, mixed from, mixed to)
mapping replace(mapping a, mixed from, mixed to)


Generic replace function.

This function can do several kinds replacement operations, the different syntaxes do different things as follows:

If all the arguments are strings, a copy of s with every occurrence of from replaced with to will be returned. Special case: to will be inserted between every character in s if from is the empty string.

If the first argument is a string, and the others array(string), a string with every occurrance of from[i] in s replaced with to[i] will be returned. Instead of the arrays from and to a mapping equivalent to mkmapping(fromto) can be used.

If the first argument is an array or mapping, the values of a which are `==() with from will be replaced with to destructively. a will then be returned.


Note that replace() on arrays and mappings is a destructive operation.

Method replace_master

void replace_master(object o)


Replace the master object with o.

This will let you control many aspects of how Pike works, but beware that master.pike may be required to fill certain functions, so it is usually a good idea to have your master inherit the original master and only re-define certain functions.

FIXME: Tell how to inherit the master.

See also


Method reverse

string reverse(string s, int|void start, int|void end)
array reverse(array a, int|void start, int|void end)
int reverse(int i, int|void start, int|void end)


Reverses a string, array or int.

Parameter s

String to reverse.

Parameter a

Array to reverse.

Parameter i

Integer to reverse.

Parameter start

Optional start index of the range to reverse. Default: 0 (zero).

Parameter end

Optional end index of the range to reverse. Default for strings: sizeof(s)-1. Default for arrays: sizeof(a)-1. Default for integers: Pike.get_runtime_info()->int_size - 1.

This function reverses a string, char by char, an array, value by value or an int, bit by bit and returns the result. It's not destructive on the input value.

Reversing strings can be particularly useful for parsing difficult syntaxes which require scanning backwards.

See also


Method rm

int rm(string f)


Remove a file or directory.


Returns 0 (zero) on failure, 1 otherwise.

See also

mkdir(), Stdio.recursive_rm()

Method round

float round(int|float f)


Return the closest integer value to f.


round() does not return an int, merely an integer value stored in a float.

See also

floor(), ceil()

Method rows

array rows(mixed data, array index)


Select a set of rows from an array.

This function is en optimized equivalent to:

map(index, lambda(mixed x) { return data[x]; })

That is, it indices data on every index in the array index and returns an array with the results.

See also


Method search

int search(string haystack, string|int needle, int|void start)
int search(array haystack, mixed needle, int|void start)
mixed search(mapping haystack, mixed needle, mixed|void start)
mixed search(object haystack, mixed needle, mixed|void start)


Search for needle in haystack.

Parameter haystack

Item to search in. This can be one of:


When haystack is a string needle must be a string or an int, and the first occurrence of the string or int is returned.


When haystack is an array, needle is compared only to one value at a time in haystack.


When haystack is a mapping, search() tries to find the index connected to the data needle. That is, it tries to lookup the mapping backwards.


When haystack is an object implementing lfun::_search(), the result of calling lfun::_search() with needle and start will be returned.

If haystack is an object that doesn't implement lfun::_search() it is assumed to be an Iterator, and implement Iterator()->index(), Iterator()->value(), and Iterator()->next(). search() will then start comparing elements with `==() until a match with needle is found. If needle is found haystack will be advanced to the element, and the iterator index will be returned. If needle is not found, haystack will be advanced to the end.

Parameter start

If the optional argument start is present search is started at this position.


Returns the position of needle in haystack if found.

If not found the returned value depends on the type of haystack:






The value returned by lfun::_search().


If start is supplied to an iterator object without an lfun::_search(), haystack will need to implement Iterator()->set_index().


For mappings and object UNDEFINED will be returned when not found. In all other cases -1 will be returned when not found.

See also

indices(), values(), zero_type(), has_value(), has_prefix(), has_suffix()

Method set_priority

int set_priority(string level, int(0..)|void pid)

Method set_weak_flag

array|mapping|multiset set_weak_flag(array|mapping|multiset m, int state)


Set the value m to use weak or normal references in its indices and/or values (whatever is applicable). state is a bitfield built by using | between the following flags:


Use weak references for indices. Only applicable for multisets and mappings.


Use weak references for values. Only applicable for arrays and mappings.


Shorthand for Pike.WEAK_INDICES|Pike.WEAK_VALUES.

If a flag is absent, the corresponding field will use normal references. state can also be 1 as a compatibility measure; it's treated like Pike.WEAK.


m will be returned.

Method setxattr

void setxattr(string file, string attr, string value, int flags, void|bool symlink)


Set the attribute attr to the value value.

The flags parameter can be used to refine the semantics of the operation.

Stdio.XATTR_CREATE specifies a pure create, which fails if the named attribute exists already.

Stdio.XATTR_REPLACE specifies a pure replace operation, which fails if the named attribute does not already exist.

By default (no flags), the extended attribute will be created if need be, or will simply replace the value if the attribute exists.


1 if successful, 0 otherwise, setting errno.

Method sgn

int sgn(mixed value)
int sgn(mixed value, mixed zero)


Check the sign of a value.


Returns -1 if value is less than zero, 1 if value is greater than zero and 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also


Method signal

function(int|void:void) signal(int sig, function(int|void:void) callback)
function(int|void:void) signal(int sig)


Trap signals.

This function allows you to trap a signal and have a function called when the process receives a signal. Although it IS possible to trap SIGBUS, SIGSEGV etc, I advise you not to; Pike should not receive any such signals, and if it does, it is because of bugs in the Pike interpreter. And all bugs should be reported, no matter how trifle.

The callback will receive the signal number as its only argument.

See the documentation for kill() for a list of signals.

If no second argument is given, the signal handler for that signal is restored to the default handler.

If the second argument is zero, the signal will be completely ignored.


Returns the previous signal function, or 0 if none had been registered.

See also

kill(), signame(), signum()

Method signame

string signame(int sig)


Returns a string describing the signal sig.

See also

kill(), signum(), signal()

Method signum

int signum(string sig)


Get a signal number given a descriptive string.

This function is the inverse of signame().

See also

signame(), kill(), signal()

Method sin

float sin(int|float f)


Returns the sine value for f. f should be specified in radians.

See also

asin(), cos(), tan()

Method sinh

float sinh(int|float f)


Returns the hyperbolic sine value for f.

See also

asinh(), cosh(), tanh()

Method sizeof

int sizeof(string arg)
int sizeof(array arg)
int sizeof(mapping arg)
int sizeof(multiset arg)
int sizeof(object arg)


Size query.


The result will be as follows:

arg can have any of the following types:

The number of characters in arg will be returned.


The number of elements in arg will be returned.


The number of key-value pairs in arg will be returned.


If arg implements lfun::_sizeof(), that function will be called. Otherwise the number of non-protected (ie public) symbols in arg will be returned.

See also


Method sleep

void sleep(int|float s, void|int abort_on_signal)


This function makes the program stop for s seconds.

Only signal handlers can interrupt the sleep, and only when abort_on_signal is set. If more than one thread is running the signal must be sent to the sleeping thread. Other callbacks are not called during sleep.

If s is zero then this thread will yield to other threads but not sleep otherwise. Note that Pike yields internally at regular intervals so it's normally not necessary to do this.

See also

signal(), delay()

Method sort

array sort(array(mixed) index, array(mixed) ... data)


Sort arrays destructively.

This function sorts the array index destructively. That means that the array itself is changed and returned, no copy is created.

If extra arguments are given, they are supposed to be arrays of the same size as index. Each of these arrays will be modified in the same way as index. I.e. if index 3 is moved to position 0 in index index 3 will be moved to position 0 in all the other arrays as well.

The sort order is as follows:

  • Integers and floats are sorted in ascending order.

  • Strings are sorted primarily on the first characters that are different, and secondarily with shorter strings before longer. Different characters are sorted in ascending order on the character value. Thus the sort order is not locale dependent.

  • Arrays are sorted recursively on the first element. Empty arrays are sorted before nonempty ones.

  • Multisets are sorted recursively on the first index. Empty multisets are sorted before nonempty ones.

  • Objects are sorted in ascending order according to `<(), `>() and `==().

  • Other types aren't reordered.

  • Different types are sorted in this order: Arrays, mappings, multisets, objects, functions, programs, strings, types, integers and floats. Note however that objects can control their ordering wrt other types with `<, `> and `==, so this ordering of types only applies to objects without those functions.


The first argument is returned.


The sort is stable, i.e. elements that are compare-wise equal aren't reordered.

See also

Array.sort_array, reverse()

Method sprintf

string sprintf(strict_sprintf_format format, sprintf_args ... args)


Print formated output to string.

The format string is a string containing a description of how to output the data in args. This string should generally speaking have one %<modifiers><operator> format specifier (examples: %s, %0d, %-=20s) for each of the arguments.

The following modifiers are supported:


Zero pad numbers (implies right justification).


Toggle truncation.

' '

Pad positive integers with a space.


Pad positive integers with a plus sign.


Left adjust within field size (default is right).


Centered within field size.


Column mode if strings are greater than field size. Breaks between words (possibly skipping or adding spaces). Can not be used together with '/'.


Column mode with rough line break (break at exactly field size instead of between words). Can not be used together with '='.


Table mode, print a list of '\n' separated words (top-to-bottom order).


Inverse table mode (left-to-right order).


(Where n is a number or *) field width specifier.


Precision specifier.


Column width specifier.


If n is a * then next argument is used for precision/field size. The argument may either be an integer, or a modifier mapping as received by lfun::_sprintf():

"precision" : int|void


"width" : int(0..)|void

Field width.

"flag_left" : bool|void

Indicates that the output should be left-aligned.

"indent" : int(0..)|void

Indentation level in %O-mode.


Set a pad string. ' cannot be a part of the pad string (yet).


Get pad string from argument list.


Use same argument again.


Repeat this on every line produced.


Repeat this format for each element in the argument array.


Put the string at the bottom end of column instead of top.


Set width to the length of data.


Select argument number n. Use * to use the next argument as selector. The arguments are numbered starting from 0 (zero) for the first argument after the format. Note that this only affects where the current operand is fetched.

The following operators are supported:




Signed binary integer.


Signed decimal integer.


Unsigned decimal integer.


Signed octal integer.


Lowercase signed hexadecimal integer.


Uppercase signed hexadecimal integer.


Character. If a fieldsize has been specified this will output the low-order bytes of the integer in network (big endian) byte order. To get little endian byte order, negate the field size.


Float. (Locale dependent formatting.)


Heuristically chosen representation of float. (Locale dependent formatting.)


Like %g, but uses uppercase E for exponent.


Exponential notation float. (Locale dependent output.)


Like %e, but uses uppercase E for exponent.


Binary IEEE representation of float (%4F gives single precision, %8F gives double precision) in network (big endian) byte order. To get little endian byte order, negate the field size.




Quoted string. Escapes all control and non-8-bit characters, as well as the quote characters '\\' and '\"'.


Any value, debug style. Do not rely on the exact formatting; how the result looks can vary depending on locale, phase of the moon or anything else the lfun::_sprintf() method implementor wanted for debugging.


Binary Hollerith string. Equivalent to sprintf("%c%s",        strlen(str), str). Arguments (such as width etc) adjust the length-part of the format. Requires 8-bit strings.


No argument. Same as "%s" with an empty string as argument. Note: Does take an argument array (but ignores its content) if the modifier '@' is active.


Type of the argument.


Perform the enclosed format for every element of the argument array.


Most modifiers and operators are combinable in any fashion, but some combinations may render strange results.

If an argument is an object that implements lfun::_sprintf(), that callback will be called with the operator as the first argument, and the current modifiers as the second. The callback is expected to return a string.


sprintf-style formatting is applied by many formatting functions, such write() and werror(). It is also possible to get sprintf-style compile-time argument checking by using the type-attributes sprintf_format or strict_sprintf_format in combination with sprintf_args.


The 'q' operator was added in Pike 7.7.


Support for specifying modifiers via a mapping was added in Pike 7.8. This support can be tested for with the constant String.__HAVE_SPRINTF_STAR_MAPPING__.


Support for specifying little endian byte order to 'F' was added in Pike 7.8. This support can be tested for with the constant String.__HAVE_SPRINTF_NEGATIVE_F__.

Pike v7.8 release 263 running Hilfe v3.5 (Incremental Pike Frontend)
> sprintf("The unicode character %c has character code %04X.", 'A', 'A');
(1) Result: "The unicode character A has character code 0041."
> sprintf("#%@02X is the HTML code for purple.", Image.Color.purple->rgb());
(2) Result: "#A020F0 is the HTML code for purple."
> int n=4711;
> sprintf("%d = hexadecimal %x = octal %o = %b binary", n, n, n, n);
(3) Result: "4711 = hexadecimal 1267 = octal 11147 = 1001001100111 binary"
> write(#"Formatting examples:
Left adjusted  [%-10d]
Centered       [%|10d]
Right adjusted [%10d]
Zero padded    [%010d]
", n, n, n, n);
Formatting examples:
Left adjusted  [4711      ]
Centered       [   4711   ]
Right adjusted [      4711]
Zero padded    [0000004711]
(5) Result: 142
int screen_width=70;
> write("%-=*s\n", screen_width,
>> "This will wordwrap the specified string within the "+
>> "specified field size, this is useful say, if you let "+
>> "users specify their screen size, then the room "+
>> "descriptions will automagically word-wrap as appropriate.\n"+
>> "slosh-n's will of course force a new-line when needed.\n");
This will wordwrap the specified string within the specified field
size, this is useful say, if you let users specify their screen size,
then the room descriptions will automagically word-wrap as
slosh-n's will of course force a new-line when needed.
(6) Result: 355
> write("%-=*s %-=*s\n", screen_width/2,
>> "Two columns next to each other (any number of columns will "+
>> "of course work) independantly word-wrapped, can be useful.",
>> screen_width/2-1,
>> "The - is to specify justification, this is in addherence "+
>> "to std sprintf which defaults to right-justification, "+
>> "this version also supports centre and right justification.");
Two columns next to each other (any The - is to specify justification,
number of columns will of course    this is in addherence to std
work) independantly word-wrapped,   sprintf which defaults to
can be useful.                      right-justification, this version
                                    also supports centre and right
(7) Result: 426
> write("%-$*s\n", screen_width,
>> "Given a\nlist of\nslosh-n\nseparated\n'words',\nthis option\n"+
>> "creates a\ntable out\nof them\nthe number of\ncolumns\n"+
>> "be forced\nby specifying a\npresision.\nThe most obvious\n"+
>> "use is for\nformatted\nls output.");
Given a          list of          slosh-n
separated        'words',         this option
creates a        table out        of them
the number of    columns          be forced
by specifying a  presision.       The most obvious
use is for       formatted        ls output.
(8) Result: 312
> write("%-#*s\n", screen_width,
>> "Given a\nlist of\nslosh-n\nseparated\n'words',\nthis option\n"+
>> "creates a\ntable out\nof them\nthe number of\ncolumns\n"+
>> "be forced\nby specifying a\npresision.\nThe most obvious\n"+
>> "use is for\nformatted\nls output.");
Given a          creates a        by specifying a
list of          table out        presision.
slosh-n          of them          The most obvious
separated        the number of    use is for
'words',         columns          formatted
this option      be forced        ls output.
(9) Result: 312
> sample = ([ "align":"left", "valign":"middle" ]);
(10) Result: ([ /* 2 elements */
> write("<td%{ %s='%s'%}>\n", (array)sample);
<td valign='middle' align='left
See also

lfun::_sprintf(), strict_sprintf_format, sprintf_format, sprintf_args, String.__HAVE_SPRINTF_STAR_MAPPING__, String.__HAVE_SPRINTF_NEGATIVE_F__.

Constant sprintf_args

constant sprintf_args


Type constant used for typing extra arguments that are sent to sprintf().

See also

strict_sprintf_format, sprintf_format, sprintf()

Constant sprintf_format

constant sprintf_format


Type constant used for typing arguments that are optionally sent to sprintf() depending on the presence of extra arguments.

See also

strict_sprintf_format, sprintf_args, sprintf()

Constant sprintf_result

constant sprintf_result


Type constant used for typing the return value from sprintf().

See also

strict_sprintf_format, sprintf_format, sprintf()

Method sqrt

float sqrt(float f)
int sqrt(int i)
mixed sqrt(object o)


Returns the square root of f, or in the integer case, the square root truncated to the closest lower integer. If the argument is an object, the lfun _sqrt in the object will be called.

See also

pow(), log(), exp(), floor(), lfun::_sqrt

Method sscanf

int sscanf(string data, string format, mixed ... lvalues)


The purpose of sscanf is to match a string data against a format string and place the matching results into a list of variables. The list of lvalues are destructively modified (which is only possible because sscanf really is an opcode, rather than a pike function) with the values extracted from the data according to the format specification. Only the variables up to the last matching directive of the format string are touched.

The format string can contain strings separated by special matching directives like %d, %s %c and %f. Every such directive corresponds to one of the lvalues, in order they are listed. An lvalue is the name of a variable, a name of a local variable, an index in an array, mapping or object. It is because of these lvalues that sscanf can not be implemented as a normal function.

Whenever a percent character is found in the format string, a match is performed, according to which operator and modifiers follow it:


Reads a binary integer ("0101" makes 5)


Reads a decimal integer ("0101" makes 101).


Reads an octal integer ("0101" makes 65).


Reads a hexadecimal integer ("0101" makes 257).


Reads an integer that is either octal (leading zero), hexadecimal (leading 0x) or decimal. ("0101" makes 65).


Reads one character and returns it as an integer ("0101" makes 48, or '0', leaving "101" for later directives). Using the field width and endianness modifiers, you can decode integers of any size and endianness. For example "%-2c" decodes "0101" into 12592, leaving "01" fot later directives. The sign modifiers can be used to modify the signature of the data, making "%+1c" decode "ä" into -28.


Returns the current character offset in data. Note that any characters matching fields scanned with the "!"-modifier are removed from the count (see below).


Reads a float ("0101" makes 101.0).


Reads a float encoded according to the IEEE single precision binary format ("0101" makes 6.45e-10, approximately). Given a field width modifier of 8 (4 is the default), the data will be decoded according to the IEEE double precision binary format instead. (You will however still get a float, unless your pike was compiled with the configure argument --with-double-precision.)


Reads a string. If followed by %d, %s will only read non-numerical characters. If followed by a %[], %s will only read characters not present in the set. If followed by normal text, %s will match all characters up to but not including the first occurrence of that text.


Reads a Hollerith-encoded string, i.e. first reads the length of the string and then that number of characters. The size and byte order of the length descriptor can be modified in the same way as %c. As an example "%2H" first reads "%2c" and then the resulting number of characters.


Matches a string containing a given set of characters (those given inside the brackets). Ranges of characters can be defined by using a minus character between the first and the last character to be included in the range. Example: %[0-9H] means any number or 'H'. Note that sets that includes the character '-' must have it first (not possible in complemented sets, see below) or last in the brackets to avoid having a range defined. Sets including the character ']' must list this first too. If both '-' and ']' should be included then put ']' first and '-' last. It is not possible to make a range that ends with ']'; make the range end with '\' instead and put ']' at the beginning of the set. Likewise it is generally not possible to have a range start with '-'; make the range start with '.' instead and put '-' at the end of the set. If the first character after the [ bracket is '^' (%[^set]), and this character does not begin a range, it means that the set is complemented, which is to say that any character except those inside brackets is matched. To include '-' in a complemented set, it must be put last, not first. To include '^' in a non-complemented set, it can be put anywhere but first, or be specified as a range ("^-^").


Repeatedly matches 'format' as many times as possible and assigns an array of arrays with the results to the lvalue.


Match a Pike constant, such as string or integer (currently only integer, string and character constants are functional).


Match a single percent character (hence this is how you quote the % character to just match, and not start an lvalue matcher directive).

Similar to sprintf, you may supply modifiers between the % character and the operator, to slightly change its behaviour from the default:


The operator will only match its argument, without assigning any variable.


You may define a field width by supplying a numeric modifier. This means that the format should match that number of characters in the input data; be it a number characters long string, integer or otherwise ("0101" using the format %2c would read an unsigned short 12337, leaving the final "01" for later operators, for instance).


Supplying a minus sign toggles the decoding to read the data encoded in little-endian byte order, rather than the default network (big-endian) byte order.


Interpret the data as a signed entity. In other words, "%+1c" will read "\xFF" as -1 instead of 255, as "%1c" would have.


Ignore the matched characters with respect to any following "%n".


Sscanf does not use backtracking. Sscanf simply looks at the format string up to the next % and tries to match that with the string. It then proceeds to look at the next part. If a part does not match, sscanf immediately returns how many % were matched. If this happens, the lvalues for % that were not matched will not be changed.


// a will be assigned "oo" and 1 will be returned sscanf("foo", "f%s", a);

// a will be 4711 and b will be "bar", 2 will be returned sscanf("4711bar", "%d%s", a, b);

// a will be 4711, 2 will be returned sscanf("bar4711foo", "%*s%d", a);

// a will become "test", 2 will be returned sscanf(" \t test", "%*[ \t]%s", a);

// Remove "the " from the beginning of a string // If 'str' does not begin with "the " it will not be changed sscanf(str, "the %s", str);

// It is also possible to declare a variable directly in the sscanf call; // another reason for sscanf not to be an ordinary function:

sscanf("abc def", "%s %s", string a, string b);


The number of directives matched in the format string. Note that a string directive (%s or %[]) counts as a match even when matching just the empty string (which either may do).

See also

sprintf, array_sscanf

Method strerror

string strerror(int errno)


This function returns a description of an error code. The error code is usually obtained from eg Stdio.File->errno().


On some platforms the string returned can be somewhat nondescriptive.

Constant strict_sprintf_format

constant strict_sprintf_format


Type constant used for typing arguments that are always sent to sprintf() regardless of the presence of extra arguments.

See also

sprintf_format, sprintf_args, sprintf()

Method string_filter_non_unicode

string(1..) string_filter_non_unicode(string s)


Replace the most obviously non-unicode characters from s with the unicode replacement character.


This will replace characters outside the ranges 0x00000000-0x0000d7ff and 0x0000e000-0x0010ffff with 0xffea (the replacement character).

See also

Charset.encoder(), string_to_unicode(), unicode_to_string(), utf8_to_string(), string_to_utf8()

Method string_to_unicode

string(8bit) string_to_unicode(string s, int(0..2)|void byteorder)


Converts a string into an UTF16 compliant byte-stream.

Parameter s

String to convert to UTF16.

Parameter byteorder

Byte-order for the output. One of:


Network (aka big-endian) byte-order (default).


Little-endian byte-order.


Native byte-order.


Throws an error if characters not legal in an UTF16 stream are encountered. Valid characters are in the range 0x00000 - 0x10ffff, except for characters 0xfffe and 0xffff.

Characters in range 0x010000 - 0x10ffff are encoded using surrogates.

See also

Charset.decoder(), string_to_utf8(), unicode_to_string(), utf8_to_string()

Method string_to_utf8

string(8bit) string_to_utf8(string s)
string(8bit) string_to_utf8(string s, int extended)


Convert a string into a UTF-8 compliant byte-stream.

Parameter s

String to encode into UTF-8.

Parameter extended

Bitmask with extension options.


Accept and encode the characters outside the valid ranges using the same algorithm. Such encoded characters are however not UTF-8 compliant.


Encode characters outside the BMP with UTF-8 encoded UTF-16 (ie split them into surrogate pairs and encode).


Throws an error if characters not valid in an UTF-8 stream are encountered. Valid characters are in the ranges 0x00000000-0x0000d7ff and 0x0000e000-0x0010ffff.

See also

Charset.encoder(), string_to_unicode(), unicode_to_string(), utf8_to_string()

Method stringp

int stringp(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is a string, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

intp(), programp(), arrayp(), multisetp(), objectp(), mappingp(), floatp(), functionp()

Method strlen

int strlen(string|multiset|array|mapping|object thing)


Alias for sizeof.


Replaced by sizeof.

Method tan

float tan(int|float f)


Returns the tangent value for f. f should be specified in radians.

See also

atan(), sin(), cos()

Method tanh

float tanh(int|float f)


Returns the hyperbolic tangent value for f.

See also

atanh(), sinh(), cosh()

Constant this

constant this


Builtin read only variable that evaluates to the current object.

See also

this_program, this_object()

Method this_object

object this_object(void|int level)


Returns the object we are currently evaluating in.

level might be used to access the object of a surrounding class: The object at level 0 is the current object, the object at level 1 is the one belonging to the class that surrounds the class that the object comes from, and so on.


As opposed to a qualified this reference such as global::this, this function doesn't always access the objects belonging to the lexically surrounding classes. If the class containing the call has been inherited then the objects surrounding the inheriting class are accessed.

Constant this_program

constant this_program


Builtin constant that evaluates to the current program.

See also

this, this_object()

Method throw

mixed|void throw(mixed value)


Throw value to a waiting catch.

If no catch is waiting the global error handling will send the value to master()->handle_error().

If you throw an array with where the first index contains an error message and the second index is a backtrace, (the output from backtrace()) then it will be treated exactly like a real error by overlying functions.

See also


Method time

int time()
int time(int(1..1) one)
float time(int(2..) t)


This function returns the number of seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, 1 Jan 1970.

The second syntax does not query the system for the current time, instead the last time value used by the pike process is returned again. It avoids a system call, and thus is slightly faster, but can be wildly inaccurate. Pike queries the time internally when a thread has waited for something, typically in sleep or in a backend (see Pike.Backend).

The third syntax can be used to measure time more precisely than one second. It returns how many seconds have passed since t. The precision of this function varies from system to system.

See also

ctime(), localtime(), mktime(), gmtime(), System.gettimeofday, gethrtime

Method trace

int trace(int level, void|string facility, void|int all_threads)


This function changes the trace level for the subsystem identified by facility to level. If facility is zero or left out, it changes the global trace level which affects all subsystems.

Enabling tracing causes messages to be printed to stderr. A higher trace level includes the output from all lower levels. The lowest level is zero which disables all trace messages.

See the -t command-line option for more information.

Parameter level

If facility is specified then there is typically only one trace level for it, i.e. it's an on-or-off toggle. The global trace levels, when facility isn't specified, are:


Trace calls to Pike functions and garbage collector runs.


Trace calls to builtin functions.


Trace every interpreted opcode.


Also trace the opcode arguments.

Parameter facility

Valid facilities are:


Trace the doings of the garbage collector. The setting is never thread local. level has two different meanings:


Trace the start and end of each gc run.


Additionally show info about the collected garbage, to aid hunting down garbage problems. This currently shows gc'd trampolines. Note that the output can be very bulky and is somewhat low-level technical. Also note that pike currently has to be configured with --with-rtldebug to enable this.

Parameter all_threads

Trace levels are normally thread local, so changes affect only the current thread. To change the level in all threads, pass a nonzero value in this argument.


The old trace level in the current thread is returned.

Method types

array(type) types(string|array|mapping|multiset|object x)


Return an array of all valid indices for the value x.

For strings this is simply an array with int

For arrays, mappings and multisets this is simply an array with mixed.

For objects which define lfun::_types() that return value is used.

For other objects an array with type types for all non-protected symbols is returned.


This function was added in Pike 7.9.

See also

indices(), values(), lfun::_types()

Method ualarm

int ualarm(int useconds)


Set an alarm clock for delivery of a signal.

alarm() arranges for a SIGALRM signal to be delivered to the process in useconds microseconds.

If useconds is 0 (zero), no new alarm will be scheduled.

Any previous alarms will in any case be canceled.


Returns the number of microseconds remaining until any previously scheduled alarm was due to be delivered, or zero if there was no previously scheduled alarm.


This function is only available on platforms that support signals.

See also

alarm(), signal(), call_out()

Method undefinedp

int undefinedp(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is undefined, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

zero_type, destructedp, intp

Method unicode_to_string

string unicode_to_string(string(8bit) s, int(0..2)|void byteorder)


Converts an UTF16 byte-stream into a string.

Parameter s

String to convert to UTF16.

Parameter byteorder

Default input byte-order. One of:


Network (aka big-endian) byte-order (default).


Little-endian byte-order.


Native byte-order.

Note that this argument is disregarded if s starts with a BOM.


This function did not decode surrogates in Pike 7.2 and earlier.

See also

Charset.decoder(), string_to_unicode(), string_to_utf8(), utf8_to_string()

Method upper_case

string upper_case(string s)
int upper_case(int c)


Convert a string or character to upper case.


Returns a copy of the string s with all lower case characters converted to upper case, or the character c converted to upper case.


Assumes the string or character to be coded according to ISO-10646 (aka Unicode). If they are not, Charset.decoder can do the initial conversion for you.


Prior to Pike 7.5 this function only accepted strings.

See also

lower_case(), Charset.decoder

Method utf8_to_string

string utf8_to_string(string(8bit) s)
string utf8_to_string(string(8bit) s, int extended)


Converts an UTF-8 byte-stream into a string.

Parameter s

String of UTF-8 encoded data to decode.

Parameter extended

Bitmask with extension options.


Accept and decode the extension used by string_to_utf8().


Accept and decode UTF-8 encoded UTF-16 (ie accept and decode valid surrogates).


Throws an error if the stream is not a legal UTF-8 byte-stream.


In conformance with RFC 3629 and Unicode 3.1 and later, non-shortest forms are not decoded. An error is thrown instead.

See also

Charset.encoder(), string_to_unicode(), string_to_utf8(), unicode_to_string()

Method values

array values(string|array|mapping|multiset|object x)


Return an array of all possible values from indexing the value x.

For strings an array of int with the ISO10646 codes of the characters in the string is returned.

For a multiset an array filled with ones (1) is returned.

For arrays a single-level copy of x is returned.

For mappings the array may contain any value.

For objects which define lfun::_values() that return value is used.

For other objects an array with the values of all non-protected symbols is returned.

See also

indices(), types(), lfun::_values()

Method version

string version()


Report the version of Pike. Does the same as

sprintf("Pike v%d.%d release %d", __REAL_VERSION__,
        __REAL_MINOR__, __REAL_BUILD__);
See also


Method werror

int werror(string fmt, mixed ... args)


Writes a string on stderr. Works just like Stdio.File.write on Stdio.stderr.

Method write

int write(string fmt, mixed ... args)


Writes a string on stdout. Works just like Stdio.File.write on Stdio.stdout.

Method zero_type

int zero_type(mixed a)


Return the type of zero.

There are many types of zeros out there, or at least there are two. One is returned by normal functions, and one returned by mapping lookups and find_call_out() when what you looked for wasn't there. The only way to separate these two kinds of zeros is zero_type().


When doing a find_call_out() or mapping lookup, zero_type() on this value will return 1 if there was no such thing present in the mapping, or if no such call_out could be found.

If the argument to zero_type() is a destructed object or a function in a destructed object, 2 will be returned.

In all other cases zero_type() will return 0 (zero).

See also


Class Codec


An Encoder and a Decoder lumped into a single instance which can be used for both encoding and decoding.

Inherit Decoder

inherit Decoder : Decoder

Inherit Encoder

inherit Encoder : Encoder

Class CompilationHandler


Objects used by the compiler to handle references to global symbols, modules, external files, etc.

There can be up to three compilation handlers active at the same time during a compilation. They are in order of precedence:

  1. The error handler

    This is the object passed to compile() as the second argument (if any). This object is returned by get_active_error_handler() during a compilation.

  2. The compatibility handler

    This is the object returned by master()->get_compilation_handler() (if any), which the compiler calls when it sees #pike-directives, or expressions using the version scope (eg 7.4::rusage). This object is returned by get_active_compilation_handler() during a compilation.

  3. The master object.

    This is returned by master() at any time.

Any of the objects may implement a subset of the CompilationHandler functions, and the first object that implements a function will be used. The error handler object can thus be used to block certain functionality (eg to restrict the number of available functions).

See also

master()->get_compilation_handler(), get_active_error_handler(), get_active_compilation_handler(), compile()

Method compile_error

void compile_error(string filename, int line, string msg)


Called by compile() and cpp() when they encounter errors in the code they compile.

Parameter filename

File where the error was detected.

Parameter line

Line where the error was detected.

Parameter msg

Description of error.

See also


Method compile_exception

void compile_exception(mixed exception)


Called by compile() and cpp() if they trigger exceptions.

Method compile_warning

void compile_warning(string filename, int line, string msg)


Called by compile() to report warnings.

Parameter filename

File which triggered the warning.

Parameter line

Line which triggered the warning.

Parameter msg

Warning message.

See also


Method get_default_module

mapping(string:mixed)|object get_default_module()


Returns the default module from which global symbols will be fetched.


Returns the default module, or 0 (zero).

If 0 (zero) is returned the compiler use the mapping returned by all_constants() as fallback.

See also


Method get_predefines

mapping(string:mixed) get_predefines()


Called by cpp() to get the set of global symbols.


Returns a mapping from symbol name to symbol value. Returns zero on failure.

See also

resolv(), get_default_module()

Method handle_import

mixed handle_import(string path, string filename, CompilationHandler handler)


Called by compile() and cpp() to handle import directives specifying specific paths.


Returns the resolved value, or UNDEFINED on failure.

Method handle_include

string handle_include(string header_file, string current_file, bool is_local_ref)


Called by cpp() to resolv #include and #string directives.

Parameter header_file

File that was requested for inclusion.

Parameter current_file

File where the directive was found.

Parameter is_local_ref

Specifies reference method.


Directive was #include <header_file>.


Directive was #include "header_file".


Returns the filename to pass to read_include() if found, and 0 (zero) on failure.

See also


Method read_include

string read_include(string filename)


Called by cpp() to read included files.

Parameter filename

Filename as returned by handle_include().


Returns a string with the content of the header file on success, and 0 (zero) on failure.

See also


Method resolv

mixed resolv(string symbol, string filename, CompilationHandler handler)


Called by compile() and cpp() to resolv module references.


Returns the resolved value, or UNDEFINED on failure.

See also


Class CompilerEnvironment


The compiler environment.

By inheriting this class and overloading the functions, it is possible to make a custom Pike compiler.


Prior to Pike 7.8 this sort of customization has to be done either via custom master objects, or via CompilationHandlers.

See also

CompilationHandler, MasterObject, master(), replace_master()

Method compile

program compile(string source, CompilationHandler|void handler, int|void major, int|void minor, program|void target, object|void placeholder)


Compile a string to a program.

This function takes a piece of Pike code as a string and compiles it into a clonable program.

The optional argument handler is used to specify an alternative error handler. If it is not specified the current master object will be used.

The optional arguments major and minor are used to tell the compiler to attempt to be compatible with Pike major.minor.


This function essentially performs

program compile(mixed ... args)
      return PikeCompiler(@args)->compile();

Note that source must contain the complete source for a program. It is not possible to compile a single expression or statement.

Also note that compile() does not preprocess the program. To preprocess the program you can use compile_string() or call the preprocessor manually by calling cpp().

See also

compile_string(), compile_file(), cpp(), master(), CompilationHandler

Method get_compilation_handler

object get_compilation_handler(int major, int minor)


Get compatibility handler for Pike major.minor.

The default implementation calls the corresponding function in the master object.


This function is typically called by PikeCompiler()->get_compilation_handler().

See also


Method get_default_module

mapping(string:mixed)|object get_default_module()


Get the default module for the current compatibility level (ie typically the value returned by predef::all_constants()).

The default implementation calls the corresponding function in the master object.


Constant table to use.


Use the builtin constant table.


This function is typically called by Pike_compiler()->get_default_module().

See also


Method handle_inherit

program handle_inherit(string inh, string current_file, object|void handler)


Look up an inherit inh.

The default implementation calls the corresponding function in the master object.

See also


Inherit Reporter

inherit Reporter : Reporter


Implements the Reporter API.

See also

Reporter()->report(), Reporter()->SeverityLevel

Method resolv

mixed resolv(string identifier, string filename, object|void handler)


Look up identifier in the current context.

The default implementation calls the corresponding function in the master object.

Class CompilerEnvironment.PikeCompiler


The Pike compiler.

An object of this class compiles a single string of Pike code.

Method apply_attribute_constant

type apply_attribute_constant(string attr, mixed value, type arg_type, void cont_type)


Handle constant arguments to attributed function argument types.

Parameter attr

Attribute that arg_type had.

Parameter value

Constant value sent as parameter.

Parameter arg_type

Declared type of the function argument.

Parameter cont_type

Continuation function type after the current argument.

This function is called when a function is called with the constant value value and it has been successfully matched against arg_type, and arg_type had the type attribute attr.

This function is typically used to perform specialized argument checking and to allow for a strengthening of the function type based on value.

The default implementation implements the "sprintf_format", "sscanf_format" and "sscanf_76_format" attributes.


Returns a continuation type if it succeeded in strengthening the type.

Returns UNDEFINED otherwise (this is not an error indication).

See also

pop_type_attribute(), push_type_attribute()

Method apply_type_attribute

bool apply_type_attribute(string attribute, type a, type|void b)


Type attribute handler.

Parameter attribute

Attribute that a had.

Parameter a

Type of the value being called.

Parameter b

Type of the first argument in the call, or UNDEFINED if no more arguments.

Called during type checking when a has been successfully had a partial evaluation with the argument b and a had the type attribute attribute before the evaluation.

The default implementation implements the "deprecated" attribute.


Returns 1 if the type check should be allowed (ie __attribute__(attribute, a)(b)) is valid, and 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

pop_type_attribute(), push_type_attribute()

Method change_compiler_compatibility

void change_compiler_compatibility(int major, int minor)


Change compiler to attempt to be compatible with Pike major.minor.

Method compile

program compile()


Compile the current source into a program.

This function compiles the current Pike source code into a clonable program.

See also

compile_string(), compile_file(), cpp(), master(), CompilationHandler, create()

Method create

CompilerEnvironment.PikeCompiler CompilerEnvironment.PikeCompiler(string|void source, CompilationHandler|void handler, int|void major, int|void minor, program|void target, object|void placeholder)


Create a PikeCompiler object for a source string.

This function takes a piece of Pike code as a string and initializes a compiler object accordingly.

Parameter source

Source code to compile.

Parameter handler

The optional argument handler is used to specify an alternative error handler. If it is not specified the current master object at compile time will be used.

Parameter major
Parameter minor

The optional arguments major and minor are used to tell the compiler to attempt to be compatible with Pike major.minor.

Parameter target

__empty_program() program to fill in. The virgin program returned by __empty_program() will be modified and returned by compile() on success.

Parameter placeholder

__null_program() placeholder object to fill in. The object will be modified into an instance of the resulting program on successfull compile. Note that lfun::create() in the program will be called without any arguments.


Note that source must contain the complete source for a program. It is not possible to compile a single expression or statement.

Also note that no preprocessing is performed. To preprocess the program you can use compile_string() or call the preprocessor manually by calling cpp().


Note that all references to target and placeholder should removed if compile() failes. On failure the placeholder object will be destructed.

See also

compile_string(), compile_file(), cpp(), master(), CompilationHandler

Method get_compilation_handler

object get_compilation_handler(int major, int minor)


Get compatibility handler for Pike major.minor.


This function is called by change_compiler_compatibility().

Method get_default_module

mapping(string:mixed)|object get_default_module()


Get the default module for the current compatibility level (ie typically the value returned by predef::all_constants()).

The default implementation calls the corresponding function in the current handler, the current compatibility handler or in the parent CompilerEnvironment in that order.


Constant table to use.


Use the builtin constant table.


This function is called by change_compiler_compatibility().

Method handle_inherit

program handle_inherit(string inh)


Look up an inherit inh in the current program.

Method pop_type_attribute

bool pop_type_attribute(string attribute, type a, type b)


Type attribute handler.

Called during type checking when a <= b and a had the type attribute attribute before the comparison.

The default implementation implements the "deprecated" attribute.


Returns 1 if the type check should be allowed (ie __attribute__(attribute, a) <= b), and 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also


Method push_type_attribute

bool push_type_attribute(string attribute, type a, type b)


Type attribute handler.

Called during type checking when a <= b and b had the type attribute attribute before the comparison.

The default implementation implements the "deprecated" attribute.


Returns 1 if the type check should be allowed (ie a <= __attribute__(attribute, b)), and 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also


Method report

void report(SeverityLevel severity, string filename, int linenumber, string subsystem, string message, mixed ... extra_args)


Report a diagnostic from the compiler.

The default implementation attempts to call the first corresponding function in the active handlers in priority order:

  1. Call handler->report().

  2. Call handler->compile_warning() or handler->compile_error() depending on severity.

  3. Call compat->report().

  4. Call compat->compile_warning() or compat->compile_error() depending on severity.

  5. Fallback: Call CompilerEnvironment()->report() in the parent object.

The arguments will be as follows:


The report() function will be called with the same arguments as this function.


Depending on the severity either compile_warning() or compile_error() will be called.

They will be called with the filename, linenumber and formatted message as arguments.

Note that these will not be called for the NOTICE severity, and that compile_error() will be used for both ERROR and FATAL.


In Pike 7.8 and earlier the report() function was not called in the handlers.

See also


Method resolv

mixed resolv(string identifier, string filename, object handler)


Resolve the symbol identifier.

The default implementation calls the corresponding function in any active handler, and otherwise falls back to CompilerEnvironment()->resolv() in the parent object.

Class CompilerEnvironment.PikeCompiler.CompilerState


Keeps the state of a single program/class during compilation.


Not in use yet!

Class CompilerEnvironment.lock


This class acts as a lock against other threads accessing the compiler.

The lock is released when the object is destructed.

Class Decoder


Codec used by decode_value() to decode objects, functions and programs which have been encoded by Encoder.nameof in the corresponding Encoder object.

Method __register_new_program

object __register_new_program(program p)


Called to register the program that is being decoded. Might get called repeatedly with several other programs that are being decoded recursively. The only safe assumption is that when the top level thing being decoded is a program, then the first call will be with the unfinished embryo that will later become that program.


Returns either zero or a placeholder object. A placeholder object must be a clone of __null_program. When the program is finished, the placeholder object will be converted to a clone of it. This is used for pike module objects.

Method functionof

function(:void) functionof(string data)


Decode function encoded in data.

This function is called by decode_value() when it encounters encoded functions.

Parameter data

Encoding of some function as returned by Encoder.nameof().


Returns the decoded function.

See also

objectof(), programof()

Method objectof

object objectof(string data)


Decode object encoded in data.

This function is called by decode_value() when it encounters encoded objects.

Parameter data

Encoding of some object as returned by Encoder.nameof().


Returns the decoded object.

See also

functionof(), programof()

Method programof

program programof(string data)


Decode program encoded in data.

This function is called by decode_value() when it encounters encoded programs.

Parameter data

Encoding of some program as returned by Encoder.nameof().


Returns the decoded program.

See also

functionof(), objectof()

Class Encoder


Codec used by encode_value() to encode objects, functions and programs. Its purpose is to look up some kind of identifier for them, so they can be mapped back to the corresponding instance by decode_value(), rather than creating a new copy.

Method nameof

mixed nameof(object|function(:void)|program x)


Called by encode_value() to encode objects, functions and programs.


Returns something encodable on success, typically a string. The returned value will be passed to the corresponding objectof(), functionof() or programof() by decode_value().

If it returns UNDEFINED then encode_value starts to encode the thing recursively, so that decode_value later will rebuild a copy.


encode_value() has fallbacks for some classes of objects, functions and programs.

See also

Decoder.objectof(), Decoder.functionof(), Decoder.objectof()

Class Iterator


This is the interface for iterator objects. They implement an interface to a collection or stream of data items and a cursor that can be used to iterate over and examine individual items in the data set.

Iterators are typically created to access a data set in some specific object, array, mapping, multiset or string. An object can have several iterators that access different data sets in it, or the same in different ways. E.g. strings have both an iterator for access char-by-char (String.Iterator), and another for access over splitted substrings (String.SplitIterator). lfun::_get_iterator may be defined in an object to get an instance of the canonical iterator type for it. It's used by e.g. foreach to iterate over objects conveniently.

It's not an error to advance an iterator past the beginning or end of the data set; `!() will only return true then, and index and value will return UNDEFINED. An iterator in that state need not keep track of positions, so it's undefined what happens if it's "moved back" into the set of items.

Backward movement for iterators is optional. It's supported if and only if `-() is defined, but even then it's undefined how far back the iterator can move. Therefore iterators may support only a limited amount of backward movement, e.g. when they access a stream through a limited buffer. If such an iterator is moved back past the limit then it'll behave as if it's pointing entirely outside the data set (see above).

An iterator that doesn't support backward movement at all should throw an error if it's attempted.

See also

predef::get_iterator, lfun::_get_iterator, Array.Iterator, Mapping.Iterator, Multiset.Iterator, String.Iterator, String.SplitIterator.

Method _random

void random( Iterator arg )


If this function is defined then it sets the iterator to point to a random item in the accessible set. The random distribution should be rectangular within that set, and the pseudorandom sequence provided by random should be used.

Method _sizeof

int sizeof( Iterator arg )


Returns the total number of items in the data set according to this iterator. If the size of the data set is unlimited or unknown then this function shouldn't be defined.

Method `!

bool res = !Iterator()


Returns 0 (zero) when the iterator points to an item, 1 otherwise.

Method `+

Iterator res = Iterator() + steps


Returns a clone of this iterator which is advanced the specified number of steps. The amount may be negative to move backwards. If the iterator doesn't support backward movement it should throw an exception in that case.

See also

next, `+=, `-

Method `+=

Iterator() += steps


Advance this iterator the specified number of steps and return it. The amount may be negative to move backwards. If the iterator doesn't support backward movement it should throw an exception in that case.


foreach calls this function with a step value of 1 if next() doesn't exist for compatibility with Pike 7.6 and earlier.


foreach will call this function even when the the iterator has more than one reference. If you want to loop over a copy of the iterator, you can create a copy by adding 0 (zero) to it:

Iterator iterator;
    foreach(iterator+0; mixed index; mixed value) {

Even though this function is sufficient for foreach to advance the iterator, next() is the preferred API. next() has the additional advantage of not being an lfun, so it is possible to advance the iterator by hand.

See also

next, `+, `-

Method `-

Iterator res = Iterator() - steps


This lfun should be defined if and only if the iterator supports backward movement to some degree. It should back up the specified number of steps. The amount may be negative to move forward.

See also

next, `+, `+=

Method create

Iterator Iterator(void|mixed data)


Initialize this iterator to access a data set in data. The type of data is specific to the iterator implementation. An iterator may also access some implicit data set, in which case data isn't specified at all.

The iterator initially points to the first item in the data set, if there is any.

The iterator does not need to support being reused, so this function is typically declared protected.

Method first

optional bool first()


If this function is defined then it resets the iterator to point to the first item.


Returns zero if there are no items at all in the data set, one otherwise.


It's not enough to set the iterator to the earliest accessible item. If the iterator doesn't support backing up to the original start position then this function should not be implemented.

Method index

mixed index()


Returns the current index, or UNDEFINED if the iterator doesn't point to any item.

If there's no obvious index set then the index is the current position in the data set, counting from 0 (zero).

Method next

int next()


If this function is defined it should advance the iterator one step, just like `+=(1) would do.


This is the preferred way to advance the iterator, since it reduces the overhead.


This function was optional in Pike 7.6 and earlier.


Returns 1 if it succeeded in advancing, and 0 (zero) if it has reached the end of the iterator.

See also

`+, `+=, `-

Method set_index

optional void set_index(zero index)


If this function is defined it should set the iterator at the specified index.


It should be possible to set the index at the end of the iterator.

Method value

mixed value()


Returns the current value, or UNDEFINED if the iterator doesn't point to any item.

Class MasterObject


Master control program for Pike.

See also

predef::master(), predef::replace_master()

Variable Decoder

program MasterObject.Decoder


This program in the master is cloned and used as codec by decode_value if it wasn't given any codec. An instance is only created on-demand the first time decode_value encounters something for which it needs a codec, i.e. the result of a call to Pike.Encoder.nameof.

See also

Decoder, Pike.Decoder

Variable Encoder

program MasterObject.Encoder


This program in the master is cloned and used as codec by encode_value if it wasn't given any codec. An instance is only created on-demand the first time encode_value encounters something for which it needs a codec, i.e. an object, program, or function.

See also

Encoder, Pike.Encoder

Method _main

void _main(array(string(8bit)) orig_argv)


This function is called when all the driver is done with all setup of modules, efuns, tables etc. etc. and is ready to start executing _real_ programs. It receives the arguments not meant for the driver.

Variable _pike_file_name
Variable _master_file_name

string MasterObject._pike_file_name
string MasterObject._master_file_name


These are useful if you want to start other Pike processes with the same options as this one was started with.

Method asyncp

bool asyncp()


Returns 1 if we´re in async-mode, e.g. if the main method has returned a negative number.

Method backend_thread

object backend_thread()


The backend_thread() function is useful to determine if you are the backend thread - important when doing async/sync protocols. This method is only available if thread_create is present.

Method basename

string basename(string x)


Returns the last segment of a path.

See also

dirname(), explode_path()

Constant bt_max_string_len

constant int MasterObject.bt_max_string_len


This constant contains the maximum length of a function entry in a backtrace. Defaults to 200 if no BT_MAX_STRING_LEN define has been given.

Method cast_to_object

object cast_to_object(string oname, string current_file, object|void current_handler)


This function is called when the drivers wants to cast a string to an object because of an implict or explicit cast. This function may also receive more arguments in the future.

Method cast_to_object

object cast_to_object(string str, string|void current_file)


Called by the Pike runtime to cast strings to objects.

Parameter str

String to cast to object.

Parameter current_file

Filename of the file that attempts to perform the cast.


Returns the resulting object.

See also


Method cast_to_program

program cast_to_program(string pname, string current_file, object|void handler)


This function is called when the driver wants to cast a string to a program, this might be because of an explicit cast, an inherit or a implict cast. In the future it might receive more arguments, to aid the master finding the right program.

Method cast_to_program

program cast_to_program(string str, string|void current_file)


Called by the Pike runtime to cast strings to programs.

Parameter str

String to cast to object.

Parameter current_file

Filename of the file that attempts to perform the cast.


Returns the resulting program.

See also


Variable cflags

string MasterObject.cflags


Flags suitable for use when compiling Pike C modules

Variable compat_major

int MasterObject.compat_major

Variable compat_minor

int MasterObject.compat_minor

Method compile_error

void compile_error(string file, int line, string err)


This function is called whenever a compile error occurs. line is zero for errors that aren't associated with any specific line. err is not newline terminated.

See also

compile_warning(), compile_exception(), get_inhibit_compile_errors(), set_inhibit_compile_errors(),

Method compile_exception

int compile_exception(array|object trace)


This function is called when an exception is caught during compilation. Its message is also reported to compile_error if this function returns zero.

See also

compile_error(), compile_warning(), get_inhibit_compile_errors(), set_inhibit_compile_errors(),

Method compile_file

program compile_file(string filename, object|void handler, void|program p, void|object o)


Compile the Pike code contained in the file filename into a program.

This function will compile the file filename to a Pike program that can later be instantiated. It is the same as doing compile_string(Stdio.read_file(filename), filename).

See also

compile(), compile_string(), cpp()

Method compile_string

program compile_string(string source, void|string filename, object|void handler, void|program p, void|object o, void|int _show_if_constant_errors)


Compile the Pike code in the string source into a program. If filename is not specified, it will default to "-".

Functionally equal to compile(cpp(sourcefilename)).

See also

compile(), cpp(), compile_file()

Method compile_warning

void compile_warning(string file, int line, string err)


This function is called whenever a compile warning occurs. line is zero for warnings that aren't associated with any specific line. err is not newline terminated.

See also

compile_error(), compile_exception(), get_inhibit_compile_errors(), set_inhibit_compile_errors(),

Variable currentversion

Version MasterObject.currentversion


Version information about the current Pike version.

Method decode_charset

string decode_charset(string data, string charset)


This function is called by cpp() when it wants to do character code conversion.

Method decode_charset

string decode_charset(string raw, string charset)


Convert raw from encoding charset to UNICODE.

This function is called by cpp() when it encounters #charset directives.

Parameter raw

String to convert.

Parameter charset

Name of encoding that raw uses.


raw decoded to UNICODE, or 0 (zero) if the decoding failed.

See also


Method describe_backtrace

string describe_backtrace(mixed trace, void|int linewidth)


Return a readable message that describes where the backtrace trace was made (by backtrace).

It may also be an error object or array (typically caught by a catch), in which case the error message also is included in the description.

Pass linewidth -1 to disable wrapping of the output.

See also

backtrace(), describe_error(), catch(), throw()

Method describe_backtrace

string describe_backtrace(mixed exception)


Called by various routines to format a readable description of an exception.

Parameter exception

Something that was thrown. Usually an Error.Generic object, or an array with the following content:

string msg

Error message.

array(backtrace_frame|array(mixed)) backtrace

Backtrace to the point where the exception occurred.


Returns a string describing the exeception.


Usually added by the initialization code the global name space with add_constant().

See also


Method describe_error

string describe_error(mixed err)


Return the error message from an error object or array (typically caught by a catch). The type of the error is checked, hence err is declared as mixed and not object|array.

If an error message couldn't be obtained, a fallback message describing the failure is returned. No errors due to incorrectness in err are thrown.

See also

describe_backtrace(), get_backtrace

Method describe_function

string describe_function(function(:void) f)

Method describe_module

string describe_module(object|program mod, array(object)|void ret_obj)


Describe the path to the module mod.

Parameter mod

If mod is a program, attempt to describe the path to a clone of mod.

Parameter ret_obj

If an instance of mod is found, it will be returned by changing element 0 of ret_obj.


The a description of the path.


The returned description will end with a proper indexing method currently either "." or "->".

Method describe_object

string describe_object(object o)

Method describe_program

string describe_program(program|function(:void) p)

Method dirname

string dirname(string x)


Returns all but the last segment of a path. Some example inputs and outputs:


See also

basename(), explode_path()

Variable doc_prefix

string MasterObject.doc_prefix


Prefix for autodoc files.

Variable programs
Variable documentation
Variable source_cache

mapping(string:program|NoValue) MasterObject.programs
mapping(program:object) MasterObject.documentation
mapping(program:string) MasterObject.source_cache


Mapping containing the cache of currently compiled files.

This mapping currently has the following structure:

filename : program

The filename path separator is / on both NT and UNIX.


Special cases: The current master program is available under the name "/master", and the program containing the main function under "/main".

Method enable_source_cache

void enable_source_cache()


Enable caching of sources from compile_string()

Method error

void error(sprintf_format f, sprintf_args ... args)


Throws an error. A more readable version of the code throw( ({ sprintf(f, @args), backtrace() }) ).

Method explode_path

array(string) explode_path(string p)


Split a path p into its components.

This function divides a path into its components. This might seem like it could be done by dividing the string on <tt>"/"</tt>, but that will not work on some operating systems. To turn the components back into a path again, use combine_path().

Method fc_reverse_lookup

string fc_reverse_lookup(object obj)


Returns the path for obj in fc, if it got any.

Method get_backtrace

array get_backtrace(object|array err)


Return the backtrace array from an error object or array (typically caught by a catch), or zero if there is none. Errors are thrown on if there are problems retrieving the backtrace.

See also

describe_backtrace(), describe_error()

Method get_compat_master

object get_compat_master(int major, int minor)


Return a master object compatible with the specified version of Pike.

This function is used to implement the various compatibility versions of master().

See also

get_compilation_handler(), master()

Method get_compilation_handler

CompilationHandler get_compilation_handler(int major, int minor)


Get compilation handler for simulation of Pike vmajor.minor.

This function is called by cpp() when it encounters #pike directives.

Parameter major

Major version.

Parameter minor

Minor version.


Returns a compilation handler for Pike >= major.minor.

Method get_inhibit_compile_errors

mixed get_inhibit_compile_errors()


Get the current compile error, warning and exception behaviour.

See set_inhibit_compile_errors() for details.

See also


Method get_precompiled_mtime

int get_precompiled_mtime(string id)


Given an identifier returned by query_precompiled_names, returns the mtime of the precompiled entry. Returns -1 if there is no entry.

Method getenv

mapping(string:string) getenv(void|int force_update)


Queries the environment variables.

Parameter force_update

A cached copy of the real environment is kept to make this function quicker. If the optional flag force_update is nonzero then the real environment is queried and the cache is updated from it. That can be necessary if the environment changes through other means than putenv, typically from a C-level library.


Returns the whole environment as a mapping. Destructive operations on the mapping will not affect the internal environment representation.

Variable names and values cannot be wide strings nor contain '\0' characters. Variable names also cannot contain '=' characters.


On NT the environment variable name is case insensitive.

See also


Method getenv

string getenv(string varname, void|int force_update)


Query the value of a specific environment variable.

Parameter varname

Environment variable to query.

Parameter force_update

A cached copy of the real environment is kept to make this function quicker. If the optional flag force_update is nonzero then the real environment is queried and the cache is updated from it. That can be necessary if the environment changes through other means than putenv, typically from a C-level library.


Returns the value of the environment variable varname if it exists, and 0 (zero) otherwise.

Variable names and values cannot be wide strings nor contain '\0' characters. Variable names also cannot contain '=' characters.


On NT the environment variable name is case insensitive.

See also


Method handle_error

void handle_error(array|object trace)


This function is called when an error occurs that is not caught with catch().

Method handle_error

void handle_error(mixed exception)


Called by the Pike runtime if an exception isn't caught.

Parameter exception

Value that was throw()'n.

See also


Method handle_inherit

program handle_inherit(string pname, string current_file, object|void handler)


This function is called whenever a inherit is called for. It is supposed to return the program to inherit. The first argument is the argument given to inherit, and the second is the file name of the program currently compiling. Note that the file name can be changed with #line, or set by compile_string, so it can not be 100% trusted to be a filename. previous_object(), can be virtually anything in this function, as it is called from the compiler.

Variable include_prefix

string MasterObject.include_prefix


Prefix for Pike-related C header files.

Inherit Codec

inherit Codec : Codec

Inherit CompatResolver

inherit CompatResolver : CompatResolver

Inherit CompilationHandler

inherit CompilationHandler : CompilationHandler


The master object acts as fallback compilation handler for compile() and cpp().

Inherit Pike_7_8_master

protected inherit Pike_7_8_master : Pike_7_8_master


Namespaces for compat masters.

This inherit is used to provide compatibility namespaces for get_compat_master().

See also


Method is_absolute_path

int is_absolute_path(string p)


Check if a path p is fully qualified (ie not relative).


Returns 1 if the path is absolute, 0 otherwise.

Variable ldflags

string MasterObject.ldflags


Flags suitable for use when linking Pike C modules

Method master_read_file

string master_read_file(string file)

Method module_defined

array(string) module_defined(object|program mod)


Find the files in which mod is defined, as they may be hidden away in joinnodes and dirnodes

Parameter mod

The module we are looking for.


An array of strings with filenames. (one for each file in a joinnode, or just one otherwise)

Method normalize_path

string normalize_path(string path)


Replaces "\" with "/" if runing on MS Windows. It is adviced to use System.normalize_path instead.

Method objects_reverse_lookup

program objects_reverse_lookup(object obj)


Returns the program for obj, if known to the master.

Constant out_of_date_warning

constant int MasterObject.out_of_date_warning


Should Pike complain about out of date compiled files. 1 means yes and 0 means no. Controlled by the OUT_OF_DATE_WARNING define.

Method program_path_to_name

string program_path_to_name(string path, void|string module_prefix, void|string module_suffix, void|string object_suffix)


Converts a module path on the form "Foo.pmod/Bar.pmod" or "/path/to/pike/lib/modules/Foo.pmod/Bar.pmod" to a module identifier on the form "Foo.Bar".

If module_prefix or module_suffix are given, they are prepended and appended, respectively, to the returned string if it's a module file (i.e. ends with ".pmod" or ".so"). If object_suffix is given, it's appended to the returned string if it's an object file (i.e. ends with ".pike").

Method programs_reverse_lookup

string programs_reverse_lookup(program prog)


Returns the path for prog in programs, if it got any.

Method putenv

void putenv(string varname, void|string value)


Sets the environment variable varname to value.

If value is omitted or zero, the environment variable varname is removed.

varname and value cannot be wide strings nor contain '\0' characters. varname also cannot contain '=' characters.


On NT the environment variable name is case insensitive.

See also


Method query_precompiled_names

array(string) query_precompiled_names(string fname)


Returns identifiers (e.g. file names) of potentially precompiled files in priority order.

Method read_precompiled

string read_precompiled(string id)


Given an identifier returned by query_precompiled_names, returns the precompiled entry. Can assume the entry exists.

Method runtime_warning

void runtime_warning(string where, string what, mixed ... args)


Called for every runtime warning. The first argument identifies where the warning comes from, the second identifies the specific message, and the rest depends on that. See code below for currently implemented warnings.

Method runtime_warning

void runtime_warning(string subsystem, string msg, mixed|void data)


Called by the Pike runtime to warn about data inconsistencies.

Parameter subsystem

Runtime subsystem where the warning was generated. Currently the following subsystems may call this function:


The garbage collector.

Parameter msg

Warning message. Currently the following messages may be generated:


A cycle where the destruction order isn't deterministic was detected by the garbage collector.

data will in this case contain an array of the elements in the cycle.

Parameter data

Optional data that further describes the warning specified by msg.

Method set_inhibit_compile_errors

void set_inhibit_compile_errors(mixed behaviour)


Set the compile error, warning and exception behaviour.

Parameter behaviour

The desired behaviour. One of:


Output compilation errors and warnings to stderr. This is the default behaviour.


Inhibit output of compilator diagnostics.

function(string, int, string:void)

Function to call for compilation errors. Compilation warnings and exceptions are inhibited.

The function will be called with the same arguments as those passed to compile_error().


Compilation handler to use for diagnostics.


Note that the behaviour is thread local, and is not copied to new threads when they are created.

See also


Method show_doc

object show_doc(program|object|function(:void) obj)


Show documentation for the item obj

Parameter obj

The object for which the documentation should be shown


an AutoDoc object

Variable show_if_constant_errors

int MasterObject.show_if_constant_errors

Method strlen

int strlen(string|multiset|array|mapping|object thing)


Alias for sizeof.


Replaced by sizeof.

Method thread_quanta_exceeded

void thread_quanta_exceeded(Thread.Thread thread, int ns)


Function called when a thread has exceeded the thread quanta.

Parameter thread

Thread that exceeded the thread quanta.

Parameter ns

Number of nanoseconds that the thread executed before allowing other threads to run.

The default master prints a diagnostic and the thread backtrace to Stdio.stderr.


This function runs in a signal handler context, and should thus avoid handling of mutexes, etc.

See also

get_thread_quanta(), set_thread_quanta()

Method unregister

void unregister(program p)


Unregister a program that was only partially compiled.

Called by compile() to clean up references to partially compiled programs.

Parameter p

Partially compiled program that should no longer be referenced.


Shouldn't this function be in the compilation handler?

Variable want_warnings

int MasterObject.want_warnings


If not zero compilation warnings will be written out on stderr.

Method werror

int werror(string fmt, mixed ... args)


Writes a string on stderr. Works just like Stdio.File.write on Stdio.stderr.

Method write

int write(string fmt, mixed ... args)


Writes a string on stdout. Works just like Stdio.File.write on Stdio.stdout.

Class MasterObject.Codec


Encoder and Decoder rolled into one. This is for mainly compatibility; there's typically no use combining encoding and decoding into the same object.

Method create

MasterObject.Codec MasterObject.Codec(void|mixed encoded)


The optional argument is the thing to encode; it's passed on to Encoder.

Inherit Decoder

inherit Decoder : Decoder

Inherit Encoder

inherit Encoder : Encoder

Class MasterObject.CompatResolver


Resolver of symbols not located in the program being compiled.

Method add_include_path

void add_include_path(string tmp)


Add a directory to search for include files.

This is the same as the command line option -I.


Note that the added directory will only be searched when using < > to quote the included file.

See also


Method add_module_path

void add_module_path(string tmp)


Add a directory to search for modules.

This is the same as the command line option -M.

See also


Method add_predefine

void add_predefine(string name, mixed value)


Add a define (without arguments) which will be implicitly defined in cpp calls.

Method add_program_path

void add_program_path(string tmp)


Add a directory to search for programs.

This is the same as the command line option -P.

See also


Method create

MasterObject.CompatResolver MasterObject.CompatResolver(mixed version, CompatResolver|void fallback_resolver)


The CompatResolver is initialized with a value that can be casted into a "%d.%d" string, e.g. a version object.

It can also optionally be initialized with a fallback resolver.

Variable fallback_resolver

CompatResolver MasterObject.CompatResolver.fallback_resolver


If we fail to resolv, try the fallback.

Typical configuration:

0.6->7.0->7.2-> ... ->master

Method get_default_module

mapping get_default_module()

Method get_predefines

mapping get_predefines()


Returns a mapping with the current predefines.

Method handle_include

string handle_include(string f, string current_file, int local_include)


This function is called whenever an #include directive is encountered. It receives the argument for #include and should return the file name of the file to include

Variable handler_root_modules

mapping(object:joinnode) MasterObject.CompatResolver.handler_root_modules


Lookup from handler module to corresponding root_module.

Method instantiate_static_modules

protected mapping(string:mixed) instantiate_static_modules(object|mapping static_modules)


Instantiate static modules in the same way that dynamic modules are instantiated.

Variable pike_include_path

array(string) MasterObject.CompatResolver.pike_include_path


The complete include search path

Variable pike_module_path

array(string) MasterObject.CompatResolver.pike_module_path


The complete module search path

Variable pike_program_path

array(string) MasterObject.CompatResolver.pike_program_path


The complete program search path

Method read_include

string read_include(string f)

Method remove_include_path

void remove_include_path(string tmp)


Remove a directory to search for include files.

This function performs the reverse operation of add_include_path().

See also


Method remove_module_path

void remove_module_path(string tmp)


Remove a directory to search for modules.

This function performs the reverse operation of add_module_path().

See also


Method remove_predefine

void remove_predefine(string name)


Remove a define from the set that are implicitly defined in cpp calls.

Method remove_program_path

void remove_program_path(string tmp)


Remove a directory to search for programs.

This function performs the reverse operation of add_program_path().

See also


Method resolv

mixed resolv(string identifier, string|void current_file, object|void current_handler)

Method resolv_base

mixed resolv_base(string identifier, string|void current_file, object|void current_handler)

Method resolv_or_error

mixed resolv_or_error(string identifier, string|void current_file, void|object current_handler)


Same as resolv, but throws an error instead of returning UNDEFINED if the resolv failed.

Variable root_module

joinnode MasterObject.CompatResolver.root_module


Join node of the root modules for this resolver.

Variable system_module_path

array(string) MasterObject.CompatResolver.system_module_path


The pike system module path, not including any set by the user.

Class MasterObject.Decoder


Codec for use with decode_value. This is the decoder corresponding to Encoder. See that one for more details.

Method create

MasterObject.Decoder MasterObject.Decoder(void|string fname, void|int mkobj, void|object handler)

Method decode_object

array(mixed) decode_object(object o, mixed data)


Restore the state of an encoded object.

Parameter o

Object to modify.

Parameter data

State information from Encoder()->encode_object().

The default implementation calls o->_decode(data) if the object has an _decode(), otherwise if data is an array, returns it to indicate that lfun::create() should be called.


This function is called before lfun::create() in the object has been called, but after lfun::__INIT() has been called.


Returns an array to indicate to the caller that lfun::create() should be called with the elements of the array as arguments.

Returns 0 (zero) to inhibit calling of lfun::create().

See also


Variable fname
Variable mkobj
Variable handler

void|string MasterObject.Decoder.fname
void|int MasterObject.Decoder.mkobj
void|object MasterObject.Decoder.handler

Class MasterObject.Encoder


Codec for use with encode_value. It understands all the standard references to builtin functions, pike modules, and the main program script.

The format of the produced identifiers are documented here to allow extension of this class:

The produced names are either strings or arrays. The string variant specifies the thing to look up according to the first character:

'c' Look up in all_constants(). 's' Look up in _static_modules. 'r' Look up with resolv(). 'p' Look up in programs. 'o' Look up in programs, then look up the result in objects. 'f' Look up in fc.

In the array format, the first element is a string as above and the rest specify a series of things to do with the result:

A string Look up this string in the result. 'm' Get module object in dirnode. 'p' Do object_program(result).

All lowercase letters and the symbols ':', '/' and '.' are reserved for internal use in both cases where characters are used above.

Method create

MasterObject.Encoder MasterObject.Encoder(void|mixed encoded)


Creates an encoder instance. If encoded is specified, it's encoded instead of being reverse resolved to a name. That's necessary to encode programs.

Method nameof

string|array nameof(mixed what, void|array(object) module_object)


When module_object is set and the name would end with an object_program step (i.e. 'p'), then drop that step so that the name corresponds to the object instead. module_object[0] will receive the found object.

Class MasterObject.Pike_7_6_master


Pike 7.6 master compatibility interface.

Most of the interface is implemented via mixin, or overloading by more recent masters.

This interface is used for compatibility with Pike 7.6.


Replaced by predef::MasterObject.

See also

get_compat_master(), master(), predef::MasterObject

Variable environment

mapping(string:array(string)) MasterObject.Pike_7_6_master.environment


Mapping containing the environment variables.

The mapping currently has the following structure:

index : array(string)

Note that the index is lower_case()'d on NT.

string varname

Variable name with case intact.

string value

Variable value.


This mapping should not be accessed directly; use getenv() and putenv() instead. This mapping is not publicly accessible in pikes newer than 7.6.


This mapping is not compatible with Process.create_process(); use the mapping returned from calling getenv() without arguments instead.


This mapping is not the real environment; it is just a copy of the environment made at startup. Pike does attempt to keep track of changes in the mapping and to reflect them in the real environment, but avoid accessing this mapping if at all possible.

Class MasterObject.Pike_7_8_master


Pike 7.8 master compatibility interface.

Most of the interface is implemented via mixin, or overloading by more recent masters.

This interface is used for compatibility with Pike 7.7 and 7.8.


Replaced by predef::MasterObject.

See also

get_compat_master(), master(), predef::MasterObject

Inherit Pike_7_6_master

inherit Pike_7_6_master : Pike_7_6_master

Class MasterObject.Version


Contains version information about a Pike version.

Method `<
Method `>
Method `==
Method __hash

int res = MasterObject.Version() < v
int res = MasterObject.Version() > v
int res = MasterObject.Version() == v
int hash_value( MasterObject.Version arg )


Methods define so that version objects can be compared and ordered.

Method cast



The version object can be casted into a string.

Method create

MasterObject.Version MasterObject.Version(int major, int minor)


Set the version in the object.

Variable major
Variable minor

int MasterObject.Version.major
int MasterObject.Version.minor


The major and minor parts of the version.

Class MasterObject.dirnode


Module node representing a single directory.

See also


Variable dirname
Variable compilation_handler
Variable name

string MasterObject.dirnode.dirname
object|void MasterObject.dirnode.compilation_handler
string|void MasterObject.dirnode.name

Method create

MasterObject.dirnode MasterObject.dirnode(string dirname, object|void compilation_handler, string|void name)

Class MasterObject.joinnode


Module node holding possibly multiple directories, and optionally falling back to another level.

See also


Variable joined_modules
Variable compilation_handler
Variable fallback_module
Variable name

array(object|mapping) MasterObject.joinnode.joined_modules
object|void MasterObject.joinnode.compilation_handler
joinnode|mapping(mixed:int(0..0))|void MasterObject.joinnode.fallback_module
string|void MasterObject.joinnode.name

Method create

MasterObject.joinnode MasterObject.joinnode(array(object|mapping) joined_modules, object|void compilation_handler, joinnode|mapping(mixed:int(0..0))|void fallback_module, string|void name)

Class Reporter


API for reporting parse errors and similar.

Method report

void report(SeverityLevel severity, string filename, int(1..) linenumber, string subsystem, string message, mixed ... extra_args)


Report a diagnostic from the compiler.

Parameter severity

The severity of the diagnostic.

Parameter filename
Parameter linenumber

Location which triggered the diagnostic.

Parameter subsystem

Compiler subsystem that generated the diagnostic.

Parameter message

sprintf()-style formatting string with the diagnostic message.

Parameter extra_args

Extra arguments to sprintf().

The default implementation does the following:

  • If there's a MasterObject()->report(), call it with the same arguments as ourselves.

  • Otherwise depending on severity:




    Calls MasterObject()->compile_warning().


    Calls MasterObject()->compile_error().


If there's no master object yet, the diagnostic is output to Stdio.stderr.


In Pike 7.8 and earlier MasterObject()->report() was not called.

See also


Enum Reporter.SeverityLevel


Message severity level. { NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL }

See also


Constant NOTICE
Constant WARNING
Constant ERROR
Constant FATAL

constant Reporter.NOTICE
constant Reporter.WARNING
constant Reporter.ERROR
constant Reporter.FATAL

Class mklibpike

Method parse

mapping(string:array(array(Parser.C.Token))) parse(array(Parser.C.Token) tokens)


Returns a mapping from symbol to a tuple of return type and parameters.

Class string_assignment

Method `[]

int res = string_assignment()[ i ]


String index operator.

Method `[]=

string_assignment()[ i ] = j


String assign index operator.

Module Apple

Class Apple.Keychain


Support for the Apple Keychain format.

This is used for the files in eg /System/Library/Keychains.

Module Arg


Argument parsing module This module supports two rather different methods of argument parsing. The first is suitable quick argument parsing without much in the way of checking:

int main( int c, array(string) argv )
  mapping arguments = Arg.parse(argv);
  array files = arguments[Arg.REST];
  if( arguments->help ) print_help();

The Arg.parse method will return a mapping from argument name to the argument value, if any.

Non-option arguments will be placed in the index Arg.REST

The second way to use this module is to inherit the LowOptions class and then start adding supported arguments:

class MyArguments {
   inherit Arg.LowOptions;
   Opt verbose = NoOpt("-v")|NoOpt("--verbose");
   Opt help = MaybeOpt("--help");
   Opt output = HasOpt("--output")|HasOpt("-o");

Then, in main:

MyArguments args = MyArguments(argv);

See the documentation for OptLibrary for details about the various Opt classes.

Constant REST

constant Arg.REST


Constant used by Arg.parse() to indicate the remaining objects.

Method parse

mapping(string:string|int(1..)) parse(array(string) argv)


Convenience function for simple argument parsing.

Handles the most common cases.

The return value is a mapping from option name to the option value.

The special index Arg.REST will be set to the remaining arguments after all options have been parsed.

The following argument syntaxes are supported:

--foo         ->  "foo":1
--foo=bar     ->  "foo":"bar"
-bar          ->  "b":1,"a":1,"r":1
-bar=foo      ->  "b":1,"a":1,"r":"foo" (?)
--foo --bar   ->  "foo":1,"bar":1
--foo - --bar ->  "foo":1
--foo x --bar ->  "foo":1 (?)
-foo          ->  "f":1,"o":2
-x -x -x      ->  "x":3
void main(int n, array argv)
  mapping opts = Arg.parse(argv);
  argv = opts[Arg.REST];
  if( opts->help ) /*... */

Class Arg.LowOptions

Variable application

protected string Arg.LowOptions.application

Variable argv

protected array(string) Arg.LowOptions.argv

Method create

Arg.LowOptions Arg.LowOptions(array(string) _argv, void|mapping(string:string) env)

Inherit OptLibrary

protected inherit OptLibrary : OptLibrary

Variable opts

protected mapping(string:Opt) Arg.LowOptions.opts

Method unhandled_argument

protected bool unhandled_argument(array(string) argv, mapping(string:string) env)

Variable values

protected mapping(string:int(1..1)|string) Arg.LowOptions.values

Class Arg.OptLibrary

Class Arg.OptLibrary.Default


Default value for a setting.


Opt output = HasOpt("-o")|Default("a.out");

Inherit Opt

inherit Opt : Opt

Class Arg.OptLibrary.Env


Environment fallback for an option. Can of course be used as only Opt source.


Opt debug = NoOpt("--debug")|Env("MY_DEBUG");

Inherit Opt

inherit Opt : Opt

Class Arg.OptLibrary.HasOpt


Parses an option that has a parameter. --foo=bar, -x bar and -x=bar will set the variable to bar.


Opt user = HasOpt("--user")|HasOpt("-u");

Inherit NoOpt

inherit NoOpt : NoOpt

Class Arg.OptLibrary.MaybeOpt


Parses an option that may have a parameter. --foo, -x and x in a sequence like -axb will set the variable to 1. --foo=bar, -x bar and -x=bar will set the variable to bar.


Opt debug = MaybeOpt("--debug");

Inherit NoOpt

inherit NoOpt : NoOpt

Class Arg.OptLibrary.NoOpt


Parses an option without parameter, such as --help, -x or "x" from -axb.


Opt verbose = NoOpt("-v")|NoOpt("--verbose");

Inherit Opt

inherit Opt : Opt

Class Arg.OptLibrary.Opt


Base class for parsing an argument. Inherit this class to create custom made option types.

Method __sprintf

protected string __sprintf()


This function will be called by _sprintf, which handles formatting of chaining between objects.

Method get_opts

array(string) get_opts()


Should return a list of options that are parsed. To properly chain argument parsers, return your_opts +  ::get_opts().

Method get_value

mixed get_value(array(string) argv, mapping(string:string) env, int|string previous)


Should return 1 for set options or a string containing the value of the option. Returning 0 means the option was not set (or matched). To properly chain arguments parsers, return ::get_value(argv, env, previous) instead of 0, unless you want to explicitly stop the chain and not set this option.

Class Arg.Options


The option parser class that contains all the argument objects.

Inherit LowOptions

inherit LowOptions : LowOptions

Method unhandled_argument

protected bool|string unhandled_argument(array(string) argv, mapping(string:string) env)

Class Arg.SimpleOptions


Options parser with a unhandled_argument implementation that parses most common argument formats.

Inherit LowOptions

inherit LowOptions : LowOptions

Method unhandled_argument

bool unhandled_argument(array(string) argv, mapping(string:string) env)


Handles arguments as described in Arg.parse

Module Audio

Module Audio.Codec

Class Audio.Codec.decoder


Decoder object.


It needs _Ffmpeg.ffmpeg module for real work.

Method create

Audio.Codec.decoder Audio.Codec.decoder(string|void codecname, object|void _codec)


Creates decoder object

Parameter codecnum

Some of supported codec, like _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_*

Parameter _codec

The low level object will be used for decoder. By default _Ffmpeg.ffmpeg object will be used.


Until additional library is implemented the second parameter _codec hasn't effect.

See also

_Ffmpeg.ffmpeg, _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_MP2

Method decode

mapping|int decode(int|void partial)


Decodes audio data

Parameter partial

Only one frame will be decoded per call.


If successfull a mapping with decoded data and byte number of used input data is returned, 0 otherwise.

Method from_file

this_program from_file(Audio.Format.ANY file)


Set codec type from file

It uses Audio.Format.ANY's method get_map() to determine which codec should be used.

Parameter file

The object Audio.Format.ANY.

Method get_status

mapping get_status()


Returns decoder status

Module Audio.Format


Audio data format handling


API remains marked "unstable".

Class Audio.Format.ANY

Method check_format

int check_format()


Check if data are correctly formated.

Method get_data

string get_data()


Returns data only.


The operation is destructive. Ie. current data cursor is moved over.

See also

get_frame, get_sample

Method get_frame

string get_frame()


Returns frame for current position and moves cursor forward.


The operation is destructive. Ie. current data cursor is moved over.

See also

get_data, get_sample

Method get_map

mapping get_map()

Method get_sample

mapping get_sample()


Returns sample for current position and moves cursor forward.


The operation is destructive. Ie. current data cursor is moved over.

See also

get_frame, get_data

Method read_file

this_program read_file(string filename, int|void nocheck)


Reads data from file

See also


Method read_streamed

this_program read_streamed(string filename, int|void nocheck)


Reads data from stream

Ie. for packetized data source the beggining of data is searched.

See also


Method read_string

this_program read_string(string data, int|void nocheck)


Reads data from string

Class Audio.Format.MP3


A MP3 file parser with ID3 tag support.

Method get_frame

mapping|int get_frame()


Gets next frame from file

Frame is represented by the following mapping. It contains from parsed frame headers and frame data itself.

([ "bitrate": int "copyright": int(0..1), "data": frame_data, "emphasis": emphasis, "extension": "channels":0, "id":1, "layer":3, "original": int(0..1), "padding": int(0..1), "private": int(0..1), "sampling": int ])

Inherit ANY

inherit .module.ANY : ANY

Module Builtin

Method _get_setter

function(mixed_void:void) _get_setter(object o, string varname)


Get a setter for the variable named varname in object o.


Returns a Setter()->`()() for the variable if it exists, and UNDEFINED otherwise.

See also


Method _take_over_initial_predefines

mapping(string:mixed) _take_over_initial_predefines()

Class Builtin.Null


This class is used to implement the low-level aspects of Val.Null.


This class should typically not be used directly. Use Val.Null instead.


This class was previously available as Sql.Null. Any such use should be replaced with Val.Null.


Replaced by Val.Null.

See also

Val.Null, Val.null

Method encode_json

string encode_json()


Defined for use with Standards.JSON.encode, so that it formats NULL as null.

Class Builtin.Setter


Internal class for implementing setters.

This class is used by _get_setter().

See also


Method `()

void res = Builtin.Setter()()


Set the variable for the setter to val.

This is the function returned by _get_setter().

Class Builtin.automap_marker


This is an internal class used by __automap__().

It may show up during module dumping or in backtraces and the like.

It should in normal circumstances never be used directly.

See also

__automap__(), map()

Method create

Builtin.automap_marker Builtin.automap_marker(array arr, int depth)

Parameter arr

Array that __automap__() is to loop over.

Parameter depth

Recursion depth of arr where the loop will be.

Module Bz2


The Bz2 module contains functions to compress and uncompress strings using the same algorithm as the program bzip2. Compressing and decompressing can be done in streaming mode feeding the compress and decompress objects with arbitrarily large pieces of data.

The Bz2 module consists of three classes; Bz2.Deflate, Bz2.Inflate and Bz2.File. Bz2.Deflate is used to compress data and Bz2.Inflate is used to uncompress data. Bz2.File is used to handle Bzip2 files.


Note that this module is only available if libbzip2 was available when Pike was compiled.

Note that although the functions in Inflate and Deflate use the same algorithm as bzip2, they do not use the exact same format, so you can not directly zip files or unzip zip-files using those functions. That is why there exists a third class for files.

Inherit Bz2

inherit "___Bz2" : Bz2

Class Bz2.Deflate


Bz2.Deflate is a builtin program written in C. It interfaces the packing routines in the bzlib library.


This program is only available if libz was available and found when Pike was compiled.

See also


Method create

Bz2.Deflate Bz2.Deflate(int(1..9)|void block_size)


If given, block_size should be a number from 1 to 9 indicating the block size used when doing compression. The actual block size will be a 100000 times this number. Low numbers are considered 'fast', higher numbers are considered 'slow' but give better packing. The parameter is set to 9 if it is omitted.

This function can also be used to re-initialize a Bz2.Deflate object so it can be re-used.

Method deflate

string deflate(string data, int(0..2)|void flush_mode)


This function performs bzip2 style compression on a string data and returns the packed data. Streaming can be done by calling this function several times and concatenating the returned data.

The optional argument flush_mode should be one of the following:


Runs Bz2.Deflate->feed()


Runs Bz2.Deflate->read()


Runs Bz2.Deflate->finish()

See also


Method feed

void feed(string data)


This function feeds the data to the internal buffers of the Deflate object. All data is buffered until a read or a finish is done.

See also

Bz2.Deflate->read() Bz2.Deflate->finish()

Method finish

string finish(string data)


This method feeds the data to the internal buffers of the Deflate object. Then it compresses all buffered data adds a end of data marker ot it, returns the compressed data as a string, and reinitializes the deflate object.

See also

Bz2.Deflate->feed() Bz2.Deflate->read()

Method read

string read(string data)


This function feeds the data to the internal buffers of the Deflate object. Then it compresses all buffered data and returns the compressed data as a string

See also

Bz2.Deflate->feed() Bz2.Deflate->finish()

Class Bz2.File


Low-level implementation of read/write support for Bzip2 files


This class is currently not available on Windows.

Method close

bool close()


closes the file

Method create

Bz2.File Bz2.File()
Bz2.File Bz2.File(string filename, void|string mode)


Creates a Bz2.File object

Method eof

bool eof()


1 if EOF has been reached, 0 otherwise

Inherit File

inherit Bz2::File : File

Method line_iterator

String.SplitIterator|Stdio.LineIterator line_iterator(int|void trim)


Returns an iterator that will loop over the lines in this file. If trim is true, all '\r' characters will be removed from the input.

Method open

bool open(string file, void|string mode)


Opens a file for I/O.

Parameter file

The name of the file to be opened

Parameter mode

Mode for the file operations. Can be either "r" (read) or "w". Read is default.

Method read

string read(int len)


Reads len (uncompressed) bytes from the file. If len is omitted the whole file is read. If read is unsuccessful, 0 is returned.

Method read_function

function(:string) read_function(int nbytes)


Returns a function that when called will call read with nbytes as argument. Can be used to get various callback functions, eg for the fourth argument to String.SplitIterator.

Method read_open

bool read_open(string file)


Opens a file for reading.

Parameter file

The name of the file to be opened

Method write

int write(string data)


Writes the data to the file.


the number of bytes written to the file.

Method write_open

bool write_open(string file)


Opens a file for writing.

Parameter file

The name of the file to be opened

Class Bz2.Inflate


Bz2.Inflate is a builtin program written in C. It interfaces the unpacking routines in the libz library.


This program is only available if bzlib was available and found when Pike was compiled.

See also


Method create

Bz2.Inflate Bz2.Inflate()

Method inflate

string inflate(string data)


This function performs bzip2 style decompression. It can do decompression with arbitrarily large pieces of data. When fed with data, it decompresses as much as it can and buffers the rest.


while(..){ foo = compressed_data[i..i+9]; uncompressed_concatenated_data += inflate_object->inflate(foo); i = i+10; }

See also


Module Cache


Common Caching implementation

This module serves as a front-end to different kinds of caching systems. It uses two helper objects to actually store data, and to determine expiration policies.

To create a new cache, do Cache.cache( Cache.Storage.Base storage_type, Cache.Policy.Base expiration_policy )

The cache store instances of Cache.Data.

Class Cache.Data


Base stored object for the cache system.

Variable atime

int Cache.Data.atime


last-access time.

Variable cost

float Cache.Data.cost


relative preciousness scale

Method create

Cache.Data Cache.Data(void|mixed value, void|int expire_time, void|float preciousness)


expire_time is relative and in seconds.

Variable ctime

int Cache.Data.ctime



Method data

mixed data()


A method in order to allow for lazy computation

Variable etime

int Cache.Data.etime


expiry-time (if supplied). 0 otherwise

Method recursive_low_size

int recursive_low_size(mixed whatfor)


Attempts a wild guess of an object's size. It's left here as a common utility. Some classes won't even need it.

Method size

int size()


A method in order to allow for lazy computation. Used by some Policy Managers

Class Cache.cache


This module serves as a front-end to different kinds of caching systems. It uses two helper objects to actually store data, and to determine expiration policies. Mechanisms to allow for distributed caching systems will be added in time, or at least that is the plan.

Method alookup

void alookup(string key, function(string, mixed, mixed ... :void) callback, int|float timeout, mixed ... args)


Asynchronously look the cache up. The callback will be given as arguments the key, the value, and then any user-supplied arguments. If the timeout (in seconds) expires before any data could be retrieved, the callback is called anyways, with 0 as value.

Method async_cleanup_cache

void async_cleanup_cache()

Method create

Cache.cache Cache.cache(Cache.Storage.Base storage_mgr, Cache.Policy.Base policy_mgr, void|int cleanup_cycle_delay)


Creates a new cache object. Required are a storage manager, and an expiration policy object.

Method delete

void delete(string key, void|bool hard)


Forcibly removes some key. If the 'hard' parameter is supplied and true, deleted objects will also have their lfun::destroy method called upon removal by some backends (i.e. memory)

Method lookup

mixed lookup(string key)


Looks in the cache for an element with the given key and, if available, returns it. Returns 0 if the element is not available

Method start_cleanup_cycle

void start_cleanup_cycle()

Method store

void store(string key, mixed value, void|int max_life, void|float preciousness, void|multiset(string) dependants)


Sets some value in the cache. Notice that the actual set operation might even not happen at all if the set data doesn't make sense. For instance, storing an object or a program in an SQL-based backend will not be done, and no error will be given about the operation not being performed.

Notice that while max_life will most likely be respected (objects will be garbage-collected at pre-determined intervals anyways), the preciousness . is to be seen as advisory only for the garbage collector If some data was stored with the same key, it gets returned. Also notice that max_life is relative and in seconds. dependants are not fully implemented yet. They are implemented after a request by Martin Stjerrholm, and their purpose is to have some weak form of referential integrity. Simply speaking, they are a list of keys which (if present) will be deleted when the stored entry is deleted (either forcibly or not). They must be handled by the storage manager.

Method threaded_cleanup_cycle

void threaded_cleanup_cycle()

Module Cache.Policy

Class Cache.Policy.Base


Base class for cache expiration policies.

Method expire

void expire(Cache.Storage.Base storage)


Expire callback.

This function is called to expire parts of storage.


All Storage.Policy classes must MUST implement this method.

Class Cache.Policy.Multiple


A multiple-policies expiration policy manager.


Thanks to Francesco Chemolli <kinkie@roxen.com> for the contribution.

Method create

Cache.Policy.Multiple Cache.Policy.Multiple(Cache.Policy.Base ... policies)

Method expire

void expire(Cache.Storage.Base storage)


This expire function calls the expire functions in all of the sub-policies in turn.

Inherit Base

inherit Cache.Policy.Base : Base

Class Cache.Policy.Null


Null policy-manager for the generic Caching system

This is a policy manager that doesn't actually expire anything. It is useful in multilevel and/or network-based caches.


Thanks to Francesco Chemolli <kinkie@roxen.com> for the contribution.

Method expire

void expire(Cache.Storage.Base storage)


This is an expire function that does nothing.

Inherit Base

inherit Cache.Policy.Base : Base

Class Cache.Policy.Sized


An LRU, size-constrained expiration policy manager.


Thanks to Francesco Chemolli <kinkie@roxen.com> for the contribution.

Method create

Cache.Policy.Sized Cache.Policy.Sized(int max, void|int min)

Method expire

void expire(Cache.Storage.Base storage)

Inherit Base

inherit Cache.Policy.Base : Base

Class Cache.Policy.Timed


An access-time-based expiration policy manager.

Inherit Base

inherit Cache.Policy.Base : Base

Module Cache.Storage

Class Cache.Storage.Base


Base class for cache storage managers.

All Cache.Storage managers must provide these methods.

Method aget

void aget(string key, function(string, int(0..0)|Cache.Data, mixed ... :void) callback, mixed ... extra_callback_args)


Fetch some data from the cache asynchronously.

callback() will get as first argument key, and as second argument 0 (cache miss) or an Cache.Data object, plus any additional argument that the user may have supplied.

Method delete

mixed delete(string key, void|bool hard)


Delete the entry specified by key from the cache (if present).

If hard is 1, some backends may force a destruct() on the deleted value.

Dependants (if present) are automatically deleted.


Returns the deleted entry.

Method first
Method next

int(0..0)|string first()
int(0..0)|string next()


These two functions are an iterator over the cache. There is an internal cursor, which is reset by each call to first(). Subsequent calls to next() will iterate over all the contents of the cache.

These functions are not meant to be exported to the user, but are solely for the policy managers' benefit.

Method get

int(0..0)|Cache.Data get(string key, void|bool notouch)


Fetch some data from the cache synchronously.


Be careful, as with some storage managers it might block the calling thread for some time.

Method set

void set(string key, mixed value, void|int max_life, void|float preciousness, void|multiset(string) dependants)


Data-object creation is performed here if necessary, or in get() depending on the backend.

This allows the storage managers to have their own data class implementation.

Class Cache.Storage.Gdbm


A GBM-based storage manager.

This storage manager provides the means to save data to memory. In this manager I'll add reference documentation as comments to interfaces. It will be organized later in a more comprehensive format

Settings will be added later.


Thanks to Francesco Chemolli <kinkie@roxen.com> for the contribution.

Method create

Cache.Storage.Gdbm Cache.Storage.Gdbm(string path)


A GDBM storage-manager must be hooked to a GDBM Database.

Inherit Base

inherit Cache.Storage.Base : Base

Class Cache.Storage.Gdbm.Data

Inherit Data

inherit Cache.Data : Data

Class Cache.Storage.Memory


A RAM-based storage manager.

This storage manager provides the means to save data to memory. In this manager I'll add reference documentation as comments to interfaces. It will be organized later in a more comprehensive format

Settings will be added later.


Thanks to Francesco Chemolli <kinkie@roxen.com> for the contribution.

Method get

int(0..0)|Cache.Data get(string key, void|int notouch)


Fetches some data from the cache. If notouch is set, don't touch the data from the cache (meant to be used by the storage manager only)

Inherit Base

inherit Cache.Storage.Base : Base

Class Cache.Storage.Memory.Data

Inherit Data

inherit Cache.Data : Data

Class Cache.Storage.MySQL


An SQL-based storage manager

This storage manager provides the means to save data to an SQL-based backend.

For now it's mysql only, dialectization will be added at a later time. Serialization should be taken care of by the low-level SQL drivers.


An administrator is supposed to create the database and give the user enough privileges to write to it. It will be care of this driver to create the database tables itself.


Thanks to Francesco Chemolli <kinkie@roxen.com> for the contribution.

Method create

Cache.Storage.MySQL Cache.Storage.MySQL(string sql_url)

Inherit Base

inherit Cache.Storage.Base : Base

Class Cache.Storage.MySQL.Data


Database manipulation is done externally. This class only returns values, with some lazy decoding.

Inherit Data

inherit Cache.Data : Data

Class Cache.Storage.Yabu


A Yabu-based storage manager.

Settings will be added later.


Thanks to Francesco Chemolli <kinkie@roxen.com> for the contribution.

Method create

Cache.Storage.Yabu Cache.Storage.Yabu(string path)

Inherit Base

inherit Cache.Storage.Base : Base

Class Cache.Storage.Yabu.Data

Inherit Data

inherit Cache.Data : Data

Module Calendar


Time and day system

Q:  I need to parse some date in a non-strict format, like
   the one in the HTTP or mail protocol, or from a user web

A:  Calendar.dwim_day, or Calendar.dwim_time, should solve
   your problem. 

     > Calendar.dwim_day("1/2/3");
     Result: Day(Thu 2 Jan 2003)
     > Calendar.dwim_day("1 aug 2001");
     Result: Day(Wed 1 Aug 2001)

     > Calendar.dwim_time("1 aug 2001 23:14 EDT");
     Result: Minute(Wed 1 Aug 2001 23:14 EDT)
     > Calendar.dwim_time("2001 2 3 23:14:23 UTC+9");
     Result: Second(Sat 3 Feb 2001 23:14:23 UTC+9)

   If it doesn't, and it should, report the problem to me
   and I'll see what I can do. Note that the timezones
   are rather unpredictable - if it doesn't get it, you
   will get the default (local) timezone.


Q:  The dwim_* functions are too slow. 

A:  They are not written to be fast, but to do good guessing.

   If you know the format, you should use the Calendar.parse

     > Calendar.parse("%Y-%M-%D %h:%m","2040-11-08 2:46");
     Result: Minute(Thu 8 Nov 2040 2:46 CET)
     > Calendar.parse("%Y w%W %e %h:%m %p %z","1913 w4 monday 2:14 pm CET");
     Result: Minute(Mon 20 Jan 1913 14:14 CET)

   These are the format characters:
    %Y absolute year 
    %y dwim year (70-99 is 1970-1999, 0-69 is 2000-2069)
    %M month (number, name or short name) (needs %y)
    %W week (needs %y)
    %D date (needs %y, %m)
    %d short date (20000304, 000304)
    %a day (needs %y)
    %e weekday (needs %y, %w)
    %h hour (needs %d, %D or %W)
    %m minute (needs %h)
    %s second (needs %m)
    %f fraction of a second (needs %s)
    %t short time (205314, 2053)
    %z zone
    %p "am" or "pm"
    %n empty string (to be put at the end of formats)

   and you can also use "%*[....]" to skip some characters,
   as in sscanf().

   If this is too slow, there is currently no solution in Pike
   to do this faster, except possibly sscanf and manual calculations/
   time object creation.


Q:  How do I get from unix time (time(2)) to a unit and back?

A:  Calendar.Unit("unix",time())

     > Calendar.Day("unix",987654321);
     Result: Day(Thu 19 Apr 2001)
     > Calendar.Second("unix",987654321);  
     Result: Second(Thu 19 Apr 2001 6:25:21 CEST)

     > Calendar.Day()->unix_time();   
     Result: 979081200

   Note that you will get the time for the start of the unit.
   Unix time is timezone independant.

   The day-of-time units (seconds, hours, etc) uses this
   as internal representation of time.


Q:  I'm a mad astronomer, how do I do the same conversions with
   julian day numbers?

A:  Julian day numbers are used as the internal representation
   for the day, and for most other bigger-then-time-of-day calculations.

     > Calendar.Day("julian",2454545);  
     Result: Day(Wed 19 Mar 2008)
     > Calendar.Second("julian",2430122.0);
     Result: Second(Tue 6 May 1941 13:00:00 CET)

   Julian day numbers from day units and bigger are integers,
   representing the new julian number on that day. Julian day
   numbers from time of day units are represented in floats.

     > Calendar.Day()->julian_day();
     Result: 2451920
     > Calendar.Second()->julian_day();
     Result: 2451919.949595

   Watch out for the float precision, though. If you haven't
   compiled your Pike with --with-double-precision, this gives
   you awkwardly low precision - 6 hours.


Q:  How do I convert a "Second(Sat 3 Feb 2001 23:14:23 UTC+9)" object
   to my timezone?

A:  ->set_timezone(your timezone)

     > Calendar.dwim_time("2001 2 3 23:14:23 PST")
     Result: Second(Sun 4 Feb 2001 8:14:23 CET)

     > Calendar.dwim_time("2001 2 3 23:14:23 PST")
     Result: Second(Sun 4 Feb 2001 8:14:23 CET)


Q:  How do I print my time object?

A:  ->format_xxx();

   You can either print it unit-sensitive,

     > Calendar.dwim_time("2001 2 3 23:14:23 PST")->format_nice();
     Result: "3 Feb 2001 23:14:23"
     > Calendar.Week()->format_nice();                            
     Result: "w2 2001"
     > Calendar.now()->format_nicez();
     Result: "10 Jan 10:51:15.489603 CET"

   or in a format not depending on the unit,

     > Calendar.Week()->format_ymd();            
     Result: "2001-01-08"
     > Calendar.Day()->format_time();
     Result: "2001-01-10 00:00:00"

   This is all the formats:

   format_ext_time       "Wednesday, 10 January 2001 10:49:57"
   format_ext_time_short "Wed, 10 Jan 2001 10:49:57 CET"
   format_ext_ymd        "Wednesday, 10 January 2001"
   format_iso_time       "2001-01-10 (Jan) -W02-3 (Wed) 10:49:57 UTC+1"
   format_iso_ymd        "2001-01-10 (Jan) -W02-3 (Wed)"
   format_mod            "10:49"
   format_month          "2001-01"
   format_month_short    "200101"
   format_mtime          "2001-01-10 10:49"
   format_time           "2001-01-10 10:49:57"
   format_time_short     "20010110 10:49:57"
   format_time_xshort    "010110 10:49:57"
   format_tod            "10:49:57"
   format_tod_short      "104957"
   format_todz           "10:49:57 CET"
   format_todz_iso       "10:49:57 UTC+1"
   format_week           "2001-w2"
   format_week_short     "2001w2"
   format_iso_week       "2001-W02"
   format_iso_week_short "200102"
   format_xtime          "2001-01-10 10:49:57.539198"
   format_xtod           "10:49:57.539658"
   format_ymd            "2001-01-10"
   format_ymd_short      "20010110"
   format_ymd_xshort     "010110"

   format_ctime          "Wed Jan 10 10:49:57 2001\n"
   format_smtp           "Wed, 10 Jan 2001 10:49:57 +0100"
   format_http           "Wed, 10 Jan 2001 09:49:57 GMT"


Q:  How old am I?

A:  First, you need to create the time period representing your age.

     > object t=Calendar.dwim_time("1638 dec 23 7:02 pm")
     Result: Fraction(Thu 23 Dec 1638 19:02:00.000000 LMT - 
     		       Wed 10 Jan 2001 10:53:33.032856 CET)

  Now, you can ask for instance how many years this is:

     > t->how_many(Calendar.Year);
     Result: 362

  Or how many 17 seconds it is:

     > t->how_many(Calendar.Second()*17);
     Result: 672068344

  A note here is to use ->distance, and not ->range, since that
  will include the destination unit too:

    > Calendar.dwim_day("00-01-02")->range(Calendar.Week(2000,2))
    Result: 15
    > Calendar.dwim_day("00-01-02")->distance(Calendar.Week(2000,2))
    Result: 8


Q:  In 983112378 days, what weekday will it be?

A:  (this weekday + 983112378) % 7   ;) 

   or take this day, add the number, and ask the object:

     > (Calendar.Day()+983112378)->week_day_name();
     Result: "Saturday"

   "+int" will add this number of the unit to the unit;
   this means that Calendar.Year()+2 will move two years
   forward, but Calendar.now()+2 will not move at all 
   - since now has zero size.

   To add a number of another time unit, simply do that:

     > Calendar.Day()+3*Calendar.Year();  
     Result: Day(Sat 10 Jan 2004)
     > Calendar.Day()+3*Calendar.Minute()*134;
     Result: Minute(Wed 10 Jan 2001 6:42 CET - Thu 11 Jan 2001 6:42 CET)

   The last result here is because the resulting time still will
   be as long as the first.


Q:  Are there other calendars?

A:  Yes. 

   Calendar.Day is really a shortcut to Calendar.ISO.Day;
   this is tuned in the localization.h file.

   There is currently:

	This is the base module for Julian style calendars;
	despite the name. Most calendars of today are in sync
	with the Gregorian calendar.
	This inherits the Gregorian calendar to tweak it to
	conform to the ISO standards. Most affected are weeks, 
	which starts on Monday in the ISO calendar.
	This is also the default calendar.
	The Discordian calendar as described in Principia Discordia
	is in sync with the Gregorian calendar (although some claim
	that it should be the Julian - I go with what I can read 
	from my Principia Discordia). The module inherits and 
	tweaks the Gregorian module.
	The Coptic calendar is by some sources ("St. Marks'
	Coptic Orthodox Church" web pages) is for now on in sync with
	the Gregorian Calendar, so this module too inherits
	and tweaks the Gregorian module. It needs to be 
	adjusted for historical use.
	This is the Julian calendar, with the small changes
	to the Gregorian calendar (leap years).
   Badi (Baha'i)
       The Badi calendar used by the Baha'i religion is based on the
       solar year. For the time being it is in sync with the Gregorian

	This is the Islamic calendar, using the 'Calendrical 
	Calculations' rules for new moon. It is based
	directly on the YMD module.
	This is the (TNG) Stardate calendar, which consists
	of one time unit only, the Tick (1000 Tick is one earth year). 
	It is based directly on TimeRanges.


Q:  How do I convert between the calendars?

A:  You give the unit to be converted to the constructor of 
   the unit you want it to be.

   > Calendar.Coptic.Day(Calendar.dwim_day("14 feb 1983"));
   Result: Day(Mon 7 Ams 1699)
   > Calendar.Islamic.Minute(Calendar.dwim_day("14 feb 1983"));
   Result: Minute(aha 29 Rebîul-âchir 1403 AH 13:00 CET - 
   		   ith 1 Djumâda'l-ûla 1403 AH 13:00 CET)
   > Calendar.Day(Calendar.Stardate.Tick(4711));
   Result: Day(Sat 17 Sep 2327 0:00 sharp)


Q:  Isn't there a <my country> calendar?

A:  <your country> uses the ISO calendar, with just different
   names for the months. Language is a parameter to the
   calendar units, as well as the timezone.

   You set the language by using ->set_language(yourlanguage).

     > t->set_language("pt")->format_ext_ymd();
     Result: "Quarta-feira, 10 Janeiro 2001"
     > t->set_language("roman")->format_ext_ymd();    
     Result: "Mercurii dies, X Ianuarius MMDCCLIII ab urbe condita"

   Note that all languages aren't supported. If you miss your
   favourite language or I got it all wrong (or have some time over
   to help me out), look in the Language.pmod file and send me an

   Or send me a list of the weekdays and month names
   (please start with Monday and January).

   Currently, these languages are supported:

     name        code    
     ISO                 (default, aka English)

     Afrikaans   af afr   (South Africa),
     Austrian    de_AT
     Basque      eu eus   (Spain)
     Catalan     ca cat   (Catalonia)
     Croatian    hr hrv
     Danish      da dan
     Dutch       nl nld
     English     en eng
     Estonian    et est
     Faroese     fo fao
     Finnish     fi fin
     French      fr fra
     Galician    gl glg   (Spain)
     German      de deu
     Greenlandic kl kal
     Hungarian   hu hun
     Icelandic   is isl
     Irish       ga gle   (Gaelic)
     Italian     it ita
     Latvian     lv lav
     Lithuanian  lt lit
     Norwegian   no nor
     Persian     fa fas   (Iran)
     Polish      pl pol
     Portugese   pt por
     Romanian    ro ron
     Serbian     sr srp   (Yugoslavia)
     Slovenian   sl slv
     Spanish     es spa
     Swedish     sv swe
     Turkish     tr 
     Welsh       cy cym

     Latin       la lat
     Roman              (Roman Latin)


Q:  Isn't there a <whatever> calendar?

A:  Not if it isn't listed above. I'll appreciate any
   implementation help if you happen to have the time over
   to implement some calendar.

   I know I miss these:

     Jewish or Hebreic

   Of these, the two first are based on astronomical events,
   which I haven't had the time to look into yet, but the
   last - Maya - is totally numeric.


Q:  I don't like that weeks starts on Mondays.
   Every school kids knows that weeks start on Sundays.

A:  According to the ISO 8601 standard, weeks start on mondays.

   If you don't like it, edit the Calendar.pmod/localization.h
   file to use the Gregorian calendar instead of the ISO.

   Or use Calendar.Gregorian.Day, etc.


Q:  How do I find out which days are red in a specific region?

A:  Events.<region> 

   - contains the events for the region, as a SuperEvent. 
   You can ask this object to filter out the holidays,


   which will be a superevent containing only holidays.

   To use this information, you can for instance use ->scan,
   here in an example to see what red days there are in Sweden
   the current month:

     > Calendar.Events.se->filter_flag("h")->scan(Calendar.Month());
     Result: ({ /* 6 elements */
    		   Day(Sun 7 Jan 2001),
    		   Day(Sun 14 Jan 2001),
    		   Day(Sun 21 Jan 2001),
    		   Day(Sun 28 Jan 2001),
    		   Day(Sat 6 Jan 2001),
    		   Day(Mon 1 Jan 2001)


Q:  How accurate are the events information?

A:  For some regions, very. For most region, not very.

   The first reason is lack of information of this kind on
   the web, especially sorted into useful rules (like "the
   third monday after 23 dec", not "8 jan").

   The second reason is lack of time and interest to do
   research, which is a rather tedious job.

   If you want to help, the check your region in the
   events/regions file and send us <pike@roxen.com> a patch.

   Don't send me "the x region is all wrong!" mails without
   telling me how it should look.


Q:  My timezone says it's DST. It's wrong.

A:  No it isn't.  But:

   o The local timezone detector failed to find your timezone by
     itself, or found the wrong timezone.

   o or you use the wrong timezone.

   To make sure the right timezone is used, use the standard
   timezone names. Those aren't "CET" or "PST", but 
   "Europe/Amsterdam" or "America/Dawson".

   You can tune the default timezone by editing

   OR this may be in the future and you have a changed DST
   rule and uses an old Pike. Then you can either download
   a new version or download new timezone data files from 
   the ftp address below (if the internet still is there).

This needs to be reformatted as documentation.

Constant nulltimerange

constant Calendar.nulltimerange = TimeRange


This represents the null time range, which, to differ from the zero time range (the zero-length time range), isn't placed in time. This is the result of for instance `& between two strict non-overlapping timeranges - no time at all.

It has a constant, is_nulltimerange, which is non-zero. `! on this timerange is true.

Class Calendar.Calendar


This is the base class of the calendars.

Method now

Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange now()


Give the zero-length time period of the current time.

Class Calendar.Ruleset


This is the container class for rules.

Method `==

bool res = Calendar.Ruleset() == other

Method clone

this_program clone()

Method set_abbr2zone

this_program set_abbr2zone(mapping(string:string) abbr2zone)


Sets the guess-mapping for timezones. Default is the mapping:

CSTAmerica/El SalvadorUTC-6

See also


Method set_language

this_program set_language(string|Calendar.Rule.Language lang)

Method set_rule

this_program set_rule(Calendar.Rule.Language|Calendar.Rule.Timezone rule)

Method set_timezone

this_program set_timezone(string|Calendar.Rule.Timezone t)

Class Calendar.SuperTimeRange


This class handles the cases where you have a time period with holes. These can be created by the ^ or | operators on time ranges.

Method create

Calendar.SuperTimeRange Calendar.SuperTimeRange(array(TimeRange) parts)


A SuperTimeRange must have at least two parts, two time ranges. Otherwise, it's either not a time period at all or a normal time period.

Inherit TimeRange

inherit TimeRange : TimeRange

Module Calendar.Austrian


Same as the ISO calendar, but with austrian as the default language.

This calendar exist only for backwards compatible purposes.

Inherit ISO

inherit Calendar.ISO : ISO

Module Calendar.Badi


This is the Badi calendar, used in the Baha'i religion.

Method daystart_offset

int daystart_offset()


Returns the offset to the start of the time range object

Inherit YMD

inherit Calendar.YMD : YMD

Class Calendar.Badi.Vahid

Inherit YMD

inherit YMD : YMD

Method year

Year year()
Year year(int n)
Year year(string name)


Return a year in the vahid by number or name:


Module Calendar.Coptic


This is the Coptic Orthodox Church calendar, that starts the 11th or 12th September and has 13 months.


The (default) names of the months are different then other the emacs calendar; I do not know which ones are used - the difference seem to be only the transcription of the phonetic sounds (B <-> P, etc).

I do not know for how long back the calendar is valid, either. My sources claim that the calendar is synchronized with the Gregorian calendar, which is odd.

Inherit Gregorian

inherit Calendar.Gregorian : Gregorian

Module Calendar.Discordian


The Discordian calendar, as described on page 34 in the fourth edition of Principia Discordia.

Chaotic enough, it's quite simpler then the Gregorian calendar; weeks are 5 days, and evens up on a year. Months are 73 days.

The leap day is inserted at the 60th day of the first month (Chaos), giving the first month 74 days. The description of the calendar is a "perpetual date converter from the gregorian to the POEE calendar", so the leap years are the same as the gregorians.

The Principia calls months "seasons", but for simplicity I call them months in this calendar.

If anyone know more about how to treat the leap day - now it is inserted in the month and week where it lands, rather then being separated from month and weeks, I'm interested to know.

- Mirar, Pope of POEE.

Inherit Gregorian

inherit Calendar.Gregorian : Gregorian

Module Calendar.Event

Class Calendar.Event.Date


This class represents the event of a given gregorian date. For instance, Event.Date(12,10)->next(Day()) finds the next 12 of October.

Method create

Calendar.Event.Date Calendar.Event.Date(int(1..31) month_day, int(1..12) month)


The event is created by a given month day and a month number (1=January, 12=December).

Inherit Day_Event

inherit Day_Event : Day_Event

Class Calendar.Event.Date_Weekday


This class represents the event that a given gregorian date appears a given weekday. For instance, Event.Date_Weekday(12,10,5)->next(Day()) finds the next 12 of October that is a friday.

Method create

Calendar.Event.Date_Weekday Calendar.Event.Date_Weekday(int month_day, int month, int weekday)


The event is created by a given month day, a month number (1=January, 12=December), and a weekday number (1=Monday, 7=Sunday).


The week day numbers used are the same as the day of week in the ISO calendar - the Gregorian calendar has 1=Sunday, 7=Saturday.

Inherit Day_Event

inherit Day_Event : Day_Event

Class Calendar.Event.Day_Event


Day_Event is an abstract class, extending Event for events that are single days, using julian day numbers for the calculations.

Constant NODAY

constant int Calendar.Event.Day_Event.NODAY


Returned from scan_jd if the even searched for did not exist.

Inherit Event

inherit Event : Event

Constant is_day_event

constant int Calendar.Event.Day_Event.is_day_event


This constant may be used to identify Day_Event objects.

Method next

Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange next(void|Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange from, void|bool including)


Uses the virtual method scan_jd.

See also


Method previous

Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange previous(void|Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange from, void|bool including)


Uses the virtual method scan_jd.

See also


Method scan_jd

int scan_jd(Calendar.Calendar realm, int jd, int(-1..-1)|int(1..1) direction)


This method has to be defined, and is what really does some work.

Parameter direction

Forward (next),


Backward (previous).


It should return the next or previous julian day (>jd) when the event occurs, or the constant NODAY if it doesn't.

Class Calendar.Event.Easter


This class represents an easter.

Method create

Calendar.Event.Easter Calendar.Event.Easter(void|int shift)


shift is the year to shift from old to new style easter calculation. Default is 1582.

Method easter_yd

int easter_yd(int y, int yjd, int leap)


Calculates the year day for the easter.

Inherit Day_Event

inherit Day_Event : Day_Event

Class Calendar.Event.Easter_Relative


This class represents an easter relative event.

Method create

Calendar.Event.Easter_Relative Calendar.Event.Easter_Relative(string id, string name, int offset)

Inherit Easter

inherit Easter : Easter

Class Calendar.Event.Event


Event is an abstract class, defining what methods an Event need to have.

Method `|
Method ``|

SuperEvent res = Calendar.Event.Event() | with
SuperEvent res = with | Calendar.Event.Event()


Joins several events into one SuperEvent.

Method describe

string describe()


Returns a description of the event.

Constant is_event

constant int Calendar.Event.Event.is_event


This constant may be used to identify an event object.

Method next
Method previous

Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange next(void|Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange from, void|bool including)
Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange previous(void|Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange from, void|bool including)


This calculates the next or previous occurance of the event, from the given timerange's start, including any event occuring at the start if that flag is set.

It returns zero if there is no next event.

These methods are virtual in the base class.

Method scan

array(Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange) scan(Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange in)


This calculates the eventual events that is contained or overlapped by the given timerange. scan uses next, if not overloaded.


Calendar.Event.Easter()->scan(Calendar.Year(2000)) => ({ Day(Sun 23 Apr 2000) })


scan can return an array of overlapping timeranges.

This method must use in->calendar_object->type to create the returned timeranges, and must keep the ruleset.

Method scan_events

mapping(Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange:Event) scan_events(Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange in)


Returns a mapping with time ranges mapped to events.

Class Calendar.Event.Gregorian_Fixed


A set date of year, counting leap day in February, used for the Gregorian fixed events in the events list.

See also


Method create

Calendar.Event.Gregorian_Fixed Calendar.Event.Gregorian_Fixed(string id, string name, int(1..31) month_day, int(1..12) month, int extra)

Inherit Day_Event

inherit Day_Event : Day_Event

Constant is_fixed

constant int Calendar.Event.Gregorian_Fixed.is_fixed


This constant may be used to identify Gregorian_Fixed objects.

Class Calendar.Event.Julian_Fixed


A set date of year, counting leap day in February, used for the Gregorian fixed events in the events list.

See also


Inherit Gregorian_Fixed

inherit Gregorian_Fixed : Gregorian_Fixed

Constant is_julian_fixed

constant int Calendar.Event.Julian_Fixed.is_julian_fixed


This constant may be used to identify Julian_Fixed objects.

Class Calendar.Event.Monthday_Weekday


This class represents the event that a given gregorian day of month appears a given weekday. For instance, Event.Monthday_Weekday(13,5)->next(Day()) finds the next friday the 13th.

Method create

Calendar.Event.Monthday_Weekday Calendar.Event.Monthday_Weekday(int month_day, int weekday)


The event is created by a given month day, and a weekday number (1=Monday, 7=Sunday).


The week day numbers used are the same as the day of week in the ISO calendar - the Gregorian calendar has 1=Sunday, 7=Saturday.

Inherit Day_Event

inherit Day_Event : Day_Event

Class Calendar.Event.Monthday_Weekday_Relative


This class represents a monthday weekday relative event or n:th special weekday event, e.g. "fourth sunday before 24 dec" => md=24,mn=12,wd=7,n=-4

Method create

Calendar.Event.Monthday_Weekday_Relative Calendar.Event.Monthday_Weekday_Relative(string id, string name, int(1..31) md, int(1..12) mn, int(1..7) _wd, int _n, void|bool _inclusive)

Inherit Gregorian_Fixed

inherit Gregorian_Fixed : Gregorian_Fixed

Class Calendar.Event.Nameday


This is created by the Namedays classes to represent an event for a name.

Inherit Day_Event

inherit Day_Event : Day_Event

Constant is_nameday

constant int Calendar.Event.Nameday.is_nameday


This constant may be used to identify Nameday objects.

Class Calendar.Event.Namedays


This contains a ruleset about namedays.

Inherit Event

inherit Event : Event

Constant is_namedays

constant int Calendar.Event.Namedays.is_namedays


This constant may be used to identify Namedays.

Method namedays

mapping(Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange:array(string)) namedays(Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange t)


Gives back an table of days with names that occur during the time period. Note that days without names will not appear in the returned mapping.

Method names

array(string) names(Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange t)


Gives back an array of names that occur during the time period, in no particular order.

Class Calendar.Event.NullEvent


A non-event.

Inherit Event

inherit Event : Event

Constant is_nullevent

constant int Calendar.Event.NullEvent.is_nullevent


This constant may be used to identify a NullEvent.

Class Calendar.Event.Orthodox_Easter_Relative


This class represents an orthodox easter relative event.

Method create

Calendar.Event.Orthodox_Easter_Relative Calendar.Event.Orthodox_Easter_Relative(string id, string name, int offset)

Inherit Easter_Relative

inherit Easter_Relative : Easter_Relative

Class Calendar.Event.Solar


This class represents a solar event as observed from Earth.

The event_type is one of


Northern hemisphere spring equinox.


Northern hemisphere summer solstice.


Northern hemisphere autumn equinox.


Northern hemisphere winter solstice.

Method create

Calendar.Event.Solar Calendar.Event.Solar(int|void event_type)

Variable event_type

int|void Calendar.Event.Solar.event_type

Inherit Day_Event

inherit Day_Event : Day_Event

Constant periodic_table

protected constant Calendar.Event.Solar.periodic_table

array(float) 0..
float 0

Amplitude in days.

float 1

Cosine phase in radians in year 2000.

float 2

Period in radians/year.

Method previous

Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange previous(void|Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange from, void|bool including)


Uses the virtual method scan_jd.

See also


Method scan_jd

int scan_jd(Calendar.Calendar realm, int jd, int(1..1)|int(-1..-1) direction)


Returns unixtime in UTC to avoid losing the decimals!

Method solar_event

array(int|float) solar_event(int y)


Calculate the next event.

Based on Meeus Astronomical Algorithms Chapter 27.

Class Calendar.Event.SuperEvent


This class holds any number of events, and adds the functionality of event flags.


Scanning (scan_events,next,etc) will drop flag information. Dig out what you need with holidays et al first.

Method filter_flag
Method holidays
Method flagdays

SuperEvent filter_flag(string flag)
SuperEvent holidays()
SuperEvent flagdays()


Filter out the events that has a certain flag set. Holidays (flag "h") are the days that are marked red in the calendar (non-working days), Flagdays (flag "f") are the days that the flag should be visible in (only some countries).

Inherit Event

inherit Event : Event

Class Calendar.Event.SuperNamedays


Container for merged Namedays objects. Presumes non-overlapping namedays

Method create

Calendar.Event.SuperNamedays Calendar.Event.SuperNamedays(array(Nameday) namedayss, string id)

Variable namedayss
Variable id

array(Nameday) Calendar.Event.SuperNamedays.namedayss
string Calendar.Event.SuperNamedays.id

Inherit Event

inherit Event : Event

Class Calendar.Event.TZShift_Event


Event containing information about when a timezone is changed.

Inherit Event

inherit Event : Event

Method scan_history

protected Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange scan_history(Calendar.Rule.Timezone tz, Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange from, int direction, bool including)

Method scan_rule

protected Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange scan_rule(Calendar.Rule.Timezone tz, Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange from, int direction, int including)

Method scan_shift

protected Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange scan_shift(Calendar.Rule.Timezone tz, Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange from, int direction, int including)

Class Calendar.Event.Weekday


This class represents any given weekday. For instance, Event.Weekday(5)->next(Day()) finds the next friday.

These are also available as the pre-defined events Events.monday, Events.tuesday, Events.wednesday, Events.thursday, Events.friday, Events.saturday and Events.sunday.

Method create

Calendar.Event.Weekday Calendar.Event.Weekday(int weekday, void|string id)


The event is created by a given weekday number (1=Monday, 7=Sunday).


The week day numbers used are the same as the day of week in the ISO calendar - the Gregorian calendar has 1=Sunday, 7=Saturday.

Inherit Day_Event

inherit Day_Event : Day_Event

Module Calendar.Events


The Event system

Q: How do I find out which days are red in a specific region?

A: Events.<region>

- contains the events for the region, as a SuperEvent. You can ask this object to filter out the holidays,


Which will be a superevent containing only holidays.

To use this information, you can for instance use ->scan, here in an example to see what red days there were in Sweden in 2001

> Calendar.Events.se->filter_flag("h")->scan(Calendar.Month());
      Result: ({ /* 6 elements */
     		   Day(Sun 7 Jan 2001),
     		   Day(Sun 14 Jan 2001),
     		   Day(Sun 21 Jan 2001),
     		   Day(Sun 28 Jan 2001),
     		   Day(Sat 6 Jan 2001),
     		   Day(Mon 1 Jan 2001)

Method `[]
Method `->

Event.Event `[](string region)
Event.Event `->(string region)


return the Event object for the specified region or the specified named event.

Module Calendar.Gregorian


This is the standard conservative christian calendar, used regularly in some countries - USA, for instance - and which derivate - the ISO calendar - is used in most of Europe.

Inherit YMD

inherit Calendar.YMD : YMD

Module Calendar.ISO


This is the standard western calendar, which is a derivate of the Gregorian calendar, but with weeks that starts on Monday instead of Sunday.

Inherit Gregorian

inherit Calendar.Gregorian : Gregorian

Module Calendar.Islamic


This is the islamic calendar. Due to some sources, they decide the first day of the new months on a month-to-month basis (sightings of the new moon), so it's probably not that accurate. If someone can confirm (or deny) accuracy better than that, please contact me so I can change this statement.

It's vaugely based on rules presented in algorithms by Dershowitz, Reingold and Clamen, 'Calendrical Calculations'. It is the same that's used in Emacs calendar mode.


I have currently no idea how the arabic countries count the week. Follow the same rules as ISO for now... The time is also suspicious; the day really starts at sunset and not midnight, the hours of the day is not correct. Also don't know what to call years before 1 - go for "BH"; positive years are "AH", anno Hegirac.

Inherit YMD

inherit Calendar.YMD : YMD

Module Calendar.Julian


This is the Julian calendar, conjured up by the old Romans when their calendar were just too weird. It was used by the christians as so far as the 18th century in some parts of the world. (Especially the protestantic and orthodox parts.)


Don't confuse the julian day with the Julian calendar. The former is just a linear numbering of days, used in the Calendar module as a common unit for absolute time.

Inherit Gregorian

inherit Calendar.Gregorian : Gregorian

Module Calendar.Rule

Class Calendar.Rule.Timezone


Contains a time zone.

Method create

Calendar.Rule.Timezone Calendar.Rule.Timezone(int offset, string name)

Parameter offset

Offset to UTC, not counting DST.

Parameter name

The name of the time zone.

Method raw_utc_offset

int raw_utc_offset()


Returns the offset to UTC, not counting DST.

Method tz_jd

array tz_jd(int julian_day)


This method takes one integer argument, ignores it and returns an array with the UTC offset and the timezone name.

Method tz_ux

array tz_ux(int unixtime)


This method takes one integer argument, ignores it and returns an array with the UTC offset and the timezone name.

Module Calendar.Stardate


This implements TNG stardates.

Method now

cTick now()


Give the zero-length time period of the current time.

Class Calendar.Stardate.cTick

Method create

Calendar.Stardate.cTick Calendar.Stardate.cTick(mixed ... args)
Calendar.Stardate.cTick Calendar.Stardate.cTick(int|float date)
Calendar.Stardate.cTick Calendar.Stardate.cTick()


Apart from the standard creation methods (julian day, etc), you can create a stardate from the stardate number. The length of the period will then be zero.

You can also omit any arguments to create now.


Since the precision is limited to the float type of Pike you can get non-precise results:

> Calendar.Second(Calendar.Stardate.Day(Calendar.Year()));
Result: Second(Fri 31 Dec 1999 23:59:18 CET - Sun 31 Dec 2000 23:59:18 CET)

Method format_long
Method format_short
Method format_vshort

string format_long(void|int precision)
string format_short(void|int precision)
string format_vshort(void|int precision)


Format the stardate tick nicely. Precision is the number of decimals. Defaults to 3.

short"77463.312"(w/o >100000-component)
vshort"7463.312"(w/o >10000-component)

Inherit TimeRange

inherit Calendar.TimeRange : TimeRange

Method number_of_days

int number_of_days()


This gives back the Gregorian/Earth/ISO number of days, for convinience and conversion to other calendars.

Method number_of_seconds

int number_of_seconds()


This gives back the Gregorian/Earth/ISO number of seconds, for convinience and conversion to other calendars.

Method tic

float tic()


This gives back the start of the stardate period, as a float.

Method tics

float tics()


This gives back the number of stardate tics in the period.

Module Calendar.Swedish


Same as the ISO calendar, but with Swedish as the default language.

This calendar exist only for backwards compatible purposes.

Inherit ISO

inherit Calendar.ISO : ISO

Module Calendar.TZnames


This module contains listnings of available timezones, in some different ways

Method _zone_tab
Method zone_tab

string _zone_tab()
array(array) zone_tab()


This returns the raw respectively parsed zone tab file from the timezone data files.

The parsed format is an array of zone tab line arrays,

({ string country_code,
   string position,
   string zone_name,
   string comment })

To convert the position to a Geography.Position, simply feed it to the constructor.

Constant abbr2zones

constant Calendar.TZnames.abbr2zones = mapping(string:array(string))


This mapping is used to look up abbreviation to the possible regional zones.

It looks like this:

([ "CET": ({ "Europe/Stockholm", <i>[...]</i> }),
   "CST": ({ "America/Chicago", "Australia/Adelaide", <i>[...]</i> }),
   <i>[...]</i> }),

Note this: Just because it's noted "CST" doesn't mean it's a unique timezone. There is about 7 *different* timezones that uses "CST" as abbreviation; not at the same time, though, so the DWIM routines checks this before it's satisfied. Same with some other timezones.

For most timezones, there is a number of region timezones that for the given time are equal. This is because region timezones include rules about local summer time shifts and possible historic shifts.

The YMD.parse functions can handle timezone abbreviations by guessing.

Method zonenames

array(string) zonenames()


This reads the zone.tab file and returns name of all standard timezones, like "Europe/Belgrade".

Constant zones

constant Calendar.TZnames.zones = mapping(string:array(string))


This constant is a mapping that can be used to loop over to get all the region-based timezones.

It looks like this:

([ "America": ({ "Los_Angeles", "Chicago", <i>[...]</i> }),
   "Europe":  ({ "Stockholm", <i>[...]</i> }),
   <i>[...]</i> }),

Please note that loading all the timezones can take some time, since they are generated and compiled on the fly.

Module Calendar.Time


Base for time of day in calendars, ie calendars with hours, minutes, seconds

This module can't be used by itself, but is inherited by other modules (ISO by YMD, for instance).

Inherit TimeRanges

inherit TimeRanges : TimeRanges

Class Calendar.Time.Fraction


A Fraction is a part of a second, and/or a time period with higher resolution then a second.

It contains everything that is possible to do with a Second, and also some methods of grabbing the time period with higher resolution.


Internally, the fraction time period is measured in nanoseconds. A shorter or more precise time period then in nanoseconds is not possible within the current Fraction class.

Method create

Calendar.Time.Fraction Calendar.Time.Fraction()
Calendar.Time.Fraction Calendar.Time.Fraction("unix", int|float unixtime)
Calendar.Time.Fraction Calendar.Time.Fraction("unix", int|float unixtime, int|float len)
Calendar.Time.Fraction Calendar.Time.Fraction(int y, int m, int d, int h, int m, int s, int ns)


It is possible to create a Fraction in three ways, either "now" with no arguments or from a unix time (as from time(2)), or the convenience way from ymd-hms integers.

If created from unix time, both the start of the period and the size of the period can be given in floats, both representing seconds. Note that the default float precision in pike is rather low (same as 'float' in C, the 32 bit floating point precision, normally about 7 digits), so beware that the resolution might bite you. (Internally in a Fraction, the representation is an integer.)

If created without explicit length, the fraction will always be of zero length.

Inherit Second

inherit Second : Second

Method now

TimeofDay now()


Give the zero-length time period of the current time.

Method set_ruleset
Method ruleset

Calendar set_ruleset(Ruleset r)
Ruleset ruleset()


Set or read the ruleset for the calendar. set_ruleset returns a new calendar object, but with the new ruleset.

Method set_timezone
Method timezone

Calendar set_timezone(Timezone tz)
Calendar set_timezone(string|Timezone tz)
TimeZone timezone()


Set or get the current timezone (including dst) rule. set_timezone returns a new calendar object, as the called calendar but with another set of rules.


> Calendar.now();
Result: Fraction(Fri 2 Jun 2000 18:03:22.010300 CET)
> Calendar.set_timezone(Calendar.Timezone.UTC)->now();
Result: Fraction(Fri 2 Jun 2000 16:03:02.323912 UTC)

Class Calendar.Time.Hour

Inherit TimeofDay

inherit TimeofDay : TimeofDay

Class Calendar.Time.Minute

Inherit TimeofDay

inherit TimeofDay : TimeofDay

Class Calendar.Time.Second

Inherit TimeofDay

inherit TimeofDay : TimeofDay

Class Calendar.Time.SuperTimeRange

Method second
Method seconds
Method number_of_seconds
Method minute
Method minutes
Method number_of_minutes
Method hour
Method hours
Method number_of_hours

Second second()
Second second(int n)
array(Second) seconds()
array(Second) seconds(int first, int last)
int number_of_seconds()
Minute minute()
Minute minute(int n)
array(Minute) minutes()
array(Minute) minutes(int first, int last)
int number_of_minutes()
Hour hour()
Hour hour(int n)
array(Hour) hours()
array(Hour) hours(int first, int last)
int number_of_hours()


Similar to TimeofDay, the Time::SuperTimeRange has a number of methods for digging out time parts of the range. Since a SuperTimeRange is a bit more complex - the major reason for its existance it that it contains holes, this calculation is a bit more advanced too.

If a range contains the seconds, say, 1..2 and 4..5, the third second (number 2, since we start from 0) in the range would be number 4, like this:

no   means this second
0    1
1    2
2    4      <- second three is missing,
3    5         as we don't have it in the example range

number_of_seconds() will in this example therefore also report 4, not 5, even if the time from start of the range to the end of the range is 5 seconds.

Inherit SuperTimeRange

inherit TimeRanges.SuperTimeRange : SuperTimeRange

Class Calendar.Time.TimeofDay


Virtual class used by e.g. Hour.

Method call_out

void call_out(function(:void) fun, mixed ...args)


Creates a call_out to this point in time.

Method create

Calendar.Time.TimeofDay Calendar.Time.TimeofDay()
Calendar.Time.TimeofDay Calendar.Time.TimeofDay(int unixtime)


In addition to the wide range of construction arguments for a normal TimeRange (see TimeRange.create), a time of day can also be constructed with unixtime as single argument consisting of the unix time - as returned from time(2) - of the time unit start.

It can also be constructed without argument, which then means "now", as in "this minute".

Method datetime

mapping datetime()


This gives back a mapping with the relevant time information (representing the start of the period);

 ([ "year":     int        // year number (2000 AD=2000, 1 BC==0)
    "month":    int(1..)   // month of year
    "day":      int(1..)   // day of month
    "yearday":  int(1..)   // day of year
    "week":     int(1..)   // week of year
    "week_day": int(1..)   // day of week (depending on calendar)
    "hour":     int(0..)   // hour of day, including dst
    "minute":   int(0..59) // minute of hour
    "second":   int(0..59) // second of minute
    "fraction": float      // fraction of second
    "timezone": int        // offset to utc, including dst
    "unix":     int        // unix time
    "julian":   float      // julian day

Method format_iso_ymd
Method format_ymd
Method format_ymd_short
Method format_ymd_xshort
Method format_iso_week
Method format_iso_week_short
Method format_week
Method format_week_short
Method format_month
Method format_month_short
Method format_iso_time
Method format_time
Method format_time_short
Method format_iso_short
Method format_time_xshort
Method format_mtime
Method format_xtime
Method format_tod
Method format_xtod
Method format_mod
Method format_nice
Method format_nicez

string format_iso_ymd()
string format_ymd()
string format_ymd_short()
string format_ymd_xshort()
string format_iso_week()
string format_iso_week_short()
string format_week()
string format_week_short()
string format_month()
string format_month_short()
string format_iso_time()
string format_time()
string format_time_short()
string format_iso_short()
string format_time_xshort()
string format_mtime()
string format_xtime()
string format_tod()
string format_xtod()
string format_mod()
string format_nice()
string format_nicez()


Format the object into nice strings;

iso_ymd        "2000-06-02 (Jun) -W22-5 (Fri)" [2]
ext_ymd        "Friday, 2 June 2000" [2]
ymd            "2000-06-02"
ymd_short      "20000602"
ymd_xshort     "000602" [1]
iso_week       "2000-W22"
iso_week_short "2000W22"
week           "2000-w22" [2]
week_short     "2000w22" [2]
month          "2000-06"
month_short    "200006" [1]
iso_time       "2000-06-02 (Jun) -W22-5 (Fri) 20:53:14 UTC+1" [2]
ext_time       "Friday, 2 June 2000, 20:53:14" [2]
ctime          "Fri Jun  4 20:53:14 2000\n" [2] [3]
http           "Fri, 02 Jun 2000 19:53:14 GMT" [4]
time           "2000-06-02 20:53:14"
time_short     "20000602 20:53:14"
time_xshort    "000602 20:53:14"
iso_short      "20000602T20:53:14"
mtime          "2000-06-02 20:53"
xtime          "2000-06-02 20:53:14.000000"
todz           "20:53:14 CET"
todz_iso       "20:53:14 UTC+1"
tod            "20:53:14"
tod_short      "205314"
xtod           "20:53:14.000000"
mod            "20:53"
nice           "2 Jun 20:53", "2 Jun 2000 20:53:14" [2][5]
nicez          "2 Jun 20:53 CET" [2][5]
smtp           "Fri, 2 Jun 2000 20:53:14 +0100" [6]
commonlog      "02/Jun/2000:20:53:14 +0100" [2]
[1] note conflict (think 1 February 2003)
[2] language dependent
[3] as from the libc function ctime()
[4] as specified by the HTTP standard; this is always in GMT, ie, UTC. The timezone calculations needed will be executed implicitly. It is not language dependent.
[5] adaptive to type and with special cases for yesterday, tomorrow and other years
[6] as seen in Date: headers in mails

Method hour_no
Method minute_no
Method second_no
Method fraction_no

int hour_no()
int minute_no()
int second_no()
float fraction_no()


This gives back the number of the time unit, on this day. Fraction is a float number, 0<=fraction<1.

Method hour
Method hours
Method number_of_hours

Hour hour()
Hour hour(int n)
array(Hour) hours()
array(Hour) hours(int first, int last)
int number_of_hours()


hour() gives back the timerange representing the first or nth Hour of the called object. Note that hours normally starts to count at zero, so ->hour(2) gives the third hour within the range.

An Hour is in the Calendar perspective as any other time range not only 60 minutes, but also one of the (normally) 24 hours of the day, precisely.

hours() give back an array of all the hours containing the time periods called. With arguments, it will give back a range of those hours, in the same enumeration as the n to hour().

number_of_hours() simple counts the number of hours containing the called time period.

Note: The called object doesn't have to *fill* all the hours it will send back, it's enough if it exist in those hours:

    > object h=Calendar.Time.Hour();
    Result: Hour(265567)
    > h->hours();
    Result: ({ /* 1 element */
    > h+=Calendar.Time.Minute();
    Result: Minute(265567:01+60m)
    > h->hours();
    Result: ({ /* 2 elements */

Inherit TimeRange

inherit TimeRange : TimeRange

Method julian_day

float julian_day()


This calculates the corresponding julian day, from the time range. Note that the calculated day is the beginning of the period, and is a float - julian day standard says .00 is midday, 12:00 pm.


Normal pike (ie, 32 bit) floats (without --with-double-precision) has a limit of about 7 digits, and since we are about julian day 2500000, the precision on time of day is very limited.

Method minute
Method minutes
Method number_of_minutes

Minute minute()
Minute minute(int n)
array(Minute) minutes()
array(Minute) minutes(int first, int last)
int number_of_minutes()


minute() gives back the timerange representing the first or nth Minute of the called object. Note that minutes normally starts to count at zero, so ->minute(2) gives the third minute within the range.

An Minute is in the Calendar perspective as any other time range not only 60 seconds, but also one of the (normally) 60 minutes of the Hour, precisely.

minutes() give back an array of all the minutes containing the time periods called. With arguments, it will give back a range of those minutes, in the same enumeration as the n to minute().

number_of_minutes() simple counts the number of minutes containing the called time period.

Method move_seconds
Method move_ns

TimeRange move_seconds(int seconds)
TimeRange move_ns(int nanoseconds)


These two methods gives back the time range called moved the specified amount of time, with the length intact.

The motion is relative to the original position in time; 10 seconds ahead of 10:42:32 is 10:42:42, etc.

Method second
Method seconds
Method number_of_seconds

Second second()
Second second(int n)
array(Second) seconds()
array(Second) seconds(int first, int last)
int number_of_seconds()


second() gives back the timerange representing the first or nth Second of the called object. Note that seconds normally starts to count at zero, so ->second(2) gives the third second within the range.

seconds() give back an array of all the seconds containing the time periods called. With arguments, it will give back a range of those seconds, in the same enumeration as the n to second().

number_of_seconds() simple counts the number of seconds containing the called time period.

Method set_size_seconds
Method set_size_ns

TimeRange set_size_seconds(int seconds)
TimeRange set_size_ns(int nanoseconds)


These two methods allows the time range to be edited by size of specific units.

Method unix_time

int unix_time()


This calculates the corresponding unix time, - as returned from time(2) - from the time range. Note that the calculated unix time is the beginning of the period.

Module Calendar.TimeRanges

Class Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange


This is the base class (usually implemented by e.g. Calendar subclasses like Calendar.Second) for any time measurement and calendrar information. It defines all the things you can do with a time range or any time period.

A TimeRange doubles as both a fixed period in time, and an amount of time. For instance, a week plus a day moves the week-period one day ahead (unaligning it with the week period, and thereby reducing it to just 7 days), no matter when in time the actual day were.

Method `==
Method _equal

bool res = Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange() == compared_to
bool equal(Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange from, TimeRange compared_to)


These two overloads the operator `== and the result of the equal function.

a==b is considered true if the two timeranges are of the same type, have the same rules (language, timezone, etc) and are the same timerange.

equal(a,b) are considered true if a and b are the same timerange, exactly the same as the equals method.

The __hash method is also present, to make timeranges possible to use as keys in mappings.

known bugs: _equal is not currently possible to overload, due to weird bugs, so equal uses `== for now.

Method `&

TimeRange res = Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange() & with


Gives the cut on the called time period with another time period. The result is zero if the two periods doesn't overlap.

>- the past          the future -<
      >----- cut -----<

Method `*

TimeRange res = Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange() * n


This changes the amount of time in the time period. t*17 is the same as doing t->set_size(t,17).

Method `+
Method `-

TimeRange res = Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange() + n
TimeRange res = Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange() + offset
TimeRange res = Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange() - m
TimeRange res = Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange() - x


This calculates the (promoted) time period either n step away or with a given offset. These functions does use add to really do the job:

t+n         t->add(n)             t is a time period
t-n         t->add(-n)            offset is a time period
t+offset    t->add(1,offset)      n is an integer
t-offset    t->add(-1,offset)
n+t         t->add(n)
n-t         illegal
offset+t    offset->add(1,t)      | note this!
offset-t    offset->add(-1,t)     |

Mathematic rules:

x+(t-x) == t    x is an integer or a time period
(x+t)-x == t    t is a time period
(t+x)-x == t
o-(o-t) == t    o is a time period
t++ == t+1
t-- == t-1


a-b does not give the distance between the start of a and b. Use the distance() function to calculate that.

The integer used to `+, `- and add are the number of steps the motion will be. It does never represent any fixed amount of time, like seconds or days.

Method `/
Method split

array(TimeRange) res = Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange() / n
array(TimeRange) split(int|float n, object void|TimeRangewith)


This divides the called timerange into n pieces. The returned timerange type is not necessarily of the same type as the called one. If the optional timerange is specified then the resulting timeranges will be multiples of that range (except for the last one).

known bugs: These are currently not defined for supertimeranges.

Method `/
Method how_many

int res = Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange() / with
int how_many(TimeRange with)


This calculates how many instances of the given timerange has passed during the called timerange.

For instance, to figure out your age, create the timerange of your lifespan, and divide with the instance of a Year.

Method `<
Method `>

bool res = Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange() < compared_to
bool res = Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange() > compared_to


These operators sorts roughty on the periods place in time. The major use might be to get multiset to work, besides sorting events clearly defined in time.

Method `^

TimeRange res = Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange() ^ with


Gives the exclusive-or on the called time period and another time period, ie the union without the cut. The result is zero if the two periods were the same.

>- the past          the future -<
 <----|               |---->   - exclusive or

Method `|

TimeRange res = Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange() | with


Gives the union on the called time period and another time period.

>- the past          the future -<

Method add

TimeRange add(int n, void|TimeRange step)


calculates the (promoted) time period n steps away; if no step is given, the step's length is of the same length as the called time period.

It is not recommended to loop by adding the increment time period to a shorter period; this can cause faults, if the shorter time period doesn't exist in the incremented period. (Like week 53, day 31 of a month or the leap day of a year.)

Recommended use are like this:

   // loop over the 5th of the next 10 months
   TimeRange month=Month()+1;
   TimeRange orig_day=month()->day(5);
   for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
      TimeRange day=month->place(orig_day);
      <i>...use day...</i>

Method beginning
Method end

TimeRange beginning()
TimeRange end()


This gives back the zero-sized beginning or end of the called time period.

rule: range(t->beginning(),t->end())==t

Method calendar

Calendar calendar()


Simply gives back the calendar in use, for instance Calendar.ISO or Calendar.Discordian.

Method strictly_preceeds
Method preceeds
Method is_previous_to
Method overlaps
Method contains
Method equals
Method is_next_to
Method succeeds
Method strictly_succeeds

bool strictly_preceeds(TimeRange what)
bool preceeds(TimeRange what)
bool is_previous_to(TimeRange what)
bool overlaps(TimeRange what)
bool contains(TimeRange what)
bool equals(TimeRange what)
bool is_next_to(TimeRange what)
bool succeeds(TimeRange what)
bool strictly_succeeds(TimeRange what)


These methods exists to compare two periods of time on the timeline.

          case            predicates
 <-- past       future ->
 |----A----|              A strictly preceeds B,
              |----B----| A preceeds B
 |----A----|              A strictly preceeds B, A preceeds B,
           |----B----|    A is previous to B, A touches B
     |----A----|          A preceeds B,
           |----B----|    A overlaps B, A touches B
     |-------A-------|    A preceeds B, A ends with B
           |----B----|    A overlaps B, A contains B, A touches B,
     |-------A-------|    A preceeds B,  A succeeds B,
         |---B---|        A overlaps B, A contains B, A touches B
        |----A----|       A overlaps B, A touches B, A contains B
        |----B----|       A equals B, A starts with B, A ends with B
     |-------A-------|    A succeeds B, A starts with B
     |----B----|          A overlaps B, A contains B, A touches B
           |----A----|    A succeeds B,
     |----B----|          A overlaps B, A touches B
           |----A----|    A strictly succeeds B, A succeeds B
 |----B----|              A is next to B, A touches B
             |----A----|  A strictly succeeds B,
 |----B----|              A succeeds B


These methods only check the range of the first to the last time in the period; use of combined time periods (SuperTimeRanges) might not give you the result you want.

See also


Method create

Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange(TimeRange from)


Create the timerange from another timerange.

This is useful when converting objects from one calendar to another. Note that the ruleset will be transferred to the new object, so this method can't be used to convert between timezones or languges - use set_timezone, set_language or set_ruleset to achieve this.


The size of the new object may be inexact; a Month object can't comprehend seconds, for instance.

Method create

Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange("julian", int|float julian_day)


Create the timerange from a julian day, the standardized method of counting days. If the timerange is more then a day, it will at least enclose the day.

Method create

Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange("unix", int unixtime)
Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange Calendar.TimeRanges.TimeRange("unix", int unixtime, int seconds_len)


Create the timerange from unix time (as given by time(2)), with eventually the size of the time range in the same unit, seconds.

Method range
Method space
Method distance

TimeRange range(TimeRange other)
TimeRange space(TimeRange other)
TimeRange distance(TimeRange other)


Derives different time periods in between the called timerange and the parameter timerange.

>- the past          the future -<
 |--called--|         |--other--|
 >------------ range -----------<
 >----- distance -----<

See also: add, TimeRanges.range, TimeRanges.space, TimeRanges.distance

Method set_language
Method language

TimeRange set_language(Rule.Language lang)
TimeRange set_language(string lang)
Language language()


Set or get the current language rule.

Method next
Method prev

TimeRange next()
TimeRange prev()


Next and prev are compatible and convinience functions; a->next() is exactly the same as a+1; a=a->next() is a++.

Method offset_to

int offset_to(TimeRange x)


Calculates offset to x; this compares two timeranges and gives the integer offset between the two starting points.

This is true for suitable a and b: a+a->offset_to(b)==b

By suitable means that a and b are of the same type and size. This is obviously true only if a+n has b as a possible result for any n.

Method place

TimeRange place(TimeRange this)
TimeRange place(TimeRange this, bool force)


This will place the given timerange in this timerange, for instance, day 37 in the year - Year(1934)->place(Day(1948 d37)) => Day(1934 d37).


The rules how to place things in different timeranges can be somewhat 'dwim'.

Method set_ruleset
Method ruleset

TimeRange set_ruleset(Ruleset r)
TimeRange ruleset(Ruleset r)


Set or get the current ruleset.


this may include timezone shanges, and change the time of day.

Method set_size

TimeRange set_size(TimeRange size)
TimeRange set_size(int n, TimeRange size)


Gives back a new (or the same, if the size matches) timerange with the new size. If n are given, the resulting size will be n amounts of the given size.


A negative size is not permitted; a zero one are.

Method set_timezone
Method timezone

TimeRange set_timezone(Timezone tz)
TimeRange set_timezone(string tz)
TimeZone timezone()


Set or get the current timezone (including dst) rule.


The time-of-day may very well change when you change timezone.

To get the time of day for a specified timezone, select the timezone before getting the time of day:


Method subtract

TimeRange subtract(TimeRange what)


This subtracts a period of time from another;

>- the past          the future -<
<---->  <- called->subtract(other)
<---->           <---> <- called->subtract(third)

Module Calendar.Timezone


This module contains all the predefined timezones. Index it with whatever timezone you want to use.

Example: Calendar.Calendar my_cal= Calendar.ISO->set_timezone(Calendar.Timezone["Europe/Stockholm"]);

A simpler way of selecting timezones might be to just give the string to set_timezone; it indexes by itself:

Calendar.Calendar my_cal= Calendar.ISO->set_timezone("Europe/Stockholm");


Do not confuse this module with Ruleset.Timezone, which is the base class of a timezone object.

"CET" and some other standard abbreviations work too, but not all of them (due to more then one country using them).

Do not call set_timezone too often, but remember the result if possible. It might take some time to initialize a timezone object.

There are about 504 timezones with 127 different daylight saving rules. Most of them historic.

The timezone information comes from ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub/ and are not made up from scratch. Timezone bugs may be reported to the timezone mailing list, tz@elsie.nci.nih.gov, preferable with a cc to mirar+pike@mirar.org. /Mirar

See also


Constant locale

constant Calendar.Timezone.locale = Rule.Timezone


This contains the local timezone, found from various parts of the system, if possible.

Constant localtime

constant Calendar.Timezone.localtime = Rule.Timezone


This is a special timezone, that uses localtime() and tzname to find out what current offset and timezone string to use.

locale uses this if there is no other way of finding a better timezone to use.

This timezone is limited by localtime and libc to the range of time_t, which is a MAXINT on most systems - 13 Dec 1901 20:45:52 to 19 Jan 2038 3:14:07, UTC.

Module Calendar.YMD


base for all Roman-kind of Calendars, ie, one with years, months, weeks and days

Method datetime

mapping(string:int) datetime(int|void unix_time)


Replacement for localtime; gives back a mapping:

 ([ "year":     int        // year number (2000 AD=2000, 1 BC==0)
    "month":    int(1..)   // month of year
    "day":      int(1..)   // day of month
    "yearday":  int(1..)   // day of year
    "week":     int(1..)   // week of year
    "week_day": int(1..)   // day of week (depending on calendar)
    "unix":     int        // unix time
    "julian":   float      // julian day
    "hour":     int(0..)   // hour of day, including dst
    "minute":   int(0..59) // minute of hour
    "second":   int(0..59) // second of minute
    "fraction": float      // fraction of second
    "timezone": int        // offset to utc, including dst
This is the same as calling Second()->datetime().

Method datetime_name
Method datetime_short_name

string datetime_name(int|void unix_time)
string datetime_short_name(int|void unix_time)


Compat functions; same as format_iso and format_iso_short.

Method deltat

float deltat(int unadjusted_utc)


Terrestrial Dynamical Time difference from standard time.

An approximation of the difference between TDT and UTC in fractional seconds at the specified time.

The zero point is 1901-06-25T14:23:01 UTC (unix time -2162281019), ie the accumulated number of leap seconds since then is returned.



The function is based on polynomials provided by NASA, and the result may differ from actual for dates after 2004.

Method dwim_day

Day dwim_day(string date)
Day dwim_day(string date, TimeRange context)


Tries a number of different formats on the given date (in order):

<ref>parse</ref> format                  as in
"%y-%M-%D (%M) -W%W-%e (%e)"  "2000-03-20 (Mar) -W12-1 (Mon)"
"%y-%M-%D"                    "2000-03-20", "00-03-20"
"%M%/%D/%y"                   "3/20/2000"
"%D%*[ /]%M%*[ /-,]%y"        "20/3/2000" "20 mar 2000" "20/3 -00"
"%e%*[ ]%D%*[ /]%M%*[ /-,]%y" "Mon 20 Mar 2000" "Mon 20/3 2000"
"-%y%*[ /]%D%*[ /]%M"         "-00 20/3" "-00 20 mar"
"-%y%*[ /]%M%*[ /]%D"         "-00 3/20" "-00 march 20"
"%y%*[ /]%D%*[ /]%M"          "00 20 mar" "2000 20/3"
"%y%*[ /]%M%*[ /]%D"          "2000 march 20"
"%D%.%M.%y"                   "20.3.2000"
"%D%*[ -/]%M"                 "20/3" "20 mar" "20-03"
"%M%*[ -/]%D"                 "3/20" "march 20"
"%M-%D-%y"                    "03-20-2000"
"%D-%M-%y"                    "20-03-2000"
"%e%*[- /]%D%*[- /]%M"        "mon 20 march"
"%e%*[- /]%M%*[- /]%D"        "mon/march/20"
"%e%*[ -/wv]%W%*[ -/]%y"      "mon w12 -00" "1 w12 2000"
"%e%*[ -/wv]%W"               "mon w12"
"%d"                          "20000320", "000320"
"today"                       "today"
"last %e"                     "last monday"
"next %e"                     "next monday"


Casts exception if it fails to dwim out a day. "dwim" means do-what-i-mean.

Method dwim_time

Day dwim_time(string date_time)
Day dwim_time(string date_time, object TimeRangecontext)


Tries a number of different formats on the given date_time.


Casts exception if it fails to dwim out a time. "dwim" means do-what-i-mean.

Method format_iso
Method format_iso_short
Method format_iso_tod
Method format_day_iso
Method format_day_iso_short

string format_iso(void|int unix_time)
string format_iso_short(void|int unix_time)
string format_iso_tod(void|int unix_time)
string format_day_iso(void|int unix_time)
string format_day_iso_short(void|int unix_time)


Format the object into nice strings;

iso    "2000-06-02 (Jun) -W22-5 (Fri) 11:57:18 CEST"
iso_short   "2000-06-02 11:57:18"
iso_tod     "11:57:18"

Inherit Time

inherit Time : Time

Method parse

TimeRange parse(string fmt, string arg)


parse a date, create relevant object fmt is in the format "abc%xdef..." where abc and def is matched, and %x is one of those time units:

%Y absolute year
%y dwim year (70-99 is 1970-1999, 0-69 is 2000-2069)
%M month (number, name or short name) (needs %y)
%W week (needs %y)
%D date (needs %y, %m)
%d short date (20000304, 000304)
%a day (needs %y)
%e weekday (needs %y, %w)
%h hour (needs %d, %D or %W)
%m minute (needs %h)
%s second (needs %m)
%S seconds since the Epoch (only combines with %f)
%f fraction of a second (needs %s or %S)
%t short time (205314, 2053)
%z zone
%p "am" or "pm"
%n empty string (to be put at the end of formats)


0 if format doesn't match data, or the appropriate time object.


The zone will be a guess if it doesn't state an exact regional timezone (like "Europe/Stockholm") - most zone abbriviations (like "CET") are used by more then one region with it's own daylight saving rules. Also beware that for instance CST can be up to four different zones, central Australia or America being the most common.

Abbreviation Interpretation
AMT          America/Manaus       [UTC-4]
AST          America/Curacao      [UTC-4]
CDT          America/Costa_Rica   [UTC-6]
CST          America/El Salvador  [UTC-6]
EST          America/Panama       [UTC-5]
GST          Asia/Dubai           [UTC+4]
IST          Asia/Jerusalem       [UTC+2]
WST          Australia/Perth      [UTC+8]

This mapping is modifiable in the ruleset, see Ruleset.set_abbr2zone.

Class Calendar.YMD.Day

Method create

Calendar.YMD.Day Calendar.YMD.Day("unix", int unix_time)
Calendar.YMD.Day Calendar.YMD.Day("julian", int|float julian_day)
Calendar.YMD.Day Calendar.YMD.Day(int year, int month, int day)
Calendar.YMD.Day Calendar.YMD.Day(int year, int year_day)
Calendar.YMD.Day Calendar.YMD.Day(int julian_day)


It's possible to create the day by using five different methods; either the normal way - from standard unix time or the julian day, and also, for more practical use, from year, month and day, from year and day of year, and from julian day without extra fuzz.

Inherit YMD

inherit YMD : YMD

Class Calendar.YMD.Fraction

Inherit Fraction

inherit Time.Fraction : Fraction

Inherit YMD

inherit YMD : YMD

Class Calendar.YMD.Hour

Inherit Hour

inherit Time.Hour : Hour

Inherit YMD

inherit YMD : YMD

Class Calendar.YMD.Minute

Inherit Minute

inherit Time.Minute : Minute

Inherit YMD

inherit YMD : YMD

Class Calendar.YMD.Month

Inherit YMD

inherit YMD : YMD

Class Calendar.YMD.Second

Inherit Second

inherit Time.Second : Second

Inherit YMD

inherit YMD : YMD

Class Calendar.YMD.SuperTimeRange

Inherit SuperTimeRange

inherit Time.SuperTimeRange : SuperTimeRange

Class Calendar.YMD.Week


The Calendar week represents a standard time period of a week. In the Gregorian calendar, the standard week starts on a sunday and ends on a saturday; in the ISO calendar, it starts on a monday and ends on a sunday.

The week are might not be aligned to the year, and thus the week may cross year borders and the year of the week might not be the same as the year of all the days in the week. The basic rule is that the week year is the year that has the most days in the week, but since week number only is specified in the ISO calendar - and derivates - the week number of most calendars is the week number of most of the days in the ISO calendar, which modifies this rule for the Gregorian calendar; the week number and year is the same as for the ISO calendar, except for the sundays.

When adding, moving and subtracting months to a week, it falls back to using days.

When adding, moving or subtracting years, if tries to place the moved week in the resulting year.

Method create

Calendar.YMD.Week Calendar.YMD.Week("unix", int unix_time)
Calendar.YMD.Week Calendar.YMD.Week("julian", int|float julian_day)
Calendar.YMD.Week Calendar.YMD.Week(int year, int week)


It's possible to create the standard week by using three different methods; either the normal way - from standard unix time or the julian day, and also, for more practical use, from year and week number.

Can be less than 1 for the first week of the year if it begins in the previous year.

Method day

Day day()
Day day(int n)
Day day(string name)


The Week type overloads the day() method, so it is possible to get a specified weekday by string:


The integer and no argument behavior is inherited from YMD().


the weekday-from-string routine is language dependent.

Inherit YMD

inherit YMD : YMD

Class Calendar.YMD.YMD


Base (virtual) time period of the Roman-kind of calendar.

Method datetime

mapping datetime()


This gives back a mapping with the relevant time information (representing the start of the period);

 ([ "year":     int        // year number (2000 AD=2000, 1 BC==0)
    "month":    int(1..)   // month of year
    "day":      int(1..)   // day of month
    "yearday":  int(0..)   // day of year
    "week":     int(1..)   // week of year
    "week_day": int(0..)   // day of week
    "timezone": int        // offset to utc, including dst
    "unix":     int        // unix time
    "julian":   int        // julian day
 // for compatibility:
    "hour":     0          // hour of day, including dst
    "minute":   0          // minute of hour
    "second":   0          // second of minute
    "fraction": 0.0        // fraction of second


Day of week is compatible with old versions, ie, 0 is sunday, 6 is saturday, so it shouldn't be used to calculate the day of the week with the given week number. Year day is also backwards compatible, ie, one (1) less then from the year_day() function.

If this function is called in a Week object that begins with the first week of a year, it returns the previous year if that is where the week starts. To keep the representation unambiguous, the returned week number is then one more than the number of weeks in that year.

E.g. Week(2008,1)->datetime() will return year 2007 and week 53 since the first week of 2008 starts in 2007.

Method day

Day day()
Day day(int n)


Get day number n in the current range.

If n is negative, it is counted from the end of the range.

Method days

array(Day) days(int|void from, object int|voidto)


Get the days in the current range.

Method format_iso_ymd
Method format_ymd
Method format_ymd_short
Method format_ymd_xshort
Method format_iso_week
Method format_iso_week_short
Method format_week
Method format_week_short
Method format_month
Method format_month_short
Method format_iso_time
Method format_time
Method format_time_short
Method format_time_xshort
Method format_mtime
Method format_xtime
Method format_tod
Method format_todz
Method format_xtod
Method format_mod

string format_iso_ymd()
string format_ymd()
string format_ymd_short()
string format_ymd_xshort()
string format_iso_week()
string format_iso_week_short()
string format_week()
string format_week_short()
string format_month()
string format_month_short()
string format_iso_time()
string format_time()
string format_time_short()
string format_time_xshort()
string format_mtime()
string format_xtime()
string format_tod()
string format_todz()
string format_xtod()
string format_mod()


Format the object into nice strings;

iso_ymd        "2000-06-02 (Jun) -W22-5 (Fri)" [2]
ext_ymd        "Friday, 2 June 2000" [2]
ymd            "2000-06-02"
ymd_short      "20000602"
ymd_xshort     "000602" [1]
iso_week       "2000-W22"
iso_week_short "2000W22"
week           "2000-w22" [2]
week_short     "2000w22" [2]
month          "2000-06"
month_short    "200006" [1]
iso_time       "2000-06-02 (Jun) -W22-5 (Fri) 00:00:00 UTC+1" [2]
ext_time       "Friday, 2 June 2000, 00:00:00" [2]
ctime          "Fri Jun  2 00:00:00 2000\n" [2] [3]
http           "Fri, 02 Jun 2000 00:00:00 GMT" [4]
time           "2000-06-02 00:00:00"
time_short     "20000602 00:00:00"
time_xshort    "000602 00:00:00"
iso_short      "2000-06-02T00:00:00"
mtime          "2000-06-02 00:00"
xtime          "2000-06-02 00:00:00.000000"
tod            "00:00:00"
tod_short      "000000"
todz           "00:00:00 CET"
todz_iso       "00:00:00 UTC+1"
xtod           "00:00:00.000000"
mod            "00:00"
[1] note conflict (think 1 February 2003)
[2] language dependent
[3] as from the libc function ctime()
[4] as specified by the HTTP standard; not language dependent.

The iso variants aim to be compliant with ISO-8601.

Method fraction_no
Method hour_no
Method julian_day
Method leap_year
Method minute_no
Method month_day
Method month_no
Method second_no
Method utc_offset
Method week_day
Method week_no
Method year_day
Method year_no
Method month_name
Method month_shortname
Method month_day_name
Method week_day_name
Method week_day_shortname
Method week_name
Method year_name
Method tzname
Method tzname_iso
Method unix_time

float fraction_no()
int hour_no()
int julian_day()
int leap_year()
int minute_no()
int month_day()
int month_no()
int second_no()
int utc_offset()
int week_day()
int week_no()
int year_day()
int year_no()
string month_name()
string month_shortname()
string month_day_name()
string week_day_name()
string week_day_shortname()
string week_name()
string year_name()
string tzname()
string tzname_iso()
int unix_time()


Returns the unix time integer corresponding to the start of the time range object. (An unix time integer is UTC.)

Method second
Method minute
Method seconds
Method number_of_seconds
Method minutes
Method number_of_minutes
Method hour
Method hours
Method number_of_hours

Second second()
Second second(int n)
Minute minute(int hour, int minute, int second)
array(Second) seconds()
array(Second) seconds(int first, int last)
int number_of_seconds()
Minute minute()
Minute minute(int n)
Minute minute(int hour, int minute)
array(Minute) minutes()
array(Minute) minutes(int first, int last)
int number_of_minutes()
Hour hour()
Hour hour(int n)
array(Hour) hours()
array(Hour) hours(int first, int last)
int number_of_hours()

Inherit TimeRange

inherit TimeRange : TimeRange

Method number_of_days

int number_of_days()


Get the number of days in the current range.

Class Calendar.YMD.Year


This is the time period of a year.

Method create

Calendar.YMD.Year Calendar.YMD.Year("unix", int unix_time)
Calendar.YMD.Year Calendar.YMD.Year("julian", int|float julian_day)
Calendar.YMD.Year Calendar.YMD.Year(int year)
Calendar.YMD.Year Calendar.YMD.Year(string year)
Calendar.YMD.Year Calendar.YMD.Year(TimeRange range)


It's possible to create the standard year by using three different methods; either the normal way - from standard unix time or the julian day, and also, for more practical use, from the year number.

Inherit TimeRange

inherit TimeRange : TimeRange

Inherit YMD

inherit YMD : YMD

Method month

Month month()
Month month(int n)
Month month(string name)


The Year type overloads the month() method, so it is possible to get a specified month by string:


The integer and no argument behavior is inherited from YMD().

Method week

Week week()
Week week(int n)
Week week(string name)


The Year type overloads the week() method, so it is possible to get a specified week by name:

year->week("17") year->week("w17")

The integer and no argument behavior is inherited from YMD().

This is useful, since the first week of a year not always (about half the years, in the ISO calendar) is numbered '1'.

Module Charset


The Charset module supports a wide variety of different character sets, and it is flexible in regard of the names of character sets it accepts. The character case is ignored, as are the most common non-alaphanumeric characters appearing in character set names. E.g. "iso-8859-1" works just as well as "ISO_8859_1". All encodings specified in RFC 1345 are supported.

First of all the Charset module is capable of handling the following encodings of Unicode:

  • utf7
  • utf8
  • utf16
  • utf16be
  • utf16le
  • utf32
  • utf32be
  • utf32le
  • utf75
  • utf7½

    UTF encodings

  • shiftjis
  • euc-kr
  • euc-cn
  • euc-jp

Most, if not all, of the relevant code pages are represented, as the following list shows. Prefix the numbers as noted in the list to get the wanted codec:

  • 037
  • 038
  • 273
  • 274
  • 275
  • 277
  • 278
  • 280
  • 281
  • 284
  • 285
  • 290
  • 297
  • 367
  • 420
  • 423
  • 424
  • 437
  • 500
  • 819
  • 850
  • 851
  • 852
  • 855
  • 857
  • 860
  • 861
  • 862
  • 863
  • 864
  • 865
  • 866
  • 868
  • 869
  • 870
  • 871
  • 880
  • 891
  • 903
  • 904
  • 905
  • 918
  • 932
  • 936
  • 950
  • 1026

    These may be prefixed with "cp", "ibm" or "ms".

  • 1250
  • 1251
  • 1252
  • 1253
  • 1254
  • 1255
  • 1256
  • 1257
  • 1258

    These may be prefixed with "cp", "ibm", "ms" or "windows"

  • mysql-latin1

    The default charset in MySQL, similar to cp1252.

+359 more.


In Pike 7.8 and earlier this module was named Locale.Charset.

Method decode_error

void decode_error(string err_str, int err_pos, string charset, void|string reason, void|mixed ... args)


Throws a DecodeError exception. See DecodeError.create for details about the arguments. If args is given then the error reason is formatted using sprintf(reason, @args).

Method decoder

Decoder decoder(string name)


Returns a charset decoder object.

Parameter name

The name of the character set to decode from. Supported charsets include (not all supported charsets are enumerable): "iso_8859-1:1987", "iso_8859-1:1998", "iso-8859-1", "iso-ir-100", "latin1", "l1", "ansi_x3.4-1968", "iso_646.irv:1991", "iso646-us", "iso-ir-6", "us", "us-ascii", "ascii", "cp367", "ibm367", "cp819", "ibm819", "iso-2022" (of various kinds), "utf-7", "utf-8" and various encodings as described by RFC1345.


If the asked-for name was not supported, an error is thrown.

Method decoder_from_mib

Decoder decoder_from_mib(int mib)


Returns a decoder for the encoding schema denoted by MIB mib.

Method encode_error

void encode_error(string err_str, int err_pos, string charset, void|string reason, void|mixed ... args)


Throws an EncodeError exception. See EncodeError.create for details about the arguments. If args is given then the error reason is formatted using sprintf(reason, @args).

Method encoder

Encoder encoder(string name, string|void replacement, function(string:string)|void repcb)


Returns a charset encoder object.

Parameter name

The name of the character set to encode to. Supported charsets include (not all supported charsets are enumerable): "iso_8859-1:1987", "iso_8859-1:1998", "iso-8859-1", "iso-ir-100", "latin1", "l1", "ansi_x3.4-1968", "iso_646.irv:1991", "iso646-us", "iso-ir-6", "us", "us-ascii", "ascii", "cp367", "ibm367", "cp819", "ibm819", "iso-2022" (of various kinds), "utf-7", "utf-8" and various encodings as described by RFC1345.

Parameter replacement

The string to use for characters that cannot be represented in the charset. It's used when repcb is not given or when it returns zero. If no replacement string is given then an error is thrown instead.

Parameter repcb

A function to call for every character that cannot be represented in the charset. If specified it's called with one argument - a string containing the character in question. If it returns a string then that one will replace the character in the output. If it returns something else then the replacement argument will be used to decide what to do.


If the asked-for name was not supported, an error is thrown.

Method encoder_from_mib

Encoder encoder_from_mib(int mib, string|void replacement, function(string:string)|void repcb)


Returns an encoder for the encoding schema denoted by MIB mib.

Method normalize

string normalize(string in)


All character set names are normalized through this function before compared.

Method set_decoder

void set_decoder(string name, Decoder decoder)


Adds a custom defined character set decoder. The name is normalized through the use of normalize.

Method set_encoder

void set_encoder(string name, Encoder encoder)


Adds a custom defined character set encoder. The name is normalized through the use of normalize.

Class Charset.DecodeError


Error thrown when decode fails (and no replacement char or replacement callback has been registered).


This error class is not actually used by this module yet - decode errors are still thrown as untyped error arrays. At this point it exists only for use by other modules.

Variable charset

string Charset.DecodeError.charset


The decoding charset, typically as known to Charset.decoder.


Other code may produce errors of this type. In that case this name is something that Charset.decoder does not accept (unless it implements exactly the same charset), and it should be reasonably certain that Charset.decoder never accepts that name in the future (unless it is extended to implement exactly the same charset).

Variable err_pos

int Charset.DecodeError.err_pos


The failing position in err_str.

Variable err_str

string Charset.DecodeError.err_str


The string that failed to be decoded.

Inherit Generic

inherit Error.Generic : Generic

Class Charset.Decoder


Virtual base class for charset decoders.


string win1252_to_string( string data ) { return Charset.decoder("windows-1252")->feed( data )->drain(); }

Variable charset

string Charset.Decoder.charset


Name of the charset - giving this name to decoder returns an instance of the same class as this object.


This is not necessarily the same name that was actually given to decoder to produce this object.

Method clear

this_program clear()


Clear buffers, and reset all state.


Returns the current object to allow for chaining of calls.

Method drain

string drain()


Get the decoded data, and reset buffers.


Returns the decoded string.

Method feed

this_program feed(string s)


Feeds a string to the decoder.

Parameter s

String to be decoded.


Returns the current object, to allow for chaining of calls.

Class Charset.EncodeError


Error thrown when encode fails (and no replacement char or replacement callback has been registered).


This error class is not actually used by this module yet - encode errors are still thrown as untyped error arrays. At this point it exists only for use by other modules.

Variable charset

string Charset.EncodeError.charset


The encoding charset, typically as known to Charset.encoder.


Other code may produce errors of this type. In that case this name is something that Charset.encoder does not accept (unless it implements exactly the same charset), and it should be reasonably certain that Charset.encoder never accepts that name in the future (unless it is extended to implement exactly the same charset).

Variable err_pos

int Charset.EncodeError.err_pos


The failing position in err_str.

Variable err_str

string Charset.EncodeError.err_str


The string that failed to be encoded.

Inherit Generic

inherit Error.Generic : Generic

Class Charset.Encoder


Virtual base class for charset encoders.

Variable charset

string Charset.Encoder.charset


Name of the charset - giving this name to encoder returns an instance of the same class as this one.


This is not necessarily the same name that was actually given to encoder to produce this object.

Inherit Decoder

inherit Decoder : Decoder


An encoder only differs from a decoder in that it has an extra function.

Method set_replacement_callback

void set_replacement_callback(function(string:string) rc)


Change the replacement callback function.

Parameter rc

Function that is called to encode characters outside the current character encoding.

Module Charset.Tables

Module Charset.Tables.iso88591


Codec for the ISO-8859-1 character encoding.

Module Colors

Method cmyk_to_rgb

array(int(8bit)) cmyk_to_rgb(array(int(0..100)) cmyk)
array(int(8bit)) cmyk_to_rgb(int(0..100) c, int(0..100) m, int(0..100) y, int(0..100) k)


This function return the RGB value of the color describe by the provided CMYK value. It is essentially calling Image.Color.cmyk(c,m,y,k)->rgb()

See also

Colors.rgb_to_cmyk() Image.Color.cmyk()

Method color_name

string color_name(array(int(8bit)) rgb)


Tries to find a name to color described by the provided RGB values. Partially an inverse function to Colors.parse_color(), although it can not find all the names that Colors.parse_color() can find RGB values for. Returns the colors rgb hex value prepended with "#" upon failure.

Method hsv_to_rgb

array(int(8bit)) hsv_to_rgb(array(int(8bit)) hsv)
array(int(8bit)) hsv_to_rgb(int(8bit) h, int(8bit) s, int(8bit) v)


This function returns the RGB value of the color described by the provided HSV value. It is essentially calling Image.Color.hsv(h,s,v)->rgb().

See also

Colors.rgb_to_hsv() Image.Color.hsv()

Method parse_color

array(int(8bit)) parse_color(string name, void|array(int) def)


This function returns the RGB values that corresponds to the color that is provided by name to the function. It is essentially calling Image.Color.guess(), but returns the default value (or black if none is provided) if it failes.

Method rgb_to_cmyk

array(int(0..100)) rgb_to_cmyk(array(int(8bit)) rgb)
array(int(0..100)) rgb_to_cmyk(int(8bit) r, int(8bit) g, int(8bit) b)


This function returns the CMYK value of the color described by the provided RGB value. It is essentially calling Image.Color.rgb(r,g,b)->cmyk().

See also

Colors.cmyk_to_rgb() Image.Color.Color.cmyk()

Method rgb_to_hsv

array(int(8bit)) rgb_to_hsv(array(int(8bit)) rgb)
array(int(8bit)) rgb_to_hsv(int(8bit) r, int(8bit) g, int(8bit) b)


This function returns the HSV value of the color described by the provided RGB value. It is essentially calling Image.Color.rgb(r,g,b)->hsv().

See also

Colors.hsv_to_rgb() Image.Color.Color.hsv()

Module CommonLog


The CommonLog module is used to parse the lines in a www server's logfile, which must be in "common log" format -- such as used by default for the access log by Roxen, Caudium, Apache et al.

Method read

int read(function(array(int|string), int:void) callback, Stdio.File|string logfile, void|int offset)


Reads the log file and calls the callback function for every parsed line. For lines that fails to be parsed the callback is not called not is any error thrown. The number of bytes read are returned.

Parameter callback

The callbacks first argument is an array with the different parts of the log entry.

string remote_host 
int(0..0)|string ident_user 
int(0..0)|string auth_user 
int year 
int month 
int day 
int hours 
int minutes 
int seconds 
int timezone 
int(0..0)|string method

One of "GET", "POST", "HEAD" etc.

int(0..0)|string path 
string protocol

E.g. "HTTP/1.0"

int reply_code

One of 200, 404 etc.

int bytes 

The second callback argument is the current offset to the end of the current line.

Parameter offset

The position in the file where the parser should begin.

Module Concurrent


Module for handling multiple concurrent events.

The Future and Promise API was inspired by https://github.com/couchdeveloper/FutureLib.

Method all

local variant Future all(array(Future) futures)
local variant Future all(Future ... futures)


JavaScript Promise API equivalent of results().


The returned Future does NOT have any state (eg backend) propagated from the futures. This must be done by hand.

See also

results(), Promise.depend() https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise

Method first_completed

variant Future first_completed(array(Future) futures)
variant local Future first_completed(Future ... futures)


A Future that represents the first of the futures that completes.


The returned Future does NOT have any state (eg backend) propagated from the futures. This must be done by hand.

See also

race(), Promise.first_completed()

Method fold

Future fold(array(Future) futures, mixed initial, function(mixed, mixed, mixed ... :mixed) fun, mixed ... extra)


Return a Future that represents the accumulated results of applying fun to the results of the futures in turn.

Parameter initial

Initial value of the accumulator.

Parameter fun

Function to apply. The first argument is the result of one of the futures, the second the current accumulated value, and any further from extra.


If fun throws an error it will fail the Future.


fun may be called in any order, and will be called once for every Future in futures, unless one of calls fails in which case no further calls will be performed.


The returned Future does NOT have any state (eg backend) propagated from the futures. This must be done by hand.


void on_failure(function(mixed:void) f)protected function(mixed:void) Concurrent.global_on_failure


Global failure callback, called when a promise without failure callback fails. This is useful to log exceptions, so they are not just silently caught and ignored.

Method race

variant local Future race(array(Future) futures)
variant local Future race(Future ... futures)


JavaScript Promise API equivalent of first_completed().


The returned Future does NOT have any state (eg backend) propagated from the futures. This must be done by hand.

See also

first_completed(), Promise.first_completed() https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise

Method reject

Future reject(mixed reason)


A new Future that has already failed for the specified reason.


The returned Future does NOT have a backend set.

See also

Future.on_failure(), Promise.failure() https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise

Method resolve

Future resolve(mixed value)


A new Future that has already been fulfilled with value as result. If value is an object which already has on_failure and on_success methods, return it unchanged.


This function can be used to ensure values are futures.


The returned Future does NOT have a backend set.

See also

Future.on_success(), Promise.success() https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise

Method results

variant Future results(array(Future) futures)
local variant Future results(Future ... futures)


A Future that represents the array of all the completed futures.


The returned Future does NOT have any state (eg backend) propagated from the futures. This must be done by hand.

See also

all(), Promise.depend()

Method traverse

Future traverse(array(Future) futures, function(mixed, mixed ... :mixed) fun, mixed ... extra)


Return a Future that represents the array of mapping fun over the results of the completed futures.


The returned Future does NOT have any state (eg backend) propagated from the futures. This must be done by hand.

Method use_backend

final void use_backend(int enable)

Parameter enable

A false value causes all Concurrent callbacks (except for timeouts) to default to being called directly, without using a backend.


A true value causes callbacks to default to being called via Pike.DefaultBackend.


Be very careful about running in the backend disabled mode, as it may cause unlimited recursion and reentrancy issues.


As long as the backend hasn't started, it will default to false. Upon startup of the backend, it will change to true unless you explicitly called use_backend() before that.


(Un)setting this typically alters the order in which some callbacks are called (depending on what happens in a callback).

See also

Future()->set_backend(), Future()->call_callback()

Class Concurrent.Future


Value that will be provided asynchronously sometime in the future.

See also


Method apply

protected void apply(mixed val, Promise p, function(mixed, mixed ... :mixed) fun, array(mixed) ctx)


Apply fun with val followed by the contents of ctx, and update p with the result.

Method apply_filter

protected void apply_filter(mixed val, Promise p, function(mixed, mixed ... :bool) fun, array(mixed) ctx)


Apply fun with val followed by the contents of ctx, and update p with val if fun didn't return false. If fun returned false, fail p with 0 as result.

Method apply_flat

protected void apply_flat(mixed val, Promise p, function(mixed, mixed ... :Future) fun, array(mixed) ctx)


Apply fun with val followed by the contents of ctx, and update p with the eventual result.

Method apply_smart

protected void apply_smart(mixed val, Promise p, function(mixed, mixed ... :mixed|Future) fun, array(mixed) ctx)


Apply fun with val followed by the contents of ctx, and update p with the eventual result.

Method call_callback

protected void call_callback(function(:void) cb, mixed ... args)


Call a callback function.

Parameter cb

Callback function to call.

Parameter args

Arguments to call cb with.

The default implementation calls cb via the backend set via set_backend() (if any), and otherwise falls back the the mode set by use_backend().

See also

set_backend(), use_backend()

Method delay

this_program delay(int|float seconds)


Return a Future that will be fulfilled with the fulfilled result of this Future, but not until at least seconds have passed.

Method filter

this_program filter(function(mixed, mixed ... :bool) fun, mixed ... extra)


This specifies a callback that is only called on success, and allows you to selectively alter the future into a failure.

Parameter fun

Function to be called. The first argument will be the success result of this Future. If the return value is true, the future succeeds with the original success result. If the return value is false, the future fails with an UNDEFINED result.

Parameter extra

Any extra context needed for fun. They will be provided as arguments two and onwards when the callback is called.


The new Future.

See also


Method flat_map

local this_program flat_map(function(mixed, mixed ... :this_program) fun, mixed ... extra)


This is an alias for map_with().

See also


Method get

mixed get()


Wait for fulfillment and return the value.


Throws on rejection.

See also

wait(), try_get()

Method get_backend

Pike.Backend get_backend()


Get the backend (if any) used to call any callbacks.

This returns the value set by set_backend().

See also


Method map

this_program map(function(mixed, mixed ... :mixed) fun, mixed ... extra)


This specifies a callback that is only called on success, and allows you to alter the future.

Parameter fun

Function to be called. The first argument will be the success result of this Future. The return value will be the success result of the new Future.

Parameter extra

Any extra context needed for fun. They will be provided as arguments two and onwards when the callback is called.


The new Future.


This method is used if your fun returns a regular value (i.e. not a Future).

See also

map_with(), transform(), recover()

Method map_with

this_program map_with(function(mixed, mixed ... :this_program) fun, mixed ... extra)


This specifies a callback that is only called on success, and allows you to alter the future.

Parameter fun

Function to be called. The first argument will be the success result of this Future. The return value must be a Future that promises the new result.

Parameter extra

Any extra context needed for fun. They will be provided as arguments two and onwards when the callback is called.


The new Future.


This method is used if your fun returns a Future again.

See also

map(), transform_with(), recover_with(), flat_map

Method on_failure

this_program on_failure(function(mixed, mixed ... :void) cb, mixed ... extra)


Register a callback that is to be called on failure.

Parameter cb

Function to be called. The first argument will be the failure result of the Future.

Parameter extra

Any extra context needed for cb. They will be provided as arguments two and onwards when cb is called.


cb will always be called from the main backend.

See also

on_success(), query_failure_callbacks()

Method on_success

this_program on_success(function(mixed, mixed ... :void) cb, mixed ... extra)


Register a callback that is to be called on fulfillment.

Parameter cb

Function to be called. The first argument will be the result of the Future.

Parameter extra

Any extra context needed for cb. They will be provided as arguments two and onwards when cb is called.


cb will always be called from the main backend.

See also

on_failure(), query_success_callbacks()

Method promise_factory

Promise promise_factory()


Create a new Promise with the same base settings as the current object.

Overload this function if you need to propagate more state to new Promise objects.

The default implementation copies the backend setting set with set_backend() to the new Promise.

See also

Promise, set_backend()

Method query_failure_callbacks

array(function(:void)) query_failure_callbacks()


Query the set of active failure callbacks.


Returns an array with callback functions.

See also

on_failure(), query_success_callbacks()

Method query_success_callbacks

array(function(:void)) query_success_callbacks()


Query the set of active success callbacks.


Returns an array with callback functions.

See also

on_success(), query_failure_callbacks()

Method recover

this_program recover(function(mixed, mixed ... :mixed) fun, mixed ... extra)


This specifies a callback that is only called on failure, and allows you to alter the future into a success.

Parameter fun

Function to be called. The first argument will be the failure result of this Future. The return value will be the success result of the new Future.

Parameter extra

Any extra context needed for fun. They will be provided as arguments two and onwards when the callback is called.


The new Future.


This method is used if your callbacks return a regular value (i.e. not a Future).

See also

recover_with(), map(), transform()

Method recover_with

this_program recover_with(function(mixed, mixed ... :this_program) fun, mixed ... extra)


This specifies a callback that is only called on failure, and allows you to alter the future into a success.

Parameter fun

Function to be called. The first argument will be the failure result of this Future. The return value must be a Future that promises the new success result.

Parameter extra

Any extra context needed for fun. They will be provided as arguments two and onwards when the callback is called.


The new Future.


This method is used if your callbacks return a Future again.

See also

recover(), map_with(), transform_with()

Method set_backend

void set_backend(Pike.Backend backend)


Set the backend to use for calling any callbacks.


This overides the mode set by use_backend().

See also

get_backend(), use_backend()

Method then

this_program then(void|function(mixed, mixed ... :mixed) onfulfilled, void|function(mixed, mixed ... :mixed) onrejected, mixed ... extra)


JavaScript Promise API close but not identical equivalent of a combined transform() and transform_with().

Parameter onfulfilled

Function to be called on fulfillment. The first argument will be the result of this Future. The return value will be the result of the new Future. If the return value already is a Future, pass it as-is.

Parameter onrejected

Function to be called on failure. The first argument will be the failure result of this Future. The return value will be the failure result of the new Future. If the return value already is a Future, pass it as-is.

Parameter extra

Any extra context needed for onfulfilled and onrejected. They will be provided as arguments two and onwards when the callbacks are called.


The new Future.

See also

transform(), transform_with(), thencatch(), on_success(), Promise.success(), on_failure(), Promise.failure(), https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise

Method thencatch

local this_program thencatch(function(mixed, mixed ... :mixed) onrejected, mixed ... extra)


JavaScript Promise API equivalent of a combination of recover() and recover_with().

Parameter onrejected

Function to be called. The first argument will be the failure result of this Future. The return value will the failure result of the new Future. If the return value already is a Future, pass it as-is.

Parameter extra

Any extra context needed for onrejected. They will be provided as arguments two and onwards when the callback is called.


The new Future.

See also

recover(), recover_with(), then(), on_failure(), Promise.failure(), https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise

Method timeout

this_program timeout(int|float seconds)


Return a Future that will either be fulfilled with the fulfilled result of this Future, or be failed after seconds have expired.

Method transform

this_program transform(function(mixed, mixed ... :mixed) success, function(mixed, mixed ... :mixed)|void failure, mixed ... extra)


This specifies callbacks that allow you to alter the future.

Parameter success

Function to be called. The first argument will be the success result of this Future. The return value will be the success result of the new Future.

Parameter failure

Function to be called. The first argument will be the failure result of this Future. The return value will be the success result of the new Future. If this callback is omitted, it will default to the same callback as success.

Parameter extra

Any extra context needed for success and failure. They will be provided as arguments two and onwards when the callbacks are called.


The new Future.


This method is used if your callbacks return a regular value (i.e. not a Future).

See also

transform_with(), map(), recover()

Method transform_with

this_program transform_with(function(mixed, mixed ... :this_program) success, function(mixed, mixed ... :this_program)|void failure, mixed ... extra)


This specifies callbacks that allow you to alter the future.

Parameter success

Function to be called. The first argument will be the success result of this Future. The return value must be a Future that promises the new result.

Parameter failure

Function to be called. The first argument will be the failure result of this Future. The return value must be a Future that promises the new success result. If this callback is omitted, it will default to the same callback as success.

Parameter extra

Any extra context needed for success and failure. They will be provided as arguments two and onwards when the callbacks are called.


The new Future.


This method is used if your callbacks return a Future again.

See also

transform(), map_with(), recover_with

Method try_get

mixed try_get()


Return the value if available.


Returns UNDEFINED if the Future is not yet fulfilled.


Throws on rejection.

See also


Method wait

this_program wait()


Wait for fulfillment.

See also

get(), try_get()

Method zip

this_program zip(array(this_program) others)
local variant this_program zip(this_program ... others)

Parameter others

The other futures (results) you want to append.


A new Future that will be fulfilled with an array of the fulfilled result of this object followed by the fulfilled results of other futures.

See also


Class Concurrent.Promise


Promise to provide a Future value.

Objects of this class are typically kept internal to the code that provides the Future value. The only thing that is directly returned to the user is the return value from future().

See also

Future, future()

Method any_results

this_program any_results()


Sets the number of failures to be accepted in the list of futures this promise depends upon to unlimited. It is equivalent to max_failures(-1).


The new Promise.

See also

depend(), max_failures()

Method create

Concurrent.Promise Concurrent.Promise(void|function(function(mixed:void), function(mixed:void), mixed ... :void) executor, mixed ... extra)


Creates a new promise, optionally initialised from a traditional callback driven method via executor(success, failure, @extra).

See also


Method depend

this_program depend(array(Future) futures)
local variant this_program depend(Future ... futures)
variant this_program depend()


Add futures to the list of futures which the current object depends upon.

If called without arguments it will produce a new Future from a new Promise which is implictly added to the dependency list.

Parameter futures

The list of futures we want to add to the list we depend upon.


The new Promise.


Can be called multiple times to add more.


Once the promise has been materialised (when either on_success(), on_failure() or get() has been called on this object), it is not possible to call depend() anymore.

See also

fold(), first_completed(), max_failures(), min_failures(), any_results(), Concurrent.results(), Concurrent.all()

Method failure

this_program failure(mixed value)


Reject the Future value.

Parameter value

Failure result of the Future.


Throws an error if the Future already has been fulfilled or failed.

Mark the Future as failed, and schedule the on_failure() callbacks to be called as soon as possible.

See also

try_failure(), success(), on_failure()

Method first_completed

this_program first_completed()


It evaluates to the first future that completes of the list of futures it depends upon.


The new Promise.

See also

depend(), Concurrent.first_completed()

Method fold

this_program fold(mixed initial, function(mixed, mixed, mixed ... :mixed) fun, mixed ... extra)

Parameter initial

Initial value of the accumulator.

Parameter fun

Function to apply. The first argument is the result of one of the futures. The second argument is the current value of the accumulator.

Parameter extra

Any extra context needed for fun. They will be provided as arguments three and onwards when fun is called.


The new Promise.


If fun throws an error it will fail the Future.


fun may be called in any order, and will be called once for every Future it depends upon, unless one of the calls fails in which case no further calls will be performed.

See also

depend(), Concurrent.fold()

Method future

Future future()


The future value that we promise.

Inherit Future

inherit Future : Future

Method max_failures

this_program max_failures(int(-1..) max)

Parameter max

Specifies the maximum number of failures to be accepted in the list of futures this promise depends upon.

-1 means unlimited.

Defaults to 0.


The new Promise.

See also

depend(), min_failures(), any_results()

Method min_failures

this_program min_failures(int(0..) min)

Parameter min

Specifies the minimum number of failures to be required in the list of futures this promise depends upon. Defaults to 0.


The new Promise.

See also

depend(), max_failures()

Method success

this_program success(mixed value)


Fulfill the Future.

Parameter value

Result of the Future.


Throws an error if the Future already has been fulfilled or failed.

Mark the Future as fulfilled, and schedule the on_success() callbacks to be called as soon as possible.

See also

try_success(), try_failure(), failure(), on_success()

Method try_failure

local this_program try_failure(mixed value)


Maybe reject the Future value.

Parameter value

Failure result of the Future.

Mark the Future as failed if it hasn't already been fulfilled, and in that case schedule the on_failure() callbacks to be called as soon as possible.

See also

failure(), success(), on_failure()

Method try_success

local this_program try_success(mixed value)


Fulfill the Future if it hasn't been fulfilled or failed already.

Parameter value

Result of the Future.

Mark the Future as fulfilled if it hasn't already been fulfilled or failed, and in that case schedule the on_success() callbacks to be called as soon as possible.

See also

success(), try_failure(), failure(), on_success()

Module Crypto


Various cryptographic classes and functions.

Hash functions These are based on the Hash API; MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA256.

Stream cipher functions These are based on the Cipher API; AES, Arcfour, Blowfish, CAST, DES, DES3, IDEA, Serpent, Twofish. The Substitution program is compatible with the CipherState. Also conforming to the API are the helper modules Buffer, CBC, GCM and Pipe.

As the cryptographic services offered from this module isn't necessarily used for security applications, none of the strings input or output are marked as secure. This is up to the caller.


This module is only available if Pike has been compiled with Nettle enabled (this is the default).

Variable Buffer

__deprecated__ program Crypto.Buffer


This class has moved to submodules of the respective ciphers.

Method make_crypt_md5

string(8bit) make_crypt_md5(string(8bit) password, void|string(8bit) salt)


Hashes a password together with a salt with the crypt_md5 algorithm and returns the result.

See also


Method rot13

string(8bit) rot13(string(8bit) data)


Convenience function that accesses the crypt function of a substitution object keyed to perform standard ROT13 (de)ciphering.

Method verify_crypt_md5

bool verify_crypt_md5(string(8bit) password, string(7bit) hash)


Verifies the password against the crypt_md5 hash.


May throw an exception if the hash value is bad.

See also


Class Crypto.AE


Abstract class for AE algorithms.

Inherit AE

inherit __builtin.Nettle.AE : AE

Class Crypto.AEAD


Abstract class for AEAD algorithms.

Inherit AEAD

inherit Nettle.AEAD : AEAD

Class Crypto.BlockCipher


Abstract class for block cipher algorithms. Contains some tools useful for all block ciphers.

Contains the CBC submodule.

Inherit BlockCipher

inherit Nettle.BlockCipher : BlockCipher

Class Crypto.BlockCipher16


Abstract class for block cipher algorithms with a 16 byte block size. Contains some tools useful for all such block ciphers.

Contains the GCM submodule.

Inherit BlockCipher16

inherit Nettle.BlockCipher16 : BlockCipher16

Class Crypto.Buffer


This class has moved to submodules of the respective ciphers.


Replaced by BlockCipher.Buffer.

Method create

Crypto.Buffer Crypto.Buffer(CipherState|program fun, mixed ... args)

Class Crypto.BufferedCipher


Abstract class for block cipher meta algorithms.

Contains the Buffer submodule.

Inherit BufferedCipher

inherit Nettle.BufferedCipher : BufferedCipher

Class Crypto.CBC


This class has moved to submodules of the respective ciphers.


Replaced by BlockCipher.CBC.

Method create

Crypto.CBC Crypto.CBC(CipherState|program fun, mixed ... args)

Class Crypto.Cipher


Abstract class for crypto algorithms. Contains some tools useful for all ciphers.


Typically only inherited directly by stream ciphers.


It is however convenient for typing as it contains the minimum base level API for a cipher.

See also

BufferedCipher, BlockCipher, BlockCipher16

Inherit Cipher

inherit Nettle.Cipher : Cipher

Class Crypto.HMAC


HMAC, defined by RFC-2104

Method `()

Crypto.MAC.State res = Crypto.HMAC()()


Calling the HMAC object with a password returns a new object that can perform the actual HMAC hashing. E.g. doing a HMAC hash with MD5 and the password "bar" of the string "foo" would require the code Crypto.HMAC(Crypto.MD5)("bar")("foo").

Method create

Crypto.HMAC Crypto.HMAC(.Hash h, int|void b)

Parameter h

The hash object on which the HMAC object should base its operations. Typical input is Crypto.MD5.

Parameter b

The block size of one compression block, in octets. Defaults to block_size() of h.

Method pkcs_digest

string(8bit) pkcs_digest(string(8bit) s)


Makes a PKCS-1 digestinfo block with the message s.

See also


Method raw_hash

string(8bit) raw_hash(string(8bit) s)


Calls the hash function given to create and returns the hash value of s.

Class Crypto.Hash


Abstract class for hash algorithms. Contains some tools useful for all hashes.

Inherit Hash

inherit Nettle.Hash : Hash

Class Crypto.MAC


Abstract class for Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithms. Contains some tools useful for all MACs.

Inherit MAC

inherit Nettle.MAC : MAC

Class Crypto.Pipe


A wrapper class that connects several cipher algorithms into one algorithm. E.g. triple DES can be emulated with Crypto.Pipe(Crypto.DES, Crypto.DES, Crypto.DES).

Class Crypto.Sign


Abstract class for signature algorithms. Contains some tools useful for all signatures.

Method `()

State res = Crypto.Sign()()


Calling `() will return a State object.

Method name

string(7bit) name()


Returns the printable name of the signing algorithm.

Class Crypto.Substitution


Implements a simple substitution crypto, ie. one of the first crypto systems ever invented and thus one of the least secure ones available.

Method decrypt

string(8bit) decrypt(string(8bit) c)


Decrypts the cryptogram c.

Method encrypt

string(8bit) encrypt(string(8bit) m)


Encrypts the message m.

Method filter

string filter(string m, void|multiset(int) save)


Removes characters not in the encryption key or in the save multiset from the message m.

Method set_ACA_K1_key

this_program set_ACA_K1_key(string key, void|int offset, void|array(string) alphabet)


Sets the key according to ACA K1 key generation. The plaintext alphabet is prepended with a keyword key that shifts the alphabet positions compared to the cryptogram alphabet. The plaintext alphabet is then reduced with the characters in the keyword. It is also optionally rotated offset number of steps.

Method set_ACA_K2_key

this_program set_ACA_K2_key(string key, void|int offset, void|array(string) alphabet)


Sets the key according to ACA K2 key generation. The cryptogram alphabet is prepended with a keyword key that shifts the alphabet positions compared to the plaintext alphabet. The cryptogram alphabet is then reduced with the characters in the keyword. It is als optionally reotated offset number of steps.

Method set_ACA_K3_key

this_program set_ACA_K3_key(string key, int offset, void|array(string) alphabet)


Sets the key according to ACA K3 key generation. Both the plaintext and the cryptogram alphabets are prepended with a keyword key, which characters are removed from the rest of the alphabet. The plaintext alphabet is then rotated offset number of steps.

Method set_ACA_K4_key

this_program set_ACA_K4_key(string key1, string key2, void|int offset, void|array(string) alphabet)


Sets the key according to ACA K4 key generation. Both the plaintext and the cryptogram alphabets are prepended with the keywords key1 and key2. The plaintext alphabet is then rotated offset number of steps.

Method set_key

this_program set_key(mapping(string:string|array(string)) key)


Sets the encryption and decryption key. The decryption key is derived from the encryption key by reversing the mapping. If one index maps to an array of strings, one element from the array will be chosen at random in such substitution.


An error is thrown if the encryption key can not be made reversible.

Method set_null_chars

this_program set_null_chars(int|float p, array(string) chars)


Set null characters (fillers). Characters from chars will be inserted into the output stream with a probability p.

Parameter p

A float between 0.0 and 1.0 or an integer between 0 and 100.

Parameter chars

An array of one character strings.

Method set_rot_key

this_program set_rot_key(void|int steps, void|array(string) alphabet)


Sets the key to a ROT substitution system. steps defaults to 13 and alphabet defaults to A-Z, i.e. this function defaults to set the substitution crypto to be ROT13. If no alphabet is given the key will be case insensitive, e.g. the key will really be two ROT13 alphabets, one a-z and one A-Z, used simultaneously.

Module Crypto.AES


AES (American Encryption Standard) is a quite new block cipher, specified by NIST as a replacement for the older DES standard. The standard is the result of a competition between cipher designers. The winning design, also known as RIJNDAEL, was constructed by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijnmen.

Like all the AES candidates, the winning design uses a block size of 128 bits, or 16 octets, and variable key-size, 128, 192 and 256 bits (16, 24 and 32 octets) being the allowed key sizes. It does not have any weak keys.

Inherit AES

inherit Nettle.AES : AES

Module Crypto.AES.POLY1305

Method `()

State `()(string(8bit) password)


Get a POLY1305 State object initialized with a password.

Inherit POLY1305_AES

inherit Nettle.POLY1305_AES : POLY1305_AES

Module Crypto.AES.UMAC128


UMAC is a familty of message digest functions based on universal hashing and AES that is specified in RFC 4418. They differ mainly in the size of the resulting digest.

UMAC128 outputs a digest of 128 bits or 16 octets.

See also


Method `()

State `()(string(8bit) password)


Get a UMAC128 State object initialized with a password.

Inherit UMAC128_AES

inherit Nettle.UMAC128_AES : UMAC128_AES

Module Crypto.AES.UMAC32


UMAC is a familty of message digest functions based on universal hashing and AES that is specified in RFC 4418. They differ mainly in the size of the resulting digest.

UMAC32 outputs a digest of 32 bits or 4 octets.

See also


Method `()

State `()(string(8bit) password)


Get a UMAC32 State object initialized with a password.

Inherit UMAC32_AES

inherit Nettle.UMAC32_AES : UMAC32_AES

Module Crypto.AES.UMAC64


UMAC is a familty of message digest functions based on universal hashing and AES that is specified in RFC 4418. They differ mainly in the size of the resulting digest.

UMAC64 outputs a digest of 64 bits or 8 octets.

See also


Method `()

State `()(string(8bit) password)


Get a UMAC64 State object initialized with a password.

Inherit UMAC64_AES

inherit Nettle.UMAC64_AES : UMAC64_AES

Module Crypto.AES.UMAC96


UMAC is a familty of message digest functions based on universal hashing and AES that is specified in RFC 4418. They differ mainly in the size of the resulting digest.

UMAC96 outputs a digest of 96 bits or 12 octets.

See also


Method `()

State `()(string(8bit) password)


Get a UMAC96 State object initialized with a password.

Inherit UMAC96_AES

inherit Nettle.UMAC96_AES : UMAC96_AES

Module Crypto.Arcfour


Arcfour is a stream cipher, also known under the trade marked name RC4, and it is one of the fastest ciphers around. A problem is that the key setup of Arcfour is quite weak, you should never use keys with structure, keys that are ordinary passwords, or sequences of keys like "secret:1", "secret:2", ..... If you have keys that don't look like random bit strings, and you want to use Arcfour, always hash the key before feeding it to Arcfour.


inherit Nettle.ARCFOUR : ARCFOUR

Module Crypto.Arctwo


Arctwo is a block cipher, also known under the trade marked name RC2.

The cipher is quite weak, and should not be used for new software.

Inherit ARCTWO

inherit Nettle.ARCTWO : ARCTWO

Module Crypto.Blowfish


BLOWFISH is a block cipher designed by Bruce Schneier. It uses a block size of 64 bits (8 octets), and a variable key size, up to 448 bits. It has some weak keys.


inherit Nettle.BLOWFISH : BLOWFISH

Module Crypto.CAST


CAST-128 is a block cipher, specified in RFC 2144. It uses a 64 bit (8 octets) block size, and a variable key size of up to 128 bits.

Inherit CAST128

inherit Nettle.CAST128 : CAST128

Module Crypto.Camellia


The Camellia 128-bit block cipher.


inherit Nettle.CAMELLIA : CAMELLIA

Module Crypto.ChaCha20


ChaCha20 is a stream cipher by D. J. Bernstein.


This module is not available in all versions of Nettle.

Inherit CHACHA

inherit Nettle.CHACHA : CHACHA

Module Crypto.ChaCha20.POLY1305


This is an AEAD cipher consisting of the CHACHA cipher and a MAC based on the POLY1305 algorithm.


Note that this is an AEAD cipher, while AES.POLY1305 (aka POLY1305-AES) is a MAC.


Note also that the POLY1305 algorithm used here is NOT identical to the one in the AES.POLY1305 MAC. The iv/nonce handling differs.


This module is not available in all versions of Nettle.

Inherit CHACHA_POLY1305

inherit Nettle.CHACHA_POLY1305 : CHACHA_POLY1305

Module Crypto.DES


DES is the old Data Encryption Standard, specified by NIST. It uses a block size of 64 bits (8 octets), and a key size of 56 bits. However, the key bits are distributed over 8 octets, where the least significant bit of each octet is used for parity. A common way to use DES is to generate 8 random octets in some way, then set the least significant bit of each octet to get odd parity, and initialize DES with the resulting key.

The key size of DES is so small that keys can be found by brute force, using specialized hardware or lots of ordinary work stations in parallel. One shouldn't be using plain DES at all today, if one uses DES at all one should be using DES3 or "triple DES".

DES also has some weak keys.

Inherit DES

inherit Nettle.DES : DES

Module Crypto.DES3


The inadequate key size of DES has already been mentioned. One way to increase the key size is to pipe together several DES boxes with independent keys. It turns out that using two DES ciphers is not as secure as one might think, even if the key size of the combination is a respectable 112 bits.

The standard way to increase DES's key size is to use three DES boxes. The mode of operation is a little peculiar: the middle DES box is wired in the reverse direction. To encrypt a block with DES3, you encrypt it using the first 56 bits of the key, then decrypt it using the middle 56 bits of the key, and finally encrypt it again using the last 56 bits of the key. This is known as "ede" triple-DES, for "encrypt-decrypt-encrypt".

The "ede" construction provides some backward compatibility, as you get plain single DES simply by feeding the same key to all three boxes. That should help keeping down the gate count, and the price, of hardware circuits implementing both plain DES and DES3.

DES3 has a key size of 168 bits, but just like plain DES, useless parity bits are inserted, so that keys are represented as 24 octets (192 bits). As a 112 bit key is large enough to make brute force attacks impractical, some applications uses a "two-key" variant of triple-DES. In this mode, the same key bits are used for the first and the last DES box in the pipe, while the middle box is keyed independently. The two-key variant is believed to be secure, i.e. there are no known attacks significantly better than brute force.

Inherit DES3

inherit Nettle.DES3 : DES3

Module Crypto.DH


Diffie-Hellman key-exchange related stuff.

Variable FFDHE2048

Parameters Crypto.DH.FFDHE2048


Finite Field Diffie-Hellman 2048

From Negotiated FF-DHE for TLS draft 04, December 2014, Appendix A.1.

Variable FFDHE2432

Parameters Crypto.DH.FFDHE2432


Finite Field Diffie-Hellman 2432

From Negotiated FF-DHE for TLS draft 03, November 2014, Appendix A.1.

Variable FFDHE3072

Parameters Crypto.DH.FFDHE3072


Finite Field Diffie-Hellman 3072

From Negotiated FF-DHE for TLS draft 04, December 2014, Appendix A.2.

Variable FFDHE4096

Parameters Crypto.DH.FFDHE4096


Finite Field Diffie-Hellman 4096

From Negotiated FF-DHE for TLS draft 04, December 2014, Appendix A.3.

Variable FFDHE6144

Parameters Crypto.DH.FFDHE6144


Finite Field Diffie-Hellman 6144

From Negotiated FF-DHE for TLS draft 02, October 2014, Appendix A.4.

Variable FFDHE8192

Parameters Crypto.DH.FFDHE8192


Finite Field Diffie-Hellman 8192

From Negotiated FF-DHE for TLS draft 04, December 2014, Appendix A.4.

Variable MODPGroup1

Parameters Crypto.DH.MODPGroup1


MODP Group 1 (768 bit) (aka First Oakley Group (aka ORM96 group 1)).

RFC 2409 6.1


Not allowed for use with FIPS 140.

Variable MODPGroup14

Parameters Crypto.DH.MODPGroup14


MODP Group 14 (2048 bit).

RFC 3526 3

Variable MODPGroup15

Parameters Crypto.DH.MODPGroup15


MODP Group 15 (3072 bit).

RFC 3526 3

Variable MODPGroup16

Parameters Crypto.DH.MODPGroup16


MODP Group 16 (4096 bit).

RFC 3526 5

Variable MODPGroup17

Parameters Crypto.DH.MODPGroup17


MODP Group 17 (6144 bit).

RFC 3526 6

Variable MODPGroup18

Parameters Crypto.DH.MODPGroup18


MODP Group 18 (8192 bit).

RFC 3526 7

Variable MODPGroup2

Parameters Crypto.DH.MODPGroup2


MODP Group 2 (1024 bit) (aka Second Oakley Group (aka ORM96 group 2)).

RFC 2409 6.2


Not allowed for use with FIPS 140.

Variable MODPGroup22

Parameters Crypto.DH.MODPGroup22


MODP Group 22 (1024-bit with 160-bit Subgroup).

RFC 5114 2.1

Variable MODPGroup23

Parameters Crypto.DH.MODPGroup23


MODP Group 23 (2048-bit with 224-bit Subgroup).

RFC 5114 2.2

Variable MODPGroup24

Parameters Crypto.DH.MODPGroup24


MODP Group 24 (2048-bit with 256-bit Subgroup).

RFC 5114 2.3

Variable MODPGroup5

Parameters Crypto.DH.MODPGroup5


MODP Group 5 (1536 bit).

RFC 3526 2


Not allowed for use with FIPS 140.

Class Crypto.DH.Parameters


Diffie-Hellman parameters.

Method create

Crypto.DH.Parameters Crypto.DH.Parameters(Gmp.mpz|int p, Gmp.mpz|int|void g, Gmp.mpz|int|void q)


Initialize the set of Diffie-Hellman parameters.

Parameter p

The prime for the group.

Parameter g

The generator for the group. Defaults to 2.

Parameter q

The order of the group. Defaults to (p-1)/2.

Method create

Crypto.DH.Parameters Crypto.DH.Parameters(this_program other)


Initialize the set of Diffie-Hellman parameters.

Parameter other

Copy the parameters from this object.

Method create

Crypto.DH.Parameters Crypto.DH.Parameters(Crypto.DSA.State dsa)


Initialize the set of Diffie-Hellman parameters.

Parameter dsa

Copy the parameters from this object.

Variable g

Gmp.mpz Crypto.DH.Parameters.g



Method generate_keypair

array(Gmp.mpz) generate_keypair(function(int(0..):string(8bit)) rnd)


Generate a Diffie-Hellman key pair.


Returns the following array:

Gmp.mpz 0

The generated public key.

Gmp.mpz 1

The corresponding private key.

Inherit DH_Params

inherit Nettle.DH_Params : DH_Params

Variable order

__deprecated__ Gmp.mpz Crypto.DH.Parameters.order


Alias for q.


Replaced by q.

Variable p

Gmp.mpz Crypto.DH.Parameters.p



Variable q

Gmp.mpz Crypto.DH.Parameters.q


Subgroup size.

Method validate

bool validate(int(0..) effort)


Validate that the DH Parameters doesn't have obvious security weaknesses. It will first attempt to verify the prime p using Donald Knuth's probabilistic primality test with provided effort. This has a chance of pow(0.25,effort) to produce a false positive. An effort of 0 skipps this step. The second test verifies that g is of high order.

Module Crypto.DSA


The Digital Signature Algorithm DSA is part of the NIST Digital Signature Standard DSS, FIPS-186 (1993).

Method `()

protected State `()()


Calling `() will return a State object.

Inherit Sign

inherit Crypto.Sign : Sign

Method name

string(8bit) name()


Returns the string "DSA".

Class Crypto.DSA.State

Method _equal

bool equal(Crypto.DSA.State from, mixed other)


Compares the keys of this DSA object with something other.

Method generate_key

variant this_program generate_key(int p_bits, int q_bits)


Generates DSA parameters (p, q, g) and key (x, y). Depending on Nettle version q_bits can be 160, 224 and 256 bits. 160 works for all versions.

Method generate_key

variant this_program generate_key()


Generates a public/private key pair. Needs the public parameters p, q and g set, either through set_public_key or generate_key(int,int).

Method get_g

Gmp.mpz get_g()


Returns the DSA generator (g).

Method get_p

Gmp.mpz get_p()


Returns the DSA modulo (p).

Method get_q

Gmp.mpz get_q()


Returns the DSA group order (q).

Method get_x

Gmp.mpz get_x()


Returns the DSA private key (x).

Method get_y

Gmp.mpz get_y()


Returns the DSA public key (y).

Method hash

Gmp.mpz hash(string(8bit) msg, .Hash h)


Makes a DSA hash of the messge msg.

Inherit this_program

inherit ::this_program : this_program

Method name

string(8bit) name()


Returns the string "DSA".

Method pkcs_algorithm_identifier

Sequence pkcs_algorithm_identifier()


Returns the AlgorithmIdentifier as defined in RFC5280 section including the DSA parameters.

Method pkcs_public_key

Sequence pkcs_public_key()


Creates a SubjectPublicKeyInfo ASN.1 sequence for the object. See RFC 5280 section

Method pkcs_sign

string(8bit) pkcs_sign(string(8bit) message, .Hash h)


Signs the message with a PKCS-1 signature using hash algorithm h.

Method pkcs_signature_algorithm_id

Sequence pkcs_signature_algorithm_id(.Hash hash)


Returns the PKCS-1 algorithm identifier for DSA and the provided hash algorithm. Only SHA1 supported.

Method pkcs_verify

bool pkcs_verify(string(8bit) message, .Hash h, string(8bit) sign)


Verify PKCS-1 signature sign of message message using hash algorithm h.

Method public_key_equal

bool public_key_equal(this_program dsa)


Compares the public key in this object with that in the provided DSA object.

Method raw_sign

array(Gmp.mpz) raw_sign(Gmp.mpz h, void|Gmp.mpz k)


Sign the message h. Returns the signature as two Gmp.mpz objects.

Method raw_verify

bool raw_verify(Gmp.mpz h, Gmp.mpz r, Gmp.mpz s)


Verify the signature r,s against the message h.

Method set_private_key

this_program set_private_key(Gmp.mpz secret)


Sets the private key, the x parameter, in this DSA object.

Method set_public_key

this_program set_public_key(Gmp.mpz modulo, Gmp.mpz order, Gmp.mpz generator, Gmp.mpz key)


Sets the public key in this DSA object.

Parameter modulo

This is the p parameter.

Parameter order

This is the group order q parameter.

Parameter generator

This is the g parameter.

Parameter kye

This is the public key y parameter.

Method set_random

this_program set_random(function(int(0..):string(8bit)) r)


Sets the random function, used to generate keys and parameters, to the function r. Default is Crypto.Random.random_string.

Method sign_rsaref

__deprecated__ string(8bit) sign_rsaref(string(8bit) msg)


Make a RSA ref signature of message msg.

Method sign_ssl

__deprecated__ string(8bit) sign_ssl(string(8bit) msg)


Make an SSL signature of message msg.

Method verify_rsaref

__deprecated__ bool verify_rsaref(string(8bit) msg, string(8bit) s)


Verify a RSA ref signature s of message msg.

Method verify_ssl

__deprecated__ bool verify_ssl(string(8bit) msg, string(8bit) s)


Verify an SSL signature s of message msg.

Module Crypto.ECC


Elliptic Curve Cipher Constants.

This module contains constants used with elliptic curve algorithms.

Class Crypto.ECC.Curve


The definition of an elliptic curve.

Objects of this class are typically not created by the user.

See also

SECP_192R1, SECP_224R1, SECP_256R1, SECP_384R1, SECP_521R1

Inherit ECC_Curve

inherit Nettle.ECC_Curve : ECC_Curve

Method pkcs_algorithm_identifier

Sequence pkcs_algorithm_identifier()


Returns the AlgorithmIdentifier as defined in RFC5480 section 2.

Method pkcs_ec_parameters

Identifier pkcs_ec_parameters()


Returns the PKCS-1 elliptic curve parameters for the curve. cf RFC 5480 2.1.1.

Method pkcs_named_curve_id

Identifier pkcs_named_curve_id()


Returns the PKCS-1 elliptic curve identifier for the curve. cf RFC 5480 2.1.1.

Class Crypto.ECC.Curve.ECDSA


Elliptic Curve Digital Signing Algorithm

Method _equal

bool equal(Crypto.ECC.Curve.ECDSA from, mixed other)


Compares the keys of this ECDSA object with something other.

Method generate_key

this_program generate_key()


Generate a new set of private and public keys on the current curve.

Method get_curve

Curve get_curve()


Return the curve.

Method get_public_key

string(8bit) get_public_key()


Get the ANSI x9.62 4.3.6 encoded uncompressed public key.

Inherit ECDSA

inherit ECC_Curve::ECDSA : ECDSA

Method jose_decode

array(mapping(string(7bit):string(7bit)|int)|string(8bit)) jose_decode(string(7bit) jws)


Verify and decode a JOSE JWS ECDSA signed value.

Parameter jws

A JSON Web Signature as returned by jose_sign().


Returns 0 (zero) on failure, and an array

mapping(string(7bit):string(7bit)|int) 0

The JOSE header.

string(8bit) 1

The signed message.

See also

pkcs_verify(), RFC 7515 section 3.5

Method jose_sign

string(7bit) jose_sign(string(8bit) message, .Hash|void h, mapping(string(7bit):string(7bit)|int)|void headers)


Signs the message with a JOSE JWS ECDSA signature using hash algorithm h.

Parameter message

Message to sign.

Parameter h

Hash algorithm to use.


Returns the signature on success, and 0 (zero) on failure.

See also

pkcs_verify(), salt_size(), RFC 7515

Method jwa

string(7bit) jwa(.Hash hash)


Get the JWS algorithm identifier for a hash.


Returns 0 (zero) on failure.

See also

RFC 7518 section 3.1

Method jwk

mapping(string(7bit):string(7bit)) jwk(bool|void private_key)


Generate a JWK-style mapping of the object.

Parameter private_key

If true, include the private key in the result.


Returns a JWK-style mapping on success, and 0 (zero) on failure.

See also

create(), Web.encode_jwk(), RFC 7517 section 4, RFC 7518 section 6.2

Method key_size

int(0..) key_size()


Return the size of the private key in bits.

Method pkcs_algorithm_identifier

Sequence pkcs_algorithm_identifier()


Returns the AlgorithmIdentifier as defined in RFC5480 section 2.1.1 including the ECDSA parameters.

Method pkcs_public_key

Sequence pkcs_public_key()


Creates a SubjectPublicKeyInfo ASN.1 sequence for the object. See RFC 5280 section

Method pkcs_sign

string(8bit) pkcs_sign(string(8bit) message, .Hash h)


Signs the message with a PKCS-1 signature using hash algorithm h.

Method pkcs_signature_algorithm_id

Sequence pkcs_signature_algorithm_id(.Hash hash)


Returns the PKCS-1 algorithm identifier for ECDSA and the provided hash algorithm. Only SHA-1 and SHA-2 based hashes are supported currently.

Method pkcs_verify

bool pkcs_verify(string(8bit) message, .Hash h, string(8bit) sign)


Verify PKCS-1 signature sign of message message using hash algorithm h.

Method public_key_equal

bool public_key_equal(this_program ecdsa)


Compares the public key in this object with that in the provided ECDSA object.

Method set_private_key

this_program set_private_key(Gmp.mpz|int k)


Set the private key.


Throws errors if the key isn't valid for the curve.

Method set_public_key

this_program set_public_key(Gmp.mpz|int x, Gmp.mpz|int y)


Change to the selected point on the curve as public key.


Throws errors if the point isn't on the curve.

Method set_public_key

variant this_program set_public_key(string(8bit) key)


Change to the selected point on the curve as public key.

Parameter key

The public key encoded according to ANSI x9.62 4.3.6.


Throws errors if the point isn't on the curve.

Method set_random

this_program set_random(function(int:string(8bit)) r)


Set the random function, used to generate keys and parameters, to the function r.

Method size

int size()


Return the curve size in bits.

Module Crypto.ECC.SECP_192R1

Inherit Curve

inherit Curve : Curve

Module Crypto.ECC.SECP_224R1

Inherit Curve

inherit Curve : Curve

Module Crypto.ECC.SECP_256R1

Inherit Curve

inherit Curve : Curve

Module Crypto.ECC.SECP_384R1

Inherit Curve

inherit Curve : Curve

Module Crypto.ECC.SECP_521R1

Inherit Curve

inherit Curve : Curve

Module Crypto.GOST94


The GOST94 or GOST R 34.11-94 hash algorithm is a Soviet-era algorithm used in Russian government standards, defined in RFC 4357.

Inherit GOST94

inherit Nettle.GOST94 : GOST94

Module Crypto.IDEA


The IDEA(tm) block cipher is covered by patents held by ETH and a Swiss company called Ascom-Tech AG. The Swiss patent number is PCT/CH91/00117, the European patent number is EP 0 482 154 B1, and the U.S. patent number is US005214703. IDEA(tm) is a trademark of Ascom-Tech AG. There is no license fee required for noncommercial use.

Inherit IDEA

inherit Nettle.IDEA : IDEA

Module Crypto.Koremutake


Quote from Koremutake home page http://shorl.com/koremutake:

In an attempt to temporarily solve the fact that human beings seem to be inable to remember important things (such as their names, car keys and seemingly random numbers with fourteen digits in 'em), we invented Koremutake.

It is, in plain language, a way to express any large number as a sequence of syllables. The general idea is that word-sounding pieces of information are a lot easier to remember than a sequence of digits.

Method decrypt

int decrypt(string c)


Decode a koremutake string into an integer.

Method encrypt

string encrypt(int m)


Encode an integer as a koremutake string.

Module Crypto.MD2


MD2 is a message digest function constructed by Burton Kaliski, and is described in RFC 1319. It outputs message digests of 128 bits, or 16 octets.

Inherit MD2

inherit Nettle.MD2 : MD2

Module Crypto.MD4


MD4 is a message digest function constructed by Ronald Rivest, and is described in RFC 1320. It outputs message digests of 128 bits, or 16 octets.

Inherit MD4

inherit Nettle.MD4 : MD4

Module Crypto.MD5


MD5 is a message digest function constructed by Ronald Rivest, and is described in RFC 1321. It outputs message digests of 128 bits, or 16 octets.

Method crypt_hash

string(7bit) crypt_hash(string(8bit) password, string(7bit) salt, int|void rounds)


This is a convenience alias for Nettle.crypt_md5(), that uses the same API as the other hashes.


The rounds parameter is currently ignored. For forward compatibility, either leave out, or specify as 1000.

See also

Nettle.Hash()->crypt_hash(), crypt_md5()

Inherit MD5

inherit Nettle.MD5 : MD5

Module Crypto.NT

Class Crypto.NT.CryptContext


Class representing an HCRYPTPROV handle.

Method create

Crypto.NT.CryptContext Crypto.NT.CryptContext(string(8bit) name, string(8bit) csp, int type, int flags)

Parameter name

Key container name. When flags is set to CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT the name must be 0.

Parameter csp

The name of the Crypto Service Provider to use. If set to 0 the user default CSP will be used.

Method read

string(8bit) read(int size, string(8bit)|void init)


Retreive some random data. Calls CryptGenRandom in the NT API.

Module Crypto.None


The plaintext algorithm.

This modules implements several of the crypto APIs, but without any crypto. It is intended to be used for testing of higher level algorithms.

Inherit AE

inherit .AE : AE


Implements the empty AE algorithm.

Inherit MAC

inherit .MAC : MAC


Implements the empty MAC algorithm.

Constant mac_jwa_id

protected constant string Crypto.None.mac_jwa_id


Implements the "none" JWS algorithm.

Module Crypto.PGP


PGP stuff. See RFC 4880.

Method decode

mapping(string:string|mapping) decode(string s)


Decodes PGP data.

Method decode_radix64

mapping(string:mixed) decode_radix64(string data)


Decode ASCII armour.

Method encode_radix64

string encode_radix64(string data, string type, void|mapping(string:string) extra)


Encode PGP data with ASCII armour.

Method verify_signature

int verify_signature(string text, string sig, string pubkey)


Verify text against signature sig with the public key pubkey.

Module Crypto.Password


Password handling.

This module handles generation and verification of password hashes.

See also

verify(), hash(), crypt()

Method hash

string(7bit) hash(string(8bit) password, string(7bit)|void scheme, int|void rounds)


Generate a hash of password suitable for verify().

Parameter password

Password to hash.

Parameter scheme

Password hashing scheme. If not specified the strongest available will be used.

If an unsupported scheme is specified an error will be thrown.

Supported schemes are:



Use the strongest crypt(3C)-style hash that is supported.


SHA512.crypt_hash() with 96 bits of salt and a default of 5000 rounds.


SHA256.crypt_hash() with 96 bits of salt and a default of 5000 rounds.


MD5.crypt_hash() with 48 bits of salt and 1000 rounds.


predef::crypt() with 12 bits of salt.

LDAP (RFC2307)-style. Don't use these if you can avoid it, since they are suspectible to attacks. In particular avoid the unsalted variants at all costs:


SHA1.hash() with 96 bits of salt appended to the password.


MD5.hash() with 96 bits of salt appended to the password.


SHA1.hash() without any salt.


MD5.hash() without any salt.

Parameter rounds

The number of rounds to use in parameterized schemes. If not specified the scheme specific default will be used.


Returns a string suitable for verify(). This means that the hashes will be prepended with the suitable markers.


Note that the availability of SHA512 depends on the version of Nettle that Pike has been compiled with.


This function was added in Pike 7.8.755.

See also

verify(), predef::crypt(), Nettle.crypt_md5(), Nettle.Hash()->crypt_hash()

Method verify

int verify(string(8bit) password, string(8bit) hash)


Verify a password against a hash.

This function attempts to support most common password hashing schemes. The hash can be on any of the following formats.

LDAP-style (RFC2307) hashes:


The XXX string is taken to be a MIME.encode_base64 SHA1 hash of the password. Source: OpenLDAP FAQ http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/347.html.


The XXX string is taken to be a MIME.encode_base64 string in which the first 20 chars are an SHA1 hash and the remaining chars the salt. The input for the hash is the password concatenated with the salt. Source: OpenLDAP FAQ http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/347.html.


The XXX string is taken to be a MIME.encode_base64 MD5 hash of the password. Source: OpenLDAP FAQ http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/418.html.


The XXX string is taken to be a MIME.encode_base64 string in which the first 16 chars are an MD5 hash and the remaining chars the salt. The input for the hash is the password concatenated with the salt. Source: OpenLDAP FAQ http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/418.html.


The XX string is taken to be a crypt(3C)-style hash. This is the same thing as passing the XXX string without any preceding method name within {...}. I.e. it's interpreted according to the crypt-style hashes below.

Crypt-style hashes:


The string is interpreted according to the "Unix crypt using SHA-256 and SHA-512" standard Version 0.4 2008-4-3, where SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS is up to 16 characters of salt, and the string XXX the result of SHA512.crypt_hash() with 5000 rounds. Source: Unix crypt using SHA-256 and SHA-512 http://www.akkadia.org/drepper/SHA-crypt.txt


This is the same algorithm as the one above, but with the number of rounds specified by RR in decimal. Note that the number of rounds is clamped to be within 1000 and 999999999 (inclusive). Source: Unix crypt using SHA-256 and SHA-512 http://www.akkadia.org/drepper/SHA-crypt.txt


The string is interpreted according to the "Unix crypt using SHA-256 and SHA-512" standard Version 0.4 2008-4-3, where SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS is up to 16 characters of salt, and the string XXX the result of SHA256.crypt_hash() with 5000 rounds. Source: Unix crypt using SHA-256 and SHA-512 http://www.akkadia.org/drepper/SHA-crypt.txt


This is the same algorithm as the one above, but with the number of rounds specified by RR in decimal. Note that the number of rounds is clamped to be within 1000 and 999999999 (inclusive). Source: Unix crypt using SHA-256 and SHA-512 http://www.akkadia.org/drepper/SHA-crypt.txt


The string is interpreted according to the GNU libc2 extension of crypt(3C) where SSSSSSSS is up to 8 chars of salt and the XXX string is an MD5-based hash created from the password and the salt. Source: GNU libc http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual/libc/crypt.html.


The XXX string (which doesn't begin with "{") is taken to be a password hashed using the classic unix crypt(3C) function. If the string contains only chars from the set [a-zA-Z0-9./] it uses DES and the first two characters as salt, but other alternatives might be possible depending on the crypt(3C) implementation in the operating system.


The empty password hash matches all passwords.


Returns 1 on success, and 0 (zero) otherwise.


This function was added in Pike 7.8.755.

See also

hash(), predef::crypt()

Module Crypto.RIPEMD160


RIPEMD160 is a hash function designed by Hans Dobbertin, Antoon Bosselaers, and Bart Preneel, as a strengthened version of RIPEMD (which, like MD4 and MD5, fails the collision-resistance requirement). It produces message digests of 160 bits, or 20 octets.

Inherit RIPEMD160

inherit Nettle.RIPEMD160 : RIPEMD160

Module Crypto.RSA

Method `()

protected State `()(mapping(string(8bit):Gmp.mpz|int)|void params)


Calling `() will return a State object.

Inherit Sign

inherit Crypto.Sign : Sign

Method name

string(8bit) name()


Returns the string "RSA".

Class Crypto.RSA.State

Method _equal

bool equal(Crypto.RSA.State from, mixed other)


Compares the keys of this RSA object with something other.

Method block_size

int block_size()


Returns the crypto block size, or zero if not yet set.

Method cooked_get_d

__deprecated__ string(8bit) cooked_get_d()


Returns the RSA private exponent (d) as a binary string, if known.

Method cooked_get_e

__deprecated__ string(8bit) cooked_get_e()


Returns the RSA public exponent (e) as a binary string.

Method cooked_get_n

__deprecated__ string(8bit) cooked_get_n()


Returns the RSA modulo (n) as a binary string.

Method cooked_get_p

__deprecated__ string(8bit) cooked_get_p()


Returns the first RSA prime (p) as a binary string, if known.

Method cooked_get_q

__deprecated__ string(8bit) cooked_get_q()


Returns the second RSA prime (q) as a binary string, if known.

Method cooked_sign

__deprecated__ string(8bit) cooked_sign(string(8bit) digest)


Signs digest as raw_sign and returns the signature as a byte string.

Method create

Crypto.RSA.State Crypto.RSA.State(mapping(string(8bit):Gmp.mpz|int)|void params)


Can be initialized with a mapping with the elements n, e, d, p and q.

Method crypt

string(8bit) crypt(string(8bit) s)


Encrypt or decrypt depending on set mode.

See also

set_encrypt_key, set_decrypt_key

Method decrypt

string(8bit) decrypt(string(8bit) s)


Decrypt a message encrypted with encrypt.

Method encrypt

string(8bit) encrypt(string(8bit) s, function(int:string(8bit))|void r)


Pads the message s with rsa_pad type 2, signs it and returns the signature as a byte string.

Parameter r

Optional random function to be passed down to rsa_pad.

Method generate_key

this_program generate_key(int(128..) bits, void|int|Gmp.mpz e)


Generate a valid RSA key pair with the size bits using the random function set with set_random(). The public exponent e will be used, which defaults to 65537. Keys must be at least 89 bits.

Method generate_key

variant __deprecated__ this_program generate_key(int(128..) bits, function(int(0..):string(8bit)) rnd)


Compatibility with Pike 7.8.

Method get_d

Gmp.mpz get_d()


Returns the RSA private exponent (d), if known.

Method get_e

Gmp.mpz get_e()


Returns the RSA public exponent (e).

Method get_n

Gmp.mpz get_n()


Returns the RSA modulo (n).

Method get_p

Gmp.mpz get_p()


Returns the first RSA prime (p), if known.

Method get_q

Gmp.mpz get_q()


Returns the second RSA prime (q), if known.

Inherit this_program

inherit ::this_program : this_program

Method jose_decode

array(mapping(string(7bit):string(7bit)|int)|string(8bit)) jose_decode(string(7bit) jws)


Verify and decode a JOSE JWS RSASSA-PKCS-v1.5 signed value.

Parameter jws

A JSON Web Signature as returned by jose_sign().


Returns 0 (zero) on failure, and an array

mapping(string(7bit):string(7bit)|int) 0

The JOSE header.

string(8bit) 1

The signed message.

See also

pkcs_verify(), RFC 7515 section 3.5

Method jose_sign

string(7bit) jose_sign(string(8bit) message, mapping(string(7bit):string(7bit)|int)|void headers, .Hash|void h)


Signs the message with a JOSE JWS RSASSA-PKCS-v1.5 signature using hash algorithm h.

Parameter message

Message to sign.

Parameter headers

JOSE headers to use. Typically a mapping with a single element "typ".

Parameter h

Hash algorithm to use. Currently defaults to SHA256.


Returns the signature on success, and 0 (zero) on failure (typically that the hash + salt combo is too large for the RSA modulo).

See also

pkcs_verify(), salt_size(), RFC 7515

Method jwk

mapping(string(7bit):string(7bit)) jwk(bool|void private_key)


Generate a JWK-style mapping of the object.

Parameter private_key

If true, include the private key in the result. Note that if the private key isn't known, the function will fail (and return 0).


Returns a JWK-style mapping on success, and 0 (zero) on failure.

See also

create(), Web.encode_jwk(), RFC 7517 section 4, RFC 7518 section 6.3

Method key_size

int(0..) key_size()


Returns the size of the key in terms of number of bits.

Method name

string(8bit) name()


Returns the string "RSA".

Method pkcs_public_key

Sequence pkcs_public_key()


Calls Standards.PKCS.RSA.build_public_key with this object as argument.

Method pkcs_sign

string(8bit) pkcs_sign(string(8bit) message, .Hash h)


Signs the message with a PKCS-1 signature using hash algorithm h. This is equivalent to I2OSP(RSASP1(OS2IP(RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5-ENCODE(message)))) in PKCS#1 v2.2.

Method pkcs_signature_algorithm_id

Sequence pkcs_signature_algorithm_id(.Hash hash)


Calls Standards.PKCS.RSA.signatue_algorithm_id with the provided hash.

Method pkcs_verify

bool pkcs_verify(string(8bit) message, .Hash h, string(8bit) sign)


Verify PKCS-1 signature sign of message message using hash algorithm h.

Method public_key_equal

bool public_key_equal(this_program rsa)


Compares the public key of this RSA object with another RSA object.

Method raw_sign

Gmp.mpz raw_sign(string(8bit) digest)


Pads the digest with rsa_pad type 1 and signs it. This is equivalent to RSASP1(OS2IP(RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5-ENCODE(message))) in PKCS#1 v2.2.

Method raw_verify

bool raw_verify(string(8bit) digest, Gmp.mpz s)


Verifies the digest against the signature s, assuming pad type 1.

See also

rsa_pad, raw_sign

Method rsa_pad

Gmp.mpz rsa_pad(string(8bit) message, int(1..2) type, function(int(0..):string(8bit))|void random)


Pads the message to the current block size with method type and returns the result as an integer. This is equivalent to OS2IP(RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5-ENCODE(message)) in PKCS#1 v2.2.

Parameter type

The message is padded with 0xff bytes.


The message is padded with random data, using the random function if provided. Otherwise the default random function set in the object will be used.

Method rsa_unpad

string(8bit) rsa_unpad(Gmp.mpz block, int type)


Reverse the effect of rsa_pad.

Method set_decrypt_key

this_program set_decrypt_key(array(Gmp.mpz) key)


Sets the public key to keyand the mod to decryption.

See also

set_encrypt_key, crypt

Method set_encrypt_key

this_program set_encrypt_key(array(Gmp.mpz) key)


Sets the public key to key and the mode to encryption.

See also

set_decrypt_key, crypt

Method set_private_key

this_program set_private_key(Gmp.mpz|int priv, array(Gmp.mpz|int)|void extra)


Sets the private key.

Parameter priv

The private RSA exponent, often called d.

Parameter extra
Gmp.mpz|int 0

The first prime, often called p.

Gmp.mpz|int 1

The second prime, often called q.

Method set_public_key

this_program set_public_key(Gmp.mpz|int modulo, Gmp.mpz|int pub)


Sets the public key.

Parameter modulo

The RSA modulo, often called n. This value needs to be >=12.

Parameter pub

The public RSA exponent, often called e.

Method set_random

this_program set_random(function(int(0..):string(8bit)) r)


Sets the random function, used to generate keys and parameters, to the function r. Default is Crypto.Random.random_string.

Module Crypto.Random


This module contains a pseudo random number generator (PRNG) designed to give you the best possible random number generation. The current design is based on the Fortuna PRNG, but uses the system random source as input.

Method add_entropy

void add_entropy(string(8bit) data)


Inject additional entropy into the random generator. One possible use is to persist random data between executions of an application. The internal state is approximately 256 bits, so storing 32 bytes from random_string() at shutdown and injecting them through add_entropy() agan at startup should carry over the entropy. Note that this doesn't affect the independent initialization that happens in the generator at startup, so the output sequence will be different than if the application had continued uninterrupted.

Parameter data

The random string.

Method random

Gmp.mpz random(int top)


Returns a Gmp.mpz object with a random value between 0 and top. Uses random_string.

Method random_string

string(8bit) random_string(int len)


Returns a string of length len with random content. The content is generated by a Fortuna random generator that is updated with output from /dev/urandom on UNIX and CryptGenRandom on NT.

Module Crypto.SALSA20


The SALSA20 stream cipher.

Inherit SALSA20

inherit Nettle.SALSA20 : SALSA20

Module Crypto.SALSA20R12


The SALSA20 stream cipher reduced to just 12 rounds.

Inherit SALSA20R12

inherit Nettle.SALSA20R12 : SALSA20R12

Module Crypto.SHA1


SHA1 is a hash function specified by NIST (The U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology). It outputs hash values of 160 bits, or 20 octets.

Inherit SHA1

inherit Nettle.SHA1 : SHA1

Module Crypto.SHA224


SHA224 is another hash function specified by NIST, intended as a replacement for SHA1, generating larger digests. It outputs hash values of 224 bits, or 28 octets.

Inherit SHA224

inherit Nettle.SHA224 : SHA224

Module Crypto.SHA256


SHA256 is another hash function specified by NIST, intended as a replacement for SHA1, generating larger digests. It outputs hash values of 256 bits, or 32 octets.

Inherit SHA256

inherit Nettle.SHA256 : SHA256

Module Crypto.SHA384


SHA384 is another hash function specified by NIST, intended as a replacement for SHA1, generating larger digests. It outputs hash values of 384 bits, or 48 octets.

Inherit SHA384

inherit Nettle.SHA384 : SHA384

Module Crypto.SHA3_224


SHA-3-224 is another hash function specified by NIST, intended as a replacement for SHA-2. It outputs hash values of 224 bits, or 28 octets.

Inherit SHA3_224

inherit Nettle.SHA3_224 : SHA3_224

Module Crypto.SHA3_256


SHA-3-256 is another hash function specified by NIST, intended as a replacement for SHA-2. It outputs hash values of 256 bits, or 32 octets.

Inherit SHA3_256

inherit Nettle.SHA3_256 : SHA3_256

Module Crypto.SHA3_384


SHA-3-386 is another hash function specified by NIST, intended as a replacement for SHA-2. It outputs hash values of 256 bits, or 48 octets.

Inherit SHA3_384

inherit Nettle.SHA3_384 : SHA3_384

Module Crypto.SHA3_512


SHA-3-512 is another hash function specified by NIST, intended as a replacement for SHA-2. It outputs hash values of 512 bits, or 64 octets.

Inherit SHA3_512

inherit Nettle.SHA3_512 : SHA3_512

Module Crypto.SHA512


SHA512 is another hash function specified by NIST, intended as a replacement for SHA1, generating larger digests. It outputs hash values of 512 bits, or 64 octets.

Inherit SHA512

inherit Nettle.SHA512 : SHA512

Module Crypto.Serpent


SERPENT is one of the AES finalists, designed by Ross Anderson, Eli Biham and Lars Knudsen. Thus, the interface and properties are similar to AES'. One peculiarity is that it is quite pointless to use it with anything but the maximum key size, smaller keys are just padded to larger ones.


inherit Nettle.SERPENT : SERPENT

Module Crypto.Twofish


Another AES finalist, this one designed by Bruce Schneier and others.

Inherit Twofish

inherit Nettle.Twofish : Twofish

Module DVB


Implements Digital Video Broadcasting interface


Only Linux version is supported.

Class DVB.Audio


Object for controlling an audio subsystem on full featured cards.

Method create

DVB.Audio DVB.Audio(int card_number)
DVB.Audio DVB.Audio()


Create a Audio object.

Parameter card_number

The number of card equipment.

Method mixer

int mixer(int left, int right)
int mixer(int both)


Sets output level on DVB audio device.

Method mute

int mute(int mute)
int mute()


Mute or unmute audio device.

Method status

mapping status()


Returns mapping of current audio device status.

Class DVB.Stream


Represents an elementary data stream (PES).

Method close

void close()


Closes an open stream.

See also


Method destroy

int destroy()


Purge a stream reader.

See also

DVB.dvb()->stream(), read()

Method read

string|int read()


Read data from a stream. It reads up to read buffer size data.


Read buffer size is 4096 by default.

See also

DVB.dvb()->stream(), close()

Class DVB.dvb


Main class.

Method analyze_pat

mapping analyze_pat()


Return mapping of all PMT.


Method analyze_pmt

array(mapping)|int analyze_pmt(int sid, int prognum)


Parse PMT table.

See also


Method create

DVB.dvb DVB.dvb(int card_number)


Create a DVB object.

Parameter card_number

The number of card equipment.


The number specifies which device will be opened. Ie. /dev/ost/demux0, /dev/ost/demux1 ... for DVB v0.9.4 or /dev/dvb/demux0, /dev/dvb/demux1 ... for versions 2.0+

Method fe_info

mapping fe_info()


Return info of a frondend device.


The information heavily depends on driver. Many fields contain dumb values.

Method fe_status

mapping|int fe_status()


Return status of a DVB object's frondend device.


The resulting mapping contains the following fields:

"power" : string

If 1 the frontend is powered up and is ready to be used.

"signal" : string

If 1 the frontend detects a signal above a normal noise level

"lock" : string

If 1 the frontend successfully locked to a DVB signal

"carrier" : string

If 1 carrier dectected in signal

"biterbi" : string

If 1 then lock at viterbi state

"sync" : string

If 1 then TS sync byte detected

"tuner_lock" : string

If 1 then tuner has a frequency lock

Method get_pids

mapping|int get_pids()


Returns mapping with info of currently tuned program's pids.

See also


Method stream

DVB.Stream stream(int pid, int|function(:void) rcb, int ptype)
DVB.Stream stream(int pid, int|function(:void) rcb)
DVB.Stream stream(int pid)


Create a new stream reader object for PID.

Parameter pid

PID of stream.

Parameter rcb

Callback function called whenever there is the data to read from stream. Only for nonblocking mode.

Parameter ptype

Type of payload data to read. By default, audio data is fetched.


Setting async callback doesn't set the object to nonblocking state.

See also


Method tune

int tune(int(2bit) lnb, int freq, bool|string pol, int sr)


Tunes to apropriate transponder's parameters.

Parameter lnb

DiSeQc number of LNB.

Parameter freq

Frequency divided by 1000.

Parameter pol

Polarization. 0 or "v" for vertical type, 1 or "h" for horizontal one.

Parameter sr

The service rate parameter.

Module Debug

Method assembler_debug

int(0..) assembler_debug(int(0..) level)


Set the assembler debug level.


The old assembler debug level will be returned.


This function is only available if the Pike runtime has been compiled with RTL debug.

Method compiler_trace

int(0..) compiler_trace(int(0..) level)


Set the compiler trace level.


The old compiler trace level will be returned.


This function is only available if the Pike runtime has been compiled with RTL debug.

Method count_objects

mapping(string:int) count_objects()


Returns the number of objects of every kind in memory.

Method debug

int(0..) debug(int(0..) level)


Set the run-time debug level.


The old debug level will be returned.


This function is only available if the Pike runtime has been compiled with RTL debug.

Method describe

mixed describe(mixed x)


Prints out a description of the thing x to standard error. The description contains various internal info associated with x.


This function only exists if the Pike runtime has been compiled with RTL debug.

Method describe_encoded_value

int describe_encoded_value(string data)


Describe the contents of an encode_value() string.


Returns the number of encoding errors that were detected (if any).

Method describe_program

array(array(int|string|type)) describe_program(program p)


Debug function for showing the symbol table of a program.


Returns an array of arrays with the following information for each symbol in p:

int modifiers

Bitfield with the modifiers for the symbol.

string symbol_name

Name of the symbol.

type value_type

Value type for the symbol.

int symbol_type

Type of symbol.

int symbol_offset

Offset into the code or data area for the symbol.

int inherit_offset

Offset in the inherit table to the inherit containing the symbol.

int inherit_level

Depth in the inherit tree for the inherit containing the symbol.


The API for this function is not fixed, and has changed since Pike 7.6. In particular it would make sense to return an array of objects instead, and more information about the symbols might be added.

Method disassemble

void disassemble(function(:void) fun)


Disassemble a Pike function to Stdio.stderr.


This function is only available if the Pike runtime has been compiled with debug enabled.

Method dmalloc_set_name

void dmalloc_set_name(string filename, int(1..) linenumber)


Only available when compiled with dmalloc.

Method dump_backlog

void dump_backlog()


Dumps the 1024 latest executed opcodes, along with the source code lines, to standard error. The backlog is only collected on debug level 1 or higher, set with _debug or with the -d argument on the command line.


This function only exists if the Pike runtime has been compiled with RTL debug.

Method dump_dmalloc_locations

void dump_dmalloc_locations(string|array|mapping|multiset|function(:void)|object|program|type o)


Only available when compiled with dmalloc.

Method dump_program_tables

void dump_program_tables(program p, int(0..)|void indent)


Dumps the internal tables for the program p on stderr.

Parameter p

Program to dump.

Parameter indent

Number of spaces to indent the output.


In Pike 7.8.308 and earlier indent wasn't supported.

Method gc_set_watch

void gc_set_watch(array|multiset|mapping|object|function(:void)|program|string x)


Sets a watch on the given thing, so that the gc will print a message whenever it's encountered. Intended to be used together with breakpoints to debug the garbage collector.


This function only exists if the Pike runtime has been compiled with RTL debug.

Method gc_status

mapping(string:int|float) gc_status()


Get statistics from the garbage collector.


A mapping with the following content will be returned:

"num_objects" : int

Number of arrays, mappings, multisets, objects and programs.

"num_allocs" : int

Number of memory allocations since the last gc run.

"alloc_threshold" : int

Threshold for "num_allocs" when another automatic gc run is scheduled.

"projected_garbage" : float

Estimation of the current amount of garbage.

"objects_alloced" : int

Decaying average over the number of allocated objects between gc runs.

"objects_freed" : int

Decaying average over the number of freed objects in each gc run.

"last_garbage_ratio" : float

Garbage ratio in the last gc run.

"non_gc_time" : int

Decaying average over the interval between gc runs, measured in real time nanoseconds.

"gc_time" : int

Decaying average over the length of the gc runs, measured in real time nanoseconds.

"last_garbage_strategy" : string

The garbage accumulation goal that the gc aimed for when setting "alloc_threshold" in the last run. The value is either "garbage_ratio_low", "garbage_ratio_high" or "garbage_max_interval". The first two correspond to the gc parameters with the same names in Pike.gc_parameters, and the last is the minimum gc time limit specified through the "min_gc_time_ratio" parameter to Pike.gc_parameters.

"last_gc" : int

Time when the garbage-collector last ran.

"total_gc_cpu_time" : int

The total amount of CPU time that has been consumed in implicit GC runs, in nanoseconds. 0 on systems where Pike lacks support for CPU time measurement.

"total_gc_real_time" : int

The total amount of real time that has been spent in implicit GC runs, in nanoseconds.

See also

gc(), Pike.gc_parameters(), Pike.implicit_gc_real_time

Variable globals

mapping Debug.globals


Can be custom filled from within your program in order to have global references to explore live datastructures using Inspect; comes preinitialised with the empty mapping, ready for use.

Method list_open_fds

void list_open_fds()


Only available when compiled with dmalloc.

Method locate_references

void locate_references(string|array|mapping|multiset|function(:void)|object|program|type o)


This function is mostly intended for debugging. It will search through all data structures in Pike looking for o and print the locations on stderr. o can be anything but int or float.


This function only exists if the Pike runtime has been compiled with RTL debug.

Method map_all_objects

int map_all_objects(function(object:void) cb)


Call cb for all objects that currently exist. The callback will not be called with destructed objects as it's argument.

Objects might be missed if cb creates new objects or destroys old ones.

This function is only intended to be used for debug purposes.


The total number of objects

See also

next_object(), find_all_clones()

Method memory_usage

mapping(string:int) memory_usage()


Check memory usage.

This function is mostly intended for debugging. It delivers a mapping with information about how many arrays/mappings/strings etc. there are currently allocated and how much memory they use.

The entries in the mapping are typically paired, with one named "num_" + SYMBOL + "s" containing a count, and the other named SYMBOL + "_bytes" containing a best effort approximation of the size in bytes.


Exactly what fields this function returns is version dependant.

See also


Method optimizer_debug

int(0..) optimizer_debug(int(0..) level)


Set the optimizer debug level.


The old optimizer debug level will be returned.


This function is only available if the Pike runtime has been compiled with RTL debug.

Method pp_memory_usage

string pp_memory_usage()


Returns a pretty printed version of the output from memory_usage.

Method pp_object_usage

string pp_object_usage()


Returns a pretty printed version of the output from count_objects (with added estimated RAM usage)

Method reset_dmalloc

void reset_dmalloc()


Only available when compiled with dmalloc.

Method size_object

int size_object(object o)


Return the aproximate size of the object, in bytes. This might not work very well for native objects

The function tries to estimate the memory usage of variables belonging to the object.

It will not, however, include the size of objects assigned to variables in the object.

If the object has a lfun::_size_object() it will be called without arguments, and the return value will be added to the final size. It is primarily intended to be used by C-objects that allocate memory that is not normally visible to pike.

See also

lfun::_size_object(), sizeof()

Method verify_internals

void verify_internals()


Perform sanity checks.

This function goes through most of the internal Pike structures and generates a fatal error if one of them is found to be out of order. It is only used for debugging.


This function does a more thorough check if the Pike runtime has been compiled with RTL debug.

Class Debug.Inspect


Allows for interactive debugging and live data structure inspection in both single- and multi-threaded programs. Creates an independent background thread that every pollinterval will show a list of running threads. Optionally, a triggersignal can be specified which allows the dump to be triggered by a signal.

Example: In the program you'd like to inspect, insert the following one-liner:


Then start the program and keep it running. Next you create a /tmp/test.pike with the following content:

void create() {
 werror("Only once per modification of test.pike\n");

int main() {
 werror("This will run every iteration\n");
 werror("By returning 1 here, we disable the stacktrace dumps\n");
 return 0;

void destroy() {
 werror("destroy() runs just as often as create()\n");

Whenever you edit /tmp/test.pike, it will automatically reload the file.

Variable _callback

string|function(void:void) Debug.Inspect._callback


Either the callback function which is invoked on each iteration, or the name of a file which contains a class which is (re)compiled automatically and called on each iteration.

See also


Variable _loopthread

Thread.Thread Debug.Inspect._loopthread


The inspect-thread. It will not appear in the displayed thread-list.

Method create

Debug.Inspect Debug.Inspect(string|function(void:void)|void cb)


Starts up the background thread.

Parameter cb

Specifies either the callback function which is invoked on each iteration, or the name of a file which contains a class which is (re)compiled automatically with an optional main() method, which will be called on each iteration. If the main() method returns 0, new stacktraces will be dumped every iteration; if it returns 1, stacktrace dumping will be suppressed.


The compilation and the running of the callback is guarded by a catch(), so that failures (to compile) in that section will not interfere with the running program.


If the list of running threads did not change, displaying the list again will be suppressed.

See also

triggersignal, pollinterval, _loopthread, _callback, Debug.globals

Method inspect

void inspect()


The internal function which does all the work each pollinterval. Run it directly to force a thread-dump.

Variable pollinterval

int Debug.Inspect.pollinterval


The polling interval in seconds, defaults to 4.

Variable triggersignal

int Debug.Inspect.triggersignal


If assigned to, it will allow the diagnostics inspection to be triggered by this signal.

Class Debug.Subject


This is a probe subject which you can send in somewhere to get probed (not to be confused with a probe object, which does some active probing). All calls to LFUNs will be printed to stderr. It is possible to name the subject by passing a string as the first and only argument when creating the subject object.


> object s = Debug.Subject(); create() > random(s); _random() (1) Result: 0 > abs(s); `<(0) _sprintf(79, ([ "indent":2 ])) (2) Result: Debug.Subject > abs(class { inherit Debug.Subject; int `<(mixed ... args) { return 1; } }()); create() `-() destroy() (3) Result: 0 > pow(s,2); `[]("pow") Attempt to call the NULL-value Unknown program: 0(2)

Class Debug.Tracer


A class that when instatiated will turn on trace, and when it's destroyed will turn it off again.

Method create

Debug.Tracer Debug.Tracer(int level)


Sets the level of debug trace to level.

Class Debug.Wrapper


This wrapper can be placed around another object to get printouts about what is happening to it. Only a few LFUNs are currently supported.


> object x=Debug.Wrapper(Crypto.MD5()); Debug.Wrapper is proxying ___Nettle.MD5_State() > x->name(); ___Nettle.MD5_State()->name (1) Result: "md5" > !x; !___Nettle.MD5_State() (2) Result: 0

Method _indices

array indices( Debug.Wrapper arg )

Method _sizeof

int sizeof( Debug.Wrapper arg )

Method _sprintf

string sprintf(string format, ... Debug.Wrapper arg ... )

Method _values

array values( Debug.Wrapper arg )

Method `!

bool res = !Debug.Wrapper()

Method `->

mixed res = Debug.Wrapper()->X

Method `[]

mixed res = Debug.Wrapper()[ x ]

Method create

Debug.Wrapper Debug.Wrapper(object x)

Module Debug.Profiling

Method display

void display(int|void num, string|array(string)|void pattern, string|array(string)|void exclude)


Show profiling information in a more-or-less readable manner. This only works if pike has been compiled with profiling support.

The function will print to stderr using werror.

This is mainly here for use from the Debug.Watchdog class, if you want to do your own formatting or output to some other channel use get_prof_info instead.

Method get_prof_info

array(array(string|float|int)) get_prof_info(string|array(string)|void include, string|array(string)|void exclude)


Collect profiling data.

This will return the CPU usage, by function, since the last time the function was called.

The returned array contains the following entries per entry:

string name

The name of the function

float number_of_calls

The number of calls

float self_time

The self CPU time

float cpu_time

The self CPU time, including children.

float self_time_pct

The self CPU time as percentage of total time.

float cpu_time_pct

The self CPU time, including children, as percentage of total time.

string function_line

This is the location in the source of the start of the function

Module DefaultCompilerEnvironment


The CompilerEnvironment object that is used for loading C-modules and by predef::compile().


predef::compile() is essentially an alias for the CompilerEnvironment()->compile() in this object.

See also

CompilerEnvironment, predef::compile()

Module Error

Method mkerror

object mkerror(mixed error)


Returns an Error object for any argument it receives. If the argument already is an Error object or is empty, it does nothing.

Class Error.Generic


Class for exception objects for errors of unspecified type.

Method _is_type

bool res = is_type(Error.Generic())


Claims that the error object is an array, for compatibility with old style error handling code.

Method _sprintf

string sprintf(string format, ... Error.Generic arg ... )

Method `[]

array|string res = Error.Generic()[ index ]


Index operator.

Simulates an array

string msg

Error message as returned by message.

array backtrace

Backtrace as returned by backtrace.


The error message is always terminated with a newline.

See also


Method backtrace

array backtrace()


Return the backtrace where the error occurred. Normally simply returns error_backtrace.

See also


Method cast



Cast operator.


The only supported type to cast to is "array", which generates an old-style error ({message(),    backtrace()}).

Method create

Error.Generic Error.Generic(string message, void|array(backtrace_frame|array(mixed)) backtrace)

Method describe

string describe()


Return a readable error report that includes the backtrace.

Variable error_backtrace

array(backtrace_frame|array(mixed)) Error.Generic.error_backtrace


The backtrace as returned by backtrace where the error occurred.

Code that catches and rethrows errors should ensure that this remains the same in the rethrown error.

Variable error_message

string Error.Generic.error_message


The error message. It always ends with a newline ('\n') character and it might be more than one line.

Code that catches and rethrows errors may extend this with more error information.

Method message

string message()


Return a readable message describing the error. Normally simply returns error_message.

If you override this function then you should ensure that error_message is included in the returned message, since there might be code that catches your error objects, extends error_message with more info, and rethrows the error.

Module Filesystem

Method `()

function(:void) `()(void|string path)


FIXME: Document this function

Method get_filesystem

program get_filesystem(string what)


FIXME: Document this function

Method parse_mode

int parse_mode(int old, int|string mode)


FIXME: Document this function

Class Filesystem.Base


Baseclass that can be extended to create new filesystems. Is used by the Tar and System filesystem classes.

Method apply

int apply()


FIXME: Document this function

Method cd

Base cd(string|void directory)


Change directory within the filesystem. Returns a new filesystem object with the given directory as cwd.

Method chmod

void chmod(string filename, int|string mode)


Change mode of a file or directory.

Method chown

void chown(string filename, int|object owner, int|object group)


Change ownership of the file or directory

Method chroot

Base chroot(void|string directory)


Change the root of the filesystem.

Method cwd

string cwd()


Returns the current working directory within the filesystem.

Method find

array find(void|function(Stat:int) mask, mixed ... extra)


FIXME: Document this function

Method get_dir

array(string) get_dir(void|string directory, void|string|array glob)


Returns an array of all files and directories within a given directory.

Parameter directory

Directory where the search should be made within the filesystem. CWD is assumed if none (or 0) is given.

Parameter glob

Return only files and dirs matching the glob (if given).

See also


Method get_stats

array(Stat) get_stats(void|string directory, void|string|array glob)


Returns stat-objects for the files and directories matching the given glob within the given directory.

See also


Method mkdir

int mkdir(string directory, void|int|string mode)


Create a new directory

Method open

Stdio.File open(string filename, string mode)


Open a file within the filesystem


A Stdio.File object.

Method rm

int rm(string filename)


Remove a file from the filesystem.

Method stat

Stat stat(string file, int|void lstat)


Return a stat-object for a file or a directory within the filesystem.

Class Filesystem.Stat


Describes the stat of a file

Method attach_statarray

void attach_statarray(array(int) a)


Fills the stat-object with data from a Stdio.File.stat() call.

Method cd

object cd()


Change to the stated directory.


the directory if the stated object was a directory, 0 otherwise.

Variable isblk

bool Filesystem.Stat.isblk


Is the file a FIFO?


Is the file a character device?


Is the file (?) a directory?


Is the file a block device?


Is the file a regular file?


Is the file a link to some other file or directory?


Is the file a socket?


FIXME: Document this function.


1 if the file is of a specific type 0 if the file is not.

See also



Read only

Variable ischr

bool Filesystem.Stat.ischr


Is the file a FIFO?


Is the file a character device?


Is the file (?) a directory?


Is the file a block device?


Is the file a regular file?


Is the file a link to some other file or directory?


Is the file a socket?


FIXME: Document this function.


1 if the file is of a specific type 0 if the file is not.

See also



Read only

Variable isdir

bool Filesystem.Stat.isdir


Is the file a FIFO?


Is the file a character device?


Is the file (?) a directory?


Is the file a block device?


Is the file a regular file?


Is the file a link to some other file or directory?


Is the file a socket?


FIXME: Document this function.


1 if the file is of a specific type 0 if the file is not.

See also



Read only

Variable isdoor

bool Filesystem.Stat.isdoor


Is the file a FIFO?


Is the file a character device?


Is the file (?) a directory?


Is the file a block device?


Is the file a regular file?


Is the file a link to some other file or directory?


Is the file a socket?


FIXME: Document this function.


1 if the file is of a specific type 0 if the file is not.

See also



Read only

Variable isfifo

bool Filesystem.Stat.isfifo


Is the file a FIFO?


Is the file a character device?


Is the file (?) a directory?


Is the file a block device?


Is the file a regular file?


Is the file a link to some other file or directory?


Is the file a socket?


FIXME: Document this function.


1 if the file is of a specific type 0 if the file is not.

See also



Read only

Variable islnk

bool Filesystem.Stat.islnk


Is the file a FIFO?


Is the file a character device?


Is the file (?) a directory?


Is the file a block device?


Is the file a regular file?


Is the file a link to some other file or directory?


Is the file a socket?


FIXME: Document this function.


1 if the file is of a specific type 0 if the file is not.

See also



Read only

Variable isreg

bool Filesystem.Stat.isreg


Is the file a FIFO?


Is the file a character device?


Is the file (?) a directory?


Is the file a block device?


Is the file a regular file?


Is the file a link to some other file or directory?


Is the file a socket?


FIXME: Document this function.


1 if the file is of a specific type 0 if the file is not.

See also



Read only

Variable issock

bool Filesystem.Stat.issock


Is the file a FIFO?


Is the file a character device?


Is the file (?) a directory?


Is the file a block device?


Is the file a regular file?


Is the file a link to some other file or directory?


Is the file a socket?


FIXME: Document this function.


1 if the file is of a specific type 0 if the file is not.

See also



Read only

Method nice_date

string nice_date()


Returns the date of the stated object as cleartext.

Method open

Stdio.File open(string mode)


Open the stated file within the filesystem


a [Stdio.File] object

See also


Method set_type

void set_type(string x)


Set a type for the stat-object.


This call doesnot change the filetype in the underlaying filesystem.

Parameter x

Type to set. Type is one of the following:

  • fifo
  • chr
  • dir
  • blk
  • reg
  • lnk
  • sock
  • door
See also

[isfifo], [ischr], [isdir], [isblk], [isreg], [islnk], [issock], [isdoor]

Class Filesystem.System


Implements an abstraction of the normal filesystem.

Method create

Filesystem.System Filesystem.System(void|string directory, void|string root, void|int fast, void|Filesystem.Base parent)


Instanciate a new object representing the filesystem.

Parameter directory

The directory (in the real filesystem) that should become the root of the filesystemobject.

Parameter root


Parameter fast


Parameter parent


Inherit Base

inherit Filesystem.Base : Base

Class Filesystem.Traversion


Iterator object that traverses a directory tree and returns files as values and paths as indices. Example that uses the iterator to create a really simple sort of make:


object i=Filesystem.Traversion("."); foreach(i; string dir; string file) { if(!has_suffix(file, ".c")) continue; file = dir+file; string ofile = file; ofile[-1]='o'; object s=file_stat(ofile); if(s && i->stat()->mtime<s->mtime) continue; // compile file }

Method create

Filesystem.Traversion Filesystem.Traversion(string path, void|bool symlink, void|bool ignore_errors, void|function(array:array) sort_fun)

Parameter path

The root path from which to traverse.

Parameter symlink

Don't traverse symlink directories.

Parameter ignore_errors

Ignore directories that can not be accessed.

Parameter sort_fun

Sort function to be applied to directory entries before traversing. Can also be a filter function.

Method progress

float progress(void|float share)


Returns the current progress of the traversion as a value between 0.0 and 1.0. Note that this value isn't based on the number of files, but the directory structure.

Method stat

Stdio.Stat stat()


Returns the stat for the current index-value-pair.

Module Filesystem.Monitor

Class Filesystem.Monitor.basic


Basic filesystem monitor.

This module is intended to be used for incremental scanning of a filesystem.

Supports FSEvents on MacOS X and Inotify on Linux to provide low overhead monitoring; other systems use a less efficient polling approach.

See also

Filesystem.Monitor.symlinks, System.FSEvents, System.Inotify

Method adjust_monitor

protected void adjust_monitor(Monitor m)


Update the position in the monitor_queue for the monitor m to account for an updated next_poll value.

Method attr_changed

void attr_changed(string path, Stdio.Stat st)


File attribute changed callback.

Parameter path

Path of the file or directory which has changed attributes.

Parameter st

Status information for path as obtained by file_stat(path, 1).

This function is called when a change has been detected for an attribute for a monitored file or directory.

Called by check() and check_monitor().


If there is a data_changed() callback, it may supersede this callback if the file content also has changed.

Overload this to do something useful.

Variable backend

protected Pike.Backend Filesystem.Monitor.basic.backend


Backend to use.

If 0 (zero) - use the default backend.

Method backend_check

protected void backend_check()


Backend check callback function.

This function is intended to be called from a backend, and performs a check() followed by rescheduling itself via a call to set_nonblocking().

See also

check(), set_nonblocking()

Method canonic_path

protected string canonic_path(string path)


Canonicalize a path.

Parameter path

Path to canonicalize.


The default implementation returns combine_path(path, "."), i.e. no trailing slashes.

Method check

int check(int|void max_wait, int|void max_cnt, mapping(string:int)|void ret_stats)


Check for changes.

Parameter max_wait

Maximum time in seconds to wait for changes. -1 for infinite wait.

Parameter max_cnt

Maximum number of paths to check in this call. 0 (zero) for unlimited.

Parameter ret_stats

Optional mapping that will be filled with statistics (see below).

A suitable subset of the monitored files will be checked for changes.


The function returns when either a change has been detected or when max_wait has expired. The returned value indicates the number of seconds until the next call of check().

If ret_stats has been provided, it will be filled with the following entries:

"num_monitors" : int

The total number of active monitors when the scan completed.

"scanned_monitors" : int

The number of monitors that were scanned for updates during the call.

"updated_monitors" : int

The number of monitors that were updated during the call.

"idle_time" : int

The number of seconds that the call slept.


Any callbacks will be called from the same thread as the one calling check().

See also

check_all(), monitor()

Method check_all

void check_all(mapping(string:int)|void ret_stats)


Check all monitors for changes.

Parameter ret_stats

Optional mapping that will be filled with statistics (see below).

All monitored paths will be checked for changes.


You typically don't want to call this function, but instead check().


Any callbacks will be called from the same thread as the one calling check().

See also

check(), monitor()

Method check_monitor

protected bool check_monitor(Monitor m, MonitorFlags|void flags)


Check a single Monitor for changes.

Parameter m

Monitor to check.

Parameter flags

Don't recurse.


Check all monitors for the entire subtree rooted in m.

This function is called by check() for the Monitors it considers need checking. If it detects any changes an appropriate callback will be called.


Returns 1 if a change was detected and 0 (zero) otherwise.


Any callbacks will be called from the same thread as the one calling check_monitor().


The return value can not be trusted to return 1 for all detected changes in recursive mode.

See also

check(), data_changed(), attr_changed(), file_created(), file_deleted(), stable_data_change()

Method clear

void clear()


Clear the set of monitored files and directories.


Due to circular datastructures, it's recomended to call this function prior to discarding the object.

Variable co_id

protected mixed Filesystem.Monitor.basic.co_id


Call-out identifier for backend_check() if in nonblocking mode.

See also

set_nonblocking(), set_blocking()

Method create

Filesystem.Monitor.basic Filesystem.Monitor.basic(int|void max_dir_check_interval, int|void file_interval_factor, int|void stable_time)


Create a new monitor.

Parameter max_dir_check_interval

Override of default_max_dir_check_interval.

Parameter file_interval_factor

Override of default_file_interval_factor.

Parameter stable_time

Override of default_stable_time.

Method data_changed

void data_changed(string path)


File content changed callback.

Parameter path

Path of the file which has had content changed.

This function is called when a change has been detected for a monitored file.

Called by check() and check_monitor().

Overload this to do something useful.

Constant default_file_interval_factor

protected constant int Filesystem.Monitor.basic.default_file_interval_factor


The default factor to multiply default_max_dir_check_interval with to get the maximum number of seconds between checks of files.

The value can be changed by calling create().

The value can be overridden for individual files or directories by calling monitor().

Overload this constant to change the default.

Constant default_max_dir_check_interval

protected constant int Filesystem.Monitor.basic.default_max_dir_check_interval


The default maximum number of seconds between checks of directories in seconds.

This value is multiplied with default_file_interval_factor to get the corresponding default maximum number of seconds for files.

The value can be changed by calling create().

The value can be overridden for individual files or directories by calling monitor().

Overload this constant to change the default.

Constant default_stable_time

protected constant int Filesystem.Monitor.basic.default_stable_time


The default minimum number of seconds without changes for a change to be regarded as stable (see stable_data_change().

Method file_created

void file_created(string path, Stdio.Stat st)


File creation callback.

Parameter path

Path of the new file or directory.

Parameter st

Status information for path as obtained by file_stat(path, 1).

This function is called when either a monitored path has started existing, or when a new file or directory has been added to a monitored directory.

Called by check() and check_monitor().

Overload this to do something useful.

Method file_deleted

void file_deleted(string path)


File deletion callback.

Parameter path

Path of the new file or directory that has been deleted.

This function is called when either a monitored path has stopped to exist, or when a file or directory has been deleted from a monitored directory.

Called by check() and check_monitor().

Overload this to do something useful.

Method file_exists

void file_exists(string path, Stdio.Stat st)


File existance callback.

Parameter path

Path of the file or directory.

Parameter st

Status information for path as obtained by file_stat(path, 1).

This function is called during initialization for all monitored paths, and subpaths for monitored directories. It represents the initial state for the monitor.


For directories, file_created() will be called for the subpaths before the call for the directory itself. This can be used to detect when the initialization for a directory is finished.

Called by check() and check_monitor() the first time a monitored path is checked (and only if it exists).

Overload this to do something useful.

Method inotify_event

protected void inotify_event(int wd, int event, int cookie, string(8bit) path)


Event callback for Inotify.

Method is_monitored

bool is_monitored(string path)


Check whether a path is monitored or not.

Parameter path

Path to check.


Returns 1 if there is a monitor on path, and 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

monitor(), release()

Method low_eventstream_callback

protected void low_eventstream_callback(string path, int flags, int event_id)


This function is called when the FSEvents EventStream detects a change in one of the monitored directories.

Method monitor

Monitor|void monitor(string path, MonitorFlags|void flags, int(0..)|void max_dir_check_interval, int(0..)|void file_interval_factor, int(0..)|void stable_time)


Register a path for monitoring.

Parameter path

Path to monitor.

Parameter flags

Don't recurse.


Monitor the entire subtree, and any directories or files that may appear later.


Monitor the entire subtree, and any directories or files that may appear later. Remove the monitor automatically when path is deleted.

Parameter max_dir_check_interval

Override of default_max_dir_check_interval for this path or subtree.

Parameter file_interval_factor

Override of default_file_interval_factor for this path or subtree.

Parameter stable_time

Override of default_stable_time for this path or subtree.

See also


Method monitor_factory

protected DefaultMonitor monitor_factory(string path, MonitorFlags|void flags, int(0..)|void max_dir_check_interval, int(0..)|void file_interval_factor, int(0..)|void stable_time)


Create a new Monitor for a path.

This function is called by monitor() to create a new Monitor object.

The default implementation just calls DefaultMonitor with the same arguments.

See also

monitor(), DefaultMonitor

Variable monitor_mutex

protected Thread.Mutex Filesystem.Monitor.basic.monitor_mutex


Mutex controlling access to monitor_queue.

Variable monitor_queue

protected ADT.Heap Filesystem.Monitor.basic.monitor_queue


Heap containing active Monitors that need polling.

The heap is sorted on Monitor()->next_poll.

Variable monitors

protected mapping(string:Monitor) Filesystem.Monitor.basic.monitors


Mapping from monitored path to corresponding Monitor.

The paths are normalized to canonic_path(path),


All filesystems are handled as if case-sensitive. This should not be a problem for case-insensitive filesystems as long as case is maintained.

Method release

void release(string path, MonitorFlags|void flags)


Release a path from monitoring.

Parameter path

Path to stop monitoring.

Parameter flags

Don't recurse.


Release the entire subtree.


Release the entire subtree, but only those paths that were added automatically by a recursive monitor.

See also


Method release_monitor

protected void release_monitor(Monitor m)


Release a single Monitor from monitoring.

See also


Method report

protected void report(SeverityLevel level, string(7bit) fun, sprintf_format format, sprintf_args ... args)


Event tracing callback.

Parameter level

Severity level of the event.

Parameter fun

Name of the function that called report().

Parameter format

sprintf() formatting string describing the event.

Parameter args

Optional extra arguments for the format string.

This function is called in various places to provide granular tracing of the monitor state.

The default implementation calls werror() with format and args if level is ERROR or higher, or if FILESYSTEM_MONITOR_DEBUG has been defined.

Method reschedule_backend_check

protected void reschedule_backend_check(int|void suggested_t)


Reschedule beckend check.

Parameter suggested_t

Suggested time in seconds until next call of check().

Register suitable callbacks with the backend to automatically call check().

check() and thus all the callbacks will be called from the backend thread.

Method set_backend

void set_backend(Pike.Backend|void backend)


Change backend.

Parameter backend

Backend to use. 0 (zero) for the default backend.

Method set_blocking

void set_blocking()


Turn off nonblocking mode.

See also


Method set_file_interval_factor

void set_file_interval_factor(int file_interval_factor)


Set the file_interval_factor.

Method set_max_dir_check_interval

void set_max_dir_check_interval(int max_dir_check_interval)


Set the max_dir_check_interval.

Method set_nonblocking

void set_nonblocking(int|void suggested_t)


Turn on nonblocking mode.

Parameter suggested_t

Suggested time in seconds until next call of check().

Register suitable callbacks with the backend to automatically call check().

check() and thus all the callbacks will be called from the backend thread.


If nonblocking mode is already active, this function will be a noop.

See also

set_blocking(), check().

Method set_stable_time

void set_stable_time(int stable_time)


Set the stable_time.

Method stable_data_change

void stable_data_change(string path, Stdio.Stat st)


Stable change callback.

Parameter path

Path of the file or directory that has stopped changing.

Parameter st

Status information for path as obtained by file_stat(path, 1).

This function is called when previous changes to path are considered "stable".

"Stable" in this case means that there have been no detected changes for at lease stable_time seconds.

Called by check() and check_monitor().

Overload this to do something useful.

Enum Filesystem.Monitor.basic.MonitorFlags


Flags for Monitors.

Class Filesystem.Monitor.basic.DefaultMonitor


This symbol evaluates to the Monitor class used by the default implementation of monitor_factory().

It is currently one of the values Monitor, EventStreamMonitor or InotifyMonitor.

See also


Inherit Monitor

inherit Monitor : Monitor

Class Filesystem.Monitor.basic.EventStreamMonitor


FSEvents EventStream-accelerated Monitor.

Inherit Monitor

inherit Monitor : Monitor

Class Filesystem.Monitor.basic.InotifyMonitor


Inotify-accelerated Monitor.

Inherit Monitor

inherit Monitor : Monitor

Class Filesystem.Monitor.basic.Monitor


Monitoring information for a single filesystem path.

See also


Method attr_changed

protected void attr_changed(string path, Stdio.Stat st)


File attribute or content changed callback.

Parameter st

Status information for path as obtained by file_stat(path, 1).

This function is called when a change has been detected for an attribute for a monitored file or directory.

Called by check() and check_monitor().


If there is a data_changed() callback, it may supersede this callback if the file content also has changed.

Method bump

void bump(MonitorFlags|void flags, int|void seconds)


Bump the monitor to an earlier scan time.

Parameter flags

Don't recurse.


Check all monitors for the entire subtree.

Parameter seconds

Number of seconds from now to run next scan. Defaults to half of the remaining interval.

Method call_callback

protected void call_callback(function(string, Stdio.Stat|void:void) cb, string path, Stdio.Stat|void st)


Call a notification callback.

Parameter cb

Callback to call or UNDEFINED for no operation.

Parameter path

Path to notify on.

Parameter st

Stat for the path.

Method check

bool check(MonitorFlags|void flags)


Check for changes.

Parameter flags

Don't recurse.


Check all monitors for the entire subtree rooted in m.

This function is called by check() for the Monitors it considers need checking. If it detects any changes an appropriate callback will be called.


Returns 1 if a change was detected and 0 (zero) otherwise.


Any callbacks will be called from the same thread as the one calling check_monitor().


The return value can not be trusted to return 1 for all detected changes in recursive mode.

See also

check(), data_changed(), attr_changed(), file_created(), file_deleted(), stable_data_change()

Method check_for_release

void check_for_release(int mask, int flags)


Check if this monitor should be removed automatically.

Method create

Filesystem.Monitor.basic.Monitor Filesystem.Monitor.basic.Monitor(string path, MonitorFlags flags, int max_dir_check_interval, int file_interval_factor, int stable_time)

Method file_created

protected void file_created(string path, Stdio.Stat st)


File creation callback.

Parameter st

Status information for path as obtained by file_stat(path, 1).

This function is called when either a monitored path has started existing, or when a new file or directory has been added to a monitored directory.

Called by check() and check_monitor().

Method file_deleted

protected void file_deleted(string path, Stdio.Stat|void old_st)


File deletion callback.

Parameter path

Path of the new file or directory that has been deleted.

Parameter old_st

Stat for the file prior to deletion (if known). Note that this argument is not passed along to top level function.

This function is called when either a monitored path has stopped to exist, or when a file or directory has been deleted from a monitored directory.

Called by check() and check_monitor().

Method file_exists

protected void file_exists(string path, Stdio.Stat st)


File existance callback.

Parameter st

Status information for path as obtained by file_stat(path, 1).

This function is called during initialization for all monitored paths, and subpaths for monitored directories. It represents the initial state for the monitor.


For directories, file_created() will be called for the subpaths before the call for the directory itself. This can be used to detect when the initialization for a directory is finished.

Called by check() and check_monitor() the first time a monitored path is checked (and only if it exists).

Variable path
Variable flags
Variable max_dir_check_interval
Variable file_interval_factor
Variable stable_time

string Filesystem.Monitor.basic.Monitor.path
MonitorFlags Filesystem.Monitor.basic.Monitor.flags
int Filesystem.Monitor.basic.Monitor.max_dir_check_interval
int Filesystem.Monitor.basic.Monitor.file_interval_factor
int Filesystem.Monitor.basic.Monitor.stable_time

Inherit Element

inherit ADT.Heap.Element : Element

Method monitor

protected void monitor(string path, int flags, int max_dir_interval, int file_interval_factor, int stable_time)


Called to create a sub monitor.

Method parent

this_program parent()


Returns the parent monitor, or UNDEFINED if no such monitor exists.

Method register_path

protected void register_path(int|void initial)


Register the Monitor with the monitoring system.

Parameter initial

Indicates that the Monitor is newly created.

Method report

protected void report(SeverityLevel level, string(7bit) fun, sprintf_format format, sprintf_args ... args)


Event tracing callback.

Parameter level

Severity level of the event.

Parameter fun

Name of the function that called report().

Parameter format

sprintf() formatting string describing the event.

Parameter args

Optional extra arguments for the format string.

This function is called in various places to provide granular tracing of the monitor state.

The default implementation just calls global::report() with the same arguments.

Method stable_data_change

protected void stable_data_change(string path, Stdio.Stat st)


Stable change callback.

Parameter st

Status information for path as obtained by file_stat(path, 1).

This function is called when previous changes to path are considered "stable".

"Stable" in this case means that there have been no detected changes for at lease stable_time seconds.

Called by check() and check_monitor().

Method status_change

protected bool status_change(Stdio.Stat old_st, Stdio.Stat st, int orig_flags, int flags)


Called when the status has changed for an existing file.

Method submonitor_released

void submonitor_released(this_program submon)


To be called when a (direct) submonitor is released.

Method unregister_path

protected void unregister_path(int|void dying)


Unregister the Monitor from the monitoring system.

Parameter dying

Indicates that the Monitor is being destructed. It is the destruction cause value offset by one.

Method update

protected void update(Stdio.Stat st)


Calculate and set a suitable time for the next poll of this monitor.

Parameter st

New stat for the monitor.

This function is called by check() to schedule the next check.

Class Filesystem.Monitor.debug


Debugging filesystem monitor.

This module behaves as symlinks, but has default implementations of all callbacks that call report(), as well as an implementation of [report()] that logs everything to Stdio.stderr.

See also

Filesystem.Monitor.basic, Filesystem.Monitor.symlinks

Method get_monitors

mapping(string:Monitor) get_monitors()


Return the set of active monitors.

Inherit "symlinks.pike"

inherit "symlinks.pike" : "symlinks.pike"

Class Filesystem.Monitor.symlinks


Filesystem monitor with support for symbolic links.

This module extends Filesystem.Monitor.basic with support for symbolic links.


For operating systems where symbolic links aren't supported, this module will behave exactly like Filesystem.Monitor.basic.

See also


Method allocate_symlink

protected int allocate_symlink(string sym)


Allocates a symlink id for the link sym.

Method attr_changed

void attr_changed(string path, Stdio.Stat st)


File attribute changed callback.

Parameter path

Path of the file or directory which has changed attributes.

Parameter st

Status information for path as obtained by file_stat(path).

This function is called when a change has been detected for an attribute for a monitored file or directory.

Called by check() and check_monitor().


If there is a data_changed() callback, it may supersede this callback if the file content also has changed.


It differs from the Filesystem.Monitor.basic version in that symbolic links have the st of their targets.

Overload this to do something useful.

Variable available_ids

protected int Filesystem.Monitor.symlinks.available_ids


Bitmask of all unallocated symlink ids.

Method file_created

void file_created(string path, Stdio.Stat st)


File creation callback.

Parameter path

Path of the new file or directory.

Parameter st

Status information for path as obtained by file_stat(path).

This function is called when either a monitored path has started existing, or when a new file or directory has been added to a monitored directory.


It differs from the Filesystem.Monitor.basic version in that symbolic links have the st of their targets.

Called by check() and check_monitor().

Overload this to do something useful.

Method file_exists

void file_exists(string path, Stdio.Stat st)


File existance callback.

Parameter path

Path of the file or directory.

Parameter st

Status information for path as obtained by file_stat(path).

This function is called during initialization for all monitored paths, and subpaths for monitored directories. It represents the initial state for the monitor.


For directories, file_created() will be called for the subpaths before the call for the directory itself. This can be used to detect when the initialization for a directory is finished.


It differs from the Filesystem.Monitor.basic version in that symbolic links have the st of their targets.

Called by check() and check_monitor() the first time a monitored path is checked (and only if it exists).

Overload this to do something useful.

Inherit basic

inherit Filesystem.Monitor.basic : basic

Method stable_data_change

void stable_data_change(string path, Stdio.Stat st)


Stable change callback.

Parameter path

Path of the file or directory that has stopped changing.

Parameter st

Status information for path as obtained by file_stat(path).

This function is called when previous changes to path are considered "stable".

"Stable" in this case means that there have been no detected changes for at lease stable_time seconds.


It differs from the Filesystem.Monitor.basic version in that symbolic links have the st of their targets.

Called by check() and check_monitor().

Overload this to do something useful.

Variable symlink_ids

protected mapping(string:int) Filesystem.Monitor.symlinks.symlink_ids


Mapping from symlink name to symlink id.

Variable symlink_targets

protected mapping(string:string) Filesystem.Monitor.symlinks.symlink_targets


Mapping from symlink name to symlink target.

Class Filesystem.Monitor.symlinks.DefaultMonitor


Monitoring information for a single filesystem path.

With support for expansion of symbolic links.

See also


Method attr_changed

protected void attr_changed(string path, Stdio.Stat st)


File attribute or content changed callback.

Parameter st

Status information for path as obtained by file_stat(path, 1).

This function is called when a change has been detected for an attribute for a monitored file or directory.

Called by check() and check_monitor().


If there is a data_changed() callback, it may supersede this callback if the file content also has changed.

Method call_callback

protected void call_callback(function(string, mixed ... :void) cb, string path, Stdio.Stat|void st)


Call a notification callback and handle symlink expansion.

Parameter cb

Callback to call or UNDEFINED for no operation.

Parameter extras

Extra arguments after the path argument to cb.

Method check_for_release

void check_for_release(int mask, int flags)


Check if this monitor should be removed automatically.

Method check_symlink

protected void check_symlink(string path, Stdio.Stat st, int|void inhibit_notify)


Check whether a symlink has changed.

Method file_created

protected void file_created(string path, Stdio.Stat st)


File creation callback.

Parameter st

Status information for path as obtained by file_stat(path, 1).

This function is called when either a monitored path has started existing, or when a new file or directory has been added to a monitored directory.

Called by check() and check_monitor().

Method file_deleted

protected void file_deleted(string path, Stdio.Stat old_st)


File deletion callback.

Parameter path

Path of the new file or directory that has been deleted.

This function is called when either a monitored path has stopped to exist, or when a file or directory has been deleted from a monitored directory.

Called by check() and check_monitor().

Method file_exists

protected void file_exists(string path, Stdio.Stat st)


File existance callback.

Parameter st

Status information for path as obtained by file_stat(path, 1).

This function is called during initialization for all monitored paths, and subpaths for monitored directories. It represents the initial state for the monitor.


For directories, file_created() will be called for the subpaths before the call for the directory itself. This can be used to detect when the initialization for a directory is finished.

Called by check() and check_monitor() the first time a monitored path is checked (and only if it exists).

Inherit DefaultMonitor

inherit basic::DefaultMonitor : DefaultMonitor


Based on Filesystem.Monitor.basic.DefaultMonitor.

Method low_call_callback

void low_call_callback(function(string, mixed ... :void) cb, mapping(string:int) state, mapping(string:string) symlink_targets, string path, Stdio.Stat|void st, string|void symlink)


Call a notification callback and handle symlink expansion.

Parameter cb

Callback to call or UNDEFINED for no operation.

Parameter state

State mapping to avoid multiple notification and infinite loops. Call with an empty mapping.

Parameter symlinks

Symlinks that have not been expanded yet.

Parameter path

Path to notify on.

Parameter extras

Extra arguments to cb.

Parameter symlink

Symbolic link that must have been followed for the callback to be called.

Method monitor

protected void monitor(string path, int flags, int max_dir_interval, int file_interval_factor, int stable_time)


Called to create a sub monitor.

Method stable_data_change

protected void stable_data_change(string path, Stdio.Stat st)


Stable change callback.

Parameter st

Status information for path as obtained by file_stat(path, 1).

This function is called when previous changes to path are considered "stable".

"Stable" in this case means that there have been no detected changes for at lease stable_time seconds.

Called by check() and check_monitor().

Method status_change

protected bool status_change(Stdio.Stat old_st, Stdio.Stat st, int orig_flags, int flags)


Called when the status has changed for an existing file.

Variable symlinks

int Filesystem.Monitor.symlinks.DefaultMonitor.symlinks


Mask of symlink ids that can reach this monitor.

Method zap_symlink

protected void zap_symlink(string path)


Called when the symlink path is no more.

Module Filesystem.Tar


Filesystem which can be used to mount a Tar file.

Two kinds of extended tar file records are supported:


POSIX ustar (Version 0?).

"ustar \0"

GNU tar (POSIX draft)


For a quick start, you probably want to use `()().

See also



constant int Filesystem.Tar.EXTRACT_CHOWN


Set owning user and group from the tar records.


constant int Filesystem.Tar.EXTRACT_ERR_ON_UNKNOWN


Throw an error if an entry of an unsupported type is encountered. This is ignored otherwise.


constant int Filesystem.Tar.EXTRACT_SKIP_EXT_MODE


Don't set set-user-ID, set-group-ID, or sticky bits from the tar records.


constant int Filesystem.Tar.EXTRACT_SKIP_MODE


Don't set any permission bits from the tar records.


constant int Filesystem.Tar.EXTRACT_SKIP_MTIME


Don't set mtime from the tar records.

Class Filesystem.Tar._Tar


Low-level Tar Filesystem.

Method extract

void extract(string src_dir, string dest_dir, void|string|function(string, Filesystem.Stat:int|string) filter, void|int flags)


Extracts files from the tar file in sequential order.

Parameter src_dir

The root directory in the tar file system to extract.

Parameter dest_dir

The root directory in the real file system that will receive the contents of src_dir. It is assumed to exist and be writable.

Parameter filter

A filter for the entries under src_dir to extract. If it's a string then it's taken as a glob pattern which is matched against the path below src_dir. That path always begins with a /. For directory entries it ends with a / too, otherwise not.

If it's a function then it's called for every entry under src_dir, and those where it returns nonzero are extracted. The function receives the path part below src_dir as the first argument, which is the same as in the glob case above, and the stat struct as the second. If the function returns a string, it's taken as the path below dest_dir where this entry should be extracted (any missing directories are created automatically).

If filter is zero, then everything below src_dir is extracted.

Parameter flags

Bitfield of flags to control the extraction:


Don't set any permission bits from the tar records.


Don't set set-user-ID, set-group-ID, or sticky bits from the tar records.


Don't set mtime from the tar records.


Set owning user and group from the tar records.


Throw an error if an entry of an unsupported type is encountered. This is ignored otherwise.

Files and directories are supported on all platforms, and symlinks are supported whereever symlink exists. Other record types are currently not supported.


I/O errors are thrown.

Class Filesystem.Tar._TarFS

Method chmod

void chmod(string filename, int|string mode)


Not implemented yet.

Method chown

void chown(string filename, int|object owner, int|object group)


Not implemented yet.

Method create

Filesystem.Tar._TarFS Filesystem.Tar._TarFS(_Tar _tar, string _wd, string _root, Filesystem.Base _parent)

Inherit System

inherit Filesystem.System : System

Method rm

int rm(string filename)


Not implemented yet.

Class Filesystem.Tar.`()

Method create

Filesystem.Tar.`() Filesystem.Tar.`()(string filename, void|Filesystem.Base parent, void|object file)

Parameter filename

The tar file to mount.

Parameter parent

The parent filesystem. If none is given, the normal system filesystem is assumed. This allows mounting a TAR-file within a tarfile.

Parameter file

If specified, this should be an open file descriptor. This object could e.g. be a Stdio.File, Gz.File or Bz2.File object.

Inherit _TarFS

inherit _TarFS : _TarFS

Module Fuse


Fuse - Filesystem in USErspace

FUSE (Filesystem in USErspace) provides a simple interface for userspace programs to export a virtual filesystem to the Linux kernel. FUSE also aims to provide a secure method for non privileged users to create and mount their own filesystem implementations.

See http://sourceforge.net/projects/fuse/ for more information

This module maps the Fuse library more or less directly to pike.

In order to create a filesystem, create a subclass of the Operations class, clone it and pass it to the run method.

You do not need to implemnent all functions, but at least getattr, readdir and read are needed to make a useable filesystem.

A tip: ERRNO constants are available in the System module, and if one is missing /usr/include/asm[-generic]/errno.h can be included in pike programs on Linux.

Inherit "___Fuse"

inherit "___Fuse" : "___Fuse"

Method run

void run(Operations handler, array(string) args)


Start fuse. Args is as in argv in main(). This function will not return.

The first argument (argv[0], program name) is used as the filesystem name. The first non-flag argument after argv[0] is used as the mountpoint. Otherwise these arguments are supported:

     -d                  enable debug output (implies -f)
     -f                  foreground operation
     -s                  disable multithreaded operation
     -r                  mount read only (equivalent to '-o ro')
     -o opt,[opt...]     mount options
     -h                  print help

Mount options:

     rootmode=M             permissions of the '/' directory in the filesystem (octal)
     user_id=N              user of '/' (numeric)
     group_id=N             group of '/' (numeric)
     default_permissions    enable permission checking

  By default FUSE doesn't check file access permissions, the
  filesystem is free to implement it's access policy or leave it to
  the underlying file access mechanism (e.g. in case of network
  filesystems).  This option enables permission checking,
  restricting access based on file mode.  It is usually useful
  together with the 'allow_other' mount option.

     allow_other            allow access to other users

 This option overrides the security measure restricting file access
 to the user mounting the filesystem.  This option is by default
 only allowed to root, but this restriction can be removed with a
 (userspace) configuration option (in fuse.ini).

     large_read             issue large read requests (2.4 only)
     max_read=N             set maximum size of read requests (default 128K)
     hard_remove            immediate removal (don't hide files)
     debug                  enable debug output
     fsname=NAME            set filesystem name in mtab (overrides argv[0])

Class Fuse.Operations


This is the interface you have to implement to write a FUSE filesystem If something goes wrong in your callback, always return errno. Unless the function returns a specific value (Stat, string or similar), return 0 if all is well.

You do not have to implement all functions. Unimplemented functions have a default implementation that returns -ENOIMPL.

Constant DT_BLK

final constant int Fuse.Operations.DT_BLK


Block special directory entry

Constant DT_CHR

final constant int Fuse.Operations.DT_CHR


Character special directory entry

Constant DT_DIR

final constant int Fuse.Operations.DT_DIR


Directory directory entry

Constant DT_FIFO

final constant int Fuse.Operations.DT_FIFO


FIFO directory entry

Constant DT_LNK

final constant int Fuse.Operations.DT_LNK


Symlink directory entry

Constant DT_REG

final constant int Fuse.Operations.DT_REG


Normal file directory entry

Constant DT_SOCK

final constant int Fuse.Operations.DT_SOCK


Socket directory entry


final constant int Fuse.Operations.DT_UNKNOWN


Unkown directory entry type

Constant F_GETLK
Constant F_SETLK
Constant F_SETLKW
Constant F_RDLCK
Constant F_WRLCK
Constant F_UNLCK

final constant Fuse.Operations.F_GETLK
final constant Fuse.Operations.F_SETLK
final constant Fuse.Operations.F_SETLKW
final constant Fuse.Operations.F_RDLCK
final constant Fuse.Operations.F_WRLCK
final constant Fuse.Operations.F_UNLCK


lock() mode operations.

Constant O_ACCMODE

final constant int Fuse.Operations.O_ACCMODE


Mask for read/write/rdwr

Constant O_APPEND

final constant int Fuse.Operations.O_APPEND


Open for append

Constant O_RDONLY

final constant int Fuse.Operations.O_RDONLY


Open read only

Constant O_RDWR

final constant int Fuse.Operations.O_RDWR


Open read/write only

Constant O_WRONLY

final constant int Fuse.Operations.O_WRONLY


Open write only

Method access

int access(string path, int mode)


Return if the user is allowed to access the path. If the 'default_permissions' mount option is given, this method is not called.

Method chmod

int chmod(string path, int mode)


Change the permission of a file or directory


errno or 0

Method chown

int chown(string path, int uid, int gid)


Change the owner of a file or directory


errno or 0

Method creat

int creat(string path, int mode, int flag)


Create and open or just open the given path

Method flush

int flush(string path, int flags)


Write unwritten data.

Method fsync

int fsync(string path, int datasync)


Flush data and user-data to disk. Not required. If the datasync parameter is non-zero, then only the user data should be flushed, not the meta data.

Method getattr

Stdio.Stat|int(1..) getattr(string path)


Stat a file.


This function is required.


A Stdio.Stat object or an errno.

Method getxattr

string getxattr(string path, string name)


Get the extended attribute name on path

Method link

int link(string source, string destination)


Create a hard link from source to destination.


errno or 0

Method listxattr

array(string)|int listxattr(string path)


Return a list of all available extended attributes on path

Method lock

mapping(string:int)|int lock(string path, int mode, mapping(string:int) how)


Lock, unlock or test for the existence of record locks (POSIX file locking). The owner of the lock is identified by how->owner

If you only need local file-locking on the computer the filesystem is mounted on you do not need to implement this interface. This is only needed for network filesystems that want locking to work over the network.

The operation mode depends on the mode argument.


Acquire a lock (when how->type is F_RDLCK or F_WRLCK) or release a lock (when how->type is F_UNLCK) on the bytes specified by the how->whence, how->start, and how->len fields of lock. If a conflicting lock is held by another process, you should return EACCES or EAGAIN.


Identical to SETLK, but if a lock is held on the file, wait for it to be released before returning. You are allowed to return EINTR, to signal that the waiting has been interrupted and must be restarted.


Identical to SETLK, but do not actually aquire the lock if it can be aquired. If one or more incompatible locks would prevent this lock being placed, then fcntl() returns details about one of these locks in the type, whence, start, and len fields of how and set pid to be the PID of the process holding that lock. Then return the mapping.

Method mkdir

int mkdir(string path, int mode)


Create a directory.


errno or 0

Method mknod

int mknod(string path, int mode, int rdev)


Create a node (file, device special, or named pipe). See man 2 mknod


errno or 0

Method open

int open(string path, int mode)


Open path. mode is as for the system call open. (mode & O_ACCMODE) is one of O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY and O_RDWR. The mode can also contain other flags, most notably O_APPEND.


You do not really have to implement this function. It's useful to start prefetch and to cache open files, and check that the user has permission to read/write the file.


errno or 0

Method read

string|int(1..) read(string path, int len, int offset)


Read data from a file. You have to return at most len bytes, wunless an error occurs, or there is less than len bytes of data still left to read.


errno or the data

Method readdir

int readdir(string path, function(string:void) callback)


Get directory contents.

Call the callback once per file in the directory with the filename as the argument.


This function is required.


errno or 0

Method readlink

string|int(1..) readlink(string path)


Read a symlink.


The symlink contents or errno

Method release

int release(string path)


The inverse of open.


The file might very well be openend multiple times. Keep reference counts.

Method removexattr

int removexattr(string path, string name)


Remove the extended attribute name from path

Method rename

int rename(string source, string destination)


Rename source to destination.


errno or 0

Method rmdir

int rmdir(string path)


Remove a directory


errno or 0

Method setxattr

int setxattr(string path, string name, string value, int flags)


Set the extended attrbiute name on path to value

Method statfs

mapping(string:int) statfs(string path)


Stat a filesystem. Mapping as from filesystem_stat


required for 'df' support, without this function there is an error each time 'df' is run.

Method symlink

int symlink(string source, string destination)


Create a symlink from source to destination.


errno or 0

Method truncate

int truncate(string path, int new_length)


Shrink or enlarge a file


errno or 0

Method unlink

int unlink(string path)


Remove a file


errno or 0

Method utime

int utime(string path, int atime, int mtime)


Set access and modification time. The arguments are the number of seconds since jan 1 1970 00:00.

This function is deprecated, utimens is the recommended method.


errno or 0

Method utimens

int utimens(string path, int atime, int mtime)


Set access and modification time, with nanosecond resolution. The arguments are the number of nanoseconds since jan 1 1970 00:00.


errno or 0

Method write

int write(string path, string data, int offset)


Write data to the file. Should write all data.


errno or amount written (bytes)

Module GDK


GDK wrapper module.

This is a convenience module that is identical to either either the GDK2 or the GDK1 module depending on which (if any) of them is available.

See also


Constant Atom

constant GDK.Atom

Module GDK1

Constant Atom

constant GDK1.Atom

Class GDK1.Bitmap


A bitmap is a black and white pixmap. Most commonly used as masks for images, widgets and pixmaps.


Method create

GDK1.Bitmap GDK1.Bitmap(int|Image.Image xsize_or_image, int|void ysize, string|void bitmap)


Create a new GDK1.Bitmap object. Argument is either an Image.Image object, or {xsisze,ysize,xbitmapdata}.

Method destroy

GDK1.Bitmap destroy()


Destructor. Destroys the bitmap. This will free the bitmap on the X-server.

Inherit Drawable

inherit GDK1.Drawable : Drawable

Method ref

GDK1.Bitmap ref()


Add a reference

Method unref

GDK1.Bitmap unref()


Remove a reference

Class GDK1.Color


The GDK1.Color object is used to represent a color. When you call GDK1.Color(r,g,b) the color will be allocated from the X-server. The constructor can return an exception if there are no more colors to allocate. NOIMG

Method blue

int blue()


Returns the blue color component.

Method create

GDK1.Color GDK1.Color(object|int color_or_r, int|void g, int|void b)


r g and b are in the range 0 to 255, inclusive. If color is specified, it should be an Image.Color object, and the only argument.

Method destroy

GDK1.Color destroy()


Destroys the color object. Please note that this function does not free the color from the X-colormap (in case of pseudocolor) right now.

Method green

int green()


Returns the green color component.

Method image_color_object

Image.Color.Color image_color_object()


Return a Image.Color.Color instance. This gives better precision than the rgb function.

Method pixel

int pixel()


Returns the pixel value of the color. See GDK1.Image->set_pixel.

Method red

int red()


Returns the red color component.

Method rgb

array rgb()


Returns the red green and blue color components as an array.

Class GDK1.DragContext


The drag context contains all information about the drag'n'drop connected to the signal to which it is an argument.


Method drag_abort

GDK1.DragContext drag_abort(int time)


Abort the drag

Method drag_drop

GDK1.DragContext drag_drop(int time)

Method drag_finish

GDK1.DragContext drag_finish(int success, int del, int time)


If success is true, the drag succeded. If del is true, the source should be deleted. time is the current time.

Method drag_set_icon_default

GDK1.DragContext drag_set_icon_default()


Use the default drag icon associated with the source widget.

Method drag_set_icon_pixmap

GDK1.DragContext drag_set_icon_pixmap(GDK1.Pixmap p, GDK1.Bitmap b, int hot_x, int hot_y)


Set the drag pixmap, and optionally mask. The hot_x and hot_y coordinates will be the location of the mouse pointer, relative to the upper left corner of the pixmap.

Method drag_set_icon_widget

GDK1.DragContext drag_set_icon_widget(GTK1.Widget widget, int hot_x, int hot_y)


Set the drag widget. This is a widget that will be shown, and then dragged around by the user during this drag.

Method drag_status

GDK1.DragContext drag_status(int action, int time)


Setting action to -1 means use the suggested action

Method drop_reply

GDK1.DragContext drop_reply(int ok, int time)

Method get_action

int get_action()



Method get_actions

int get_actions()



Method get_is_source

int get_is_source()


Is this application the source?

Method get_protocol

int get_protocol()



Method get_source_widget

GTK1.Widget get_source_widget()


Return the drag source widget.

Method get_start_time

int get_start_time()


The start time of this drag, as a unix time_t (seconds since 0:00 1/1 1970)

Method get_suggested_action

int get_suggested_action()



Class GDK1.Drawable


The GDK1.Bitmap, GDK1.Window and GDK1.Pixmap classes are all GDK drawables.

This means that you can use the same set of functions to draw in them.

Pixmaps are offscreen drawables. They can be drawn upon with the standard drawing primitives, then copied to another drawable (such as a GDK1.Window) with window->draw_pixmap(), set as the background for a window or widget, or otherwise used to show graphics (in a W(Pixmap), as an example). The depth of a pixmap is the number of bits per pixels. Bitmaps are simply pixmaps with a depth of 1. (That is, they are monochrome bitmaps - each pixel can be either on or off).

Bitmaps are mostly used as masks when drawing pixmaps, or as a shape for a GDK1.Window or a W(Widget)

Method clear

GDK1.Drawable clear(int|void x, int|void y, int|void width, int|void height)


Either clears the rectangle defined by the arguments, of if no arguments are specified, the whole drawable.

Method copy_area

GDK1.Drawable copy_area(GDK1.GC gc, int xdest, int ydest, GTK1.Widget source, int xsource, int ysource, int width, int height)


Copies the rectangle defined by xsource,ysource and width,height from the source drawable, and places the results at xdest,ydest in the drawable in which this function is called.

Method draw_arc

GDK1.Drawable draw_arc(GDK1.GC gc, int filledp, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int angle1, int angle2)


Draws a single circular or elliptical arc. Each arc is specified by a rectangle and two angles. The center of the circle or ellipse is the center of the rectangle, and the major and minor axes are specified by the width and height. Positive angles indicate counterclockwise motion, and negative angles indicate clockwise motion. If the magnitude of angle2 is greater than 360 degrees, it is truncated to 360 degrees.

Method draw_bitmap

GDK1.Drawable draw_bitmap(GDK1.GC gc, GDK1.Bitmap bitmap, int xsrc, int ysrc, int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height)


Draw a GDK(Bitmap) in this drawable. NOTE: This drawable must be a bitmap as well. This will be fixed in GTK 1.3

Method draw_image

GDK1.Drawable draw_image(GDK1.GC gc, GDK1.Image image, int xsrc, int ysrc, int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height)


Draw the rectangle specified by xsrc,ysrc+width,height from the GDK(Image) at xdest,ydest in the destination drawable

Method draw_line

GDK1.Drawable draw_line(GDK1.GC gc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)


img_begin w = GTK1.DrawingArea()->set_usize(100,100); delay: g = GDK1.GC(w)->set_foreground( GDK1.Color(255,0,0) ); delay: for(int x = 0; x<10; x++) w->draw_line(g,x*10,0,100-x*10,99); img_end

Method draw_pixmap

GDK1.Drawable draw_pixmap(GDK1.GC gc, GDK1.Pixmap pixmap, int xsrc, int ysrc, int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height)


Draw the rectangle specified by xsrc,ysrc+width,height from the GDK(Pixmap) at xdest,ydest in the destination drawable

Method draw_point

GDK1.Drawable draw_point(GDK1.GC gc, int x, int y)


img_begin w = GTK1.DrawingArea()->set_usize(10,10); delay: g = GDK1.GC(w)->set_foreground( GDK1.Color(255,0,0) ); delay: for(int x = 0; x<10; x++) w->draw_point(g, x, x); img_end

Method draw_rectangle

GDK1.Drawable draw_rectangle(GDK1.GC gc, int filledp, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)


img_begin w = GTK1.DrawingArea()->set_usize(100,100); delay: g = GDK1.GC(w)->set_foreground( GDK1.Color(255,0,0) ); delay: for(int x = 0; x<10; x++) w->draw_rectangle(g,0,x*10,0,100-x*10,99); img_end img_begin w = GTK1.DrawingArea()->set_usize(100,100); delay: g = GDK1.GC(w); delay: for(int x = 0; x<30; x++) { delay: g->set_foreground(GDK1.Color(random(255),random(255),random(255)) ); delay: w->draw_rectangle(g,1,x*10,0,100-x*10,99); delay: } img_end

Method draw_text

GDK1.Drawable draw_text(GDK1.GC gc, GDK1.Font font, int x, int y, string text, int forcewide)


y is used as the baseline for the text. If forcewide is true, the string will be expanded to a wide string even if it is not already one. This is useful when writing text using either unicode or some other 16 bit font.

Method get_geometry

mapping get_geometry()


Get width, height position and depth of the drawable as a mapping.

([ "x":xpos, "y":ypos, "width":xsize, "height":ysize, "depth":bits_per_pixel ])

Method xid

int xid()

Method xsize

int xsize()


Returns the width of the drawable specified in pixels

Method ysize

int ysize()


Returns the height of the drawable specified in pixels

Class GDK1.Event

Method _index

protected mixed _index(string ind)

Method cast


Method destroy

GDK1.Event destroy()

Class GDK1.Font


The GdkFont data type represents a font for drawing on the screen. These functions provide support for loading fonts, and also for determining the dimensions of characters and strings when drawn with a particular font.

Fonts in X are specified by a X Logical Font Description. The following description is considerably simplified. For definitive information about XLFD's see the X reference documentation. A X Logical Font Description (XLFD) consists of a sequence of fields separated (and surrounded by) '-' characters. For example, Adobe Helvetica Bold 12 pt, has the full description: "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-70-iso8859-1"

The fields in the XLFD are:

Foundrythe company or organization where the font originated.
Familythe font family (a group of related font designs).
WeightA name for the font's typographic weight For example, 'bold' or 'medium').
SlantThe slant of the font. Common values are 'R' for Roman, 'I' for italoc, and 'O' for oblique.
Set WidthA name for the width of the font. For example, 'normal' or 'condensed'.
Add StyleAdditional information to distinguish a font from other fonts of the same family.
Pixel SizeThe body size of the font in pixels.
Point SizeThe body size of the font in 10ths of a point. (A point is 1/72.27 inch)
Resolution XThe horizontal resolution that the font was designed for.
Resolution YThe vertical resolution that the font was designed for .
SpacingThe type of spacing for the font - can be 'p' for proportional, 'm' for monospaced or 'c' for charcell.
Average WidthThe average width of a glyph in the font. For monospaced and charcell fonts, all glyphs in the font have this width
Charset Registry The registration authority that owns the encoding for the font. Together with the Charset Encoding field, this defines the character set for the font.
Charset EncodingAn identifier for the particular character set encoding.

When specifying a font via a X logical Font Description, '*' can be used as a wildcard to match any portion of the XLFD. For instance, the above example could also be specified as "-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1"

It is generally a good idea to use wildcards for any portion of the XLFD that your program does not care about specifically, since that will improve the chances of finding a matching font.

Method char_width

int char_width(int character)


Return the width, in pixels, of the specified character, if rendered with this font. The character can be between 0 and 65535, the character encoding is font specific.

Method create

GDK1.Font GDK1.Font(string|void font_name)


Create a new font object. The string is the font XLFD.

Method destroy

GDK1.Font destroy()


Free the font, called automatically by pike when the object is destroyed.

Class GDK1.GC


A GC, or Graphics Context, is used for most low-level drawing operation.

As an example, the foreground color, background color and drawing function is stored in the GC.


Method copy

GDK1.GC copy(GDK1.GC source)


Copy all attributes from the source GC

Method create

GDK1.GC GDK1.GC(GTK1.Widget context, mapping|void attributes)


The argument is a either a W(Widget) or a GDK(Drawable) in which the gc will be valid.

Method destroy

GDK1.GC destroy()


Free the gc, called automatically by pike when the object is destroyed.

Method get_values

mapping get_values()


Get all (or rather most) values from the GC.

Method set_background

GDK1.GC set_background(GDK1.Color color)


Set the background to the specified GDK1.Color.

Method set_clip_mask

GDK1.GC set_clip_mask(GDK1.Bitmap mask)


Set the clip mask to the specified GDK1.Bitmap

Method set_clip_origin

GDK1.GC set_clip_origin(int x, int y)


Set the clip mask origin to the specified point.

Method set_clip_rectangle

GDK1.GC set_clip_rectangle(GDK1.Rectangle rect)


Sets the clip mask for a graphics context from a rectangle. The clip mask is interpreted relative to the clip origin.

Method set_clip_region

GDK1.GC set_clip_region(GDK1.Region rect)


Sets the clip mask for a graphics context from a region. The clip mask is interpreted relative to the clip origin.

Method set_dashes

GDK1.GC set_dashes(int offset, array dashes)


Sets the way dashed-lines are drawn. Lines will be drawn with alternating on and off segments of the lengths specified in dashes. The manner in which the on and off segments are drawn is determined by the line_style value of the GC.

Method set_fill

GDK1.GC set_fill(int fill)


Set the fill method to fill.

Method set_font

GDK1.GC set_font(GDK1.Font font)


Set the font to the specified GDK1.Font.

Method set_foreground

GDK1.GC set_foreground(GDK1.Color color)


Set the foreground to the specified GDK1.Color.

Method set_function

GDK1.GC set_function(int fun)


Set the function to the specified one. One of GDK1.Xor, GDK1.Invert and GDK1.Copy.

Method set_line_attributes

GDK1.GC set_line_attributes(int line_width, int line_style, int cap_style, int join_style)


Control how lines are drawn. line_style is one of GDK1.LineSolid, GDK1.LineOnOffDash and GDK1.LineDoubleDash. cap_style is one of GDK1.CapNotLast, GDK1.CapButt, GDK1.CapRound and GDK1.CapProjecting. join_style is one of GDK1.JoinMiter, GDK1.JoinRonud and GDK1.JoinBevel.

Method set_stipple

GDK1.GC set_stipple(GDK1.Bitmap stipple)


Set the background type. Fill must be GDK_STIPPLED or GDK_OPAQUE_STIPPLED

Method set_subwindow

GDK1.GC set_subwindow(int draw_on_subwindows)


If set, anything drawn with this GC will draw on subwindows as well as the window in which the drawing is done.

Method set_tile

GDK1.GC set_tile(GDK1.Pixmap tile)


Set the background type. Fill must be GDK_TILED

Method set_ts_origin

GDK1.GC set_ts_origin(int x, int y)


Set the origin when using tiles or stipples with the GC. The tile or stipple will be aligned such that the upper left corner of the tile or stipple will coincide with this point.

Class GDK1.Image


A gdk (low level) image. Mainly used for W(Image) objects.


Method create

GDK1.Image GDK1.Image(int|void fast_mode, Image.Image|void image)


Create a new GDK1.Image object. The firstargument is either 0, which indicates that you want a 'slow' image. If you use '1', you indicate that you want a 'fast' image. Fast images are stored in shared memory, and thus are not sent over any network. But please limit your usage of fast images, they use up a possibly limited system resource set. See the man page for shmget(2) for more information on the limits on shared segments on your system.

A 'fast' image will automatically revert back to 'slow' mode if no shared memory is available.

If the second argument is specified, it is the actual image data.

Method destroy

GDK1.Image destroy()


Destructor. Destroys the image. Automatically called by pike when the object is destructed.

Method get_pixel

int get_pixel(int x, int y)


Get the pixel value of a pixel as a X-pixel value. It is usualy not very easy to convert this value to a rgb triple. See get_pnm.

Method get_pnm

string get_pnm()


Returns the data in the image as a pnm object. Currently, this is always a P6 (true color raw) image. This could change in the future. To get a pike image object do 'Image.PNM.decode( gdkimage->get_pnm() )'

Method grab

GDK1.Image grab(GTK1.Widget widget, int xoffset, int yoffset, int width, int height)


Call this function to grab a portion of a widget (argument 1) to the image. Grabbing non-toplevel widgets may produce unexpected results. To get the size of a widget use -&gt;xsize() and -&gt;ysize(). To get the offset of the upper left corner of the widget, relative to it's X-window (this is what you want for the offset arguments), use -&gt;xoffset() and -&gt;yoffset().

Method set

GDK1.Image set(Image.Image|int image_or_xsize, int|void ysize)


Call this to set this image to either the contents of a pike image or a blank image of a specified size.

Method set_pixel

GDK1.Image set_pixel(int x, int y, int pixel)


Set the pixel value of a pixel. Please note that the pixel argument is a X-pixel value, which is not easily gotten from a RGB color. See get_pixel and set.

Class GDK1.Pixmap


This class creates a GDK1.Pixmap from either an GDK1.Image or Image.Image object (or a numeric ID, see your X-manual for XIDs). The GDK1.Pixmap object can be used in a lot of different GTK widgets. The most notable is the W(Pixmap) widget.


Method create

GDK1.Pixmap GDK1.Pixmap(int|object image)


Create a new GDK1.Pixmap object. Argument is a GDK1.Image object or a Image.Image object

Method destroy

GDK1.Pixmap destroy()


Destructor. Destroys the pixmap.

Inherit Drawable

inherit GDK1.Drawable : Drawable

Method ref

GDK1.Pixmap ref()

Method set

GDK1.Pixmap set(GDK1.Image image)


Argument is a GDK1.Image object or an Image.Image object. It is much faster to use an gdkImage object, especially one allocated in shared memory. This is only an issue if you are going to change the contents of the pixmap often, toggling between a small number of images.

Method unref

GDK1.Pixmap unref()

Class GDK1.Rectangle

Method cast



Normally used like (mapping)rectangle or (array)rectangle.

Method create

GDK1.Rectangle GDK1.Rectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height)


Create a new rectangle


Method destroy

GDK1.Rectangle destroy()

Method set

GDK1.Rectangle set(int x, int y, int width, int height)


Set the upper left corner and the size of the rectangle.

Class GDK1.Region

Method create

GDK1.Region GDK1.Region()


Create a new (empty) region


Method destroy

GDK1.Region destroy()

Method equal

int equal(GDK1.Region victim)


Return true if the region used as an argument is equal to the current region. Also available as a==b when a is a region.

Method intersect

GDK1.Region intersect(GDK1.Region victim)


Computes the intersection of the given region and the region. Also available as region &amp; region

Method offset

GDK1.Region offset(int dx, int dy)


Offset(move) the region by dx,dy pixels.

Method point_in

int point_in(int x, int y)


Returns true if the given point resides in the given region

Method rect_in

int rect_in(GDK1.Rectangle r)


Returns true if the given rectangle resides inside the given region

Method shrink

GDK1.Region shrink(int dx, int dy)


reduces the size of a region by a specified amount. Positive values shrink the size of the region, and negative values expand the region.

Method subtract

GDK1.Region subtract(GDK1.Region victim)


Computes the difference of the given region and the region. Also available as region - region

Method union

GDK1.Region union(GDK1.Region victim)


Computes the union of the given rectangle or region and the region. Also available as region | rectangle, region | region, region + region and region + rectangle.

Method xor

GDK1.Region xor(GDK1.Region victim)


Computes the exlusive or of the given region and the region. Also available as region ^ region

Class GDK1.Window


a GDK1.Window object.


Method change_property

GDK1.Window change_property(GDK1.Atom property, GDK1.Atom type, int mode, string data)



Method children

array children()


Returns an array of GDK1.Window objects.

Method create

GDK1.Window GDK1.Window(GDK1.Window parent, mapping|void attributes)


Not for non-experts. I promise.

Method delete_property

GDK1.Window delete_property(GDK1.Atom a)

Method get_geometry

mapping get_geometry()


Returns ([ "x":xpos, "y":ypos, "width":width, "height":height, "depth":bits_per_pixel ])

Method get_pointer

mapping get_pointer(int deviceid)


Get the position of the specified device in this window.

Method get_property

mapping get_property(GDK1.Atom atom, int|void offset, int|void delete_when_done)


Returns the value (as a string) of the specified property. The arguments are:

property: The property atom, as an example GDK1.Atom.__SWM_VROOT offset (optional): The starting offset, in elements delete_when_done (optional): If set, the property will be deleted when it has been fetched.

Example usage: Find the 'virtual' root window (many window managers put large windows over the screen)

   GDK1.Window root = GTK1.root_window();
   array maybe=root->children()->
     root=GDK1.Window( maybe[0]->data[0] );

Inherit Drawable

inherit GDK1.Drawable : Drawable

Method is_viewable

int is_viewable()


Return 1 if the window is mapped.

Method is_visible

int is_visible()


Return 1 if the window, or a part of the window, is visible right now.

Method lower

GDK1.Window lower()


Lower this window if the window manager allows that.

Method move_resize

GDK1.Window move_resize(int x, int y, int w, int h)


Move and resize the window in one call.

Method raise

GDK1.Window raise()


Raise this window if the window manager allows that.

Method set_background

GDK1.Window set_background(GDK1.Color to)


Set the background color or image. The argument is either a GDK1.Pixmap or a GDK1.Color object.

Method set_bitmap_cursor

GDK1.Window set_bitmap_cursor(GDK1.Bitmap image, GDK1.Bitmap mask, GDK1.Color fg, GDK1.Color bg, int xhot, int yhot)


xhot,yhot are the locations of the x and y hotspot relative to the upper left corner of the cursor image.

Method set_cursor

GDK1.Window set_cursor(int new_cursor)


Change the window cursor.<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> CURS(GDK1.Arrow) CURS(GDK1.BasedArrowDown) CURS(GDK1.BasedArrowUp) CURS(GDK1.Boat) CURS(GDK1.Bogosity) CURS(GDK1.BottomLeftCorner) CURS(GDK1.BottomRightCorner) CURS(GDK1.BottomSide) CURS(GDK1.BottomTee) CURS(GDK1.BoxSpiral) CURS(GDK1.CenterPtr) CURS(GDK1.Circle) CURS(GDK1.Clock) CURS(GDK1.CoffeeMug) CURS(GDK1.Cross) CURS(GDK1.CrossReverse) CURS(GDK1.Crosshair) CURS(GDK1.DiamondCross) CURS(GDK1.Dot) CURS(GDK1.Dotbox) CURS(GDK1.DoubleArrow) CURS(GDK1.DraftLarge) CURS(GDK1.DraftSmall) CURS(GDK1.DrapedBox) CURS(GDK1.Exchange) CURS(GDK1.Fleur) CURS(GDK1.Gobbler) CURS(GDK1.Gumby) CURS(GDK1.Hand1) CURS(GDK1.Hand2) CURS(GDK1.Heart) CURS(GDK1.Icon) CURS(GDK1.IronCross) CURS(GDK1.LeftPtr) CURS(GDK1.LeftSide) CURS(GDK1.LeftTee) CURS(GDK1.Leftbutton) CURS(GDK1.LlAngle) CURS(GDK1.LrAngle) CURS(GDK1.Man) CURS(GDK1.Middlebutton) CURS(GDK1.Mouse) CURS(GDK1.Pencil) CURS(GDK1.Pirate) CURS(GDK1.Plus) CURS(GDK1.QuestionArrow) CURS(GDK1.RightPtr) CURS(GDK1.RightSide) CURS(GDK1.RightTee) CURS(GDK1.Rightbutton) CURS(GDK1.RtlLogo) CURS(GDK1.Sailboat) CURS(GDK1.SbDownArrow) CURS(GDK1.SbHDoubleArrow) CURS(GDK1.SbLeftArrow) CURS(GDK1.SbRightArrow) CURS(GDK1.SbUpArrow) CURS(GDK1.SbVDoubleArrow) CURS(GDK1.Shuttle) CURS(GDK1.Sizing) CURS(GDK1.Spider) CURS(GDK1.Spraycan) CURS(GDK1.Star) CURS(GDK1.Target) CURS(GDK1.Tcross) CURS(GDK1.TopLeftArrow) CURS(GDK1.TopLeftCorner) CURS(GDK1.TopRightCorner) CURS(GDK1.TopSide) CURS(GDK1.TopTee) CURS(GDK1.Trek) CURS(GDK1.UlAngle) CURS(GDK1.Umbrella) CURS(GDK1.UrAngle) CURS(GDK1.Watch) CURS(GDK1.Xterm) </table>

Method set_events

GDK1.Window set_events(int events)


events is a bitwise or of one or more of the following constants: GDK1.ExposureMask, GDK1.PointerMotionMask, GDK1.PointerMotion_HINTMask, GDK1.ButtonMotionMask, GDK1.Button1MotionMask, GDK1.Button2MotionMask, GDK1.Button3MotionMask, GDK1.ButtonPressMask, GDK1.ButtonReleaseMask, GDK1.KeyPressMask, GDK1.KeyReleaseMask, GDK1.EnterNotifyMask, GDK1.LeaveNotifyMask, GDK1.FocusChangeMask, GDK1.StructureMask, GDK1.PropertyChangeMask, GDK1.VisibilityNotifyMask, GDK1.ProximityInMask, GDK1.ProximityOutMask and GDK1.AllEventsMask

Method set_icon

GDK1.Window set_icon(GDK1.Pixmap pixmap, GDK1.Bitmap mask, GDK1.Window window)


Set the icon to the specified image (with mask) or the specified GDK1.Window. It is up to the window manager to display the icon. Most window manager handles window and pixmap icons, but only a few can handle the mask argument. If you want a shaped icon, the only safe bet is a shaped window.

Method set_icon_name

GDK1.Window set_icon_name(string name)


Set the icon name to the specified string.

Method shape_combine_mask

GDK1.Window shape_combine_mask(GDK1.Bitmap mask, int xoffset, int yoffset)


Set the shape of the widget, or, rather, it's window, to that of the supplied bitmap.

Class GDK1._Atom


An X-atom. You most likely want to use GDK1.Atom.atom_name instead of GDK1._Atom(name).

Method create

GDK1._Atom GDK1._Atom(string atom_name, int|void only_if_exists)


Create a new low-level atom. You should normally not call this function directly. Use GDK1.Atom[name] instead of GDK1._Atom(name,0).

Method get_name

string get_name()


Returns the name of the atom.

Module GDK2

Constant Atom

constant GDK2.Atom

Module GLUE


GL Universal Environment

Method PushPop

void PushPop(function(:void) f)


Performs function f between GL.glPushMatrix and GL.glPopMatrix calls.


PushPop() { GL.glTranslate( 0.01, -0.9, 0.0 ); write_text( "Press esc to quit" ); };

Method add_reinit_callback

void add_reinit_callback(function(void:void) f)


Add a callback that will be called every time the resolution is about to change.

See also


Method allocate_light

int allocate_light()


Allocate a hardwareaccelerated lightsource from OpenGL.


an id which may be added to the GL.GL_LIGHT0 constant.

See also


Method debug_stuff

mapping(string:mixed) debug_stuff()


Returns some internal states for debug purposes. The actual content may change.

Method draw_box

void draw_box(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, array(Image.Color.Color)|Image.Color.Color c, void|array(float)|float a)


Draw a box at the specified coordinates. c is either a single color, in which case it will be used for all corners, or an array of four colors, which will be used for each corner.

a is similar to c, but is the alpha values for each coordinate.

Method draw_line

void draw_line(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, Image.Color.Color c, void|float a)
void draw_line(float x0, float y0, float z0, float x1, float y1, float z1, Image.Color.Color c, void|float a)

Method draw_obox

void draw_obox(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, array(Image.Color.Color)|Image.Color.Color c, void|array(float)|float a)


Draw a box outline around the specified coordinates. c is either a single color, in which case it will be used for all corners, or an array of four colors, which will be used for each corner.

a is similar to c, but is the alpha values for each coordinate.

Method draw_polygon

void draw_polygon(array(float) coords, Image.Color.Color c, float a)

Method free_light

void free_light(int l)


Call this function to free a lightsource that has been allocated with allocate_light.

Parameter l

Id which has been allocated using allocate_light.

See also


Method get_all_lists

array(List) get_all_lists()


Returns all defined lists. Only available on Windows.

Method get_all_textures

array(BaseTexture) get_all_textures()


Returns a list of all current textures.

Method get_aspect

float get_aspect()


Returns the screen aspect.

See also


Method get_depth

int get_depth()


Returns the current color depth.

See also


Method get_drivers

array(string) get_drivers()


Returns the name of the available drivers.

See also


Method get_gl_flags

int get_gl_flags()


Returns the GL flags currently used.

See also


Method get_screen_mode

bool get_screen_mode()


Returns 1 if in fullscreen mode, otherwise 0.

See also


Method get_texture_mem_usage

int get_texture_mem_usage()


Returns the number of bytes used by the textures.

Method has_extension

bool has_extension(string ext)


Checks if the GL extension ext is currently supported.

Method hide_cursor

void hide_cursor()


Hide the mouse cursor.

Method init

void init(void|mapping(string:mixed) options)


Initializes GLUE and loads a driver from a list of drivers. If a driver fails to load or initialize, the next driver is tried.


driver_names not listed in the result from get_drivers will cause an error to be thrown.

Parameter options
"driver_names" : string|array(string)

The name of a driver or a list of drivers to try, in given order. If no driver name is given, the list given by get_drivers is used.

"event_callback" : function(.Events.Event:void)

This callback is called with a Events.Event object whenever an event is trapped by the driver. If no event callback is given, a callback that calls exit(0) on Escape and Exit events is used.

"resize_callback" : function(float, bool:void)

This callback is called with the aspect whenever the drawing area is resized, either by an event or explicitly by the program.

"fullscreen" : bool

Set fullscreen/window mode. 1 is fullscreen, 0 is window. Defaults to fullscreen.

"resolution" : array(int)

Sets the resolution of the drawing area. Defaults to ({ 800, 600 }).

"aspect" : float

Sets the aspect of the drawing area. Defaults to 1.333333 (4:3).

"depth" : int

Sets the color depth of the drawing area. Defaults to 32.

"title" : string

Sets the window title to this string.

"icon_title" : string

Sets the icon title to this string.

"fast_mipmap" : bool

Use GL_NEAREST_MIMAP_NEAREST instead of GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, which also is the default.

"rotation" : float

The rotation in z-axis of the drawing field.

"mirror" : string

Mirroring in x and/or y axis.

See also


Method make_rect_texture

BaseTexture make_rect_texture(mapping|Image.Image image, string|void name)


Create a texture with the specified image as contents. Will try to use the TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV extension if available, otherwise normal textures will be used (like make_texture).

See also


Method make_texture

BaseTexture make_texture(mapping|Image.Image image, string|void name)


Create a texture. Mainly here for symetry with make_rect_texture

See also

Texture, make_rect_texture

Method mirror_screen

void mirror_screen(string how)


Mirrors the screen in x and/or y axis. Useful e.g. when drawing for backlight projection.

Parameter how

A string that contains the mirror axis, e.g. "x" or "xy".

Method only_dynlists

bool only_dynlists()


Returns 1 if all defined lists are DynList lists.

Method pushpop_depth

int(0..) pushpop_depth()


Returns the PushPop depth, i.e. the number of pushes awaiting corresponding pops.

Method remove_reinit_callback

void remove_reinit_callback(function(void:void) f)


Removes a reinitialization callback.

See also


Method set_aspect

void set_aspect(float asp)
void set_aspect(int w, int h)


Set the aspect of the draw area. Does nothing if the provided aspect is equal to the one currently used.

See also


Method set_depth

void set_depth(int _depth)


Sets the color depth.

See also


Method set_gl_flags

void set_gl_flags(int _gl_flags)


Sets the GL flags.

See also


Method set_resolution

void set_resolution(int w, int h)


Sets the resolution to wxh pixels.

See also

xsize, ysize

Method set_screen_rotation

void set_screen_rotation(float deg)


Rotates the drawing area deg degrees. Useful e.g. when drawing for tilted monitors.

Method show_cursor

void show_cursor()


Show the mouse cursor.

Method swap_buffers

void swap_buffers()


Swap the drawing buffer and the viewing buffer.

Method toggle_fullscreen

void toggle_fullscreen(void|bool _fullscreen)


Toggles between fullscreen and window mode. If a screen mode is provided, that mode will be assumed.

See also


Method xsize
Method ysize

int xsize()
int ysize()


Returns the screen width/height.

See also




A mixin class with a dwim create function.

Method create

GLUE.BaseDWIM GLUE.BaseDWIM(mixed ... args)


This create function has the following heuristic:

If a mapping is encountered, the following information will be attempted to be extracted.

"image" : Image.Image

The texture image.

"xsize" : int

The image dimensions. If not provided, the dimensions of the "image" member will be used.

"ysize" : int
"height" : int
"width" : int
"alpha" : int

The alpha mode.

"mipmap" : bool

Should the texture be mipmapped or not.

"clamp" : bool

Should the texture be clamped or not.

"mode" : int

The texture mode.

"debug" : string

The debug name associated with this texture.

If an object is encountered in the argument list, the first object will be used as texture image and the second as texture alpha.

If a string is encountered in the argument list, it will be used as debug name associated with this texture.

Once all mappings, strings and objects are removed from the argument list, the remaining integers will be interpreted as width, height, alpha, mipmap and mode, unless there is only one argument. In that case it will be interpreted as the alpha mode.

Class GLUE.BaseTexture


The texture base class. Using e.g. Texture might be more convenient.

Method _sizeof

int sizeof( GLUE.BaseTexture arg )


Returns the size of memory allocated by the texture.

Method `>

bool res = GLUE.BaseTexture() > x


Textures can be sorted according to texture id.

Method clear

void clear()


Clears the texture.

Method construct

void construct(int width, int height, int _alpha, mapping|void imgs, int(2bit)|void flags, int|void _mode, string|void debug_text)


Construct a new texture. Processes _alpha, _mode and debug_text and calls resize.

Parameter _alpha

The alpha mode the texture is operating in.











Parameter _mode

The mode the texture is operating in. Autoselected wrt _alpha if 0.

Parameter debug_text

A string that can be used to identify this texture.

Method coords

void coords(float x, float y)


Sets the texture coordinates to x*width,y*height.

Method create

GLUE.BaseTexture GLUE.BaseTexture(mixed ... args)


Calls construct with args.

Method create_texture

void create_texture(mapping|void imgs, int(2bit)|void flags, int|void width, int|void height)


Actually creates the texture.

Parameter imgs

If zero, a black texture with the dimensions width * height will be generated. Otherwise imgs should be a mapping as follows.

"image" : Image.Image

The actual image to be used as texture. It will be cropped/padded to meet the dimensions given in width and height.

"alpha" : Image.Image

Optional image to be used as alpha channel, depending on the alpha value given to create/construct.

Parameter flags

If 1, the texture will be mipmapped. If bit 1 (2) is set, texture will not be wrapped but clamped.

Parameter width
Parameter height

The dimensions of the texture. If omitted the dimensions of the images in imgs will be used.

See also


Variable debug

string GLUE.BaseTexture.debug


A string to identify the texture.

Method destroy

protected void destroy()


Properly deallocates the texture.

Method draw

void draw(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h)


Draw the texture at x,y,z with dimensions w*h.

Method draw_region

void draw_region(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, float s0, float q0, float ss, float qs)


Draw texture region s0,q0 - ss,qs at x,y,z with dimensions w*h.

Method get_id

int get_id()


Returns the id of this texture.

Variable width_u
Variable height_u

float GLUE.BaseTexture.width_u
float GLUE.BaseTexture.height_u


Utilization in percent.

Variable i_width
Variable i_height

int GLUE.BaseTexture.i_width
int GLUE.BaseTexture.i_height


Image dimensions

Method make_mipmap

void make_mipmap(mapping imgs, int|void imode, int|void dx, int|void dy)


Renders a mipmap of the image/partial image imgs.

Parameter imgs

Image data mapping to feed GL.glTexImage2D or GL.glTexSubImage2D.

Parameter imode

Internal format to feed GL.glTexImage2D, or UNDEFINED for partial images.

Parameter dx
Parameter dy

Xoffs, yoffs to feed GL.glTexSubImage2D for partial images.

See also


Method paste

void paste(Image.Image i, Image.Image a, int x, int y)


Paste the image i with alpha channel a at coordinates x and y in the current texture.

Method resize

void resize(int width, int height, mapping|void imgs, int(2bit)|void flags, bool|void nocreate)


Resizes/creates a texture to meet the dimensions width and height. If nocreate isn't given, create_texture is called to actually perform the resize/creation.

See also


Method set_image_data

void set_image_data(Image.Image|mapping(string:mixed) data, bool|void no_resize)


Set the contents (and size) of the texture from the supplied data. The data is identical to what would normally be sent as the last argument to glTex[Sub]Image2D() or an Image.Image object.

If no_resize is specified, it is assumed that the data will fit in the texture, otherwise the parts that extend beyond it will be discarded.

Parameter data

Besides being an Image.Image object, data can be either of two types of mappins. First it can be a mapping with Image data.

"rgb" : Image.Image

Texture image data.

"alpha" : Image.Image

Optional alpha channel.

"luminance" : Image.Image

Optional luminance channel.

Second it can be a mapping pointing out a shared memory segment.

"mem" : System.Memory

The shared memory segment.

"mem_w" : int

The width and height of the memory segment.

"mem_h" : int
"mem_format" : int

The format of the memory segment, e.g. GL.GL_RGB.

"mem_type" : int

The low level format of the memory segment, e.g. GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE.

Variable t_width
Variable t_height

int GLUE.BaseTexture.t_width
int GLUE.BaseTexture.t_height


Texture dimensions

Variable texture_type

int GLUE.BaseTexture.texture_type


The texture type, e.g. GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D.

Method use

void use()


Use the generated texture (GL.glBindTexture).

Class GLUE.DynList


A displaylist that is generated on demand.


On Windows lists needs to be regenerated when the video driver mode is changed. Thus the DynList is to prefer over List, since regeneration is done automatically upon video mode change.

Method call

void call()


Call the displaylist, ie draw it.

Method create

GLUE.DynList GLUE.DynList(function(:void)|void f)


Create a new DynList object and optionally set a function that can generate the displaylist

Parameter f

Function which contains the GL commands that generates the displaylist.

Inherit List

inherit List : List

Method init

void init()


Generates the displaylist, ie calls the function set in set_generator. Called only when the display list needs to be generated.

Method modeswitch

void modeswitch()


Called by videodriver when a video mode change occurs.

Method set_generator

void set_generator(function(:void) _generator)


Sets a function which can generate a displaylist. Hint: Use implicit lambda...

Class GLUE.Font


A font.

Method create

GLUE.Font GLUE.Font(Image.Fonts.Font f, float|void _scale_width, float|void _scale_spacing)

Method get_character

array(int|BaseTexture|Region) get_character(int c)


Returns the advance (in pixels), the texture and the texture coordinates for the specified character, or 0 if it's nonprintable.


If the font->write call fails, the backtrace will be written to stderr.

Method text_extents

array(float) text_extents(string text, float h)


Get the width and height of the area that the string text in size h would cover.

Method write

array(List|float) write(string text, float h, void|float|Region roi, string|void align)


Create a display list that writes text.

Parameter text

The text to write.

Parameter h

The font height

Parameter roi

The region, if supplied, to restrict writing to.

Parameter align

The text justification; "left" (default), "center" or "right".

Method write_now

array(float) write_now(string text, float h, void|float|Region roi, string|void align)


Write the text in size [h], possibly restricted by region roi. Return the width and height of the resulting text area. If roi is a float, Region(0.0, 0.0, roi, 10000.0) will be used.

Class GLUE.Font.Character


A character to draw.

Method draw

void draw()


Draw the character using the texture txt with the texture-coordinates indicated in pos, possible cropped with slice.

Inherit Region

inherit Region : Region

Variable pos

Region GLUE.Font.Character.pos


Character position in texture txt.

Method set_data

void set_data(Region _pos, BaseTexture _txt, void|Region _slice)


Set character to be region _slice of region _pos of texture _txt.

Variable slice

Region GLUE.Font.Character.slice


Slice of character to be shown.

Variable txt

BaseTexture GLUE.Font.Character.txt


Texture holding the character.

Class GLUE.List


A display list abstraction. Automatically allocates a display list id upon creation and correctly deallocate it upon destruction.

See also


Method `>

bool res = GLUE.List() > x


List objects can be sorted according to list id.

See also


Method begin

void begin(bool|void run)


Start defining the list. If run is provided, the list will be executed as it is compiled (GL.GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE).

See also

end, compile

Method call

void call()


Execute the commands in the list.

Method compile

void compile(function(:void) f)


Compile a list be executing the list code f. Exceptions in f will be thrown after GL.glEndList has been called.

See also


Method create

GLUE.List GLUE.List(void|function(:void) f)


When creating a new list, the list code can be compiled upon creation by supplying a function f that performs the GL operations.

See also



List list = List() { // GL code };

Method destroy

protected void destroy()


Deletes this list and frees the list id from the id pool.

Method end

void end()


Finish the list definition.

See also

begin, compile

Method get_id

int get_id()


Returns this lists' id.

Class GLUE.RectangleDWIMTexture


Convenience version of the RectangleTexture class.

Inherit BaseDWIM

inherit BaseDWIM : BaseDWIM


Convenience methods

Inherit RectangleTexture

inherit RectangleTexture : RectangleTexture


Texture base

Class GLUE.RectangleTexture


Uses the NVidia RECT texture extension for non-power-of-two textures.

Inherit BaseTexture

inherit BaseTexture : BaseTexture

Class GLUE.Region


A rectangle. Used by the text routines to avoid drawing outside the current region.

Method `&

Region res = GLUE.Region() & R


Creates a new region with the intersection of this region and R.

Method create

GLUE.Region GLUE.Region(float x, float y, float w, float h)

Variable x
Variable y
Variable w
Variable h

float GLUE.Region.x
float GLUE.Region.y
float GLUE.Region.w
float GLUE.Region.h

Method inside

bool inside(Region R)


Returns 1 if the region R is fully inside this region.

Constant is_region

constant int GLUE.Region.is_region


All region objects have this constant.

Method move

void move(float xp, float yp)


Move the region xp units right and yp units down.

Method outside

bool outside(Region R)


Returns 1 if the region R is fully outside this region.

Method resize

void resize(float xs, float ys)


Make the region xs units wider and ys units higher.

Class GLUE.SquareMesh


A mesh of squares.

Method create

GLUE.SquareMesh GLUE.SquareMesh(function(float, float:Math.Matrix) calculator)


The calculator will be called for each corner and should return a 1x3 matrix describing the coordinates for the given spot om the surface.

Method draw

void draw()


Draw the mesh.

Method recalculate

void recalculate()


Recalculate the mesh.

Method set_lighting

void set_lighting(bool do_lighting)


Indicate whether or not lighting is used. If it is, the normals of each vertex will be calculated as well as the coordinates.

Method set_size

void set_size(int x, int y)


Set the size of the mesh

Method set_texture

void set_texture(BaseTexture tex)


Set a texture to be mapped on the mesh.

Method surface_normal

Math.Matrix surface_normal(int x, int y)


Return the normal for the surface at coordinates x,y. Used internally.

Class GLUE.Texture


Convenience version of the Texture class.

Inherit BaseDWIM

inherit BaseDWIM : BaseDWIM


Convenience methods

Inherit BaseTexture

inherit BaseTexture : BaseTexture


Texture base

Module GLUE.Events


GLUE Event abstraction.

Constant DELETE
Constant TAB
Constant F1
Constant F2
Constant F3
Constant F4
Constant F5
Constant F6
Constant F7
Constant F8
Constant F9
Constant F10
Constant F11
Constant F12
Constant ESCAPE
Constant UP
Constant DOWN
Constant LEFT
Constant RIGHT
Constant PGUP
Constant PGDWN
Constant ENTER
Constant SPACE
Constant HOME
Constant END
Constant PAUSE
Constant INSERT
Constant SYS_REQ
Constant MENU
Constant NUMLOCK
Constant A
Constant B
Constant C
Constant D
Constant E
Constant F
Constant G
Constant H
Constant I
Constant J
Constant K
Constant L
Constant M
Constant N
Constant O
Constant P
Constant Q
Constant R
Constant S
Constant T
Constant U
Constant V
Constant W
Constant X
Constant Y
Constant Z

constant int GLUE.Events.BACKSPACE
constant int GLUE.Events.DELETE
constant int GLUE.Events.TAB
constant int GLUE.Events.F1
constant GLUE.Events.F2
constant GLUE.Events.F3
constant GLUE.Events.F4
constant GLUE.Events.F5
constant GLUE.Events.F6
constant GLUE.Events.F7
constant GLUE.Events.F8
constant GLUE.Events.F9
constant GLUE.Events.F10
constant GLUE.Events.F11
constant GLUE.Events.F12
constant int GLUE.Events.ESCAPE
constant int GLUE.Events.UP
constant int GLUE.Events.DOWN
constant int GLUE.Events.LEFT
constant int GLUE.Events.RIGHT
constant int GLUE.Events.PGUP
constant int GLUE.Events.PGDWN
constant int GLUE.Events.ENTER
constant int GLUE.Events.SPACE
constant int GLUE.Events.HOME
constant int GLUE.Events.END
constant int GLUE.Events.PAUSE
constant int GLUE.Events.INSERT
constant int GLUE.Events.SCROLL_LOCK
constant int GLUE.Events.SYS_REQ
constant int GLUE.Events.PRINT_SCRN
constant int GLUE.Events.CAPSLOCK
constant int GLUE.Events.MENU
constant int GLUE.Events.NUMLOCK
constant int GLUE.Events.A
constant int GLUE.Events.B
constant int GLUE.Events.C
constant int GLUE.Events.D
constant int GLUE.Events.E
constant int GLUE.Events.F
constant int GLUE.Events.G
constant int GLUE.Events.H
constant int GLUE.Events.I
constant int GLUE.Events.J
constant int GLUE.Events.K
constant int GLUE.Events.L
constant int GLUE.Events.M
constant int GLUE.Events.N
constant int GLUE.Events.O
constant int GLUE.Events.P
constant int GLUE.Events.Q
constant int GLUE.Events.R
constant int GLUE.Events.S
constant int GLUE.Events.T
constant int GLUE.Events.U
constant int GLUE.Events.V
constant int GLUE.Events.W
constant int GLUE.Events.X
constant int GLUE.Events.Y
constant int GLUE.Events.Z


Numeric constant representing a key.

Method ALT

Event ALT(int|Event X)
array(Event) ALT(array(int|Event) X)


Adds the _ALT modifier to an Event, key or array of Events and/or keys.

Constant BUTTON_1
Constant BUTTON_2
Constant BUTTON_3
Constant BUTTON_4
Constant BUTTON_5

constant int GLUE.Events.BUTTON_1
constant int GLUE.Events.BUTTON_2
constant int GLUE.Events.BUTTON_3
constant int GLUE.Events.BUTTON_4
constant int GLUE.Events.BUTTON_5


Numeric constant representing a mouse button.

Method CTRL

Event CTRL(int|Event X)
array(Event) CTRL(array(int|Event) X)


Adds the _CTRL modifier to an Event, key or array of Events and/or keys.

Constant EXIT

constant int GLUE.Events.EXIT


Numeric constant representing an exit event.




Integer constant with the union of all known modifiers, i.e. _SHFT | _CTRL | _ALT.

Constant LSHIFT
Constant RSHIFT
Constant LCTRL
Constant RCTRL
Constant LALT
Constant RALT

constant int GLUE.Events.LSHIFT
constant int GLUE.Events.RSHIFT
constant int GLUE.Events.LCTRL
constant int GLUE.Events.RCTRL
constant int GLUE.Events.LALT
constant int GLUE.Events.RALT


Numeric constant representing a modifier key.


constant GLUE.Events.MODIFIERS


Mapping that maps a modifier key to any of the symbolic modifiers _SHFT, _CTRL and _ALT.

Constant MOUSE_UP
Constant MOUSE_ABS

constant int GLUE.Events.MOUSE_UP
constant int GLUE.Events.MOUSE_DOWN
constant int GLUE.Events.MOUSE_LEFT
constant int GLUE.Events.MOUSE_RIGHT
constant int GLUE.Events.MOUSE_ABS


Numeric constant representing a mouse movement.

Method SHFT

Event SHFT(int|Event X)
array(Event) SHFT(array(int|Event) X)


Adds the _SHFT modifier to an Event, key or array of Events and/or keys.

Constant _ALT

constant int GLUE.Events._ALT


Integer constant representing alternate.

Constant _CTRL

constant int GLUE.Events._CTRL


Integer constant representing control.

Constant _SHFT

constant int GLUE.Events._SHFT


Integer constant representing shift.

Method is_modifier

bool is_modifier(int k)


Returns 1 if the key code k is a modifier key, e.g. LSHIFT or RSHIFT.

Constant key_names

constant GLUE.Events.key_names


Mapping that maps key identifiers with a printable name, e.g. LSHIFT to "Left shift".

Class GLUE.Events.Event


Contains an event.

Method create

GLUE.Events.Event GLUE.Events.Event(int|void _key, bool|void _press, string|void _data, int|void _modifiers, float|void pressure)

Method dup

this_program dup()


Returns a copy of this Event object.

Variable press

bool GLUE.Events.Event.press


Press event or release event.

Variable pressure

float GLUE.Events.Event.pressure


The pressure of the key stroke. A value between 0.0 and 1.0. Unknown values are represented as 0.



This is pike glue for GSS-API ver 2 as specified in RFC 2743.

GSS-API is used to authenticate users and servers, and optionally also to encrypt communication between them. The API is generic and can be used without any knowledge of the actual implementation of these security services, which is typically provided by the operating system.

The most common implementation at the time of writing is Kerberos, which means that the main benefit of this API is to allow clients and servers to authenticate each other using Kerberos, thereby making single sign-on possible in a Kerberized environment.

All functions in this module that wraps GSS-API routines might throw GSSAPI.Error, and by default they do for all such errors. Only in some special cases do they return when a GSS-API error has happened, and that is noted in the documentation.

Constant ACCEPT
Constant BOTH

constant int GSSAPI.INITIATE
constant int GSSAPI.ACCEPT
constant int GSSAPI.BOTH


Flags for indicating how a GSSAPI.Cred object may be used:


The credential can only be used to initiate security contexts (i.e. using GSSAPI.InitContext).


The credential can only be used to accept security contexts (i.e. using GSSAPI.AcceptContext).


The credential may be used both to initiate or accept security contexts.

Constant CONF_FLAG
Constant ANON_FLAG

constant int GSSAPI.DELEG_FLAG
constant int GSSAPI.CONF_FLAG
constant int GSSAPI.INTEG_FLAG
constant int GSSAPI.ANON_FLAG
constant int GSSAPI.TRANS_FLAG


Bitfield flags returned by e.g. GSSAPI.Context.services to denote various services that are available in the context.

Brief descriptions of the flags:


Delegation. See RFC 2743 section 1.2.9.


Mutual authentication (actually, acceptor authentication). See RFC 2743 sections and 1.2.5.


Per-message replay detection. See RFC 2743 section 1.2.3.


Per-message sequencing. See RFC 2743 section 1.2.3.


Per-message confidentiality. See RFC 2743 section 1.2.2.


Per-message integrity. See RFC 2743 section 1.2.2.


Anonymous authentication. See RFC 2743 section 1.2.5.


Might be set before the context establishment has finished, to denote that per-message protection already is available. See RFC 2743 section 1.2.7. Is always set in GSSAPI.Context and derived classes when the context is established.


The context can be transferred between processes using GSSAPI.Context.export. See RFC 2743 section 1.2.10.

Constant BAD_MECH
Constant BAD_NAME
Constant BAD_SIG
Constant NO_CRED
Constant FAILURE
Constant BAD_QOP
Constant NAME_NOT_MN

constant int GSSAPI.BAD_MECH
constant int GSSAPI.BAD_NAME
constant int GSSAPI.BAD_STATUS
constant int GSSAPI.BAD_SIG
constant int GSSAPI.NO_CRED
constant int GSSAPI.NO_CONTEXT
constant int GSSAPI.FAILURE
constant int GSSAPI.BAD_QOP
constant int GSSAPI.NAME_NOT_MN


Constants for routine errors in major status codes like GSSAPI.Error.major_status. See RFC 2743 section Note that major status codes have to be masked with GSSAPI.ERROR_MASK before comparison with these.

Brief descriptions of the flags:


Channel binding mismatch.


Unsupported mechanism requested.


Invalid name provided.


Name of unsupported type provided.


Invalid input status selector.


Token had invalid integrity check.


Specified security context expired.


Expired credentials detected.


Defective credential detected.


Defective token detected.


Failure, unspecified at GSS-API level. GSSAPI.Error.minor_status should provide further details.


No valid security context specified.


No valid credentials provided.


Unsupported QOP value.


Operation unauthorized.


Operation unavailable.


Duplicate credential element requested.


Name contains multi-mechanism elements.

Constant OLD_TOKEN
Constant GAP_TOKEN

constant int GSSAPI.OLD_TOKEN
constant int GSSAPI.GAP_TOKEN


Bitfield flags for informatory codes in major status codes like GSSAPI.Error.major_status. See RFC 2743 section Any combination of these might optionally be combined with one routine error constant to form a major status code.

Brief descriptions of the flags:


Continuation call to routine required.


Duplicate per-message token detected.


Timed-out per-message token detected.


Reordered (early) per-message token detected.


Skipped predecessor token(s) detected.


constant int GSSAPI.ERROR_MASK


Bitfield mask for the routine error part of major status codes like GSSAPI.Error.major_status. After applying this mask, the status values may be compared to any of the routine error constants.

Constant INFO_MASK

constant int GSSAPI.INFO_MASK


Bitfield mask for the informatory part of major status codes like GSSAPI.Error.major_status.


constant string GSSAPI.NT_USER_NAME
constant string GSSAPI.NT_ANONYMOUS
constant string GSSAPI.NT_EXPORT_NAME


OIDs on dotted-decimal form for the GSS-API mechanism-independent name types, and some selected mechanism-specific ones:


Name type for a service associated with a host computer. The syntax is service@hostname where the @hostname part may be omitted for the local host. See RFC 2743 section 4.1.


Name type for a named user on a local system. The syntax is username. See RFC 2743 section 4.2.


Name type for a numeric user identifier corresponding to a user on a local system. The string representing a name of this type should contain a locally-significant user ID, represented in host byte order. See RFC 2743 section 4.3.


Name type for a string of digits representing the numeric user identifier of a user on a local system. This name type is similar to the Machine UID Form, except that the buffer contains a string representing the user ID. See RFC 2743 section 4.4.


Name type to identify anonymous names. See RFC 2743 section 4.5.


Name type for the Mechanism-Independent Exported Name Object type, which is the type of the names returned by GSSAPI.Name.export. See RFC 2743 section 4.7.


Name type for a Kerberos principal. See RFC 1964 section 2.1.1.

Method describe_services

string describe_services(int services)


Returns a string that compactly describes the given services, which is taken as a bitfield of GSSAPI.*_FLAG flags.

The returned string contains capitalized names for the flags reminiscent of the GSSAPI.*_FLAG constants, separated by "|".

Method indicate_mechs

multiset(string) indicate_mechs()


Returns the OIDs for the available mechanism in the GSS-API implementation. The OIDs are returned on dotted-decimal form.

This wraps GSS_Indicate_mechs according to RFC 2743 section 2.4.2.

Method major_status_messages

array(string) major_status_messages(int major_status)


Given a major status code like GSSAPI.Error.major_status (or more commonly GSSAPI.Context.last_major_status in this case), returns an array containing messages for all the status values in it. The returned string(s) presumably don't end with linefeeds.

This wraps GSS_Display_status according to RFC 2743 section 2.4.1.

Method minor_status_messages

array(string) minor_status_messages(int minor_status, void|string mech)


Given a mechanism-specific minor status code like GSSAPI.Error.minor_status, returns an array containing messages for all the status values in it. The returned string(s) presumably don't end with linefeeds.

This wraps GSS_Display_status according to RFC 2743 section 2.4.1.

Parameter minor_status

The mechanism-specific minor status.

Parameter mech

The mechanism that produced the status code. If this is zero or left out, a system default mechanism is used.

Method names_for_mech

multiset(string) names_for_mech(string mech)


Returns the OIDs for the name types that the given mech supports. Both mech and the returned OID strings are on dotted-decimal form.

This wraps GSS_Inquire_names_for_mech according to RFC 2743 section 2.4.12.

Class GSSAPI.AcceptContext


Variant of Context which is used on the acceptor side.

Method accept

string accept(string remote_token)


Accepts a remotely initiated security context.

This wraps GSS_Accept_sec_context according to RFC 2743 section 2.2.2.

The underlying mechanism might require several tokens to be passed back and forth to establish the context. If is_established returns zero after a call to this function then the caller must wait for a token from the remote peer to feed as remote_token in another call to this function.

Parameter remote_token

A token from the remote peer, as returned by a call to GSSAPI.InitContext.init or some other GSS_Init_sec_context wrapper.


If a string is returned then it must be passed to the remote peer which will feed it to GSSAPI.InitContext.init or some other GSS_Init_sec_context wrapper. An empty string is never returned.

Zero is returned if there is no token to send to the remote peer. Note that is_established might still return zero in that case, meaning more remote tokens are necessary.


This function might block on network connections to remote authentication servers.

Method create

GSSAPI.AcceptContext GSSAPI.AcceptContext(void|Cred cred, void|int required_services)


Creates a context for acceptor use. This function only accepts parameters to be used later during the accept call. If there are semantic problems with them, such as if the credentials are stale, then they will be signalled later by accept.

Parameter cred

Credentials for the identity this context claims. The credentials for the default principal (if any) is used if zero or left out.

Parameter required_services

Bitfield of GSSAPI.*_FLAG flags specifying all services that must be provided in the context. If the context fail to provide any of them then it is closed and a GSSAPI.MissingServicesError is thrown.

GSSAPI.PROT_READY_FLAG is ignored in this parameter. The fact that a user calls a per-message function indicates that this service is required at that point, and a GSSAPI.MissingServicesError is thrown if it isn't.


Channel bindings (RFC 2743, section 1.1.6) are not yet implemented since that feature appear to not be in much active use, and its format is not completely specified (RFC 2744, section 3.11).

Method delegated_cred

Cred delegated_cred()


Returns the delegated credentials from the initiator if the delegation (c.f. GSSAPI.DELEG_FLAG) service is in use.

Inherit Context

inherit Context : Context

Class GSSAPI.Context


Class representing a security context; see RFC 2743 section 1.1.3. The user usually instantiates one of the two inheriting classes GSSAPI.InitContext or GSSAPI.AcceptContext, based on whether the context should act as initiator or acceptor for the connection. This class is instantiated directly for imported contexts.


If a Context object for a partly or completely established context is destructed, GSS_Delete_sec_context (RFC 2743, section 2.2.3) is called. That function might do blocking network I/O, which due to pike's object management might occur essentially anytime in any thread if the object isn't explicitly destructed. To avoid that, it's strongly recommended to call delete in contexts that are no longer used.

Method create

GSSAPI.Context GSSAPI.Context(string interprocess_token, void|int required_services)


Creates a context by importing an inter-process token.

This wraps GSS_Import_sec_context according to RFC 2743 section 2.2.9.

Parameter interprocess_token

The inter-process token which has been created by export or some other GSS_Export_sec_context wrapper.

Parameter required_services

Bitfield of GSSAPI.*_FLAG flags specifying all services that must be provided in the context. If the context fail to provide any of them then it is closed and a GSSAPI.MissingServicesError is thrown.

GSSAPI.PROT_READY_FLAG is ignored in this parameter. The fact that a user calls a per-message function indicates that this service is required at that point, and a GSSAPI.MissingServicesError is thrown if it isn't.


It is not possible to retrieve delegated credentials from an imported context. That is a GSS-API limitation.

Method delete

void delete()


Frees the resources for the context, provided it is in use. Does nothing otherwise.

This wraps GSS_Delete_sec_context according to RFC 2743 section 2.2.3.


This function might block on network connections to remote authentication servers.


In compliance with recommendations in GSS-API v2, the optional output token is never used in the call to GSS_Delete_sec_context.

Method export

string export()


Exports this context so that it can be imported in another process, providing the inter-process context transfer service is available (c.f. GSSAPI.TRANS_FLAG).

This wraps GSS_Export_sec_context according to RFC 2743 section 2.2.8.

The returned string is intended to be fed to GSSAPI.Context.create (or some other GSS_Import_sec_context wrapper) in the receiving process.

This operation frees the context in this object.

Method get_mic

string get_mic(string message, void|int qop)


Calculates and returns a MIC (message integrity checksum) for the given message that allows the receiver to verify its origin and integrity through verify_mic or some other GSS_VerifyMIC wrapper.

This wraps GSS_GetMIC according to RFC 2743 section 2.3.1.

This function requires that the context is established, or that the early per-message protection service is available (c.f. GSSAPI.PROT_READY_FLAG. If not, a GSSAPI.MissingServicesError is thrown (but the context is not closed).

Parameter message

The message for which the MIC is to be calculated. It may be of zero length.

Parameter qop

The quality of protection. This is a mechanism-specific value that lets the user direct how the underlying mechanism calculates the MIC. See RFC 2743, section 1.2.4.

Zero or left out means use the default method.

Method is_established
Method services
Method locally_initiated
Method source_name
Method target_name
Method lifetime
Method mech

int is_established()
int services()
int locally_initiated()
Name source_name()
Name target_name()
int(0..) lifetime()
string mech()


Functions to query various properties about the context.

These wrap GSS_Inquire_context according to RFC 2743 section 2.2.6.


Returns nonzero as soon as the context has been established. That means no further rounds through GSSAPI.InitContext.init or GSSAPI.AcceptContext.accept, that the remote peer is authenticated as required, and that the set of available services is complete (see services).


Returns a bitfield of GSSAPI.*_FLAG flags for the services that the context (currently) provides. This field is complete only when the context establishment has finished, i.e. when is_established returns nonzero.

See also GSSAPI.describe_services.


Returns nonzero if the context is an initiator, zero if it is an acceptor. (This is mainly useful in imported contexts.)


Returns the name of the context initiator. The name is always an MN. Returns an anonymous name if used on the acceptor side and the anonymous authentication service (c.f. GSSAPI.ANON_FLAG) was used.


Returns the name of the context acceptor. If a name is returned then it is always an MN.

Zero is returned on the initiator side if the initiator didn't specify a target name and the acceptor did not authenticate itself (should never happen if mutual authentication (c.f. GSSAPI.MUTUAL_FLAG) is a required service).

The returned object is not necessarily the same one as was passed to GSSAPI.InitContext.create, even though they are likely to compare as equal (they might not be equal if the passed name wasn't an MN).


Returns the validity lifetime left for the context. Returns zero if the context has expired, or Int.inf if there is no time limit (in older pikes without Int.inf a large positive integer is returned instead).


Returns the mechanism that provides the context. The returned value is its OID on dotted-decimal form.

These functions don't throw errors if the context is missing or not completely established, even though they might not be able to query the proper values then (GSS-API implementations are known to not be completely reliable in handling these queries for partly established contexts). The functions instead return zero.

Method last_confidential

int last_confidential()


Returns nonzero if the last call to wrap or unwrap provided confidentiality for the message, i.e. if wrap encrypted it or if unwrap decrypted it. Zero is returned otherwise.

Method last_major_status
Method last_minor_status

int last_major_status()
int last_minor_status()


Returns the major and minor status codes from the last operation that called a GSS-API routine, with the exception of those that wrap GSS_Inquire_context.

Method last_qop

int last_qop()


Returns the quality of protection provided by the last call to verify_mic or unwrap.

Method process_token

void process_token(string remote_token)


Passes the given remote_token to the mechanism.

This wraps GSS_Process_context_token according to RFC 2743 section 2.2.4.

This is used for tokens that are received outside the handshaking between GSS_Init_sec_context (GSSAPI.InitContext.init) and GSS_Accept_sec_context (GSSAPI.AcceptContext.accept).

An example is when GSSAPI.InitContext.init returns a final token and flags the context as established, but the acceptor context detects an error and sends a failure token back. That token is processed using this function since GSSAPI.InitContext.init doesn't handle any more tokens by then.


This function might change context state.


This function might block on network connections to remote authentication servers. However, if the remote token is the result of GSS_Delete_sec_context on the remote side then it will not block.

Method required_services

int required_services(void|int services)


Gets and optionally sets the set of services that must be provided in the context. The returned and given value is a bitfield of the GSSAPI.*_FLAG constants.

This is mainly useful to change the per-message service flags that verify_mic and unwrap use to decide whether a condition is an error or not.

Parameter services

New set of required services. If this is not given then the set is not changed.

If the context is established and services contain a service which isn't currently provided then the context is closed and a GSSAPI.MissingServicesError is thrown immediately.

GSSAPI.PROT_READY_FLAG is ignored in this parameter.


Returns the current set of required services (after setting them to services, if provided).

See also


Method unwrap

string unwrap(string message, void|int accept_encrypted_only)


Verifies the origin and integrity of the given message using the MIC included in it, and also decrypts the message if it was encrypted. The message has been calculated by the sender using wrap or some other GSS_Wrap wrapper.

This wraps GSS_Unwrap according to RFC 2743 section 2.3.4.

This function requires that the context is established, or that the early per-message protection service is available (c.f. GSSAPI.PROT_READY_FLAG. If not, a GSSAPI.MissingServicesError is thrown (but the context is not closed).

Parameter message

The message to be unwrapped.

Parameter accept_encrypted_only

If this is nonzero then it is an error if message isn't encrypted, and zero is returned in that case (the status returned by last_major_status will still indicate success, though).


Zero is returned if the verification fails with GSSAPI.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN or GSSAPI.BAD_MIC.

Zero is also returned if message isn't encrypted and accept_encrypted_only is set.

Otherwise the message is successfully decrypted (provided it was encrypted to begin with), and its origin and integrity checks out, but it might still be considered wrong depending on whether the replay detection or sequencing services are required (see required_services):

If replay detection (c.f. GSSAPI.REPLAY_FLAG) is required then zero is returned if the message is duplicated (GSSAPI.DUPLICATE_TOKEN) or old (GSSAPI.OLD_TOKEN).

If sequencing (c.f. GSSAPI.SEQUENCE_FLAG) is required then in addition to the replay detection conditions, zero is also returned if the message is out of sequence (GSSAPI.UNSEQ_TOKEN or GSSAPI.GAP_TOKEN).

Otherwise the unwrapped message is returned, which is valid according to the currently required services (note however that requiring the confidentiality service does not imply that an error is signalled whenever an unencrypted message is received - see instead accept_encrypted_only above).


Any GSS-API errors except GSSAPI.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN and GSSAPI.BAD_MIC are thrown.


This function sets the value returned by last_confidential and last_qop.


Even if the message is considered valid by the return value, last_major_status may be called to check for the informatory codes mentioned above.

Method verify_mic

int verify_mic(string message, string mic)


Verifies the origin and integrity of the given message using the given mic, which has been calculated by the sender using get_mic or some other GSS_GetMIC wrapper.

This wraps GSS_VerifyMIC according to RFC 2743 section 2.3.2.

This function requires that the context is established, or that the early per-message protection service is available (c.f. GSSAPI.PROT_READY_FLAG. If not, a GSSAPI.MissingServicesError is thrown (but the context is not closed).


Zero is returned if the verification fails with GSSAPI.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN or GSSAPI.BAD_MIC.

Otherwise the message origin and integrity checks out, but it might still be considered wrong depending on whether the replay detection or sequencing services are required (see required_services):

If replay detection (c.f. GSSAPI.REPLAY_FLAG) is required then zero is returned if the message is duplicated (GSSAPI.DUPLICATE_TOKEN) or old (GSSAPI.OLD_TOKEN).

If sequencing (c.f. GSSAPI.SEQUENCE_FLAG) is required then in addition to the replay detection conditions, zero is also returned if the message is out of sequence (GSSAPI.UNSEQ_TOKEN or GSSAPI.GAP_TOKEN).

Otherwise nonzero is returned to indicate that the message is valid according to the currently required services.


Any GSS-API errors except GSSAPI.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN and GSSAPI.BAD_MIC are thrown.


This function sets the value returned by last_qop.


Regardless whether the message is considered valid or not by the return value, last_major_status may be called to check for routine errors or the informatory codes mentioned above.

Method wrap

string wrap(string message, void|int encrypt, void|int qop)


Calculates a MIC (message integrity checksum) for the given message, and returns it together with the message, which is optionally encrypted. The returned value can be verified and (if applicable) decrypted by the receiver using unwrap or some other GSS_Unwrap wrapper.

This wraps GSS_Wrap according to RFC 2743 section 2.3.3.

This function requires that the context is established, or that the early per-message protection service is available (c.f. GSSAPI.PROT_READY_FLAG. If not, a GSSAPI.MissingServicesError is thrown (but the context is not closed).

Parameter message

The message to be wrapped. It may be of zero length.

Parameter encrypt

Set to nonzero to request that the message is encrypted. Otherwise only a MIC is calculated and the returned value contains the unencrypted message.

If this is set and the confidentiality service (c.f. GSSAPI.CONF_FLAG) is required then the returned value is always encrypted. Otherwise it might not be encrypted anyway, and a call to last_confidential will tell if it is or not.

Parameter qop

The quality of protection. This is a mechanism-specific value that lets the user direct how the underlying mechanism calculates the MIC. See RFC 2743, section 1.2.4.

Zero or left out means use the default method.


This function sets the value returned by last_confidential.

See also


Method wrap_size_limit

int(0..) wrap_size_limit(int(0..) output_size, int encrypt, void|int qop)


Returns the maximum size of an input string to wrap that would produce no more than output_size bytes in the resulting output.

This wraps GSS_Wrap_size_limit according to RFC 2743 section 2.2.7.

with_confidentiality and qop are the same as in the call to wrap.

Class GSSAPI.Cred


Objects of this class hold one or more credentials that the current process can use to assert identities; see RFC 2743 section 1.1.1.


If a Cred object is destructed, GSS_Release_cred (RFC 2743, section 2.1.2) is called. The RFC doesn't preclude that that function might do blocking network I/O, which due to pike's object management might occur essentially anytime in any thread if the object isn't explicitly destructed. To avoid that, it's recommended to call release in credential objects that are no longer used.

Method name
Method cred_usage
Method mechs
Method lifetime
Method init_lifetime
Method accept_lifetime

GSSAPI.Name name(void|string mech)
int cred_usage(void|string mech)
multiset(string) mechs()
int(0..)|Int.inf lifetime()
int(0..)|Int.inf init_lifetime(string mech)
int(0..)|Int.inf accept_lifetime(string mech)


Functions to query various properties about the credentials.

These wrap GSS_Inquire_cred according to RFC 2743 section 2.1.3 if mech is not given, and GSS_Inquire_cred_by_mech according to section 2.1.5 otherwise.

Parameter mech

If this is given then the credential for that specific mechanism is queried. mech contains the OID of the mechanism on dotted-decimal form.

Some of the query functions can only be used for a specific mechanism, in which case mech is required. Some can only be used on the credentials in general, and the mech argument is not applicable. Some can be used both ways, and then mech is optional.

name (void|string mech) Returns the name of the identity that the credential(s) assert. If mech is given then the returned name is a Mechanism Name (MN).

The returned GSSAPI.Name object is always a newly created one, even though it typically compares as equal with the ones given to acquire or add.

cred_usage (void|string mech) Returns how the credential(s) may be used, one of GSSAPI.INITIATE, GSSAPI.ACCEPT or GSSAPI.BOTH.

If mech is not given then the returned usage value reflects the union of the capabilities in all credentials.

mechs() Returns the set of mechanisms supported by the credential. The returned value is a multiset of strings with OIDs on dotted-decimal form.

lifetime() Returns the shortest validity lifetime left in any of the mechanisms that are part of the credentials, for either initiator or acceptor use.

Returns zero if some part of the credentials has expired.

Returns Int.inf if there is no time limit (in older pikes without Int.inf a large positive integer is returned instead).

init_lifetime (string mech) Returns the validity lifetime left for initiator use.

Returns zero if the credential has expired for this use or if its usage is GSSAPI.ACCEPT.

Returns Int.inf if there is no time limit (in older pikes without Int.inf a large positive integer is returned instead).

accept_lifetime (string mech) Returns the validity lifetime left for acceptor use.

Returns zero if the credential has expired for this use or if its usage is GSSAPI.INITIATE.

Returns Int.inf if there is no time limit (in older pikes without Int.inf a large positive integer is returned instead).


RFC 2743 doesn't preclude that these functions might block on network connections to remote authentication servers.

Method acquire

void acquire(Name|string name, int cred_usage, void|multiset(string) desired_mechs, void|int(0..) desired_time)


Acquire initial credentials for this object. It is an error if it already has some credentials.

This wraps GSS_Acquire_cred according to RFC 2743 section 2.1.1.

Parameter name

The name of the identity for which credentials should be acquired. It is up to the GSS-API implementation to check whether the running process is authorized to act on behalf of this identity.

This can be either a GSSAPI.Name object or a string. In the latter case, the string is converted to a GSS-API name according to a mechanism-specific default printable syntax, i.e. just like if it would be given as the sole argument to GSSAPI.Name.create.

If this is zero then credentials for the default principal (if any) are retrieved.

Parameter cred_usage

Specifies how the credential will be used. One of GSSAPI.INITIATE, GSSAPI.ACCEPT or GSSAPI.BOTH.

Parameter desired_mechs

The mechanisms that the credentials should cover, as a multiset containing their OIDs on dotted-decimal form. If zero or left out then a default set provided by the GSS-API implementation is used.

It is an error to pass an empty multiset.

Parameter desired_time

Number of seconds the credentials should remain valid. The GSS-API implementation may return credentials that are valid both longer and shorter than this. Zero or left out means use the maximum permitted time.


This function might block on network connections to remote authentication servers.

Method add

void add(Name|string name, int cred_usage, string desired_mech, void|int(0..)|array(int(0..)) desired_time)


Adds another credential element to this object. If this object has no credentials already then it will get the default credentials in addition to this specified one.

This wraps GSS_Add_cred according to RFC 2743 section 2.1.4.

Parameter name

The name of the identity for which a credential should be acquired. It is up to the GSS-API implementation to check whether the running process has sufficient privileges to act on behalf of this identity.

This can be either a GSSAPI.Name object or a string. In the latter case, the string is converted to a GSS-API name according to a mechanism-specific default printable syntax, i.e. just like if it would be given as the sole argument to GSSAPI.Name.create.

If this is zero then a credential for the default principal (if any) are retrieved.

Parameter cred_usage

Specifies how the credential will be used. One of GSSAPI.INITIATE, GSSAPI.ACCEPT or GSSAPI.BOTH.

Parameter desired_mech

The mechanism that the credential should cover, as an OID on dotted-decimal form.

Parameter desired_time

Number of seconds the credential should remain valid. The GSS-API implementation may return a credential that is valid both longer and shorter than this. Zero or left out means use the maximum permitted time.

This can also be an array containing two elements. In that case the first element applies to the credential when it is used to initiate contexts, and the second element applies to use for acceptor contexts.


This function might block on network connections to remote authentication servers.

Method release

void release()


Frees the resources for the credential.

This wraps GSS_Release_cred according to RFC 2743 section 2.1.2.


This function might block on network connections to remote authentication servers.

Class GSSAPI.Error


Error object used for GSS-API errors.

Method create

GSSAPI.Error GSSAPI.Error(void|int major, void|int minor, void|string mech, void|string message, void|array backtrace)

Parameter major

Initial value for major_status.

Parameter minor

Initial value for minor_status.

Parameter mech

Object identifier on dotted-decimal form for the mechanism that minor applies to.

Parameter message

Error message. This is prepended to the message generated from major_status and/or minor_status. ": " is inserted in between.

Parameter backtrace

Backtrace. The current backtrace for the calling function is used if left out.

Constant is_gssapi_error
Constant error_type

constant int GSSAPI.Error.is_gssapi_error
constant string GSSAPI.Error.error_type


Object recognition constants.

Inherit Error.Generic

inherit Error.Generic : Error.Generic

Variable major_status

int GSSAPI.Error.major_status


The major status code. This is a bitwise OR of one routine error code and zero or more supplementary error info bits.

See RFC 2743 section and RFC 2744 section 3.9.1. Note that the calling errors mentioned in RFC 2744 are never thrown.

See also


Method major_status_messages

array(string) major_status_messages()


Returns an array containing messages for all the status values in major_status. See GSSAPI.major_status_messages for further details.

Variable minor_status

int GSSAPI.Error.minor_status


The minor status code specific for the mechanism.

See also

minor_status_messages, minor_status_mech

Method minor_status_mech

string minor_status_mech()


Returns the OID for the mechanism that is used to interpret the minor status, or zero if no mechanism has been set. It is returned on dotted-decimal form.

Method minor_status_messages

array(string) minor_status_messages()


Returns an array containing messages for all the status values in minor_status. See GSSAPI.minor_status_messages for further details.

Class GSSAPI.InitContext


Variant of Context which is used on the initiator side.

Method create

GSSAPI.InitContext GSSAPI.InitContext(void|Cred cred, void|Name|string target_name, void|string mech, void|int required_services, void|int desired_services, void|int(0..) desired_time)


Creates a context for initiator use. This function only accepts parameters to be used later during the init call. If there are semantic problems with them, such as if the credentials are stale or the mechanism isn't supported, then they will be signalled later by init.

Parameter cred

Credentials for the identity this context claims. The credentials for the default principal (if any) is used if zero or left out.

Parameter target_name

The name of the target.

This can be either a GSSAPI.Name object or a string. In the latter case, the string is converted to a GSS-API name according to a mechanism-specific default printable syntax, i.e. just like if it would be given as the sole argument to GSSAPI.Name.create.

Some mechanisms support unnamed targets (as allowed in GSS-API v2, update 1) and in such cases this may be zero or left out.

Parameter mech

The mechanism to use. It is given as an OID on dotted-decimal form. The GSS-API implementation chooses this using system settings if it's zero or left out, which is the recommended way.

Parameter required_services

Bitfield of GSSAPI.*_FLAG flags specifying all services that must be provided in the context. If the context fail to provide any of them then it is closed and a GSSAPI.MissingServicesError is thrown.

GSSAPI.PROT_READY_FLAG is ignored in this parameter. The fact that a user calls a per-message function indicates that this service is required at that point, and a GSSAPI.MissingServicesError is thrown if it isn't.

Parameter desired_services

Bitfield of GSSAPI.*_FLAG flags specifying the context services that are wanted but not required. I.e. errors won't be thrown if any of these aren't provided. The services specified in required_services are implicit, so they need not be repeated here.

GSSAPI.PROT_READY_FLAG is ignored in this parameter.

Parameter desired_time

The desired context validity time in seconds. Zero or left out means use the default.


Channel bindings (RFC 2743, section 1.1.6) are not yet implemented since that feature appear to not be in much active use, and its format is not completely specified (RFC 2744, section 3.11).

Inherit Context

inherit Context : Context

Method init

string init(void|string remote_token)


Initiates a security context to send to a remote peer.

This wraps GSS_Init_sec_context according to RFC 2743 section 2.2.1.

The underlying mechanism might require several tokens to be passed back and forth to establish the context. If is_established returns zero after a call to this function then the caller must wait for a token from the remote peer to feed as remote_token in another call to this function.

Parameter remote_token

A token from the remote peer, as returned by a call to GSSAPI.AcceptContext.accept (or some other GSS_Accept_sec_context wrapper) in it. This is zero or left out on the initial call, but used later if the remote peer sends back tokens to process as part of the context establishment.


If a string is returned then it must be passed to the remote peer which will feed it to GSSAPI.AcceptContext.accept or some other GSS_Accept_sec_context wrapper. An empty string is never returned.

Zero is returned if there is no token to send to the remote peer. Note that is_established might still return zero in that case, meaning more remote tokens are necessary.


This function might block on network connections to remote authentication servers.

Class GSSAPI.MissingServicesError


Error object used when one or more required services are missing in a GSSAPI.Context object.

Method create

GSSAPI.MissingServicesError GSSAPI.MissingServicesError(void|int missing_services)

Parameter missing_services

Initial value for services.

Constant is_gssapi_missing_services_error
Constant error_type

constant int GSSAPI.MissingServicesError.is_gssapi_missing_services_error
constant string GSSAPI.MissingServicesError.error_type


Object recognition constants.

Inherit Error.Generic

inherit Error.Generic : Error.Generic

Variable services

int GSSAPI.MissingServicesError.services


Bitfield of GSSAPI.*_FLAG flags for the missing services that caused the error.

See also


Class GSSAPI.Name


An object of this class contains a name on the internal form which is required by the GSS-API functions. See RFC 2743, section 1.1.5.

Method __hash

int hash_value( GSSAPI.Name arg )


Tries to export the name (see export) and if that succeeds returns a hash made from the exported name string. Otherwise a normal hash based on this object is returned.

This means that mechanism names (MNs) can be used as indices in mappings without getting duplicate entries for the same identity.

Method `==

int res = GSSAPI.Name() == other


Returns true if other is a GSSAPI.Name which contains a name that refers to the same identity as this one.

This wraps GSS_Compare_name according to RFC 2743 section 2.4.3.

If either GSSAPI.Name object is uninitialized or contains an anonymous identity then they are considered different, unless it is the very same GSSAPI.Name object (that is an inherent pike behavior).


An error is thrown if the names are incomparable, or if either of them are ill-formed.

Method canonicalize

Name canonicalize(string mech)


Returns a GSSAPI.Name containing the canonical mechanism name (MN) of this name. The mechanism is given as a dotted-decimal OID in mech.

This wraps GSS_Canonicalize_name according to RFC 2743 section 2.4.14.


This function might block on network connections to remote authentication servers.

Method create

GSSAPI.Name GSSAPI.Name(string name, void|string name_type)


This wraps GSS_Import_name according to RFC 2743 section 2.4.5.

Parameter name

A name on string form (a contiguous string name in GSS-API parlance).

Parameter name_type

The OID on dotted-decimal form for the type of the name in name. If left out, name is parsed according to a mechanism-specific default printable syntax.


If name is the result of export or a similar function then name_type should be GSSAPI.NT_EXPORT_NAME.

Method display_name
Method display_name_type

string display_name()
string display_name_type()


display_name returns a representation of the name for display purposes, and display_name_type returns an OID on dotted-decimal form for the type of that name.

If no type was given to create then display_name_type might return zero.

This wraps GSS_Display_name according to RFC 2743 section 2.4.4.

See also

The GSSAPI.NT_* constants.

Method export

string export(void|string mech)


Returns the name on the exported format. If mech isn't given then the name has to be a mechanism name (MN). If mech is given then the name is canonicalized according to that mechanism before being exported (see canonicalize).

This wraps GSS_Export_name according to RFC 2743 section 2.4.15.


This function might block on network connections to remote authentication servers if mech is specified.

Method mechs

multiset(string) mechs()


Returns the OIDs for the mechanisms that might be able to process this name. The returned OID strings are on dotted-decimal form.

This wraps GSS_Inquire_mechs_for_name according to RFC 2743 section 2.4.13.


Some older GSS-API v2 implementations lack this funcion.

Module GTKSupport

Class GTKSupport.Alert

Method create

GTKSupport.Alert GTKSupport.Alert(string text, string|void title)

Inherit Dialog

inherit GTK1.Dialog : Dialog

Method ok

GTK1.Button ok()


Returns the ok Button object.

Class GTKSupport.SClist


A Clist with scrollbars. Defines the same interface as Clist.

Class GTKSupport.pDrawingArea


A Drawing area with backing store. Basically, the only difference from a drawing area widget is that this one never loose it's contents unless you do paint over them.

It also use quite a significant amount of memory if the backing pixmap has many bitplanes, and the drawing area is large.

See also


Inherit DrawingArea

inherit GTK1.DrawingArea : DrawingArea

Module GTKSupport.MenuFactory

Method MenuFactory

array(object) MenuFactory(MenuDef ... definition)


This is the function that actually builds the menubar.


import GTK1.MenuFactory; [GTK1.MenuBar bar, GTK1.AcceleratorTable map] = MenuFactory( MenuDef( "File/New", new_file, 0, "A-N" ), MenuDef( "File/Open", new_file, 1, "A-O" ), MenuDef( "File/Save", save_file, 0, "A-S" ), MenuDef( "File/<separator>", 0, 0 ), MenuDef( "File/Quit", _exit, 0, "A-Q" ), );

GTK1.MenuBar 0


GTK1.AcceleratorTable 1


Method PopupMenuFactory

array(object) PopupMenuFactory(MenuDef ... definition)


Identical to MenuFactory, but creates popup menus instead.

GTK1.Menu 0


GTK1.AccelGroup 1


Method get_menubar_mapping

mapping get_menubar_mapping()


Returns a (flat) mapping ([ path:GTK1.MenuItem ]).


This function can only be called after the menubar is created.

Method set_menubar_modify_callback

void set_menubar_modify_callback(function(:void) to)


The function passed as the argument to this function will be called each time the accelerator key mapping is changed by the user with the new mapping as the argument.


This function is only used when the menubar is created, once you are done with the menubar creation, the callbacks for that menubar will be fixed.

Class GTKSupport.MenuFactory.MenuDef


Definition of a menu item.

Method assign_shortcut

void assign_shortcut(string sc)


Sets a new shortcut as the current one.

The shortcut syntax is: m[m[..]]-key, where m is one or more modifier character, and key is the desired key (NOTE: Key must be in the range 0-255 currently, this will hopefully be fixed by the GTK people in the future)

The modifiers are:






Modifier 1 (called alt by the GTK people, that's not true, though)


Modifier 2 (called altgr by the GTK people, that's not true, though)


Modifier 3 (not mapped by the GTK people, meta on _my_ keyboard)


Modifier 4 (not mapped by the GTK people, hyper on _my_ keyboard)


Modifier 5 (not mapped by the GTK people, super on _my_ keyboard)


Method create

GTKSupport.MenuFactory.MenuDef GTKSupport.MenuFactory.MenuDef(string path, function(:void)|void cb, mixed|void cbarg, string|void binding, int|void right)

Parameter path

Path is the menupath. A submenu will be created for each "Directory" in the path, and menuitems will be created for the "files". There are two special cases: The "file" "<separator>" will create a thin line. The "file"-prefix "<check>" will make the menuitem a checkmenuitem instead of a normal menuitem.

Parameter cb
Parameter cbarg

The second and third arguments are the callback function and the first callback function argument. If the callback function argument is an array, the indices of the array will be pushed as arguments. To call the function with an array as the only argument, make an array with the array in. The callback function will be called like callback( arg, widget ), or if arg is an array, callback( arg[0], arg[1], ..., widget ).

Parameter shortcut

The fourth argument, shortcut, is the shortcut to bind to this menu item. The shortcut can be changed later on by calling assign_shortcut, or by the user by pressing the desired keycombination over the menu item.

The shortcut syntax is: m[m[..]]-key, where m is one or more modifier character, and key is the desired key (NOTE: Key must be in the range 0-255 currently, this will hopefully be fixed by the GTK people in the future)

The modifiers are:






Modifier 1 (called alt by the GTK people, that's not true, though)


Modifier 2 (called altgr by the GTK people, that's not true, though)


Modifier 3 (not mapped by the GTK people, meta on _my_ keyboard)


Modifier 4 (not mapped by the GTK people, hyper on _my_ keyboard)


Modifier 5 (not mapped by the GTK people, super on _my_ keyboard)

Parameter right

Currently ignored.

Module GTKSupport.Util

Method decode_image

mapping decode_image(string data, mapping|array|void tocolor)


Decodes an image as a GDK1.Pixmap.

"format" : string

The MIME content type of the image.

"alpha" : GDK1.Bitmap

The alpha channel of the image, if any. Otherwise 0.

"img" : GDK1.Bitmap

The decoded image.

Method load_image

mapping load_image(string filename, array|void bgcol)


Loads and decodes an image as a GDK1.Pixmap.

"format" : string

The MIME content type of the image.

"alpha" : GDK1.Bitmap

The alpha channel of the image, if any. Otherwise 0.

"img" : GDK1.Bitmap

The decoded image.

Module Geography

Class Geography.Position


This class contains a geographical position, ie a point on the earths surface. The resulting position object implements comparision methods (__hash, `==, `< and `>) so that you can compare and sort positions as well as using them as index in mappings. Comparision is made primary on latidue and secondly on longitude. It does not currently take the ellipsoid into account.

It is possible to cast a position into an array, which will yield ({ float latitude, float longitude }), as well as into a string.

Method ECEF

array(float) ECEF()


Returns the current position as Earth Centered Earth Fixed Cartesian Coordinates.


({ X, Y, Z })


string GEOREF()


Gives the full GEOREF position for the current position, e.g. "LDJA0511".

Method RT38

array(float) RT38()

Method UTM

string UTM(int precision)


Returns the current UTM coordinates position. An example output is "32T 442063.562 5247479.500" where the parts are zone number + zone designator, easting and northing.

Method UTM_offset

array(float) UTM_offset()


Returns the offset within the present UTM cell. The result will be returned in an array of floats, containing easting and northing.

Method UTM_zone_designator

string UTM_zone_designator()


Returns the UTM letter designator for the current latitude. Returns "Z" if latitude is outside the UTM limits of 84N to 80S.

Method UTM_zone_number

int UTM_zone_number()


Returns the UTM zone number for the current longitude, with correction for the Svalbard deviations.

Method __hash

int hash_value( Geography.Position arg )

Method _sprintf

string sprintf(string format, ... Geography.Position arg ... )

Method `<

int res = Geography.Position() < pos

Method `==

int res = Geography.Position() == pos

Method `>

int res = Geography.Position() > pos

Variable alt

float Geography.Position.alt


Altitud of the position, in meters. Positive numbers is up. Zero is the shell of the current ellipsoid.

Method approx_height

float approx_height()


Returns a very crude approximation of where the ground level is at the current position, compared against the ellipsoid shell. WGS-84 is assumed, but the approximation is so bad that it doesn't matter which of the standard ellipsoids is used.

Method create

Geography.Position Geography.Position(int|float lat, int|float long, void|int|float alt)
Geography.Position Geography.Position(string lat, string long)
Geography.Position Geography.Position(string position)
Geography.Position Geography.Position()


Constructor for this class. If fed with strings, it will perform a dwim scan on the strings. If they fails to be understood, there will be an exception.

Method eccentricity_squared

float eccentricity_squared()


Returns the first eccentricity squared for the selected earth approximation ellipsoid.

Constant ellipsoids

constant Geography.Position.ellipsoids


A mapping with reference ellipsoids, which can be fed to the UTM converter. The mapping maps the name of the ellipsoid to an array where the first element is a float describing the equatorial radius and the second element is a float describing the polar radius.

Variable equatorial_radius

float Geography.Position.equatorial_radius


The equatorial radius is how many meters the earth radius is at the equator (east-west direction).

Method euclidian_distance

float euclidian_distance(this_program p)


Calculate the euclidian distance between two Geography.Position. Result is in meter. This uses the ECEF function.

Method flattening

float flattening()


Returns the flattening factor for the selected earth approximation ellipsoid.

Variable lat

float Geography.Position.lat


Latitude (N--S) of the position, in degrees. Positive number is north, negative number is south.

Method latitude
Method longitude

string latitude(void|int n)
string longitude(void|int n)


Returns the nicely formatted latitude or longitude.


"17°42.19'N" / "42°22.2'W"


"17.703°N" / "42.37°W"


"17°42.18'N" / "42°22.2'W"


"17°42'10.4"N" / "42°22'12"W"


"17.703" / "-42.37"

Variable long

float Geography.Position.long


Longitude (W--E) of the position, in degrees. Positive number is east, negative number is west.

Variable polar_radius

float Geography.Position.polar_radius


The polar radius is how many meters the earth radius is at the poles (north-south direction).

Method set_ellipsoid

bool set_ellipsoid(string name)
bool set_ellipsoid(float equatorial_radius, float polar_radius)


Sets the equatorial and polar radius to the provided values. A name can also be provided, in which case the radius will be looked up in the ellipsoid mapping. The function returns 1 upon success, 0 on failure.

"Airy 1830"
"Australian National"
"Bessel 1841"
"Bessel 1841 Namibia"
"Clarke 1866"
"Clarke 1880"
"Everest 1830"
"Everest 1848"
"Everest 1856"
"Everest 1869"
"Everest Pakistan"
"Fisher 1960"
"Fisher 1968"
"G R S 1967"
"G R S 1975"
"G R S 1980"
"Helmert 1906"
"Hough 1956"
"Indonesian 1974"
"Krassovsky 1940"
"Modified Airy"
"Modified Fisher 1960"
"New International 1967"
"SGS 85"
"South American 1969"
"WGS 60"
"WGS 66"
"WGS 72"
"WGS 84"

The longitude and lattitude are not converted to the new ellipsoid.

Method set_from_RT38

void set_from_RT38(int|float|string x_n, int|float|string y_e)


Sets the longitude and lattitude from the given RT38 coordinates.

Method set_from_UTM

void set_from_UTM(int zone_number, string zone_designator, float UTME, float UTMN)


Sets the longitude and lattitude from the given UTM coordinates.

Method standard_grid

string standard_grid()


Returns the standard map grid system for the current position. Can either be "UPS" or "UTM".

Class Geography.PositionRT38


Create a Position object from a RT38 coordinate

Inherit Position

inherit .Position : Position

Module Geography.Countries

Method `[]
Method `->

mixed `[](string what)
mixed `->(string what)


Convenience functions for getting a country the name-space way; it looks up whatever it is in the name- and domain-space and returns that country if possible:

> Geography.Countries.se;    
Result: Country(Sweden)
> Geography.Countries.djibouti;
Result: Country(Djibouti)
> Geography.Countries.com;     
Result: Country(United States)
> Geography.Countries.wallis_and_futuna_islands->iso2;
Result: "WF"

Method continents

mapping(string:array(Country)) continents()


Gives back a mapping from continent name to an array of the countries on that continent.

The continents are:

    	  "North America"
    	  "South America"


Some countries are considered to be on more than one continent.

Variable countries

array(Country) Geography.Countries.countries


All known countries.

Method from_domain

Country from_domain(string domain)


Look up a country from a domain name. Returns zero if the domain doesn't map to a country. Note that there are some valid domains that don't:




US Military




Non-Profit Organization


Old style Arpanet


Nato field

And that US has five domains, Great Britain and france two: <dl compact> <dt>EDU <dd>US Educational <dt>MIL <dd>US Military <dt>GOV <dd>US Government <dt>UM <dd>US Minor Outlying Islands <dt>US <dd>US <dt>GB <dd>Great Britain (UK) <dt>UK <dd>United Kingdom <dt>FR <dd>France <dt>FX <dd>France, Metropolitan <dt>There's also three domains that for convinience maps to US: <dt>NET <dd>Network <dt>ORG <dd>Organization <dt>COM <dd>Commercial </dl>

Method from_domain

Country from_domain(string name)


Look up a country from its name or aka. The search is case-insensitive but regards whitespace and interpunctation.

Class Geography.Countries.Country



Variable name
Variable aka

string Geography.Countries.Country.name
array(string) Geography.Countries.Country.aka


Country name and as-known-as, if any

Method cast



It is possible to cast a country to a string, which will be the same as performing country->name;.

Method continent

string continent()


Returns the continent of the country.


Some countries are geographically in more then one continent; any of the continents might be returned then, but probably the continent in which the capital is resident - Europe for Russia, for instance.

Variable fips10

string Geography.Countries.Country.fips10


FIPS 10-character code; "Federal Information Processing Standards 10-3" etc, used by some goverments in the US.

Variable former

int Geography.Countries.Country.former


Flag that is set if this country doesn't exist anymore. (eg USSR.)

Variable iso2

string Geography.Countries.Country.iso2


ISO 2-character code aka domain name

Module Geography.GeoIP

Method parse_77

void parse_77(string line, object tree)


Parsing function for geoip databases in the format used my http://software77.net/.

Method parse_maxmind

void parse_maxmind(string line, object tree)


Parsing function for geoip databases in the format used my http://www.maxmind.com/.

Class Geography.GeoIP.IP


Base class for GeoIP lookups. Use Geography.GeoIP.IPv4.

Method from_ip

mixed from_ip(string ip)


Returns the geographical location of the given ip address ip. When this object has been created using one of the standard parsing functions the locations are instances of Geography.Countries.Country.

Class Geography.GeoIP.IPv4


Class for GeoIP lookups of ipv4 addresses. Uses ADT.CritBit.IPv4Tree objects internally to map IPv4 addresses to a geographical region.

Method create

Geography.GeoIP.IPv4 Geography.GeoIP.IPv4(string file_name, function(string, ADT.CritBit.IPv4Tree:void) fun)
Geography.GeoIP.IPv4 Geography.GeoIP.IPv4(ADT.CritBit.IPv4Tree tree)


Objects of this class can either be created from a file file_name with an optional parsing function fun. When fun is omitted, it defaults to Geography.GeoIP.parse_maxmind. fun will be called for each line in file_name and the critbit tree to add the entry to.

Alternatively, an instance of ADT.CritBit.IPv4Tree can be passed. tree is expected to map the first address of each range to its geographical location.

Inherit IP

inherit IP : IP

Module Getopt


Getopt is a group of functions which can be used to find command line options.

Command line options come in two flavors: long and short. The short ones consists of a dash followed by a character (-t), the long ones consist of two dashes followed by a string of text (--test). The short options can also be combined, which means that you can write -tda instead of -t -d -a.

Options can also require arguments, in which case they cannot be combined. To write an option with an argument you write -t argument or -targument or --test=argument.

Constant HAS_ARG

constant int Getopt.HAS_ARG


Used with find_all_options() to indicate that an option requires an argument.

See also



constant int Getopt.MAY_HAVE_ARG


Used with find_all_options() to indicate that an option takes an optional argument.

See also


Constant NO_ARG

constant int Getopt.NO_ARG


Used with find_all_options() to indicate that an option does not take an argument.

See also


Method find_all_options

array(array) find_all_options(array(string) argv, array(array(array(string)|string|int)) options, void|int(-1..1) posix_me_harder, void|int throw_errors)


This function does the job of several calls to find_option(). The main advantage of this is that it allows it to handle the POSIX_ME_HARDER environment variable better. When either the argument posix_me_harder or the environment variable POSIX_ME_HARDER is true, no arguments will be parsed after the first non-option on the command line.

Parameter argv

The should be the array of strings that was sent as the second argument to your main() function.

Parameter options

Each element in the array options should be an array on the following form:

string name

Name is a tag used to identify the option in the output.

int type

Type is one of Getopt.HAS_ARG, Getopt.NO_ARG and Getopt.MAY_HAVE_ARG and it affects how the error handling and parsing works. You should use HAS_ARG for options that require a path, a number or similar. NO_ARG should be used for options that do not need an argument, such as --version. MAY_HAVE_ARG should be used for options that may or may not need an argument.

string|array(string) aliases

This is a string or an array of string of options that will be looked for. Short and long options can be mixed, and short options can be combined into one string. Note that you must include the dashes so that find_all_options() can distinguish between long and short options. Example: ({"-tT","--test"}) This would make find_all_options look for -t, -T and --test.

void|string|array(string) env_var

This is a string or an array of strings containing names of environment variables that can be used instead of the command line option.

void|mixed default

This is the default value a MAY_HAVE_ARG option will have in the output if it was set but not assigned any value.

Only the first three elements need to be included.

Parameter posix_me_harder

Don't scan for arguments after the first non-option.

Parameter throw_errors

If throw_errors has been specified find_all_options() will throw errors on failure. If it has been left out, or is 0 (zero), it will instead print an error message on Stdio.stderr and exit the program with result code 1 on failure.


The good news is that the output from this function is a lot simpler. find_all_options() returns an array where each element is an array on this form:

string name

Option identifier name from the input.

mixed value

Value given. If no value was specified, and no default has been specified, the value will be 1.


find_all_options() modifies argv.

Index 0 (zero) of argv is not scanned for options, since it is reserved for the program name.

See also

Getopt.get_args(), Getopt.find_option()

Method find_option

string|bool find_option(array(string) argv, array(string)|string shortform, array(string)|string|void longform, array(string)|string|void envvars, string|bool|void def, int|void throw_errors)


This is a generic function to parse command line options of the type -f, --foo or --foo=bar.

Parameter argv

The first argument should be the array of strings that was sent as the second argument to your main() function.

Parameter shortform

The second is a string with the short form of your option. The short form must be only one character long. It can also be an array of strings, in which case any of the options in the array will be accepted.

Parameter longform

This is an alternative and maybe more readable way to give the same option. If you give "foo" as longform your program will accept --foo as argument. This argument can also be an array of strings, in which case any of the options in the array will be accepted.

Parameter envvars

This argument specifies an environment variable that can be used to specify the same option, to make it easier to customize program usage. It can also be an array of strings, in which case any of the mentioned variables in the array may be used.

Parameter def

This argument has two functions: It specifies if the option takes an argument or not, and it informs find_option() what to return if the option is not present.

The value may be one of:


The option does not require a value.


The option requires a value, and def will be returned if the option is not present. If the option is present, but does not have an argument find_option() will fail.

Note that a set option will always return a string, so setting def to 1 can be used to detect whether the option is present or not.

Parameter throw_errors

If throw_errors has been specified find_option() will throw errors on failure. If it has been left out, or is 0 (zero), it will instead print an error message on Stdio.stderr and exit the program with result code 1 on failure.


Returns the value the option has been set to if any.

If the option is present, but has not been set to anything 1 will be returned.

Otherwise if any of the environment variables specified in envvars has been set, that value will be returned.

If all else fails, def will be returned.


If an option that requires an argument lacks an argument and throw_errors is set an error will be thrown.


find_option() modifies argv. Parsed options will be removed from argv. Elements of argv that have been removed entirely will be replaced with zeroes.

This function reads options even if they are written after the first non-option on the line.

Index 0 (zero) of argv is not scanned for options, since it is reserved for the program name.

Only the first ocurrance of an option will be parsed. To parse multiple ocurrances, call find_option() multiple times.

See also


Method get_args

array(string) get_args(array(string) argv, void|int(-1..1) posix_me_harder, void|int throw_errors)


This function returns the remaining command line arguments after you have run find_option() or find_all_options() to find all the options in the argument list. If there are any options left not handled by find_option() or find_all_options() this function will fail.

If throw_errors has been specified get_args() will throw errors on failure. If it has been left out, or is 0 (zero), it will instead print an error message on Stdio.stderr and exit the program with result code 1 on failure.


On success a new argv array without the parsed options is returned.

See also

Getopt.find_option(), Getopt.find_all_options()

Module Git


This is a module for interacting with the Git distributed version control system.

Constant MODE_DIR

constant int Git.MODE_DIR


A subdirectory.

Constant MODE_EXE

constant int Git.MODE_EXE


A normal, but executable file.

Constant MODE_FILE

constant int Git.MODE_FILE


A normal (non-executable) file.


constant int Git.MODE_GITLINK


A gitlink (aka submodule reference).


constant int Git.MODE_SYMLINK


A symbolic link.

Constant NULL_SHA1

constant string Git.NULL_SHA1



Method git

string git(string git_dir, string command, string ... args)


Run a git command, and get the output.

Parameter git_dir

Directory containing the Git repository. May be UNDEFINED to specify the Git repository for the current directory.

Parameter command

Git subcommand to execute.

Parameter args

Arguemnts for command.


Returns the output on stdout from running the command on success, and throws and error on failure.

Variable git_binary

string Git.git_binary


The git binary to use.

Defaults to "git", but may be overridden to select a different binary.

Method hash_blob

string hash_blob(string data)


Hash algorithm for blobs that is compatible with git.

Method low_git

Process.Process low_git(mapping(string:mixed) options, string git_dir, string command, string ... args)


Start a git process.

Parameter options

Options for Process.Process().

Parameter git_dir

Directory containing the Git repository. May be UNDEFINED to specify the Git repository for the current directory.

Parameter command

Git subcommand to execute.

Parameter args

Arguemnts for command.


Returns the corresponding Process.Process object.

Class Git.Export


Framework for creating a command-stream suitable for git-fast-import.

Method blob

void blob(string blob, string|void marker)


Upload data.

Parameter blob

Data to upload.

Parameter marker

Optional export marker for referring to the data.

Method cat_blob

void cat_blob(string dataref)


Output a blob on the cat-blob-fd.

Parameter dataref

Reference to the blob to output.

Method checkpoint

void checkpoint()


Flush state to disk.

Method command

void command(sprintf_format cmd, sprintf_args ... args)


Send a raw command.

Method commit

void commit(string ref, string|void commit_marker, string|void author_info, string committer_info, string message, string|void ... parents)


Create a new commit on a branch.

Parameter ref

Reference to add the commit to. Typically "refs/heads/" followed by a branchname, or "refs/notes/commits".

Parameter commit_marker

Optional export marker for referring to the new commit.

Parameter author_info

Optional author information. Defaults to committer_info.

Parameter committer_info

Name, email and timestamp for the committer. See format_author() for details.

Parameter message

Commit message.

Parameter parents

The ordered set of parents for the commit. Defaults to the current HEAD for ref, if it exists, and to the empty set otherwise.

The set of files for the commit defaults to the set for the first of the parents, and can be modified with filemodify, filedelete, filecopy, filerename, filedeleteall and notemodify.

Method create

Git.Export Git.Export()
Git.Export Git.Export(Stdio.File fd)
Git.Export Git.Export(string git_dir)


Create a new fast-import command-stream.

Parameter fd

File to write the command-stream to.

Parameter git_dir

Git directory to modify. If the directory doesn't exist, it will be created empty. A git-fast-import session will be started for the directory to receive the command-stream.

If neither fd nor git_dir has been specified, the command stream will be output to Stdio.stdout.

Parameter verbosity

The amount of verbosity on Stdio.stderr for various commands.

Method done

int done()


End the command-stream and wait for completion.

Method export

void export(string file_name, string|void git_name)


Convenience funtion for exporting a filesystem file or directory (recursively) to git.

Parameter file_name

Name of the file on disc.

Parameter git_name

Name of the file in git. Defaults to file_name.

Method feature

void feature(string feature, string|void arg)


Require that the backend for the stream supports a certian feature.

Parameter feature

Feature to require support for. Typically one of:


Same as the corresponding command-line option.


Require the cat_blob and ls commands to be supported.


Require that the backend supports the notemodify subcommand.


Require the stream to terminate with a done command.

Method filecopy

void filecopy(string from, string to)


Copy a file or directory.

Method filedelete

void filedelete(string path)


Delete a file.

Method filedeleteall

void filedeleteall()


Delete all files.

Used to start a commit from a clean slate.

Method filemodify

void filemodify(int mode, string path, string|void dataref)


Create or modify a file.

Parameter mode

Mode for the file. See the MODE_* constants.

Parameter path

Path to the file relative to the repository root.

Parameter dataref

Reference to the data for the file. One of:


A mark reference set by a prior blob command or a full 40-byte SHA-1 of an existing Git blob.


Left out, UNDEFINED or "inline" in which case the filemodify command must be followed by a data command.

Method filerename

void filerename(string from, string to)


Rename a file or directory.

Method ls

void ls(string path, string|void dataref)


Output a file to the cat-blob-fd.

Parameter path

Path to the file to output.

Parameter dataref

Marker, tag, commit or tree for the root. Defaults to the commit in progress.

Method notemodify

void notemodify(string commit, string|void dataref)


Annotate a commit.

Parameter commit

Commit to annotate.

Parameter dataref

Reference to the data for the annotation. One of:


A mark reference set by a prior blob command or a full 40-byte SHA-1 of an existing Git blob.


Left out, UNDEFINED or "inline" in which case the notemodify command must be followed by a data command.

Note that this command is typically only used when a commit on a ref under "refs/notes/" is active.

Method option

void option(string option)


Set backend options.

Method progress

void progress(string message)


Output a progress message.

Parameter message

Message to output.


Note that each line of the message will be prefixed with "progress ".

Method reset

void reset(string ref, string|void committish)


Move a reference.

Parameter ref

Reference to move.

Parameter committish

Commit to reference.

This command can also be used to make light-weight tags.

See also


Method tag

void tag(string name, string committish, string tagger_info, string message)


Create an annotated tag referring to a specific commit.

Parameter name

Tag name. Note that it is automatically prefixed with "refs/tags/".

Parameter committish

Commit to tag.

Parameter tagger_info

Name, email and timestamp for the tagger. See format_author() for details.

Parameter message

Message for the tag.

See also


Module Gmp


GMP is a free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating point numbers. There is no practical limit to the precision except the ones implied by the available memory in the machine GMP runs on. http://www.swox.com/gmp/

Method fac

Gmp.mpz fac(int x)


Returns the factorial of x (x!).

Class Gmp.bignum


This program is used by the internal auto-bignum conversion. It can be used to explicitly type integers that are too big to be INT_TYPE. Best is however to not use this program unless you really know what you are doing.

Due to the auto-bignum conversion, all integers can be treated as Gmp.mpz objects insofar as that they can be indexed with the functions in the Gmp.mpz class. For instance, to calculate the greatest common divisor between 51 and 85, you can do 51->gcd(85). In other words, all the functions in Gmp.mpz are also available here.

Class Gmp.mpf


GMP floating point number.

The mantissa of each float has a user-selectable precision, limited only by available memory. Each variable has its own precision, and that can be increased or decreased at any time.

The exponent of each float is a fixed precision, one machine word on most systems. In the current implementation the exponent is a count of limbs, so for example on a 32-bit system this means a range of roughly 2^-68719476768 to 2^68719476736, or on a 64-bit system this will be greater.

Each variable keeps a size for the mantissa data actually in use. This means that if a float is exactly represented in only a few bits then only those bits will be used in a calculation, even if the selected precision is high.

All calculations are performed to the precision of the destination variable. Each function is defined to calculate with "infinite precision" followed by a truncation to the destination precision, but of course the work done is only what's needed to determine a result under that definition.

The precision selected for a variable is a minimum value, GMP may increase it a little to facilitate efficient calculation. Currently this means rounding up to a whole limb, and then sometimes having a further partial limb, depending on the high limb of the mantissa. But applications shouldn't be concerned by such details.

The mantissa in stored in binary, as might be imagined from the fact precisions are expressed in bits. One consequence of this is that decimal fractions like 0.1 cannot be represented exactly. The same is true of plain IEEE double floats. This makes both highly unsuitable for calculations involving money or other values that should be exact decimal fractions. (Suitably scaled integers, or perhaps rationals, are better choices.)

mpf functions and variables have no special notion of infinity or not-a-number, and applications must take care not to overflow the exponent or results will be unpredictable. This might change in a future release.

Note that the mpf functions are not intended as a smooth extension to IEEE P754 arithmetic. In particular results obtained on one computer often differ from the results on a computer with a different word size.

Method __hash

int hash_value( Gmp.mpf arg )

Method _is_type

bool res = is_type(Gmp.mpf())


The Gmp.mpf object will claim to be a "float".


Perhaps it should also return true for "object"?

Method _sprintf

string sprintf(string format, ... Gmp.mpf arg ... )

Method `!

bool res = !Gmp.mpf()

Method `*

Gmp.mpf res = Gmp.mpf() * a

Method `+

Gmp.mpf res = Gmp.mpf() + a

Method `+=

Gmp.mpf() += a

Method `-

Gmp.mpf res = Gmp.mpf() - a

Method `/

Gmp.mpf res = Gmp.mpf() / a

Method `<

bool res = Gmp.mpf() < q

Method `==

bool res = Gmp.mpf() == q

Method `>

bool res = Gmp.mpf() > q

Method ``*

Gmp.mpf res = a * Gmp.mpf()

Method ``-

Gmp.mpf res = sv - Gmp.mpf()

Method ``/

Gmp.mpf res = sv / Gmp.mpf()

Method `~

Gmp.mpf res = ~Gmp.mpf()

Method cast


Method create

Gmp.mpf Gmp.mpf(void|int|string|float|object x, void|int(0..) precision)
Gmp.mpf Gmp.mpf(string x, int(0..) precision, int(2..36) base)

Method get_float

float get_float()


Returns the value of the object as a float.

Method get_int

int|object get_int()

Method get_precision

int(0..) get_precision()


Returns the current precision, in bits.

Method get_string

string get_string()

Method set_precision

Gmp.mpf set_precision(int(0..) prec)


Sets the precision of the current object to be at least prec bits. The precision is limited to 128Kb. The current object will be returned.

Method sgn

int sgn()

Class Gmp.mpq


Rational number stored in canonical form. The canonical from means that the denominator and the numerator have no common factors, and that the denominator is positive. Zero has the unique representation 0/1. All functions canonicalize their result.

Method __hash

int hash_value( Gmp.mpq arg )

Method _is_type

bool res = is_type(Gmp.mpq())

Method _sprintf

string sprintf(string format, ... Gmp.mpq arg ... )

Method `!

bool res = !Gmp.mpq()

Method `%

Gmp.mpq res = Gmp.mpq() % a


a%b =  a -  floor(a/b)*b 

Method `*

Gmp.mpq res = Gmp.mpq() * a

Method `+

Gmp.mpq res = Gmp.mpq() + a

Method `+=

Gmp.mpq() += a

Method `-

Gmp.mpq res = Gmp.mpq() - a

Method `/

Gmp.mpq res = Gmp.mpq() / a

Method `<

bool res = Gmp.mpq() < q

Method `==

bool res = Gmp.mpq() == q

Method `>

bool res = Gmp.mpq() > q

Method ``%

Gmp.mpq res = a % Gmp.mpq()

Method ``*

Gmp.mpq res = a * Gmp.mpq()

Method ``+

Gmp.mpq res = a + Gmp.mpq()

Method ``-

Gmp.mpq res = sv - Gmp.mpq()

Method ``/

Gmp.mpq res = sv / Gmp.mpq()

Method `~

Gmp.mpq res = ~Gmp.mpq()


Defined as -1-x.

Method cast



Casting to a string returns the number in the decimal fraction format, where both decimal point and quotient is included only if required. I.e. it is the same as calling get_string with 1 as argument.

Method create

Gmp.mpq Gmp.mpq(void|string|int|float|Gmp.mpz|Gmp.mpq x)
Gmp.mpq Gmp.mpq(int numerator, int denominator)
Gmp.mpq Gmp.mpq(string x, int base)

Method den

int den()


Returns the denominator. It is always positive.

Method get_float

float get_float()

Method get_int

int get_int()

Method get_string

string get_string(void|int decimal_fraction)


If decimal_fraction is zero or left out, the number is returned as a string on the form "numerator/denominator", where both parts are decimal integers. The numerator may be negative, but the denominator is always positive.

If decimal_fraction is set, then the number is returned as a (possibly negative) decimal fraction, i.e. a decimal number with a decimal point somewhere inside. There is always at least one digit before and after the decimal point.

If the number can be accurately described that way, i.e. without an infinite number of decimals, then no denominator is included. Otherwise the remaining denominator is added to the decimal fraction after a "/". For example, 4711/100 is returned as "47.11", 4711/200 as "23.555", and 4711/300 as "47.11/3".

If decimal_fraction is 1 then the decimal fraction contains a '.' only if there are decimals in it. If it is 2 or higher then the decimal fraction always contains a '.' with at least one digit before and after it.


In any case, there are no unnecessary padding zeroes at the beginning or end of any decimal number.

Method invert

Gmp.mpq invert()

Method num

int num()


Returns the numerator.

Method sgn

int(-1..1) sgn()

Class Gmp.mpz


Gmp.mpz implements very large integers. In fact, the only limitation on these integers is the available memory. The mpz object implements all the normal integer operations.

Note that the auto-bignum feature also makes these operations available "in" normal integers. For instance, to calculate the greatest common divisor between 51 and 85, you can do 51->gcd(85).

Method __hash

int hash_value( Gmp.mpz arg )


Calculate a hash of the value.


Prior to Pike 7.8.359 this function returned the low 32-bits as an unsigned integer. This could in some common cases lead to very unbalanced mappings.

See also


Method _decode

Gmp.mpz decode_value(string(8bit) data)

Method _encode

string(8bit) encode_value(Gmp.mpz data)

Method _random

Gmp.mpz random( Gmp.mpz arg )

Method _sprintf

string sprintf(string format, ... Gmp.mpz arg ... )

Method `!

bool res = !Gmp.mpz()

Method `%

Gmp.mpz res = Gmp.mpz() % x

Method `&

Gmp.mpz res = Gmp.mpz() & x

Method `*

Gmp.mpz res = Gmp.mpz() * x

Method `+

Gmp.mpz res = Gmp.mpz() + x

Method `-

Gmp.mpz res = Gmp.mpz() - x

Method `/

Gmp.mpz res = Gmp.mpz() / x

Method `<

bool res = Gmp.mpz() < with

Method `<<

Gmp.mpz res = Gmp.mpz() << x

Method `==

bool res = Gmp.mpz() == with

Method `>

bool res = Gmp.mpz() > with

Method `>>

Gmp.mpz res = Gmp.mpz() >> x

Method `^

Gmp.mpz res = Gmp.mpz() ^ x

Method ``%

Gmp.mpz res = x % Gmp.mpz()

Method ``*

Gmp.mpz res = x * Gmp.mpz()

Method ``+

Gmp.mpz res = x + Gmp.mpz()

Method ``-

Gmp.mpz res = x - Gmp.mpz()

Method ``/

Gmp.mpz res = x / Gmp.mpz()

Method ``<<

Gmp.mpz res = x << Gmp.mpz()

Method ``>>

Gmp.mpz res = x >> Gmp.mpz()

Method `|

Gmp.mpz res = Gmp.mpz() | x

Method `~

Gmp.mpz res = ~Gmp.mpz()

Method bin

Gmp.mpz bin(int k)


Return the binomial coefficient n over k, where n is the value of this mpz object. Negative values of n are supported using the identity

(-n)->bin(k) == (-1)->pow(k) * (n+k-1)->bin(k)

(See Knuth volume 1, section 1.2.6 part G.)


The k value can't be arbitrarily large. An error is thrown if it's too large.


This function is currently (Pike 7.8) not available with old releases of the gmp libraries.

Method cast



Cast this mpz object to another type. Allowed types are string, int and float.

See also

cast_to_int, cast_to_float, cast_to_string

Method cast_to_float

float cast_to_float()


Casts the object to a float.


Use (float) instead.

Method cast_to_int

int cast_to_int()


Casts the object to an integer.


Use (int) instead.

Method cast_to_string

string cast_to_string()


Casts the object to a string.


Use (string) instead.

Method create

Gmp.mpz Gmp.mpz()
Gmp.mpz Gmp.mpz(string|int|float|object value)
Gmp.mpz Gmp.mpz(string value, int(2..36)|int(256..256)|int(-256..-256) base)


Create and initialize a Gmp.mpz object.

Parameter value

Initial value. If no value is specified, the object will be initialized to zero.

Parameter base

Base the value is specified in. The default base is base 10. The base can be either a value in the range [2..36] (inclusive), in which case the numbers are taken from the ASCII range 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (case-insensitive), or either of the values 256 or -256, in which case value is taken to be the unsigned binary representation in network byte order or reversed byte order respectively.

Values in base [2..36] can be prefixed with "+" or "-". Values prefixed with "0b" or "0B" will be interpreted as binary. Values prefixed with "0x" or "0X" will be interpreted as hexadecimal. Values prefixed with "0" will be interpreted as octal.


Leading zeroes in value are not significant when a base is explicitly given. In particular leading NUL characters are not preserved in the base 256 modes.

Method digits

string digits(void|int(2..36)|int(256..256)|int(-256..-256) base)


Convert this mpz object to a string. If a base is given the number will be represented in that base. Valid bases are 2-36 and 256 and -256. The default base is 10.

See also


Method fac

Gmp.mpz fac()


Return the factorial of this mpz object.


Since factorials grow very quickly, only small integers are supported. An error is thrown if the value in this mpz object is too large.

Method gcd

Gmp.mpz gcd(object|int|float|string ... args)


Return the greatest common divisor between this mpz object and all the arguments.

Method gcdext

array(Gmp.mpz) gcdext(int|float|Gmp.mpz x)


Compute the greatest common divisor between this mpz object and x. An array ({g,s,t}) is returned where g is the greatest common divisor, and s and t are the coefficients that satisfies

this * s + x * t = g
See also

gcdext2, gcd

Method gcdext2

array(Gmp.mpz) gcdext2(int|float|Gmp.mpz x)


Compute the greatest common divisor between this mpz object and x. An array ({g,s}) is returned where g is the greatest common divisor, and s is a coefficient that satisfies

this * s + x * t = g

where t is some integer value.

See also

gcdext, gcd

Method invert

Gmp.mpz invert(int|float|Gmp.mpz x)


Return the inverse of this mpz value modulo x. The returned value satisfies 0 <= result < x.


An error is thrown if no inverse exists.

Method next_prime

Gmp.mpz next_prime()


Returns the next higher prime for positive numbers and the next lower for negative.

The prime number testing is using Donald Knuth's probabilistic primality test. The chance for a false positive is pow(0.25,25).

Method popcount

int popcount()


For values >= 0, returns the population count (the number of set bits). For negative values (who have an infinite number of leading ones in a binary representation), -1 is returned.

Method pow

Gmp.mpz res = pow([Gmp.mpz]a, b) or
Gmp.mpz pow(int|float|Gmp.mpz x)


Return this mpz object raised to x. The case when zero is raised to zero yields one.

See also


Method powm

Gmp.mpz powm(int|string|float|Gmp.mpz exp, int|string|float|Gmp.mpz mod)


Return ( this->pow(exp) ) % mod.

See also


Method probably_prime_p

int(0..2) probably_prime_p(void|int count)


Return 2 if this mpz object is a prime, 1 if it probably is a prime, and 0 if it definitely is not a prime. Testing values below 1000000 will only return 2 or 0.

Parameter count

The prime number testing is using Donald Knuth's probabilistic primality test. The chance for a false positive is pow(0.25,count). Default value is 25 and resonable values are between 15 and 50.

Method sgn

int sgn()


Return the sign of the integer, i.e. 1 for positive numbers and -1 for negative numbers.

Method size

int(0..) size(void|int base)


Return how long this mpz would be represented in the specified base. The default base is 2.

Method small_factor

int small_factor(void|int(1..) limit)

Method sqrt

Gmp.mpz res = sqrt([Gmp.mpz]a) or
Gmp.mpz sqrt()


Return the the truncated integer part of the square root of this mpz object.

Method sqrtrem

array(Gmp.mpz) sqrtrem()

Module Gnome

Class Gnome.About


A standard way of providing a small about box for your application. You provide the name of your application, version, copyright, a list of authors and some comments about your application. It also allows the programmer to provide a logo to be displayed.

 Gnome.About( "Example", "1.0", "(c) Roxen IS 2000\n(c) IDA, LiU 2002", ({"Per Hedbor"}), "Some nice documentation\nabout this example" );

Method create

Gnome.About Gnome.About(string title, string version, string copyright, array authors, string comment, string|void logo)


Creates a new GNOME About dialog. title, version, copyright, and authors are displayed first, in that order. comments is typically the location for multiple lines of text, if necessary. (Separate with "\n".) logo is the filename of a optional pixmap to be displayed in the dialog, typically a product or company logo of some sort; omit this argument if no logo file is available.

Inherit Dialog

inherit Gnome.Dialog : Dialog

Class Gnome.App


Toplevel GNOME applications would normally use one Gnome.App widget as their toplevel window. You can create as many Gnome.App widgets as you want, for example, some people use one GnomeApp per document their application loads.

Once you have created one instance of this widget, you would add your main application view information to this window by using set_contents() routine.

The GnomeApp has support for including a menubar, one or more toolbars and a statusbar for your application. It also takes care of intalling the accelerators for you when used in conjuction with the gnome-app-helper routines. The toolbars are inserted into Gnome.Dock widgets.

The gnome-app-helper module provides various helper routines to simplify the configuration of your menus and toolbars, but you can create those yourself and use the set_menus(), add_toolbar(), set_toolbar(), add_dock_item() and add_docked().

Method add_dock_item

Gnome.App add_dock_item(Gnome.DockItem item, int placement, int band_num, int band_position, int|void offset)


Create a new Gnome.DockItem widget containing widget, and add it to app's dock with the specified layout information. Notice that, if automatic layout configuration is enabled, the layout is overridden by the saved configuration, if any.

item : Item to be added to app's dock placement : Placement for the new dock item, one of Gnome.DockTop, Gnome.DockRight, Gnome.DockBottom, Gnome.DockLeft and Gnome.DockFloating band_num : Number of the band where the dock item should be placed band_position : Position of the new dock item in band band_num offset : Offset from the previous dock item in the band; if there is no previous item, offset from the beginning of the band.

Method add_docked

Gnome.App add_docked(GTK1.Widget widget, string name, int behavior, int placement, int band_num, int band_position, int|void offset)


Create a new Gnome.DockItem widget containing widget, and add it to app's dock with the specified layout information. Notice that, if automatic layout configuration is enabled, the layout is overridden by the saved configuration, if any.

widget : Widget to be added to app's dock name : Name for the dock item that will contain toolbar behavior : Behavior for the new dock item. One of GNOME_DOCK_ITEM_BEH_EXCLUSIVE, GNOME_DOCK_ITEM_BEH_LOCKED, GNOME_DOCK_ITEM_BEH_NEVER_FLOATING, GNOME_DOCK_ITEM_BEH_NEVER_HORIZONTAL, GNOME_DOCK_ITEM_BEH_NEVER_VERTICAL and GNOME_DOCK_ITEM_BEH_NORMAL placement : Placement for the new dock item, one of Gnome.DockTop, Gnome.DockRight, Gnome.DockBottom, Gnome.DockLeft and Gnome.DockFloating band_num : Number of the band where the dock item should be placed band_position : Position of the new dock item in band band_num offset : Offset from the previous dock item in the band; if there is no previous item, offset from the beginning of the band.

Method add_toolbar

Gnome.App add_toolbar(GTK1.Toolbar toolbar, string name, int behavior, int placement, int band_num, int band_position, int|void offset)


Create a new Gnome.DockItem widget containing toolbar, and add it to app's dock with the specified layout information. Notice that, if automatic layout configuration is enabled, the layout is overridden by the saved configuration, if any.

toolbar : Toolbar to be added to app's dock name : Name for the dock item that will contain toolbar behavior : Behavior for the new dock item. One or more of GNOME_DOCK_ITEM_BEH_EXCLUSIVE, GNOME_DOCK_ITEM_BEH_LOCKED, GNOME_DOCK_ITEM_BEH_NEVER_FLOATING, GNOME_DOCK_ITEM_BEH_NEVER_HORIZONTAL, GNOME_DOCK_ITEM_BEH_NEVER_VERTICAL and GNOME_DOCK_ITEM_BEH_NORMAL placement : Placement for the new dock item, one of Gnome.DockTop, Gnome.DockRight, Gnome.DockBottom, Gnome.DockLeft and Gnome.DockFloating band_num : Number of the band where the dock item should be placed band_position : Position of the new dock item in band band_num offset : Offset from the previous dock item in the band; if there is no previous item, offset from the beginning of the band.

Method create

Gnome.App Gnome.App(string appname, string|void title)


Create a new (empty) application window. You must specify the application's name (used internally as an identifier). title can be left as 0, in which case the window's title will not be set.

Method enable_layout_config

Gnome.App enable_layout_config(int enable)


Specify whether the the dock's layout configuration should be automatically saved via gnome-config whenever it changes, or not.

Method error

Gnome.Dialog error(string error)


An important fatal error; if it appears in the statusbar, it might gdk_beep() and require acknowledgement.

Method flash

Gnome.App flash(string flash)


Flash the message in the statusbar for a few moments; if no statusbar, do nothing. For trivial little status messages, e.g. "Auto saving..."

Method get_dock

Gnome.Dock get_dock()


retrieved the Gnome.Dock widget contained in the App

Method get_dock_item_by_name

Gnome.DockItem get_dock_item_by_name(string name)

Inherit Window

inherit GTK1.Window : Window

Method message

Gnome.Dialog message(string message)


A simple message, in an OK dialog or the status bar. Requires confirmation from the user before it goes away. Returns 0 or a dialog widget. If 0, the message is displayed in the status bar.

Method ok_cancel

Gnome.App ok_cancel(string question, function(:void) callback, mixed cb_arg2)


Ask a ok or cancel question and call the callback when it's answered.

Method ok_cancel_modal

Gnome.App ok_cancel_modal(string question, function(:void) callback, mixed cb_arg2)


Ask a ok or cancel question, block the application while it is asked, and call the callback when it's answered.

Method progress_manual

Gnome.AppProgressKey progress_manual(string prompt)

Method progress_timeout

Gnome.AppProgressKey progress_timeout(string prompt, int interval, function(:void) cb, mixed cb_arg1)

Method question

Gnome.App question(string question, function(:void) reply_callback, mixed cb_arg2)


Ask a yes or no question, and call the callback when it's answered.

Method question_modal

Gnome.App question_modal(string question, function(:void) callback, mixed cb_arg2)


Ask a yes or no question, block the application while it is asked, and call the callback when it's answered.

Method request_password

Gnome.App request_password(string question, function(:void) callback, mixed cb_arg2)


As request string, but do not show the string

Method request_string

Gnome.App request_string(string question, function(:void) callback, mixed cb_arg2)


Request a string, and call the callback when it's answered.

Method set_contents

Gnome.App set_contents(GTK1.Widget contents)


Sets the status bar of the application window.

Method set_menus

Gnome.App set_menus(GTK1.MenuBar menu_bar)


Sets the menu bar of the application window.

Method set_statusbar

Gnome.App set_statusbar(GTK1.Widget statusbar)


Sets the status bar of the application window.

Method set_toolbar

Gnome.App set_toolbar(GTK1.Toolbar toolbar)


Sets the main toolbar of the application window.

Method warning

Gnome.Dialog warning(string warning)


A not-so-important error, but still marked better than a flash

Class Gnome.AppProgressKey


Wrapper for the opaque GnomeAppProgressKey type

Method destroy

Gnome.AppProgressKey destroy()

Method done

Gnome.AppProgressKey done()

Method set

Gnome.AppProgressKey set(float percent)

Class Gnome.Appbar


A bar that GNOME applications put on the bottom of the windows to display status, progress, hints for menu items or a minibuffer for getting some sort of response. It has a stack for status messages  Gnome.Appbar( 1, 1, Gnome.PreferencesUser )->set_progress( 0.4 );

Signals: clear_prompt Emitted when the prompt is cleared

user_response Emitted when the user hits enter after a prompt

Method clear_prompt

Gnome.Appbar clear_prompt()


Remove any prompt.

Method clear_stack

Gnome.Appbar clear_stack()


Remove all status messages from appbar, and display default status message (if present).

Method create

Gnome.Appbar Gnome.Appbar(int has_progress, int has_status, int interactivity)


Create a new GNOME application status bar. If has_progress is TRUE, a small progress bar widget will be created, and placed on the left side of the appbar. If has_status is TRUE, a status bar, possibly an editable one, is created.

interactivity determines whether the appbar is an interactive "minibuffer" or just a status bar. If it is set to Gnome.PREFERENCES_NEVER, it is never interactive. If it is set to Gnome.PREFERENCES_USER we respect user preferences from ui-properties. If it's Gnome.PREFERENCES_ALWAYS we are interactive whether the user likes it or not. Basically, if your app supports both interactive and not (for example, if you use the gnome-app-util interfaces), you should use Gnome.PREFERENCES_USER. Otherwise, use the setting you support. Please note that "interactive" mode is not functional now; GtkEntry is inadequate and so a custom widget will be written eventually.

Method get_progress

GTK1.Progress get_progress()


Returns GTK1.Progress widget pointer, so that the progress bar may be manipulated further.

Method get_response

string get_response()


Get the response to the prompt, if any.

Inherit Hbox

inherit GTK1.Hbox : Hbox

Method pop

Gnome.Appbar pop()


Remove current status message, and display previous status message, if any. It is OK to call this with an empty stack.

Method push

Gnome.Appbar push(string what)


Push a new status message onto the status bar stack, and display it.

Method refresh

Gnome.Appbar refresh()


Reflect the current state of stack/default. Useful to force a set_status to disappear.

Method set_default

Gnome.Appbar set_default(string default_status)


What to show when showing nothing else; defaults to "".

Method set_progress

Gnome.Appbar set_progress(float percentage)


Sets progress bar to the given percentage. Pure sugar - with a bad name, in light of the get_progress name which is not the opposite of set_progress. Maybe this function should die.

Method set_prompt

Gnome.Appbar set_prompt(string prompt, int modal)


Put a prompt in the appbar and wait for a response. When the user responds or cancels, a user_response signal is emitted.

Method set_status

Gnome.Appbar set_status(string status)


Sets the status label without changing widget state; next set or push will destroy this permanently.

Class Gnome.AppletWidget


Applets are basically GNOME applications whose window sits inside the panel. Also the panel "takes care" of the applets by providing them with session saving and restarting, window management (inside of the panel), and a context menu.

The simplest applet one can write would be along the lines of:

 int main( int argc, array argv )
   Gnome.init( "hello", "1.0", argv, 0 );
   Gnome.AppletWidget("hello")-&gt;add(GTK1.Label("Hello World!"))-&gt;show_all();
This creates an applet which just sits on the panel, not really doing anything, in real life the label would be substituted by something which actually does something useful. As you can see the applet doesn't really take care of restarting itself.

For the applet to be added to the menus, you need to install two files. Your x.gnorba file goes into $sysconfdir/CORBA/servers/ and the x.desktop file goes into $prefix/share/applets/&lt;category&gt;/.

Example hello.desktop:

 [Desktop Entry]
  Name=Hello Applet
  Comment=An example Hello World type Applet
Example hello.gnorba:
  description=Hello Applet
One thing to keep in mind is that the Exec line for the .desktop doesn't actually get executed when the Type is PanelApplet. The Exec line should be the GOAD ID specified in the .gnorba file (the "hello" enclosed by brackets). For a simple applet all you need to do is replace the hello.pike with the name of your applet executable.

When the user right clicks on the applet, a menu appears, this is all handeled by the panel, so in order to add items to it you use a special interface to "add callbacks" to the menu. A very simple example would be (making our hello applet even more feature full):

 void hello_there()
   write( "Hello there, indeed!\n" );

 int main( int argc, array argv )
   Gnome.AppletWidget w;
   Gnome.init( "hello", "1.0", argv, 0 );
   w = Gnome.AppletWidget("hello");
   w-&gt;add(GTK1.Label("Hello World!"))-&gt;show_all();
   w-&gt;register_callback( "hello", "Hello there", hello_there, 0 );
Now the user will see a "Hello There" menu item on the applet menu, and when selected, the applet will print "Hello There". Useful huh?

Note that the first argument to the register_callback is just a string identifier of this callback, and can really be whatever you want. But it should NOT be translated as the label (the 2nd argument) should be.

Signals: back_change





Method abort_load

Gnome.AppletWidget abort_load()


Abort the applet loading, once applet has been created, this is a way to tell the panel to forget about us if we decide we want to quit before we add the actual applet to the applet-widget. This is only useful before before add() is called.

Method add

Gnome.AppletWidget add(GTK1.Widget what)


Add a child (widget) to the applet. This finishes the handshaking with the panel started in applet_widget_new. You should never call this function twice for the same applet. If you have already created an applet widget, but need to cancel the loading of the applet, use abort_load.

Method callback_set_sensitive

Gnome.AppletWidget callback_set_sensitive(string name, int sensitive)


Sets the sensitivity of a menu item in the applet's context menu.

Method create

Gnome.AppletWidget Gnome.AppletWidget(string applet_name)


Make a new applet and register us with the panel, if you decide to cancel the load before calling add, you should call abort_load.

Method get_free_space

int get_free_space()


Gets the free space left that you can use for your applet. This is the number of pixels around your applet to both sides. If you strech by this amount you will not disturb any other applets. If you are on a packed panel 0 will be returned.

Method get_globcfgpath

string get_globcfgpath()

Method get_panel_orient

int get_panel_orient()


Gets the orientation of the panel this widget is on. it can be one of GNOME_Panel_ORIENT_DOWN, GNOME_Panel_ORIENT_LEFT, GNOME_Panel_ORIENT_RIGHT and GNOME_Panel_ORIENT_UP. This is not the position of the panel, but rather the direction that the applet should be "reaching out". So any arrows should for example point in this direction. It will be OrientUp or OrientDown for horizontal panels and OrientLeft or OrientRight for vertical panels

Method get_panel_pixel_size

int get_panel_pixel_size()


Gets the width of the panel in pixels. This is not the actual size, but the recomended one. The panel may be streched if the applets use larger sizes then this.

Method get_privcfgpath

string get_privcfgpath()

Inherit Plug

inherit GTK1.Plug : Plug

Method register_callback

Gnome.AppletWidget register_callback(string name, string menutext, function(:void) callback_cb, mixed callback_arg)


Adds a menu item to the applet's context menu. The name should be a path that is separated by '/' and ends in the name of this item. You need to add any submenus with register_callback_dir.

Method register_callback_dir

Gnome.AppletWidget register_callback_dir(string name, string menutext)


Adds a submenu to the applet's context menu. The name should be the full path of the new submenu with the name of the new submenu as the last part of the path. The name can, but doesn't have to be terminated with a '/'.

Method register_stock_callback

Gnome.AppletWidget register_stock_callback(string name, string stock_type, string menutext, function(:void) callback_cb, mixed callback_arg)


Adds a menu item to the applet's context menu with a stock GNOME pixmap. This works almost exactly the same as register_callback.

Method register_stock_callback_dir

Gnome.AppletWidget register_stock_callback_dir(string name, string stock_type, string menutext)


Adds a submenu to the applet's context menu with a stock GNOME pixmap. This is similiar to register_callback_dir.

Method remove

Gnome.AppletWidget remove()


Remove the plug from the panel, this will destroy the applet. You can only call this once for each applet.

Method send_position

Gnome.AppletWidget send_position(int enable)


If you need to get a signal everytime this applet changes position relative to the screen, you need to run this function with TRUE for enable and bind the change_position signal on the applet. This signal can be quite CPU/bandwidth consuming so only applets which need it should use it. By default change_position is not sent.

Method set_tooltip

Gnome.AppletWidget set_tooltip(string to)


Set a tooltip on the entire applet that will follow the tooltip setting from the panel configuration.

Method set_widget_tooltip

Gnome.AppletWidget set_widget_tooltip(GTK1.Widget widget, string text)


Set a tooltip on the widget that will follow the tooltip setting from the panel configuration.

Method sync_config

Gnome.AppletWidget sync_config()


Tell the panel to save our session here (just saves, no shutdown). This should be done when you change some of your config and want the panel to save it's config, you should NOT call this in the session_save handler as it will result in a locked panel, as it will actually trigger another session_save signal for you. However it also asks for a complete panel save, so you should not do this too often, and only when the user has changed some preferences and you want to sync them to disk. Theoretically you don't even need to do that if you don't mind loosing settings on a panel crash or when the user kills the session without logging out properly, since the panel will always save your session when it exists.

Method unregister_callback

Gnome.AppletWidget unregister_callback(string name)


Remove a menu item from the applet's context menu. The name should be the full path to the menu item. This will not remove any submenus.

Method unregister_callback_dir

Gnome.AppletWidget unregister_callback_dir(string name)


Removes a submenu from the applet's context menu. Use this instead of unregister_callback to remove submenus. The name can be, but doesn't have to be terminated with a '/'. If you have not removed the subitems of this menu, it will still be shown but without it's title or icon. So make sure to first remove any items and submenus before calling this function.

Class Gnome.Calculator


This widget provides a simple calculator that you can embed in your applications for doing quick computations.

The widget consists of a fully functional calculator including standard arithmetic functions as well as trigonometric capabilities, exponents, factorials, nested equations, and others.  Gnome.Calculator()

Signals: result_changed This signal is emited by the widget when the result has been changed.

Method clear

Gnome.Calculator clear(int reset)


Resets the calculator back to zero. If reset is TRUE, results stored in memory and the calculator mode are cleared also.

Method create

Gnome.Calculator Gnome.Calculator()


Create a new calculator widget

Method get_result

float get_result()


Value currently stored in calculator buffer.

Inherit Vbox

inherit GTK1.Vbox : Vbox

Method set

Gnome.Calculator set(float result)


Sets the value stored in the calculator's result buffer to the given result.

Class Gnome.ColorPicker


This widget provides color selection facilities to your application. The widget appears as a button which contains a "color swatch" of the currently selected color. When the button is pressed, the widget presents the user with a color selection dialog where the color can be selected.

You can select the color to be displayed in a number of ways: floating point values for the red, green and blue channels, integers in the range 0 to 65,535, or integers in the range 0 to 255, depending on your needs.  Gnome.ColorPicker();

Signals: color_set This signal is emitted when the user changes the color on the color selector. The values passed to this signal are the red, green, blue and alpha channels selected in integer form in the range 0 to 65535.

Method create

Gnome.ColorPicker Gnome.ColorPicker()


Creates a new GNOME color picker widget. This returns a widget in the form of a small button containing a swatch representing the current selected color. When the button is clicked, a color-selection dialog will open, allowing the user to select a color. The swatch will be updated to reflect the new color when the user finishes.

Method get

mapping get()


Returns a mapping ([ "d":([ "r":rvalue, "g":gvalue, "b":bvalue, "a":avalue ]), "i8":([ ... ]), "i16":([ .. ]) ]);

Inherit Button

inherit GTK1.Button : Button

Method set_d

Gnome.ColorPicker set_d(float r, float g, float b, float a)


Set color shown in the color picker widget using floating point values. The values range between 0.0 and 1.0.

Method set_dither

Gnome.ColorPicker set_dither(int dither)


Sets whether the picker should dither the color sample or just paint a solid rectangle.

Method set_i16

Gnome.ColorPicker set_i16(int r, int g, int b, int a)


Set color shown in the color picker widget using integer values. The values range between 0 and 65535.

Method set_i8

Gnome.ColorPicker set_i8(int r, int g, int b, int a)


Set color shown in the color picker widget using integer values. The values range between 0 and 255.

Method set_title

Gnome.ColorPicker set_title(string title)


Sets the title for the color selection dialog

Method set_use_alpha

Gnome.ColorPicker set_use_alpha(int use_alpha)


Sets whether or not the picker should use the alpha channel.

Class Gnome.DateEdit


The GnomeDateEdit widget provides a way to enter dates and times with a helper calendar to let the user select the date.  Gnome.DateEdit(time(),1,1);


Signals: date_changed


Method create

Gnome.DateEdit Gnome.DateEdit(int the_time, int show_time, int use_24_format)


Creates a new GnomeDateEdit widget which can be used to provide an easy to use way for entering dates and times.

Method get_date

int get_date()


Returns the configured time

Inherit Hbox

inherit GTK1.Hbox : Hbox

Method set_popup_range

Gnome.DateEdit set_popup_range(int low_hour, int high_hour)


Sets the range of times that will be provide by the time popup selectors.

Method set_time

Gnome.DateEdit set_time(int the_time)


Changes the displayed date and time in the GnomeDateEdit widget to be the one represented by the_time.

Class Gnome.Dialog


Gnome.Dialog gives dialogs a consistent look and feel, while making them more convenient to program. Gnome.Dialog makes it easy to use stock buttons, makes it easier to handle delete_event, and adds some cosmetic touches (such as a separator above the buttons, and a bevel around the edge of the window).

Signals: clicked


Method append_button_with_pixmap

Gnome.Dialog append_button_with_pixmap(string name, string pixmap_file)

Method button_connect

Gnome.Dialog button_connect(int button, function(:void) callback_cb, mixed callback_arg)


Simply a signal_connect to the "clicked" signal of the specified button.

Method close

Gnome.Dialog close()


See also close_hides(). This function emits the "close" signal( which either hides or destroys the dialog (destroy by default). If you connect to the "close" signal, and your callback returns TRUE, the hide or destroy will be blocked. You can do this to avoid closing the dialog if the user gives invalid input, for example.

Using close() in place of hide() or destroy() allows you to easily catch all sources of dialog closure, including delete_event and button clicks, and handle them in a central location.

Method create

Gnome.Dialog Gnome.Dialog(string title, string ... buttons)


Creates a new Gnome.Dialog, with the given title, and any button names in the arg list. Buttons can be simple names, such as "My Button", or gnome-stock defines such as GNOME.StockButtonOK, etc. The last argument should be NULL to terminate the list.

Buttons passed to this function are numbered from left to right, starting with 0. So the first button in the arglist is button 0, then button 1, etc. These numbers are used throughout the Gnome.Dialog API.

Method editable_enters

Gnome.Dialog editable_enters(GTK1.Editable widget)


Normally if there's an editable widget (such as GtkEntry) in your dialog, pressing Enter will activate the editable rather than the default dialog button. However, in most cases, the user expects to type something in and then press enter to close the dialog. This function enables that behavior.

Method get_vbox

GTK1.Vbox get_vbox()

Inherit Window

inherit GTK1.Window : Window

Method run

int run()


Blocks until the user clicks a button or closes the dialog with the window manager's close decoration (or by pressing Escape).

You need to set up the dialog to do the right thing when a button is clicked or delete_event is received; you must consider both of those possibilities so that you know the status of the dialog when run() returns. A common mistake is to forget about Escape and the window manager close decoration; by default, these call close(), which by default destroys the dialog. If your button clicks do not destroy the dialog, you don't know whether the dialog is destroyed when run() returns. This is bad.

So you should either close the dialog on button clicks as well, or change the close() behavior to hide instead of destroy. You can do this with close_hides().

Method run_and_close

int run_and_close()


See run(). The only difference is that this function calls close() before returning if the dialog was not already closed.

Method set_accelerator

Gnome.Dialog set_accelerator(int button, int accelerator_key, int accelerator_mode)

Method set_close

Gnome.Dialog set_close(int click_closes)


This is a convenience function so you don't have to connect callbacks to each button just to close the dialog. By default, Gnome.Dialog has this parameter set the FALSE and it will not close on any click. (This was a design error.) However, almost all the Gnome.Dialog subclasses, such as Gnome.MessageBox and Gnome.PropertyBox, have this parameter set to TRUE by default.

Method set_default

Gnome.Dialog set_default(int button)


The default button will be activated if the user just presses return. Usually you should make the least-destructive button the default. Otherwise, the most commonly-used button.

Method set_parent

Gnome.Dialog set_parent(GTK1.Window parent)


Dialogs have "parents," usually the main application window which spawned them. This function will let the window manager know about the parent-child relationship. Usually this means the dialog must stay on top of the parent, and will be minimized when the parent is. Gnome also allows users to request dialog placement above the parent window (vs. at the mouse position, or at a default window manger location).

Method set_sensitive

Gnome.Dialog set_sensitive(int button, int sensitive)


Calls set_sensitive() on the specified button number.

Class Gnome.Dock


GnomeDock is a container widget designed to let users move around widgets such as toolbars, menubars and so on.

Every GnomeDock contains a widget called the "client area". On the four sides of the client area, there are four "dock areas", which can contain an arbitrary number of dockable widgets. All the dockable widgets should be GnomeDockItem widgets; the GnomeDockItem widget can in turn contain any kind of widget, and implements the dragging functionality: every GnomeDockItem has a handle that users can use to move them within the dock, or even move them outside it, so that they become "floating items".

Every "dock area" is implemented by means of zero or more "dock bands": a dock band is a horizontal or vertical stripe containing one or more dock items, and is implemented by the GnomeDockBand widget. Items are ordered from top to bottom in vertical bands, and from left to right in horizontal bands. Every dock item in a band is given an offset value that defines the distance, in pixels, from the previous item in the same band; if the item is first in the band, the offset defines the distance from the start of the band.

As a consequence, the position of an item in the dock can be specified by means of the following values: a "placement" specifying what area is being used (top, bottom, left, right), a "band number" specifying the number of the band within the specified area, a "position" within the band and a "offset" from the previous item in the same band.

Signals: layout_changed

Method add_floating_item

Gnome.Dock add_floating_item(Gnome.DockItem item, int x, int y, int orientation)


Add item to dock and make it floating at the specified (x, y) coordinates (relative to the root window of the screen).

Method add_item

Gnome.Dock add_item(Gnome.DockItem item, int placement, int band_num, int position, int offset, int new_band)


Add item to dock. placement can be either Gnome.DOCK_TOP, Gnome.DOCK_RIGHT, Gnome.DOCK_BOTTOM or Gnome.DOCK_LEFT, and specifies what area of the dock should contain the item. If in_new_band is TRUE, a new dock band is created at the position specified by band_num; otherwise, the item is added to the band_num'th band.

Method allow_floating_items

Gnome.Dock allow_floating_items(int allow)

Method create

Gnome.Dock Gnome.Dock()

Method get_client_area

GTK1.Widget get_client_area()

Method get_item_by_name

Gnome.DockItem get_item_by_name(string name)

Inherit Container

inherit GTK1.Container : Container

Method set_client_area

Gnome.Dock set_client_area(GTK1.Widget area)


Specify a widget for the dock's client area.

Class Gnome.DockBand


Gnome.DockBand is a widget implementing a "dock band", i.e. a horizontal or vertical stripe containing dockable widgets.

The application programmer does not normally need to use Gnome.DockBand directly; they are mostly used by the W(GnomeDock) widget to implement its functionality. For an explanation of the way dock bands are used within a dock, check out the documentation for the W(GnomeDock) widget.

Method append

int append(Gnome.DockItem child, int offset)


Add child to the band with the specified offset as the last element.

Method create

Gnome.DockBand Gnome.DockBand()


Create a new Gnome.DockBand widget.

Method get_child_offset

int get_child_offset(GTK1.Widget child)


Retrieve the offset of the child

Method get_item_by_name

Gnome.DockItem get_item_by_name(string name)


Retrieve a named item from the band.

Method get_num_children

int get_num_children()


Retrieve the number of children

Method get_orientation

int get_orientation()


Retrieve the orientation

Inherit Container

inherit GTK1.Container : Container

Method insert

int insert(Gnome.DockItem child, int offset, int position)


Add child to the band at the specified position, with the specified offset from the previous item (or from the beginning of the band, if this is the first item).

Method layout_add

Gnome.DockBand layout_add(Gnome.DockLayout layout, int placement, int band_num)

Method prepend

int prepend(Gnome.DockItem child, int offset)


Add child to the band with the specified offset as the first element.

Method set_child_offset

Gnome.DockBand set_child_offset(GTK1.Widget child, int offset)


Set the offset for the specified child of the band.

Method set_orientation

Gnome.DockBand set_orientation(int orientation)


Set the orientation.

Class Gnome.DockItem

Method create

Gnome.DockItem Gnome.DockItem(string name, int behavior)


Create a new GnomeDockItem named name, with the specified behavior. Gnome.DockItemBehExclusive specifies that the dock item is always the only one in its band. Gnome.DockItemBehNeverFloating specifies that users cannot detach the dock item from the dock. Gnome.DockItemBehNeverVertical specifies that the dock item must be kept horizontal, and users cannot move it to a vertical band. Gnome.DockItemBehNeverHorizontal specifies that the dock item must be kept horizontal, and users cannot move it to a vertical band. Gnome.DockItemBehLocked specifies that users cannot drag the item around.

Method get_behavior

int get_behavior()

Method get_child

GTK1.Widget get_child()


Retrieve the child of the item.

Method get_name

string get_name()


Retrieve the name

Method get_orientation

int get_orientation()

Method get_shadow_type

int get_shadow_type()



Inherit Bin

inherit GTK1.Bin : Bin

Method set_orientation

Gnome.DockItem set_orientation(int orientation)

Method set_shadow_type

Gnome.DockItem set_shadow_type(int shadow_type)



Class Gnome.DockLayout


The Gnome.DockLayout widget is meant to make it simple for programmers to handle the layout of a GnomeDock widget.

Gnome.DockLayout can contain an arbitrary number of W(Gnome.DockItem) widgets, each of them with its own placement information. It is possible to "extract" a layout from an existing W(GnomeDock) widget, as well as adding the items present in a Gnome.DockLayout to it. Moreover, Gnome.DockLayout is able to create a layout configuration string that can be later used to re-construct the layout on a brand new Gnome.DockLayout widget.

As a consequence, Gnome.DockLayout is very useful to save and retrieve W(GnomeDock) configurations into files. For example, W(GnomeApp) uses Gnome.DockLayout to create a default layout configuration, override it with the user-specific configuration file, and finally apply it to it's W(GnomeDock).

Method add_floating_item

int add_floating_item(Gnome.DockItem item, int x, int y, int orientation)


Add item to the layout as a floating item with the specified (x, y) position and orientation.

Method add_item

int add_item(Gnome.DockItem item, int placement, int band_num, int band_position, int offset)


Add item to the layout with the specified parameters.

Method add_to_dock

int add_to_dock(Gnome.Dock dock)


Add all the items in this layout to the specified dock

Method create

Gnome.DockLayout Gnome.DockLayout()


Create a new Gnome.DockLayout widget.

Method create_string

string create_string()


Generate a string describing the layout

Method get_item

Gnome.DockLayoutItem get_item(Gnome.DockItem item)


Retrieve a dock layout item.

Method get_item_by_name

Gnome.DockLayoutItem get_item_by_name(string name)


Retrieve the dock layout item named name

Inherit Object

inherit GTK1.Object : Object

Method parse_string

Gnome.DockLayout parse_string(string str)


Parse the layout string str, and move around the items in layout accordingly.

Method remove_item

int remove_item(Gnome.DockItem item)


Remove the specified item from the layout.

Method remove_item_by_name

int remove_item_by_name(string name)


Remove the specified item from the layout.

Class Gnome.DockLayoutItem


Information about an item in a gnome_dock_layout

Method get_item

Gnome.DockItem get_item()


The W(gnome_dock_item) this information applies to.

Method get_placement

int get_placement()


One of

Method position

mapping position()


Get the position of the item

Class Gnome.Druid


The GNOME druid is a system for assisting the user with installing a service. It is roughly equivalent in functionality to the "Wizards" available in Windows.

There are two major parts of the druid, the Gnome.Druid widget, and the set of W(Gnome.DruidPage) widgets. The Gnome.Druid widget is the main widget that interacts with the user. It has a Next, a Prev, and a Cancel button, and acts as a container for the pages. It is not a top-level window, so it needs to be put in a W(GTK1.Window) in almost all cases. The W(Gnome.DruidPage) is a virtual widget, from which all of the actual content of the page inherits from. There are currently three of these available within gnome-libs.

GNOME druids are fairly simple to program with. You start by creating a GnomeDruid into which you put all of your pages. This widget will handle the presentation of the W(GnomeDruidPage) widgets.

You then create all appropriate W(GnomeDruidPage) widgets. There are three implementations of these, although there is no reason why more couldn't be written. They are the W(GnomeDruidPageStart), the W(GnomeDruidPageStandard), and the W(GnomeDruidPageFinish). The W(GnomeDruidPageStandard) acts as a W(Container), and is probably the most commonly used druid page. The other ones, as their names might suggest, are used at the endpoints of the druid. More information on the specific properties of these widgets can be found on their respective pages.

You will need to add the pages to the druid in order for them to appear. The druid itself keeps an internal list of all pages, and using the prepend_page(), append_page(), and insert_page() functions will place them into it.

Signals: cancel This signal is emitted when the "cancel" button has been pressed. Note that the current druid page has the option to trap the signal and use it, if need be, preventing this signal from being emitted.

Method append_page

Gnome.Druid append_page(Gnome.DruidPage page)


This will append a GnomeDruidPage into the internal list of pages that the druid has.

Method create

Gnome.Druid Gnome.Druid()


Create a new druid

Inherit Container

inherit GTK1.Container : Container

Method insert_page

Gnome.Druid insert_page(Gnome.DruidPage back_page, Gnome.DruidPage page)


This will insert page after back_page into the list of internal pages that the druid has. If back_page is not present in the list or is 0, page will be prepended to the list.

Method prepend_page

Gnome.Druid prepend_page(Gnome.DruidPage page)


This will prepend a GnomeDruidPage into the internal list of pages that the druid has.

Method set_buttons_sensitive

Gnome.Druid set_buttons_sensitive(int beck_sensitive, int next_sensitive, int cancel_sensitive)


Sets the sensitivity of the druid's control-buttons. If the variables are TRUE, then they will be clickable. This function is used primarily by the actual W(GnomeDruidPage) widgets.

Method set_page

Gnome.Druid set_page(Gnome.DruidPage page)


This will make page the currently showing page in the druid. page must already be in the druid.

Method set_show_finish

Gnome.Druid set_show_finish(int show_finish)


Sets the text on the last button on the druid. If show_finish is TRUE, then the text becomes "Finish". If show_finish is FALSE, then the text becomes "Cancel".

Class Gnome.DruidPage


This widget is a virtual widget to define the interface to a druid page. It's descendants are placed in a W(Gnome.Druid) widget.

Signals: back





Inherit Bin

inherit GTK1.Bin : Bin

Class Gnome.DruidPageFinish


This is a W(GnomeDruidPage).

Method create

Gnome.DruidPageFinish Gnome.DruidPageFinish()


Creates a new Gnome.DruidPageStandard widget.

Inherit DruidPage

inherit Gnome.DruidPage : DruidPage

Method set_bg_color

Gnome.DruidPageFinish set_bg_color(GDK1.Color color)


This will set the background color to be the specified color.

Method set_logo_bg_color

Gnome.DruidPageFinish set_logo_bg_color(GDK1.Color color)


This will set the background color of the logo

Method set_text

Gnome.DruidPageFinish set_text(string text)


Set the text

Method set_text_color

Gnome.DruidPageFinish set_text_color(GDK1.Color color)


Set the text color

Method set_textbox_color

Gnome.DruidPageFinish set_textbox_color(GDK1.Color color)


This will set the textbox color to be the specified color.

Method set_title

Gnome.DruidPageFinish set_title(string title)


Set the title

Method set_title_color

Gnome.DruidPageFinish set_title_color(GDK1.Color color)


Set the title color

Class Gnome.DruidPageStandard


This is a W(GnomeDruidPage).

Method create

Gnome.DruidPageStandard Gnome.DruidPageStandard()


Creates a new Gnome.DruidPageStandard widget.

Inherit DruidPage

inherit Gnome.DruidPage : DruidPage

Method set_bg_color

Gnome.DruidPageStandard set_bg_color(GDK1.Color color)


This will set the background color to be the specified color.

Method set_logo_bg_color

Gnome.DruidPageStandard set_logo_bg_color(GDK1.Color color)


This will set the background color of the logo

Method set_title

Gnome.DruidPageStandard set_title(string title)


Set the title

Method set_title_color

Gnome.DruidPageStandard set_title_color(GDK1.Color color)


Set the title color

Class Gnome.DruidPageStart


This is a W(GnomeDruidPage). It is meant to be used to introduce the user to what is being installed in a consistent manner.

Method create

Gnome.DruidPageStart Gnome.DruidPageStart()


Creates a new Gnome.DruidPageStart widget.

Inherit DruidPage

inherit Gnome.DruidPage : DruidPage

Method set_bg_color

Gnome.DruidPageStart set_bg_color(GDK1.Color color)


This will set the background color to be the specified color.

Method set_logo_bg_color

Gnome.DruidPageStart set_logo_bg_color(GDK1.Color color)


This will set the background color of the logo

Method set_text

Gnome.DruidPageStart set_text(string text)


Set the text

Method set_text_color

Gnome.DruidPageStart set_text_color(GDK1.Color color)


Set the text color

Method set_textbox_color

Gnome.DruidPageStart set_textbox_color(GDK1.Color color)


This will set the textbox color to be the specified color.

Method set_title

Gnome.DruidPageStart set_title(string title)


Set the title

Method set_title_color

Gnome.DruidPageStart set_title_color(GDK1.Color color)


Set the title color

Class Gnome.Entry


This widget is a wrapper around the GtkEntry widget, but it provides a history mechanism for all the input entered into the widget. The way this works is that a special identifier is provided when creating the GnomeEntry widget, and this identifier is used to load and save the history of the text.

 Gnome.Entry( "history" )

Method append_history

Gnome.Entry append_history(int save, string text)


Adds a history item of the given text to the tail of the history list inside gentry. If save is TRUE, the history item will be saved in the config file (assuming that gentry's history id is not 0).

Method create

Gnome.Entry Gnome.Entry(string|void history_id)


Creates a new GnomeEntry widget. If history_id is not 0, then the history list will be saved and restored between uses under the given id.

Method gtk_entry

GTK1.Entry gtk_entry()


Obtain pointer to Gnome.Entry's internal GTK1.Entry text entry

Inherit Combo

inherit GTK1.Combo : Combo

Method load_history

Gnome.Entry load_history()


Loads a stored history list from the GNOME config file, if one is available. If the history id of gentry is 0, nothing occurs.

Method prepend_history

Gnome.Entry prepend_history(int save, string text)


Adds a history item of the given text to the head of the history list inside gentry. If save is TRUE, the history item will be saved in the config file (assuming that gentry's history id is not 0).

Method save_history

Gnome.Entry save_history()


Force the history items of the widget to be stored in a configuration file. If the history id of gentry is 0, nothing occurs.

Method set_history_id

Gnome.Entry set_history_id(string|void history_id)


Set or clear the history id of the GnomeEntry widget. If history_id is 0, the widget's history id is cleared. Otherwise, the given id replaces the previous widget history id.

Class Gnome.FileEntry


This widget provides an entry box with history (a W(GnomeEntry)) and a button which can pop up a file selector dialog box W(GtkFileSelection). It also accepts DND drops from the filemanager and other sources.  Gnome.FileEntry("","")

Signals: browse_clicked Signal emitted when the "browse" button is clicked. This is so that you can add stuff to the file selector or to override this method.

Method create

Gnome.FileEntry Gnome.FileEntry(string history_id, string browse_dialog_title)


Creates a new Gnome.FileEntry widget.

Method get_full_path

string get_full_path(int file_must_exist)


Gets the full absolute path of the file from the entry. If file_must_exist is false, nothing is tested and the path is returned. If file_must_exist is true, then the path is only returned if the path actually exists. In case the entry is a directory entry (see set_directory), then if the path exists and is a directory then it's returned; if not, it is assumed it was a file so we try to strip it, and try again.

Method gnome_entry

Gnome.Entry gnome_entry()


Get the W(GnomeEntry) component of the widget for lower-level manipulation.

Method gtk_entry

GTK1.Entry gtk_entry()


Get the W(Entry) component of the widget for lower-level manipulation.

Inherit Hbox

inherit GTK1.Hbox : Hbox

Method set_default_path

Gnome.FileEntry set_default_path(string path)


Set the default path of browse dialog to path. The default path is only used if the entry is empty or if the current path of the entry is not an absolute path, in which case the default path is prepended to it before the dialog is started.

Method set_directory

Gnome.FileEntry set_directory(int directory_entry)


Sets whether this is a directory only entry. If directory_entry is true, then get_full_path will check for the file being a directory, and the browse dialog will have the file list disabled.

Method set_modal

Gnome.FileEntry set_modal(int is_modal)


Sets the modality of the browse dialog.

Method set_title

Gnome.FileEntry set_title(string browse_dialog_title)


Set the title of the browse dialog to browse_dialog_title. The new title will go into effect the next time the browse button is pressed.

Class Gnome.FontPicker


GnomeFontPicker - Button that displays current font; click to select new font.  Gnome.FontPicker();

 Gnome.FontPicker()->set_mode( Gnome.FontPickerModeFontInfo );

Signals: font_set

Method create

Gnome.FontPicker Gnome.FontPicker()


Create a new font pick button

Method fi_set_show_size

Gnome.FontPicker fi_set_show_size(int show_size)


If show_size is TRUE, font size will be displayed along with font chosen by user. This only applies if current button mode is Gnome.FontPickerModeFontInfo.

Method fi_set_use_font_in_label

Gnome.FontPicker fi_set_use_font_in_label(int use_font_in_label, int size)


If use_font_in_label is TRUE, font name will be written using font chosen by user and using size passed to this function. This only applies if current button mode is Gnome.FontPickerModeFontInfo.

Method get_font

GDK1.Font get_font()


Retrieves the font from the font selection dialog.

Method get_font_name

string get_font_name()


Retrieve name of font from font selection dialog.

Method get_mode

int get_mode()


Returns current font picker button mode (or what to show).

Method get_preview_text

string get_preview_text()


Retrieve preview text from font selection dialog if available.

Inherit Button

inherit GTK1.Button : Button

Method set_font_name

int set_font_name(string fontname)


Set or update the currently displayed font in the font picker dialog

Method set_mode

Gnome.FontPicker set_mode(int mode)



Method set_preview_text

Gnome.FontPicker set_preview_text(string text)


Set preview text in font picker, and in font selection dialog if one is being displayed.

Method set_title

Gnome.FontPicker set_title(string title)


Sets the title for the font selection dialog.

Method uw_set_widget

Gnome.FontPicker uw_set_widget(GTK1.Widget widget)


Set the user-supplied widget as the inside of the font picker. This only applies with Gnome.FontPickerModeUserWidget.

Class Gnome.Href


This widget is a GtkButton button that contains a URL. When clicked it invokes the configured browser for the URL you provided.

 Gnome.Href( "http://www.gnome.org", "GNOME Web Site" )

 Gnome.Href( "http://www.gnome.org" )

Method create

Gnome.Href Gnome.Href(string url, string|void label)


Created a GNOME href object, a label widget with a clickable action and an associated URL. If label is set to 0, url is used as the label.

Method get_label

string get_label()


Returns the contents of the label widget used to display the link text.

Method get_url

string get_url()


Return the url

Inherit Button

inherit GTK1.Button : Button

Method set_label

Gnome.Href set_label(string label)


Sets the internal label widget text (used to display a URL's link text) to the given value.

Method set_url

Gnome.Href set_url(string url)


Sets the internal URL

Class Gnome.IconEntry


This widget provides the facilities to select an icon. An icon is displayed inside a button, when the button is pressed, an Icon selector (a dialog with a W(GnomeIconSelection) widget) pops up to let the user choose an icon. It also allows one to Drag and Drop the images to and from the preview button.

Method create

Gnome.IconEntry Gnome.IconEntry(string history_id, string title)


Creates a new icon entry widget

Method get_filename

string get_filename()


Gets the file name of the image if it was possible to load it into the preview. That is, it will only return a filename if the image exists and it was possible to load it as an image.

Method gnome_entry

Gnome.Entry gnome_entry()


Get the W(GnomeEntry) widget that's part of the entry

Method gnome_file_entry

Gnome.FileEntry gnome_file_entry()


Get the W(GnomeFileEntry) widget that's part of the entry

Method gtk_entry

GTK1.Entry gtk_entry()


Get the W(Entry) widget that's part of the entry

Inherit Vbox

inherit GTK1.Vbox : Vbox

Method set_pixmap_subdir

Gnome.IconEntry set_pixmap_subdir(string subdir)


Sets the subdirectory below gnome's default pixmap directory to use as the default path for the file entry.

Class Gnome.IconList


The GNOME icon list widget can hold a number of icons with captions. The icons on the list can be selected (various selection methods are supported). The programmer can enable caption-editing for the icons. This parameters is configured when you create the icon list widget. You can control the type of selection mode you desire by using the set_selection_mode() function.

Signals: select_icon



Method append

Gnome.IconList append(string icon_filename, string text)


Appends an icon to the specified icon list. The icon's image is loaded from the specified file, and it is inserted at the pos index.

Method clear

Gnome.IconList clear()


Clears the contents for the icon list by removing all the icons. If destroy handlers were specified for any of the icons, they will be called with the appropriate data.

Method create

Gnome.IconList Gnome.IconList(int icon_widt, int flags)


Creates a new icon list widget. The icon columns are allocated a width of icon_width pixels. Icon captions will be word-wrapped to this width as well.

If flags has the Gnome.IconListIsEditable flag set, then the user will be able to edit the text in the icon captions, and the "text_changed" signal will be emitted when an icon's text is changed.

Method find_icon_from_data

int find_icon_from_data(object data)


Find a icon in the list that has the given user data. If no icon is found, -1 is returned.

Method freeze

Gnome.IconList freeze()


Freezes an icon list so that any changes made to it will not be reflected on the screen until it is thawed with thaw(). It is recommended to freeze the icon list before inserting or deleting many icons, for example, so that the layout process will only be executed once, when the icon list is finally thawed.

You can call this function multiple times, but it must be balanced with the same number of calls to thaw() before the changes will take effect.

Method get_icon_at

int get_icon_at(int x, int y)


Returns the index of the icon that is under the specified coordinates, which are relative to the icon list's window. If there is no icon in that position, -1 is returned.

Method get_icon_data

object get_icon_data(int icon)


Return the data associated with a icon, or 0.

Method get_selected_icons

array get_selected_icons()


Return an array with the currently selected icons

Method icon_is_visible

int icon_is_visible(int pos)


returns 1 if the icon whose index is pos is visible.

Inherit Widget

inherit GTK1.Widget : Widget

Method insert

Gnome.IconList insert(int pos, string icon_filename, string text)


Inserts an icon in the specified icon list. The icon's image is loaded from the specified file, and it is inserted at the pos index.

Method moveto

Gnome.IconList moveto(int pos, float yalign)


Makes the icon whose index is pos be visible on the screen. The icon list gets scrolled so that the icon is visible. An alignment of 0.0 represents the top of the visible part of the icon list, and 1.0 represents the bottom. An icon can be centered on the icon list using 0.5 as the yalign.

Method remove

Gnome.IconList remove(int pos)


Removes the icon at index position pos. If a destroy handler was specified for that icon, it will be called with the appropriate data.

Method select_icon

Gnome.IconList select_icon(int idx)


Selects the specified icon.

Method set_col_spacing

Gnome.IconList set_col_spacing(int pixels)


Sets the spacing to be used between columns of icons.

Method set_hadjustment

Gnome.IconList set_hadjustment(GTK1.Adjustment hadj)


Sets the adjustment to be used for horizontal scrolling. This is normally not required, as the icon list can be simply inserted in a W(ScrolledWindow) and scrolling will be handled automatically.

Method set_icon_border

Gnome.IconList set_icon_border(int pixels)


Set the width of the border to be displayed around an icon's image. This is currently not implemented.

Method set_icon_data

Gnome.IconList set_icon_data(int icon, object data)


Set the user data associated with the specified icon. This data can be used to find icons, and when an icon is selected it can be easily retrieved using get_icon_data.

You can only use objects as icon data right now

Method set_icon_width

Gnome.IconList set_icon_width(int w)


Sets the amount of horizontal space allocated to the icons, i.e. the column width of the icon list

Method set_row_spacing

Gnome.IconList set_row_spacing(int pixels)


Sets the spacing to be used between rows of icons.

Method set_selection_mode

Gnome.IconList set_selection_mode(int mode)



Method set_separators

Gnome.IconList set_separators(string sep)


Set the characters that can be used as word separators when doing word-wrapping of the text captions.

Method set_text_spacing

Gnome.IconList set_text_spacing(int pixels)


Sets the spacing to be used between the icon and its caption

Method set_vadjustment

Gnome.IconList set_vadjustment(GTK1.Adjustment hadj)


Sets the adjustment to be used for vertical scrolling. This is normally not required, as the icon list can be simply inserted in a W(ScrolledWindow) and scrolling will be handled automatically.

Method thaw

Gnome.IconList thaw()


Unfreeze the icon list

Method unselect_all

Gnome.IconList unselect_all()


Unselect all icons.

Method unselect_icon

Gnome.IconList unselect_icon(int idx)


Unselects the specified icon.

Class Gnome.IconSelection

Method add_defaults

Gnome.IconSelection add_defaults()


Adds the default pixmap directory into the selection widget.

Method add_directory

Gnome.IconSelection add_directory(string dir)


Adds the icons from the directory dir to the selection widget.

Method clear

Gnome.IconSelection clear(int|void not_shown)


Clear the currently shown icons, the ones that weren't shown yet are not cleared unless the not_shown parameter is given, in which case even those are cleared.

Method create

Gnome.IconSelection Gnome.IconSelection()


reates a new icon selection widget, it uses a W(GnomeIconList) for the listing of icons

Method get_icon

string get_icon(int full_path)


Gets the currently selected icon name, if full_path is true, it returns the full path to the icon, if none is selected it returns 0.

Inherit Vbox

inherit GTK1.Vbox : Vbox

Method select_icon

Gnome.IconSelection select_icon(string filename)


Selects the icon filename. This icon must have already been added and shown

Method show_icons

Gnome.IconSelection show_icons()


Shows the icons inside the widget that were added with add_defaults and add_directory. Before this function isf called the icons aren't actually added to the listing and can't be picked by the user.

Class Gnome.Less


This widget implements a graphical "more" command. It allows the user to view a text file. There are various possible ways to specify the contents to display: loading the data from a file (by providing a filename) or by loading it from an open file data stream or from the output of a Unix command.

 Gnome.Less()->show_string("Example string\nshown in this\nwidget")

 Gnome.Less()->show_file("/usr/dict/words" );

 Gnome.Less()->show_command( "psrinfo -v" )

Method clear

Gnome.Less clear()


Clears all the text

Method create

Gnome.Less Gnome.Less()


Creates a new GnomeLess widget.

Inherit Vbox

inherit GTK1.Vbox : Vbox

Method reshow

Gnome.Less reshow()


Re-displays all of the text in the GnomeLess widget gl. If the font has changed since the last show/reshow of text, it will update the current text to the new font.

Method set_fixed_font

Gnome.Less set_fixed_font(int fixed)


Specifies whether or not new text should be displayed using a fixed font. Pass TRUE in fixed to use a fixed font, or FALSE to revert to the default GtkText font.

Note: This will not affect text already being displayed. If you use this function after adding text to the widget, you must show it again by using gnome_less_reshow or one of the gnome_less_show commands.

Method set_font

Gnome.Less set_font(GDK1.Font font)


Sets the font of the text to be displayed in the GnomeLess widget gl to font. Note: This will not affect text already being displayed. If you use this function after adding text to the widget, you must show it again by using reshow or one of the show commands.

Method show_command

Gnome.Less show_command(string command_line)


Runs the shell command specified in command_line, and places the output of that command in the GnomeLess widget specified by gl. Replaces any text already being displayed in the widget.

Method show_file

Gnome.Less show_file(string file)


Displays a file in a GnomeLess widget. Replaces any text already being displayed in the widget.

Method show_filestream

Gnome.Less show_filestream(Stdio.File stream)

Method show_string

Gnome.Less show_string(string data)


Displays a string in the GnomeLess widget gl. Replaces any text already being displayed.

Method write_file

int write_file(string path)


Writes the text displayed in the GnomeLess widget gl to the file specified by path.

Method write_filestream

int write_filestream(Stdio.File fd)

Class Gnome.MessageBox


The GnomeMessageBox widget creates dialog boxes (of type GnomeDialog) that contain a severity level (indicated by an icon and a title), a message to be displayed and a list of buttons that will be in the dialog.

The programmer will use strings desired for each button. If the strings are any of the GNOME_STOCK macros, then instead of creating a button with the text, the button will be a GNOME stock button with a stock icon.

The list of known types for message boxes are: GNOME_MESSAGE_BOX_ERROR, GNOME_MESSAGE_BOX_GENERIC, GNOME_MESSAGE_BOX_INFO, GNOME_MESSAGE_BOX_QUESTION and GNOME_MESSAGE_BOX_WARNING.  Gnome.MessageBox( "This is a nice message", Gnome.MessageBoxInfo, Gnome.StockButtonOk,  Gnome.StockButtonCancel );

 Gnome.MessageBox( "This is another not so nice message", Gnome.MessageBoxError, Gnome.StockButtonClose,  Gnome.StockButtonCancel );

Method create

Gnome.MessageBox Gnome.MessageBox(string message, string messagebox_type, string ... buttons)


Creates a dialog box of type message_box_type with message. A number of buttons are inserted on it. You can use the GNOME stock identifiers to create gnome stock buttons.

Inherit Dialog

inherit Gnome.Dialog : Dialog

Class Gnome.NumberEntry


Provides an entry line for numbers. This routine does not attempt to do any validation on the valid number ranges, but provides a button that will let the user bring up a calculator to fill in the value of the entry widget.  Gnome.NumberEntry("", "Select a number...");

Method create

Gnome.NumberEntry Gnome.NumberEntry(string history_id, string calc_dialog_title)


Creates a new number entry widget, with a history id and title for the calculator dialog.

Method get_number

float get_number()


Get the current number from the entry

Method gnome_entry

Gnome.Entry gnome_entry()


Get the W(GnomeEntry) component of the Gnome.NumberEntry for lower-level manipulation.

Method gtk_entry

GTK1.Entry gtk_entry()


Get the W(Entry) component of the Gnome.NumberEntry for Gtk+-level manipulation.

Inherit Hbox

inherit GTK1.Hbox : Hbox

Method set_title

Gnome.NumberEntry set_title(string title)


Set the title of the calculator dialog to calc_dialog_title. Takes effect the next time the calculator button is pressed.

Class Gnome.PaperSelector



Method create

Gnome.PaperSelector Gnome.PaperSelector()

Method get_bottom_margin

float get_bottom_margin()

Method get_height

float get_height()

Method get_left_margin

float get_left_margin()

Method get_name

string get_name()

Method get_right_margin

float get_right_margin()

Method get_top_margin

float get_top_margin()

Method get_width

float get_width()

Inherit Vbox

inherit GTK1.Vbox : Vbox

Class Gnome.PixmapEntry


Entry for large images with a preview. Unlike GnomeIconEntry, it does not scale the images to a specific size and shows them 1:1. This is perfect for selection of backgrounds and such. It also allows DND to be performed on the preview box. It also provides all the GnomeEntry functionality as well.  Gnome.PixmapEntry("","browse...",1);

Method create

Gnome.PixmapEntry Gnome.PixmapEntry(string history_id, string browse_dialog_title, int do_preview)


Creates a new pixmap entry widget, if do_preview is false, the preview is hidden but the files are still loaded so that it's easy to show it. For a pixmap entry without preview, use the W(GnomeFileEntry) widget.

Method get_filename

string get_filename()


Gets the filename of the image if the preview successfully loaded.

Method gnome_entry

Gnome.Entry gnome_entry()


Get the W(GnomeEntry) component of the W(GnomePixmapEntry) widget for lower-level manipulation.

Method gnome_file_entry

Gnome.FileEntry gnome_file_entry()


Get the W(GnomeFileEntry) component of the W(GnomePixmapEntry) widget for lower-level manipulation.

Inherit Vbox

inherit GTK1.Vbox : Vbox

Method set_pixmap_subdir

Gnome.PixmapEntry set_pixmap_subdir(string dir)


Sets the default path for the file entry. The new subdirectory should be specified relative to the default GNOME pixmap directory.

Method set_preview

Gnome.PixmapEntry set_preview(int do_preview)


Sets whether or not previews of the currently selected pixmap should be shown in the file selector.

Method set_preview_size

Gnome.PixmapEntry set_preview_size(int min_w, int min_h)


Sets the minimum size of the preview frame in pixels.

Class Gnome.PropertyBox


The Gnome.PropertyBox widget simplifies coding a consistent dialog box for configuring properties of any kind.

The Gnome.PropertyBox is a toplevel widget (it will create its own window), inside it contains a GtkNotebook which is used to hold the various property pages.

The box will include ok, cancel, apply and help buttons (the actual buttons depends on the settings the user has, for example, apply can be hidden). The ok and apply buttons will start up in non-sensitive state, the programmer needs to configure the widgets inserted into the property box to inform the widget of any state changes to enable the ok and apply buttons. This is done by calling the changed() function.

To use this widget, you create the widget and then you call append_page() for each property page you want in the property box.

The widget emits two signals: "apply" and "help". To make a functional dialog box you will want to connect to at least the "apply" signal. Your function will be invoked once for each page and one more time at the end, passing a special value of -1 for the page number.

Signals: apply This signal is invoked with the page number that is being applied. The signal is emited with the special page number -1 when it has finished emiting the signals for all of the property pages.

help This signal is invoked when the user clicks on the help button in the property box. An argument is passed that identifies the currently active page number.

Method append_page

int append_page(GTK1.Widget child, GTK1.Widget tab_label)


Appends a new page to the Gnome.PropertyBox. widget is the widget that is being inserted, and tab_label will be used as the label for this configuration page.

Method changed

Gnome.PropertyBox changed()


When a setting has changed, the code needs to invoke this routine to make the Ok/Apply buttons sensitive.

Method create

Gnome.PropertyBox Gnome.PropertyBox()


Creates a new Gnome.PropertyBox widget.

Inherit Dialog

inherit Gnome.Dialog : Dialog

Method set_state

Gnome.PropertyBox set_state(int state)

Class Gnome.Scores


This is a high-scores dialog box. The GNOME libraries also handle loading/saving systemwide high scores in a secure way.

 Gnome.Scores( 17, ({ "per" })*17, map((array(float))indices(allocate(17)),`*,42), map(indices(allocate(17)), `*, 10 ), 1 )

Method create

Gnome.Scores Gnome.Scores(int n_scores, array names, array scores, array times, int clear)

Inherit Dialog

inherit Gnome.Dialog : Dialog

Method set_color

Gnome.Scores set_color(int pos, GDK1.Color color)

Method set_current_player

Gnome.Scores set_current_player(int index)

Method set_def_color

Gnome.Scores set_def_color(GDK1.Color color)

Method set_logo_label_title

Gnome.Scores set_logo_label_title(string txt)

Method set_logo_pixmap

Gnome.Scores set_logo_pixmap(string logofile)

Method set_logo_widget

Gnome.Scores set_logo_widget(GTK1.Widget widget)

Class Gnome.StatusDocklet


Some apps want to embed a very small icon or widget in the panel to display the status of the app. This can be done without the operational overhead of an applet. The status docklet will embed a 22 by 22 window inside the panel. This is not a separate applet and thus is minimally intrusive to the user and is meant for very temporary status displays for which a full applet would not be appropriate.

The way StatusDocklet works is a little different from how the AppletWidget works. Firstly, StatusDocklet object is not a widget, it is just an abstract GTK+ object. You create a new StatusDocklet object and then bind the "build_plug" signal which is emitted when the panel was contacted and a widget must be built. After binding the "build_plug" signal, you call run() to actually start trying to contacting the panel. StatusDocklet is safe to use without a panel. By default it will try to locate a panel for 15 minutes and after that it will give up. It will also handle panel restarts by default. If it does, your widget will be destroyed and "build_plug" will be emitted again when the new panel starts. Even though the panel will never restart by itself, the user might not run session management and thus might restart panel by hand, or due to a bug, the panel might crash and restart itself.

Docklets are not available in GNOME 1.0.

Signals: build_plug This signal is emitted when you actually need to build the widget that you want to place inside the plug in the status docklet. It should be 22 by 22, and if it is larger it will be cropped.

Method create

Gnome.StatusDocklet Gnome.StatusDocklet()


Creates a new status docklet object with the default parameters. By default the docklet object will try to contact a panel 20 times. It will try to find a panel every 15 seconds. You need to bind the build_plug signal in which you build your own widget and add it to the provided container. By default the docklet object will handle a panel restart, in which case your widget will be destroyed and when the panel is contacted again the build_plug signal will be emitted again. You also must call the status_docklet_run function after you bind the build_plug signal.

Method get_plug

GTK1.Plug get_plug()


the current W(plug) holding the docklet

Inherit Object

inherit GTK1.Object : Object

Method run

Gnome.StatusDocklet run()


Search for the panel and add the plug if it finds it. This function is also called internally from the timeout. If called externally more times, a panel lookup will be forced and one try will be wasted. You need to call this function at least once after binding the build_plug signal to tell the status docklet to start looking for the panel. If the status docklet handles restarts you don't have to call this function ever again.

Module Gnome2

Module Graphics

Module Graphics.Graph

Method pie
Method bars
Method sumbars
Method line
Method norm
Method graph

Image.Image pie(mapping(string:mixed) diagram_data)
Image.Image bars(mapping(string:mixed) diagram_data)
Image.Image sumbars(mapping(string:mixed) diagram_data)
Image.Image line(mapping(string:mixed) diagram_data)
Image.Image norm(mapping(string:mixed) diagram_data)
Image.Image graph(mapping(string:mixed) diagram_data)


Generate a graph of the specified type. See check_mapping for an explanation of diagram_data.

Method check_mapping

mapping(string:mixed) check_mapping(mapping(string:mixed) diagram_data, string type)


This function sets all unset elements in diagram_data to its default value as well as performing some simple sanity checks. This function is called from within pie, bars, sumbars, line, norm and graph.

Parameter diagram_data
"drawtype" : mixed

Default: "linear"

Will be set to "2D" for pie below Only "linear" works for now.

"tone" : mixed

Default: 0

If present a Pie-chart will be toned.

"3Ddepth" : mixed

Default: 10

How much 3D-depth a graph will have in pixels Default is 10.

"data" : array(array(float))

Default: ({({1.0}), ({2.0}), ({4.0})})

Will be set to something else with graph An array of arrays. Each array describing a data-set. The graph-function however should be fed with an array of arrays with X,Y-pairs. Example: ({({1.0, 2.0, 3.0}),({1.2, 2.2, 3.8})}) draws stuff in yellow with the values (1.0, 2.0, 3.0), and (1.2, 2.2, 3.8) in blue.

"labels" : array(string)

Default: 0

Should have four elements ({xquantity, yquantity, xunit, yunit}). The strings will be written on the axes.

"xnames" : array(string)

Default: 0

An array(string) with the text that will be written under the X-axis. This should be the same size as sizeof(data).

"ynames" : array(string)

Default: 0

An array(string) with the text that will be written to the left of the Y-axis.

"fontsize" : mixed

Default: 10

The size of the text. Default is 10.

"graphlinewidth" : mixed

Default: 1.0

Width of the lines that draws data in Graph and line. Default is 1.0

"labelsize" : mixed

Default: same as fontsize

The size of the text for labels.

"legendfontsize" : mixed

Default: same as fontsize

The size of the text for the legend.

"legend_texts" : mixed

Default: 0

The texts that will be written the legend.

"values_for_xnames" : array(float)

Default: 0

An array(float) that describes where the ynames should be placed. The numbers are like the data-numbers. Default is equally distributed.

"values_for_ynames" : array(float)

Default: 0

An array(float) that describes where the ynames should be placed. The numbers are like the data-numbers. Default is equally distributed.

"xsize" : int

Default: 100

X-size of the graph in pixels.

"ysize" : int

Default: 100

Y-size of the graph in pixels.

"image" : mixed

Default: 0

An image that the graph will be drawn on.

"legendcolor" : mixed

Default: 0

The color of the text in the legend. Default is?

"legendimage" : mixed

Default: 0

I have no idea.

"bgcolor" : mixed

Default: 0

The bakground-color. If the the background is a image this color is used for antialias the texts.

"gbimage" : mixed

Default: 0

Some sort of image...

"axcolor" : mixed

Default: ({0,0,0})

The color of the axis.

"datacolors" : mixed

Default: 0

An array of colors for the datasets.

"backdatacolors" : mixed

Default: 0

An array of color that do something...

"textcolor" : mixed

Default: ({0,0,0})

Color of the text. Default is black.

"labelcolor" : mixed

Default: 0

Color of the labeltexts.

"orient" : string

Default: "hor"

Can be "hor" or "vert". Orientation of the graph.

"linewidth" : mixed

Default: 0

Width of lines (the axis and their like).

"backlinewidth" : mixed

Default: 0

Width of the outline-lines. Default is 0.

"vertgrid" : mixed

Default: 0

If the vertical grid should be present.

"horgrid" : mixed

Default: 0

If the horizontal grid should be present.

"gridwidth" : mixed

Default: 0

Width of the grid. Default is linewidth/4.

"rotate" : mixed

Default: 0

How much a the Pie in a Pie-shart should be rotated in degrees.

"center" : mixed

Default: 0

Makes the first Pie-slice be centered.

"bw" : mixed

Default: 0

Draws the graph black and white.

"eng" : mixed

Default: 0

Writes the numbers in eng format.

"neng" : mixed

Default: 0

Writes the numbers in engformat except for 0.1 < x < 1.0

"xmin" : mixed

Default: 0

Where the X-axis should start. This will be overrided by datavalues.

"ymin" : mixed

Default: 0

Where the Y-axis should start. This will be overridden by datavalues.

"name" : mixed

Default: 0

A string with the name of the graph that will be written at top of the graph.

"namecolor" : mixed

Default: 0

The color of the name.

"font" : mixed

Default: Image.Font()

The font that will be used.

"gridcolor" : mixed

Default: ({0,0,0}

The color of the grid. Default is black.

Inherit create_pie

protected inherit .create_pie : create_pie

Class Graphics.Graph.create_bars


Graph sub-module for drawing bars.

Inherit create_graph

inherit .create_graph : create_graph

Class Graphics.Graph.create_graph


Graph sub-module for drawing graphs.

create_graph draws a graph but there are also some other functions used by create_pie and create_bars.

Inherit polyline

inherit .polyline : polyline

Class Graphics.Graph.create_pie


Graph sub-module for drawing pie-charts.

Inherit create_bars

inherit .create_bars : create_bars

Class Graphics.Graph.polyline


Graph sub-module providing draw functions.

Module Gz


The Gz module contains functions to compress and uncompress strings using the same algorithm as the program gzip. Compressing can be done in streaming mode or all at once.

The Gz module consists of two classes; Gz.deflate and Gz.inflate. Gz.deflate is used to pack data and Gz.inflate is used to unpack data. (Think "inflatable boat")


Note that this module is only available if the gzip library was available when Pike was compiled.

Note that although these functions use the same algorithm as gzip, they do not use the exact same format, so you cannot directly unzip gzipped files with these routines. Support for this will be added in the future.

Method compress

string(8bit) compress(string(8bit)|String.Buffer|System.Memory|Stdio.Buffer data, void|bool raw, void|int(0..9) level, void|int strategy, void|int(8..15) window_size)


Encodes and returns the input data according to the deflate format defined in RFC 1951.

Parameter data

The data to be encoded.

Parameter raw

If set, the data is encoded without the header and footer defined in RFC 1950. Example of uses is the ZIP container format.

Parameter level

Indicates the level of effort spent to make the data compress well. Zero means no packing, 2-3 is considered 'fast', 6 is default and higher is considered 'slow' but gives better packing.

Parameter strategy

The strategy to be used when compressing the data. One of the following.


The default strategy as selected in the zlib library.


This strategy is intented for data created by a filter or predictor and will put more emphasis on huffman encoding and less on LZ string matching. This is between DEFAULT_STRATEGY and HUFFMAN_ONLY.


This strategy is even closer to the HUFFMAN_ONLY in that it only looks at the latest byte in the window, i.e. a window size of 1 byte is sufficient for decompression. This mode is not available in all zlib versions.


This strategy will turn of string matching completely, only doing huffman encoding. Window size doesn't matter in this mode and the data can be decompressed with a zero size window.


In this mode dynamic huffman codes are disabled, allowing for a simpler decoder for special applications. This mode is not available in all zlib versions.

Parameter window_size

Defines the size of the LZ77 window from 256 bytes to 32768 bytes, expressed as 2^x.

See also

deflate, inflate, uncompress

Method crc32

int crc32(string(8bit) data, void|int start_value)


This function calculates the standard ISO3309 Cyclic Redundancy Check.

Inherit "___Gz"

inherit "___Gz" : "___Gz"

Method uncompress

string(8bit) uncompress(string(8bit)|String.Buffer|System.Memory|Stdio.Buffer data, void|bool raw)


Uncompresses the data and returns it. The raw parameter tells the decoder that the indata lacks the data header and footer defined in RFC 1950.

Class Gz.File


Allows the user to open a Gzip archive and read and write it's contents in an uncompressed form, emulating the Stdio.File interface.


An important limitation on this class is that it may only be used for reading or writing, not both at the same time. Please also note that if you want to reopen a file for reading after a write, you must close the file before calling open or strange effects might be the result.

Method create

Gz.File Gz.File(void|string|int|Stdio.Stream file, void|string mode)

Parameter file

Filename or filedescriptor of the gzip file to open, or an already open Stream.

Parameter mode

mode for the file. Defaults to "rb".

See also

open Stdio.File

Inherit _file

inherit _file : _file

Method open

int open(string|int|Stdio.Stream file, void|string mode)

Parameter file

Filename or filedescriptor of the gzip file to open, or an already open Stream.

Parameter mode

mode for the file. Defaults to "rb". May be one of the following:


read mode


write mode


append mode

For the wb and ab mode, additional parameters may be specified. Please se zlib manual for more info.


non-zero if successful.

Method read

int|string read(void|int length)


Reads data from the file. If no argument is given, the whole file is read.

Class Gz._file


Low-level implementation of read/write support for GZip files

Method close

int close()


closes the file


1 if successful

Method create

Gz._file Gz._file(void|string|Stdio.Stream gzFile, void|string mode)


Opens a gzip file for reading.

Method eof

bool eof()


1 if EOF has been reached.

Method open

int open(string|int|Stdio.Stream file, void|string mode)


Opens a file for I/O.

Parameter file

The filename or an open filedescriptor or Stream for the GZip file to use.

Parameter mode

Mode for the fileoperations. Defaults to read only.


If the object already has been opened, it will first be closed.

Method read

int|string read(int len)


Reads len (uncompressed) bytes from the file. If read is unsuccessful, 0 is returned.

Method seek

int seek(int pos, void|int type)


Seeks within the file.

Parameter pos

Position relative to the searchtype.

Parameter type

SEEK_SET = set current position in file to pos SEEK_CUR = new position is current+pos SEEK_END is not supported.


New position or negative number if seek failed.

Method setparams

int setparams(void|int(-9..9) level, void|int strategy, void|int(8..15) window_size)


Sets the encoding level, strategy and window_size.

See also


Method tell

int tell()


the current position within the file.

Method write

int write(string data)


Writes the data to the file.


the number of bytes written to the file.

Class Gz.deflate


This class interfaces with the compression routines in the libz library.


This class is only available if libz was available and found when Pike was compiled.

See also

Gz.inflate(), Gz.compress(), Gz.uncompress()

Method clone

Gz.deflate clone()


Clones the deflate object. Typically used to test compression of new content using the same exact state.

Method create

Gz.deflate Gz.deflate(int(-9..9)|void level, int|void strategy, int(8..15)|void window_size)
Gz.deflate Gz.deflate(mapping options)


This function can also be used to re-initialize a Gz.deflate object so it can be re-used.

If a mapping is passed as the only argument, it will accept the parameters described below as indices, and additionally it accepts a string as dictionary.

Parameter level

Indicates the level of effort spent to make the data compress well. Zero means no packing, 2-3 is considered 'fast', 6 is default and higher is considered 'slow' but gives better packing.

If the argument is negative, no headers will be emitted. This is needed to produce ZIP-files, as an example. The negative value is then negated, and handled as a positive value.

Parameter strategy

The strategy to be used when compressing the data. One of the following.


The default strategy as selected in the zlib library.


This strategy is intented for data created by a filter or predictor and will put more emphasis on huffman encoding and less on LZ string matching. This is between DEFAULT_STRATEGY and HUFFMAN_ONLY.


This strategy is even closer to the HUFFMAN_ONLY in that it only looks at the latest byte in the window, i.e. a window size of 1 byte is sufficient for decompression. This mode is not available in all zlib versions.


This strategy will turn of string matching completely, only doing huffman encoding. Window size doesn't matter in this mode and the data can be decompressed with a zero size window.


In this mode dynamic huffman codes are disabled, allowing for a simpler decoder for special applications. This mode is not available in all zlib versions.

Parameter window_size

Defines the size of the LZ77 window from 256 bytes to 32768 bytes, expressed as 2^x.

Method deflate

string(8bit) deflate(string(8bit)|String.Buffer|System.Memory|Stdio.Buffer data, int|void flush)


This function performs gzip style compression on a string data and returns the packed data. Streaming can be done by calling this function several times and concatenating the returned data.

The optional argument flush should be one of the following:


Only data that doesn't fit in the internal buffers is returned.


All input is packed and returned.


All input is packed and returned.


All input is packed and an 'end of data' marker is appended.

See also


Class Gz.inflate


This class interfaces with the uncompression routines in the libz library.


This program is only available if libz was available and found when Pike was compiled.

See also

deflate, compress, uncompress

Method create

Gz.inflate Gz.inflate(int|void window_size)
Gz.inflate Gz.inflate(mapping options)


If called with a mapping as only argument, create accepts the entries window_size (described below) and dictionary, which is a string to be set as dictionary.

The window_size value is passed down to inflateInit2 in zlib.

If the argument is negative, no header checks are done, and no verification of the data will be done either. This is needed for uncompressing ZIP-files, as an example. The negative value is then negated, and handled as a positive value.

Positive arguments set the maximum dictionary size to an exponent of 2, such that 8 (the minimum) will cause the window size to be 256, and 15 (the maximum, and default value) will cause it to be 32Kb. Setting this to anything except 15 is rather pointless in Pike.

It can be used to limit the amount of memory that is used to uncompress files, but 32Kb is not all that much in the great scheme of things.

To decompress files compressed with level 9 compression, a 32Kb window size is needed. level 1 compression only requires a 256 byte window.

If the options version is used you can specify your own dictionary in addition to the window size.

dictionary : string
window_size : int

Method end_of_stream

string(8bit) end_of_stream()


This function returns 0 if the end of stream marker has not yet been encountered, or a string (possibly empty) containg any extra data received following the end of stream marker if the marker has been encountered. If the extra data is not needed, the result of this function can be treated as a logical value.

Method inflate

string(8bit) inflate(string(8bit)|String.Buffer|System.Memory|Stdio.Buffer data)


This function performs gzip style decompression. It can inflate a whole file at once or in blocks.


// whole file


// streaming (blocks)
function inflate=Gz.inflate()->inflate;
while(string s=stdin->read(8192))
See also

Gz.deflate->deflate(), Gz.decompress

Module HTTPAccept


High performance webserver optimized for somewhat static content.

HTTPAccept is a less capable WWW-server than the Protocols.HTTP.Server server, but for some applications it can be preferable. It is significantly more optimized, for most uses, and can handle a very high number of requests per second on even low end machines.

Class HTTPAccept.LogEntry

Variable from

string HTTPAccept.LogEntry.from

Variable method

string HTTPAccept.LogEntry.method

Variable protocol

string HTTPAccept.LogEntry.protocol

Variable raw

string HTTPAccept.LogEntry.raw

Variable received_bytes

int HTTPAccept.LogEntry.received_bytes

Variable reply

int HTTPAccept.LogEntry.reply

Variable sent_bytes

int HTTPAccept.LogEntry.sent_bytes

Variable time

int HTTPAccept.LogEntry.time

Variable url

string HTTPAccept.LogEntry.url

Class HTTPAccept.Loop

Method cache_status

mapping(string:int) cache_status()


Returns information about the cache.

hits : int

The number of hits since start

misses : int

The number of misses since start

stale : int

The number of misses that were stale hits, and not used

size : int

The total current size

entries : int

The number of entries in the cache

max_size : int

The maximum size of the cache

sent_bytes : int

The number of bytes sent since the last call to cache_status

received_bytes : int

The number of bytes received since the last call to cache_status

num_requests : int

The number of requests received since the last call to cache_status

Method create

HTTPAccept.Loop HTTPAccept.Loop(Stdio.Port port, RequestProgram program, function(RequestProgram:void) request_handler, int cache_size, bool keep_log, int timeout)


Create a new HTTPAccept.

This will start a new thread that will listen for requests on the port, parse them and pass on requests, instanced from the program class (which has to inherit RequestProgram to the request_handler callback function.

cache_size is the maximum size of the cache, in bytes. keep_log indicates if a log of all requests should be kept. timeout if non-zero indicates a maximum time the server will wait for requests.

Method log_as_array

array(LogEntry) log_as_array()


Return the current log as an array of LogEntry objects.

Method log_as_commonlog_to_file

int log_as_commonlog_to_file(Stdio.Stream fd)


Write the current log to the specified file in a somewhat common commonlog format.

Will return the number of bytes written.

Method log_size

int log_size()


Returns the number of entries waiting to be logged.

Method logp

bool logp()


Returns true if logging is enabled

Class HTTPAccept.RequestProgram

Variable client

string HTTPAccept.RequestProgram.client


The user agent

Variable data

string HTTPAccept.RequestProgram.data


Any payload that arrived with the request

Variable headers

mapping(string:array(string)) HTTPAccept.RequestProgram.headers


All received headers

Variable method

string HTTPAccept.RequestProgram.method


The method (GET, PUT etc)

Variable my_fd

Stdio.NonblockingStream HTTPAccept.RequestProgram.my_fd


The filedescriptor for this request.

Variable not_query

string HTTPAccept.RequestProgram.not_query


The part of the URL before the first '?'.

Method output

void output(string data)


Send data directly to the remote side.

Variable pragma

multiset(string) HTTPAccept.RequestProgram.pragma


Tokenized pragma headers

Variable prot

string HTTPAccept.RequestProgram.prot


The protocol part of the request. As an example "HTTP/1.1"

Variable query

string HTTPAccept.RequestProgram.query


The part of the URL after the first '?'

Variable raw

string HTTPAccept.RequestProgram.raw


The full request

Variable raw_url

string HTTPAccept.RequestProgram.raw_url


The raw URL received, the part after the method and before the protocol.

Variable referer

string HTTPAccept.RequestProgram.referer


The referer header

Variable remoteaddr

string HTTPAccept.RequestProgram.remoteaddr


The remote address

Method reply

void reply(string data)
void reply(string headers, Stdio.File fd, int len)
void reply(int(0..0) ignore, Stdio.File fd, int len)


Send a reply to the remote side. In the first case the data will be sent. In the second case the headers will be sent, then len bytes from fd. In the last case len bytes from fd will be sent.

Method reply_with_cache

void reply_with_cache(string data, int(1..) stay_time)


Send data as the reply, and keep it as a cache entry to requests to this URL for stay_time seconds.

Variable rest_query

string HTTPAccept.RequestProgram.rest_query


The part of the URL after the first '?' that does not seem to be query variables.

Variable since

string HTTPAccept.RequestProgram.since


The get-if-not-modified, if set.

Variable time

int HTTPAccept.RequestProgram.time


The time_t when the request arrived to the server

Variable variables

mapping(string:string) HTTPAccept.RequestProgram.variables


Parsed query variables

Module Java

Method JArray

jobject JArray(array a)

Method JBoolean

jobject JBoolean(int i)

Method JFloat

jobject JFloat(float f)

Method JHashMap

jobject JHashMap(mapping m)

Method JInteger

jobject JInteger(int i)

Method JString

jobject JString(string s)

Inherit "___Java"

inherit "___Java" : "___Java"

Variable pkg

object Java.pkg


Singleton 'package' object.

Usage: object cls = Java.pkg.java.lang.String;

or: object cls = Java.pkg["java/lang/String"];

cls is a jclass object; call it to create a jobject, which will have all the methods of the Java class.

Example: Java.pkg.FooClass()->getResult();

Class Java.jclass


Interface to one Java class. Can be called to construct a jobject.

Obtained normally via Java.pkg.`[] and not created directly.

Class Java.jobject


An instantiated Java object. Has methods for all the Java object's methods. Can be cast to string.

NOTE: Use indices(x) to get a list of the available methods.

Constructed from a jclass object.

Module Languages

Module Languages.PLIS


PLIS, Permuted Lisp. A Lisp language somewhat similar to scheme.

Method default_environment

Environment default_environment()


Creates a new environment on which it runs init_functions, init_specials and the following boot code.

  (defmacro (cddr x)
    (list (quote cdr) (list (quote cdr) x)))
  (defmacro (cadr x)
    (list (quote car) (list (quote cdr) x)))
  (defmacro (cdar x)
    (list (quote cdr) (list (quote car) x)))
  (defmacro (caar x)
    (list (quote car) (list (quote car) x)))

  (defmacro (when cond . body)
    (list (quote if) cond
	  (cons (quote begin) body)))

  (define (map fun list)
    (if (null? list) (quote ())
      (cons (fun (car list))
	         (map fun (cdr list)))))

  (defmacro (let decl . body)
    (cons (cons (quote lambda)
		(cons (map car decl) body))
	  (map cadr decl))))

Method init_functions

void init_functions(Environment environment)


Adds the functions +, *, -, =, <, >, concat, read-string, eval, apply, global-environment, var, cdr, null?, setcar!, setcdr!, cons and list to the environment.

Method init_specials

void init_specials(Environment environment)


Adds the special functions quote, set!, setq, while, define, defmacro, lambda, if, and, or, begin and catch to the environment.

Method main

void main()


Instantiates a copy of the default environment and starts an interactive main loop that connects to standard I/O. The main loop is as follows:

   (define (loop)
     (let ((line (read-line 

Module Local


Local gives a local module namespace used for locally installed pike modules.

Modules are searched for in the directory pike_modules which can be located in the user's home directory or profile directory, or in any of the system directories /opt/share, /usr/local/share, /opt or /usr/local/.

The user's home directory is determined by examining the environment variable HOME, and if that fails the environment variable USERPROFILE.

If the environment variable PIKE_LOCAL_PATH is set, the paths specified there will be searched first.


If the user has installed the pike module Mine.pmod in the directory $HOME/pike_modules. it can be accessed as Local.Mine.

See also

Local.add_path(), Local.remove_path()

Method add_path

bool add_path(string path)


This function prepends path to the Local module searchpath.

Parameter path

The path to the directory to be added.


Returns 1 on success, otherwise 0.

Inherit __joinnode

inherit __joinnode : __joinnode

Method remove_path

void remove_path(string path)


This function removes path from the Local module searchpath. If path is not in the search path, this is a noop.

Parameter path

The path to be removed.

Module Locale


The functions and classes in the top level of the Locale module implements a dynamic localization system, suitable for programs that needs to change locale often. It is even possible for different threads to use different locales at the same time.

The highest level of the locale system is called projects. Usually one program consists of only one project, but for bigger applications, or highly modular applications it is possible for several projects to coexist.

Every project in turn contains several unique tokens, each one representing an entity that is different depending on the currently selected locale.


// The following line tells the locale extractor what to // look for. // <locale-token project="my_project">LOCALE</locale-token>

// The localization macro. #define LOCALE(X,Y) Locale.translate("my_project", \ get_lang(), X, Y)

string get_lang() { return random(2)?"eng":"swe"; }

int(0..0) main() { write(LOCALE(0, "This is a line.")+"\n"); write(LOCALE(0, "This is another one.\n"); return 0; }


In order to update your code to actually use the locale strings you need to run the locale extractor.

This is available as pike -x extract_locale

Syntax: pike -x extract_locale [arguments] infile(s)
   Arguments: --project=name  default: first found in infile
              --config=file   default: [project].xml
              --out=file      default: [project]_eng.xml
              --nocopy        update infile instead of infile.new
              --notime        don

Method call

function(:void) call(string project, string lang, string name, void|function(:void)|string fb)


Returns a localized function If function not found, tries fallback function fb, or fallback language fb instead

Method get_objects

mapping(string:object) get_objects(string lang)


Reads in and returns a mapping with all the registred projects' LocaleObjects in the language 'lang'

Method list_languages

array(string) list_languages(string project)


Returns a list of all registered languages for a specific project.

Method register_project

void register_project(string name, string path, void|string path_base)


Make a connection between a project name and where its localization files can be found. The mapping from project name to locale file is stored in projects.

Method set_default_project_path

void set_default_project_path(string path)


In the event that a translation is requested in an unregistered project, this path will be used as the project path. %P will be replaced with the requested projects name.

Method translate

string translate(string project, string lang, string|int id, string fallback)


Returns a translation for the given id, or the fallback string

Class Locale.DeferredLocale


This class simulates a multi-language "string". The actual language to use is determined as late as possible.

Method create

Locale.DeferredLocale Locale.DeferredLocale(string project, function(:string) get_lang, string|int key, string fallback)

Variable project
Variable get_lang
Variable key
Variable fallback

protected string Locale.DeferredLocale.project
protected function(:string) Locale.DeferredLocale.get_lang
protected string|int Locale.DeferredLocale.key
protected string Locale.DeferredLocale.fallback

Method get_identifier

array get_identifier()


Return the data nessesary to recreate this "string".

Module Locale.Charset


This is the old location for the predef::Charset module.


Replaced by predef::Charset.

Inherit Charset

inherit predef::Charset : Charset

Module Locale.Gettext


This module enables access to localization functions from within Pike.


The message conversion functions in this module do not handle Unicode strings. They only provide thin wrappers to gettext(3) etc, which means strings are assumed to be encoded according to the LC_* and LANG variables. See the docs for gettext(3) for details.

Constant LC_ALL

constant Locale.Gettext.LC_ALL


Locale category for all of the locale.


constant Locale.Gettext.LC_COLLATE


Locale category for the functions strcoll() and strxfrm() (used by pike, but not directly accessible).

Constant LC_CTYPE

constant Locale.Gettext.LC_CTYPE


Locale category for the character classification and conversion routines.


constant Locale.Gettext.LC_MESSAGES


Document this constant.


This category isn't available on all platforms.


constant Locale.Gettext.LC_MONETARY


Locale category for localeconv().


constant Locale.Gettext.LC_NUMERIC


Locale category for the decimal character.

Constant LC_TIME

constant Locale.Gettext.LC_TIME


Locale category for strftime() (currently not accessible from Pike).

Method bindtextdomain

string bindtextdomain(string|void domainname, string|void dirname)


Binds the path predicate for a message domainname domainname to the directory name specified by dirname.

If domainname is a non-empty string and has not been bound previously, bindtextdomain() binds domainname with dirname.

If domainname is a non-empty string and has been bound previously, bindtextdomain() replaces the old binding with dirname.

The dirname argument can be an absolute or relative pathname being resolved when gettext(), dgettext() or dcgettext() are called.

If domainname is zero or an empty string, bindtextdomain() returns 0.

User defined domain names cannot begin with the string "SYS_". Domain names beginning with this string are reserved for system use.


The return value from bindtextdomain() is a string containing dirname or the directory binding associated with domainname if dirname is unspecified. If no binding is found, the default locale path is returned. If domainname is unspecified or is an empty string, bindtextdomain() takes no action and returns a 0.

See also

textdomain, gettext, setlocale, localeconv

Method dcgettext

string dcgettext(string domain, string msg, int category)


Return a translated version of msg within the context of the specified domain and current locale for the specified category. Calling dcgettext with category Locale.Gettext.LC_MESSAGES gives the same result as dgettext.

If there is no translation available, msg is returned.


Obsoleted by gettext() in Pike 7.3.

See also

bindtextdomain, textdomain, gettext, setlocale, localeconv

Method dgettext

string dgettext(string domain, string msg)


Return a translated version of msg within the context of the specified domain and current locale. If there is no translation available, msg is returned.


Obsoleted by gettext() in Pike 7.3.

See also

bindtextdomain, textdomain, gettext, setlocale, localeconv

Method gettext

string gettext(string msg)
string gettext(string msg, string domain)
string gettext(string msg, string domain, int category)

Parameter msg

Message to be translated.

Parameter domain

Domain from within the message should be translated. Defaults to the current domain.

Parameter category

Category from which the translation should be taken. Defaults to Locale.Gettext.LC_MESSAGES.

Return a translated version of msg within the context of the specified domain and current locale. If there is no translation available, msg is returned.


Prior to Pike 7.3 this function only accepted one argument, and the other functionality was provided by dgettext() and dcgettext().

See also

bindtextdomain, textdomain, setlocale, localeconv

Method localeconv

mapping localeconv()


The localeconv() function returns a mapping with settings for the current locale. This mapping contains all values associated with the locale categories LC_NUMERIC and LC_MONETARY.

"decimal_point" : string

The decimal-point character used to format non-monetary quantities.

"thousands_sep" : string

The character used to separate groups of digits to the left of the decimal-point character in formatted non-monetary quantities.

"int_curr_symbol" : string

The international currency symbol applicable to the current locale, left-justified within a four-character space-padded field. The character sequences should match with those specified in ISO 4217 Codes for the Representation of Currency and Funds.

"currency_symbol" : string

The local currency symbol applicable to the current locale.

"mon_decimal_point" : string

The decimal point used to format monetary quantities.

"mon_thousands_sep" : string

The separator for groups of digits to the left of the decimal point in formatted monetary quantities.

"positive_sign" : string

The string used to indicate a non-negative-valued formatted monetary quantity.

"negative_sign" : string

The string used to indicate a negative-valued formatted monetary quantity.

"int_frac_digits" : int

The number of fractional digits (those to the right of the decimal point) to be displayed in an internationally formatted monetary quantity.

"frac_digits" : int

The number of fractional digits (those to the right of the decimal point) to be displayed in a formatted monetary quantity.

"p_cs_precedes" : bool

Set to 1 or 0 if the currency_symbol respectively precedes or succeeds the value for a non-negative formatted monetary quantity.

"p_sep_by_space" : bool

Set to 1 or 0 if the currency_symbol respectively is or is not separated by a space from the value for a non-negative formatted monetary quantity.

"n_cs_precedes" : bool

Set to 1 or 0 if the currency_symbol respectively precedes or succeeds the value for a negative formatted monetary quantity.

"n_sep_by_space" : bool

Set to 1 or 0 if the currency_symbol respectively is or is not separated by a space from the value for a negative formatted monetary quantity.

"p_sign_posn" : int(0..4)

Set to a value indicating the positioning of the positive_sign for a non-negative formatted monetary quantity. The value of p_sign_posn is interpreted according to the following:


Parentheses surround the quantity and currency_symbol.


The sign string precedes the quantity and currency_symbol.


The sign string succeeds the quantity and currency_symbol.


The sign string immediately precedes the currency_symbol.


The sign string immediately succeeds the currency_symbol.

"n_sign_posn" : int

Set to a value indicating the positioning of the negative_sign for a negative formatted monetary quantity. The value of n_sign_posn is interpreted according to the rules described under p_sign_posn.

See also

bindtextdomain, textdomain, gettext, dgettext, dcgettext, setlocale

Method setlocale

int setlocale(int category, string locale)


The setlocale() function is used to set the program's current locale. If locale is "C" or "POSIX", the current locale is set to the portable locale.

If locale is "", the locale is set to the default locale which is selected from the environment variable LANG.

The argument category determines which functions are influenced by the new locale are LC_ALL, LC_COLLATE, LC_CTYPE, LC_MONETARY, LC_NUMERIC and LC_TIME.


Returns 1 if the locale setting successed, 0 for failure

See also

bindtextdomain, textdomain, gettext, dgettext, dcgettext, localeconv

Method textdomain

string textdomain(void|string domain)


The textdomain() function sets or queries the name of the current domain of the active LC_MESSAGES locale category. The domain argument is a string that can contain only the characters allowed in legal filenames. It must be non-empty.

The domain argument is the unique name of a domain on the system. If there are multiple versions of the same domain on one system, namespace collisions can be avoided by using bindtextdomain(). If textdomain() is not called, a default domain is selected. The setting of domain made by the last valid call to textdomain() remains valid across subsequent calls to setlocale(), and gettext().


The normal return value from textdomain() is a string containing the current setting of the domain. If domainname is void, textdomain() returns a string containing the current domain. If textdomain() was not previously called and domainname is void, the name of the default domain is returned.

See also

bindtextdomain, gettext, setlocale, localeconv

Module Locale.Language

Class Locale.Language.abstract


Abstract language locale class, inherited by all the language locale classes.

Method date

string date(int timestamp, string|void mode)


Returns the date for posix time timestamp as a textual string.

Parameter mode

Determines what kind of textual string should be produced.


I.e. "06:36"


I.e. "January the 17th in the year of 2002"


I.e. "06:37, January the 17th, 2002"


> Locale.Language.eng()->date(time()); Result: "today, 06:36"

Method day

string day(int(1..7) num)


Returns the name of weekday number num.

Constant days

constant Locale.Language.abstract.days


Array(string) with the days of the week, beginning with Sunday.

Constant english_name

constant string Locale.Language.abstract.english_name


The name of the language in english.

Constant iso_639_1

optional constant int Locale.Language.abstract.iso_639_1


String with the language code in ISO-639-1 (two character code). Note that all languages does not have a ISO-639-1 code.

Constant iso_639_2

constant int Locale.Language.abstract.iso_639_2


String with the language code in ISO-639-2/T (three character code).

Constant iso_639_2B

constant int Locale.Language.abstract.iso_639_2B


String with the language code in ISO-639-2/B (three character code). This is usually the same as the ISO-639-2/T code (iso_639_2).

Constant languages

constant Locale.Language.abstract.languages


Mapping(string:string) that maps an ISO-639-2/T id code to the name of that language.

Method month

string month(int(1..12) num)


Returns the name of month number num.

Constant months

constant Locale.Language.abstract.months


Array(string) with the months of the year, beginning with January.

Constant name

constant string Locale.Language.abstract.name


The name of the langauge. E.g. "svenska" for Swedish.

Method number

string number(int i)


Returns the number i as a string.

Method ordered

string ordered(int i)


Returns the ordered number i as a string.

Method short_day

string short_day(int(1..7) num)


Returns an abbreviated weekday name from the weekday number num.

Method short_month

string short_month(int(1..12) num)


Returns an abbreviated month name from the month number num.

Module Locale.Language.cat


Catalan language locale.

Inherit "abstract"

inherit "abstract" : "abstract"

Module Locale.Language.ces


Czech language locale by Jan Petrous 16.10.1997, based on Slovenian language module by Iztok Umek.

Inherit "abstract"

inherit "abstract" : "abstract"

Module Locale.Language.deu


German language locale by Tvns Böker.

Inherit "abstract"

inherit "abstract" : "abstract"

Module Locale.Language.eng


English language locale.

Inherit "abstract"

inherit "abstract" : "abstract"

Module Locale.Language.fin


Finnish language locale created by Janne Edelman, Turku Unix Users Group ry, Turku, Finland

Inherit "abstract"

inherit "abstract" : "abstract"

Module Locale.Language.fra


French language locale by Patrick Kremer.

Inherit "abstract"

inherit "abstract" : "abstract"

Module Locale.Language.hrv


Croatian language locale by Klara Makovac 1997/07/02

Inherit "abstract"

inherit "abstract" : "abstract"

Module Locale.Language.hun


Hungarian language locale by Zsolt Varga.

Inherit "abstract"

inherit "abstract" : "abstract"

Module Locale.Language.ita


Italian language locale by Francesco Chemolli

Inherit "abstract"

inherit "abstract" : "abstract"

Module Locale.Language.jpn


Japanese language locale.

Inherit "abstract"

inherit "abstract" : "abstract"

Module Locale.Language.mri


Maaori (New Zealand) language locale by Jason Rumney

Inherit "abstract"

inherit "abstract" : "abstract"

Module Locale.Language.nld


Dutch language locale by Stephen R. van den Berg

Inherit "abstract"

inherit "abstract" : "abstract"

Module Locale.Language.nor


Norwegian language locale

Inherit "abstract"

inherit "abstract" : "abstract"

Module Locale.Language.pol


Polish language locale by Piotr Klaban <makler@man.torun.pl>.

Inherit "abstract"

inherit "abstract" : "abstract"

Module Locale.Language.por


Portuguese language locale

Inherit "abstract"

inherit "abstract" : "abstract"

Module Locale.Language.rus


Russian language locale

Inherit "abstract"

inherit "abstract" : "abstract"

Module Locale.Language.slv


Slovenian language locale by Iztok Umek 7. 8. 1997

Inherit "abstract"

inherit "abstract" : "abstract"

Module Locale.Language.spa


Spanish language locale

Inherit "abstract"

inherit "abstract" : "abstract"

Module Locale.Language.srp


Serbian language locale by Goran Opacic 1996/12/11

Inherit "abstract"

inherit "abstract" : "abstract"

Module Locale.Language.swe


Swedish language locale

Inherit "abstract"

inherit "abstract" : "abstract"

Module MIME


RFC 1521, the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions memo, defines a structure which is the base for all messages read and written by modern mail and news programs. It is also partly the base for the HTTP protocol. Just like RFC 0822, MIME declares that a message should consist of two entities, the headers and the body. In addition, the following properties are given to these two entities:

  • A MIME-Version header must be present to signal MIME compatibility

  • A Content-Type header should be present to describe the nature of the data in the message body. Seven major types are defined, and an extensive number of subtypes are available. The header can also contain attributes specific to the type and subtype.

  • A Content-Transfer-Encoding may be present to notify that the data of the body is encoded in some particular encoding.

  • Raw data to be interpreted according to the Content-Type header

  • Can be encoded using one of several Content-Transfer-Encodings to allow transport over non 8bit clean channels

The MIME module can extract and analyze these two entities from a stream of bytes. It can also recreate such a stream from these entities. To encapsulate the headers and body entities, the class MIME.Message is used. An object of this class holds all the headers as a mapping from string to string, and it is possible to obtain the body data in either raw or encoded form as a string. Common attributes such as message type and text char set are also extracted into separate variables for easy access.

The Message class does not make any interpretation of the body data, unless the content type is multipart. A multipart message contains several individual messages separated by boundary strings. The Message->create method of the Message class will divide a multipart body on these boundaries, and then create individual Message objects for each part. These objects will be collected in the array Message->body_parts within the original Message object. If any of the new Message objects have a body of type multipart, the process is of course repeated recursively.

Method decode

string|StringRange decode(string|StringRange data, string encoding)


Extract raw data from an encoded string suitable for transport between systems.

The encoding can be any of


The encoding string is not case sensitive.

See also


Method decode_base64

string decode_base64(string encoded_data)


This function decodes data encoded using the base64 transfer encoding.

See also

MIME.encode_base64(), MIME.decode()

Method decode_base64url

string(8bit) decode_base64url(string(7bit) x)


Decode strings according to RFC 4648 base64url encoding.

Method decode_qp

string decode_qp(string encoded_data)


This function decodes data encoded using the quoted-printable (a.k.a. quoted-unreadable) transfer encoding.

See also

MIME.encode_qp(), MIME.decode()

Method decode_uue

string decode_uue(string encoded_data)


This function decodes data encoded using the x-uue transfer encoding. It can also be used to decode generic UUEncoded files.

See also

MIME.encode_uue(), MIME.decode()

Method decode_word

array(string) decode_word(string word)


Extracts the textual content and character set from an encoded word as specified by RFC 1522. The result is an array where the first element is the raw text, and the second element the name of the character set. If the input string is not an encoded word, the result is still an array, but the char set element will be set to 0.


Note that this function can only be applied to individual encoded words.

See also


Method decode_words_text

array(array(string)) decode_words_text(string txt)


Separates a header value containing text into units and calls MIME.decode_word() on them. The result is an array where each element is a result from decode_word().

See also

MIME.decode_words_tokenized MIME.decode_words_text_remapped

Method decode_words_text_remapped

string decode_words_text_remapped(string txt)


Like MIME.decode_words_text(), but the extracted strings are also remapped from their specified character encoding into UNICODE, and then pasted together. The result is thus a string in the original text format, without RFC 1522 escapes, and with all characters in UNICODE encoding.

See also


Method decode_words_tokenized

array(array(string)|int) decode_words_tokenized(string phrase, int|void flags)


Tokenizes a header value just like MIME.tokenize(), but also converts encoded words using MIME.decode_word(). The result is an array where each element is either an int representing a special character, or an array as returned by decode_word() representing an atom or a quoted string.

See also

MIME.decode_words_tokenized_labled MIME.decode_words_tokenized_remapped MIME.decode_words_text

Method decode_words_tokenized_labled

array(array(string|int|array(array(string)))) decode_words_tokenized_labled(string phrase, int|void flags)


Tokenizes and labels a header value just like MIME.tokenize_labled(), but also converts encoded words using MIME.decode_word(). The result is an array where each element is an array of two or more elements, the first being the label. The rest of the array depends on the label:


One additional element, containing the character code for the special character as an int.


Two additional elements, the first being the word, and the second being the character set of this word (or 0 if it did not originate from an encoded word).


One additional element, containing the domain literal as a string.


One additional element, containing an array as returned by MIME.decode_words_text().

See also


Method decode_words_tokenized_labled_remapped

array(array(string|int)) decode_words_tokenized_labled_remapped(string phrase, int|void flags)


Like MIME.decode_words_tokenized_labled(), but the extracted words are also remapped from their specified character encoding into UNICODE. The result is identical to that of MIME.tokenize_labled(), but without RFC 1522 escapes, and with all characters in UNICODE encoding.

Method decode_words_tokenized_remapped

array(string|int) decode_words_tokenized_remapped(string phrase, int|void flags)


Like MIME.decode_words_tokenized(), but the extracted atoms are also remapped from their specified character encoding into UNICODE. The result is thus identical to that of MIME.tokenize(), but without RFC 1522 escapes, and with all characters in UNICODE encoding.

See also

MIME.decode_words_tokenized_labled_remapped MIME.decode_words_text_remapped

Method encode

string encode(string data, string encoding, void|string filename, void|int no_linebreaks)


Encode raw data into something suitable for transport to other systems.

The encoding can be any of


The encoding string is not case sensitive. For the x-uue encoding, an optional filename string may be supplied.

If a nonzero value is passed as no_linebreaks, the result string will not contain any linebreaks (base64 and quoted-printable only).

See also


Method encode_base64

string encode_base64(string data, void|int no_linebreaks)


This function encodes data using the base64 transfer encoding.

If a nonzero value is passed as no_linebreaks, the result string will not contain any linebreaks.

See also

MIME.decode_base64(), MIME.encode()

Method encode_base64url

string(7bit) encode_base64url(string(8bit) x)


Encode strings according to RFC 4648 base64url encoding.

Method encode_qp

string encode_qp(string data, void|int no_linebreaks)


This function encodes data using the quoted-printable (a.k.a. quoted-unreadable) transfer encoding.

If a nonzero value is passed as no_linebreaks, the result string will not contain any linebreaks.


Please do not use this function. QP is evil, and there's no excuse for using it.

See also

MIME.decode_qp(), MIME.encode()

Method encode_uue

string encode_uue(string encoded_data, void|string filename)


This function encodes data using the x-uue transfer encoding.

The optional argument filename specifies an advisory filename to include in the encoded data, for extraction purposes.

This function can also be used to produce generic UUEncoded files.

See also

MIME.decode_uue(), MIME.encode()

Method encode_word

string encode_word(string|array(string) word, string encoding)


Create an encoded word as specified in RFC 1522 from an array containing a raw text string and a char set name.

The text will be transfer encoded according to the encoding argument, which can be either "base64" or "quoted-printable" (or either "b" or "q" for short).

If either the second element of the array (the char set name), or the encoding argument is 0, the raw text is returned as is.

See also


Method encode_words_quoted

string encode_words_quoted(array(array(string)|int) phrase, string encoding)


The inverse of decode_words_tokenized(), this functions accepts an array like the argument to quote(), but instead of simple strings for atoms and quoted-strings, it will also accept pairs of strings to be passed to encode_word().

Parameter encoding

Either "base64" or "quoted-printable" (or either "b" or "q" for short).

See also

MIME.encode_words_quoted_remapped() MIME.encode_words_quoted_labled()

Method encode_words_quoted_labled

string encode_words_quoted_labled(array(array(string|int|array(string|array(string)))) phrase, string encoding)


The inverse of decode_words_tokenized_labled(), this functions accepts an array like the argument to quote_labled(), but "word" labled elements can optionally contain an additional string element specifying a character set, in which case an encoded-word will be used. Also, the format for "comment" labled elements is entirely different; instead of a single string, an array of strings or pairs like the first argument to encode_words_text() is expected.

Parameter encoding

Either "base64" or "quoted-printable" (or either "b" or "q" for short).

See also

MIME.encode_words_quoted() MIME.encode_words_quoted_labled_remapped()

Method encode_words_quoted_labled_remapped

string encode_words_quoted_labled_remapped(array(array(string|int)) phrase, string encoding, string|function(string:string) charset, string|void replacement, function(string:string)|void repcb)


The inverse of decode_words_tokenized_labled_remapped(), this function accepts an array equivalent to the argument of quote_labled(), but also performs on demand word encoding in the same way as encode_words_text_remapped().

Method encode_words_quoted_remapped

string encode_words_quoted_remapped(array(string|int) phrase, string encoding, string|function(string:string) charset, string|void replacement, function(string:string)|void repcb)


The inverse of decode_words_tokenized_remapped(), this functions accepts an array equivalent to the argument of quote(), but also performs on demand word encoding in the same way as encode_words_text_remapped().

See also

MIME.encode_words_text_remapped() MIME.encode_words_quoted_labled_remapped()

Method encode_words_text

string encode_words_text(array(string|array(string)) phrase, string encoding)


The inverse of decode_words_text(), this function accepts an array of strings or pairs of strings which will each be encoded by encode_word(), after which they are all pasted together.

Parameter encoding

Either "base64" or "quoted-printable" (or either "b" or "q" for short).

See also


Method encode_words_text_remapped

string encode_words_text_remapped(string text, string encoding, string|function(string:string) charset, string|void replacement, function(string:string)|void repcb)


This is the reverse of MIME.decode_words_text_remapped(). A single UNICODE string is provided, which is separated into fragments and transcoded to selected character sets by this function as needed.

Parameter encoding

Either "base64" or "quoted-printable" (or either "b" or "q" for short).

Parameter charset

Either the name of a character set to use, or a function returning a character set to use given a text fragment as input.

Parameter replacement

The replacement argument to use when calling Charset.encoder

Parameter repcb

The repcb argument to use when calling Charset.encoder

See also


Method ext_to_media_type

string ext_to_media_type(string extension)


Returns the MIME media type for the provided filename extension. Currently 469 file extensions are known to this method. Zero will be returned on unknown file extensions.

Method generate_boundary

string generate_boundary()


This function will create a string that can be used as a separator string for multipart messages. If a boundary prefix has been set using MIME.set_boundary_prefix(), the generated string will be prefixed with the boundary prefix.

The generated string is guaranteed not to appear in base64, quoted-printable, or x-uue encoded data. It is also unlikely to appear in normal text. This function is used by the cast method of the Message class if no boundary string is specified.

See also


Method get_boundary_prefix

string(8bit) get_boundary_prefix()


Returns the boundary_prefix set via set_boundary_prefix().

See also

MIME.set_boundary_prefix(), MIME.Message.setboundary()

Method guess_subtype

string guess_subtype(string type)


Provide a reasonable default for the subtype field.

Some pre-RFC 1521 mailers provide only a type and no subtype in the Content-Type header field. This function can be used to obtain a reasonable default subtype given the type of a message. (This is done automatically by the MIME.Message class.)

Currently, the function uses the following guesses:







Inherit ___MIME

inherit ___MIME : ___MIME

Method parse_headers

array(mapping(string:string)|string) parse_headers(string message)
array(mapping(string:array(string))|string) parse_headers(string message, int(1..1) use_multiple)


This is a low level function that will separate the headers from the body of an encoded message. It will also translate the headers into a mapping. It will however not try to analyze the meaning of any particular header. This means that the body is returned as is, with any transfer-encoding intact.

It is possible to call this function with just the header part of a message, in which case an empty body will be returned.

The result is returned in the form of an array containing two elements. The first element is a mapping containing the headers found. The second element is a string containing the body.

Headers that occurr multiple times will have their contents NUL separated, unless use_multiple has been specified, in which case the contents will be arrays.

Method quote

string quote(array(string|int) lexical_elements)


This function is the inverse of the MIME.tokenize function.

A header field value is constructed from a sequence of lexical elements. Characters (ints) are taken to be special-characters, whereas strings are encoded as atoms or quoted-strings, depending on whether they contain any special characters.


There is no way to construct a domain-literal using this function. Neither can it be used to produce comments.

See also


Method quote_labled

string quote_labled(array(array(string|int)) tokens)


This function performs the reverse operation of tokenize_labled().

See also

MIME.quote(), MIME.tokenize_labled()

Method reconstruct_partial

int|object reconstruct_partial(array(object) collection)


This function will attempt to reassemble a fragmented message from its parts.

The array collection should contain MIME.Message objects forming a complete set of parts for a single fragmented message. The order of the messages in the array is not important, but every part must exist at least once.

Should the function succeed in reconstructing the original message, a new MIME.Message object will be returned.

If the function fails to reconstruct an original message, an integer indicating the reason for the failure will be returned:


Returned if empty collection is passed in, or one that contains messages which are not of type message/partial, or parts of different fragmented messages.


If more fragments are needed to reconstruct the entire message, the number of additional messages needed is returned.


If more fragments are needed, but the function can't determine exactly how many.


Note that the returned message may in turn be a part of another, larger, fragmented message.

See also


Method set_boundary_prefix

void set_boundary_prefix(string(8bit) boundary_prefix)


Set a message boundary prefix. The MIME.generate_boundary() will use this prefix when creating a boundary string.


An error is thrown if boundary_prefix doesn't adhere to RFC 1521.

See also

MIME.generate_boundary(), MIME.get_boundary_prefix()

Parameter boundary_prefix

This must adhere to RFC 1521 and can not be longer than 56 characters.

Method tokenize

array(string|int) tokenize(string header, int|void flags)


A structured header field, as specified by RFC 0822, is constructed from a sequence of lexical elements.

Parameter header

The header value to parse.

Parameter flags

An optional set of flags. Currently only one flag is defined:


Keep backslash-escapes in quoted-strings.

The lexical elements parsed are:

individual special characters





This function will analyze a string containing the header value, and produce an array containing the lexical elements.

Individual special characters will be returned as characters (i.e. ints).

Quoted-strings, domain-literals and atoms will be decoded and returned as strings.

Comments are not returned in the array at all.


As domain-literals are returned as strings, there is no way to tell the domain-literal [] from the quoted-string "[]". Hopefully this won't cause any problems. Domain-literals are used seldom, if at all, anyway...

The set of special-characters is the one specified in RFC 1521 (i.e. "<", ">", "@", ",", ";", ":", "\", "/", "?", "="), and not the set specified in RFC 0822.

See also

MIME.quote(), tokenize_labled(), decode_words_tokenized_remapped().

Method tokenize_labled

array(array(string|int)) tokenize_labled(string header, int|void flags)


Similar to tokenize(), but labels the contents, by making arrays with two elements; the first a label, and the second the value that tokenize() would have put there, except for that comments are kept.

Parameter header

The header value to parse.

Parameter flags

An optional set of flags. Currently only one flag is defined:


Keep backslash-escapes in quoted-strings.

The following labels exist:


Word encoded according to =?...


Special character.




Domain literal.



See also

MIME.quote(), tokenize(), decode_words_tokenized_labled_remapped()

Class MIME.Message


This class is used to hold a decoded MIME message.

Variable body_parts

array(object) MIME.Message.body_parts


If the message is of type multipart, this is an array containing one Message object for each part of the message. If the message is not a multipart, this field is 0 (zero).

See also

type, boundary

Variable boundary

string MIME.Message.boundary


For multipart messages, this Content-Type parameter gives a delimiter string for separating the individual messages. As multiparts are handled internally by the module, you should not need to access this field.

See also


Method cast



Casting the message object to a string will yield a byte stream suitable for transmitting the message over protocols such as ESMTP and NNTP.

The body will be encoded using the current transfer encoding, and subparts of a multipart will be collected recursively. If the message is a multipart and no boundary string has been set, one will be generated using generate_boundary().

See also


Variable charset

string MIME.Message.charset


One of the possible parameters of the Content-Type header is the charset attribute. It determines the character encoding used in bodies of type text.

If there is no Content-Type header, the value of this field is "us-ascii".

See also


Method create

MIME.Message MIME.Message()
MIME.Message MIME.Message(string message)
MIME.Message MIME.Message(string message, mapping(string:string|array(string)) headers, array(object)|void parts)
MIME.Message MIME.Message(string message, mapping(string:string|array(string)) headers, array(object)|void parts, bool guess)


There are several ways to call the constructor of the Message class:

  • With zero arguments, you will get a dummy message with neither headers nor body. Not very useful.

  • With one argument, the argument is taken to be a byte stream containing a message in encoded form. The constructor will analyze the string and extract headers and body.

  • With two or three arguments, the first argument is taken to be the raw body data, and the second argument a desired set of headers. The keys of this mapping are not case-sensitive. If the given headers indicate that the message should be of type multipart, an array of Message objects constituting the subparts should be given as a third argument.

  • With the guess argument set to 1 (headers and parts may be 0 if you don't want to give any), you get a more forgiving MIME Message that will do its best to guess what broken input data really meant. It won't always guess right, but for applications like mail archives and similar where you can't get away with throwing an error at the user, this comes in handy. Only use the guess mode only for situations where you need to process broken MIME messages silently; the abuse of overly lax tools is what poisons standards.

See also


Variable data

string MIME.Message.data


This variable contains the raw data of the message body entity.

The type and subtype attributes indicate how this data should be interpreted.


In Pike 7.6 and earlier you had to use getdata() and setdata() to access this value.

See also

getdata(), setdata()

Variable disp_params

mapping(string:string) MIME.Message.disp_params


A mapping containing all the additional parameters to the Content-Disposition header.

See also

setdisp_param(), get_filename()

Variable disposition

string MIME.Message.disposition


The first part of the Content-Disposition header, hinting on how this part of a multipart message should be presented in an interactive application.

If there is no Content-Disposition header, this field is 0.

Method get_filename

string get_filename()


This method tries to find a suitable filename should you want to save the body data to disk.

It will examine the filename attribute of the Content-Disposition header, and failing that the name attribute of the Content-Type header. If neither attribute is set, the method returns 0.


An interactive application should always query the user for the actual filename to use. This method may provide a reasonable default though.

Method getdata

string getdata()


This method returns the raw data of the message body entity.

The type and subtype attributes indicate how this data should be interpreted.

See also

setdata(), getencoded(), data

Method getencoded

string getencoded()


This method returns the data of the message body entity, encoded using the current transfer encoding.

You should never have to call this function.

See also


Variable headers

mapping(string:string) MIME.Message.headers


This mapping contains all the headers of the message.

The key is the header name (in lower case) and the value is the header value.

Although the mapping contains all headers, some particular headers get special treatment by the module and should not be accessed through this mapping. These fields are currently:


The contents of these fields can be accessed and/or modified through a set of variables and methods available for this purpose.

See also

type, subtype, charset, boundary, transfer_encoding, params, disposition, disp_params, setencoding(), setparam(), setdisp_param(), setcharset(), setboundary()

Method is_partial

array(string|int) is_partial()


If this message is a part of a fragmented message (i.e. has a Content-Type of message/partial), an array with three elements is returned.

The first element is an identifier string. This string should be used to group this message with the other fragments of the message (which will have the same id string).

The second element is the sequence number of this fragment. The first part will have number 1, the next number 2 etc.

The third element of the array is either the total number of fragments that the original message has been split into, or 0 of this information is not available.

If this method is called in a message that is not a part of a fragmented message, it will return 0.

See also


Variable params

mapping(string:string) MIME.Message.params


A mapping containing all the additional parameters to the Content-Type header.

Some of these parameters have fields of their own, which should be accessed instead of this mapping wherever applicable.

See also

charset, boundary, setparam()

Method parse_param

protected void parse_param(mapping(string:string) params, array(string|int) entry, string header, int|void guess, array(string|int)|void entry2)


Parse a Content-Type or Content-Disposition parameter.

Parameter params

Mapping to add parameters to.

Parameter entry

Array of tokens containing a parameter declaration.

Parameter header

Name of the header from which entry originated. This is only used to report errors.

Parameter guess

Make a best-effort attempt to parse broken entries.

Parameter entry2

Same as entry, but tokenized with MIME.TOKENIZE_KEEP_ESCAPES.

See also


Method setboundary

void setboundary(string boundary)


Sets the boundary parameter of the Content-Type header.

This is equivalent of calling setparam("boundary", boundary).

See also


Method setcharset

void setcharset(string charset)


Sets the charset parameter of the Content-Type header.

This is equivalent of calling setparam("charset", charset).

See also


Method setdata

void setdata(string data)


Replaces the body entity of the data with a new piece of raw data.

The new data should comply to the format indicated by the type and subtype attributes.


Do not use this method unless you know what you are doing.

See also

getdata(), setencoded, data

Method setdisp_param

void setdisp_param(string param, string value)


Set or modify the named parameter of the Content-Disposition header.

A common parameters is e.g. filename.


It is not allowed to modify the Content-Disposition header directly, please use this function instead.

See also

setparam(), get_filename()

Method setencoding

void setencoding(string encoding)


Select a new transfer encoding for this message.

The Content-Transfer-Encoding header will be modified accordingly, and subsequent calls to getencoded will produce data encoded using the new encoding.

See MIME.encode() for a list of valid encodings.

See also

getencoded(), MIME.encode()

Method setparam

void setparam(string param, string value)


Set or modify the named parameter of the Content-Type header.

Common parameters include charset for text messages, and boundary for multipart messages.


It is not allowed to modify the Content-Type header directly, please use this function instead.

See also

setcharset(), setboundary(), setdisp_param()

Variable subtype

string MIME.Message.subtype


The Content-Type header contains a type, a subtype, and optionally some parameters. This field contains the subtype attribute extracted from the header.

If there is no Content-Type header, the value of this field is "plain".

See also

type, params

Variable transfer_encoding

string MIME.Message.transfer_encoding


The contents of the Content-Transfer-Encoding header.

If no Content-Transfer-Encoding header is given, this field is 0 (zero).

Transfer encoding and decoding is done transparently by the module, so this field should be interesting only to applications wishing to do auto conversion of certain transfer encodings.

See also


Variable type

string MIME.Message.type


The Content-Type header contains a type, a subtype, and optionally some parameters. This field contains the type attribute extracted from the header.

If there is no Content-Type header, the value of this field is "text".

See also

subtype, params

Class MIME.StringRange


Class representing a substring of a larger string.

This class is used to reduce the number of string copies during parsing of MIME.Messages.

Module MIME.ext_to_media_type

Module Math

Method choose

int choose(int n, int k)


Calculate binomial koefficient n choose k.

This is equivalent to n!/(k!*(n-k)!).

Method convert_angle

int|float convert_angle(int|float angle, string from, string to)


This function converts between degrees, radians and gons. The from and to arguments may be any of the follwoing strings: "deg", "rad", "gon" and "str" for degrees, radians, gon and streck respectivly. The output is not guaranteed to be within the first turn, e.g. converting 10 radians yields almost 573 degrees as output.

Constant e

constant Math.e


The constant e (2.7182818284590452354).

Method factor

array(int) factor(int x)


Factorize the integer x. The returned list of factors will be sorted biggest to smallest factor.


This function is only available when Pike has been compiled with bignums.


In Pike versions prior to v8.0, only primes <= 8161 were considered.

Constant inf

constant Math.inf


Floating point infinity.

Inherit "___Math"

inherit "___Math" : "___Math"

Method log10

float log10(int|float x)


The 10-logarithm of x.

Method log2

float log2(int|float x)


The 2-logarithm of x.

Method logn

float logn(int|float n, int|float x)


The n-logatirhm of x.

Constant nan

constant Math.nan


Floating point not-a-number (e.g. inf/inf).

Constant pi

constant Math.pi


The constant pi (3.14159265358979323846).

Class Math.Angle


Represents an angle.

Method __hash

int hash_value( Math.Angle arg )

Method `%

float|int|Angle res = Math.Angle() % _angle


Returns this result of this angle modulo the provided value. If differenced with an angle, a new angle object is returned.

Method `*

float|int|Angle res = Math.Angle() * _angle


Returns the product between this angle and the provided value. If differenced with an angle, a new angle object is returned.

Method `+

float|int|Angle res = Math.Angle() + _angle


Returns the sum of this angle and what it is added with. If added with an angle, a new angle object is returnes.

Method `-

float|int|Angle res = Math.Angle() - _angle


Returns the difference between this angle and the provided value. If differenced with an angle, a new angle object is returned.

Method `/

float|int|Angle res = Math.Angle() / _angle


Returns the fraction between this angle and the provided value. If differenced with an angle, a new angle object is returned.

Method `<

int res = Math.Angle() < _angle


Compares the unnormalized angle of two Angle objects.

Method `==

int res = Math.Angle() == _angle


Compares the unnormalized angle of two Angle objects.

Method `>

int res = Math.Angle() > _angle


Compares the unnormalized angle of two Angle objects.

Method about_face

void about_face()


Turns the direction of the angle half a turn. Equal to add(180,"deg").

Method add

Angle add(float|int angle)
Angle add(float|int angle, string type)
Angle add(Angle angle)


Adds the provided angle to the current angle. The result is normalized within 360 degrees.

Variable angle

int|float Math.Angle.angle


The actual keeper of the angle value.

Method cast



An angle can be casted to float, int and string.

Method clone_me

Angle clone_me()


Returns a copy of the object.

Method cos

float cos()


Returns the cosinus for the angle.

Method create

Math.Angle Math.Angle()
Math.Angle Math.Angle(int|float radians)
Math.Angle Math.Angle(int|float angle, string type)


If an angle object is created without arguments it will have the value 0 radians.

Method degree

int|float degree()


Returns the number of degrees, including minutes and seconds as decimals.

Method format_dms

string format_dms()


Returns degrees, minutes and seconds as a string, e.g. 47°6'36.00".

Method get

int|float get(string type)


Gets the value in the provided type.

Method gon

int|float gon()


Returns the number of gons.

Method left_face

void left_face()


Turns the direction of the angle a quarter of a turn to the left. Equal to add(90,"deg").

Method minute

int minute()


Returns the number of minute.

Method normalize

void normalize()


Normalizes the angle to be within one turn.

Method rad

float rad()


Returns the number of radians.

Method right_face

void right_face()


Turns the direction of the angle a quarter of a turn to the right. Equal to subtract(90,"deg").

Method second

float second()


Returns the number of seconds.

Method set

Angle set(string type, int|float _angle)


Sets the angle value and type to the given value and type.

Method set_degree

Angle set_degree(int|float degree)


Sets the angle to the provided degree. Alters the type to degrees. Returns the current object.

Method set_dms

Angle set_dms(int degrees)
Angle set_dms(int degrees, int minutes)
Angle set_dms(int degrees, int minutes, float seconds)


Set degrees, minues and seconds. Returns the current angle object.

Method set_gon

Angle set_gon(int|float gon)


Set the angle to the provided gons. Alters the type to gons. Returns the current angle object.

Method set_rad

Angle set_rad(int|float rad)


Set the angle to the provided radians. Alters the type to radians. Returns the current angle object.

Method set_streck

Angle set_streck(int|float str)


Set the angle to the provided strecks. Alters the type to streck. Returns the current angle object.

Method sin

float sin()


Returns the sinus for the angle.

Method streck

float|int streck()


Returns the number of strecks.

Method subtract

Angle subtract(float|int angle)
Angle subtract(float|int angle, string type)
Angle subtract(Angle angle)


Subtracts the provided angle from the current angle. The result is normalized within 360 degrees.

Method tan

float tan()


Returns the tangen for the angle.

Variable type

string Math.Angle.type


The type of the angle value. Is either "deg", "rad", "gon" or "str".

Class Math.FMatrix


Matrix representation with single precision floating point values.

Inherit Matrix

inherit Matrix : Matrix

Class Math.IMatrix


Matrix representation with 32 bit integer values.

Inherit Matrix

inherit Matrix : Matrix

Class Math.LMatrix


Matrix representation with 64 bit integer values.

Inherit Matrix

inherit Matrix : Matrix

Class Math.Matrix


Matrix representation with double precision floating point values.

Method `*
Method ``*
Method mult

Matrix res = Math.Matrix() * with
Matrix res = with * Math.Matrix()
Matrix mult(object with)


Matrix multiplication.

Method `+
Method ``+
Method add

Matrix res = Math.Matrix() + with
Matrix res = with + Math.Matrix()
Matrix add(object with)


Add this matrix to another matrix. A new matrix is returned. The matrices must have the same size.

Method `-
Method ``-
Method sub

Matrix res = Math.Matrix() - x
Matrix res = Math.Matrix() - with
Matrix res = with - Math.Matrix()
Matrix sub(object with)


Subtracts this matrix from another. A new matrix is returned. -m is equal to -1*m.

Method cast



It is possible to cast the matrix to an array and get back a double array of floats with the matrix values.

See also


Method convolve

Matrix convolve(object with)


Convolve called matrix with the argument.

Method create

Math.Matrix Math.Matrix(array(array(int|float)) matrix_2d)
Math.Matrix Math.Matrix(array(int|float) matrix_1d)


Initializes the matrix as a 1D or 2D matrix, e.g. Math.Matrix( ({({1,2}),({3,4})}) ).

Method create

Math.Matrix Math.Matrix(int n, int m)
Math.Matrix Math.Matrix(int n, int m, string type)
Math.Matrix Math.Matrix(int n, int m, float|int init)


Initializes the matrix as to be a n*m matrix with init in every value. If no third argument is given, or the third argument is "identity", the matrix will be initialized with all zeroes except for the diagonal which will be 1.

Method create

Math.Matrix Math.Matrix(string type, int size)


When type is "identity" the matrix is initializes as a square identity matrix.

Method create

Math.Matrix Math.Matrix(string type, int size, float rads, Matrix axis)
Math.Matrix Math.Matrix(string type, int size, float rads, float x, float y, float z)


When type is "rotate" the matrix is initialized as a rotation matrix.

Method cross

Matrix cross(object with)


Matrix cross-multiplication.

Method dot_product

float dot_product(object with)


Matrix dot product.

Method max
Method min

Matrix max()
Matrix min()


Produces the maximum or minimum value of all the elements in the matrix.

Method norm
Method norm2
Method normv

float norm()
float norm2()
Matrix normv()


Norm of the matrix, and the square of the norm of the matrix. (The later method is because you may skip a square root sometimes.)

This equals |A| or sqrt( A02 + A12 + ... + An2 ).

It is only usable with 1xn or nx1 matrices.

m->normv() is equal to m*(1.0/m->norm()), with the exception that the zero vector will still be the zero vector (no error).

Method sum

Matrix sum()


Produces the sum of all the elements in the matrix.

Method transpose

Matrix transpose()


Returns the transpose of the matrix as a new object.

Method vect

array vect()


Return all the elements of the matrix as an array of numbers

Method xsize

int xsize()


Returns the width of the matrix.

Method ysize

int ysize()


Returns the height of the matrix.

Class Math.SMatrix


Matrix representation with 16 bit integer values.

Inherit Matrix

inherit Matrix : Matrix

Module Math.Transforms

Class Math.Transforms.FFT

Method create

Math.Transforms.FFT Math.Transforms.FFT(void|int n, void|bool exact)


Creates a new transform object. If n is specified, a plan is created for transformations of n-size arrays.

Parameter n

Size of the transform to be preformed. Note that the transform object will be initialized for this size, but if an array of different size is sent to the object, it will be reinitialized. This can be used to gain preformace if all transforms will be of a given size.

Parameter exact

If exact is 1, a "better" plan for the transform will be created. This will take more time though. Use only if preformance is needed.

Method rFFT

array(array(float)) rFFT(array(int|float) real_input)


Returns the FFT of the input array. The input must be real and the output is complex. The output consists of an array. It's first element is the amplitudes and the second element is the phases.

Parameter real_input

The array of floats and/or ints to transform.


rIFFT(rFFT()) returns the input array scaled by n=sizeof(input array). This is due to the nature of the DFT algorithm.

See also


Method rIFFT

array(float) rIFFT(array(array(float)) input)


Returns the inverse FFT of the input array. The input must be complex and guaranteed to generate a real output.

The input is an array. It's first element is the amplitudes and the second element is the phases.

The output is an array of the real values for the iFFT.

Parameter real_input

The array of floats and/or ints to transform.


rIFFT(rFFT()) returns the input array scaled by n=sizeof(input array). This is due to the nature of the DFT algorithm.

See also


Module NetUtils


Various networking-related utility functions.

Variable ANY

string NetUtils.ANY


Returns either 0 or "::" depending on whether or not this computer has IPv6 support.

The intent is to use this when binding addresses, like port->bind(portno,callback,NetUtils.ANY) to get ipv6 support if present.

The reason for the existence of this function is that using "::" on a computer that does not actually have any ipv6 addresses (and thus no support for ipv6), at least on linux, causes the bind call to fail entirely.


Read only

Method broadcast_addresses

mapping(string:array(string)) broadcast_addresses()


Returns a mapping from interface name to the broadcast addresses on that interface.

Method cidr_to_netmask

array(int) cidr_to_netmask(string cidr)


Converts a string with an IP address and mask (in CIDR notation) into a binary IP address and bitmask.

Parameter cidr

The CIDR-notation input string.


An array containing:

int ip

The binary representation of the IP address.

int mask

The bitmask.

Returns 0 if the string could not be parsed.

Method clear_cache

void clear_cache()


Clear any caches. This might be needed if the network setup on the system changes.

Method connectable_network_types

array(NetworkType) connectable_network_types()


Returns network types in priority order according to RFC 3484.

This function assumes a network category (ipv4 or ipv6) is available if the local host has a configured address (excluding localhost) of that network type.

This function will always list the v6 and non-v6 addresses separately.

Method get_network_type

NetworkType get_network_type(int|string ipstr, bool|void separate_6)


Determine the network type of a given host

Parameter ipstr

IP address in string or numerical form

Parameter separate_6

Adds a 'v6' to the category for ipv6 addresses (ie, "global" and "globalv6")


"localhost", "local", "private", "multicast", "teredo", "6to4" or "global"

"localhost" is the local computer.

"local" is the local network

"private" is a private network, such as or fc00::/7 that is not also a local network.

"multicast" is a multicast address

"teredo" and "6to4" is an address in the teredo and 6to4 tunneling system, respectively.

"global" is a global address that does not match any other category

Method has_ipv4

bool has_ipv4()


Returns true if the local host has a public IPv4 address

Method has_ipv6

bool has_ipv6()


Returns true if the local host has a public IPv6 address

Method host_to_cidr

string host_to_cidr(int|string ip)


Return the CIDR notation for the single host defined by x.

Parameter ip

The host ip in either string or raw form


either ip/128 or ip/32 depending on the IPV6-ness of the host IP.

Method ip_and_port_of

array(string) ip_and_port_of(RemoteAddressObject|string|int(0..0) inc, bool|void local_address)


Similar to ip_of. Returns 2-element array containing IP address and port number. Second element will be 0 if no port number can be retrieved.

This function can return 0 if inc is a RemoteAddressObject and query_address throws an error or does not return a string.

Method ip_in_block

bool ip_in_block(int net, int mask, int|string ip)


Checks whether an IP address is in a block.

The net and mask parameters should be as returned from cidr_to_netmask.

Throws an error if the IP address could not be parsed.

Parameter net

The network component of the block.

Parameter mask

The bitmask of the block.

Parameter ip

The IP address to check, in either string or binary representation.


true if the IP is in the given block, false otherwise.

Method ip_less_global

bool ip_less_global(int|string which, int|string towhat, bool|void prefer_v4)


Returns true if which is less globally accessible than towhat.

Method ip_of

string ip_of(RemoteAddressObject|string|int(0..0) inc, bool|void local_address, string|void def)


If the argument is an object with a query_address method, return the IP# part of the string returned by calling that function with local_address as the argument.

This means that for Stdio.File objects the remote address is returned by default, but if local_address is true the local address is returned.

If the argument is a string instead, the part of the string before the first space is returned.

If the argument is 0 the default def value is returned, UNDEFINED unless specified.

If def is supplied, it is used both when query_address() fails or something that is not a file descriptor object or a string is passed as the argument to this function.

Method ip_to_string

string ip_to_string(int ip, bool|void v6_only)


Converts a binary representation of an IP address into the IPv4 or IPv6 string representation.

The reverse of string_to_ip.

Parameter ip

The binary representation of the address.

Parameter v6_only

Always return IPV6 addresses. IPV4 addresses will be formatted as ::FFFF:<ipv4>


The string representation of the address, or 0 if the IP was invalid.

Method is_ipv6

bool is_ipv6(int|string ip)


Returns true if the IP ip is a IPV6 IP.

Method is_local_host

bool is_local_host(RemoteAddressObject|string|int host, bool|void only_localhost)


Returns true if host points to the local host.

Parameter host

The host to check

Parameter only_localhost

Only check if it is ipv6 or ipv4 localhost, not if it is one of the public IP# of this host.


true if the given host is the local host, false otherwise

Method is_local_network

string is_local_network(RemoteAddressObject|int|string host)


Returns non-zero if host is on one of the local networks, and if so which interface it is on.

Method local_host

string local_host()


Returns either ::1 or depending on the availability of IPV6.

Method local_interfaces

mapping(string:array(string)) local_interfaces()


Return a mapping from interface to address/netmask (only returns non link-local addresses for ipv6)

Method local_ips

multiset(string) local_ips(bool|void include_localhost)


Return an array with locally configured IP-numbers, excluding the ones configured on the loopback inteface, unless include_localhost is specified.

Method local_ips_raw

multiset(int) local_ips_raw(bool|void include_localhost)


Much like local_ips, but returns the IP:s parsed to the integer raw format.

Method local_networks

IpRangeLookup local_networks()


Returns an IpRangeLookup that can be used to find the interface for an IP address.

Constant locality

constant NetUtils.locality


Mapping from NetworkType to an integer between 0 and 10 that describes how local that type of network is.

Method netmask_to_cidr

int netmask_to_cidr(string mask)


Returns the CIDR of a given netmask. Only returns the correct value for netmasks with all-zeroes at the end (eg, works, while will give the wrong return value)

See also


Method normalize_address

string normalize_address(string a)


Normalize the IP specified in a. This normalizes IPv6 addresses and converts ::FFFF:<ipv4> and ::<ipv4> to "normal" IPV4 addresses.

Will return 0 if a is not a valid address.

Method port_of

string port_of(RemoteAddressObject|string|int(0..0) inc, bool|void local_address, string|void def)


Similar to ip_of but instead of IP returns port number.

If the argument is an object with a query_address method, return the port# part of the string returned by calling that function with local_address as the argument.

This means that for Stdio.File objects the remote address is returned by default, but if local_address is true the local address is returned.

If the argument is a string instead, the part of the string after the first space is returned.

If the argument is 0 the default def value is returned, UNDEFINED unless specified.

If def is supplied, it is used both when query_address() fails or something that is not a file descriptor object or a string is passed as the argument to this function.

Method sort_addresses

array(string) sort_addresses(array(string) addresses, array(NetworkType)|void exclude_types, bool|void separate_v6)


Given a list of addresses, sort them according to connectable priority order (RFC 3484).

If exclude_types is specified, addresses that match any of the network types (({"local", "localhost"}) for the local network as an example) in the given array will be exluded from the result.

If separate_v6 is true, exclude_types separates v6 from v4. That is, you can disable "localhost" without also disabling "localhostv6".

The addresses inside each group will be returned in random order.

Method special_networks

IpRangeLookup special_networks()


Return an IpRangeLookup instance useful for finding out the address category of a ip. Basically like get_network_type without the "local" category.

Method string_to_ip

int string_to_ip(string ips)


Converts a string representation of an IPv4 address into the binary representation.

Parameter ips

The string representation of the address. For convenience this function accepts the notation returned from fd->query_adddress() ("ip port")


The binary representation of the address, or -1 if the string could not be parsed.

Method valid_domain_name

bool valid_domain_name(string hostname)


Perform a basic sanity check on hostname based on total and subdomain label length. Does not test for invalid chars.

Parameter hostname

Domain name string to test.


True if hostname looks like a valid domain name

Enum NetUtils.NetworkType


A list of all known network type/classes

Constant LOCAL
Constant GLOBAL
Constant PRIVATE

constant NetUtils.LOCALHOST
constant NetUtils.LOCAL
constant NetUtils.MULTICAST
constant NetUtils.GLOBAL
constant NetUtils.PRIVATE


V4 and in non-v6-separate mode also used for V6

Constant LOCALV6
Constant PRIVATEV6
Constant GLOBALV6

constant NetUtils.LOCALHOSTV6
constant NetUtils.LOCALV6
constant NetUtils.PRIVATEV6
constant NetUtils.MULTICASTV6
constant NetUtils.GLOBALV6


V6 only versions

Constant TEREDO
Constant V6TO4

constant NetUtils.TEREDO
constant NetUtils.V6TO4


Tunneling reserved addresses

Class NetUtils.IpRangeLookup


Class used for checking an IP against a list of IP ranges and looking up some associated information.

Method create

NetUtils.IpRangeLookup NetUtils.IpRangeLookup(mapping(mixed:array(string)) ranges, int|void _debug)


Creates a new IpRangeLookup object and initialises the IP range table. Errors will be thrown if ranges contains invalid data.

Parameter ranges

A mapping from information data to arrays of IP ranges.

Each range can be a single addresses (""), a range of addresses ("") or be written in CIDR notation ("").

Method get_ranges

mapping(string:array(Range)) get_ranges()


Return a copy of the internal range to info mapping.

Method lookup

mixed lookup(int|string ipstr)


Looks up an IP address and returns the associated information, if any.

Parameter ipstr

The IP address in string or binary form.


The information associated with the most-specific IP range matching ipstr.

Method lookup_range

Range lookup_range(int|string ipstr)


Looks up an IP address and returns the associated Range, if any.

Parameter ipstr

The IP address in string or binary form.


The matching net-range

Class NetUtils.IpRangeLookup.Range


Represents a single range in a IpRangeLoopup.

Variable info

mixed NetUtils.IpRangeLookup.Range.info

Inherit NetMask

inherit NetMask : NetMask

Class NetUtils.NetMask


Persistent representation of a network + mask.

Method cast



Convert to either a string (back to CIDR notation) or an array (net,mask)

Method create

NetUtils.NetMask NetUtils.NetMask(string cidr)


Construct a new NetMask object from the given CIDR.

Parameter cidr

An IP and mask in CIDR notation.

Method ip_in

bool ip_in(int|string ip)


Match an IP number against the mask.


true if the ip is in the network, false otherwise.

Parameter ip

The IP address to check, in either string or binary representation.

Variable mask

int NetUtils.NetMask.mask


The network mask

Variable net

int NetUtils.NetMask.net


The network number

Class NetUtils.RemoteAddressObject


Interface for objects that can be sent to ip_of and friends.

This matches at least Stdio.File and Stdio.Port, Stdio.UDP and some other classes.

Module Nettle


Low level crypto functions used by the Crypto module. Unless you are doing something very special, you would want to use the Crypto module instead.

Method crypt_md5

string(7bit) crypt_md5(string(8bit) password, string(8bit) salt, void|string(8bit) magic)


Does the crypt_md5 abrakadabra (MD5 + snakeoil). It is assumed that salt does not contain "$".

The password memory will be cleared before released.

Method dsa_generate_keypair

array(Gmp.mpz) dsa_generate_keypair(int p_bits, int q_bits, function(int(0..):string(8bit)) rnd)


Generates a DSA key pair with p_bits number of bits (sometimes referred to as L) for p, and q_bits number of bits (sometimes referred to as N) for q, using the random function rnd.

Valid combinations as per FIPS 186-3 are

   p_bits  q_bits
   1024    160
   2048    224 (rejected by some versions of Hogweed)
   2048    256
   3072    256

Gmp.mpz 0

The value p, the modulo.

Gmp.mpz 1

The value q, the group order.

Gmp.mpz 2

The value g, the generator.

Gmp.mpz 3

The value y, the public value.

Gmp.mpz 4

The value x, the private value.

Method rsa_generate_keypair

array(Gmp.mpz) rsa_generate_keypair(int bits, int e, function(int(0..):string(8bit)) rnd)


Generates an RSA key pair with a bits sized modulus (n), using the provided value for e and random function rnd.

Gmp.mpz 0

The value n, the modulo.

Gmp.mpz 1

The value d, the private exponent.

Gmp.mpz 2

The value p, a prime.

Gmp.mpz 3

The value q, a prime.

Method rsa_unpad

int(0..) rsa_unpad(string(8bit) data, int type)


Unpads a message that has been padded according to RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5-ENCODE(message) in PKCS#1 v2.2. The padding method used on the original message must be provided in the type parameter. All content dependent processing is done in constant time for the same padding type and data length.

Method version

string version()


Returns the version of the Nettle library, e.g. "3.1". 0 is returned when runtime version is unknown.

Class Nettle.AEAD


Represents information about an Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) algorithm, such as name, key size, digest size, and block size.

Method block_size

int(0..) block_size()


The block size of the AEAD algorithm.


Note that AEAD algorithms often support automatic padding, so that the last block does not need to be complete.

Method digest_size

int(0..) digest_size()


Returns the size of a MAC digest.

Inherit AEAD

inherit __builtin.Nettle.AEAD : AEAD

Method iv_size

int(0..) iv_size()


Returns the size of the iv/nonce of the AEAD algorithm (if any).

Returns 0 (zero) if there is no configurable iv/nonce.

Method key_size

int(0..) key_size()


The recommended key size for the cipher.

Method name

string(8bit) name()


A human readable name for the algorithm.

Class Nettle.AEAD.State


Base class for AEAD contexts.

Method block_size

int(0..) block_size()


The block size for this cipher.


The default implementation just calls Cipher::block_size() in the parent.

Method crypt

string(8bit) crypt(string(8bit) data)


Encrypts or decrypts data, using the current key. Neither the input nor output data is automatically memory scrubbed, unless String.secure has been called on them.

Parameter data

Data must be an integral number of blocks, except for the last segment.


The encrypted or decrypted data.

Method digest

string(8bit) digest(int|void length)


Generates a digest, and resets the AEAD contents.

Also updates the iv/nonce (if any).

Parameter length

If the length argument is provided, the digest is truncated to the given length.


The digest.

Method digest_size

int(0..) digest_size()


Returns the size of a MAC digest.

Inherit State

inherit AEAD::State : State

Method iv_size

int(0..) iv_size()


Returns the size of the iv/nonce of the AEAD algorithm (if any).

Returns 0 (zero) if there is no configurable iv/nonce.

Method key_size

int(0..) key_size()


The actual key size for this cipher.

Method make_key

string(8bit) make_key()


Generate a key by calling Crypto.Random.random_string and initialize this object for encryption with that key.


The generated key. The key memory will be cleared before released.

See also


Method name

string(8bit) name()


A human readable name for the algorithm.


The default implementation just calls Cipher::name() in the parent.

Method set_decrypt_key

State set_decrypt_key(string(8bit) key)


Initializes the object for decryption. The key memory will be cleared before released.

See also

set_encrypt_key, crypt

Method set_encrypt_key

State set_encrypt_key(string(8bit) key)


Initializes the object for encryption. The key memory will be cleared before released.

See also

set_decrypt_key, crypt

Method set_iv

State set_iv(string(8bit) iv)


Set the iv/nonce (if supported) for the AEAD.


Returns this in order to simplify chaining of function calls.

Method update

State update(string(8bit) data)


Add some more associated data.

All associated data typically needs to be added before any data to actually encrypt.


Returns this in order to simplify chaining of function calls.

Class Nettle.AES


Implementation of the AES cipher.

Inherit BlockCipher16

inherit BlockCipher16 : BlockCipher16

Class Nettle.AES.State


State for AES encyption.

Inherit State

inherit Cipher::State : State

Class Nettle.ARCFOUR


Implementation of the ARCFOUR cipher.

Inherit Cipher

inherit Cipher : Cipher

Class Nettle.ARCFOUR.State


State for ARCFOUR encyption.

Inherit State

inherit Cipher::State : State

Class Nettle.ARCTWO


Implementation of the ARCTWO cipher.

Inherit BlockCipher

inherit BlockCipher : BlockCipher

Class Nettle.ARCTWO.State


State for PIKE_NAME encyption.

Inherit State

inherit Cipher::State : State

Method set_decrypt_key

State set_decrypt_key(string(8bit) key, void|int ekb)


Initializes the object for decryption. The key memory will be cleared before released.

Parameter ekb

The effective number of bits in the key.


Derive from the key size (ie 8 * sizeof(key)).


Convenience alias for max (ie 1024).


Reduce the effective key size to the specified number of bits.

See also

set_encrypt_key, crypt

Method set_encrypt_key

State set_encrypt_key(string(8bit) key, int|void ekb)


Initializes the object for encryption. The key memory will be cleared before released.

Parameter ekb

The effective number of bits in the key.


Derive from the key size (ie 8 * sizeof(key)).


Convenience alias for max (ie 1024).


Reduce the effective key size to the specified number of bits.

See also

set_decrypt_key, crypt

Class Nettle.BLOWFISH


Implementation of the BLOWFISH cipher.

Inherit BlockCipher

inherit BlockCipher : BlockCipher

Class Nettle.BLOWFISH.State


State for BLOWFISH encyption.

Inherit State

inherit Cipher::State : State

Class Nettle.BlockCipher


Base class for all block ciphers.

Extends the BufferedCipher class with various operating modes.

Inherit BlockCipher

inherit __builtin.Nettle.BlockCipher : BlockCipher

Inherit BufferedCipher

inherit BufferedCipher : BufferedCipher

Module Nettle.BlockCipher.CBC


Implementation of the cipher block chaining mode (CBC).

Works as a wrapper for the cipher implemented by overloading the parent class (Cipher).

See also

Crypto.CBC, GCM

Inherit BufferedCipher

inherit BufferedCipher : BufferedCipher

Class Nettle.BlockCipher.CBC.State

Method block_size

int(1..) block_size()


Returns the block size of the encapsulated cipher.

Method create

Nettle.BlockCipher.CBC.State Nettle.BlockCipher.CBC.State()


Initialize the CBC state with the Cipher::State object returned by substate_factory(). This is usually the State for the cipher implemented in the parent module.

Method crypt

string(8bit) crypt(string(8bit) data)


Encrypt/decrypt data and return the result. data must be an integral number of blocks.

Neither the input or output data is not automatically memory scrubbed, unless String.secure has been called on the data.

Inherit State

inherit Cipher::State : State

Method iv_size

int(1..) iv_size()


Returns the size for the initialization vector

Method key_size

int(1..) key_size()


Returns the key size of the encapsulated cipher.

Method name

string(8bit) name()


Returns the string "CBC(x)" where x is the encapsulated algorithm.

Method set_decrypt_key

this_program set_decrypt_key(string(8bit) key, int|void flags)


Prepare the cipher and the wrapper for decrypting with the given key. The key memory will be cleared before released.

Method set_encrypt_key

this_program set_encrypt_key(string(8bit) key, int|void flags)


Prepare the cipher and the wrapper for encrypting with the given key. The key memory will be cleared before released.

Method set_iv

this_program set_iv(string(8bit) iv)


Set the initialization vector to iv. The iv memory will be cleared before released.

Method substate_factory

Cipher::State substate_factory()


Returns the Cipher::State object that this object is to operate on.

Defaults to creating the State for the cipher implemented in the parent module.

Module Nettle.BlockCipher.CFB


Implementation of Cipher Feed-Back mode (CFB).

See also


Method `()

State res = Nettle.BlockCipher()()


Returns a new State object.

Inherit BufferedCipher

inherit BufferedCipher : BufferedCipher

Method name

string(8bit) name()


Returns the base cipher name appended with the string ".CFB".

Class Nettle.BlockCipher.CFB.State


The state for a CFB instance.

Method block_size

int(1..) block_size()


Returns the block size of the encapsulated cipher.

Method create

Nettle.BlockCipher.CFB.State Nettle.BlockCipher.CFB.State()


Initialize the CFB state with the Cipher::State object returned by substate_factory(). This is usually the State for the cipher implemented in the parent module.

Method crypt

string(8bit) crypt(string(8bit) data)


Encrypt/decrypt data and return the result. data must be an integral number of blocks.

The length of data MUST be a multiple of the block size for all calls except the last.

Neither the input or output data is not automatically memory scrubbed, unless String.secure has been called on the data.

See also

update(), digest()

Inherit State

inherit BufferedCipher::State : State

Method iv_size

int(1..) iv_size()


Returns the size for the initialization vector

Method key_size

int(1..) key_size()


Returns the key size of the encapsulated cipher.

Method name

string(8bit) name()


Returns the string "CFB(x)" where x is the encapsulated algorithm.

Variable obj

object Nettle.BlockCipher.CFB.State.obj


Read only

Method set_decrypt_key

this_program set_decrypt_key(string(8bit) key, int|void flags)


Prepare the cipher and the wrapper for decrypting with the given key. The key memory will be cleared before released.


Note that this operation does not by itself reset the context sufficiently to start a new message; set_iv() needs to be called too.

See also

set_encrypt_key(), set_iv()

Method set_encrypt_key

this_program set_encrypt_key(string(8bit) key, int|void flags)


Prepare the cipher and the wrapper for encrypting with the given key. The key memory will be cleared before released.


Note that this operation does not by itself reset the context sufficiently to start a new message; set_iv() needs to be called too.

See also

set_decrypt_key(), set_iv()

Method set_iv

this_program set_iv(string(8bit) iv)


Set the initialization vector to iv. The iv memory will be cleared before released.


iv must have the length reported by iv_size().

See also

set_encrypt_key(), set_decrypt_key().

Method substate_factory

Cipher::State substate_factory()


Returns the Cipher::State object that this object is to operate on.

Defaults to creating the State for the cipher implemented in the parent module.

Module Nettle.BlockCipher.CTR


Implementation of Counter Mode (CTR).

This cipher mode works like a stream cipher with a block size >= 1. This means that the same key and initialization vector (aka counter) should never be reused, since a simple xor would reveal information about the plain text. It also means that it should never be used without a suiteable Message Authentication Code (MAC).

See also

CBC, GCM, Buffer

Method `()

State res = Nettle.BlockCipher()()


Returns a new State object.

Inherit Cipher

inherit __builtin.Nettle.Cipher : Cipher

Method name

string(8bit) name()


Returns the base cipher name appended with the string ".CTR".

Class Nettle.BlockCipher.CTR.State


The state for a CTR instance.

Method block_size

int(1..) block_size()


Returns the block size of the encapsulated cipher.

Method create

Nettle.BlockCipher.CTR.State Nettle.BlockCipher.CTR.State()


Initialize the CTR state with the Cipher::State object returned by substate_factory(). This is usually the State for the cipher implemented in the parent module.

Method crypt

string(8bit) crypt(string(8bit) data)


Encrypt/decrypt data and return the result. data must be an integral number of blocks.

The length of data MUST be a multiple of the block size for all calls except the last.

Neither the input or output data is not automatically memory scrubbed, unless String.secure has been called on the data.

See also

update(), digest()

Inherit State

inherit Cipher::State : State

Method iv_size

int(1..) iv_size()


Returns the size for the initialization vector

Method key_size

int(1..) key_size()


Returns the key size of the encapsulated cipher.

Method name

string(8bit) name()


Returns the string "CTR(x)" where x is the encapsulated algorithm.

Variable obj

object Nettle.BlockCipher.CTR.State.obj


Read only

Method set_decrypt_key

this_program set_decrypt_key(string(8bit) key, int|void flags)


Prepare the cipher and the wrapper for decrypting with the given key. The key memory will be cleared before released.


Note that this operation does not by itself reset the context sufficiently to start a new message; set_iv() needs to be called too.

See also

set_encrypt_key(), set_iv()

Method set_encrypt_key

this_program set_encrypt_key(string(8bit) key, int|void flags)


Prepare the cipher and the wrapper for encrypting with the given key. The key memory will be cleared before released.


Note that this operation does not by itself reset the context sufficiently to start a new message; set_iv() needs to be called too.

See also

set_decrypt_key(), set_iv()

Method set_iv

this_program set_iv(string(8bit) iv)


Set the initialization vector to iv. The iv memory will be cleared before released.


iv must have the length reported by iv_size().

See also

set_encrypt_key(), set_decrypt_key().

Method substate_factory

Cipher::State substate_factory()


Returns the Cipher::State object that this object is to operate on.

Defaults to creating the State for the cipher implemented in the parent module.

Module Nettle.BlockCipher.OFB


Implementation of Output Feed-Back mode (OFB).

This cipher mode works like a stream cipher with a block size >= 1. This means that the same key and initialization vector (aka counter) should never be reused, since a simple xor would reveal information about the plain text. It also means that it should never be used without a suiteable Message Authentication Code (MAC).

See also


Method `()

State res = Nettle.BlockCipher()()


Returns a new State object.

Inherit BufferedCipher

inherit BufferedCipher : BufferedCipher

Method name

string(8bit) name()


Returns the base cipher name appended with the string ".OFB".

Class Nettle.BlockCipher.OFB.State


The state for a OFB instance.

Method block_size

int(1..) block_size()


Returns the block size of the encapsulated cipher.

Method create

Nettle.BlockCipher.OFB.State Nettle.BlockCipher.OFB.State()


Initialize the OFB state with the Cipher::State object returned by substate_factory(). This is usually the State for the cipher implemented in the parent module.

Method crypt

string(8bit) crypt(string(8bit) data)


Encrypt/decrypt data and return the result. data must be an integral number of blocks.

The length of data MUST be a multiple of the block size for all calls except the last.

Neither the input or output data is not automatically memory scrubbed, unless String.secure has been called on the data.

See also

update(), digest()

Inherit State

inherit BufferedCipher::State : State

Method iv_size

int(1..) iv_size()


Returns the size for the initialization vector

Method key_size

int(1..) key_size()


Returns the key size of the encapsulated cipher.

Method name

string(8bit) name()


Returns the string "OFB(x)" where x is the encapsulated algorithm.

Variable obj

object Nettle.BlockCipher.OFB.State.obj


Read only

Method set_decrypt_key

this_program set_decrypt_key(string(8bit) key, int|void flags)


Prepare the cipher and the wrapper for decrypting with the given key. The key memory will be cleared before released.


Note that this operation does not by itself reset the context sufficiently to start a new message; set_iv() needs to be called too.

See also

set_encrypt_key(), set_iv()

Method set_encrypt_key

this_program set_encrypt_key(string(8bit) key, int|void flags)


Prepare the cipher and the wrapper for encrypting with the given key. The key memory will be cleared before released.


Note that this operation does not by itself reset the context sufficiently to start a new message; set_iv() needs to be called too.

See also

set_decrypt_key(), set_iv()

Method set_iv

this_program set_iv(string(8bit) iv)


Set the initialization vector to iv. The iv memory will be cleared before released.


iv must have the length reported by iv_size().

See also

set_encrypt_key(), set_decrypt_key().

Method substate_factory

Cipher::State substate_factory()


Returns the Cipher::State object that this object is to operate on.

Defaults to creating the State for the cipher implemented in the parent module.

Module Nettle.BlockCipher.PCBC


Implementation of the propagating cipher block chaining mode (PCBC).

This mode is also known as plaintext cipher block chaining (from Kerberos v4).

Works as a wrapper for the cipher implemented by overloading the parent class (Cipher).

See also


Inherit _CBC

inherit _CBC : _CBC

Class Nettle.BlockCipher.PCBC.State

Method crypt

string(8bit) crypt(string(8bit) data)


Encrypt/decrypt data and return the result. data must be an integral number of blocks.

Neither the input or output data is not automatically memory scrubbed, unless String.secure has been called on the data.

Inherit State

inherit _CBC::State : State

Method name

string(8bit) name()


Returns the string "PCBC(x)" where x is the encapsulated algorithm.

Class Nettle.BlockCipher16


This is the BlockCipher class extended with algorithms that require a block size of 16 bytes.

See also

Cipher, BlockCipher, BufferedCipher, GCM

Inherit BlockCipher

inherit BlockCipher : BlockCipher

Module Nettle.BlockCipher16.CCM


Implementation of the Counter with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code mode (CCM).

Works as a wrapper for the cipher implemented by overloading the parent class (BlockCipher16).

This is a so-called authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) algorithm, and in addition to encryption also provides message digests.

The operation of CCM is specified in NIST Special Publication 800-38C.


This mode of operation is not suited for streaming operation, as the sizes of the associated data and payload data need to be known for the CBC-MAC operation to start. Currently this means that the associated data and payload data are buffered until State()->digest() is called.

See also


Method digest_size

int(4..16) digest_size()


Default digest size.


Returns 16, but overloading via inherit is supported, and may return any even number in the range [4..16].


Note that the digest length is folded into the digest, so it doesn't simply imply a truncation.

Inherit AEAD

inherit __builtin.Nettle.AEAD : AEAD

Inherit CTR

inherit BlockCipher::CTR : CTR

Method name

string(8bit) name()


Returns the name of the base cipher with ".CCM" appended.

Class Nettle.BlockCipher16.CCM.State

Method create

Nettle.BlockCipher16.CCM.State Nettle.BlockCipher16.CCM.State()

Method digest

string(8bit) digest(int(4..16)|void bytes)


Returns the CBC-MAC digest of the specified size.

Parameter bytes

Size in bytes for the desired digest. Any even number in the range [4..16]. If not specified the value from calling digest_size() will be used.


Note that the digest length is folded into the digest, so it doesn't simply imply a truncation.

See also

digest_size(), global::digest_size()

Method digest_size

int(4..16) digest_size()


Default digest size.

This function is used by digest() to determine the digest size if no argument was given.


The default implementation returns the result from calling global::digest_size(), but overloading via inherit is supported, and may return any even number in the range [4..16].


Note that the digest length is folded into the digest, so it doesn't simply imply a truncation.

See also

digest(), CCM::digest_size()

Inherit State

inherit CTR::State : State

Module Nettle.BlockCipher16.CCM8


Special case of CCM where the default digest size has been truncated to 8 bytes.

See also


Method digest_size

int(4..16) digest_size()


Default digest size.


Returns 8, but overloading via inherit is supported, and may return any even number in the range [4..16].

Inherit CCM

inherit CCM : CCM

Method name

string(8bit) name()


Returns the name of the base cipher with ".CCM8" appended.

Module Nettle.BlockCipher16.EAX


Implementation of the EAX mode.

Works as a wrapper for the cipher implemented by overloading the parent class (BlockCipher16).

This is a so-called authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) algorithm, and in addition to encryption also provides message digests.


This mode of operation was specified as a reaction to the limitiations of the BlockCipher16.CCM mode.


Note that this module is not available in all versions of Nettle.

See also

CBC, CTR, BlockCipher16.CCM, BlockCipher16.GCM

Method digest_size

int(1..) digest_size()


Default digest size.


Returns BlockCipher::block_size(), but overloading via inherit is supported, and may return any positive number <= BlockCipher::block_size().

Inherit AEAD

inherit __builtin.Nettle.AEAD : AEAD

Method name

string(8bit) name()


Returns the name of the base cipher with ".EAX" appended.

Class Nettle.BlockCipher16.EAX.State

Method block_size

int(16..16) block_size()


Returns the block size of the encapsulated cipher, which is always 16 for EAX.

Method create

Nettle.BlockCipher16.EAX.State Nettle.BlockCipher16.EAX.State()

Method digest

string(8bit) digest(int(1..16)|void bytes)


Returns the OMAC digest of the specified size.

Parameter bytes

Size in bytes for the desired digest. Any number in the range [1..16]. If not specified the value from calling digest_size() will be used.

See also

digest_size(), global::digest_size()

Method digest_size

int(1..16) digest_size()


Default digest size.

This function is used by digest() to determine the digest size if no argument was given.


The default implementation returns the result from calling EAX::digest_size(), but overloading via inherit is supported, and may return any even number in the range [1..16].

See also

digest(), EAX::digest_size()

Inherit State

inherit AEAD::State : State

Method iv_size

int(16..16) iv_size()


Returns the recommended size for the initialization vector (ie 16).

Other sizes are allowed, but will be compressed or expanded to this size using the encapsulated cipher.

Method key_size

int(1..) key_size()


Returns the key size of the encapsulated cipher.

Method name

string(8bit) name()


Returns the string "x.EAX" where x is the encapsulated algorithm.

Method set_decrypt_key

this_program set_decrypt_key(string(8bit) key, int|void flags)


Prepare the cipher and the wrapper for decrypting with the given key. The key memory will be cleared before released.


Note that this operation does not by itself reset the context sufficiently to start a new message; set_iv() needs to be called too.

See also

set_encrypt_key(), set_iv()

Method set_encrypt_key

this_program set_encrypt_key(string(8bit) key, int|void flags)


Prepare the cipher and the wrapper for encrypting with the given key. The key memory will be cleared before released.


Note that this operation does not by itself reset the context sufficiently to start a new message; set_iv() needs to be called too.

See also

set_decrypt_key(), set_iv()

Method substate_factory

Cipher::State substate_factory()


Returns the Cipher::State object that this object is to operate on.

Defaults to creating the State for the cipher implemented in the parent module.

Module Nettle.BlockCipher16.GCM


Implementation of the Galois Counter Mode (GCM).

Works as a wrapper for the cipher implemented by overloading the parent class (BlockCipher16).

This is a so-called authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) algorithm, which in addition to encryption also provides message digests.

The operation of GCM is specified in NIST Special Publication 800-38D.

Typically accessed as Crypto.AES.GCM or Crypto.Camellia.GCM


Note that this module is not available in all versions of Nettle.

See also


Method block_size

int(16..16) block_size()


Returns the block size of the encapsulated cipher, which is always 16 for GCM.

Method digest_size

int(16..16) digest_size()


Returns the size of the generated digest, which is always 16 for GCM.

Inherit AEAD

inherit __builtin.Nettle.AEAD : AEAD

Method iv_size

int(12..12) iv_size()


Returns the recommended size for the initialization vector (ie 12).

Other sizes are allowed, but will be compressed or expanded to this size using the encapsulated cipher.

Method name

string(8bit) name()


Returns the name of the base cipher with ".GCM" appended.

Class Nettle.BlockCipher16.GCM.State


The state for a GCM instance.

Method block_size

int(16..16) block_size()


Returns the block size of the encapsulated cipher, which is always 16 for GCM.

Method create

Nettle.BlockCipher16.GCM.State Nettle.BlockCipher16.GCM.State()


Initialize the GCM state with the Cipher::State object returned by substate_factory(). This is usually the State for the cipher implemented in the parent module.

Method crypt

string(8bit) crypt(string(8bit) data)


Encrypt/decrypt data and return the result. data must be an integral number of blocks.

The length of data MUST be a multiple of the block size (ie 16) for all calls except the last.

Neither the input or output data is not automatically memory scrubbed, unless String.secure has been called on the data.

See also

update(), digest()

Method digest

string(8bit) digest()


Generate a message digest for the data accumulated so far.


set_iv() needs to be called to start the next message.

See also

update(), digest()

Method digest_size

int(16..16) digest_size()


Returns the size of the generated digest, which is always 16 for GCM.

Inherit State

inherit AEAD::State : State

Method iv_size

int(12..12) iv_size()


Returns the recommended size for the initialization vector (ie 12).

Other sizes are allowed, but will be compressed or expanded to this size using the encapsulated cipher.

Method key_size

int(1..) key_size()


Returns the key size of the encapsulated cipher.

Method name

string(8bit) name()


Returns the string "x.GCM" where x is the encapsulated algorithm.

Method set_decrypt_key

this_program set_decrypt_key(string(8bit) key, int|void flags)


Prepare the cipher and the wrapper for decrypting with the given key. The key memory will be cleared before released.


Note that this operation does not by itself reset the context sufficiently to start a new message; set_iv() needs to be called too.

See also

set_encrypt_key(), set_iv()

Method set_encrypt_key

this_program set_encrypt_key(string(8bit) key, int|void flags)


Prepare the cipher and the wrapper for encrypting with the given key. The key memory will be cleared before released.


Note that this operation does not by itself reset the context sufficiently to start a new message; set_iv() needs to be called too.

See also

set_decrypt_key(), set_iv()

Method set_iv

this_program set_iv(string(8bit) iv)


Set the initialization vector to iv. The iv memory will be cleared before released.

Also resets all state needed to start a new message.


For ivs of length other than 12, an encryption or decryption key must have been set first.

See also

set_encrypt_key(), set_decrypt_key().

Method substate_factory

Cipher::State substate_factory()


Returns the Cipher::State object that this object is to operate on.

Defaults to creating the State for the cipher implemented in the parent module.

Method update

void update(string(8bit) public_data)


Add public_data to be authenticated.

The length of public_data MUST be a multiple of the block size (ie 16) for all calls except the last.

All calls of update() need to be performed before any calls of crypt().

Class Nettle.BufferedCipher


Extends the Cipher class with the Buffer meta cipher. This is in turn inherited by the BlockCipher class, which is the base class for all block ciphers.

Inherit Cipher

inherit Cipher : Cipher

Module Nettle.BufferedCipher.Buffer


Acts as a buffer so that data can be fed to the cipher in blocks that don't correspond to cipher block sizes.


class Encrypter { protected Crypto.Cipher buffer;

void create(string key) { buffer = Crypto.AES.CBC.Buffer(); buffer->set_encrypt_key(key); }

string feed(string data) { return buffer->crypt(data); }

string drain() { return buffer->pad(Crypto.PAD_PKCS7); } }

See also

BlockCipher.CBC, BlockCipher16.GCM

Method `()

State res = Nettle.BufferedCipher()()


Returns a new State object.

Inherit Cipher

inherit __builtin.Nettle.Cipher : Cipher

Class Nettle.BufferedCipher.Buffer.State


Acts as a buffer so that data can be fed to the cipher in blocks that don't correspond to cipher block sizes.


class Encrypter { protected Crypto.Cipher buffer;

void create(string key) { buffer = Crypto.AES.CBC.Buffer(); buffer->set_encrypt_key(key); }

string feed(string data) { return buffer->crypt(data); }

string drain() { return buffer->pad(Crypto.PAD_PKCS7); } }

See also

BlockCipher.CBC, BlockCipher16.GCM

Method block_size

int(1..) block_size()


Get the block size of the contained block crypto.

Method create

Nettle.BufferedCipher.Buffer.State Nettle.BufferedCipher.Buffer.State()


Initialize the buffer with the Cipher::State object returned by substate_factory(). This is usually the State for the cipher implemented in the parent module.

Method crypt

string(8bit) crypt(string(8bit) data)


Encrypt or decrypt some data.

Adds data to be en/decrypted to the buffer. If there's enough data to en/decrypt a block, that will be done, and the result returned. Any unprocessed data will be left in the buffer.

Neither the input or output data is not automatically memory scrubbed, unless String.secure has been called on the data.

Method iv_size

int(0..) iv_size()


Get the iv size of the contained block crypto.

Method key_size

int(1..) key_size()


Get the key size of the contained block crypto.

Method name

string(8bit) name()


Returns the name of the wrapped cipher with ".Buffer" appended.

Method pad

string(8bit) pad(void|int method)


Pad and encrypt any data left in the buffer. The output data is not automatically memory scrubbed, unless String.secure is called on the data.

Parameter method

The type of padding to apply to the buffer.


Pads according to ISO 10126, which means filling all extra space with random data and putting the size of the non-payload data last.


Pads according to RFC 5246 section, meaning that all extra space is filled with the size of the padding. Note that this size has an off by one difference to the other schemas, so 0 means 1 byte of padding.


Pads according to ANSI X.923, which means filling all extra space with zero and putting the size of the non-payload data last.


Pads according to PKCS7 / RFC 3852, which means filling all extra space with the size of the extra space.


Fills the extra space with null bytes. To correctly remove the padding the clear text data must not end with a null byte. In that case the data would have to be manually padded/unpadded before/after calling crypt().

Defaults to Crypto.PAD_SSL for compatibility reasons.

See also


Method set_decrypt_key

this_program set_decrypt_key(string(8bit) key, void|int flags)


Set the decryption key. The key memory will be cleared before released.


As a side-effect any buffered data will be cleared.

Method set_encrypt_key

this_program set_encrypt_key(string(8bit) key, void|int flags)


Set the encryption key. The key memory will be cleared before released.


As a side-effect any buffered data will be cleared.

Method set_iv

this_program set_iv(string(8bit) iv)


Set the initialization vector to iv.

Method substate_factory

Cipher::State substate_factory()


Returns the Cipher::State object that this object is to operate on.

Defaults to creating the State for the cipher implemented in the parent module.

Method unpad

string(8bit) unpad(string(8bit) data, void|int method)


Decrypt and unpad a block of data. Neither the input or output data is not automatically memory scrubbed, unless String.secure has been called on the data.

This performs the reverse operation of pad(). The padding will be verified to be correct, if possible. If not, zero is returned.

Parameter method

The type of padding that was applied to the original buffer.


Defaults to Crypto.PAD_SSL for compatibility reasons.

See also


Class Nettle.CAMELLIA


Implementation of the CAMELLIA cipher.

Inherit BlockCipher16

inherit BlockCipher16 : BlockCipher16

Class Nettle.CAMELLIA.State


State for CAMELLIA encyption.

Inherit State

inherit Cipher::State : State

Class Nettle.CAST128


Implementation of the CAST128 cipher.

Inherit BlockCipher

inherit BlockCipher : BlockCipher

Class Nettle.CAST128.State


State for CAST128 encyption.

Inherit State

inherit Cipher::State : State

Class Nettle.CHACHA


Implementation of the CHACHA stream cipher.


Note that this class is not available in all versions of Nettle.

Inherit BlockCipher

inherit BlockCipher : BlockCipher

Class Nettle.CHACHA.State


State for CHACHA encyption.

Method crypt

string(8bit) crypt(string(8bit) data)


Encrypts or decrypts data, using the current key. Neither the input nor output data is automatically memory scrubbed, unless String.secure has been called on them.

Parameter data

Usually an integral number of blocks, except for the last segement in a run. The decoder must get partial blocks at the same places as the encoder, otherwise they will get out of sync.


The encrypted or decrypted data.

Inherit State

inherit Cipher::State : State

Method set_iv

object set_iv(string(8bit) iv)


Set the initialization vector (aka nonce) and reset the block counter to zero.

Parameter iv

An 8-byte long string which is only to be used once for every key.


This function MUST be called in addition to set_encrypt_key() or set_decrypt_key().


The same iv should NEVER be reused with the same key!

Class Nettle.CHACHA_POLY1305


Implementation of the CHACHA_POLY1305 AEAD algorithm.

Inherit AEAD

inherit AEAD : AEAD

Class Nettle.CHACHA_POLY1305.State


State for CHACHA_POLY1305 encyption.

Inherit State

inherit AEAD::State : State

Class Nettle.Cipher


Represents information about a cipher algorithm, such as name, key size, and block size.

Method block_size

int(1..) block_size()


The block size of the cipher (1 for stream ciphers).

Inherit Cipher

inherit __builtin.Nettle.Cipher : Cipher

Method key_size

int(1..) key_size()


The recommended key size for the cipher.

Method name

string(8bit) name()


A human readable name for the algorithm.

Class Nettle.Cipher.State


Base class for cipher contexts.

Method block_size

int(1..) block_size()


The block size for this cipher.


The default implementation just calls Cipher::block_size() in the parent.

Method crypt

string(8bit) crypt(string(8bit) data)


Encrypts or decrypts data, using the current key. Neither the input nor output data is automatically memory scrubbed, unless String.secure has been called on them.

Parameter data

For block ciphers, data must be an integral number of blocks.


The encrypted or decrypted data.

Inherit State

inherit Cipher::State : State

Method key_size

int(1..) key_size()


The actual key size for this cipher.

Method make_key

string(8bit) make_key()


Generate a key by calling Crypto.Random.random_string and initialize this object for encryption with that key.


The generated key. The key memory will be cleared before released.

See also


Method name

string(8bit) name()


A human readable name for the algorithm.


The default implementation just calls Cipher::name() in the parent.

Method set_decrypt_key

State set_decrypt_key(string(8bit) key, void|int flags)


Initializes the object for decryption. The key memory will be cleared before released.

See also

set_encrypt_key, crypt

Method set_encrypt_key

State set_encrypt_key(string(8bit) key, void|int flags)


Initializes the object for encryption. The key memory will be cleared before released.

See also

set_decrypt_key, crypt

Class Nettle.DES


Implementation of the Data Encryption Standard (DES) crypto algorithm.

Method fix_parity

string(8bit) fix_parity(string(8bit) key)


Sets the last bit in every byte in key to reflect the parity. If a seven byte key is used, it will be expanded into eight bytes. If a key longer than eight characters is used, it will be truncated to eight characters.

Inherit BlockCipher

inherit BlockCipher : BlockCipher

Class Nettle.DES.State


State for DES encyption

Method fix_parity

string(8bit) fix_parity(string(8bit) key)


Sets the last bit in every byte in key to reflect the parity. If a seven byte key is used, it will be expanded into eight bytes. If a key longer than eight characters is used, it will be truncated to eight characters.

Inherit State

inherit Cipher::State : State

Class Nettle.DES3


Implementation of the DES3 cipher algorithm.

Method fix_parity

string(8bit) fix_parity(string(8bit) key)


Sets the last bit in every byte in key to reflect the parity. If a 21 byte key is used, it will be expanded into 24 bytes. If a key longer than 24 characters is used, it will be truncated to 24 characters.

Inherit BlockCipher

inherit BlockCipher : BlockCipher

Class Nettle.DES3.State


State for DES3 encyption

Inherit State

inherit Cipher::State : State

Class Nettle.DH_Params


Diffie-Hellman Parameters.

Variable g

Gmp.mpz Nettle.DH_Params.g



Method generate

void generate(int p_bits, int q_bits, function(int(0..):string(8bit)) rnd)


Generate a new set of Diffie-Hellman parameters.


Throws errors for unsupported parameters.


This function is not available in all installations of Pike.

Method generate_keypair

array(Gmp.mpz) generate_keypair(function(int(0..):string(8bit)) rnd)


Generate a Diffie-Hellman key pair.


Returns the following array:

Gmp.mpz 0

The generated public key.

Gmp.mpz 1

The corresponding private key.

Variable p

Gmp.mpz Nettle.DH_Params.p



Variable q

Gmp.mpz Nettle.DH_Params.q



Class Nettle.ECC_Curve


Elliptic Curve Definition

Method `*

Point res = Nettle.ECC_Curve() * scalar


Multiply the curve by a scalar.

This can be used to get the public key from a private key.


Returns a new Point on the curve.

Method create

Nettle.ECC_Curve Nettle.ECC_Curve(int(0..) family, int(0..) field_size, int(0..) revision)


Initialize the curve.

Inherit ECC_Curve

inherit __builtin.Nettle.ECC_Curve : ECC_Curve

Method name

string(7bit) name()


Returns the name of the curve.

Method new_scalar

Gmp.mpz new_scalar(function(int(0..):string(8bit)) rnd)

Parameter rnd

Randomness function to use as source.


Returns a random scalar suitable to use as an ECDSA private key or as an ECDH exponent.

Method point_mul

Point point_mul(Gmp.mpz|int x, Gmp.mpz|int y, Gmp.mpz|int scalar)


Multiply a point on the curve by a scalar.

A typical use is for Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman (ECDH) key exchange.

This is equivalent to (Point(x, y) * scalar).


Returns the new Point on the curve.


Throws an error if the point (x, y) isn't on the curve.

Method size

int size()


Returns the size in bits for a single coordinate on the curve.

Class Nettle.ECC_Curve.ECDSA


Elliptic Curve Digital Signing Algorithm

Method generate_key

void generate_key()


Generate a new set of private and public keys on the current curve.

Method get_curve

ECC_Curve get_curve()


Get the elliptic curve that is in use.

Method get_private_key

Gmp.mpz get_private_key()


Get the private key.

Method get_x

Gmp.mpz get_x()


Get the x coordinate of the public key.

See also


Method get_y

Gmp.mpz get_y()


Get the y coordinate of the public key.

See also


Inherit Sign

inherit __builtin.Nettle.Sign : Sign

Method name

string(7bit) name()


Returns the string "ECDSA" followed by the parenthesized name of the curve.

Method raw_sign

array(Gmp.mpz) raw_sign(string(8bit) digest)


Sign the message digest digest. Returns the signature as two Gmp.mpz objects.

Method raw_verify

bool raw_verify(string(8bit) digest, Gmp.mpz r, Gmp.mpz s)


Verify the signature r, s against the message digest digest.

Method set_private_key

void set_private_key(Gmp.mpz|int k)


Set the private key (and corresponding private key).


Throws errors if the key isn't valid for the curve.

Method set_public_key

void set_public_key(Gmp.mpz|int x, Gmp.mpz|int y)


Change to the selected point on the curve as public key.


Throws errors if the point isn't on the curve.

Method set_random

void set_random(function(int(0..):string(8bit)) r)


Set the random function, used to generate keys and parameters, to the function r.

Class Nettle.ECC_Curve.Point


A point on an elliptic curve.

Method `*

Point res = Nettle.ECC_Curve.Point() * scalar


Multiply the point on the curve by a scalar.

A typical use is for Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman (ECDH) key exchange.


Returns the new point on the curve.

Method get_curve

ECC_Curve get_curve()


Get the elliptic curve that is in use.

Method get_x

Gmp.mpz get_x()


Get the x coordinate of the point.

See also


Method get_y

Gmp.mpz get_y()


Get the y coordinate of the point.

See also


Inherit Point

inherit ECC_Curve::Point : Point

Method name

string(7bit) name()


Returns the string "Point" followed by the parenthesized name of the curve.

Method set

void set(Gmp.mpz|int x, Gmp.mpz|int y)


Change to the selected point on the curve.


Throws errors if the point isn't on the curve.

Class Nettle.Fortuna


Implements the Fortuna PRNG generator, designed by Niels Ferguson and Bruce Schneier and described in Practical Cryptography. Web published exerpt at https://www.schneier.com:443/fortuna.pdf

This implementation uses AES256 to generate output and SHA256 to generate keys.

To use this class an entropy accumulator needs to be implemented and supply the reseed() method with new entopy.

Method random_string

string(8bit) random_string(int(0..) len)


Generates len amount of pseudo random data. In contrast with the Fortuna PseudoRandomData function, which only allows 2^20 bytes of random data per call, the necessary rekey operations are here performed internally, so no such restrictions apply.

Method reseed

void reseed(string(8bit) data)


Generates new a new key based on the provided additional entropy.

Class Nettle.GOST94


Implementation of the GOST94 hash algorithm.

Inherit Hash

inherit Hash : Hash

Class Nettle.GOST94.State


State for GOST94 hashing.

Inherit State

inherit Hash::State : State

Class Nettle.Hash


Represents information about a hash algorithm, such as name, digest size, and internal block size.

Method block_size

int(0..) block_size()


Returns the internal block size of the hash algorithm.

Method crypt_hash

string(7bit) crypt_hash(string(8bit) password, string(8bit) salt, int rounds)


Password hashing function in crypt_md5()-style.

Implements the algorithm described in http://www.akkadia.org/drepper/SHA-crypt.txt.

This is the algorithm used by crypt(2) in methods $5$ (SHA256) and $6$ (SHA512).

The password memory will be cleared before released.

See also


Method digest_size

int(0..) digest_size()


Returns the size of a hash digest.

Method hash

string(8bit) hash(string(8bit) data)


Works as a (faster) shortcut for State()->update(data)->digest(), where State is the hash state class corresponding to this Hash.

See also

State()->update() and State()->digest().

Method hash

string(8bit) hash(Stdio.File file, void|int bytes)


Works as a (faster) shortcut for State()->update(Stdio.read_file(file))->digest(), where State is the hash state class corresponding to this Hash.

Parameter bytes

The number of bytes of the file object file that should be hashed. Negative numbers are ignored and the whole file is hashed.

See also

Stdio.File, State()->update() and State()->digest().

Inherit Hash

inherit __builtin.Nettle.Hash : Hash

Method name

string(8bit) name()


Returns a human readable name for the algorithm.

Class Nettle.Hash.State


Base class for hashing contexts.

Method digest

string(8bit) digest(int|void length)


Generates a digest, and resets the hashing contents.

Parameter length

If the length argument is provided, the digest is truncated to the given length.


The digest.

Inherit State

inherit Hash::State : State

Method update

State update(string(8bit) data)


Hashes more data.


Returns this in order to simplify chaining of function calls.

Class Nettle.IDEA


Implementation of the IDEA cipher.

Inherit BlockCipher

inherit BlockCipher : BlockCipher

Class Nettle.IDEA.State


State for IDEA encyption.

Inherit State

inherit Cipher::State : State

Class Nettle.MAC


Represents information about a MAC algorithm, such as name, key size, digest size, and internal block size.

Method block_size

int(0..) block_size()


Returns the internal block size of the MAC algorithm.

Method digest_size

int(0..) digest_size()


Returns the size of a MAC digest.

Inherit MAC

inherit __builtin.Nettle.MAC : MAC

Method iv_size

int(0..) iv_size()


Returns the size of the iv/nonce of the MAC algorithm (if any).

Returns 0 (zero) if there is no configurable iv/nonce.

Method key_size

int(0..) key_size()


Returns the recommended size for the secret key for the MAC algorithm.

Method name

string(8bit) name()


Returns a human readable name for the algorithm.

Class Nettle.MAC.State


Base class for MAC contexts.

Method `()

string(8bit) res = Nettle.MAC.State()()


Acts as the combination of update() followed by digest().


Also updates the iv/nonce (if any).

Method create

Nettle.MAC.State Nettle.MAC.State(string(8bit) key)


Initialize the MAC with a password.

It also resets any iv/nonce to it's default.

Method digest

string(8bit) digest(int|void length)


Generates a digest, and resets the MAC contents.

Also updates the iv/nonce (if any).

Parameter length

If the length argument is provided, the digest is truncated to the given length.


The digest.

Inherit State

inherit MAC::State : State

Method set_iv

State set_iv(string(8bit) iv)


Set the iv/nonce (if supported) for the MAC.


Returns this in order to simplify chaining of function calls.

Method update

State update(string(8bit) data)


Hashes more data.


Returns this in order to simplify chaining of function calls.

Class Nettle.MD2


Implementation of the MD2 hash algorithm.

Inherit Hash

inherit Hash : Hash

Class Nettle.MD2.State


State for MD2 hashing.

Inherit State

inherit Hash::State : State

Class Nettle.MD4


Implementation of the MD4 hash algorithm.

Inherit Hash

inherit Hash : Hash

Class Nettle.MD4.State


State for MD4 hashing.

Inherit State

inherit Hash::State : State

Class Nettle.MD5


Implementation of the MD5 hash algorithm.

Inherit Hash

inherit Hash : Hash

Class Nettle.MD5.State


State for MD5 hashing.

Inherit State

inherit Hash::State : State

Class Nettle.POLY1305_AES


Implementation of the POLY1305_AES MAC algorithm.

Inherit MAC

inherit MAC : MAC

Class Nettle.POLY1305_AES.State


State for POLY1305_AES macing.

Inherit State

inherit MAC::State : State

Class Nettle.RIPEMD160


Implementation of the RIPEMD160 hash algorithm.

Inherit Hash

inherit Hash : Hash

Class Nettle.RIPEMD160.State


State for RIPEMD160 hashing.

Inherit State

inherit Hash::State : State

Class Nettle.SALSA20


Implementation of the SALSA20 cipher.

Inherit BlockCipher

inherit BlockCipher : BlockCipher

Class Nettle.SALSA20.State


State for SALSA20 encyption.

Inherit State

inherit Cipher::State : State

Method set_iv

object set_iv(string(8bit) iv)


Set the initialization vector (aka nonce) and reset the block counter to zero.

Parameter iv

An 8-byte long string which is only to be used once for every key.


This function MUST be called in addition to set_encrypt_key() or set_decrypt_key().


The same iv should NEVER be reused with the same key!

Class Nettle.SALSA20R12


Implementation of the SALSA20 cipher reduced to 12 rounds.

Inherit SALSA20

inherit SALSA20 : SALSA20

Class Nettle.SERPENT


Implementation of the SERPENT cipher.

Inherit BlockCipher16

inherit BlockCipher16 : BlockCipher16

Class Nettle.SERPENT.State


State for SERPENT encyption.

Inherit State

inherit Cipher::State : State

Class Nettle.SHA1


Implementation of the SHA1 hash algorithm.

Inherit Hash

inherit Hash : Hash

Class Nettle.SHA1.State


State for SHA1 hashing.

Inherit State

inherit Hash::State : State

Class Nettle.SHA224


Implementation of the SHA224 hash algorithm.

Inherit Hash

inherit Hash : Hash

Class Nettle.SHA224.State


State for SHA224 hashing.

Inherit State

inherit Hash::State : State

Class Nettle.SHA256


Implementation of the SHA256 hash algorithm.

Inherit Hash

inherit Hash : Hash

Class Nettle.SHA256.State


State for SHA256 hashing.

Inherit State

inherit Hash::State : State

Class Nettle.SHA384


Implementation of the SHA384 hash algorithm.

Inherit Hash

inherit Hash : Hash

Class Nettle.SHA384.State


State for SHA384 hashing.

Inherit State

inherit Hash::State : State

Class Nettle.SHA3_224


Implementation of the SHA3_224 hash algorithm.

Inherit Hash

inherit Hash : Hash

Class Nettle.SHA3_224.State


State for SHA3_224 hashing.

Inherit State

inherit Hash::State : State

Class Nettle.SHA3_256


Implementation of the SHA3_256 hash algorithm.

Inherit Hash

inherit Hash : Hash

Class Nettle.SHA3_256.State


State for SHA3_256 hashing.

Inherit State

inherit Hash::State : State

Class Nettle.SHA3_384


Implementation of the SHA3_384 hash algorithm.

Inherit Hash

inherit Hash : Hash

Class Nettle.SHA3_384.State


State for SHA3_384 hashing.

Inherit State

inherit Hash::State : State

Class Nettle.SHA3_512


Implementation of the SHA3_512 hash algorithm.

Inherit Hash

inherit Hash : Hash

Class Nettle.SHA3_512.State


State for SHA3_512 hashing.

Inherit State

inherit Hash::State : State

Class Nettle.SHA512


Implementation of the SHA512 hash algorithm.

Inherit Hash

inherit Hash : Hash

Class Nettle.SHA512.State


State for SHA512 hashing.

Inherit State

inherit Hash::State : State

Class Nettle.Twofish


Implementation of the Twofish cipher.

Inherit BlockCipher16

inherit BlockCipher16 : BlockCipher16

Class Nettle.Twofish.State


State for Twofish encyption.

Inherit State

inherit Cipher::State : State

Class Nettle.UMAC128_AES


Implementation of the UMAC128_AES MAC algorithm.

Inherit MAC

inherit MAC : MAC

Class Nettle.UMAC128_AES.State


State for UMAC128_AES macing.

Inherit State

inherit MAC::State : State

Class Nettle.UMAC32_AES


Implementation of the UMAC32_AES MAC algorithm.

Inherit MAC

inherit MAC : MAC

Class Nettle.UMAC32_AES.State


State for UMAC32_AES macing.

Inherit State

inherit MAC::State : State

Class Nettle.UMAC64_AES


Implementation of the UMAC64_AES MAC algorithm.

Inherit MAC

inherit MAC : MAC

Class Nettle.UMAC64_AES.State


State for UMAC64_AES macing.

Inherit State

inherit MAC::State : State

Class Nettle.UMAC96_AES


Implementation of the UMAC96_AES MAC algorithm.

Inherit MAC

inherit MAC : MAC

Class Nettle.UMAC96_AES.State


State for UMAC96_AES macing.

Inherit State

inherit MAC::State : State

Class Nettle.Yarrow


Yarrow is a family of pseudo-randomness generators, designed for cryptographic use, by John Kelsey, Bruce Schneier and Niels Ferguson. Yarrow-160 is described in a paper at http://www.schneier.com/paper-yarrow.html, and it uses SHA1 and triple-DES, and has a 160-bit internal state. Nettle implements Yarrow-256, which is similar, but uses SHA256 and AES to get an internal state of 256 bits.

Method create

Nettle.Yarrow Nettle.Yarrow(void|int sources)


The number of entropy sources that will feed entropy to the random number generator is given as an argument to Yarrow during instantiation.

See also


Method force_reseed

void force_reseed()


By calling this function entropy is moved from the slow pool to the fast pool. Read more about Yarrow before using this.

Method get_seed

string(8bit) get_seed()


Returns part of the internal state so that it can be saved for later seeding. This method is deprecated. Instead read the min_seed_size number of bytes from the random_string method.

See also

seed(), random_string()

Method is_seeded

bool is_seeded()


Returns 1 if the random generator is seeded and ready to generator output. 0 otherwise.

See also


Method min_seed_size

int(0..) min_seed_size()


Returns the minimal number of characters that the seed needs to properly seed the random number generator.

See also


Method needed_sources

int(0..) needed_sources()


The number of sources that must reach the threshold before a slow reseed will happen.

Method random_string

string(8bit) random_string(int length)


Returns a pseudo-random string of the requested length.

Method seed

Yarrow seed(string(8bit) data)


The random generator needs to be seeded before it can be used. The seed must be at least 32 characters long. The seed could be stored from a previous run by inserting the value returned from previous random_string call.


Returns the called object.

See also

min_seed_size, is_seeded

Method update

bool update(string(8bit) data, int source, int entropy)


Inject additional entropy into the random number generator.

See also


Module Object


constant Object.DESTRUCT_NO_REFS
constant Object.DESTRUCT_GC
constant Object.DESTRUCT_CLEANUP


Flags passed to lfun::destroy.


Object.DESTRUCT_EXPLICIT is 0 and Object.DESTRUCT_CLEANUP is 1 for compatibility.

Method secure

object secure(object str)


Marks the object as secure, which will clear the memory area before freeing the object.

See also


Module Odbc


Low-level interface to Open DataBase Connectivity SQL-drivers.


You typically don't want to access this module directly, but instead use Sql.Sql() with an "odbc://" or "dsn://" URL.

See also


Method connect_lock

bool connect_lock(void|int enable)


Enable or disable a mutex that serializes all ODBC SQLConnect calls (i.e. when ODBC connections are created). This lock might be necessary to work around bugs in ODBC drivers.

Parameter enable

Enables the mutex if nonzero, disables it otherwise. The state is not changed if this argument is left out.


The old state of the flag.


This is currently enabled by default due to bugs in the current FreeTDS library (version 0.63), but that might change if the demand for this kludge ceases in the future. Therefore, if this setting is important to you then always set it explicitly. Hopefully most users don't need to bother with it.

Method list_dbs

array(string) list_dbs()


List the configured ODBC database sources.

Class Odbc.odbc


Low-level connection to an ODBC or DSN database.


You typically don't want to access this module directly, but instead use the Sql.odbc or Sql.dsn created by Sql.Sql().

See also

Sql.odbc, Sql.dsn

Module PDF

Constant a0_width
Constant a0_height
Constant a1_width
Constant a1_height
Constant a2_width
Constant a2_height
Constant a3_width
Constant a3_height
Constant a4_width
Constant a4_height
Constant a5_width
Constant a5_height
Constant a6_width
Constant a6_height
Constant b5_width
Constant b5_height
Constant letter_width
Constant letter_height
Constant legal_width
Constant legal_height
Constant ledger_width
Constant ledger_height
Constant p11x17_width
Constant p11x17_height

constant PDF.a0_width
constant PDF.a0_height
constant PDF.a1_width
constant PDF.a1_height
constant PDF.a2_width
constant PDF.a2_height
constant PDF.a3_width
constant PDF.a3_height
constant PDF.a4_width
constant PDF.a4_height
constant PDF.a5_width
constant PDF.a5_height
constant PDF.a6_width
constant PDF.a6_height
constant PDF.b5_width
constant PDF.b5_height
constant PDF.letter_width
constant PDF.letter_height
constant PDF.legal_width
constant PDF.legal_height
constant PDF.ledger_width
constant PDF.ledger_height
constant PDF.p11x17_width
constant PDF.p11x17_height

Class PDF.PDFgen


Interface to the pdflib pdf generator. For more information see http://www.pdflib.com

Method add_bookmark

int add_bookmark(string text, int parent, int open)

Method add_launchlink

object add_launchlink(float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, string filename)

Method add_locallink

object add_locallink(float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, int page, string dest)

Method add_pdflink

object add_pdflink(float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, string filename, int page, string dest)

Method add_weblink

object add_weblink(float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, string url)

Method arc

object arc(float x, float y, float r, float start, float end)

Method attach_file

object attach_file(float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, string filename, string description, string author, string mimetype, string icon)

Method begin_page

PDF begin_page()
PDF begin_page(float width, float height)


note: Defaults to a4, portrait

Method circle

object circle(float x, float y, float r)

Method close

PDF close()

Method close_image

object close_image(int image)

Method concat

object concat(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f)

Method continue_text

PDF continue_text(string s)

Method create


Method curveto

object curveto(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3)

Method end_page

PDF end_page()

Method findfont

int findfont(string fontname)
int findfont(string fontname, void|string encoding, void|int embed)

Method get_parameter

string get_parameter(string key)
string get_parameter(string key, float modifier)

Method get_value

float get_value(string key)
float get_value(string key, float modifier)

Method lineto

object lineto(float x, float y)

Method moveto

object moveto(float x, float y)

Method open_CCITT

int open_CCITT(string filename, int width, int height, int BitReverse, int K, int BlackIs1)

Method open_file

int open_file(string filename)

Method open_image

int open_image(string type, string source, string data, int width, int height, int components, int bpc, string params)

Method open_image_file

int open_image_file(string type, string filename)
int open_image_file(string type, string filename, void|string stringparam, void|int intparam)

Method place_image

object place_image(int image, float x, float y, float scale)

Method rect

object rect(float x, float y, float width, float height)

Method rotate

object rotate(float phi)

Method scale

object scale(float sx, float sy)

Method set_border_color

object set_border_color(float red, float green, float blue)

Method set_border_dash

object set_border_dash(float b, float w)

Method set_border_style

object set_border_style(string style, float width)

Method set_info

float set_info(string key, string info)

Method set_parameter

float set_parameter(string key, string parameter)

Method set_text_pos

object set_text_pos(float x, float y)

Method set_value

float set_value(string key, float value)

Method setdash

object setdash(float b, float w)

Method setflat

object setflat(float flatness)

Method setfont

PDF setfont(int n, float size)

Method setgray

object setgray(float gray)

Method setgray_fill

object setgray_fill(float gray)

Method setgray_stroke

object setgray_stroke(float gray)

Method setlinecap

object setlinecap(int linecap)

Method setlinejoin

object setlinejoin(int linejoin)

Method setlinewidth

object setlinewidth(float width)

Method setmiterlimit

object setmiterlimit(float miter)

Method setrgbcolor

object setrgbcolor(float red, float green, float blue)

Method setrgbcolor_fill

object setrgbcolor_fill(float red, float green, float blue)

Method setrgbcolor_stroke

object setrgbcolor_stroke(float red, float green, float blue)

Method show

PDF show(string s)

Method show_boxed

int show_boxed(string text, float x, float y, float width, float height, string mode)
int show_boxed(string text, float x, float y, float width, float height, string mode, string feature)

Method showxy

PDF showxy(string s, float x, float y)

Method skew

object skew(float alpha, float beta)

Method stringwidth

float stringwidth(string text, int font, float size)

Method translate

object translate(float tx, float ty)

Module Pango

Module Pike

Constant Backend

constant Pike.Backend


The class of the DefaultBackend.

Typically something that has inherited __Backend.

See also

__Backend, DefaultBackend


constant Pike.INDEX_FROM_BEG
constant Pike.INDEX_FROM_END
constant Pike.OPEN_BOUND


Used with predef::`[..] and lfun::`[..] to specify how the corresponding index maps to an upper or lower range bound:


The index is relative to the beginning of the string or array (or any other sequence implemented through an object). Sequences typically start at zero.


The index is relative to the end of the sequence. In strings and arrays, the last element is at zero, the one before that at one, etc.


The range is open in the corresponding direction. The index is irrelevant in this case.

Variable SmallBackend

program Pike.SmallBackend


This is the most suitable backend implementation if you only want to monitor a small number of Stdio.File objects.

Constant WEAK

constant Pike.WEAK_INDICES
constant Pike.WEAK_VALUES
constant Pike.WEAK


Flags for use together with set_weak_flag and get_weak_flag. See set_weak_flag for details.




This constant exists and has the value 1 if cpp supports the prefix feature.

See also


Method count_memory

int count_memory(int|mapping(string:int) options, array|multiset|mapping|object|program|string|type|int ... things)


In brief, if you call Pike.count_memory(0,x) you get back the number of bytes x occupies in memory.

The detailed story is a bit longer:

This function calculates the number of bytes that all things occupy. Or put another way, it calculates the number of bytes that would be freed if all those things would lose their references at the same time, i.e. not only the memory in the things themselves, but also in all the things that are directly and indirectly referenced from those things and not from anywhere else.

The memory counted is only that which is directly occupied by the things in question, including any overallocation for mappings, multisets and arrays. Other memory overhead that they give rise to is not counted. This means that if you would count the memory occupied by all the pike accessible things you would get a figure significantly lower than what the OS gives for the pike process.

Also, if you were to actually free the things, you should not expect the size of the pike process to drop the amount of bytes returned by this function. That since Pike often retains the memory to be reused later.

However, what you should expect is that if you actually free the things and then later allocates some more things for which this function returns the same size, there should be essentially no increase in the size of the pike process (some increase might occur due to internal fragmentation and memory pooling, but it should be small in general and over time).

The search for things only referenced from things can handle limited cyclic structures. That is done by doing a "lookahead", i.e. searching through referenced things that apparently have other outside references. You can control how long this lookahead should be through options (see below). If the lookahead is too short to cover the cycles in a structure then a too low value is returned. If the lookahead is made gradually longer then the returned value will eventually become accurate and not increase anymore. If the lookahead is too long then unnecessary time might be spent searching through things that really have external references.

Objects that are known to be part of cyclic structures are encouraged to have an integer constant or variable pike_cycle_depth that specifies the lookahead needed to discover those cycles. When Pike.count_memory visits such objects, it uses that as the lookahead when going through the references emanating from them. Thus, assuming objects adhere to this convention, you should rarely have to specify a lookahead higher than zero to this function.

Note that pike_cycle_depth can also be set to zero to effectively stop the lookahead from continuing through the object. That can be useful to put in objects you know have global references, to speed up the traversal.

Parameter options

If this is an integer, it specifies the maximum lookahead distance. -1 counts only the memory of the given things, without following any references. 0 extends the count to all their referenced things as long as there are no cycles (except if pike_cycle_depth is found in objects - see above). 1 makes it cover cycles of length 1 (e.g. a thing points to itself), 2 handles cycles of length 2 (e.g. where two things point at each other), and so on.

However, the lookahead is by default blocked by programs, i.e. it never follows references emanating from programs. That since programs seldom are part of dynamic data structures, and they also typically contain numerous references to global data which would add a lot of work to the lookahead search.

To control the search in more detail, options can be a mapping instead:

lookahead : int

The maximum lookahead distance, as described above. Defaults to 0 if missing.

block_arrays : int

When any of these are given with a nonzero value, the corresponding type is blocked when lookahead references are followed. They are unblocked if the flag is given with a zero value. Only programs are blocked by default.

These blocks are only active during the lookahead, so blocked things are still recursed and memory counted if they are given as arguments or only got internal references.

block_mappings : int
block_multisets : int
block_objects : int
block_programs : int
block_strings : int

If positive then strings are always excluded (except any given directly in things), if negative they are always included. Otherwise they are counted if they have no other refs, but note that since strings are shared they might get refs from other unrelated parts of the program.

block_pike_cycle_depth : int

Do not heed pike_cycle_depth values found in objects. This is implicit if the lookahead is negative.

return_count : int

Return the number of things that memory was counted for, instead of the byte count. (This is the same number internal contains if collect_stats is set.)

collect_internals : int

If this is nonzero then its value is replaced with an array that contains the things that memory was counted for.

collect_externals : int

If set then the value is replaced with an array containing the things that were visited but turned out to have external references (within the limited lookahead).

collect_direct_externals : int

If set then the value is replaced with an array containing the things found during the lookahead that (appears to) have direct external references. This list is a subset of the collect_externals list. It is useful if you get unexpected global references to your data structure which you want to track down.

collect_stats : int

If this is nonzero then the mapping is extended with more elements containing statistics from the search; see below.

When the collect_stats flag is set, the mapping is extended with these elements:

internal : int

Number of things that were marked internal and hence memory counted. It includes the things given as arguments.

cyclic : int

Number of things that were marked internal only after resolving cycles.

external : int

Number of things that were visited through the lookahead but were found to be external.

visits : int

Number of times things were visited in total. This figure includes visits to various internal things that aren't visible from the pike level, so it might be larger than what is apparently motivated by the numbers above.

revisits : int

Number of times the same things were revisited. This can occur in the lookahead when a thing is encountered through a shorter path than the one it first got visited through. It also occurs in resolved cycles. Like visits, this count can include things that aren't visible from pike.

rounds : int

Number of search rounds. This is usually 1 or 2. More rounds are necessary only when blocked types turn out to be (acyclic) internal, so that they need to be counted and recursed anyway.

work_queue_alloc : int

The number of elements that were allocated to store the work queue which is used to keep track of the things to visit during the lookahead. This is usually bigger than the maximum number of things the queue actually held.

size : int

The memory occupied by the internal things. This is the same as the normal return value, but it's put here too for convenience.

Parameter things

One or more things to count memory size for. Only things passed by reference are allowed, except for functions which are forbidden because a meaningful size calculation can't be done for them.

Integers are allowed because they are bignum objects when they become sufficiently large. However, passing an integer that is small enough to fit into the native integer type will return zero.


Returns the number of bytes occupied by the counted things. If the return_count option is set then the number of things are returned instead.


The result of Pike.count_memory(0,a,b) might be larger than the sum of Pike.count_memory(0,a) and Pike.count_memory(0,b) since a and b together might reference things that aren't referenced from anywhere else.


It's possible that a string that is referenced still isn't counted, because strings are always shared in Pike and the same string may be in use in some unrelated part of the program.

Method gc_parameters

mapping(string:float) gc_parameters(void|mapping(string:mixed) params)


Set and get various parameters that control the operation of the garbage collector. The passed mapping contains the parameters to set. If a parameter is missing from the mapping, the current value will be filled in instead. The same mapping is returned. Thus an empty mapping, or no argument at all, causes a mapping with all current settings to be returned.

The following parameters are recognized:

"enabled" : int

If this is 1 then the gc is enabled as usual. If it's 0 then all automatically scheduled gc runs are disabled and the parameters below have no effect, but explicit runs through the gc function still works as usual. If it's -1 then the gc is completely disabled so that even explicit gc calls won't do anything.

"garbage_ratio_low" : float

As long as the gc time is less than time_ratio below, aim to run the gc approximately every time the ratio between the garbage and the total amount of allocated things is this.

"time_ratio" : float

When more than this fraction of the time is spent in the gc, aim for garbage_ratio_high instead of garbage_ratio_low.

"garbage_ratio_high" : float

Upper limit for the garbage ratio - run the gc as often as it takes to keep it below this.

"min_gc_time_ratio" : float

This puts an upper limit on the gc interval, in addition to the factors above. It is specified as the minimum amount of time spent doing gc, as a factor of the total time. The reason for this limit is that the current amount of garbage can only be measured in a gc run, and if the gc starts to run very seldom due to very little garbage, it might get too slow to react to an increase in garbage generation. Set to 0.0 to turn this limit off.

"average_slowness" : float

When predicting the next gc interval, use a decaying average with this slowness factor. It should be a value between 0.0 and 1.0 that specifies the weight to give to the old average value. The remaining weight up to 1.0 is given to the last reading.

"pre_cb" : function(:void)

This function is called when the gc starts.

"post_cb" : function(:void)

This function is called when the mark and sweep pass of the gc is done.

"destruct_cb" : function(object, int, int:void)

This function is called once for each object that is part of a cycle just before the gc will destruct it. The arguments are:

The object to be destructed.

The reason for it being destructed. One of:


Destructed during exit.


Destructed during normal implicit or explicit gc().

The number of references it had.

"done_cb" : function(int:void)

This function is called when the gc is done and about to exit. The argument is the same value as will be returned by gc().

See also

gc, Debug.gc_status

Method get_first_arg_type

type get_first_arg_type(type fun_type)


Check if a function of the type fun_type may be called with an argument, and return the type of that argument.


Returns the expected type of the first argument to the function.

Returns 0 (zero) if a function of the type fun_type may not be called with any argument, or if it is not callable.

Method get_return_type

type get_return_type(type fun_type)


Check what a function of the type fun_type will return if called with no arguments.


Returns the type of the returned value on success

Returns 0 (zero) on failure.

Method get_runtime_info

mapping(string:int|string) get_runtime_info()


Get information about the Pike runtime.


Returns a mapping with the following content:

"bytecode_method" : string

A string describing the bytecode method used by the Pike interpreter.

"abi" : int

The number of bits in the ABI. Usually 32 or 64.

"native_byteorder" : int

The byte order used by the native cpu. Usually 1234 (aka little endian) or 4321 (aka bigendian).

"int_size" : int

The number of bits in the native integer type. Usually 32 or 64.

"float_size" : int

The number of bits in the native floating point type. Usually 32 or 64.

"auto_bignum" : bool

Present if integers larger than the native size are automatically converted into bignums.

Method get_type_attributes

array(string) get_type_attributes(type t)


Get the attribute markers for a type.


Returns an array with the attributes for the type t.

See also

get_return_type(), get_first_arg_type()

Method identify_cycle

array(mixed) identify_cycle(mixed x)


Identify reference cycles in Pike datastructures.

This function is typically used to identify why certain datastructures need the gc to run to be freed.

Parameter x

Value that is believed to be involved in a reference cycle.


Returns UNDEFINED if x is not member of a reference cycle.


Otherwise returns an array identifying a cycle with x as the first element, and where the elements refer to each other in order, and the last element refers to the first.

Method implicit_gc_real_time

int implicit_gc_real_time(void|int nsec)


Returns the total amount of real time that has been spent in implicit GC runs. The time is normally returned in microseconds, but if the optional argument nsec is nonzero it's returned in nanoseconds.

See also


Method low_check_call

type low_check_call(type fun_type, type arg_type)
type low_check_call(type fun_type, type arg_type, int flags)


Check whether a function of type fun_type may be called with a first argument of type arg_type.

Parameter flags

The following flags are currently defined:


Strict types. Fail if not all possible values in arg_type are valid as the first argument to fun_type.


Last argument. arg_type is the last argument to fun_type.


Both strict types and last argument as above.


Returns a continuation type on success.

Returns 0 (zero) on failure.

Method soft_cast

type soft_cast(type to, type from)


Return the resulting type from a soft cast of from to to.

Class Pike.BacktraceFrame

Method _is_type

bool res = is_type(Pike.BacktraceFrame())


This object claims to be an array for backward compatibility.

Method _sizeof

int(3..) sizeof( Pike.BacktraceFrame arg )

Method _sprintf

string sprintf(string format, ... Pike.BacktraceFrame arg ... )

Method `[]

mixed res = Pike.BacktraceFrame()[ index ]


The BacktraceFrame object can be indexed as an array.

Method `[]=

Pike.BacktraceFrame()[ index ] = value

Class Pike.DestructImmediate


An empty class that can be inherited to get the PROGRAM_DESTRUCT_IMMEDIATE flag set.

Class Pike.FakeObject


Used as a place holder in eg backtraces for objects that are unsuitable to have references to in backtraces.

Examples of such objects are instances of Thread.MutexKey, and Nettle.Cipher.State.

See also


Class Pike.MasterCodec


This is a bare-bones codec that is used when loading a dumped master.

See also


Method decode_object

object decode_object(object obj, mixed data)


Calls obj->_decode(data).

Method functionof

mixed functionof(mixed symbol)


Look up a function in all_constants().

Method objectof

mixed objectof(mixed symbol)


Look up an object in all_constants().

Method programof

mixed programof(mixed symbol)


Look up a program in all_constants().

Class Pike.PollBackend


Backend implemented with poll(2) (SVr4, POSIX).

See also


Method `()

float|int(0..0) res = Pike.PollBackend()()


Perform one pass through the backend.

Calls any outstanding call-outs and non-blocking I/O callbacks that are registred in this backend object.

Parameter sleep_time

Wait at most sleep_time seconds. The default when unspecified or the integer 0 is no time limit.


If the backend did call any callbacks or call outs then the time spent in the backend is returned as a float. Otherwise the integer 0 is returned.

See also

Pike.DefaultBackend, main()

Inherit __Backend

inherit __Backend : __Backend

Class Pike.PollDeviceBackend


Backend implemented with /dev/poll (Solaris, OSF/1 and IRIX), epoll(2) (Linux) or kqueue(2) (MacOS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, etc).

See also


Method `()

float|int(0..0) res = Pike.PollDeviceBackend()()


Perform one pass through the backend.

Calls any outstanding call-outs and non-blocking I/O callbacks that are registred in this backend object.

Parameter sleep_time

Wait at most sleep_time seconds. The default when unspecified or the integer 0 is no time limit.


If the backend did call any callbacks or call outs then the time spent in the backend is returned as a float. Otherwise the integer 0 is returned.

See also

Pike.DefaultBackend, main()

Method enable_core_foundation

int enable_core_foundation(bool enable)


On systems with CoreFoundation (OSX, iOS, etc), use CoreFoundation to poll for events. This enables system level technologies that rely on CoreFoundation Runloops to function properly.

Parameter enable

enable or disable this functionality


the previous value of this setting.

Method enable_external_runloop

int enable_external_runloop(bool enable)


On systems with CoreFoundation (OSX, iOS, etc), delegate running of the Pike Backend to the main runloop of the process (such as a Cocoa application's NSRunLoop).

Enabling the external runloop allows Pike callouts and callback-based I/O to function normally while greatly reducing cpu utilization compared to running the external runloop manually.

Parameter enable

enable or disable this functionality


the previous value of this setting.

Inherit __Backend

inherit __Backend : __Backend

Method query_core_foundation_enabled

int query_core_foundation_enabled()


On systems with CoreFoundation (OSX, iOS, etc), indicate whether CoreFoundation is being used by this backend to poll for events.


the current state of CoreFoundation polling: 1=enabled, 0=disabled

Method set_signal_event_callback

optional void set_signal_event_callback(int signum, function(:void) cb)


Request cb to be called from the backend when the signal signum is received.


This function is a noop except for the kqueue case.


Caveat emptor: Unlikely to work.

See also


Class Pike.SelectBackend


Backend based on the classic select(2) system call from BSD.

Method `()

float|int(0..0) res = Pike.SelectBackend()()


Perform one pass through the backend.

Calls any outstanding call-outs and non-blocking I/O callbacks that are registred in this backend object.

Parameter sleep_time

Wait at most sleep_time seconds. The default when unspecified or the integer 0 is no time limit.


If the backend did call any callbacks or call outs then the time spent in the backend is returned as a float. Otherwise the integer 0 is returned.

See also

Pike.DefaultBackend, main()

Inherit __Backend

inherit __Backend : __Backend

Class Pike.Watchdog


A Watchdog that ensures that the process is not hung for an extended period of time. The definition of 'hung' is: Has not used the default backend.

An important and useful side-effect of this class is that the process will start to respond to kill -QUIT by printing a lot of debug information to stderr, including memory usage, and if pike is compiled with profiling, the CPU used since the last time kill -QUIT was called.

Method add_debug

void add_debug(function(void:void) f)


The function f will be called if the watchdog triggers, before the normal watchdog output is written.

Method add_probe

void add_probe(function(void:bool) f)


Add additional functions to be called each time the watchdog is checked. If any of the probes return false, the watchdog will trigger.

Method alarm_alarm_alarm

void alarm_alarm_alarm()


Explicitly trigger the watchdog, if enough CPU time has been used. This is not normally called manually.

Method create

Pike.Watchdog Pike.Watchdog(int t)


Create a new watchdog, with the intended delay.

Even though the actual watchdog functionality is currently not available on systems without sigalarm, such as Windows, the functionality can still be triggered by adding probe functions

See also

add_probe() and set_delay()

Method ping

void ping()


Tell the watchdog that all is well, and the CPU is not really blocked. Can be used during long calculations that block the normal backend, note that this basically bypasses the main functionality of the watchdog, that is, detecting blocked backend threads.

Method print_debug

void print_debug()


Output thread stacktraces, memory and profiling (if available) debug information to stderr.

Method really_trigger_watchdog_promise

void really_trigger_watchdog_promise()


Really trigger the watchdog, killing the current process. This is not normally called manually.

Method set_delay

void set_delay(int t)


Set the watchdog interval to t seconds.

The change will not take effect until the previous probe has been triggered.

Class Pike.__Backend


Base class for the various backend implementations.

Implements callback registration functions and defines the main backend APIs.

Method _do_call_outs

int _do_call_outs()


Do all pending call_outs.

This function runs all pending call_outs that should have been run if Pike returned to the backend. It should not be used in normal operation.

As a side-effect, this function sets the value returned by time(1) to the current time.


Zero if no call outs were called, nonzero otherwise.

See also

call_out(), find_call_out(), remove_call_out()

Method `()

float|int(0..0) res = Pike.__Backend()()


Perform one pass through the backend.

Calls any outstanding call-outs and non-blocking I/O callbacks that are registred in this backend object.

Parameter sleep_time

Wait at most sleep_time seconds. The default when unspecified or the integer 0 is no time limit.


If the backend did call any callbacks or call outs then the time spent in the backend is returned as a float. Otherwise the integer 0 is returned.


If multiple threads concurrently call this function, then:

  • One of the threads will be the controlling thread.

  • All callbacks will be called from the controlling thread.

  • All threads will be woken up when the controlling thread is done. This may be prematurely if the controlling thread had a shorter timeout.


The backend may also be woken up prematurely if the set of events to monitor is changed.


Multiple concurrent calls was not supported prior to Pike 8.0.

See also

Pike.DefaultBackend, main()

Method add_file

void add_file(Stdio.File|Stdio.FILE f)


Register a file to be handled by this backend.

Parameter f

File to register.

Registers f to be handled by this backend. This simply does f->set_backend(backend) where backend is this object.

See also

Pike.DefaultBackend, main()

Variable before_callback
Variable after_callback

function(Backend:void) Pike.__Backend.before_callback
function(Backend:void) Pike.__Backend.after_callback


If set, these are called just before and after the backend waits for an event.

If an error is thrown from these callbacks then it is reported using master()->handle_error() - it doesn't interrupt the operation of the backend.

Method call_out

array call_out(function(:void) f, float|int delay, mixed ... args)


Make a delayed call to a function.

call_out() places a call to the function f with the argument args in a queue to be called in about delay seconds.

If f returns -1, no other call out or callback will be called by the backend in this round. I.e. `() will return right away. For the main backend that means it will immediately start another round and check files and call outs anew.


Returns a call_out identifier that identifies this call_out. This value can be sent to eg find_call_out() or remove_call_out().

See also

remove_call_out(), find_call_out(), call_out_info(), CallOut

Method call_out_info

array(array) call_out_info()


Get info about all call_outs.

This function returns an array with one entry for each entry in the call out queue. The first in the queue will be at index 0. Each index contains an array that looks like this:

int time_left

Time remaining in seconds until the call_out is to be performed.

int(0..0) zero

Used to be the object that scheduled the call_out.

function(:void) fun

Function to be called.

mixed ... args

Arguments to the function.

See also

call_out(), find_call_out(), remove_call_out()

Method create

Pike.__Backend Pike.__Backend()

Method executing_thread

Thread.Thread executing_thread()
int executing_thread()


Return the thread currently executing in the backend. I.e. the thread that has called `() and hasn't exited from that call. Zero is returned if there's no thread in the backend.

If Pike is compiled without thread support then 1 is returned if we're inside the backend, 0 otherwise.

Method find_call_out

int find_call_out(function(:void) f)
int find_call_out(array id)


Find a call out in the queue.

This function searches the call out queue. If given a function as argument, it looks for the first call out scheduled to that function.

The argument can also be a call out id as returned by call_out(), in which case that call_out will be found (Unless it has already been called).


find_call_out() returns the remaining time in seconds before that call_out will be executed. If no call_out is found, zero_type(find_call_out(f)) will return 1.

See also

call_out(), remove_call_out(), call_out_info()

Method get_stats

mapping(string:int) get_stats()


Get some statistics about the backend.


Returns a mapping with the follwoing content:

"num_call_outs" : int

The number of active call-outs.

"call_out_bytes" : int

The amount of memory used by the call-outs.

Method id

int id()


Return an integer that uniquely identifies this backend. For the default backend that integer is 0.

Method remove_call_out

int remove_call_out(function(:void) f)
int remove_call_out(array id)


Remove a call out from the call out queue.

This function finds the first call to the function f in the call_out queue and removes it. You can also give a call out id as argument (as returned by call_out()).


The remaining time in seconds left to that call out will be returned. If no call_out was found, zero_type(remove_call_out(f)) will return 1.

See also

call_out_info(), call_out(), find_call_out()

Class Pike.__Backend.CallOut


Represents a single call_out in the call_out list.

See also


Variable args

protected array Pike.__Backend.CallOut.args


The array containing the function and arguments.

Method create

Pike.__Backend.CallOut Pike.__Backend.CallOut(int|float seconds, mixed fun, mixed ... args)


Start a new call out.

This is the low-level implementation of call_out().

call_out() is essentially implemented as:

array call_out(mixed fun, int|float seconds, mixed ... args)
      return CallOut(seconds, fun, @args)->args;
See also


Module Pike.DefaultBackend


This is the Backend object that files and call_outs are handled by by default.

This is also the Backend object that will be used if main() returns -1.

See also

Backend, Stdio.File()->set_nonblocking(), call_out()

Module Pike.Security


Pike has an optional internal security system, which can be enabled with the configure-option --with-security.

The security system is based on attaching credential objects (Pike.Security.Creds) to objects, programs, arrays, mappings or multisets.

A credential object in essence holds three values:

user -- The owner.

allow_bits -- Run-time access permissions.

data_bits -- Data access permissions.

Constant BIT_CALL

constant Pike.Security.BIT_CALL


Allow calling of functions.


constant Pike.Security.BIT_CONDITIONAL_IO


Allow conditional useage of I/O. The callbacks valid_open and valid_io will be called in the User object in the current Creds object to determine if the I/O is allowed or not.


constant Pike.Security.BIT_DESTRUCT


Allow use of destruct.

Constant BIT_INDEX

constant Pike.Security.BIT_INDEX


Allow indexing.


constant Pike.Security.BIT_NOT_SETUID


Don't change active credentials on function call.


constant Pike.Security.BIT_SECURITY


Allow usage of security related functions.


constant Pike.Security.BIT_SET_INDEX


Allow setting of indices.

Method call_with_creds

mixed call_with_creds(Creds creds, mixed func, mixed ... args)


Call with credentials.

Sets the current credentials to creds, and calls func(@args). If creds is 0 (zero), the credentials from the current object will be used.


The current creds or the current object must have the allow bit BIT_SECURITY set to allow calling with creds other than 0 (zero).

Method get_current_creds

Creds get_current_creds()


Get the current credentials

Returns the credentials that are currently active. Returns 0 (zero) if no credentials are active.

See also


Method get_object_creds

Creds get_object_creds(object|program|function(:void)|array|mapping|multiset o)


Get the credentials from o.

Returns 0 if o does not have any credentials.

Class Pike.Security.Creds


The credentials object.

Method apply

void apply(object|program|function(:void)|array|mapping|multiset o)


Set the credentials for o to this credentials object.


To perform this operation the current credentials needs to have the bit BIT_SECURITY set, or have the same user as the old credentials and not change the user by performing the operation.

Method create

Pike.Security.Creds Pike.Security.Creds(User user, int allow_bits, int data_bits)


Initialize a new credentials object.

Parameter allow_bits

Any of the flags BIT_SECURITY and BIT_CONDITIONAL_IO or:ed together.

Parameter data_bits

Any of the flags BIT_INDEX, BIT_SET_INDEX, BIT_CALL, BIT_NOT_SETUID and BIT_DESTRUCT or:ed together.


Throws an exception if the current creds doesn't have the allow bit BIT_SECURITY set.

Method get_allow_bits

int get_allow_bits()


Get the allow_bit bitmask.

Method get_data_bits

int get_data_bits()


Get the data_bits bitmask.

Method get_default_creds

Creds get_default_creds()


Get the default credentials.

Returns the default credentials object if it has been set. Returns 0 (zero) if it has not been set.

See also


Method get_user

object get_user()


Get the user part.

Method set_default_creds

void set_default_creds(Creds creds)


Set the default credentials


The current creds must have the allow bit BIT_SECURITY set.

See also


Class Pike.Security.User


Virtual class for User objects, used in Creds objects.

Method valid_io

int(2bit)|array valid_io(string fun, string type, mixed ... args)


This callback gets called when I/O operations not performed on file objects are performed.

Method valid_open

int(2bit)|string valid_open(string type, object current, string filename, string flags, int access)


This callback gets called when a new file is to be opened (and the Creds object has BIT_CONDITIONAL_IO set).

Parameter type

The type of file operation requested. Can either be "read" or "write".

Parameter current

The current object, i.e. the Fd object the user is trying to open.

Parameter filename

The file name requested.

Parameter flags

The flag string passed to open, e.g. "cwt".

Parameter access

The access flags requested for the file, e.g. 0666.


The function can either return a string, which means that the user is allowed to open a file, but the returned file should be opened instead, or it can return an integer. The integers are intepreted as follows.


The user was not allowed to open the file. ERRNO will be set to EPERM and an exception is thrown.


Do nothing, i.e. valid_open has initilized the current object with an open file. This can (natuarally) only be returned if a current object was given, which is not always the case.


The user was allowed to open the file and the open code proceeds.


The user was not allowed to open the file and an exception is thrown.

Module Pipe


Single socket output.

Regular file output and (multiple, adding) socket output with no mmap input.

Multiple socket output without regular file output illegal.


It is preferable to use the Shuffler API, it is significantly more flexible.

Class Pipe.pipe


Concatenation pipe.

Method bytes_sent

int bytes_sent()


Return the number of bytes sent.

Method finish

void finish()


Terminate and reinitialize the pipe.

Method input

void input(object obj)


Add an input file to this pipe.

Method output

void output(object obj, int|void start_pos)


Add an output file object.

Method set_done_callback

void set_done_callback(void|function(mixed:mixed) done_cb, void|mixed id)


Set the callback function to be called when all the outputs have been sent.

Method set_output_closed_callback

void set_output_closed_callback(void|function(mixed, object:mixed) close_cb, void|mixed id)


Set the callback function to be called when one of the outputs has been closed from the other side.

Method start

void start()


Start sending the input(s) to the output(s).

Method version

string version()


Return the version of the module.

Method write

void write(string bytes)


Add an input string to this pipe.

Module Process

Method daemon

void daemon(int nochdir, int noclose, void|mapping(string:string|Stdio.File) modifiers)


A function to run current program in the background.

Parameter nochdir

If 0 the process will continue to run in / or the directory dictadet by modifiers.

Parameter noclose

If this is not 0 the process will keep current file descriptors open.

Parameter modifiers

Optional extra arguments. The parameters passed in this mapping will override the arguments nochdir and noclose.

"cwd" : string

Change current working directory to this directory.

"stdin" : string|Stdio.File

If this is a string this will be interpreted as a filename pointing out a file to be used as stdandard input to the process. If this is a Stdio.File object the process will use this as standard input.

"stdout" : string|Stdio.File

If this is a string this will be interpreted as a filename pointing out a file to be used as stdandard output to the process. If this is a Stdio.File object the process will use this as standard output.

"stderr" : string|Stdio.File

If this is a string this will be interpreted as a filename pointing out a file to be used as stdandard error to the process. If this is a Stdio.File object the process will use this as standard error.

See also



This function only works on UNIX-like operating systems.


/* close all fd:s and cd to '/' */ Process.daemon(0, 0);

/* Do not change working directory. Write stdout to a file called access.log and stderr to error.log. */ Process.daemon(1, 0, ([ "stdout": "access.log", "stderr": "error.log" ]) );

Method exec

int exec(string file, string ... foo)

Method get_forkd_default

bool get_forkd_default()


Get the default value for the "forkd" modifier to Process.


The default default value is 0 (zero).

See also

set_forkd_default(), Process()->create()

Method popen

string popen(string command)


Executes command as a shell statement ("/bin/sh -c  command" for Unix, "cmd /c command" for Windows), waits until it has finished and returns the result as a string.

See also

system, spawn

Method popen

Stdio.FILE popen(string command, string mode)


Open a "process" for reading or writing. The command is executed as a shell statement ("/bin/sh -c command" for Unix, "cmd /c command" for Windows). The parameter mode should be one of the following letters:


Open for reading. Data written by the process to stdout is available for read.


Open for writing. Data written to the file is available to the process on stdin.

See also

system, spawn

Method run

mapping run(string|array(string) cmd, void|mapping modifiers)


Easy and lazy way of using Process.Process that runs a process and returns a mapping with the output and exit code without having to make sure you read nonblocking yourself.

Parameter args

Either a command line array, as the command_args argument to create_process(), or a string that will be splitted into a command line array by calling split_quoted_string() in an operating system dependant mode.

Parameter modifiers

It takes all the modifiers Process.Process accepts, with the exception of stdout and stderr. Since the point of this function is to handle those you can not supply your own.

If modifiers->stdin is set to a string it will automaticly be converted to a pipe that is fed to stdin of the started process.

See also

Process.Process create_process

"stdout" : string

Everything the process wrote on stdout.

"stderr" : string

Everything the process wrote on stderr.

"exitcode" : int

The process' exitcode.


As the entire output of stderr and stdout is stored in the returned mapping it could potentially grow until memory runs out. It is therefor adviceable to set up rlimits if the output has a potential to be very large.


Process.run( ({ "ls", "-l" }) ); Process.run( ({ "ls", "-l" }), ([ "cwd":"/etc" ]) ); Process.run( "ls -l" ); Process.run( "awk -F: '{print $2}'", ([ "stdin":"foo:2\nbar:17\n" ]) );

Method search_path

string search_path(string command)


Search for the path to an executable.

Parameter command

Executable to search for.

Searches for command in the directories listed in the environment variable $PATH.


Returns the path to command if found, and 0 (zero) on failure.


This function is NOT thread safe if the environment variable $PATH is being changed concurrently.


In Pike 7.8.752 and earlier the environment variable $PATH was only read once.

Method set_forkd_default

void set_forkd_default(bool mode)


Set the default value for the "forkd" modifier to Process.


The default default value is 0 (zero).

See also

get_forkd_default(), Process()->create()

Method sh_quote

string sh_quote(string s)

Method spawn

Process spawn(string command, void|Stdio.Stream stdin, void|Stdio.Stream stdout, void|Stdio.Stream stderr, )


Spawns a process that executes command as a command shell statement ("/bin/sh -c command" for Unix, "cmd /c  command" for Windows).

Parameter stdin
Parameter stdout
Parameter stderr

Stream objects to use as standard input, standard output and standard error, respectively, for the created process. The corresponding streams for this process are used for those that are left out.


Returns a Process.Process object for the created process.

See also

system, popen

Method spawn_pike

Process spawn_pike(array(string) argv, void|mapping(string:mixed) options, array(string)|void launcher)


Spawn a new pike process similar to the current.

Parameter argv

Arguments for the new process.

Parameter options

Process creation options. See Process.Process for details. May also specify "add_predefines", "add_program_path", or "add_include_path" in order to include these components in command path (module path is included by default.)

Parameter launcher

Optional launcher prefix command used to spawn the pike binary.

When used this is typically something like ({ "/usr/bin/valgrind" }).

Defaults to the empty array.

See also


Method split_quoted_string

array(string) split_quoted_string(string s, bool|void nt_mode)


Splits the given string into a list of arguments, according to common (i.e. /bin/sh-based) command line quoting rules:

  • Sequences of whitespace, i.e. space, tab, \n or \r, are treated as argument separators by default.

  • Single or double quotes (' or ") can be used around an argument to avoid whitespace splitting inside it. If such quoted strings are used next to each other then they get concatenated to one argument; e.g. a"b"'c' becomes a single argument abc.

  • Backslash (\) can be used in front of one of the space or quote characters mentioned above to treat them literally. E.g. x\ y is a single argument with a space in the middle, and x\"y is a single argument with a double quote in the middle.

  • A backslash can also be used to quote itself; i.e. \\ becomes \.

  • Backslashes in front of other characters are removed by default. However, if the optional nt_mode flag is set then they are retained as-is, to work better with Windows style paths.

  • Backslashes are treated literally inside quoted strings, with the exception that \" is treated as a literal " inside a "-quoted string. It's therefore possible to include a literal " in a "-quoted string, as opposed to '-quoted strings which cannot contain a '.

Method system

int system(string command, void|Stdio.Stream stdin, void|Stdio.Stream stdout, void|Stdio.Stream stderr)


Executes command as a shell statement ("/bin/sh -c  command" for Unix, "cmd /c command" for Windows), waits until it has finished and returns its return value.

Parameter stdin
Parameter stdout
Parameter stderr

Stream objects to use as standard input, standard output and standard error, respectively, for the created process. The corresponding streams for this process are used for those that are left out.

See also

spawn, popen

Class Process.ForkdDecoder


Decoder for data received by Tools.Standalone.forkd.

See also


Method create

Process.ForkdDecoder Process.ForkdDecoder(array(Stdio.Fd) fds)

Variable fds

array(Stdio.Fd) Process.ForkdDecoder.fds

Class Process.ForkdEncoder


Encoder for data to be sent to Tools.Standalone.forkd.

See also


Method create

Process.ForkdEncoder Process.ForkdEncoder(Stdio.File remote_fd)

Variable remote_fd

Stdio.File Process.ForkdEncoder.remote_fd

Class Process.Process


Slightly polished version of create_process.

In addition to the features supported by create_process, it also supports:

  • Callbacks on timeout and process termination.

  • Using Tools.Standalone.forkd via RPC to spawn the new process.

See also

create_process, Tools.Standalone.forkd

Method create

Process.Process Process.Process(string|array(string) command_args, void|mapping(string:mixed) modifiers)

Parameter command_args

Either a command line array, as the command_args argument to create_process(), or a string that will be splitted into a command line array by calling split_quoted_string() in an operating system dependant mode.

Parameter modifiers

In addition to the modifiers that create_process accepts, this object also accepts

"read_callback" : function(Process:void)

This callback is called when there is data to be read from the process.

"timeout_callback" : function(Process:void)

This callback is called if the process times out.

"timeout" : int

The time it takes for the process to time out. Default is 15 seconds.

"forkd" : bool

Use Tools.Standalone.forkd to actually spawn the process.


The default value for the "forkd" modifier may be set via set_forkd_default().

See also

create_process, create_process()->create(), split_quoted_string(), Tools.Standalone.forkd, set_forkd_default(), get_forkd_default()

Inherit create_process

inherit create_process : create_process


Based on create_process.

Class Process.Spawn

Method create

Process.Spawn Process.Spawn(string cmd, void|array(string) args, void|mapping(string:string) env, string|void cwd, void|array(Stdio.File|void) ownpipes, void|array(Stdio.File|void) fds_to_close)

Method kill

int kill(int signal)

Method wait

int wait()

Class Process.TraceProcess


Class that enables tracing of processes.

The new process will be started in stopped state. Use cont() to let it start executing.


This class currently only exists on systems that implement ptrace().

Method cont

void cont(int|void signal)


Allow a traced process to continue.

Parameter signal

Deliver this signal to the process.


This function may only be called for stopped processes.

See also


Method exit

void exit()


Cause the traced process to exit.


This function may only be called for stopped processes.

See also

cont(), wait()

Inherit create_process

inherit create_process : create_process

Method wait

int wait()


Waits for the process to stop.


The exit code of the process.


The process was killed by a signal.


The process has stopped.

See also


Class Process.TraceProcess.Registers


Interface to the current register contents of a stopped process.

See also


Method `[]

int res = Process.TraceProcess.Registers()[ regno ]


Get the contents of register regno.

Class Process.create_process


This is the recommended and most portable way to start processes in Pike. The process object is a pike abstraction of the running system process, with methods for various process housekeeping.

See also


Method create

Process.create_process Process.create_process(array(string) command_args, void|mapping modifiers)

Parameter command_args

The command name and its command-line arguments. You do not have to worry about quoting them; pike does this for you.

Parameter modifiers

This optional mapping can can contain zero or more of the following parameters:

"callback" : function(Process.Process:void)

Function called when the created process changes state.

Note that this function is called in a signal handler context, which means that it may be called by any thread at any time after the child process has changed state, and is thus not only called by the main thread when the main backend is idle. Indeed, you can specify a callback even if your program does not use a backend.

"cwd" : string

Execute the command in another directory than the current directory of this process. Please note that if the command is given is a relative path, it will be relative to this directory rather than the current directory of this process.

Note also that the path is relative to the "chroot" if used.

"chroot" : string

Chroot to this directory before executing the command.

Note that the current directory will be changed to "/" in the chroot environment, unless "cwd" above has been set.

"stdin" : Stdio.File

These parameters allows you to change the standard input, output and error streams of the newly created process. This is particularly useful in combination with Stdio.File.pipe.

"stdout" : Stdio.File
"stderr" : Stdio.File
"env" : mapping(string:string)

This mapping will become the environment variables for the created process. Normally you will want to only add or change variables which can be achived by getting the environment mapping for this process with getenv. See the examples section.

"uid" : int|string

This parameter changes which user the new process will execute as. Note that the current process must be running as UID 0 to use this option. The uid can be given either as an integer as a string containing the login name of that user.

The "gid" and "groups" for the new process will be set to the right values for that user unless overriden by options below.

(See setuid and getpwuid for more info.)

"gid" : int|string

This parameter changes the primary group for the new process. When the new process creates files, they will will be created with this group. The group can either be given as an int or a string containing the name of the group. (See setuid and getgrgid for more info.)

"setsid" : bool|Stdio.File

Set this to 1 to create a new session group. It is also possible to set it to a File object, in which case a new session group will be created with this file as the controlling terminal.

"setgroups" : array(int|string)

This parameter allows you to the set the list of groups that the new process belongs to. It is recommended that if you use this parameter you supply at least one and no more than 16 groups. (Some system only support up to 8...) The groups can be given as gids or as strings with the group names.

"noinitgroups" : bool

This parameter overrides a behaviour of the "uid" parameter. If this parameter is used, the gid and groups of the new process will be inherited from the current process rather than changed to the approperiate values for that uid.

"priority" : string

This sets the priority of the new process, see set_priority for more info.

"nice" : int

This sets the nice level of the new process; the lower the number, the higher the priority of the process. Note that only UID 0 may use negative numbers.

"keep_signals" : bool

This prevents Pike from restoring all signal handlers to their default values for the new process. Useful to ignore certain signals in the new process.

"fds" : array(Stdio.File|int(0..0))

This parameter allows you to map files to filedescriptors 3 and up. The file fds[0] will be remapped to fd 3 in the new process, etc.

"rlimit" : mapping(string:limit_value)

There are two values for each limit, the soft limit and the hard limit. Processes that do not have UID 0 may not raise the hard limit, and the soft limit may never be increased over the hard limit. The indices of the mapping indicate what limit to impose, and the values dictate what the limit should be. (See also System.setrlimit)

"core" : limit_value

maximum core file size in bytes

"cpu" : limit_value

maximum amount of cpu time used by the process in seconds

"data" : limit_value

maximum heap (brk, malloc) size in bytes

"fsize" : limit_value

maximum size of files created by the process in bytes

"map_mem" : limit_value

maximum size of the process's mapped address space (mmap() and heap size) in bytes

"mem" : limit_value

maximum size of the process's total amount of available memory (mmap, heap and stack size) in bytes

"nofile" : limit_value

maximum number of file descriptors the process may create

"stack" : limit_value

maximum stack size in bytes

"conpty" : Stdio.File

Bind the process to the console associated with this pty slave. NT only.


Process.create_process(({ "/usr/bin/env" }), (["env" : getenv() + (["TERM":"vt100"]) ]));


//! Spawn a new process with the args @[args] and optionally a //! standard input if you provide such a @[Stdio.File] object. //! @returns //! Returns the new process and a pipe from which you can read //! its output. array(Process.Process|Stdio.File) spawn(Stdio.File|void stdin, string ... args) { Stdio.File stdout = Stdio.File(); mapping opts = ([ "stdout" : stdout->pipe() ]); if( stdin ) opts->stdin = stdin; return ({ Process.create_process( args, opts ), stdout }); }


All parameters that accept both string or int input can be noticeably slower using a string instead of an integer; if maximum performance is an issue, please use integers.


On NT the only supported modifiers are: "cwd", "conpty", "stdin", "stdout", "stderr" and "env". All other modifiers are silently ignored.


Support for "callback" was added in Pike 7.7.


Chroot changing directory to "/" was added in Pike 7.9.

Method kill

bool kill(int signal)


Send a signal to the process.




Failure. errno() is set to EINVAL, EPERM or ESRCH.


This function is only available on platforms that support signals.

See also


Method last_signal

int(0..) last_signal()


Returns the last signal that was sent to the process.

Constant limit_value

constant Process.create_process.limit_value


Each limit_value may be either of:


sets current limit, max is left as it is.


([ "hard":int, "soft":int ]) Both values are optional, hard <= soft.


({ hard, soft }), both can be set to the string "unlimited". A value of -1 means 'keep the old value'.


The string "unlimited" sets both the hard and soft limit to unlimited

Method pid

int pid()


Returns the process identifier of the process.

Method set_priority

int set_priority(string priority)


Sets the priority of the process. priority is one of the strings


Method status

int(-1..2) status()


Returns the status of the process:










Prior to Pike 7.5 the value 1 was returned for exited processes.

Method wait

int wait()


Waits for the process to end.


The exit code of the process.


The process was killed by a signal.


The process is stopped.

See also


Module Regexp

Method `()

SimpleRegexp `()(void|string regexp)


Convenience/compatibility method to get a SimpleRegexp object.

Inherit "___Regexp"

inherit "___Regexp" : "___Regexp"

Method match

bool match(string regexp, string data)


Calls Regexp.PCRE.Plain.match in a temporary regexp object. Faster to type but slower to run...

Method replace

string replace(string regexp, string data, string|function(string:string) transform)


Calls Regexp.PCRE.Plain.replace in a temporary regexp object. Faster to type but slower to run...

Method split

array split(string regexp, string data)


Calls Regexp.PCRE.Plain.split in a temporary regexp object. Faster to type but slower to run...

Method split2

array split2(string regexp, string data)


Calls Regexp.PCRE.Plain.split2 in a temporary regexp object. Faster to type but slower to run...

Class Regexp.SimpleRegexp


This class implements the interface to a simple regexp engine with the following capabilities:

.Matches any character.
[abc]Matches a, b or c.
[a-z]Matches any character a to z inclusive.
[^ac]Matches any character except a and c.
(x)Matches x (x might be any regexp) If used with split, this also puts the string matching x into the result array.
x*Matches zero or more occurances of 'x' (x may be any regexp).
x+Matches one or more occurances of 'x' (x may be any regexp).
x|yMatches x or y. (x or y may be any regexp).
xyMatches xy (x and y may be any regexp).
^Matches beginning of string (but no characters).
$Matches end of string (but no characters).
\<Matches the beginning of a word (but no characters).
\>Matches the end of a word (but no characters).

Note that \ can be used to quote these characters in which case they match themselves, nothing else. Also note that when quoting these something in Pike you need two \ because Pike also uses this character for quoting.

Method _encode
Method _decode

string(8bit) encode_value(Regexp.SimpleRegexp data)
Regexp.SimpleRegexp decode_value(string(8bit) data)


Regexp objects can be encoded and decoded.

See also

encode_value, decode_value

Method create

Regexp.SimpleRegexp Regexp.SimpleRegexp(string re)


When create is called, the current regexp bound to this object is cleared. If a string is sent to create(), this string will be compiled to an internal representation of the regexp and bound to this object for laters calls to e.g. match or split. Calling create() without an argument can be used to free up a little memory after the regexp has been used.

Inherit _SimpleRegexp

inherit _SimpleRegexp : _SimpleRegexp

Method match

array(string) match(array(string) strs)


Returns an array containing strings in strs that match the regexp bound to the regexp object.


The current implementation doesn't support searching in strings containing the NUL character or any wide character.

See also


Method match

int match(string str)


Returns 1 if str matches the regexp bound to the regexp object. Zero otherwise.

Method replace

string replace(string in, string|function(string:string) transform)

Method split

array(string) split(string s)


Works as match, but returns an array of the strings that matched the subregexps. Subregexps are those contained in "( )" in the regexp. Subregexps that were not matched will contain zero. If the total regexp didn't match, zero is returned.


You can currently only have 39 subregexps.


The current implementation doesn't support searching in strings containing the NUL character or any wide character.

See also


Module Regexp.PCRE

Method `()

StudiedWidestring `()(string pattern, void|int options, void|object table)


Convenience function to create a suitable PCRE Regexp object; will create a StudiedWidestring from the arguments.

That means the result will be able to handle widestrings, and will produce fast matchings by studying the pattern, but the widestring wrapping will on the other hand add overhead.

If you need a faster regexp and doesn't use widestring, create a Regexp.PCRE.Studied instead.

Widestring support will not be used if the linked libpcre lacks UTF8 support. This can be tested with checking that the Regexp.PCRE.Widestring class exist.

Constant buildconfig_LINK_SIZE

constant Regexp.PCRE.buildconfig_LINK_SIZE


(from the pcreapi man-page) "The output is an integer that contains the number of bytes used for internal linkage in compiled regular expressions. The value is 2, 3, or 4. Larger values allow larger regular expressions to be compiled, at the expense of slower match- ing. The default value of 2 is sufficient for all but the most massive patterns, since it allows the compiled pattern to be up to 64K in size." This constant is calculated when the module is initiated by using pcre_config(3).

Constant buildconfig_MATCH_LIMIT

constant Regexp.PCRE.buildconfig_MATCH_LIMIT


(from the pcreapi man-page) "The output is an integer that gives the default limit for the number of internal matching function calls in a pcre_exec() execution. Further details are given with pcre_exec() below." This constant is calculated when the module is initiated by using pcre_config(3).

Constant buildconfig_NEWLINE

constant Regexp.PCRE.buildconfig_NEWLINE


(from the pcreapi man-page) "The output is an integer that is set to the value of the code that is used for the newline character. It is either linefeed (10) or carriage return (13), and should normally be the standard character for your operating system." This constant is calculated when the module is initiated by using pcre_config(3).

Constant buildconfig_POSIX_MALLOC_THRESHOLD

constant Regexp.PCRE.buildconfig_POSIX_MALLOC_THRESHOLD


(from the pcreapi man-page) "The output is an integer that contains the threshold above which the POSIX interface uses malloc() for output vectors. Further details are given in the pcreposix documentation." This constant is calculated when the module is initiated by using pcre_config(3).

Constant buildconfig_UTF8

constant Regexp.PCRE.buildconfig_UTF8


(from the pcreapi man-page) "The output is an integer that is set to one if UTF-8 support is available; otherwise it is set to zero." This constant is calculated when the module is initiated by using pcre_config(3).

Inherit "____Regexp_PCRE"

inherit "____Regexp_PCRE" : "____Regexp_PCRE"

Method split_subject

array(string) split_subject(string subject, array(int) previous_result)


Convenience function that splits a subject string on the result from _pcre->exec()

equal to map(previous_result/2, lambda(array v) { return subject[v[0]..v[1]-1]; })

Class Regexp.PCRE.Plain


The main regexp class. Will provide anything needed for matching regexps.

There are subclasses that adds wrappers for widestrings, and to optimize the regexp pattern.

Inherit _pcre

inherit _pcre : _pcre

Method match

bool match(string subject, void|int startoffset)


returns true (1) if a match is found, false otherwise


> Regexp.PCRE.Plain("is fun")->match("pike is fun");
Result: 1
> Regexp.PCRE.Plain("is fun")->match("pike isn't fun");
Result: 0

Method matchall

this_program matchall(string subject, function(array(string)|void, array(int)|void:mixed|void) callback)


Will give a callback for each match in a subject. Called arguments will be matching patterns and subpatterns in an array and as second argument the exec result array.

returns called object


> Regexp.PCRE("b(a*)([^-\1234]*)(\1234*)m")
               lambda(mixed s) { werror("%O\n",s); return "gurka"; });
({ /* 4 elements */
({ /* 4 elements */
({ /* 4 elements */
Result: Regexp.PCRE.StudiedWidestring("b(a*)([^-Ê\234]*)(Ê\234*)m")

Method replace

string replace(string subject, string|function(:void) with, mixed|void ... args)


replace all occurances of a pattern in a subject; callbacks and replacements will be from the first occurance, not from the last as in Regexp.Builtin.replace.

if with is a function, the first argument will be the total match string, and the subsequent arguments will contain any submatches


> Regexp.PCRE("b[^-]*m")->replace("abam-boom-fooabadoom","gurka");
Result: "agurka-gurka-fooagurka"
> Regexp.PCRE("b[^-]*m")->replace("abam-boom-fooabadoom",
     lambda(string s) { werror("%O\n",s); return "gurka"; });
Result: "agurka-gurka-fooagurka"


> Regexp.PCRE("([a-z0-9_\\.-]+)@([\\da-z\\.-]+)\\.([a-z\\.]{2,6})")
    lambda(string whole, string user, string loc, string domain)
      { return user + " from " + loc + " dot " + domain; }
(4) Result: "foo from bar dot org"

Method replace1

string replace1(string subject, string|function(string:string) with)


replace one (first) occurance of a pattern in a subject


> Regexp.PCRE("b[^-]*m")->replace1("abam-boom-fooabadoom","gurka");
Result: "agurka-boom-fooabadoom"

Method replace_positional

string replace_positional(string subject, string subst)


replaces matches in a string, with support for backreferences (matched groups)

Parameter subject

the string to be tested against the regular expression

Parameter subst

string to be inserted in place of each match. backreferences can be inserted into the string to be substituted using the syntax %[n]s where n is the nth matching string group, and 0 (zero) is the full match.


> Regexp.PCRE.Plain("my name is ([a-zA-Z]+)")
      ->replace_positional("allow me to introduce myself: my name is john", 
                          "%[0]s is my name");
  (1) Result: "allow me to introduce myself: john is my name"

Method split

array(string)|int(0..0) split(string subject, void|int startoffset)


Matches a subject against the pattern, compatible with the old split method: returns an array of the subpatterns, or if there are no subpattern but still a match, ({0}). Returns 0 if there was no match.


> Regexp.PCRE.Plain("i\(.*\) is \(.*\)u")->split("pike is fun");
(1) Result: ({
> Regexp.PCRE.Plain("is fun")->split("pike is fun"); 
(4) Result: ({

Method split2

array(string)|int(0..0) split2(string subject, void|int startoffset)


Matches a subject against the pattern, returns an array where the first element are the whole match, and the subsequent are the matching subpatterns. Returns 0 if there was no match.


> Regexp.PCRE.Plain("i\(.*\) is \(.*\)u")->split2("pike is fun");
Result: ({ 
             "ike is fu",

Class Regexp.PCRE.Studied


Same as Plain, but will be studied to match faster; useful if you're doing many matches on the same pattern

Inherit Plain

inherit Plain : Plain

Class Regexp.PCRE.StudiedWidestring


Same as Widestring, but will be studied to match faster; useful if you're doing many matches on the same pattern

Inherit Widestring

inherit Widestring : Widestring

Class Regexp.PCRE.Widestring


Wrapper class around Plain, that will allow widestring patterns and subjects.

Widestring support and this class will not be implemented if the linked libpcre lacks UTF8 support.

Method exec

array(int)|int exec(string subject, void|int startoffset)


The exec function is wrapped to give the correct indexes for the widestring.

Inherit Plain

inherit Plain : Plain

Class Regexp.PCRE._pcre

Method _sprintf

string sprintf(string format, ... Regexp.PCRE._pcre arg ... )

Method create

Regexp.PCRE._pcre Regexp.PCRE._pcre(string pattern, void|int options, void|object table)


The option bits are:


Force pattern anchoring


Do caseless matching


$ not to match newline at end


. matches anything including NL


Ignore whitespace and # comments


PCRE extra features (not much use currently)


^ and $ match newlines within data


Disable numbered capturing parentheses (named ones available)


Invert greediness of quantifiers


Run in UTF-8 mode

Method exec

int|array exec(string subject, void|int startoffset)


Matches the regexp against subject, starting at startoffset if it is given.

If the match is successful, the return value is an array that holds the offsets of all matches:

Elements 0 and 1 have the start and end offsets, respectively, of the match for the whole regexp. The start offset is inclusive while the end is exclusive, i.e. the matching string is subject[res[0]..res[1]-1].

Elements 2 and 3 have the offsets of the first capturing submatch (if any) in the same way, elements 4 and 5 are for the second capturing submatch, etc. If a submatch didn't match anything, the corresponding elements are set to -1. If a submatch has matched successfully several times, the offsets of the last match are returned.

The returned array is always of length 2*n + 1, where n is the total number of capturing submatches in the regexp.

If there is an error, an integer error code is returned:


The subject string did not match the pattern.


Either code or subject was passed as NULL, or ovector was NULL and oversize was not zero.


An unrecognized bit was set in the options argument.


PCRE stores a 4-byte "magic number" at the start of the compiled code, to catch the case when it is passed a junk pointer. This is the error it gives when the magic number isn't present.


While running the pattern match, an unknown item was encountered in the compiled pattern. This error could be caused by a bug in PCRE or by overwriting of the compiled pattern.


If a pattern contains back references, but the ovector that is passed to pcre_exec() is not big enough to remember the referenced substrings, PCRE gets a block of memory at the start of matching to use for this purpose. If the call via pcre_malloc() fails, this error is given. The memory is freed at the end of matching.


This error is used by the pcre_copy_substring(), pcre_get_substring(), and pcre_get_substring_list() functions (see below). It is never returned by pcre_exec().


The recursion and backtracking limit, as specified by the match_limit field in a pcre_extra structure (or defaulted) was reached. See the description above.


This error is never generated by pcre_exec() itself. It is provided for use by callout functions that want to yield a distinctive error code. See the pcrecallout documentation for details.

Method get_stringnumber

int get_stringnumber(string stringname)


returns the number of a named subpattern

Method info

mapping info()


Returns additional information about a compiled pattern. Only available if PCRE was compiled with Fullinfo.

"backrefmax" : int

Return the number of the highest back reference in the pattern. The fourth argument should point to an int variable. Zero is returned if there are no back references.

"capturecount" : int

Return the number of capturing subpatterns in the pattern. The fourth argument should point to an int variable.

"firstbyte" : int

Return information about the first byte of any matched string, for a non-anchored pattern. (This option used to be called PCRE_INFO_FIRSTCHAR; the old name is still recognized for backwards compatibility.)

If there is a fixed first byte, e.g. from a pattern such as (cat|cow|coyote), it is returned in the integer pointed to by where. Otherwise, if either

(a) the pattern was compiled with the PCRE_MULTILINE option, and every branch starts with "^", or

(b) every branch of the pattern starts with ".*" and PCRE_DOTALL is not set (if it were set, the pattern would be anchored),

-1 is returned, indicating that the pattern matches only at the start of a subject string or after any newline within the string. Otherwise -2 is returned. For anchored patterns, -2 is returned.

"lastliteral" : int

Return the value of the rightmost literal byte that must exist in any matched string, other than at its start, if such a byte has been recorded. The fourth argument should point to an int variable. If there is no such byte, -1 is returned. For anchored patterns, a last literal byte is recorded only if it follows something of variable length. For example, for the pattern /^a\d+z\d+/ the returned value is "z", but for /^a\dz\d/ the returned value is -1.

"namecount" : int 
"nameentrysize" : int 
"options" : int

Return a copy of the options with which the pattern was compiled. The fourth argument should point to an unsigned long int variable. These option bits are those specified in the call to pcre_compile(), modified by any top-level option settings within the pattern itself.

A pattern is automatically anchored by PCRE if all of its top-level alternatives begin with one of the following:

^unless PCRE_MULTILINE is set
.*if PCRE_DOTALL is set and there are no back references to the subpattern in which .* appears

For such patterns, the PCRE_ANCHORED bit is set in the options returned.

"size" : int

Return the size of the compiled pattern, that is, the value that was passed as the argument to pcre_malloc() when PCRE was getting memory in which to place the compiled data. The fourth argument should point to a size_t variable.

"studysize" : int

Returns the size of the data block pointed to by the study_data field in a pcre_extra block. That is, it is the value that was passed to pcre_malloc() when PCRE was getting memory into which to place the data created by pcre_study(). The fourth argument should point to a size_t variable.

Method study

object study()


(from the pcreapi man-page) "When a pattern is going to be used several times, it is worth spending more time analyzing it in order to speed up the time taken for match- ing."

Module Regexp.PCRE.ERROR

Constant NOMATCH
Constant NULL
Constant CALLOUT

constant Regexp.PCRE.ERROR.NOMATCH
constant Regexp.PCRE.ERROR.NULL
constant Regexp.PCRE.ERROR.CALLOUT


Documented in exec.

Module Regexp.PCRE.OPTION


contains all option constants




(from the pcreapi manpage) If this bit is set, the pattern is forced to be "anchored", that is, it is constrained to match only at the first matching point in the string which is being searched (the "subject string"). This effect can also be achieved by appropriate constructs in the pattern itself, which is the only way to do it in Perl.




(from the pcreapi manpage) If this bit is set, letters in the pattern match both upper and lower case letters. It is equivalent to Perl's /i option, and it can be changed within a pattern by a (?i) option setting.




(from the pcreapi manpage) If this bit is set, a dollar metacharacter in the pattern matches only at the end of the subject string. Without this option, a dollar also matches immediately before the final character if it is a newline (but not before any other newlines). The PCRE_DOLLAR_ENDONLY option is ignored if PCRE_MULTILINE is set. There is no equivalent to this option in Perl, and no way to set it within a pattern.

Constant DOTALL

constant Regexp.PCRE.OPTION.DOTALL


(from the pcreapi manpage) If this bit is set, a dot metacharater in the pattern matches all characters, including newlines. Without it, newlines are excluded. This option is equivalent to Perl's /s option, and it can be changed within a pattern by a (?s) option setting. A negative class such as [^a] always matches a newline character, independent of the setting of this option.




(from the pcreapi manpage) If this bit is set, whitespace data characters in the pattern are totally ignored except when escaped or inside a character class. Whitespace does not include the VT character (code 11). In addition, characters between an unescaped # outside a character class and the next newline character, inclusive, are also ignored. This is equivalent to Perl's /x option, and it can be changed within a pattern by a (?x) option setting.

This option makes it possible to include comments inside complicated patterns. Note, however, that this applies only to data characters. Whitespace characters may never appear within special character sequences in a pattern, for example within the sequence (?( which introduces a conditional subpattern.

Constant EXTRA

constant Regexp.PCRE.OPTION.EXTRA


(from the pcreapi manpage) This option was invented in order to turn on additional functionality of PCRE that is incompatible with Perl, but it is currently of very little use. When set, any backslash in a pattern that is followed by a letter that has no special meaning causes an error, thus reserving these combinations for future expansion. By default, as in Perl, a backslash followed by a letter with no special meaning is treated as a literal. There are at present no other features controlled by this option. It can also be set by a (?X) option setting within a pattern.




(from the pcreapi manpage) By default, PCRE treats the subject string as consisting of a single "line" of characters (even if it actually contains several newlines). The "start of line" metacharacter (^) matches only at the start of the string, while the "end of line" metacharacter ($) matches only at the end of the string, or before a terminating newline (unless PCRE_DOL- LAR_ENDONLY is set). This is the same as Perl.

When PCRE_MULTILINE it is set, the "start of line" and "end of line" constructs match immediately following or immediately before any new- line in the subject string, respectively, as well as at the very start and end. This is equivalent to Perl's /m option, and it can be changed within a pattern by a (?m) option setting. If there are no "\n" charac- ters in a subject string, or no occurrences of ^ or $ in a pattern, setting PCRE_MULTILINE has no effect.




(from the pcreapi manpage) If this option is set, it disables the use of numbered capturing paren- theses in the pattern. Any opening parenthesis that is not followed by ? behaves as if it were followed by ?: but named parentheses can still be used for capturing (and they acquire numbers in the usual way). There is no equivalent of this option in Perl.




(from the pcreapi manpage) This option inverts the "greediness" of the quantifiers so that they are not greedy by default, but become greedy if followed by "?". It is not compatible with Perl. It can also be set by a (?U) option setting within the pattern.

Constant UTF8

constant Regexp.PCRE.OPTION.UTF8


(from the pcreapi manpage) This option causes PCRE to regard both the pattern and the subject as strings of UTF-8 characters instead of single-byte character strings. However, it is available only if PCRE has been built to include UTF-8 support. If not, the use of this option provokes an error. Details of how this option changes the behaviour of PCRE are given in the section on UTF-8 support in the main pcre page.

Module Remote


Remote RPC system.

Class Remote.Call


Wrapper for a remote function.

Method `()

mixed res = Remote.Call()()


Call the wrapped function.

Parameter args

Arguments to pass to the wrapped function.

This function can operate in two modes depending on whether asynchronous mode has been activated or not. If it has it is equivalent to a call of async() and if not of sync() with the same arguments.

See also

async(), sync(), is_async(), set_async()

Method async

void async(mixed ... args)


Call the wrapped remote function asynchronously.

Parameter args

Arguments to send to the remote function.

See also

sync(), `()()

Method create

Remote.Call Remote.Call(string objectid, string name, object connection, object context, int async)

Method exists

int exists()


Check whether the wrapped function actually exists at the other end.

Method is_async

int is_async()


Whether asynchronous mode is active or not.

See also


Method set_async

void set_async(int a)


Change to/from asynchronous mode.

See also


Method sync

mixed sync(mixed ... args)


Call the wrapped remote function synchronously.

Parameter args

Arguments to send to the remote function.


Returns (the possibly wrapped) result from the remote function.

See also

async(), `()()

Class Remote.Client


Remote RPC Client.

Method close

void close()


Close the connection.

Method closed

int closed()


Check if the connection is closed.

Variable con

Remote.Connection Remote.Client.con


Connection to the Remote.Server.

Method create

Remote.Client Remote.Client(string host, int port, void|int nice, void|int timeout, void|int max_call_threads)


Connect to a Remote.Server.

Parameter host
Parameter port

Hostname and port for the Remote.Server.

Parameter nice

If set, inhibits throwing of errors from call_sync().

Parameter timeout

Connection timeout in seconds.

Parameter max_call_threads

Maximum number of concurrent threads.

Method get

object get(string name)


Get a named object from the remote server.

Method provide

void provide(string name, mixed thing)


Provide a named thing to the Remote.Server.

Parameter name

Name to provide thing under.

Parameter thing

Thing to provide.

Method set_close_callback

void set_close_callback(function(:void) f)


Set the callback to call when the connection is closed.

Class Remote.Connection

Method add_close_callback

void add_close_callback(function(:void) f, mixed ... args)


Add a function that is called when the connection is closed.

Method call_async

void call_async(array data)


Make a call but don't wait for the result

Method call_sync

mixed call_sync(array data)


Make a call and wait for the result

Method close

void close()


Closes the connection nicely, after waiting in outstanding calls in both directions.

Method connect

int connect(string host, int port, void|int timeout)


This function is called by clients to connect to a server.

Method create

Remote.Connection Remote.Connection(void|int nice, void|int max_call_threads)

Parameter nice

If set, no errors will be thrown.

Method error_message

string error_message()


Returns an error message for the last error, in case connect returns zero. Returns zero if the last connect call was successful.

Method get_named_object

object get_named_object(string name)


Get a named object provided by the server.

Method remove_close_callback

void remove_close_callback(array f)


Remove a function that is called when the connection is closed.

Method start_server

void start_server(object c, object cx)


This function is called by servers when they have got a connection from a client. The first argument is the connection file object, and the second argument is the context to be used.

Class Remote.Context


Remote context tracker.

This class keeps track of what local things correspond to what remote things, and the reverse.

Method add

void add(object o, string id)

Method create

Remote.Context Remote.Context(string b, object|void cn)

Method decode

mixed decode(array a)

Method decode_call

function(:void)|object decode_call(array data)

Method decode_existp

int decode_existp(array data)

Method describe

string describe(array data)

Method encode

array encode(mixed val)

Method encode_call

array encode_call(object|string o, string|function(:void) f, array args, int type)

Method function_for

object function_for(string id)

Method id_for

string id_for(mixed thing)

Method object_for

object object_for(string id)

Method set_server_context

void set_server_context(object ctx, object cn)

Class Remote.Obj


Wrapper for a remote object.

Method `->

mixed res = Remote.Obj()->X

Method `[]

mixed res = Remote.Obj()[ f ]

Method create

Remote.Obj Remote.Obj(string id, object connection, object context)

Method exists

int exists()

Method get_function

mixed get_function(string f)

Class Remote.Server


Remote RPC server.

Method close

void close()


Shut down the Remote.Server for new connections.

Method close_all

void close_all()


Shut down the Remote.Server and terminate all current clients.

Method closed

int closed()


Check if the Remote.Server is closed.

Variable connections

array(Connection) Remote.Server.connections


Open connections.

Method create

Remote.Server Remote.Server(string host, int port, void|int max_call_threads)


Create a Remote.Server.

Parameter host
Parameter port

Hostname and port for the Remote.Server.

Parameter max_call_threads

Maximum number of concurrent threads.

Variable port

Stdio.Port Remote.Server.port


Port for the Remote.Server.

Method provide

void provide(string name, mixed thing)


Provide a named thing to the Remote.Client(s).

Parameter name

Name to provide thing under.

Parameter thing

Thing to provide.

Variable sctx

Minicontext Remote.Server.sctx


Server context.

Class Remote.Server.Minicontext


The server Context class.

Module SANE


This module enables access to the SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) library from pike

Constant FrameGray
Constant FrameRGB
Constant FrameRed
Constant FrameGreen
Constant FrameBlue

constant SANE.FrameGray
constant SANE.FrameRGB
constant SANE.FrameRed
constant SANE.FrameGreen
constant SANE.FrameBlue

Method list_scanners

array(mapping) list_scanners()


Returns an array with all available scanners.


Pike v0.7 release 120 running Hilfe v2.0 (Incremental Pike Frontend) > SANE.list_scanners(); Result: ({ ([ "model":"Astra 1220S ", "name":"umax:/dev/scg1f", "type":"flatbed scanner", "vendor":"UMAX " ]), ([ "model":"Astra 1220S ", "name":"net:lain.idonex.se:umax:/dev/scg1f", "type":"flatbed scanner", "vendor":"UMAX " ]) })

Class SANE.Scanner

Method cancel_scan

void cancel_scan()

Method create

SANE.Scanner SANE.Scanner(string name)

Method get_option

mixed get_option(string name)

Method get_parameters

mapping(string:int) get_parameters()

"format" : int
"last_frame" : int
"lines" : int
"depth" : int
"pixels_per_line" : int
"bytes_per_line" : int

Method list_options

array(mapping) list_options()


This method returns an array where every element is a mapping, layed out as follows.

"name" : string 
"title" : string 
"desc" : string 
"type" : string
"unit" : string
"size" : int 
"cap" : multiset
"constraint" : int(0..0)|mapping

Constraints can be of three different types; range, word list or string list. Constraint contains 0 if there are no constraints.

"type" : string

Contains the value "range".

"max" : int 
"min" : int 
"quant" : int 
"type" : string

Contains the value "list".

"list" : array(float|int) 
"type" : string

Contains the value "list".

"list" : array(string) 

Method nonblocking_row_scan

void nonblocking_row_scan(function(Image.Image, int, Scanner, int:void) callback)

Method row_scan

void row_scan(function(Image.Image, int, Scanner:void) callback)

Method set_option

void set_option(string name, mixed new_value)
void set_option(string name)


If no value is specified, the option is set to it's default value

Method simple_scan

Image.Image simple_scan()

Module SDL


SDL or Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform multimedia library designed to provide fast access to the graphics framebuffer, audio device, input and other devices. This module implements a wrapper for SDL and other relevant libraries like SDL_mixer. The interface is similar to the C one, but using generally accepted Pike syntax.

This means that classes are used when appropriate and that method names use all lowercase letters with words separated by _. For example SDL_SetVideoMode is named SDL.set_video_mode. Also note that unless otherwise noted, errors result in an error being thrown rather than returning -1 or 0, as commonly done in SDL methods.

Method blit_surface

int blit_surface(SDL.Surface src, SDL.Surface dst, SDL.Rect|void srcrect, SDL.Rect|void dstrect)


Peforms a fast blit from the source surface to the destination surface.

The final blit rectangle is stored in dstrect. This may differ from srcrect if there was clipping.

This function should not be called on a locked surface.

Parameter src

The surface to be copied.

Parameter dst

The destination surface. This will usually be your main screen, initialized with a call to SDL.set_video_mode().

Parameter srcrect

The rectangular section of src to copy. If the whole surface is to be copied, you can set this to 0.

Parameter dstrect

Where the source surface should be copied to on the destination surface. Only the x and y fields of the SDL.Rect object are used. To copy src to the top-left corner of dst, i.e. at coordinates <0,0>, you can set this to 0.


If successful, 0, otherwise -1.

See also


Method cd_name

string|void cd_name(int drive)


Returns a human-readable and system-dependent name for the given drive.

Parameter drive

The CD drive index.


A human-readable and system-dependent name for the given drive, or 0 if no name is available.

See also


Method cd_num_drives

int cd_num_drives()


The number of CD-ROM drives on the system.

See also


Method enable_unicode

int enable_unicode(int enable)


Enables/Disables UNICODE keyboard translation.

If you wish to translate a keysym to its printable representation, you need to enable UNICODE translation using this function and then look in the unicode member of the SDL.Keysym class. This value will be zero for keysyms that do not have a printable representation. UNICODE translation is disabled by default as the conversion can cause a slight overhead.

Parameter enable

A value of 1 enables Unicode translation, 0 disables it and -1 leaves it unchanged (useful for querying the current translation mode).


The previous translation mode (1 enabled, 0 disabled). If enable is -1, the return value is the current translation mode.

See also


Method flip

int flip(SDL.Surface|void screen)


On hardware that supports double-buffering, this function sets up a flip and returns. The hardware will wait for vertical retrace, and then swap video buffers before the next video surface blit or lock will return. On hardware that doesn't support double-buffering, this is equivalent to calling SDL.update_rect(screen, 0, 0, 0, 0)

The SDL.DOUBLEBUF flag must have been passed to SDL.set_video_mode() when setting the video mode for this function to perform hardware flipping.

Parameter screen

The screen object to flip. If missing, the default screen is used.


This function returns 1 if successful, or 0 if there was an error.

See also


Method get_caption

array(string) get_caption()


A 2-element array holding the window title and icon name.

See also


Method get_error

void|string get_error()


Get the last internal SDL error.


The error string, or zero if there was no error.

Method get_key_state

string get_key_state()


Gets a snapshot of the current keyboard state.


The current state is returned as a string.

The string is indexed by the SDL.K_* symbols. A value of 1 means the key is pressed and a value of 0 means it's not.


Call SDL.pump_events() to update the state array.

See also

SDL.get_mod_state(), SDL.pump_events()

// Test if the 'Escape' key is pressed.
    string ks = SDL.get_key_state();
    if ( ks[SDL.K_ESCAPE] )
      // handle key press...

Method get_mod_state

int get_mod_state()


Returns the current state of the modifier keys (CTRL, ALT, etc.).



For convenience, the following are also defined: SDL.KMOD_CTRL, SDL.KMOD_SHIFT, SDL.KMOD_ALT and SDL.KMOD_META

See also

SDL.get_key_state(), SDL.pump_events()

Method get_video_info

void|object get_video_info()


Returns an SDL.VideoInfo object, which holds information about the video hardware, or 0 if the video device has not yet been initialized (with a call to SDL.init()).

Method get_video_surface

void|object get_video_surface()


Returns the current display surface.

If SDL is doing format conversion on the display surface, this method returns the publicly visible surface, not the real video surface.


The current display surface, or 0 if there is no display surface.

See also


Method gl_get_attribute

int gl_get_attribute(int attribute)


Returns the value of the given SDL/OpenGL attribute. You might want to call this after SDL.set_video_mode() to check that attributes have been set as you expected.

Parameter attribute

The SDL/OpenGL attribute to query.


The value of the given attribute.

// Has double-buffering been set?
    int db = SDL.gl_get_attribute( SDL.GL_DOUBLEBUFFER );
    if ( db )
      // yes...

Method gl_set_attribute

void gl_set_attribute(int attribute, int value)


Sets an SDL/OpenGL attribute to the given value.

This won't take effect until after a call to SDL.set_video_mode().

Parameter attribute


Parameter value

The value to set for this attribute.

See also


Method gl_swap_buffers

void gl_swap_buffers()


Swaps the OpenGL buffers on a double-buffered screen.

See also

SDL.gl_set_attribute(), SDL.gl_get_attribute(), SDL.set_video_mode()

Method grab_input

int grab_input(int mode)


Sets or queries the current 'grab' mode.

Grabbing input means asking that all mouse activity be confined to this application window and that nearly all keyboard events are passed directly to the application, bypassing the window manager.

Parameter mode

One of the following constants:





The current grab mode, either SDL.GRAB_ON or SDL.GRAB_OFF.

Method iconify_window

int iconify_window()


Attempts to iconify (i.e. minimize) the application window.

If the call is successful, the application will receive an SDL.APPACTIVE loss event.


Non-zero if successful, otherwise 0.

Method init

void init(int flags)


Initializes SDL. This should be called before all other SDL functions.

Parameter flags

The flags parameter specifies what part(s) of SDL to initialize. It can be one of many of the following ORed together.


Initializes the timer subsystem.


Initializes the audio subsystem.


Initializes the video subsystem.


Initializes the cdrom subsystem.


Initializes the joystick subsystem.


Initialize all of the above.


Prevents SDL from catching fatal signals.


Run event polling in a separate thread. Not always supported.

See also

SDL.quit(), SDL.init_sub_system(), SDL.quit_sub_system()

Method init_sub_system

void init_sub_system(int flags)


After SDL has been initialized with SDL.init() you may initialize uninitialized subsystems with this method.

Parameter flags

The same as what is used in SDL.init().

See also

SDL.init(), SDL.quit(), SDL.quit_sub_system()

Method joystick_event_state

int joystick_event_state(int state)


Enables, disables or queries the state of joystick event processing.

Parameter state

One of the following constants:


Enables joystick event processing.


Disables joystick event processing.


Queries the current state and returns it.


The current state of joystick event processing. If state was SDL.ENABLE or SDL.IGNORE, then processing will now be enabled or disabled, respectively.

Method joystick_name

string joystick_name(int device_index)


Returns the implementation-dependent name of the nth joystick device available to the system.

Parameter device_index

The nth joystick device.


The implementation-dependent name of the given joystick device.

See also


Method joystick_opened

int joystick_opened(int device_index)


Determines whether the given joystick device has already been opened.

Parameter device_index

The nth joystick device.


1 if this device has already been opened, otherwise 0.

Method joystick_update

void joystick_update()


Updates the state of all open joysticks attached to the system.

Method num_joysticks

int num_joysticks()


The number of joysticks available to the system.

See also


Method open_audio

void open_audio(int frequency, int format, int channels, int bufsize)


Initializes the audio API.

Throws an exception if audio can't be initialized.

Parameter frequency

Output sampling frequency, measured in samples per second (Hz). A value of 44100 provides CD-quality playback. A less CPU-intensive value for games is 22050.

Parameter format

Output sample format. One of the following constants:


Unsigned 8-bit samples.


Signed 8-bit samples.


Unsigned 16-bit samples in little-endian byte order.


Signed 16-bit samples in little-endian byte order.


Unsigned 16-bit samples in big-endian byte order.


Signed 16-bit samples in big-endian byte order.






Unsigned 16-bit samples in system byte order.


Signed 16-bit samples in system byte order. If in doubt, try this one first.

Parameter channels

Number of sound channels in output: 1 for mono, 2 for stereo.

Parameter bufsize

How many bytes to use per output sample. 1024 is a typical value for games. If just playing music you might set this to 4096 or higher.

Method pump_events

void pump_events()


Pumps the event loop, gathering events from the input devices.

Normally you won't need to call this method, as it's called implicitly by SDL.Event->poll().

See also

get_key_state(), get_mod_state()

Method quit

void quit()


Shuts down all SDL subsystems and frees the resources allocated to them. This should always be called before you exit.


You can use the atexit() method to ensure that this method is always called when Pike exits normally.

See also

SDL.init(), SDL.init_sub_system(), SDL.quit_sub_system()

Method quit_sub_system

void quit_sub_system(int flags)


After an SDL subsystem has been initialized with SDL.init() or SDL.init_sub_system(), it may be shut down with this method.

Parameter flags

A bitwise OR'd combination of the subsystems you wish to shut down (see SDL.init() for a list of subsystem flags).

See also

SDL.init(), SDL.init_sub_system(), SDL.quit()

Method set_caption

void set_caption(string title, string icon)


Sets the window's title and icon name. Icon name refers to the text that appears next to the application's icon in its minimized window.

Parameter title

The window's title.

Parameter icon

The minimized window's icon name.

See also


Method set_gamma

int set_gamma(float red, float green, float blue)


Document this function

Method set_video_mode

object set_video_mode(int width, int height, int bpp, int flags)


Sets up a video mode with the specified width, height and bits per pixel.

Parameter width

The desired width. Setting this to <= 0 results in an SDL error.

Parameter height

The desired height. Setting this to <= 0 results in an SDL error.

Parameter bpp

The bits per pixel. This should be either 0, 8, 16, 24 or 32. If you set this to 0, the bits-per-pixel value of the current display will be used.

Parameter flags

An OR'd combination of the desired SDL.Surface flags.


The framebuffer surface. An error is thrown if the video mode can't be set.

See also

SDL.Surface, SDL.video_mode_ok()

Method show_cursor

int show_cursor(int show)


Sets the state of the mouse cursor on the SDL screen (visible or hidden), or queries its current state.

By default, the cursor is visible.

Parameter show

One of these constants:


Show the cursor.


Hide the cursor.


Determine the current state of the cursor.


The current state of the mouse cursor, either SDL.ENABLE or SDL.DISABLE.

Method toggle_fullscreen

int toggle_fullscreen(void|SDL.Surface screen)


Toggles the application between windowed and fullscreen mode, if supported. X11 is the only target currently supported.

Parameter screen

The framebuffer surface, as returned by SDL.set_video_mode().


Returns 1 on success or 0 on failure.

Method update_rect

void update_rect(int x, int y, int w, int h, SDL.Surface|void screen)


Makes sure the given area is updated on the given screen. The rectangle must be confined within the screen boundaries (no clipping is done).

If 'x', 'y', 'w' and 'h' are all 0, SDL.update_rect() will update the entire screen.

This function should not be called while screen is locked.

Parameter x
Parameter y

Top left corner of the rectangle to update.

Parameter w
Parameter h

Width and height of the rectangle to update.

Parameter screen

The screen object to flip. If missing, the default screen is used.

See also


Method video_driver_name

void|string video_driver_name()


Obtains the name of the video driver. This is a simple one-word identifier such as 'x11' or 'windib'.


The name of the video driver, or 0 if video has not yet been initialized (with a call to SDL.init()).

Method video_mode_ok

int video_mode_ok(int width, int height, int bpp, int flags)


Checks to see if a particular video mode is supported.


Returns 0 if the requested mode isn't supported under any bit depth, or the bits-per-pixel of the closest available mode with the given width, height and SDL.Surface flags.

See also

SDL.Surface, SDL.set_video_mode(), SDL.get_video_info()

Method warp_mouse

void warp_mouse(int xpos, int ypos)


Sets the position of the mouse cursor to the given coordinates. This generates an SDL.MOUSEMOTION event.

Parameter xpos

Requested position of the mouse cursor along the x-axis.

Parameter ypos

Requested position of the mouse cursor along the y-axis.

Method was_init

int was_init(int flags)


This method allows you to see which SDL subsytems have been initialized.

Parameter flags

A bitwise OR'd combination of the subsystems you wish to check (see SDL.init() for a list of subsystem flags).


A bitwised OR'd combination of the initialized subsystems

See also

SDL.init(), SDL.init_sub_system()

Class SDL.CD

Method create

SDL.CD SDL.CD(int drive)


Document this function

Variable current_frame

int SDL.CD.current_frame


Document this variable

Variable current_track

int SDL.CD.current_track


Document this variable

Method eject

int eject()


Document this function

Variable id

int SDL.CD.id


Document this variable

Variable numtracks

int SDL.CD.numtracks


Document this variable

Method pause

int pause()


Document this function

Method play

int play(int start, int length)


Document this function

Method play_tracks

int play_tracks(int start_track, int start_frame, int ntracks, int nframes)


Document this function

Method resume

int resume()


Document this function

Method status

int status()


Document this function

Method stop

int stop()


Document this function

Method track

CDTrack track(int track)


Document this function

Class SDL.CDTrack

Variable id
Variable length
Variable offset
Variable type

int SDL.CDTrack.id
int SDL.CDTrack.length
int SDL.CDTrack.offset
int SDL.CDTrack.type


Document this variable

Class SDL.Event

Variable axis
Variable ball
Variable button
Variable code
Variable gain
Variable h
Variable hat
Variable keysym
Variable state
Variable type
Variable value
Variable w
Variable which
Variable x
Variable xrel
Variable y
Variable yrel

int SDL.Event.axis
int SDL.Event.ball
int SDL.Event.button
int SDL.Event.code
int SDL.Event.gain
int SDL.Event.h
int SDL.Event.hat
Keysym SDL.Event.keysym
int SDL.Event.state
int SDL.Event.type
int SDL.Event.value
int SDL.Event.w
int SDL.Event.which
int SDL.Event.x
int SDL.Event.xrel
int SDL.Event.y
int SDL.Event.yrel

Method get

int get()


Removes the next event (if any) from the queue and stores it in this SDL.Event object.


1 if there was an event to 'get', otherwise 0.

Method poll

int poll()


Polls for currently pending events.


1 if there are currently pending events, otherwise 0.

Method wait

int wait()


Waits indefinitely for the next available event, which is then removed from the queue and stored in this SDL.Event object.


Returns 1 on success, or 0 if there was an error while waiting for the next event.

Class SDL.Joystick


Represents a joystick, gamepad or other similar input device attached to the system.

You must call SDL.init() with the SDL.INIT_JOYSTICK flag to enable joystick support.

All index numbers count from 0.

All SDL.Joystick methods throw an exception if they are called on an uninitialized object.

Method create

SDL.Joystick SDL.Joystick(int device_index)


Opens the given joystick device for use.

Parameter device_index

The nth joystick device available to the system.

See also


Method get_axis

float get_axis(int axis)


Returns the current position of the given axis.

The returned value is a float between -1.0 and 1.0.

Parameter axis

The axis index.


The current position of the given axis.

See also


Method get_ball

array(int) get_ball(int ball)


Returns the axis change of the given trackball.

This is its relative motion along both axes since the last call to get_ball(). It is returned as a 2-element array holding the values of dx and dy (- the motion deltas).


The axis change of the given trackball.

See also


Method get_button

int get_button(int button)


Returns the current state of the given button.

This is 1 if the button is pressed, otherwise 0.

Parameter button

The button index.


The current state of the given button.

See also


Method get_hat

int get_hat(int hat)


Returns the current state of the given hat.

This is represented as an OR'd combination of one or more of the following constants:










Parameter hat

The hat index.


The current state of the given hat.

See also


Method index

int index()


The index of this joystick.

Method name

string name()


The implementation-dependent name of this joystick.

See also


Method num_axes

int num_axes()


The number of axes available for this joystick.

Method num_balls

int num_balls()


The number of trackballs available for this joystick.

Method num_buttons

int num_buttons()


The number of buttons available for this joystick.

Method num_hats

int num_hats()


The number of hats available for this joystick.

Class SDL.Keysym


The Keysym class is used to report key presses and releases. It's available from the SDL.Event class for keyboard events.

Variable mod

int SDL.Keysym.mod


Current key modifiers

mod stores the current state of the keyboard modifiers as explained in SDL.get_mod_state().

Variable scancode

int SDL.Keysym.scancode


Hardware specific scancode

The scancode field should generally be left alone - it is the hardware dependent scancode returned by the keyboard.

Variable sym

int SDL.Keysym.sym


SDL virtual keysym

The sym field is extremely useful. It is the SDL-defined value of the key. This field is very useful when you are checking for certain key presses.

Variable unicode

int SDL.Keysym.unicode


Translated character

The unicode field is only used when UNICODE translation has beed enabled with SDL.enable_unicode(). If unicode is non-zero then this the UNICODE character corresponding to the keypress.


UNICODE translation does have a slight overhead so don't enable it unless its needed.

Class SDL.Music


Use an SDL.Music object to load in a music file or sample and then play it back using an internal player.

You must call SDL.init() with the SDL.INIT_AUDIO flag for audio support to be available. You must also first set up some audio parameters with a call to SDL.open_audio().

See also


Method create

SDL.Music SDL.Music(string fname)


Loads in the given music file and initializes the object ready for playback.

Supported formats are OGG, MP3, MOD, MID and WAV.

An exception is thrown if the file fails to load.

Parameter fname

The name of the music file to be loaded.

Method fade_in

object fade_in(int ms, int|void loops)


Fades the music in over the given number of milliseconds. Playback is repeated loops number of times.

The fade-in will only happen on the first play, not on subsequent loops. Likewise, calling this method on an object that is already playing has the same effect as rewind(): playback will start over at the beginning but without fading in.

Parameter ms

Music fades in over this number of milliseconds.

Parameter loops

How many times the music should be repeated (looped). Passing a value of 0 here means the music plays once over - i.e. no repeats. A value of -1 loops the music indefinitely. This is the default if you don't specify a value.


The SDL.Music object.

See also

fade_out(), fading()

Method fade_out

object fade_out(int ms)


Fades the music out over the given number of milliseconds.

After ms milliseconds have passed, the music will be stopped; i.e. playing() will return 0.

Parameter ms

The number of milliseconds it will take to fade out the music, starting from now.


The SDL.Music object.

Method fading

int fading()


Determines the current state of fading for this SDL.Music object.


One of the following constants:




See also

fade_in(), fade_out()

Method halt

object halt()


Stops music playback immediately, including any fader effects.


The SDL.Music object.

Method pause

object pause()


Pauses the music playback.

It is safe to call this method when the music is already paused.


The SDL.Music object.

See also

resume(), paused()

Method paused

int paused()


Determines if the music is already paused.


1 if the music is paused, otherwise 0.

Method play

object play(int|void loops)


Starts playback. Repeats loops number of times.

Parameter loops

The number of times the music should be looped (i.e. repeated). If loops is -1 or omitted, the music will repeat indefinitely.


The SDL.Music object.

Method playing

int playing()


Determines if the music is already playing.

This method will return 1 even if the music has been paused.


1 if the music is playing, otherwise 0.

Method resume

object resume()


Resume music playback after a call to pause().

It is safe to call this method when the music isn't paused.


The SDL.Music object.

See also

pause(), paused()

Method rewind

object rewind()


Rewinds the music to the start and resumes playback.

If the music was paused at the time of this call, you will still need to call resume() to restart playback.

This function works only for MOD, OGG, MP3 and Native MIDI streams.


The SDL.Music object.

Method set_volume

float set_volume(float vol)


Sets the volume for music playback.

Parameter vol

The volume to set. This is a float value from 0.0 (silent) to 1.0 (full volume). Values above and below these limits will be clamped.


The previous volume setting.

Method volume

float volume()


The current volume setting. This is a float value from 0.0 (silent) to 1.0 (full volume).

Class SDL.PixelFormat


This describes the format of the pixel data stored at the pixels field of a SDL.Surface. Every surface stores a PixelFormat in the format field.

Variable rloss
Variable gloss
Variable bloss
Variable aloss

int SDL.PixelFormat.rloss
int SDL.PixelFormat.gloss
int SDL.PixelFormat.bloss
int SDL.PixelFormat.aloss


Precision loss of each color component.

Variable alpha

int SDL.PixelFormat.alpha


Overall surface alpha value.

Variable rmask
Variable gmask
Variable bmask
Variable amask

int SDL.PixelFormat.rmask
int SDL.PixelFormat.gmask
int SDL.PixelFormat.bmask
int SDL.PixelFormat.amask


Binary mask used to retrieve individual color values.

Variable rshift
Variable gshift
Variable bshift
Variable ashift

int SDL.PixelFormat.rshift
int SDL.PixelFormat.gshift
int SDL.PixelFormat.bshift
int SDL.PixelFormat.ashift


Binary left shift of each color component in the pixel value.

Variable bits_per_pixel

int SDL.PixelFormat.bits_per_pixel


The number of bits used to represent each pixel in a surface. Usually 8, 16, 24 or 32.

Variable bytes_per_pixel

int SDL.PixelFormat.bytes_per_pixel


The number of bytes used to represent each pixel in a surface. Usually one to four.

Variable colorkey

int SDL.PixelFormat.colorkey


Pixel value of transparent pixels.

Method get_rgb

Image.Color.Color get_rgb(int pixel)


Get RGB component values from a pixel stored in this pixel format.

Parameter pixel

A pixel retrieved from a surface with this pixel format or a color previously mapped with map_rgb() or map_rgba().


A Image.Color.Color object with the RGB components of the pixel.

See also

map_rgb(), map_rgba(), get_rgba()

Method get_rgba

mapping(string:Image.Color.Color|int) get_rgba(int pixel)


Get RGB component values from a pixel stored in this pixel format.

Parameter pixel

A pixel retrieved from a surface with this pixel format or a color previously mapped with map_rgb() or map_rgba().


A mapping containing the RGBA components of the pixel:

"color" : Image.Color.Color

The RGB color value of the pixel.

"alpha" : int

The alpha value of the pixel in the range 0-255.

See also

map_rgb(), map_rgba(), get_rgb()

Method losses

array(int) losses()


Convenience method returning the RGBA precision loss as an array.

Method map_rgb

int map_rgb(int r, int g, int b)
int map_rgb(Image.Color.Color color)


Maps the RGB color value to the specified pixel format and returns the pixel value as an integer.

If the format has a palette (8-bit) the index of the closest matching color in the palette will be returned.

If the pixel format has an alpha component it will be returned as all 1 bits (fully opaque).

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

The red, green and blue components specified as an integer between 0 and 255.

Parameter color

The color as represented by an Image.Color.Color object.


A pixel value best approximating the given RGB color value for a given pixel format.

See also

map_rgba(), get_rgb(), get_rgba()

Method map_rgba

int map_rgba(int r, int g, int b, int a)
int map_rgba(Image.Color.Color color, int a)


Maps the RGBA color value to the specified pixel format and returns the pixel value as an integer.

If the format has a palette (8-bit) the index of the closest matching color in the palette will be returned.

If the pixel format has an alpha component it will be returned as all 1 bits (fully opaque).

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b
Parameter a

The red, green and blue components specified as an integer between 0 and 255.

Parameter color

The color as represented by an Image.Color.Color object.


A pixel value best approximating the given RGB color value for a given pixel format.

See also

map_rgb(), get_rgb(), get_rgba()

Method masks

array(int) masks()


Convenience method returning the RGBA masks as an array.

Method shifts

array(int) shifts()


Convenience method returning the RGBA shifts as an array.

Class SDL.Rect


Used in SDL to define a rectangular area. It is sometimes also used to specify only points or sizes (i.e only one of the position and dimension is used).

Method cast



It is possible to cast a Rect object to an array or to a mapping. The array will have the values in the order x, y, w, h and the mapping will have the values associated with the corresponding names.

Method create

SDL.Rect SDL.Rect()
SDL.Rect SDL.Rect(int(-32768..32767) x, int(-32768..32767) y)
SDL.Rect SDL.Rect(int(-32768..32767) x, int(-32768..32767) y, int(16bit) w, int(16bit) h)


Create a new Rect.

Parameter x
Parameter y

Optional initial values for Rect()->x and Rect()->y.

Parameter w
Parameter h

Optional initial values for Rect()->w and Rect()->h.

Variable w
Variable h

int(16bit) SDL.Rect.w
int(16bit) SDL.Rect.h


The width and height of the rectangle. Internally these are 16 bit unsigned integers. A runtime error will be generated when integer values are used that are too big.

Variable x
Variable y

int(-32768..32767) SDL.Rect.x
int(-32768..32767) SDL.Rect.y


Position of the upper-left corner of the rectangle. Internally these are 16 bit signed integers. A runtime error will be generated when integer values are used that are too big.

Class SDL.Surface


Surface's represent areas of "graphical" memory, memory that can be drawn to. The video framebuffer is returned as a SDL.Surface by SDL.set_video_mode() and SDL.get_video_surface().

Method blit

object blit(SDL.Surface dst, SDL.Rect|void srcrect, SDL.Rect|void dstrect)


Perform a blit from this surface to the dst surface.

Parameter dst

Destination Surface for the blit.

Parameter srcrect

Optional source Rect. If UNDEFINED the entire source Surface will be copied.

Parameter dstrect

Optional destination Rect. Only the position fields x and y values are used. If UNDEFINED the blit will be performed to position 0, 0.

Variable clip_rect

SDL.Rect SDL.Surface.clip_rect


This is the clipping rectangle as set by set_clip_rect().

Method convert_surface

object convert_surface(SDL.PixelFormat fmt, int flags)


Document this function

Method display_format

SDL.Surface display_format()


This function takes a surface and copies it to a new surface of the pixel format and colors of the video framebuffer, suitable for fast blitting onto the display surface. It calls convert_surface().

If you want to take advantage of hardware colorkey or alpha blit acceleration, you should set the colorkey and / or alpha value before calling this function.

If you want an alpha channel, see display_format_alpha().


The new surface. An error is thrown if the conversion fails.

Method display_format_alpha

SDL.Surface display_format_alpha()


This function takes a surface and copies it to a new surface of the pixel format and colors of the video framebuffer, suitable for fast blitting onto the display surface. It calls convert_surface().

If you want to take advantage of hardware colorkey or alpha blit acceleration, you should set the colorkey and / or alpha value before calling this function.

This function can be used to convert a colourkey to an alpha channel, if the SDL.SRCCOLORKEY flag is set on the surface. The generated surface will then be transparent (alpha=0) where the pixels match the colourkey, and opaque (alpha=255) elsewhere.


The new surface. An error is thrown if the conversion fails.

Method fill

object fill(int color)


Fill the entire surface with a solid color.

See also


Method fill_rect

object fill_rect(int color, SDL.Rect dstrect)


Fill a rectangle with a solid color.

See also


Variable flags

int SDL.Surface.flags


The following are supported in the flags field.


Surface is stored in system memory


Surface is stored in video memory


Surface uses asynchronous blits if possible.


Allows any pixel-format (Display surface).


Surface has exclusive palette.


Surface is double buffered (Display surface).


Surface is full screen (Display Sur face).


Surface has an OpenGL context (Display Surface).


Surface supports OpenGL blitting (Display Surface).


Surface is resizable (Display Surface).


Surface blit uses hardware acceleration.


Surface use colorkey blitting.


Colorkey blitting is accelerated with RLE.


Surface blit uses alpha blending.


Surface uses preallocated memory.

Variable format

SDL.PixelFormat SDL.Surface.format


The pixel format of this surface.

Method get_pixel

int get_pixel(int x, int y)


Get the value of the specified pixel. The surface needs to be locked before this method can be used.

Parameter x
Parameter y

Pixel coordinate to get.


The value of the specified pixel.

See also

set_pixel(), unlock(), lock()

Variable w
Variable h

int SDL.Surface.w
int SDL.Surface.h


The width and height of the surface in pixels.

Method init

SDL.Surface init(int flags, int width, int height, int depth, int Rmask, int Gmask, int Bmask, int Amask)


This (re)initializes this surface using the specified parameters.

Any previously allocated data will be freed.

Parameter depth
Parameter Rmask
Parameter Gmask
Parameter Bmask
Parameter Amask

If depth is 8 bits an empty palette is allocated for the surface, otherwise a 'packed-pixel' SDL.PixelFormat is created using the [RGBA]mask's provided.

Parameter width
Parameter height

width and height specify the desired size of the image.

Parameter flags

flags specifies the type of surface that should be created. It is an OR'd combination of the following possible values:


SDL will create the surface in system memory. This improves the performance of pixel level access, however you may not be able to take advantage of some types of hardware blitting.


SDL will attempt to create the surface in video memory. This will allow SDL to take advantage of Video->Video blits (which are often accelerated).


This flag turns on colourkeying for blits from this surface. If SDL.HWSURFACE is also specified and colourkeyed blits are hardware-accelerated, then SDL will attempt to place the surface in video memory. Use set_color_key() to set or clear this flag after surface creation.


This flag turns on alpha-blending for blits from this surface. If SDL.HWSURFACE is also specified and alpha blending blits are hardware-accelerated, then the surface will be placed in video memory if possible. Use set_alpha() to set or clear this flag after surface creation.


If an alpha-channel is specified (that is, if Amask is nonzero), then the SDL.SRCALPHA flag is automatically set. You may remove this flag by calling set_alpha() after surface creation.


A reference to itself.


If this method fails, the surface will become uninitialized.

See also


Method lock

int lock()


This methods locks the surface to allow direct access to the pixels using the get_pixel() and set_pixel() methods.


Note that although all surfaces in SDL don't require locking, you still need to call this method to enable the set/get pixel methods. You should unlock the surface when you're doing modifying it.


Calling this method multiple times means that you need to call unlock an equal number of times for the surface to become unlocked.


1 for success or 0 if the surface couldn't be locked.

See also

unlock(), set_pixel(), get_pixel()

Method set_alpha

object set_alpha(int flag, int alpha)


Document this function

Method set_clip_rect

object set_clip_rect(SDL.Rect rect)


Document this function

Method set_color_key

object set_color_key(int flag, int key)


Set or clear the color key (aka transparent pixel) for a the surface. Also control whether RLE-accelleration is enabled or not.

Parameter flag

Document this function

Method set_image

SDL.Surface set_image(Image.Image image, int|void flags)
SDL.Surface set_image(Image.Image image, Image.Image alpha, int|void flags)


This (re)initializes this surface from the Image.Image in image.

Any previously allocated data will be freed.

If initialization is successful, this surface will use RGBA8888 format. For good blitting performance, it should be converted to the display format using display_format().

Parameter image

The source image.

Parameter alpha

Optional alpha channel. In Pike, the alpha channel can have different alpha values for red, green and blue. Since SDL doesn't support this, only the alpha value of the red color is used in the conversion. When this calling convention is used, the surface alpha value of image is ignored.

Parameter flags

When present this specifies the type of surface that should be created. It is an OR'd combination of the following possible values:


SDL will create the surface in system memory. This improves the performance of pixel level access, however you may not be able to take advantage of some types of hardware blitting.


SDL will attempt to create the surface in video memory. This will allow SDL to take advantage of Video->Video blits (which are often accelerated).


This flag turns on colourkeying for blits from this surface. If SDL.HWSURFACE is also specified and colourkeyed blits are hardware-accelerated, then SDL will attempt to place the surface in video memory. Use set_color_key() to set or clear this flag after surface creation.


This flag turns on alpha-blending for blits from this surface. If SDL.HWSURFACE is also specified and alpha blending blits are hardware-accelerated, then the surface will be placed in video memory if possible. Note that if this surface has an alpha value specified, this flag is enabled automatically. Use set_alpha() to modify this flag at a later point.


If this method fails, the surface will become uninitialized.


A reference to itself.

See also


Method set_pixel

int set_pixel(int x, int y, int pixel)


Set the value of the specified pixel. The surface needs to be locked before this method can be used.

Parameter x
Parameter y

Pixel coordinate to modify.

Parameter pixel

Pixel value to set to the specified pixel.


A reference to the surface itself.

See also

get_pixel(), unlock(), lock()

Method unlock

void unlock()


Surfaces that were previously locked using lock() must be unlocked with unlock().

Surfaces should be unlocked as soon as possible.

See also


Class SDL.VideoInfo


This (read-only) class is returned by SDL.get_video_info(). It contains information on either the 'best' available mode (if called before SDL.set_video_mode()) or the current video mode.

Variable blit_fill

int SDL.VideoInfo.blit_fill


Are color fills accelerated?

Variable blit_hw

int SDL.VideoInfo.blit_hw


Are hardware to hardware blits accelerated?

Variable blit_hw_a

int SDL.VideoInfo.blit_hw_a


Are hardware to hardware alpha blits accelerated?

Variable blit_hw_cc

int SDL.VideoInfo.blit_hw_cc


Are hardware to hardware colorkey blits accelerated?

Variable blit_sw

int SDL.VideoInfo.blit_sw


Are software to hardware blits accelerated?

Variable blit_sw_a

int SDL.VideoInfo.blit_sw_a


Are software to hardware alpha blits accelerated?

Variable blit_sw_cc

int SDL.VideoInfo.blit_sw_cc


Are software to hardware colorkey blits accelerated?

Variable format

SDL.PixelFormat SDL.VideoInfo.format


Pixel format of the video device.

Variable hw_available

int SDL.VideoInfo.hw_available


Is it possible to create hardware surfaces?

Variable video_mem

int SDL.VideoInfo.video_mem


Total amount of video memory in KB.

Variable wm_available

int SDL.VideoInfo.wm_available


Is there a window manager available

Module Search

Method do_query_and

ResultSet do_query_and(array(string) words, array(int) field_coefficients, array(int) proximity_coefficients, int cutoff, function(string, int, int:string) blobfeeder)

Parameter words

Arrays of word ids. Note that the order is significant for the ranking.

Parameter field_coefficients

An array of ranking coefficients for the different fields. In the range of [0x0000-0xffff]. The array (always) has 65 elements:

int 0


int 1..64

Special field 0..63.

Parameter proximity_coefficients

An array of ranking coefficients for the different proximity categories. Always has 8 elements, in the range of [0x0000-0xffff].

int 0

spread: 0 (Perfect hit)

int 1

spread: 1-5

int 2

spread: 6-10

int 3

spread: 11-20

int 4

spread: 21-40

int 5

spread: 41-80

int 6

spread: 81-160

int 7

spread: 161-

Parameter blobfeeder

This function returns a Pike string containing the word hits for a certain word. Call repeatedly until it returns 0.

Method do_query_or

ResultSet do_query_or(array(string) words, array(int) field_coefficients, array(int) proximity_coefficients, int cutoff, function(string, int, int:string) blobfeeder)

Parameter words

Arrays of word ids. Note that the order is significant for the ranking.

Parameter field_coefficients

An array of ranking coefficients for the different fields. In the range of [0x0000-0xffff]. The array (always) has 65 elements:

int 0


int 1..64

Special field 0..63.

Parameter proximity_coefficients

An array of ranking coefficients for the different proximity categories. Always has 8 elements, in the range of [0x0000-0xffff].

int 0

spread: 0 (Perfect hit)

int 1

spread: 1-5

int 2

spread: 6-10

int 3

spread: 11-20

int 4

spread: 21-40

int 5

spread: 41-80

int 6

spread: 81-160

int 7

spread: 161-

Parameter blobfeeder

This function returns a Pike string containing the word hits for a certain word. Call repeatedly until it returns 0.

Method do_query_phrase

ResultSet do_query_phrase(array(string) words, array(int) field_coefficients, function(string, int, int:string) blobfeeder)

Parameter words

Arrays of word ids. Note that the order is significant for the ranking.

Parameter field_coefficients

An array of ranking coefficients for the different fields. In the range of [0x0000-0xffff]. The array (always) has 65 elements:

int 0


int 1..64

Special field 0..63.

Parameter blobfeeder

This function returns a Pike string containing the word hits for a certain word. Call repeatedly until it returns 0.

Class Search.Blob

Method add

void add(int docid, int field, int offset)

Method create

Search.Blob Search.Blob(void|string initial)

Method data

string data()

Method memsize

int memsize()

Method merge

void merge(string data)

Method remove

void remove(int doc_id)

Method remove_list

void remove_list(array(int) docs)

Class Search.Blobs

Method add_words

void add_words(int docid, array(string) words, int field_id)


Add all the words in the 'words' array to the blobs

Method memsize

int memsize()


Returns the in-memory size of the blobs

Method read

array read()


returns ({ string word_id, string blob }) or ({0,0}) As a side-effect, this function frees the blob and the word_id, so you can only read the blobs struct once. Also, once you have called read, add_words will no longer work as expected.

Method read_all_sorted

array(array(string)) read_all_sorted()


returns ({({ string word1_id, string blob1 }),...}), sorted by word_id in octed order.

As a side-effect, this function frees the blobs and the word_ids, so you can only read the blobs struct once. Also, once you have called read or read_all_sorted, add_words will no longer work as expected.

Class Search.LinkFarm

Method add

void add(int, array, int, int)

Method memsize

int memsize()


Returns the in-memory size of the linkfarm

Method read

array read()


returns ({ int word_id, Blob b }) or 0

Class Search.MergeFile

Method create

Search.MergeFile Search.MergeFile(Stdio.File _fd)

Method merge_mergefiles

void merge_mergefiles(Search.MergeFile a, Search.MergeFile b)

Method write_blobs

void write_blobs(_WhiteFish.Blobs blobs)

Class Search.RankingProfile

Method copy

this_program copy()


Returns a copy of this object.

Method create

Search.RankingProfile Search.RankingProfile(void|int cutoff, void|array(int) proximity_ranking, void|Search.Database.Base db, void|array(int)|mapping(string:int) field_ranking)


cutoff defaults to 8, proximity_ranking defaults to ({ 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, }) and field_ranking defaults to ({ 17, 0, 147 }) + allocate(62). db is only needed if field_ranking is provided as a mapping.

Variable cutoff

int Search.RankingProfile.cutoff

Variable field_ranking

array(int) Search.RankingProfile.field_ranking

Variable proximity_ranking

array(int) Search.RankingProfile.proximity_ranking

Class Search.ResultSet


A resultset is basically an array of hits from the search.

Note: inheriting this class is _not_ supported (for performance reasons)

Method _sizeof
Method size

int sizeof( Search.ResultSet arg )
int size()


Return the size of this resultset, in entries.

Method intersect
Method `&

ResultSet intersect(ResultSet a)
ResultSet res = Search.ResultSet() & a


Return a new resultset with all entries that are present in _both_ sets. Only the document_id is checked, the resulting ranking is the sum of the rankings if the two sets.

Method `|
Method `+
Method or

ResultSet res = Search.ResultSet() | a
ResultSet res = Search.ResultSet() + a
ResultSet or(ResultSet a)


Add the given resultsets together, to generate a resultset with both sets included. The rankings will be added if a document exists in both resultsets.

Method sub
Method `-

ResultSet sub(ResultSet a)
ResultSet res = Search.ResultSet() - a


Return a new resultset with all entries in a removed from the current ResultSet.

Only the document_id is checked, the ranking is irrelevalt.

Method add_ranking

ResultSet add_ranking(ResultSet a)


Return a new resultset. All entries are the same as in this set, but if an entry exists in a, the ranking from a is added to the ranking of the entry

Method cast



Only works when type == "array". Returns the resultset data as a array.

Method dup

ResultSet dup()


Return a new resultset with the same contents as this one.

Method memsize

int memsize()


Return the size of this resultset, in bytes.

Method overhead

int overhead()


Return the size of the memory overhead, in bytes.

You can minimize the overhead by calling dup(), which will create a new resultset with the exact size needed.

Method slice

array(array(int)) slice(int first, int nelems)


Return nelems entries from the result-set, starting with first. If 'first' is outside the resultset, or nelems is 0, 0 is returned.

Method sort

void sort()


Sort this ResultSet according to ranking.

Method sort

void sort()


Sort this ResultSet according to ranking.

Method sort_docid

void sort_docid()


Sort this ResultSet according to document id.

Method test

ResultSet test(int nelems, int start, int incr)


Fills the resulttest with nelems entries, the document IDs are strictly raising, starting with start, ending with start+nelems*incr.

Used for debug and testing.

Module Search.Database

Class Search.Database.Base


Base class for Search database storage abstraction implementations.

Method allocate_field_id

int allocate_field_id(string field)


Allocate a field id.

Parameter field

The (possibly wide string) field name wanted.


An allocated numeric id, or -1 if the allocation failed.

Method create

Search.Database.Base Search.Database.Base(string db_url)


Initialize the database object.

Parameter path

The URL that identifies the underlying database storage

Method get_blob

string get_blob(string word, int num, void|mapping(string:mapping(int:string)) blobcache)


Retrieves a blob from the database.

Parameter word

The wanted word. Possibly in wide-string format. (Not UTF-8 encoded.)

Parameter num
Parameter blobcache

The blob requested, or 0 if there's no more blobs.

Method get_database_size

int get_database_size()


Returns the size, in bytes, of the search database.

Method get_document_id

int get_document_id(string uri, void|string language, void|int do_not_create)


Retrieve and possibly creates the document id corresponding to the given URI and language code.

Parameter uri

The URI to be retrieved or created.

Parameter language

A two letter ISO-639-1 language code, or 0 if the document is language neutral.

Parameter do_not_create

If non-zero, do not create the document.


The non-zero numeric identifier if the document identified by uri and language_code exists, or 0 otherwise.

Method get_field_id

int get_field_id(string field, void|int do_not_create)


Retrieve and possibly creates the numeric id of a field

Parameter field

The (possibly wide string) field name wanted.

Parameter do_not_create

If non-zero, do not allocate a field id for this field


An allocated numeric id, or -1 if it did not exist, or allocation failed.

Method get_language_stats

mapping(string|int:int) get_language_stats()


Retrieve statistics about the number of documents in different languages.


A mapping with the the language code in the index part, and the corresponding number of documents as values.

Method get_lastmodified

int get_lastmodified(Standards.URI|string|array(Standards.URI|string) uri, void|string language)


Get last modification time for uri, language.


Returns modification time in seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00 UTC) if known, and 0 (zero) otherwise.

Method get_metadata

mapping(string:string) get_metadata(int|Standards.URI|string uri, void|string language, void|array(string) wanted_fields)


Retrieve a metadata collection for a document.

Parameter uri

The URI of the resource being indexed.

Parameter language

A two letter ISO-639-1 language code, or 0 if the document is language neutral.

Parameter wanted_fields

An array containing the wanted metadata field names, or 0.


The metadata fields in wanted_fields or all existing fields if wanted_fields is 0.

Method get_most_common_words

array(array) get_most_common_words(void|int count)


Returns a list of the count most common words in the database. count defaults to 10.

Method get_num_deleted_documents

int get_num_deleted_documents()


Returns the number of deleted documents in the database.

Method get_num_words

int get_num_words()


Returns the number of distinct words in the database.

Method get_uri_and_language

mapping get_uri_and_language(int|array(int) doc_id)


Retrieve the URI and language code associated with doc_id.

"uri" : string

The URI of the document.

"language" : void|string

The ISO-639-1 language code of the document, or 0 if not set.

Method get_uri_id

int get_uri_id(string uri, void|int do_not_create)


Retrieve and possibly creates the URI id corresponding to the given URI.

Parameter uri

The URI to be retrieved or created.

Parameter do_not_create

If non-zero, do not create the URI.


The non-zero numeric identifier if uri exists, or 0 otherwise.

Method insert_words

void insert_words(Standards.URI|string uri, void|string language, string field, array(string) words)


Index words into the database. The data may be buffered until the next sync call.

Parameter uri

The URI of the resource being indexed.

Parameter language

A two letter ISO-639-1 language code, or 0 if the document is language neutral.

Parameter field

The field name for the words being indexed.

Parameter words

The words being indexed. Possibly in wide-string format. (Not UTF8 encoded.)

Method list_fields

mapping(string:int) list_fields()


Lists all fields in the search database.


A mapping with the fields in the index part, and the corresponding numeric field id as values.

Method list_url_by_prefix

void list_url_by_prefix(string url_prefix, function(string:void) cb)


Calls cb for all uri:s that match uri_prefix.

Method remove_document

void remove_document(string|Standards.URI uri, void|string language)


Remove a document from the database.

Parameter uri

The URI of the resource being indexed.

Parameter language

A two letter ISO-639-1 language code. If zero, delete all existing language forks with the URI of uri.

Method remove_document_prefix

void remove_document_prefix(string|Standards.URI uri)


Removes all documents that matches the provided uri prefix.

Parameter uri

The URI prefix of the documents to delete.

Method remove_field

void remove_field(string field)


Remove a field from the database. Also removes all stored metadata with this field, but not all indexed words using this field id.

Parameter field

The (possibly wide string) field name to be removed.

Method remove_metadata

void remove_metadata(Standards.URI|string uri, void|string language)


Remove all metadata for a document

Parameter uri

The URI of the resource whose metadata should be removed.

Parameter language

A two letter ISO-639-1 language code, or 0 if the document is language neutral.

Method remove_uri

void remove_uri(string|Standards.URI uri)


Remove URI from the database.

Parameter uri

The URI of the resource being removed.

Method remove_uri_prefix

void remove_uri_prefix(string|Standards.URI uri)


Remove URI prefix from the database.

Parameter uri

The URI prefix of the resource being removed.

Method safe_remove_field

void safe_remove_field(string field)


Remove a field from the database if it isn't used by the filters. Also removes all stored metadata with this field, but not all indexed words using this field id.

Parameter field

The (possibly wide string) field name to be removed.

Method set_lastmodified

void set_lastmodified(Standards.URI|string uri, void|string language, int when)


Set last modification time for uri, language to mtime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00 UTC).

Method set_metadata

void set_metadata(Standards.URI|string uri, void|string language, mapping(string:string) metadata)


Set a metadata collection for a document.

Parameter uri

The URI of the resource being indexed.

Parameter language

A two letter ISO-639-1 language code, or 0 if the document is language neutral.

Parameter metadata

A collection of metadata strings to be set for a document. The strings may be wide. The "body" metadata may be cut off at 64K.

Method set_sync_callback

void set_sync_callback(function(:void) f)


Sets a function to be called when sync has been completed.

Method sync

void sync()


Writes the data stored in temporary buffers to permanent storage. Calls the function set by set_sync_callback] when done.

Module Search.Filter

Class Search.Filter.Base

Constant contenttypes

constant Search.Filter.Base.contenttypes


The MIME content types this class can filter.

Method filter

.Output filter(Standards.URI uri, string|Stdio.File data, string content_type, mixed ... more)

Class Search.Filter.Output


This object is returned from Search.Filter plugins.

Variable document_size

int Search.Filter.Output.document_size


The size of the document.

Variable fields

mapping(string:string) Search.Filter.Output.fields


Data extracted from input, grouped by type. Standard fields are "body", "title", "description", "keywords" and "mtime".


Note that all field values (even "mtime") are strings.

Method fix_relative_links

void fix_relative_links(Standards.URI base_uri)


Modifies relative links in links to be relative to base_uri.

Variable links

array(Standards.URI|string) Search.Filter.Output.links


All links collected from the document.

Variable uri_anchors

mapping(string:string) Search.Filter.Output.uri_anchors


Maps un-normalized URLs to raw text, e.g.  ([ "http://pike.lysator.liu.se": "Pike language" ]) .

Module Search.Grammar

Method getDefaultFields

multiset(string) getDefaultFields()

Method optimize

ParseNode optimize(ParseNode node, string|void parentOp)

Method remove_stop_words

void remove_stop_words(ParseNode node, array(string) stop_words)

Class Search.Grammar.AbstractParser

Method create

Search.Grammar.AbstractParser Search.Grammar.AbstractParser(void|mapping(string:mixed) options)

Parameter options
"implicit" : string

Either of the strings: "and", "or". If not supplied, default to "or".

"fields" : multiset(string)

The words that should be recognized as fields. If not supplied, it should default to Search.Grammar.getDefaultFields()

Class Search.Grammar.AndNode


And node.

Inherit ParseNode

inherit ParseNode : ParseNode

Class Search.Grammar.DateNode


Date node.

Inherit ParseNode

inherit ParseNode : ParseNode

Class Search.Grammar.DefaultParser

Method create

Search.Grammar.DefaultParser Search.Grammar.DefaultParser(mapping(string:mixed)|void opt)

Inherit AbstractParser

protected inherit .AbstractParser : AbstractParser

Inherit Lexer

protected inherit .Lexer : Lexer

Variable options

mapping(string:mixed) Search.Grammar.DefaultParser.options

Method parse

ParseNode parse(string q)

Class Search.Grammar.OrNode


Or node.

Inherit ParseNode

inherit ParseNode : ParseNode

Class Search.Grammar.ParseNode


Abstract parse tree node.

Class Search.Grammar.TextNode


Text node.

Inherit ParseNode

inherit ParseNode : ParseNode

Module Search.Grammar.Lexer

Method tokenize

string|array(array(Token|string)) tokenize(string query)


Tokenizes a query into tokens for later use by a parser.

Parameter query

The query to tokenize.


An array containing the tokens: ({ ({ TOKEN_WORD, "foo" }), ... }) Or, in case of an error, a string with the error message.

Module Search.Indexer

Method extension_to_type

string extension_to_type(string extension)

Method filename_to_type

string filename_to_type(string filename)

Method filter_and_index

Search.Filter.Output filter_and_index(Search.Database.Base db, string|Standards.URI uri, void|string language, string|Stdio.File data, string content_type, void|mapping headers, void|string default_charset)

Method index_document

void index_document(Search.Database.Base db, string|Standards.URI uri, void|string language, mapping fields)

Method remove_document

void remove_document(Search.Database.Base db, string|Standards.URI uri, void|string language)

Module Search.Query

Method execute

array(Search.ResultSet|array(string)) execute(Search.Database.Base db, Search.Grammar.AbstractParser parser, string query, Search.RankingProfile ranking, void|array(string) stop_words, void|search_order order)

Parameter query

The query string entered by user.

Parameter db

The search database.

Parameter defaultRanking

Used when searching in the field "any:".


An array with three elements:

Search.ResultSet 0

The ResultSet containing the hits.

array(string) 1

All wanted words in the query. (I.e. not the words that were preceded by minus.)

array(mapping) 2

All wanted globs in the query. (I.e. not the globs that were preceded by minus.)

Module Search.Queue

Class Search.Queue.Base


Virtual base class for the Search crawler state.

Method add_uri

void add_uri(Standards.URI uri, int recurse, string template, void|int force)


Add an URI to be crawled.

Method clear

void clear()


Clear and empty the entire queue.

Method clear_cache

void clear_cache()


Clear any RAM caches.

Method clear_md5

void clear_md5(int ... stages)


Clear the content MD5 for all URIs at the specified stages.

Method clear_stage

void clear_stage(int ... stages)


Reset all URIs at the specified stage to stage 0 (zero).

Method get

int|Standards.URI get()

Method get_extra

mapping get_extra(Standards.URI uri)


Returns a mapping with the current state for the URI.

"md5" : string
"recurse" : string|int
"stage" : string|int
"template" : string

Currently this function always returns a mapping(string:string), but this may change to the above in the future.

Method get_uris

array(Standards.URI) get_uris(void|int stage)


Returns all URIs if no stage is specified, otherwise returns the URIs at the specified stage.


State 0 (zero) is a special case, and returns all URIs. This may change in the future.

Inherit Queue

inherit Web.Crawler.Queue : Queue

Method num_with_stage

int num_with_stage(int ... stage)


Returns the number of URIs at the specified stage(s).

Method put

void put(string|array(string)|Standards.URI|array(Standards.URI) uri)


Add one or multiple URIs to the queue.

All the URIs will be added with recursion enabled and an empty template.

Method remove_stage

void remove_stage(int stage)


Remove all URIs at the specified stage.

Method remove_uri

void remove_uri(string|Standards.URI uri)


Remove an URI from the queue.

Method remove_uri_prefix

void remove_uri_prefix(string|Standards.URI uri)


Remove all URIs with the specified prefix from the queue.

Method set_md5

void set_md5(Standards.URI uri, string md5)


Set the content MD5 for an URI.

Method set_recurse

void set_recurse(Standards.URI uri, int recurse)


Set the recurse mode for an URI.

Method set_stage

void set_stage(Standards.URI uri, int stage)


Set the stage for a single URI.

Enum Search.Queue.Base.Stage


The queue stage levels.

Class Search.Queue.MySQL


Search crawler state stored in a Mysql database.

Method create

Search.Queue.MySQL Search.Queue.MySQL(Web.Crawler.Stats _stats, Web.Crawler.Policy _policy, string _url, string _table, void|Web.Crawler.RuleSet _allow, void|Web.Crawler.RuleSet _deny)

Parameter _url

Sql.Sql URL for the database to store the queue.

Parameter _table

Sql.Sql table name to store the queue in.

If the table doesn't exist it will be created.

Method get_schemes

array(string) get_schemes()


Returns an array with all URI schemes currently used in the queue.

Method get_stage

int get_stage(Standards.URI uri)


Returns the current stage for the specified URI.

See also


Inherit Base

inherit .Base : Base

Method reset_stage

void reset_stage(string|void uri_prefix)


Reset the stage to 0 (zero) for all URIs with the specified uri_prefix. If no uri_prefix is specified reset the stage for all URIs.

Module Search.Utils

Method flush_profile

void flush_profile(int p)


Flushes the profile p from all ProfileCache objects obtained with get_profile_cache.

Method get_profile_cache

ProfileCache get_profile_cache(string db_name)


Returns a ProfileCache for the profiles stored in the database db_name.

Method get_profile_storage

mapping get_profile_storage(string db_name)


Returns a profile storage mapping, which will be shared between all callers with the same db_name given.

Method get_scheduler

Scheduler get_scheduler(string db_name)


Returns a scheduler for the given profile database.

Method normalize

string normalize(string in)


Normalize the input string. Performs unicode NFKD normalization and then lowercases the whole string

Method tokenize

array(string) tokenize(string in)


Tokenize the input string (Note: You should first call normalize on it)

Method tokenize_and_normalize

array(string) tokenize_and_normalize(string what)


This can be optimized quite significantly when compared to tokenize( normalize( x ) ) in the future, currently it's not all that much faster, but still faster.

Class Search.Utils.Logger

Method add_program_name

int add_program_name(int code, string name)

Method create

Search.Utils.Logger Search.Utils.Logger(Sql.Sql db_object, int profile, int stderr_logging)
Search.Utils.Logger Search.Utils.Logger(string db_url, int profile, int stderr_logging)

Method get_log

array(array(string|int)) get_log(int profile, array(string) types, int from, int to)

Method log_error

void log_error(int code, void|string extra, void|int log_profile)

Method log_event

void log_event(int code, string type, void|string extra, void|int log_profile)

Method log_notice

void log_notice(int code, void|string extra, void|int log_profile)

Method log_warning

void log_warning(int code, void|string extra, void|int log_profile)

Class Search.Utils.ProfileCache

Method create

Search.Utils.ProfileCache Search.Utils.ProfileCache(string db_name)

Variable db_name

string Search.Utils.ProfileCache.db_name

Method flush_cache

void flush_cache()


Empty the whole cache.

Method flush_profile

void flush_profile(int p)


Flushes profile entry p from the profile cache.

Method get_db_profile_number

int get_db_profile_number(string name)


Returns the profile number for the given database profile.

Method get_profile_entry

ProfileEntry get_profile_entry(string db_name, void|string query_name)


Returns a ProfileEntry object with the states needed for commiting searches in the database profile db_name with the rules from query profile query_name.

Method get_query_profile_number

int get_query_profile_number(string name)


Returns the profile number for the given query profile.

Method get_value_mapping

mapping get_value_mapping(int profile)


Returns the value mapping for the given profile.

Method list_db_profiles

array(string) list_db_profiles()


Returns a list of available database profiles.

Method list_query_profiles

array(string) list_query_profiles()


Returns a list of available query profiles.

Method up_to_datep

int(-1..1) up_to_datep(int profile_id)


Checks if the profile profile_id has been changed, and clears related caches if so.


The profile is deleted.


The profile is not up to date.


The profile is up to date.

Class Search.Utils.ProfileEntry


A result entry from the ProfileCache.

Method check_timeout

bool check_timeout()


Checks if it is time to check if the profile values are to old.

Method create

Search.Utils.ProfileEntry Search.Utils.ProfileEntry(int database_profile_id, int query_profile_id, ProfileCache cache)

Parameter cache

The parent cache object.

Method get_database

Search.Database.MySQL get_database()


Returns a cached search database for the current database profile.

Method get_database_value

mixed get_database_value(string index)


Returns the database profile value index.

Method get_query_value

mixed get_query_value(string index)


Returns the query profile value index.

Method get_ranking

Search.RankingProfile get_ranking()


Returns a cached ranking profile for the current database and query profile.

Method get_stop_words

array(string) get_stop_words()


Returns a cached array of stop words for the current query profile.

Class Search.Utils.Scheduler

Method new_entry

void new_entry(int latency, array(int) profiles)


Call this method to indicate that a new entry has been added to the queue. The scheduler will delay indexing with at most latency minutes.

Module Serializer


Serialization interface.

This module contains APIs to simplify serialization and deserialization of objects.

See also

serialize(), deserialize()

Method deserialize

void deserialize(object o, function(function(mixed:void), string, type:void) deserializer)


Call lfun::_deserialize() in o.

See also

serialize(), lfun::_deserialize(), Serializable()->_deserialize()

Method serialize

void serialize(object o, function(mixed, string, type:void) serializer)


Call lfun::_serialize() in o.

See also

deserialize(), lfun::_serialize(), Serializable()->_serialize()

Class Serializer.Encodeable


Simple base for an object that can be serialized by encode_value. Also supports decoding.

Uses Serializable as it's base.

Simply inherit this class in the classes you want to have encoded and decoded.

Note that it's not automatically recursive, objects assigned to variables in this object have to be Encodeable on their own for encode to work.

When decoding only variables that existed at the time the object was encoded are assigned, that is, if the class now has more variables they new variables will be set to 0.

Method _decode

Serializer.Encodeable decode_value(string(8bit) data)


Callback for decoding the object. Sets variables in the object from the values in the mapping.

Called automatically by decode_value, not normally called manually.

Method _encode

string(8bit) encode_value(Serializer.Encodeable data)


Callback for encoding the object. Returns a mapping from variable name to value.

Called automatically by encode_value, not normally called manually.

Inherit Serializable

inherit Serializable : Serializable

Class Serializer.Serializable


The base class for serializable objects.

Inherit this class in classes that need to be serializable.

See also

Serializer.serialize(), Serializer.deserialize()

Method _deserialize

protected void _deserialize(object o, function(function(mixed:void), string, type:void) deserializer)


Dispatch function for deserialization.

Parameter o

Object to serialize. Always a context of the current object.

Parameter deserializer

Function to typically be called once for every variable in the inheriting class.

This function calls _deserialize_variable() once for every variable in the inheriting class, which in turn will call deserializer with the arguments:

Argument 1

The setter for the variable.

Argument 2

The name of the variable.

Argument 3

The declared type of the variable.


The symbols will be listed in the order they were defined in the class.


This function is typically called via Serializer.deserialize().

See also

Serializer.deserialize(), _deserialize_variable(), _serialize(), Builtin.Setter

Method _deserialize_variable

protected void _deserialize_variable(function(function(mixed:void), string, type:void) deserializer, function(mixed:void) setter, string symbol, type symbol_type)


Default deserialization function for variables.

Parameter deserializer

Function to be called in turn.

Parameter setter

Function that sets the value of the variable.

Parameter symbol

Variable name.

Parameter symbol_type

Type of the variable.

This function is typically called from _deserialize(), and does something like:

if (object_typep(symbol_type)) {
      program p = program_from_type(symbol_type);
      if (p && !needs_parent(p) && is_deserializable(p)) {
        object value = p();
        Serializer.deserialize(value, deserializer);
    deserializer(setter, symbol, symbol_type);

The above takes care of the most common cases, but

  • Does not support anonymous object types.

  • Does not support objects needing a parent.

  • Does not support non-serializable objects.

  • Selects one of the object types in case of a complex symbol_type. The selected type is NOT deterministic in case there are multiple choices that satisfy the above.

  • Is likely to throw errors if p() requires arguments.

These issues can all be solved by overloading this function.

See also

_deserialize(), _serialize_variable(), Builtin.Setter

Method _serialize

protected void _serialize(object o, function(mixed, string, type:void) serializer)


Dispatch function for serialization.

Parameter o

Object to serialize. Always a context of the current object.

Parameter serializer

Function to typically be called once for every variable in the inheriting class.

This function calls _serialize_variable() once for every variable in the inheriting class, which in turn will call serializer with the arguments:

Argument 1

The value of the variable.

Argument 2

The name of the variable.

Argument 3

The declared type of the variable.


The symbols will be listed in the order they were defined in the class.


This function is typically called via Serializer.serialize().

See also

Serializer.serialize(), _serialize_variable(), _deserialize()

Method _serialize_variable

protected void _serialize_variable(function(mixed, string, type:void) serializer, mixed value, string symbol, type symbol_type)


Default serialization function for variables.

Parameter serializer

Function to be called in turn.

Parameter value

Value of the variable.

Parameter symbol

Variable name.

Parameter symbol_type

Type of the variable.

This function is typically called from _serialize(), and just does

serializer(value, symbol, symbol_type);

It is provided for overloading for eg filtering or validation purposes.

See also

_serialize(), _deserialize_variable()

Module Shuffler


Module implementing sending to and from nonblocking streams and other sources.

Most useful when implementing sending of data from strings, files and other sources to a network connection. The module also supports generic bandwidth throttling.

Multiple Shuffler object can be created, each optionally with their own backend.

This makes it easier to use more than one CPU for pure data transmission, just have multiple backends each in their own thread, with their own shuffle object.

Constant INITIAL
Constant RUNNING
Constant PAUSED
Constant DONE

constant Shuffler.INITIAL
constant Shuffler.RUNNING
constant Shuffler.PAUSED
constant Shuffler.DONE
constant Shuffler.WRITE_ERROR
constant Shuffler.READ_ERROR
constant Shuffler.USER_ABORT


The state of an individual Shuffle object.

Class Shuffler.Shuffle


This class contains the state for one ongoing data shuffling operation. To create a Shuffle instance, use the Shuffler()->shuffle method.

Method add_source

void add_source(mixed source, int|void start, int|void length)


Add a new source to the list of data sources. The data from the sources will be sent in order.

If start and length are not specified, the whole source will be sent, if start but not length is specified, the whole source, excluding the first start bytes will be sent.

Currently supported sources


An ordinary 8-bit wide pike string.


An initialized instance of the System.Memory class.


Stdio.File instance pointing to a normal file.


Stdio.File instance pointing to a stream of some kind (network socket, named pipe, stdin etc). Blocking or nonblocking.


An object implementing the callback based reading (set_read_callback and set_close_callback).

Method create

Shuffler.Shuffle Shuffler.Shuffle(object fd, object shuffler, mixed throttler, mixed backend)


This object is normally not created directly, instead use Shuffler()->shuffle

Method pause

void pause()


Temporarily pause all data transmission

Method sent_data

int sent_data()


Returns the amount of data that has been sent so far.

Method set_done_callback

void set_done_callback(function(Shuffle, int:void) cb)


Sets the done callback. This function will be called when all sources have been processed, or if an error occurs.

Method set_request_arg

void set_request_arg(mixed arg)


Sets the extra argument sent to Throttler()->request() and Throttler()->give_back.

Method set_throttler

void set_throttler(Throttler t)


Calling this function overrides the Shuffler global throttler.

Variable shuffler

Shuffler Shuffler.Shuffle.shuffler


The Shuffler that owns this Shuffle object

Method start

void start()


Start sending data from the sources.

Method state

int state()


Returns the current state of the shuffler. This is one of the following: INITIAL, RUNNING, PAUSED, DONE, WRITE_ERROR, READ_ERROR and USER_ABORT

Method stop

void stop()


Stop all data transmission, and then call the done callback

Variable throttler

Throttler Shuffler.Shuffle.throttler


The Throttler that is associated with this Shuffle object, if any.

Class Shuffler.Shuffler


A data shuffler. An instance of this class handles a list of Shuffle objects. Each Shuffle object can send data from one or more sources to a destination in the background.

Method pause

void pause()


Pause all Shuffle objects associated with this Shuffler

Method set_backend

void set_backend(Pike.Backend b)


Set the backend that will be used by all Shuffle objects created from this shuffler.

Method set_throttler

void set_throttler(Throttler t)


Set the throttler that will be used in all Shuffle objects created from this shuffler, unless overridden in the Shuffle objects.

Method shuffle

Shuffle shuffle(Stdio.NonblockingStream destination)


Create a new Shuffle object.

The destination has to support nonblocking I/O.

Method start

void start()


Unpause all Shuffle objects associated with this Shuffler

Class Shuffler.Throttler


This is an interface that all Throttlers must implement. It's not an actual class in this module.

Method give_back

void give_back(Shuffle shuffle, int amount)


This function will be called by the Shuffle object to report that some data assigned to it by this throttler was unusued, and can be given to another Shuffle object instead.

Method request

void request(Shuffle shuffle, int amount, function(int:void) callback)


This function is called when the Shuffle wants to send some data to a client.

When data can be sent, the callback function should be called with the amount of data that can be sent as the argument.

Module Standards

Class Standards.URI


This class implements URI parsing and resolving of relative references to absolute form, as defined in RFC 2396 and RFC 3986.

Method `->=
Method `[]=

Standards.URI()->X = value
Standards.URI()[ property ] = value


Assign a new value to a property of URI

Parameter property

When any of the following properties are used, properties that depend on them are recalculated: user, password, host, port, authority, base_uri.

Parameter value

The value to assign to property

Method `==

int res = Standards.URI() == something


Compare this URI to something, in a canonical way.

Parameter something

Compare the URI to this

Method add_query_variable

void add_query_variable(string name, string value)


Adds the provided query variable to the already existing ones. Will overwrite an existing variable with the same name.

Method add_query_variables

void add_query_variables(mapping(string:string) vars)


Appends the provided set of query variables with the already existing ones. Will overwrite all existing variables with the same names.

Variable authority

string Standards.URI.authority


Authority component of URI (formerly called net_loc, from RFC 2396 known as authority)

Variable base_uri

this_program Standards.URI.base_uri


The base URI object, if present

Method cast



When cast to string, return the URI (in a canonicalized form). When cast to mapping, return a mapping with scheme, authority, user, password, host, port, path, query, fragment, raw_uri, base_uri as documented above.

Method create

Standards.URI Standards.URI(URI uri)
Standards.URI Standards.URI(URI uri, URI base_uri)
Standards.URI Standards.URI(URI uri, string base_uri)
Standards.URI Standards.URI(string uri)
Standards.URI Standards.URI(string uri, URI base_uri)
Standards.URI Standards.URI(string uri, string base_uri)

Parameter base_uri

When supplied, will root the URI a the given location. This is needed to correctly verify relative URIs, but may be left out otherwise. If left out, and uri is a relative URI, an error is thrown.

Parameter uri

When uri is another URI object, the created URI will inherit all properties of the supplied uri except, of course, for its base_uri.


An exception is thrown if the uri is a relative URI or only a fragment, and missing a base_uri.

Variable fragment

string Standards.URI.fragment


The fragment part of URI. May be 0 if not present.

Method get_http_path_query

string get_http_path_query()


Return the path and query part of the URI, coded according to RFC 1738.

Method get_http_query

string get_http_query()


Return the query part, coded according to RFC 1738, or zero.

Method get_path_query

string get_path_query()


Returns path and query part of the URI if present.

Method get_query_variables

mapping(string:string) get_query_variables()


Returns the query variables as a mapping(string:string).

Variable host
Variable user
Variable password

string Standards.URI.host
string Standards.URI.user
string Standards.URI.password


Certain classes of URI (e.g. URL) may have these defined

Variable path

string Standards.URI.path


Path component of URI. May be empty, but not undefined.

Variable port

int Standards.URI.port


If no port number is present in URI, but the scheme used has a default port number, this number is put here.

Variable query

string Standards.URI.query


Query component of URI. May be 0 if not present.

Method reparse_uri

void reparse_uri()
void reparse_uri(URI base_uri)
void reparse_uri(string base_uri)


Reparse the URI with respect to a new base URI. If no base_uri was supplied, the old base_uri is thrown away. The resolving is performed according to the guidelines outlined by RFC 2396, Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax.

Parameter base_uri

Set the new base URI to this.


An exception is thrown if the uri is a relative URI or only a fragment, and missing a base_uri.

Variable scheme

string Standards.URI.scheme


Scheme component of URI

Method set_query_variables

void set_query_variables(mapping(string:string) vars)


Sets the query variables from the provided mapping.

Module Standards.ASN1

Method decode_der_oid

string decode_der_oid(string der_oid)


Convenience function to convert a DER/BER encoded oid (object identifier) to the human readable dotted-decimal form.

See also


Method encode_der_oid

string encode_der_oid(string dotted_decimal)


Convenience function to convert an oid (object identifier) on dotted-decimal form (e.g. "") to its DER (and hence also BER) encoded form.

See also


Module Standards.ASN1.Decode


Decodes a DER object.

Method der_decode

.Types.Object der_decode(Stdio.Buffer data, mapping(int:program) types)

Parameter data

An instance of Stdio.Buffer containing the DER encoded data.

Parameter types

A mapping from combined tag numbers to classes from or derived from Standards.ASN1.Types. Combined tag numbers may be generated using Standards.ASN1.Types.make_combined_tag.


An object from Standards.ASN1.Types or, either Standards.ASN1.Decode.Primitive or Standards.ASN1.Decode.constructed, if the type is unknown. Throws an exception if the data could not be decoded.


Handling of implicit and explicit ASN.1 tagging, as well as other context dependence, is next to non_existant.

Method secure_der_decode

.Types.Object secure_der_decode(string(8bit) data, mapping(int:program)|void types)


Works just like simple_der_decode, except it will return 0 if there is trailing data in the provided ASN.1 data.

See also


Method simple_der_decode

.Types.Object simple_der_decode(string(8bit) data, mapping(int:program)|void types)


decode a DER encoded object using universal data types

Parameter data

a DER encoded object

Parameter types

An optional set of application-specific types. Should map combined tag numbers to classes from or derived from Standards.ASN1.Types. Combined tag numbers may be generated using Standards.ASN1.Types.make_combined_tag. This set is used to extend universal_types.


an object from Standards.ASN1.Types or either Standards.ASN1.Decode.Primitive or Standards.ASN1.Decode.Constructed if the type is unknown.

Class Standards.ASN1.Decode.Constructed


Constructed type

Variable cls
Variable tag
Variable raw
Variable elements

int Standards.ASN1.Decode.Constructed.cls
int Standards.ASN1.Decode.Constructed.tag
string(8bit) Standards.ASN1.Decode.Constructed.raw
array(.Types.Object) Standards.ASN1.Decode.Constructed.elements

Method create

Standards.ASN1.Decode.Constructed Standards.ASN1.Decode.Constructed(int cls, int tag, string(8bit) raw, array(.Types.Object) elements)

Method get_der_content

string(8bit) get_der_content()


Get raw encoded contents of object

Inherit Compound

inherit .Types.Compound : Compound

Class Standards.ASN1.Decode.Primitive


Primitive unconstructed ASN1 data type.

Variable cls
Variable tag
Variable raw

int Standards.ASN1.Decode.Primitive.cls
int Standards.ASN1.Decode.Primitive.tag
string(8bit) Standards.ASN1.Decode.Primitive.raw

Method create

Standards.ASN1.Decode.Primitive Standards.ASN1.Decode.Primitive(int cls, int tag, string(8bit) raw)

Method get_der_content

string(8bit) get_der_content()


Get raw encoded contents of object

Inherit Object

inherit Types.Object : Object

Module Standards.ASN1.Types


Encodes various asn.1 objects according to the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER)

Variable TaggedType0
Variable TaggedType1
Variable TaggedType2
Variable TaggedType3

MetaExplicit Standards.ASN1.Types.TaggedType0
MetaExplicit Standards.ASN1.Types.TaggedType1
MetaExplicit Standards.ASN1.Types.TaggedType2
MetaExplicit Standards.ASN1.Types.TaggedType3


Some common explicit tags for convenience.

These are typically used to indicate which of several optional fields are present.


Eg RFC 5915 section 3:

ECPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
      version        INTEGER { ecPrivkeyVer1(1) } (ecPrivkeyVer1),
      privateKey     OCTET STRING,
      parameters [0] ECParameters {{ NamedCurve }} OPTIONAL,
      publicKey  [1] BIT STRING OPTIONAL

The presence of the fields parameters and publicKey above are indicated with TaggedType0 and TaggedType1 respectively.

Method asn1_IA5_valid

bool asn1_IA5_valid(string s)

Method asn1_bmp_valid

bool asn1_bmp_valid(string s)

Method asn1_broken_teletex_valid

bool asn1_broken_teletex_valid(string s)

Method asn1_printable_valid

bool asn1_printable_valid(string s)


Checks if a Pike string can be encoded as a PrintableString.

Method asn1_universal_valid

int(0..0) asn1_universal_valid(string s)

Method asn1_utf8_valid

int(1..1) asn1_utf8_valid(string s)


Checks if a Pike string can be encoded with UTF8. That is always the case...

Method extract_cls

int(2bit) extract_cls(int i)


Extract ASN1 type class from a combined tag.

See also


Method extract_tag

int extract_tag(int i)


Extract ASN1 type tag from a combined tag.

See also


Method make_combined_tag

int make_combined_tag(int cls, int tag)


Combines tag and class to a single integer, for internal uses.

Parameter cls

ASN1 type class (0..3).

Parameter tag

ASN1 type tag (1..).


The combined tag.

See also

extract_tag, extract_cls

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.BMPString


BMP String object

Character set: ISO/IEC 10646-1 (compatible with Unicode). Fixed width encoding with 2 octets per character.

FIXME: The encoding is very likely UCS-2, but that's not yet verified.

Inherit OctetString

inherit OctetString : OctetString

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.BitString


Bit string object

Inherit Object

inherit Object : Object

Method set_from_ascii

this_program set_from_ascii(string(8bit) s)


Set the bitstring value as a string with "1" and "0".

Method set_length

this_program set_length(int len)


Sets the length of the bit string to len number of bits. Will only work correctly on strings longer than len bits.

Variable value

string(8bit) Standards.ASN1.Types.BitString.value


value of object

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.Boolean


boolean object

Inherit Object

inherit Object : Object

Variable value

int Standards.ASN1.Types.Boolean.value


value of object

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.BrokenTeletexString


(broken) TeletexString object

Encodes and decodes latin1, but labels it TeletexString, as is common in many broken programs (e.g. Netscape 4.0X).

Inherit String

inherit String : String

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.Compound


Compound object primitive

Variable elements

array(Object) Standards.ASN1.Types.Compound.elements


Contents of compound object.

Inherit Object

inherit Object : Object

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.Enumerated


Enumerated object

Inherit Integer

inherit Integer : Integer

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.GeneralizedTime

Method get_posix

int get_posix()

Inherit UTC

inherit UTC : UTC

Method set_posix

variant this_program set_posix(Calendar.ISO_UTC.Second second)

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.IA5String


IA5 String object

Character set: ASCII. Fixed width encoding with 1 octet per character.

Inherit String

inherit String : String

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.Identifier


Object identifier object

Method append

this_program append(int ... args)


Returns a new Identifier object with args appended to the ID path.

Variable id

array(int) Standards.ASN1.Types.Identifier.id


value of object

Inherit Object

inherit Object : Object

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.Integer


Integer object All integers are represented as bignums, for simplicity

Inherit Object

inherit Object : Object

Variable value

Gmp.mpz Standards.ASN1.Types.Integer.value


value of object

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.MetaExplicit


Meta-instances handle a particular explicit tag and set of types. Once cloned this object works as a factory for Compound objects with the cls and tag that the meta object was initialized with.


MetaExplicit m = MetaExplicit(1,2); Compound c = m(Integer(3));

Method create

Standards.ASN1.Types.MetaExplicit Standards.ASN1.Types.MetaExplicit(int cls, int tag, mapping(int:program)|void types)

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.Null


Null object

Inherit Object

inherit Object : Object

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.Object


Generic, abstract base class for ASN1 data types.

Method get_cls

int get_cls()


Get the class of this object.


The class of this object.

Method get_combined_tag

int get_combined_tag()


Get the combined tag (tag + class) for this object.


the combined tag header

Method get_der

string(8bit) get_der()


Get the DER encoded version of this object.


DER encoded representation of this object.

Method get_der_content

string(8bit) get_der_content()


Return the DER payload.

Method get_tag

int get_tag()


Get the tag for this object.


The tag for this object.

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.OctetString


Octet string object

Inherit String

inherit String : String

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.PrintableString


PrintableString object

Inherit String

inherit String : String

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.Sequence


Sequence object

Inherit Compound

inherit Compound : Compound

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.Set


Set object

Inherit Compound

inherit Compound : Compound

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.String


string object primitive

Inherit Object

inherit Object : Object

Variable value

string Standards.ASN1.Types.String.value


value of object

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.TeletexString


This used to be a string encoded with the T.61 character coding, and has been obsolete since the early 1990:s.

See also


Inherit BrokenTeletexString

inherit BrokenTeletexString : BrokenTeletexString

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.UTC



RFC 2459

Method get_posix

int get_posix()

Inherit String

inherit String : String

Method set_posix

variant this_program set_posix(Calendar.ISO_UTC.Second second)

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.UTF8String


UTF8 string object

Character set: ISO/IEC 10646-1 (compatible with Unicode).

Variable width encoding, see rfc2279.

Inherit String

inherit String : String

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.UniversalString


Universal String object

Character set: ISO/IEC 10646-1 (compatible with Unicode). Fixed width encoding with 4 octets per character.


The encoding is very likely UCS-4, but that's not yet verified.

Inherit OctetString

inherit OctetString : OctetString

Class Standards.ASN1.Types.VisibleString

Inherit String

inherit String : String

Module Standards.BSON


Tools for handling the BSON structured data format. See http://www.bsonspec.org/.

Variable MaxKey

object Standards.BSON.MaxKey

Variable MinKey

object Standards.BSON.MinKey

Method decode

mixed decode(string bson)


Decode a BSON formatted document string into a native Pike data structure.

Method decode_array

array decode_array(string bsonarray)


Decode a BSON formatted string containing multiple data structures

Method encode

string encode(array|mapping m, int|void query_mode)


Encode a data structure as a BSON document.

Parameter query_mode

if set to true, encoding will allow "$" and "." in key names, which would normally be disallowed.

Method encode_array

string encode_array(array(mapping) documents)


Encode an array of data structures as a BSON formatted string

Class Standards.BSON.Binary

Method create

Standards.BSON.Binary Standards.BSON.Binary(string _data, int|void _subtype)

Class Standards.BSON.Javascript

Method create

Standards.BSON.Javascript Standards.BSON.Javascript(string _data)

Class Standards.BSON.ObjectId

Method create

Standards.BSON.ObjectId Standards.BSON.ObjectId(string|void _id)

Class Standards.BSON.Regex

Method create

Standards.BSON.Regex Standards.BSON.Regex(string _regex, string _options)

Class Standards.BSON.Symbol

Method create

Standards.BSON.Symbol Standards.BSON.Symbol(string _data)

Class Standards.BSON.Timestamp

Method create

Standards.BSON.Timestamp Standards.BSON.Timestamp(int|void _timestamp)

Module Standards.EXIF


This module implements EXIF (Exchangeable image file format for Digital Still Cameras) 2.2 parsing.

Method get_properties

mapping(string:mixed) get_properties(Stdio.File file, void|mapping tags)


Parses and returns all EXIF properties.

Parameter file

A JFIF file positioned at the start.

Parameter tags

An optional list of tags to process. If given, all unknown tags will be ignored.


A mapping with all found EXIF properties.

Module Standards.FIPS10_4


This module implements the FIPS10-4 standard for short-form codes of "Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and Their Principal Administrative Divisions."

This is a list of two-letter country codes used by the US government until 2008-10-02, when GENC, based on ISO 3166 replaced it as the prefered standard. The subdivisions are named using the main region name followed by two digits.

This list is similar to, but not entirely compatible with, ISO-3166 alpha-2.

Method division_code_to_line

array(string) division_code_to_line(string code)


Convert a division code to the information about the division. As an example division_code_to_line("sw16") would return

({ "SW","SW16","Ostergotlands Lan","province/lan"})
string region
string division
string name
string type

Method division_code_to_name

string division_code_to_name(string code)


Similar to division_code_to_line(), but only returns the name

Method division_guess_to_codes

array(string) division_guess_to_codes(string code)


Return an array of possible division codes given a division name.

array(string) regions
string region
string division
string name
string type

Method division_guess_to_lines

array(array(string)) division_guess_to_lines(string name)


Return an array of possible divisions given a division name.

array(string) regions
string region
string division
string name
string type

Method division_name_to_line
Method division_name_to_code

array(string) division_name_to_line(string name)
string division_name_to_code(string code)


Lookup a division by name.

These aren't really all that useful, since there might very well be multiple divisions with the same name.

division_guess_to_lines() and division_guess_to_codes() are more useful.

Method region_code_to_name

string region_code_to_name(string code)


Convert a region (country etc) code to the name of the region. As an example, region_code_to_name("se") would return "SEYCHELLES".

Method region_name_to_code

string region_name_to_code(string code)


The reverse of region_code_to_name(), region_name_to_code("Sweden") would return "SW".

Method region_to_division_codes

array(string) region_to_division_codes(string region)


Given a region (country etc) return all divisions codes in that region

Method region_to_divisions

array(array(string)) region_to_divisions(string region)


Given a region (country etc) return all divisions in that region

array(string) regions
string region
string division
string name
string type

Module Standards.ID3


ID3 decoder/encoder. Supports versions 1.0, 1.1, 2.2-2.4. For more info see http://www.id3.org


Note that this implementation is far from complete and that interface changes might be necessary during the implementation of the full standard.

Method decode_string

string decode_string(string in, int type)


Decodes the string in from the type, according to ID3v2.4.0-structure section 4, into a wide string.

See also


Method encode_string

array(string|int) encode_string(string in)


Encodes the string in to an int-string pair, where the integer is the encoding mode, according to ID3v2.4.0-structure, and the string is the encoded string. This function tries to minimize the size of the encoded string by selecting the most apropriate encoding method.

See also

decode_string, encode_strings

Method encode_strings

array(string|int) encode_strings(array(string) in)


Encodes several strings in the same way as encode_string, but encodes all the strings with the same method, selected as in encode_string. The first element in the resulting array is the selected method, while the following elements are the encoded strings.

See also

decode_string, encode_string

Method int_to_synchsafe

array(int) int_to_synchsafe(int in, void|int no_bytes)


Encodes a integer to a synchsafe integer according to ID3v2.4.0-structure section 6.2.

See also


Method resynchronise

string resynchronise(string in)


Reverses the effects of unsyncronisation done according to ID3v2.4.0-structure section 6.1.

See also


Method synchsafe_to_int

int synchsafe_to_int(array(int) bytes)


Decodes a synchsafe integer, generated according to ID3v2.4.0-structure section 6.2.

See also


Method unsynchronise

string unsynchronise(string in)


Unsynchronises the string according to ID3v2.4.0-structure section 6.1.

See also


Class Standards.ID3.Buffer


A wrapper around a Stdio.File object that provides a read limit capability.

Variable buffer

Stdio.File Standards.ID3.Buffer.buffer

Method bytes_left

int bytes_left()


The number of bytes left before reaching the limit set by set_limit.

Method create

Standards.ID3.Buffer Standards.ID3.Buffer(Stdio.File buffer)

Method peek

string peek()


Preview the next byte. Technically it is read from the encapsulated buffer and put locally to avoid seeking.

Method read

string read(int bytes)


Read bytes bytes from the buffer. Throw an exception if bytes is bigger than the number of bytes left in the buffer before reaching the limit set by set_limit.

Method set_limit

void set_limit(int bytes)


Set an artificial EOF bytes bytes further into the buffer.

Class Standards.ID3.ExtendedHeader

Method create

Standards.ID3.ExtendedHeader Standards.ID3.ExtendedHeader(void|Buffer buffer)

Method decode

void decode(Buffer buffer)

Method encode

string encode()

Class Standards.ID3.Frame


Manages the common frame information.

Method create

Standards.ID3.Frame Standards.ID3.Frame(string|Buffer in, TagHeader thd)

Class Standards.ID3.FrameData


Abstract class for frame data.

Method changed

bool changed()


Is the content altered?

Method create

Standards.ID3.FrameData Standards.ID3.FrameData(void|string data)

Class Standards.ID3.Tag


This is a ID3 tag super object, which encapsulates all versions ID3 tags. This is useful if you are only interested in the metadata of a file, and care not about how it is stored or have no interest in changing the data.


Version 1 tag is searched only if version 2 isn't found.

See also

Tagv2, Tagv1

Method _indices

array indices( Standards.ID3.Tag arg )


Indices will return the indices of the tag object.

Method _values

array values( Standards.ID3.Tag arg )


Values will return the values of the tag object.

Method `[]
Method `->

mixed res = Standards.ID3.Tag()[ index ]
mixed res = Standards.ID3.Tag()->X


The index operators are overloaded to index the encapsulated Tagv1 or Tagv2 object.

Method create

Standards.ID3.Tag Standards.ID3.Tag(Stdio.File fd)


The file object fd is searched for version 2 tags, and if not found, version 1 tags.


If no tag was found in the file an error is thrown.

Method friendly_values

mapping(string:string) friendly_values()


Returns tag values in a mapping. Only tag values that exists in ID3v1.1 is used. Nonexisting or undefined values will not appear in the mapping.

"artist" : string

Takes its value from TPE1 or TP1 frames.

"album" : string

Takes its value from TALB or TAL frames.

"title" : string

Takes its value from TIT2 or TT2 frames.

"genre" : string

Takes its value from TCON or TCM frames.

"year" : string

Takes its value from TYER or TYE frames.

"track" : string

Takes its value from TRCK or TRK frames. The string may be either in the "%d" form or in the "%d/%d" form.

Constant version

constant Standards.ID3.Tag.version


The version of the encapsulated tag in the form "%d.%d.%d".

Class Standards.ID3.TagHeader


Represents an ID3v2 header.

Method create

Standards.ID3.TagHeader Standards.ID3.TagHeader(void|Buffer buffer)

Method decode

void decode(Buffer buffer)


Decode a tag header from buffer and store its data in this object.

Method encode

string encode()


Encode the data in this tag and return as a string.

Method set_flag_unsynchronisation

bool set_flag_unsynchronisation(array(Frame) frames)


Should the unsynchronisation flag be set or not?

Class Standards.ID3.Tagv1


ID3 version 1.0 or 1.1 tag. This is really a clumsy way of reading ID3v1 tags, but it has the same interface as the v2 reader.

Class Standards.ID3.Tagv2


ID3 version 2 (2.2, 2.3, 2.4) Tags

Method create

Standards.ID3.Tagv2 Standards.ID3.Tagv2(void|Buffer|Stdio.File buffer, void|bool _best_effort)

Module Standards.IDNA


This module implements various algorithms specified by the Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) memo by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), see ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc3490.txt.

Variable Punycode

object Standards.IDNA.Punycode


Punycode transcoder, see ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc3492.txt. Punycode is used by to_ascii as an "ASCII Compatible Encoding" when needed.

Method nameprep

string nameprep(string s, bool|void allow_unassigned)


Prepare a Unicode string for ACE transcoding. Used by to_ascii. Nameprep is a profile of Stringprep, which is described in RFC 3454.

Parameter s

The string to prep.

Parameter allow_unassigned

Set this flag the the string to transform is a "query string", and not a "stored string". See RFC 3454.

Method to_ascii

string to_ascii(string s, bool|void allow_unassigned, bool|void use_std3_ascii_rules)


The to_ascii operation takes a sequence of Unicode code points that make up one label and transforms it into a sequence of code points in the ASCII range (0..7F). If to_ascci succeeds, the original sequence and the resulting sequence are equivalent labels.

Parameter s

The sequence of Unicode code points to transform.

Parameter allow_unassigned

Set this flag if the the string to transform is a "query string", and not a "stored string". See RFC 3454.

Parameter use_std3_ascii_rules

Set this flag to enforce the restrictions on ASCII characters in host names imposed by STD3.

Method to_unicode

string to_unicode(string s)


The to_unicode operation takes a sequence of Unicode code points that make up one label and returns a sequence of Unicode code points. If the input sequence is a label in ACE form, then the result is an equivalent internationalized label that is not in ACE form, otherwise the original sequence is returned unaltered.

Parameter s

The sequence of Unicode code points to transform.

Method zone_to_ascii

string zone_to_ascii(string s, bool|void allow_unassigned, bool|void use_std3_ascii_rules)


Takes a sequence of labels separated by '.' and applies to_ascii on each.

Method zone_to_unicode

string zone_to_unicode(string s)


Takes a sequence of labels separated by '.' and applies to_unicode on each.

Module Standards.IIM


IPTC Information Interchange Model data (aka "IPTC header") extraction.


Method get_information

mapping get_information(Stdio.File fd)


Get IPTC information from an open file.

Supported embedding formats are:

  • PhotoShop Document (aka PSD).

  • Postscript and Embedded Postscript.

  • Joint Picture Experts Group (aka JPEG).


Returns a mapping containing any found IPTC IIM data.

Module Standards.ISO639_2

Method convert_b_to_t

string convert_b_to_t(string code)


Converts an ISO 639-2/B code to an ISO 639-2/T code.

Method convert_t_to_b

string convert_t_to_b(string code)


Converts an ISO 639-2/T code to an ISO 639-2/B code.

Method get_language

string get_language(string code)


Look up the language name given an ISO 639-2 code in lower case. It will first be looked up in the ISO 639-2/T table and then in ISO 639-2/B if the first lookup failed. Returns zero typed zero on failure.

Method get_language_b

string get_language_b(string code)


Look up the language name given an ISO 639-2/B code in lower case. Returns zero typed zero on failure.

Method get_language_t

string get_language_t(string code)


Look up the language name given an ISO 639-2/T code in lower case. Returns zero typed zero on failure.

Method list_639_1

mapping(string:string) list_639_1()


Return a mapping from ISO 639-1 code to ISO 639-2/T code.

Method list_languages

mapping(string:string) list_languages()


Return a mapping from ISO 639-2/T + ISO 639-2/B codes to language names.

Method list_languages_b

mapping(string:string) list_languages_b()


Return a mapping from ISO 639-2/B codes to language names.

Method list_languages_t

mapping(string:string) list_languages_t()


Return a mapping from ISO 639-2/T codes to language names.

Method map_639_1

string map_639_1(string code)


Look up the ISO 639-2/T code given an ISO 639-1 code in lower case.

Method map_to_639_1

string map_to_639_1(string code)


Look up the ISO 639-1 code given an ISO 639-2/T code in lower case.

Module Standards.JSON


Tools for handling the JSON structured data format. See http://www.json.org/ and RFC 4627.


constant Standards.JSON.ASCII_ONLY
constant Standards.JSON.HUMAN_READABLE
constant Standards.JSON.PIKE_CANONICAL


Bit field flags for use with encode:


Use \uxxxx escapes for all non-ascii characters and DEL (U+007f). The default is to escape only the characters that must be escaped. The flag value is 1.

Characters above U+FFFF are encoded using escaped surrogate pairs, as per RFC 4627.


Pretty print with indentation to make the result easier on human eyes. The default is to use no extra whitespace at all. The flag value is 2.


Make the output canonical, so that the same value always generates the same char-by-char equal string. In practice this means that mapping elements are sorted on their indices. Note that the other flags take precedence, so e.g. the canonical form with HUMAN_READABLE is not the same as the canonical form without it. The flag value is 4.

This canonical form is stable for the encode function, providing floats aren't used (their formatting is currently affected by float size and libc formatting code). In the future there may be a standardized canonical form which quite likely will be different from this one. In that case a separate flag has to be added so this one doesn't change - hence the name PIKE_CANONICAL.

Method decode

array|mapping|string|float|int|object decode(string s)


Decodes a JSON string.


Throws an exception in case the data contained in s is not valid JSON.

Method decode_utf8

array|mapping|string|float|int|object decode_utf8(string s)


Decodes an utf8 encoded JSON string. Should give the same result as Standards.JSON.decode(utf8_to_string(s)).


Throws an exception in case the data contained in s is not valid JSON.

Method encode

string encode(int|float|string|array|mapping|object val, void|int flags, void|function(:void)|object|program|string callback)


Encodes a value to a JSON string.

Parameter val

The value to encode. It can contain integers, floats (except the special numbers NaN and infinity), strings, arrays, mappings with string indices, and the special object values null, true and false defined in this module (or really any object that implements an encode_json callback or is handled by the supplied callback argument).

Parameter flags

Flag bit field to control formatting. See ASCII_ONLY, HUMAN_READABLE and PIKE_CANONICAL for further details.

Parameter callback

A function that will be called for types that can not be encoded otherwise. It will be called with the value to be encoded as the first argument, and optionally with flags and indent arguments. If a string is supplied, it will be used to replace the value verbatim. The callback must return a string or throw an error.


8-bit and wider characters in input strings are neither escaped nor utf-8 encoded by default. string_to_utf8 can be used safely on the returned string to get a valid transport encoded JSON string. See escape_string for further details on string escaping.

See also


Method escape_string

string escape_string(string str, void|int flags)


Escapes string data for use in a JSON string.

8-bit and wider characters in input strings are neither escaped nor utf-8 encoded by default. string_to_utf8 can be used safely on the returned string to get a valid transport encoded JSON string.

The characters U+2028 (LINE SEPARATOR) and U+2029 (PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR) are exceptions - they are encoded with \u escapes for compatibility. The reason is that those characters are not allowed in Javascript strings, so JSON parsers built in Javascript may have trouble with them otherwise.

Parameter val

The string to escape.

Parameter flags

Flag bit field to control formatting. ASCII_ONLY is the only flag that has any effect for this function.


The difference between using this function and encode on a string is that encode returns quotations marks around the result.

See also


Variable true
Variable false
Variable null

Val.True Standards.JSON.true
Val.False Standards.JSON.false
Val.Null Standards.JSON.null


Compat aliases for the corresponding Val objects. These are used to represent the three JSON literals true, false and null.


Replaced by Val.true, Val.false and Val.null.

Method validate

int validate(string s)


Checks if a string is valid JSON.


In case the string contains valid JSON -1 is returned. It is then guaranteed to be parsed without errors by decode(). In case the string is not valid JSON, the error position is returned.

Method validate_utf8

int validate_utf8(string s)


Checks if a string is valid utf8 encoded JSON.


In case the string contains valid JSON -1 is returned. It is then guaranteed to be parsed without errors by decode(). In case the string is not valid JSON, the integer position inside the string where the error occurs is returned.

Class Standards.JSON.DecodeError


Error thrown when JSON decode fails.

Variable err_pos

int Standards.JSON.DecodeError.err_pos


The failing position in err_str.

Variable err_str

string Standards.JSON.DecodeError.err_str


The string that failed to be decoded.

Inherit Generic

inherit Error.Generic : Generic

Class Standards.JSON.Validator


An instance of this class can be used to validate a JSON object against a JSON schema.


string schema_s = "{\n" + " \"name\": \"SomeExample\",\n" + " \"type\": \"object\",\n" + " \"properties\": {\n" + " \"name\": { \"type\": \"string\" },\n" + " \"id\": {\n" + " \"type\": \"integer\",\n" + " \"minimum\": 0\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"; string example_s = "{\n" + " \"name\": \"An Example\",\n" + " \"id\": 17\n" + "}"; mixed schema = Standards.JSON.decode(schema_s); mixed example = Standards.JSON.decode(example_s); if (string error = Standards.JSON.Validator(schema).validate(example)) werror("Error: JSON string %O did not validate: %s\n", example_s, error); else write("JSON ok\n");


This class validates only a subset of the JSON schema specification. Currently dependencies and references are not handled and regular expressions (for pattern properties) are limited to those that can be handled by Regexp.SimpleRegexp.

For more information of JSON schema look at http://json-schema.org/documentation.html "The home of JSON Schema".

Method create

Standards.JSON.Validator Standards.JSON.Validator(mixed _schema)


Create a JSON validator for some JSON schema.

Parameter _schema

The JSON schema to use in validate(). This must be a valid JSON object.


Throws an error if the schema is invalid.

Method has_schema_array

private bool has_schema_array(mapping(string:mixed) schema, string property)


Test if the schema has the specified property and the value of the property is an array.


Throws an error if the value of the property is no array.


1 if the schema has the specified property.

Method has_schema_array_mapping

private bool has_schema_array_mapping(mapping(string:mixed) schema, string property)


Test if the schema has the specified property and the value of the property is an array(mapping).


Throws an error if the value of the property is no array(mapping).


1 if the schema has the specified property.

Method has_schema_array_string

private bool has_schema_array_string(mapping(string:mixed) schema, string property)


Test if the schema has the specified property and the value of the property is an array(string).


Throws an error if the value of the property is no array(string).


1 if the schema has the specified property.

Method has_schema_boolean

private bool has_schema_boolean(mapping(string:mixed) schema, string property)


Test if the schema has the specified property and the value of the property is a boolean (with values Standards.JSON.true or Standards.JSON.false).


Throws an error if the value of the property is no boolean.


1 if the schema has the specified property.

Method has_schema_integer

private bool has_schema_integer(mapping(string:mixed) schema, string property)


Test if the schema has the specified property and the value of the property is an integer.


Throws an error if the value of the property is no integer.


1 if the schema has the specified property.

Method has_schema_mapping

private bool has_schema_mapping(mapping(string:mixed) schema, string property)


Test if the schema has the specified property and the value of the property is a mapping.


Throws an error if the value of the property is no mapping.


1 if the schema has the specified property.

Method has_schema_mapping_mapping

private bool has_schema_mapping_mapping(mapping(string:mixed) schema, string property)


Test if the schema has the specified property and the value of the property is a mapping(string:mapping).


Throws an error if the value of the property is no mapping(string:mapping).


1 if the schema has the specified property.

Method has_schema_number

private bool has_schema_number(mapping(string:mixed) schema, string property)


Test if the schema has the specified property and the value of the property is a number (integer or float).


Throws an error if the value of the property is no number.


1 if the schema has the specified property.

Method has_schema_string

private bool has_schema_string(mapping(string:mixed) schema, string property)


Test if the schema has the specified property and the value of the property is a string.


Throws an error if the value of the property is no string.


1 if the schema has the specified property.

Method is_JSON_boolean

private bool is_JSON_boolean(mixed value)


1 if the specified value is either Standards.JSON.true or Standards.JSON.false.

Method validate

string validate(mixed json)


This function validates a JSON object against the JSON schema that was specified in the Validator's constructor. If the JSON object is not valid, a string with an error-message is returned. If the JSON object is valid, 0 is returned.

Parameter json

The JSON object to validate.


0, if the json object is valid, and an error-message if it is not valid.

Method validate_array

private string validate_array(string key, mixed value, mapping(string:mixed) schema)


Verify that the specified value is an array according to the specified schema. The following properties of schema are verified:


If schema has the property "minItems", then the array must have at least the specified number of items.


If schema has the property "maxItems", then the array must not have more than the specified number of items.


If schema has the property "items", which is an array of schema objects, then each element in the value array must be valid according the corresponding schema in the "items" array.

Method validate_integer

private string validate_integer(string key, mixed value, mapping(string:mixed) schema)


Verify that the specified value is an integer according to the specified schema. This is the similar to validate_number(), but the value must be an int and not a float. The following properties of schema are verified:


If the schema has the property "minimum", then the value must be greater than or equal to the specified minimum.


If the schema has the properties "minimum" and "exclusiveMinimum" is Standards.JSON.true, then the value must be greater than the specified minimum.


If the schema has the property "maximum", then the value must be lower than or equal to the specified maximum.


If the schema has the properties "maximum" and "exclusiveMaximum" is Standards.JSON.true, then the value must be lower than the specified minimum.


If schema has the property "multipleOf", then the value must be an integer multiple of the specified multpleOf.

Method validate_item_type

private string validate_item_type(string key, mixed value, mapping schema)


Verify that the specified value has the correct type that is defined by schema->type. schema->type can be any of

  • "boolean",

  • "integer",

  • "number",

  • "string",

  • "array",

  • "object",

  • "null",

or an array of these.

Method validate_number

private string validate_number(string key, mixed value, mapping(string:mixed) schema)


Verify that the specified value is a number (integer or float) according to the specified schema. The following properties of schema are verified:


If the schema has the property "minimum", then the value must be greater than or equal to the specified minimum.


If the schema has the properties "minimum" and "exclusiveMinimum" is Standards.JSON.true, then the value must be greater than the specified minimum.


If the schema has the property "maximum", then the value must be lower than or equal to the specified maximum.


If the schema has the properties "maximum" and "exclusiveMaximum" is Standards.JSON.true, then the value must be lower than the specified minimum.


If schema has the property "multipleOf", then the value must be an integer multiple of the specified multpleOf.

Method validate_object

private string validate_object(string key, mixed value, mapping(string:mixed) schema)


Verify that the specified value is an object according to the specified schema. The following properties of schema are verified:


If schema has the property "minProperties", then the object must have at least the specified number of properties.


If schema has the property "maxProperties", then the object must not have more than the specified number of items.


If schema has the property "required", which is an array of strings, then the object must have all properties that are listed in the specified array.


If schema has the property "properties", which is a mapping of property-name to a schema, then each property of the object that has a corresponding schema in "properties" must be valid according to that schema.


If schema has the property "properties", which is a mapping of property-name-pattern to a schema, then each property of the object must be valid according to all schema objects for which the pattern matches the property-name.


If schema has the property "additionalProperties", it can be either a boolean value, or a schema.

  • If it is a boolean with value Standards.JSON.false, then all properties of the object must be validated either by a schema from "properties" or "patternProperties".

  • If it is a boolean with value Standards.JSON.true, then the object is allowed to have additional properties without validation.

  • If it is a schema, then any propery of the object that is not validated by a schema from "properties" or "patternProperties" must be validated by the specified schema.


TODO: We use Regexp.SimpleRegexp to handle schema->patternProperties, but that covers only some part of the possible regular expressions.

Method validate_properties

private string validate_properties(string key, mixed value, mapping schema)


Verify that the specified value matches the specified schema. The following properties of schema are verified:


If the schema has a property "type", then the value must match the specified type (see validate_item_type()).


If the schema has a property "allOf", which is an array of schema objects, then the value must match each schema specified in that array (via another call to validate_properties()).


If the schema has a property "anyOf", which is an array of schema objects, then the value must match at least one schema specified in that array (via another call to validate_properties()).


If the schema has a property "oneOf", which is an array of schema objects, then the value must match exactly one schema specified in that array (via another call to validate_properties()).


If the schema has a property "not", then the value must not match the schema specified by that property (via another call to validate_properties()).


If the schema has a property "enum", then the value must be equal to any of the values specified in the enum array.


If the schema is empty (i.e., it has none of the above specified properties, then the value is valid).

Method validate_string

private string validate_string(string key, mixed value, mapping(string:mixed) schema)


Verify that the specified value is a string according to the specified schema. The following properties of schema are verified:


If schema has the property "minLength", then the value must not be shorter than the specified length.


If schema has the property "maxLength", then the value must not be longer than the specified length.


If schema has the property "pattern", then the value must match the specified pattern.


TODO: We use Regexp.SimpleRegexp to handle schema->pattern, but that covers only some part of the possible regular expressions.

Module Standards.PEM


Support for parsing PEM-style messages, defined in RFC1421. Encapsulation defined in RFC934.

Method build

string build(string tag, string data, void|mapping(string:string) headers, void|string checksum)


Creates a PEM message, wrapped to 64 character lines.

Parameter tag

The encapsulation boundary string.

Parameter data

The data to be encapsulated.

Parameter headers

Optional mapping containing encapsulated headers as name value pairs.

Parameter checksum

Optional checksum string, added as per RFC4880.

Method decrypt_body

string decrypt_body(string(8bit) dek_info, string(8bit) body, string(8bit) password)


Decrypt a PEM body.

Parameter dek_info

"dek-info" header from the Message.

Parameter body

Encypted PEM body.

Parameter password

Decryption password.


Returns the decrypted body text.

Method decrypt_fragment

string decrypt_fragment(Message m, string(8bit) pwd)


Decrypt a PEM Message.

Parameter body

Fragment with encypted PEM body.

Parameter password

Decryption password.


Returns the decrypted body text.

Method derive_key

string(8bit) derive_key(string(8bit) password, string(8bit) salt, int bytes)


Key derivation function used in PEM.


Derived from OpenSSL. Is there any proper specification?

It seems to be related to PBKDF1 from RFC2898.

Method simple_decode

string simple_decode(string pem)


Convenience function that decodes a PEM message containing only one part, and returns it as a string. Returns 0 for indata containing no or multiple parts.

Class Standards.PEM.Message


Represents a PEM-style message.

Variable body

string Standards.PEM.Message.body


The decode message body.

Variable headers

mapping(string:string) Standards.PEM.Message.headers


Encapsulated headers. If headers occurred multiple times, they will be concatenated to the value with a null character as delimiter.

Variable post

string Standards.PEM.Message.post


Post-encapsulation boundary string.

Variable pre

string Standards.PEM.Message.pre


Pre-encapsulation boundary string.

Variable trailer

string Standards.PEM.Message.trailer


Message trailer, like RFC4880 checksum.

Class Standards.PEM.Messages


The Messages class acts as an envelope for a PEM message file or stream.

Method create

Standards.PEM.Messages Standards.PEM.Messages(string data)


A Messages object is created with the file or stream data.

Variable fragments

array(string|Message) Standards.PEM.Messages.fragments


The fragments array contains the different message fragments, as Message objects for decoded messages and strings for non-messages or incomplete messages.

Method get_certificate

string get_certificate()


Convenience wrapper for get_certificates that returns the first available certificate, or 0.

Method get_certificates

array(string) get_certificates()


Returns an array of all the bodies of "CERTIFICATE" and "X509 CERTIFICATE" fragments.

Method get_encrypted_private_key

string get_encrypted_private_key(string(8bit) pwd)


Returns the first key, decoded by the pwd password.

Method get_fragment_bodies

array(string) get_fragment_bodies(multiset labels)


Returns an array of the string bodies of all fragments with any of the given labels in the boundy preamble.

Method get_fragments

array(Message) get_fragments(multiset labels)


Returns an array of all fragments with any of the given labels in the boundy preamble.

Method get_private_key

string get_private_key()


Convenience wrapper for get_private_key that returns the first available key, or 0.

Method get_private_keys

array(string) get_private_keys()


Returns an array of all the bodies of "RSA PRIVATE KEY", "DSA PRIVATE KEY", "EC PRIVATE KEY" and "ANY PRIVATE KEY" fragments.

Variable parts

mapping(string:array(Message)) Standards.PEM.Messages.parts


This is a mapping from encapsulation boundary string to Message objects. All message objects and surrounding text will be listed, in order, in fragments.

Module Standards.PKCS


Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS).

This is the Pike API for dealing with a set of standards initially published by RSA Security Inc, and later by IETF and others in various RFCs.

See also

Standards.ASN1, Crypto, RFC 2314, RFC 2459, RFC 2986, RFC 3279, RFC 3280, RFC 4055, RFC 4985, RFC 5208, RFC 5280, RFC 5480, RFC 5639, RFC 5915, RFC 5958, RFC 7292, RFC 7468

Method parse_private_key

variant Crypto.Sign.State parse_private_key(string key)

Method parse_private_key

Crypto.Sign.State parse_private_key(Sequence seq)


Parse a PKCS#8 PrivateKeyInfo (cf RFC 5208 section 5).

See also

parse_public_key(), RSA.parse_private_key(), DSA.parse_private_key()

Method parse_public_key

Crypto.Sign.State parse_public_key(Sequence seq)


Parse a PKCS#10 SubjectPublicKeyInfo (cf RFC 5280 section 4.1 and RFC 7468 section 13).

See also

parse_private_key(), RSA.parse_public_key(), DSA.parse_public_key()

Method parse_public_key

variant Crypto.Sign.State parse_public_key(string key)

Module Standards.PKCS.CSR


Handling of Certificate Signing Requests (PKCS-10, RFC 2314, RFC 2986)

Method build_csr

Sequence build_csr(Crypto.Sign sign, Sequence name, mapping(string:array(Object)) attributes, Crypto.Hash|void hash)


Build a Certificate Signing Request.

Parameter sign

Signature algorithm for the certificate. Both private and public keys must be set.

Parameter name

The distinguished name for the certificate.

Parameter attributes

Attributes from PKCS #9 to add to the certificate.

Parameter hash

Hash algoritm to use for the CSR signature. Defaults to Crypto.SHA256.


Prior to Pike 8.0 this function only supported signing with Crypto.RSA and the default (and only) hash was Crypto.MD5.

Method sign_cri

Sequence sign_cri(CRI cri, Crypto.Sign sign, Crypto.Hash hash)


Sign a CRI to generate a Certificate Signing Request.

Parameter cri

CertificationRequestInfo to sign.

Parameter sign

Signature to use. Must have a private key set that matches the public key in the keyinfo in cri.

Parameter hash

Hash algorithm to use for the signature.

Class Standards.PKCS.CSR.CRI



This is the data that is signed by sign_cri().

Variable attributes

void Standards.PKCS.CSR.CRI.attributes


Subject attributes.

Inherit Sequence

inherit Sequence : Sequence

Variable keyinfo

void Standards.PKCS.CSR.CRI.keyinfo


Public key information.

Variable subject

void Standards.PKCS.CSR.CRI.subject


Certificate subject.

Variable version

void Standards.PKCS.CSR.CRI.version

Class Standards.PKCS.CSR.CRIAttributes

Inherit Attributes

inherit .Certificate.Attributes : Attributes

Module Standards.PKCS.Certificate


Handle PKCS-6 and PKCS-10 certificates and certificate requests.

Method build_distinguished_name

variant Sequence build_distinguished_name(mapping args)

Method build_distinguished_name

variant Sequence build_distinguished_name(array args)


Creates an ASN.1 Sequence with the distinguished name of the list of pairs given in args. Supported identifiers are

Parameter args

Either a mapping that lists from id string to string or ASN.1 object, or an array with mappings, each containing one pair. No type validation is performed.

Method decode_distinguished_name

array(mapping(string(7bit):string)) decode_distinguished_name(Sequence dn)


Perform the reverse operation of build_distinguished_name().

See also


Method get_certificate_issuer

__deprecated__ Sequence get_certificate_issuer(string cert)


Return the certificate issuer RDN from a certificate string.

Parameter cert

A string containing an X509 certificate.

Note that the certificate usually must be decoded using Standards.PEM.simple_decode().


An Standards.ASN1.Sequence object containing the certificate issuer Distinguished Name (DN).


Replaced by Standards.X509.decode_certificate.

Method get_certificate_subject

__deprecated__ Sequence get_certificate_subject(string cert)


Return the certificate subject RDN from a certificate string.

Parameter cert

A string containing an X509 certificate.

Note that the certificate usually must be decoded using PEM.simpe_decode().


An Standards.ASN1.Sequence object containing the certificate subject Distinguished Name (DN).


Replaced by Standards.X509.decode_certificate.

Method get_dn_string

string get_dn_string(Sequence dnsequence)


Converts an RDN (relative distinguished name) Seqeunce object to a human readable string in X500 format.


A string containing the certificate issuer Distinguished Name (DN) in human readable X500 format.


We don't currently handle attributes with multiple values, not all attribute types are understood.

Module Standards.PKCS.DSA


DSA operations as defined in RFC-2459.

Method algorithm_identifier

Sequence algorithm_identifier(Crypto.DSA|void dsa)


Returns the AlgorithmIdentifier as defined in RFC5280 section Optionally the DSA parameters are included, if a DSA object is given as argument.

Method build_private_key

Sequence build_private_key(Crypto.DSA dsa)


Creates a PrivateKeyInfo ASN.1 sequence for the given rsa object. See RFC 5208 section 5.

Method build_public_key

Sequence build_public_key(Crypto.DSA dsa)


Creates a SubjectPublicKeyInfo ASN.1 sequence for the given dsa object. See RFC 5280 section

Method parse_private_key

Crypto.DSA parse_private_key(Sequence seq)

Method parse_private_key

variant Crypto.DSA parse_private_key(string key)

Method parse_public_key

Crypto.DSA parse_public_key(string key, Gmp.mpz p, Gmp.mpz q, Gmp.mpz g)


Decodes a DER-encoded DSAPublicKey structure.

Parameter key

DSAPublicKey provided in ASN.1 DER-encoded format

Parameter p

Public parameter p, usually transmitted in the algoritm identifier.

Parameter q

Public parameter q, usually transmitted in the algoritm identifier.

Parameter g

Public parameter g, usually transmitted in the algoritm identifier.


Crypto.DSA object

Method private_key

string private_key(Crypto.DSA dsa)

Method public_key

string public_key(Crypto.DSA dsa)


Generates the DSAPublicKey value, as specified in RFC2459.

Method signature_algorithm_id

Sequence signature_algorithm_id(Crypto.Hash hash)


Returns the PKCS-1 algorithm identifier for DSA and the provided hash algorithm. One of SHA1, SHA224 or SHA256.

Module Standards.PKCS.ECDSA


ECDSA operations.

Variable curve_lookup

protected mapping(string:Crypto.ECC.Curve) Standards.PKCS.ECDSA.curve_lookup


Lookup from ASN.1 DER encoded ECC named curve identifier to the corresponding Crypto.ECC.Curve.

Method parse_ec_parameters

Crypto.ECC.Curve parse_ec_parameters(string ec_parameters)


Get the ECC curve corresponding to an ASN.1 DER encoded named curve identifier.


Returns UNDEFINED if the curve is unsupported.

Method parse_ec_parameters

variant Crypto.ECC.Curve parse_ec_parameters(Standards.ASN1.Types.Identifier|void named_curve)

Method parse_private_key

Crypto.ECC.SECP_521R1.ECDSA parse_private_key(Sequence a, Crypto.ECC.Curve|void c)


Get an initialized ECDSA object from an ECC curve and an ASN.1 ec private key sequence.

As specified in RFC 5915 section 3.

Method parse_private_key

variant Crypto.ECC.SECP_521R1.ECDSA parse_private_key(string(8bit) ec_private_key, Crypto.ECC.Curve|void c)


Get an initialized ECDSA object from an ECC curve and an ASN.1 DER encoded ec private key.

As specified in RFC 5915 section 3.

Method parse_public_key

Crypto.ECC.SECP_521R1.ECDSA parse_public_key(string(8bit) key, Crypto.ECC.Curve c)


Get an initialized ECDSA object from an ECC curve and an ec public key.

See RFC 5280 section and RFC 5480 section 2.2.

Method private_key

string(8bit) private_key(Crypto.ECC.SECP_521R1.ECDSA ecdsa)


Create a DER-coded ECPrivateKey structure

Parameter ecdsa

Crypto.ECC.Curve()->ECDSA object.


ASN.1 coded ECPrivateKey structure as specified in RFC 5915 section 3.

Method public_key

string(8bit) public_key(Crypto.ECC.SECP_521R1.ECDSA ecdsa)


Create a DER-coded ECPublicKey structure

Parameter ecdsa

Crypto.ECC.Curve()->ECDSA object.


ASN.1 coded ECPublicKey structure as specified in RFC 5480 section 2.

Module Standards.PKCS.Identifiers


Various ASN.1 identifiers used by PKCS.

Module Standards.PKCS.RSA


RSA operations and types as described in PKCS-1.

Method algorithm_identifier

Sequence algorithm_identifier()


Returns the AlgorithmIdentifier as defined in RFC5280 section

Method build_private_key

Sequence build_private_key(Crypto.RSA rsa)


Creates a PrivateKeyInfo ASN.1 sequence for the given rsa object. See RFC 5208 section 5.

Method build_public_key

Sequence build_public_key(Crypto.RSA rsa)


Creates a SubjectPublicKeyInfo ASN.1 sequence for the given rsa object. See RFC 5280 section

Method parse_private_key

Crypto.RSA.State parse_private_key(Sequence seq)


Decode a RSAPrivateKey structure

Parameter key

RSAPrivateKey provided in ASN.1 format


Crypto.RSA object

Method parse_private_key

variant Crypto.RSA.State parse_private_key(string key)


Decode a DER-coded RSAPrivateKey structure

Parameter key

RSAPrivateKey provided in ASN.1 DER-encoded format


Crypto.RSA object

Method parse_public_key

Crypto.RSA.State parse_public_key(string key)


Decode a DER-coded RSAPublicKey structure

Parameter key

RSAPublicKey provided in ASN.1 DER-encoded format


Crypto.RSA object

Method private_key

string private_key(Crypto.RSA rsa)


Create a DER-coded RSAPrivateKey structure

Parameter rsa

Crypto.RSA object


ASN1 coded RSAPrivateKey structure

Method public_key

string public_key(Crypto.RSA rsa)


Create a DER-coded RSAPublicKey structure

Parameter rsa

Crypto.RSA object


ASN1 coded RSAPublicKey structure

Method signature_algorithm_id

Sequence signature_algorithm_id(Crypto.Hash hash)


Returns the PKCS-1 algorithm identifier for RSA and the provided hash algorithm. One of MD2, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384 or SHA512.

Module Standards.PKCS.Signature

Method build_digestinfo

string build_digestinfo(string msg, Crypto.Hash hash)


Construct a PKCS-1 digestinfo.

Parameter msg

message to digest

Parameter hash

crypto hash object such as Crypto.SHA1 or Crypto.MD5

See also


Method sign

Signed sign(Sequence tbs, Crypto.Sign sign, Crypto.Hash hash)


Generic PKCS signing.

Parameter tbs

Standards.ASN1 structure to be signed.

Parameter sign

Signature to use. Must have a private key set.

Parameter hash

Hash algorithm to use for the signature. Must be valid for the signature algorithm.


Returns a Standards.ASN1.Types.Sequence with the signature.

Class Standards.PKCS.Signature.Signed


This is an ASN.1 structure from PKCS #10 v1.7 and others, which represents a signed block of data.

See also

sign(), Standards.X509.sign_tbs().

Variable algorithm

Sequence Standards.PKCS.Signature.Signed.algorithm



Signing algorithm that was used to sign with.


Signing algorithm that was used to sign with.

Inherit Sequence

inherit Sequence : Sequence

Method sign

this_program sign(Crypto.Sign sign, Crypto.Hash hash)


Sign tbs with the provided sign and hash.

Sets algorithm and signature.


Returns the Signed object.

Variable signature

BitString Standards.PKCS.Signature.Signed.signature



The signature.


The signature.

Variable tbs

Object Standards.PKCS.Signature.Signed.tbs



ASN.1 structure that has been signed.


ASN.1 structure that has been signed.

Module Standards.TLD

Constant cc

constant Standards.TLD.cc


A mapping between country TLDs and the name of the country.

Variable generic

multiset Standards.TLD.generic


A multiset containing the generic TLDs, such as "com" and "info".

Module Standards.UUID


Support for Universal Unique Identifiers (UUID) and Globally Unique Identifiers (GUID).

See also

RFC4122: A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace ITU-T X.667: Generation and registration of Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) and their use as ASN.1 object identifier components

Constant NameSpace_DNS

constant string Standards.UUID.NameSpace_DNS


Name space UUID for DNS.

Constant NameSpace_OID

constant string Standards.UUID.NameSpace_OID


Name space UUID for OID.

Constant NameSpace_URL

constant string Standards.UUID.NameSpace_URL


Name space UUID for URL.

Constant NameSpace_X500

constant string Standards.UUID.NameSpace_X500


Name space UUID for X500.

Constant Nil_UUID

constant string Standards.UUID.Nil_UUID


The Nil UUID.

Method format_uuid

string format_uuid(string uuid)


Returns the string representation of the binary UUID uuid.

Method get_clock_state

array(int) get_clock_state()


Returns the internal clock state. Can be used for persistent storage when an application is terminated.

See also


Method make_dns

UUID make_dns(string name)


Creates a DNS UUID with the given DNS name.

Method make_dns

UUID make_dns(string name)


Creates a DNS UUID with the given DNS name.

Method make_null

UUID make_null()


Creates a null UUID object.

Method make_oid

UUID make_oid(string name)


Creates an OID UUID with the given OID.

Method make_oid

UUID make_oid(string name)


Creates an OID UUID with the given OID.

Method make_url

UUID make_url(string name)


Creates a URL UUID with the given URL.

Method make_url

UUID make_url(string name)


Creates a URL UUID with the given URL.

Method make_version1

UUID make_version1(int node)


Creates a new version 1 UUID.

Parameter node

Either the 48 bit IEEE 802 (aka MAC) address of the system or -1.

Method make_version3

UUID make_version3(string name, string|UUID namespace)


Creates a version 3 UUID with a name string and a binary representation of a name space UUID.

Method make_version4

UUID make_version4()


Creates a version 4 (random) UUID.

Method make_version5

UUID make_version5(string name, string|UUID namespace)


Creates a version 5 UUID with a name string and a binary representation of a name space UUID.

Method make_x500

UUID make_x500(string name)


Creates an X500 UUID with the gived X500 address.

Method make_x500

UUID make_x500(string name)


Creates an X500 UUID with the gived X500 address.

Method parse_uuid

string parse_uuid(string uuid)


Returns the binary representation of the UUID uuid.

Method set_clock_state

void set_clock_state(int last_time, int seq)


Sets the internal clock state.

See also


Class Standards.UUID.UUID


Represents an UUID

Variable clk_seq

int Standards.UUID.UUID.clk_seq


The clock sequence. Should be 13 to 15 bits depending on UUID version.

Method create

Standards.UUID.UUID Standards.UUID.UUID(void|string in)


Optionally created with a string or binary representation of a UUID.

Method encode

string encode()


Encodes a binary representation of the UUID.

Variable node

int Standards.UUID.UUID.node


The UUID node. Should be 48 bit.

Method posix_time

int posix_time()


Returns the posix time of the UUID.

Method str

string str()


Creates a string representation of the UUID.

Method str_variant

string str_variant()


Returns a string representation of the variant, e.g. "IETF draft variant".

Method str_version

string str_version()


Returns a string representation of the version, e.g. "Name-based (MD5)".

Method time_hi_and_version

int time_hi_and_version()


Returns the time_hi_and_version field.

Method time_low

int time_low()


Returns the time_low field.

Method time_mid

int time_mid()


Returns the time_mid field.

Variable timestamp

int Standards.UUID.UUID.timestamp


60 bit value representing the time stamp.

Method urn

string urn()


Creates a URN representation of the UUID.

Method validate

void validate()


Validates the current UUID.

Variable var

int Standards.UUID.UUID.var


The variant of the UUID.

Variable version

int Standards.UUID.UUID.version


The version of the UUID.

Module Standards.X509


Functions to generate and validate RFC2459 style X.509 v3 certificates.

Method decode_certificate

TBSCertificate decode_certificate(string|object cert)


Decodes a certificate and verifies that it is structually sound. Returns a TBSCertificate object if ok, otherwise 0.

Method get_algorithms

mapping(Identifier:Crypto.Hash) get_algorithms()


Returns the mapping of signature algorithm to hash algorithm supported by Verifier and thus verify_ca_certificate(), verify_certificate(), and verify_certificate_chain().

Method load_authorities

mapping(string:array(Verifier)) load_authorities(string|array(string)|void root_cert_dirs)


Convenience function for loading known root certificates.

Parameter root_cert_dirs

Directory/directories containing the PEM-encoded root certificates to load. Defaults to a rather long list of directories, including "/etc/ssl/certs", "/etc/pki/tls/certs" and "/System/Library/OpenSSL/certs", which seem to be the most common locations.


Returns a mapping from DER-encoded issuer to Verifiers compatible with eg verify_certificate()


If a certificate directory contains a file named "ca-certificates.crt", it is assumed to contain a concatenation of all the certificates in the directory.

See also

verify_certificate(), verify_certificate_chain()

Method make_extension

Sequence make_extension(Identifier id, Object ext, void|int critical)


Creates a certificate extension with the id as identifier and ext as the extension payload. If the critical flag is set the extension will be marked as critical.

Method make_selfsigned_certificate

string make_selfsigned_certificate(Crypto.Sign.State c, int ttl, mapping|array name, mapping(Identifier:Sequence)|void extensions, void|Crypto.Hash h, void|int serial)


Creates a selfsigned certificate, i.e. where issuer and subject are the same entity. This entity is derived from the list of pairs in name, which is encoded into an distinguished_name by Standards.PKCS.Certificate.build_distinguished_name.

Parameter c

The public key cipher used for the certificate, Crypto.RSA, Crypto.DSA or Crypto.ECC.Curve.ECDSA. The object should be initialized with both public and private keys.

Parameter ttl

The validity of the certificate, in seconds, starting from creation date.

Parameter name

List of properties to create distinguished name from.

Parameter extensions

Mapping with extensions as ASN.1 structures, as produced by make_extension. The extensions subjectKeyIdentifier, keyUsage (flagged critical) and basicConstraints (flagged critical) will automatically be added if not present.

Parameter h

The hash function to use for the certificate. Must be one of the standardized PKCS hashes to be used with the given Crypto. By default Crypto.SHA256 is selected for both RSA and DSA.

Parameter serial

Serial number of the certificate. Defaults to generating a UUID version1 value with random node. Some browsers will refuse different certificates from the same signer with the same serial number.

See also

sign_key(), sign_tbs()

Method make_tbs

TBSCertificate make_tbs(Sequence issuer, Sequence algorithm, Sequence subject, Sequence keyinfo, Integer serial, Sequence validity, array|int(0..0)|void extensions)


Creates the ASN.1 TBSCertificate sequence (see RFC2459 section 4.1) to be signed (TBS) by the CA. version is explicitly set to v3, and extensions is optionally added to the sequence. issuerUniqueID and subjectUniqueID are not supported.

Method make_tbs

variant TBSCertificate make_tbs(Sequence issuer, Sequence algorithm, Sequence subject, Sequence keyinfo, Integer serial, int ttl, array|int(0..0)|void extensions)


Creates the ASN.1 TBSCertificate sequence (see RFC2459 section 4.1) to be signed (TBS) by the CA. version is explicitly set to v3, validity is calculated based on time and ttl, and extensions is optionally added to the sequence. issuerUniqueID and subjectUniqueID are not supported.


Prior to Pike 8.0 this function returned a plain Sequence object.

Method parse_private_key

Crypto.Sign.State parse_private_key(Sequence seq)


DWIM-parse the ASN.1-sequence for a private key.

Method parse_private_key

variant Crypto.Sign.State parse_private_key(string private_key)


DWIM-parse the DER-sequence for a private key.

Method sign_key

string sign_key(Sequence issuer, Crypto.Sign.State c, Crypto.Sign.State ca, Crypto.Hash h, Sequence subject, int serial, int ttl, array|mapping|void extensions)


Low-level function for creating a signed certificate.

Parameter issuer

Distinguished name for the issuer. See Standards.PKCS.Certificate.build_distinguished_name.

Parameter c

RSA, DSA or ECDSA parameters for the subject. Only the public key needs to be set. See Crypto.RSA, Crypto.DSA and Crypto.ECC.Curve.ECDSA.

Parameter ca

RSA, DSA or ECDSA parameters for the issuer. Only the private key needs to be set. See Crypto.RSA, Crypto.DSA and Crypto.ECC.Curve.ECDSA.

Parameter h

The hash function to use for the certificate. Must be one of the standardized PKCS hashes to be used with the given Crypto.

Parameter subject

Distinguished name for the subject. See Standards.PKCS.Certificate.build_distinguished_name.

Parameter public_key

DER-encoded RSAPublicKey structure. See Standards.PKCS.RSA.public_key().

Parameter serial

Serial number for this key and subject.

Parameter ttl

Validity time in seconds for this signature to be valid.

Parameter extensions

Set of extensions.


Returns a DER-encoded certificate.

See also

make_selfsigned_certificate(), make_tbs(), sign_tbs()

Method sign_tbs

Sequence sign_tbs(TBSCertificate tbs, Crypto.Sign.State sign, Crypto.Hash hash)


Sign the provided TBSCertificate.

Parameter tbs

A TBSCertificate as returned by decode_certificate() or make_tbs().

Parameter sign

RSA, DSA or ECDSA parameters for the issuer. See Crypto.RSA, Crypto.DSA and Crypto.ECC.Curve.ECDSA. Must be initialized with the private key.

Parameter hash

The hash function to use for the certificate. Must be one of the standardized PKCS hashes to be used with the given Crypto.

See also

decode_certificate(), make_tbs()

Method verify_ca_certificate

TBSCertificate verify_ca_certificate(string|TBSCertificate tbs)


Verifies that all extensions mandated for certificate signing certificates are present and valid.

Method verify_certificate

TBSCertificate verify_certificate(string s, mapping(string:Verifier|array(Verifier)) authorities, mapping(Standards.ASN1.Types.Identifier:Crypto.Hash)|void options)


Decodes a certificate, checks the signature. Returns the TBSCertificate structure, or 0 if decoding or verification fails. The valid time range for the certificate is not checked.

Parameter authorities

A mapping from (DER-encoded) names to a verifiers.

Parameter options
"verifier_algorithms" : mapping(Standards.ASN1.Types.Identifier:Crypto.Hash)

A mapping of verifier algorithm identifier to hash algorith implementation.


This function allows self-signed certificates, and it doesn't check that names or extensions make sense.

Method verify_certificate_chain

mapping verify_certificate_chain(array(string) cert_chain, mapping(string:Verifier|array(Verifier)) authorities, int|void require_trust, bool|void strict)
mapping verify_certificate_chain(array(string) cert_chain, mapping(string:Verifier|array(Verifier)) authorities, int|void require_trust, mapping(string:mixed) options)


Decodes a certificate chain, ordered from leaf to root, and checks the signatures. Verifies that the chain can be decoded correctly, is unbroken, and that all certificates are in effect (time-wise.) and allowed to sign its child certificate.

No verifications are done on the leaf certificate to determine what it can and can not be used for.

Returns a mapping with the following contents, depending on the verification of the certificate chain:

"error_code" : int

Error describing type of verification failurew, if verification failed. May be one of the following, OR:ed together: CERT_TOO_NEW, CERT_TOO_OLD, CERT_ROOT_UNTRUSTED, CERT_BAD_SIGNATURE, CERT_INVALID or CERT_CHAIN_BROKEN.

"error_cert" : int

Index number of the certificate that caused the verification failure.

"self_signed" : bool

Non-zero if the certificate is self-signed.

"verified" : bool

Non-zero if the certificate is verified.

"authority" : Standards.ASN1.Sequence

The authority RDN that verified the chain.

"cn" : Standards.ASN1.Sequence

The common name RDN of the leaf certificate.

"certificates" : array(TBSCertificate)

An array with the decoded certificates, ordered from root to leaf.

Parameter cert_chain

An array of certificates, with the relative-root last. Each certificate should be a DER-encoded certificate.

Parameter authorities

A mapping from (DER-encoded) names to verifiers.

Parameter require_trust

Require that the certificate be traced to an authority, even if it is self signed.

Parameter strict

By default this function only requires that the certificates are in order, it ignores extra certificates we didn't need to verify the leaf certificate.

If you specify strict, this will change, each certificate has to be signed by the next in the chain.

Some https-servers send extraneous intermediate certificates that aren't used to validate the leaf certificate. So strict mode will be incompatible with such servers.

Parameter options
"verifier_algorithm" : mapping(Standards.ASN1.Types.Identifier:Crypto.Hash)

A mapping of verifier algorithm identifier to hash algorithm implementation.

"strict" : int

See strict above.

See also


See Standards.PKCS.Certificate.get_dn_string for converting the RDN to an X500 style string.

Class Standards.X509.IssuerId


Unique identifier for the certificate issuer.

X.509v2 (deprecated).

Inherit BitString

inherit BitString : BitString

Class Standards.X509.SubjectId


Unique identifier for the certificate subject.

X.509v2 (deprecated).

Inherit BitString

inherit BitString : BitString

Class Standards.X509.TBSCertificate


Represents a TBSCertificate.


Was not compatible with Standards.ASN1.Types.Sequence prior to Pike 8.0.

Variable algorithm

void Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.algorithm


Algorithm Identifier.

Variable critical

multiset Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.critical




Read only

Variable der

void Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.der

Method dn_str

string dn_str(Sequence dn)


Try to extract a readable name from dn. This is one of commonName, organizationName or organizationUnitName. The first that is found is returned. Suitable for subjects and issuer sequences.

Variable ext_authorityKeyIdentifier

bool Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.ext_authorityKeyIdentifier


Set if the certificate contains a valid authorityKeyIdentifier extension. RFC3280

Variable ext_authorityKeyIdentifier_authorityCertSerialNumber

Gmp.mpz Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.ext_authorityKeyIdentifier_authorityCertSerialNumber


Set to the CertificateSerialNumber, if set in the extension.

Variable ext_authorityKeyIdentifier_keyIdentifier

string Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.ext_authorityKeyIdentifier_keyIdentifier


Set to the KeyIdentifier, if set in the extension.

Variable ext_basicConstraints

bool Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.ext_basicConstraints


Set if the certificate contains a valid basicConstraints extension. RFC3280

Variable ext_basicConstraints_cA

bool Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.ext_basicConstraints_cA


If set, the certificate may be used as a CA certificate, i.e. sign other certificates.

Variable ext_basicConstraints_pathLenConstraint

int Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.ext_basicConstraints_pathLenConstraint


The maximum number of certificates that may follow this certificate in a certificate chain. 0 in case no limit is imposed. Note that this variable is off by one compared to the RFC 3280 definition, which only counts intermediate certificates (i.e. 0 intermediates means this variable would be 1, as in one following certificate).

Variable ext_extKeyUsage

array(Identifier) Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.ext_extKeyUsage


Set to the list of extended key usages from anyExtendedKeyUsage, if the certificate contains the extKeyUsage extensions. These Identifier objects are typically found in .PKCS.Identifiers.reverse_kp_ids. RFC3280

Variable ext_keyUsage

keyUsage Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.ext_keyUsage


Set to the value of the KeyUsage if the certificate contains the keyUsage extension. RFC3280

Variable ext_subjectKeyIdentifier

string Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.ext_subjectKeyIdentifier


Set to the value of the SubjectKeyIdentifier if the certificate contains the subjectKeyIdentifier extension. RFC3280

Variable extensions

mapping(Identifier:Object) Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.extensions




Read only

Inherit Sequence

inherit Sequence : Sequence

Method init

this_program init(array|Object asn1)


Populates the object from a certificate decoded into an ASN.1 Object. Returns the object on success, otherwise 0. You probably want to call decode_certificate or even verify_certificate.

Variable internal_critical

protected multiset Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.internal_critical



Variable internal_extensions

protected mapping(Identifier:Object) Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.internal_extensions



Variable issuer

void Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.issuer


Certificate issuer.

Variable issuer_id

void Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.issuer_id



Method issuer_str

string issuer_str()


Return the issuer of the certificate as a human readable string. Mainly useful for debug.

Variable keyinfo

void Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.keyinfo

Method low_set

protected void low_set(int index, Sequence|Integer val)

Parameter index

Index in a v1 certificate.

Parameter val

New value for index.

Variable not_after

void Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.not_after

Variable not_before

void Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.not_before

Variable public_key

void Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.public_key

Variable raw_extensions

void Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.raw_extensions


The raw ASN.1 objects from which extensions and critical have been generated.



Variable serial

void Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.serial

Variable subject

void Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.subject

Variable subject_id

void Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.subject_id



Method subject_str

string subject_str()


Attempt to create a presentable string from the subject DER.

Variable validity

void Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.validity

Variable version

void Standards.X509.TBSCertificate.version

Class Standards.X509.Verifier

Method verify

bool verify(Sequence algorithm, string(8bit) msg, string(8bit) signature, mapping(Identifier:Crypto.Hash)|void verifier_algorithms)


Verifies the signature of the certificate msg using the indicated hash algorithm, choosing from verifier_algorithms.

See also


Module Standards.XML

Module Standards.XML.Wix


Helper module for generating Windows Installer XML structures.

See also


Method get_module_xml

WixNode get_module_xml(Directory dir, string id, string version, string|void manufacturer, string|void description, string|void guid, string|void comments, string|void installer_version)


Modifies dir if it contains files at the root level.

Module System


This module embodies common operating system calls, making them available to the Pike programmer.

Method AllocConsole

int AllocConsole()


Allocates a new console for the calling process.


Only available on certain Windows systems.


0 on success, non-zero otherwise.

Method AttachConsole

int AttachConsole(int pid)


Attaches calling process to a specific console.

Parameter pid

Only available on certain Windows systems.


0 on success, non-zero otherwise.


constant string System.CPU_TIME_IMPLEMENTATION


This string constant identifies the internal interface used to get the CPU time. It is an implementation detail - see rusage.c for possible values and their meanings.

See also

gethrvtime, gauge


constant string System.CPU_TIME_IS_THREAD_LOCAL


This string constant tells whether or not the CPU time, returned by e.g. gethrvtime, is thread local or not. The value is "yes" if it is and "no" if it isn't. The value is also "no" if there is no thread support.

See also

gethrvtime, gauge


constant int System.CPU_TIME_RESOLUTION


The resolution of the CPU time, returned by e.g. gethrvtime, in nanoseconds. It is -1 if the resolution isn't known.

See also

gethrvtime, gauge

Method FreeConsole

int FreeConsole()


Detaches the calling process from its console.


Before calling this function, Stdio.stderr, Stdio.stdout and Stdio.stdin must be closed.


Only available on certain Windows systems.


0 on success, non-zero otherwise.

Method GetComputerName

string GetComputerName()


Retrieves the NetBIOS name of the local computer.


This function is Windows specific, and is not available on all systems.

Method GetFileAttributes

int GetFileAttributes(string filename)


Get the file attributes for the specified file.


This function is only available on Win32 systems.

See also


Method GetNamedSecurityInfo

mapping(mixed:mixed) GetNamedSecurityInfo(string name, int|void type, int|void flags)


This function is only available on some Win32 systems.

See also


Method GetUserName

string GetUserName()


Retrieves the name of the user associated with the current thread.


This function is Windows specific, and is not available on all systems.


constant System.ITIMER_PROF


Identifier for a timer that decrements both when the process is executing and when the system is executing on behalf of the process.

See also

setitimer, getitimer


constant System.ITIMER_REAL


Identifier for a timer that decrements in real time.

See also

setitimer, getitimer


constant System.ITIMER_VIRTUAL


Identifier for a timer that decrements only when the process is executing.

See also

setitimer, getitimer

Method LogonUser

object LogonUser(string username, string|int(0..0) domain, string password, int|void logon_type, int|void logon_provider)


Logon a user.

Parameter username

User name of the user to login.

Parameter domain

Domain to login on, or zero if local logon.

Parameter password

Password to login with.

Parameter logon_type

One of the following values:


This is the default.

Parameter logon_provider

One of the following values:


This is the default.


Returns a login token object on success, and zero on failure.


This function is only available on some Win32 systems.

Method LookupAccountName

array(mixed) LookupAccountName(string|int(0..0) sys, string account)


This function is only available on some Win32 systems.

Method NetGetAnyDCName

string NetGetAnyDCName(string|int(0..0) server, string domain)


Get name of a domain controller from a server.

Parameter server

Server the domain exists on.

Parameter domain

Domain to get a domain controller for.


Returns the name of a domain controller on success. Throws errors on failure.


This function is only available on some Win32 systems.

See also

NetUserGetInfo(), NetUserEnum(), NetGroupEnum(), NetLocalGroupEnum(), NetUserGetGroups(), NetUserGetLocalGroups(), NetGroupGetUsers(), NetLocalGroupGetMembers(), NetGetDCName()

Method NetGetDCName

string NetGetDCName(string|int(0..0) server, string domain)


Get name of the domain controller from a server.

Parameter server

Server the domain exists on.

Parameter domain

Domain to get the domain controller for.


Returns the name of the domain controller on success. Throws errors on failure.


This function is only available on some Win32 systems.

See also

NetUserGetInfo(), NetUserEnum(), NetGroupEnum(), NetLocalGroupEnum(), NetUserGetGroups(), NetUserGetLocalGroups(), NetGroupGetUsers(), NetLocalGroupGetMembers(), NetGetAnyDCName()

Method NetGroupEnum

array(string|array(string|int)) NetGroupEnum(string|int(0..0)|void server, int|void level)


Get information about network groups.

Parameter server

Server the groups exist on.

Parameter level

Information level. One of:


Returns an array on success. Throws errors on failure.


Document the return value.


This function is only available on some Win32 systems.

See also

NetUserGetInfo(), NetUserEnum(), NetLocalGroupEnum(), NetUserGetGroups(), NetUserGetLocalGroups(), NetGroupGetUsers(), NetLocalGroupGetMembers(), NetGetDCName(), NetGetAnyDCName()

Method NetGroupGetUsers

array(string|array(int|string)) NetGroupGetUsers(string|int(0..0) server, string group, int|void level)


Get information about group membership for a network group.

Parameter server

Server the groups exist on.

Parameter group

Group to retrieve members for.

Parameter level

Information level. One of:


Returns an array on success. Throws errors on failure.


Document the return value.


This function is only available on some Win32 systems.

See also

NetUserGetInfo(), NetUserEnum(), NetGroupEnum(), NetLocalGroupEnum(), NetUserGetGroups(), NetUserGetLocalGroups(), NetLocalGroupGetMembers(), NetGetDCName(), NetGetAnyDCName()

Method NetLocalGroupEnum

array(array(string|int)) NetLocalGroupEnum(string|int(0..0)|void server, int|void level)


Get information about local network groups.

Parameter server

Server the groups exist on.

Parameter level

Information level. One of:


Returns an array on success. Throws errors on failure.


Document the return value.


This function is only available on some Win32 systems.

See also

NetUserGetInfo(), NetUserEnum(), NetGroupEnum(), NetUserGetGroups(), NetUserGetLocalGroups(), NetGroupGetUsers(), NetLocalGroupGetMembers(), NetGetDCName(), NetGetAnyDCName()

Method NetLocalGroupGetMembers

array(string|array(int|string)) NetLocalGroupGetMembers(string|int(0..0) server, string group, int|void level)


Get information about group membership for a network group.

Parameter server

Server the groups exist on.

Parameter group

Group to retrieve members for.

Parameter level

Information level. One of:


Returns an array on success. Throws errors on failure.


Document the return value.


This function is only available on some Win32 systems.

See also

NetUserGetInfo(), NetUserEnum(), NetGroupEnum(), NetLocalGroupEnum(), NetUserGetGroups(), NetUserGetLocalGroups(), NetGroupGetUsers(), NetGetDCName(), NetGetAnyDCName()

Method NetSessionEnum

array(int|string) NetSessionEnum(string|int(0..0) server, string|int(0..0) client, string|int(0..0) user, int level)


Get session information.

Parameter level

One of


This function is only available on some Win32 systems.

Method NetUserEnum

array(string|array(string|int)) NetUserEnum(string|int(0..0)|void server, int|void level, int|void filter)


Get information about network users.

Parameter server

Server the users exist on.

Parameter level

Information level. One of:


Returns an array on success. Throws errors on failure.


Document the return value.


This function is only available on some Win32 systems.

See also

NetUserGetInfo(), NetGroupEnum() NetLocalGroupEnum(), NetUserGetGroups(), NetUserGetLocalGroups(), NetGroupGetUsers(), NetLocalGroupGetMembers(), NetGetDCName(), NetGetAnyDCName()

Method NetUserGetGroups

array(array(string|int)) NetUserGetGroups(string|int(0..0) server, string user, int|void level)


Get information about group membership for a network user.

Parameter server

Server the groups exist on.

Parameter user

User to retrieve groups for.

Parameter level

Information level. One of:


Returns an array on success. Throws errors on failure.


Document the return value.


This function is only available on some Win32 systems.

See also

NetUserGetInfo(), NetUserEnum(), NetGroupEnum(), NetLocalGroupEnum(), NetUserGetLocalGroups(), NetGroupGetUsers(), NetLocalGroupGetMembers(), NetGetDCName(), NetGetAnyDCName()

Method NetUserGetInfo

string|array(string|int) NetUserGetInfo(string username, string|int(0..0) server, int|void level)


Get information about a network user.

Parameter username

User name of the user to get information about.

Parameter server

Server the user exists on.

Parameter level

Information level. One of:


Returns an array on success. Throws errors on failure.


Document the return value.


This function is only available on some Win32 systems.

See also

NetUserEnum(), NetGroupEnum() NetLocalGroupEnum(), NetUserGetGroups(), NetUserGetLocalGroups(), NetGroupGetUsers(), NetLocalGroupGetMembers(), NetGetDCName(), NetGetAnyDCName()

Method NetUserGetLocalGroups

array(string) NetUserGetLocalGroups(string|int(0..0) server, string user, int|void level, int|void flags)


Get information about group membership for a local network user.

Parameter server

Server the groups exist on.

Parameter user

User to retrieve groups for.

Parameter level

Information level. One of:

Parameter flags

Zero, of one of the following:


Returns an array on success. Throws errors on failure.


Document the return value.


This function is only available on some Win32 systems.

See also

NetUserGetInfo(), NetUserEnum(), NetGroupEnum(), NetLocalGroupEnum(), NetUserGetGroups(), NetGroupGetUsers(), NetLocalGroupGetMembers(), NetGetDCName(), NetGetAnyDCName()

Method NetWkstaUserEnum

array(mixed) NetWkstaUserEnum(string|int(0..0) server, int level)

Parameter level

One of


This function is only available on some Win32 systems.


constant string System.REAL_TIME_IMPLEMENTATION


This string constant identifies the internal interface used to get the high resolution real time. It is an implementation detail - see rusage.c for possible values and their meanings.

See also



constant string System.REAL_TIME_IS_MONOTONIC


This string constant tells whether or not the high resolution real time returned by gethrtime, is monotonic or not. The value is "yes" if it is and "no" if it isn't.

Monotonic time is not affected by clock adjustments that might happen to keep the calendaric clock in synch. It's therefore more suited to measure time intervals in programs.

See also



constant int System.REAL_TIME_RESOLUTION


The resolution of the real time returned by gethrtime, in nanoseconds. It is -1 if the resolution isn't known.

See also


Method RegGetKeyNames_76

array(string) RegGetKeyNames_76(int hkey, string key)


Get a list of value key names from the register (COMPAT).

Pike 7.6 compatibility implementation of RegGetKeyNames(). The difference being that this function throws errors when keys are missing.


This function is only available on Win32 systems.

See also

RegGetValue(), RegGetValues_76(), RegGetKeyNames()

Method RegGetValue_76

string|int|array(string) RegGetValue_76(int hkey, string key, string index)


Get a single value from the register (COMPAT).

Pike 7.6 compatibility implementation of RegGetValue(). The difference being that this function throws errors when keys are missing.


This function is only available on Win32 systems.

See also

RegGetKeyNames_76(), RegGetValues_76(), RegGetValue()

Method RegGetValues_76

mapping(string:string|int|array(string)) RegGetValues_76(int hkey, string key)


Get multiple values from the register (COMPAT).

Pike 7.6 compatibility implementation of RegGetValues(). The difference being that this function throws errors when keys are missing.


This function is only available on Win32 systems.

See also

RegGetValue_76(), RegGetKeyNames_76(), RegGetValues()

Method SetFileAttributes

int SetFileAttributes(string filename)


Set the file attributes for the specified file.


This function is only available on Win32 systems.

See also


Method SetNamedSecurityInfo

array(mixed) SetNamedSecurityInfo(string name, mapping(string:mixed) options)


This function is only available on some Win32 systems.

See also


Method chmod

void chmod(string path, int mode)


Sets the protection mode of the specified path.


Throws errors on failure.

See also

Stdio.File->open(), errno()

Method chown

void chown(string path, int uid, int gid, void|int symlink)


Sets the owner and group of the specified path.

If symlink is set and path refers to a symlink, then the owner and group for the symlink are set. Symlinks are dereferenced otherwise.


Throws errors on failure.

This function is not available on all platforms. On some platforms the symlink flag isn't supported. In that case, the function does nothing if path is a symlink.

Method chroot

int chroot(string newroot)
int chroot(Stdio.File newroot)


Changes the root directory for this process to the indicated directory.


A nonzero value is returned if the call is successful. If there's an error then zero is returned and errno is set appropriately.


Since this function modifies the directory structure as seen from Pike, you have to modify the environment variables PIKE_MODULE_PATH and PIKE_INCLUDE_PATH to compensate for the new root-directory.

This function only exists on systems that have the chroot(2) system call.

The second variant only works on systems that also have the fchroot(2) system call.


On success the current working directory will be changed to the new "/". This behavior was added in Pike 7.9.


This function could be interrupted by signals prior to Pike 7.9.

Method cleargroups

void cleargroups()


Clear the supplemental group access list.


Throws errors on failure.

This function is not available on all platforms.

See also

setgroups(), initgroups(), getgroups()

Method closelog

void closelog()


Document this function.

Method daemon

int daemon(int nochdir, int noclose)


Low level system daemon() function, see also Process.daemon()

Method dumpable

bool dumpable(bool|void val)


Get and/or set whether this process should be able to dump core.

Parameter val

Optional argument to set the core dumping state.


Disable core dumping for this process.


Enable core dumping for this process.


Returns 1 if this process currently is capable of dumping core, and 0 (zero) if not.


This function is currently only available on some versions of Linux.

Method endgrent

int endgrent()


Closes the /etc/groups file after using the getgrent function.

See also

get_all_groups() getgrent() setgrent()

Method endpwent

int endpwent()


Closes the passwd source opened by getpwent function using the systemfunction endpwent(3).


Always 0 (zero)

See also

get_all_users() getpwent() setpwent()

Method get_home

string get_home()


Get the full path for the current user's home directory


the full path to the current user's home directory, or zero if the appropriate environment variables have not been set.


This method uses the standard environment variables for various systems to determine the home directory.

Method get_netinfo_property

array(string) get_netinfo_property(string domain, string path, string property)


Queries a NetInfo server for property values at the given path.

Parameter domain

NetInfo domain. Use "." for the local domain.

Parameter path

NetInfo path for the property.

Parameter property

Name of the property to return.


An array holding all property values. If the path or property cannot be not found 0 is returned instead. If the NetInfo domain is not found or cannot be queried an exception is thrown.


system.get_netinfo_property(".", "/locations/resolver", "domain"); ({ "idonex.se" })


Only available on operating systems which have NetInfo libraries installed.

Method get_user

string get_user()


Get the username of the user that started the process.


the username of the user "associated" with the current process, or zero if a method to find this information does not exist on the current system.


On NT systems, this returns the user the current thread is running as, while on Unix-like systems this function returns the user that started the process (rather than the effective user)..

Method getegid

int getegid()


Get the effective group ID.

See also

setuid, getuid, setgid, getgid, seteuid, geteuid, setegid

Method geteuid

int geteuid()


Get the effective user ID.

See also

setuid, getuid, setgid, getgid, seteuid, getegid, setegid

Method getgid

int getgid()


Get the real group ID.

See also

setuid, getuid, setgid, seteuid, geteuid, getegid, setegid

Method getgrent

array(int|string|array(string)) getgrent()


Get a group entry from /etc/groups file. getgrent interates thru the groups source and returns one entry per call using the systemfunction getgrent(3).

Always call endgrent when done using getgrent!


An array with the information about the group

string 0

Group name

string 1

Group password (encrypted)

int 2

ID of the group

array 3..

Array with UIDs of group members

See also

get_all_groups() getgrnam() getgrgid()

Method getgroups

array(int) getgroups()


Get the current supplemental group access list for this process.


Throws errors on failure.

This function is not available on all platforms.

See also

setgroups(), cleargroups(), initgroups(), getgid(), getgid(), getegid(), setegid()

Method gethostbyaddr

array(string|array(string)) gethostbyaddr(string addr)


Returns an array with information about the specified IP address.


The returned array contains the same information as that returned by gethostbyname().


This function only exists on systems that have the gethostbyaddr(2) or similar system call.

See also


Method gethostbyname

array(string|array(string)) gethostbyname(string hostname)


Returns an array with information about the specified host.


The returned array contains the following:

string hostname

Name of the host.

array(string) ips

Array of IP numbers for the host.

array(string) aliases

Array of alternative names for the host.


This function only exists on systems that have the gethostbyname(2) or similar system call.

See also


Method gethostname

string gethostname()


Returns a string with the name of the host.


This function only exists on systems that have the gethostname(2) or uname(2) system calls.

Method getitimer

array(float) getitimer(int timer)


Shows the state of the selected timer.

float 0

The interval of the timer.

float 1

The value of the timer.

Parameter timer


Method getloadavg

array(float) getloadavg()


Get system load averages.

float 0

Load average over the last minute.

float 1

Load average over the last 5 minutes.

float 2

Load average over the last 15 minutes.

Method getpgrp

int getpgrp(int|void pid)


Get the process group id for the process pid. With no argguments or with 'pid' equal to zero, returns the process group ID of this process.


Not all platforms support getting the process group for other processes.

Not supported on all platforms.

See also

getpid, getppid

Method getpid

int getpid()


Returns the process ID of this process.

See also

getppid, getpgrp

Method getppid

int getppid()


Returns the process ID of the parent process.

See also

getpid, getpgrp

Method getpwent

array(int|string) getpwent()


When first called, the getpwent function opens the passwd source and returns the first record using the systemfunction getpwent(3). For each following call, it returns the next record until EOF.

Call endpwent when done using getpwent.


An array with the information about the user

string 0

Users username (loginname)

string 1

User password (encrypted)

int 2

Users ID

int 3

Users primary group ID

string 4

Users real name an possibly some other info

string 5

Users home directory

string 6

Users shell

0 if EOF.

See also

get_all_users() getpwnam() getpwent() setpwent() endpwent()

Method getrlimit

array(int) getrlimit(string resource)


Returns the current process limitation for the selected resource.

Parameter resource

The CPU time limit in seconds.


The maximum size of files the process may create.


The maximum size of the process's data segment.


The maximum size of process stack, in bytes.


Specifies the limit of pages the process's resident set.


The maximum number of processes that can be created for the real user ID of the calling process.


The maximum number of file descriptors the process can open, +1.


The maximum number of bytes of virtual memory that may be locked into RAM.

int 0

The soft limit for the resource. -1 means no limit.

int 1

The hard limit for the resource. -1 means no limit.


This function nor all the resources are available on all systems.

See also

getrlimits, setrlimit

Method getrlimits

mapping(string:array(int)) getrlimits()


Returns all process limits in a mapping.

See also

getrlimit, setrlimit

Method getrusage

mapping(string:int) getrusage()


Return resource usage about the current process. An error is thrown if it isn't supported or if the system fails to return any information.


Returns a mapping describing the current resource usage:

"utime" : int

Time in milliseconds spent in user code.

"stime" : int

Time in milliseconds spent in system calls.

"maxrss" : int

Maximum used resident size in kilobytes. [1]

"ixrss" : int

Quote from GNU libc: An integral value expressed in kilobytes times ticks of execution, which indicates the amount of memory used by text that was shared with other processes. [1]

"idrss" : int

Quote from GNU libc: An integral value expressed the same way, which is the amount of unshared memory used for data. [1]

"isrss" : int

Quote from GNU libc: An integral value expressed the same way, which is the amount of unshared memory used for stack space. [1]

"minflt" : int

Minor page faults, i.e. TLB misses which required no disk I/O.

"majflt" : int

Major page faults, i.e. paging with disk I/O required.

"nswap" : int

Number of times the process has been swapped out entirely.

"inblock" : int

Number of block input operations.

"oublock" : int

Number of block output operations.

"msgsnd" : int

Number of IPC messsages sent.

"msgrcv" : int

Number of IPC messsages received.

"nsignals" : int

Number of signals received.

"nvcsw" : int

Number of voluntary context switches (usually to wait for some service).

"nivcsw" : int

Number of preemptions, i.e. context switches due to expired time slices, or when processes with higher priority were scheduled.

"sysc" : int

Number of system calls. [2]

"ioch" : int

Number of characters read and written. [2]

"rtime" : int

Elapsed real time (ms). [2]

"ttime" : int

Elapsed system trap (system call) time (ms). [2]

"tftime" : int

Text page fault sleep time (ms). [2]

"dftime" : int

Data page fault sleep time (ms). [2]

"kftime" : int

Kernel page fault sleep time (ms). [2]

"ltime" : int

User lock wait sleep time (ms). [2]

"slptime" : int

Other sleep time (ms). [2]

"wtime" : int

Wait CPU (latency) time (ms). [2]

"stoptime" : int

Time spent in stopped (suspended) state. [2]

"brksize" : int

Heap size. [3]

"stksize" : int

Stack size. [3]


[1] Not if /proc rusage is used.

[2] Only from (Solaris?) /proc rusage.

[3] Only from /proc PRS usage.

On some systems, only utime will be filled in.

See also


Method getsid

int getsid(int|void pid)


Get the process session ID for the given process. If pid is not specified, the session ID for the current process will be returned.


This function is not available on all platforms.


Throws an error if the system call fails.

See also

getpid, getpgrp, setsid

Method gettimeofday

array(int) gettimeofday()


Calls gettimeofday(); the result is an array of seconds, microseconds, and possible tz_minuteswes, tz_dstttime as given by the gettimeofday(2) system call (read the man page).

See also

time(), gethrtime()

Method getuid

int getuid()


Get the real user ID.

See also

setuid, setgid, getgid, seteuid, geteuid, setegid, getegid

Method hardlink

void hardlink(string from, string to)


Create a hardlink named to from the file from.


This function is not available on all platforms.

See also

symlink(), mv(), rm()

Inherit _system

inherit _system : _system

Method initgroups

void initgroups(string name, int base_gid)


Initializes the supplemental group access list according to the system group database. base_gid is also added to the group access list.


Throws errors on failure.

This function is not available on all platforms.

See also

setuid(), getuid(), setgid(), getgid(), seteuid(), geteuid(), setegid(), getegid(), getgroups(), setgroups()

Method innetgr

bool innetgr(string netgroup, string|void machine, string|void user, string|void domain)


Searches for matching entries in the netgroup database (usually /etc/netgroup). If any of the machine, user or domain arguments are zero or missing, those fields will match any value in the selected netgroup.


This function isn't available on all platforms.

Method nanosleep

float nanosleep(int|float seconds)


Call the system nanosleep() function.

This is not to be confused with the global function predef::sleep() that does more elaborate things and can sleep with better precision (although dependant on a normal functioning system clock).

Returns the remaining time to sleep (as the system function does).

See also

predef::sleep() sleep() usleep()


May not be present; only exists if the function exists in the current system.

Method normalize_path

string(8bit) normalize_path(string(8bit) path)


Normalize an existing Windows file system path.

The following transformations are currently done:

  • Forward slashes ('/') are converted to backward slashes ('\').

  • Trailing slashes are removed, except a single slash after a drive letter (e.g. "C:\" is returned instead of "C:").

  • Extraneous empty extensions are removed.

  • Short filenames are expanded to their corresponding long variants.

  • Relative paths are expanded to absolute paths.

  • Current- and parent-directory path components ("." and "..") are followed, similar to combine_path.

  • Case-information in directory and file names is restored.

  • Drive letters are returned in uppercase.

  • The host and share parts of UNC paths are returned in lowercase.


A normalized absolute path without trailing slashes.

Throws errors on failure, e.g. if the file or directory doesn't exist.


File fork information is currently not supported (invalid data).


In Pike 7.6 and earlier, this function didn't preserve a single slash after drive letters, and it didn't convert the host and share parts of an UNC path to lowercase.

See also

combine_path(), combine_path_nt()

Method openlog

void openlog(string ident, int options, facility)


Initializes the connection to syslogd.

Parameter ident.

The ident argument specifies an identifier to tag all logentries with.

Parameter options

A bitfield specifying the behaviour of the message logging. Valid options are:


Log the process ID with each message.


Write messages to the console if they can't be sent to syslogd.


Open the connection to syslogd now and not later.


Do not wait for subprocesses talking to syslogd.

Parameter facility

Specifies what subsystem you want to log as. Valid facilities are:


Authorization subsystem


Crontab subsystem


System daemons


Kernel subsystem (NOT USABLE)


For local use


Line printer spooling system


Mail subsystem


Network news subsystem


UUCP subsystem


Only available on systems with syslog(3).


LOG_NOWAIT should probably always be specified.

See also

syslog, closelog

Method rdtsc

int rdtsc()


Executes the rdtsc (clock pulse counter) instruction and returns the result.

Method readlink

string readlink(string path)


Returns what the symbolic link path points to.


This function is not available on all platforms.

See also


Method resolvepath

string resolvepath(string path)


Resolve all symbolic links of a pathname.

This function resolves all symbolic links, extra ``/'' characters and references to /./ and /../ in pathname, and returns the resulting absolute path, or 0 (zero) if an error occurs.


This function is not available on all platforms.

See also

readlink(), symlink()

Method setegid

int setegid(int egid)


Set the effective group ID to egid. If egid is -1 the uid for "nobody" will be used.


Returns the current errno.


Throws an error if there is no "nobody" user when egid is -1.


This function isn't available on all platforms.

Method seteuid

int seteuid(int euid)


Set the effective user ID to euid. If euid is -1 the uid for "nobody" will be used.


Returns the current errno.


Throws an error if there is no "nobody" user when euid is -1.


This function isn't available on all platforms.

Method setgid

int setgid(int gid)


Sets the real group ID, effective group ID and saved group ID to gid. If gid is -1 the uid for "nobody" will be used.


Throws an error if no "nobody" user when gid is -1.


Returns the current errno.


This function is not available on all platforms.

See also

getuid(), setuid(), getgid(), seteuid(), geteuid(), setegid(), getegid()

Method setgrent

int setgrent()


Rewinds the getgrent pointer to the first entry

See also

get_all_groups() getgrent() endgrent()

Method setgroups

void setgroups(array(int) gids)


Set the supplemental group access list for this process.


Throws errors on failure.

This function is not available on all platforms.

See also

initgroups(), cleargroups(), getgroups(), getgid(), getgid(), getegid(), setegid()

Method setitimer

float setitimer(int timer, int|float value)


Sets the timer to the supplied value. Returns the current timer interval.

Parameter timer


Method setpgrp

int setpgrp()


Make this process a process group leader.


Not supported on all platforms.

Method setproctitle

void setproctitle(string title, mixed ... extra)


Sets the processes title.

Method setpwent

int setpwent()


Resets the getpwent function to the first entry in the passwd source using the systemfunction setpwent(3).


Always 0 (zero)

See also

get_all_users() getpwent() endpwent()

Method setresgid

int setresgid(int rgid, int egid, int sgid)


Sets the real, effective and saved group ID to rgid, egid and sgid respectively.


Returns zero on success and errno on failure.

Method setresuid

int setresuid(int ruid, int euid, int suid)


Sets the real, effective and saved set-user-ID to ruid, euid and suid respectively.


Returns zero on success and errno on failure.

Method setrlimit

bool setrlimit(string resource, int soft, int hard)


Sets the soft and the hard process limit on a resource.

See also

getrlimit, getrlimits

Method setsid

int setsid()


Set a new process session ID for the current process, and return it.


This function isn't available on all platforms.


Throws an error if the system call fails.

See also

getpid, setpgrp, getsid

Method setuid

int setuid(int uid)


Sets the real user ID, effective user ID and saved user ID to uid.


Returns the current errno.


This function isn't available on all platforms.

See also

getuid(), setgid(), getgid(), seteuid(), geteuid(), setegid(), getegid()

Method sleep

int sleep(int seconds)


Call the system sleep() function.

This is not to be confused with the global function predef::sleep() that does more elaborate things and can sleep with better precision (although dependant on a normal functioning system clock).


The system's sleep function often utilizes the alarm(2) call and might not be perfectly thread safe in combination with simultaneous sleep()'s or alarm()'s. It might also be interrupted by other signals.

If you don't need it to be independant of the system clock, use predef::sleep() instead.

May not be present; only exists if the function exists in the current system.

See also

predef::sleep() usleep() nanosleep()

Method symlink

void symlink(string from, string to)


Create a symbolic link named to that points to from.


This function is not available on all platforms.

See also

hardlink(), readlink(), mv(), rm()

Method sync

void sync()


Flush operating system disk buffers to permanent storage.


On some operating systems this may require administrative privileges.

Method syslog

void syslog(int priority, string msg)


Writes the message msg to the log with the priorities in priority.

Parameter priority

Priority is a bit vector with the wanted priorities or:ed together.


LOG_EMERG, system is unusable.


LOG_ALERT, action must be taken immediately.


LOG_CRIT, critical conditions.


LOG_ERR, error conditions.


LOG_WARNING, warnind conditions.


LOG_NOTICE, normal, but significant, condition.


LOG_INFO, informational message.


LOG_DEBUG, debug-level message.

Method umask

int umask(void|int mask)


Set the current umask to mask.

If mask is not specified the current umask will not be changed.


Returns the old umask setting.

Method uname

mapping(string:string) uname()


Get operating system information.


The resulting mapping contains the following fields:

"sysname" : string

Operating system name.

"nodename" : string


"release" : string

Operating system release.

"version" : string

Operating system version.

"machine" : string

Hardware architecture.

"architecture" : string

Basic instruction set architecture.

"isalist" : string

List of upported instruction set architectures. Usually space-separated.

"platform" : string

Specific model of hardware.

"hw provider" : string

Manufacturer of the hardware.

"hw serial" : string

Serial number of the hardware.

"srpc domain" : string

Secure RPC domain.


This function only exists on systems that have the uname(2) or sysinfo(2) system calls.

Only the first five elements are always available.

Method usleep

void usleep(int usec)


Call the system usleep() function.

This is not to be confused with the global function predef::sleep() that does more elaborate things and can sleep with better precision (although dependant on a normal functioning system clock).


The system's usleep function often utilizes the alarm(2) call and might not be perfectly thread safe in combination with simultaneous sleep()'s or alarm()'s. It might also be interrupted by other signals.

If you don't need it to be independant of the system clock, use predef::sleep() instead.

May not be present; only exists if the function exists in the current system.

See also

predef::sleep() sleep() nanosleep()

Method utime

void utime(string path, int atime, int mtime, void|int symlink)


Set the last access time and last modification time for the path path to atime and mtime repectively. They are specified as unix timestamps with 1 second resolution.

If symlink is set and path refers to a symlink, then the timestamps for the symlink are set. Symlinks are dereferenced otherwise.


Throws errors on failure.

This function is not available on all platforms. On some platforms the symlink flag isn't supported. In that case, the function does nothing if path is a symlink.

See also

System.set_file_atime, System.set_file_mtime

Class System.Memory


A popular demand is a class representing a raw piece of memory or a mmap'ed file. This is usually not the most effective way of solving a problem, but it might help in rare situations.

Using mmap can lead to segmentation faults in some cases. Beware, and read about mmap before you try anything. Don't blame Pike if you shoot your foot off.

Method _sizeof

int sizeof( System.Memory arg )


returns the size of the memory (bytes). note: throws if not allocated

Method `[]

int res = System.Memory()[ pos ]
string res = System.Memory()[ pos1 ]

Method `[]=

System.Memory()[ pos ] = char
System.Memory()[ pos1 ] = pos2

Method allocate

void allocate(int bytes)
void allocate(int bytes, int(8bit) fill)

Method cast



Cast to string or array.


Throws if not allocated.

Method create

System.Memory System.Memory()
System.Memory System.Memory(string|Stdio.File filename_to_mmap)
System.Memory System.Memory(int shmkey, int shmsize, int shmflg)
System.Memory System.Memory(int bytes_to_allocate)


Will call mmap() or allocate() depending on argument, either mmap'ing a file (in shared mode, writeable if possible) or allocating a chunk of memory.

Method free

void free()


Free the allocated or <tt>mmap</tt>ed memory.

Method mmap
Method mmap_private

int mmap(string|Stdio.File file)
int mmap(string|Stdio.File file, int offset, int size)
int mmap_private(string|Stdio.File file)
int mmap_private(string|Stdio.File file, int offset, int size)


mmap a file. This will always try to mmap the file in PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, readable and writable, but if it fails it will try once more in PROT_READ only.

Method pread
Method pread16
Method pread32
Method pread16i
Method pread32i
Method pread16n
Method pread32n

string pread(int(0..) pos, int(0..) len)
string pread16(int(0..) pos, int(0..) len)
string pread32(int(0..) pos, int(0..) len)
string pread16i(int(0..) pos, int(0..) len)
string pread32i(int(0..) pos, int(0..) len)
string pread16n(int(0..) pos, int(0..) len)
string pread32n(int(0..) pos, int(0..) len)


Read a string from the memory. The 16 and 32 variants reads widestrings, 16 or 32 bits (2 or 4 bytes) wide, the i variants in intel byteorder, the normal in network byteorder, and the n variants in native byteorder.

len is the number of characters, wide or not. pos is the byte position (!).

Method pwrite
Method pwrite16
Method pwrite32
Method pwrite16i
Method pwrite32i

int pwrite(int(0..) pos, string data)
int pwrite16(int(0..) pos, string data)
int pwrite32(int(0..) pos, string data)
int pwrite16i(int(0..) pos, string data)
int pwrite32i(int(0..) pos, string data)


Write a string to the memory (and to the file, if it's mmap()ed). The 16 and 32 variants writes widestrings, 16 or 32 bits (2 or 4 bytes) wide, the 'i' variants in intel byteorder, the other in network byteorder.

returns the number of bytes (not characters) written

Method valid

bool valid()


returns 1 if the memory is valid, 0 if not allocated

Method writeable

bool writeable()


returns 1 if the memory is writeable, 0 if not

Class System.TM


A wrapper for the system struct tm time keeping structure. This can be used as a (very) lightweight alternative to Calendar.

Method asctime

string asctime()


Return a string representing the time. Mostly useful for debug purposes, the exact format is very locale (see Gettext.setlocale) and OS dependent.

Method cast



Casted to an integer unix_time will be returned.

Casting to a string will call asctime.

Method create

System.TM System.TM(int|Gmp.mpz t)


Create a new TM initialized from a unix time_t. The timezone will always be UTC when using this function.

Method create

System.TM System.TM()


Construct a new TM, all fields will be set to 0.

Method create

System.TM System.TM(int year, int(0..11) mon, int(1..31) mday, int(0..24) hour, int(0..59) min, int(0..59) sec, string|void timezone)


Construct a new time using the given values. Slightly faster than setting them individually.

Method gmtime

bool gmtime(int time)


Initialize the struct tm to the UTC time for the specified unix time_t.

Method gmtime

bool gmtime(Gmp.mpz time)


Initialize the struct tm to the UTC time for the specified unix time_t.

Variable gmtoff

int System.TM.gmtoff


The offset from GMT for the time in this tm-struct

Variable sec
Variable min
Variable hour
Variable mday
Variable mon
Variable year

int(0..60) System.TM.sec
int(0..59) System.TM.min
int(0..59) System.TM.hour
int(1..31) System.TM.mday
int(0..11) System.TM.mon
int System.TM.year


The various fields in the structure. Note that setting these might cause other fields to be recalculated, as an example, adding 1000 to the hour field would advance the 'mday', 'mon' and possibly 'year' fields.

When read the fields are always normalized.

Unlike the system struct tm the 'year' field is not year-1900, instead it is the actual year.

Variable isdst

int System.TM.isdst


True if daylight-saving is in effect. If this field is -1 (the default) it (and the timezone info) will be updated automatically using the timezone rules.

Method localtime

bool localtime(int time)


Initialize the struct tm to the local time for the specified unix time_t.

Method strftime

string(1..255) strftime(string(1..255) format)


See also Gettext.setlocale

Convert the structure to a string.


The abbreviated weekday name according to the current locale


The full weekday name according to the current locale.


The abbreviated month name according to the current locale.


The full month name according to the current locale.


The preferred date and time representation for the current locale.


The century number (year/100) as a 2-digit integer.


The day of the month as a decimal number (range 01 to 31).


Equivalent to %m/%d/%y. (for Americans only. Americans should note that in other countries %d/%m/%y is rather common. This means that in international context this format is ambiguous and should not be used.)


Like %d, the day of the month as a decimal number, but a leading zero is replaced by a space.


Modifier: use alternative format, see below.


Equivalent to %Y-%m-%d (the ISO 8601 date format). (C99)


The ISO 8601 week-based year (see NOTES) with century as a decimal number. The 4-digit year corresponding to the ISO week number (see %V). This has the same format and value as %Y, except that if the ISO week number belongs to the previous or next year, that year is used instead.


Like %G, but without century, that is, with a 2-digit year (00-99). (TZ)


Equivalent to %b.


The hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock (range 00 to 23).


The hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock (range 01 to 12).


The day of the year as a decimal number (range 001 to 366).


The month as a decimal number (range 01 to 12).


The minute as a decimal number (range 00 to 59).


A newline character. (SU)


Modifier: use alternative format, see below. (SU)


Either "AM" or "PM" according to the given time value, or the corresponding strings for the current locale. Noon is treated as "PM" and midnight as "AM".


Like %p but in lowercase: "am" or "pm" or a corresponding string for the current locale.


The time in a.m. or p.m. notation. In the POSIX locale this is equivalent to %I:%M:%S %p.


The time in 24-hour notation (%H:%M). (SU) For a version including the seconds, see %T below.


The number of seconds since the Epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC). (TZ)


The second as a decimal number (range 00 to 60). (The range is up to 60 to allow for occasional leap seconds.)


A tab character. (SU)


The time in 24-hour notation (%H:%M:%S). (SU)


The day of the week as a decimal, range 1 to 7, Monday being 1. See also %w. (SU)


The week number of the current year as a decimal number, range 00 to 53, starting with the first Sunday as the first day of week 01. See also %V and %W.


The ISO 8601 week number of the current year as a decimal number, range 01 to 53, where week 1 is the first week that has at least 4 days in the new year. See also %U and %W.


The day of the week as a decimal, range 0 to 6, Sunday being 0. See also %u.

Method strptime

bool strptime(string(1..255) format, string(1..255) data)


Parse the given data using the format in format as a date.


The % character.

%a or %A

The weekday name according to the C locale, in abbreviated form or the full name.

%b or %B or %h

The month name according to the C locale, in abbreviated form or the full name.


The date and time representation for the C locale.


The century number (0-99).

%d or %e

The day of month (1-31).


Equivalent to %m/%d/%y.


The hour (0-23).


The hour on a 12-hour clock (1-12).


The day number in the year (1-366).


The month number (1-12).


The minute (0-59).


Arbitrary whitespace.


The C locale's equivalent of AM or PM.


Equivalent to %H:%M.


The second (0-60; 60 may occur for leap seconds; earlier also 61 was allowed).


Arbitrary whitespace.


Equivalent to %H:%M:%S.


The week number with Sunday the first day of the week (0-53).


The weekday number (0-6) with Sunday = 0.


The week number with Monday the first day of the week (0-53).


The date, using the C locale's date format.


The time, using the C locale's time format.


The year within century (0-99). When a century is not otherwise specified, values in the range 69-99 refer to years in the twentieth century (1969-1999); values in the range 00-68 refer to years in the twenty-first century (2000-2068).


The year, including century (for example, 1991).

Method unix_time

int unix_time()


Return the unix time corresponding to this time_t. If no time can be parsed from the structure -1 is returned.

Variable wday

int System.TM.wday


The day of the week, sunday is 0, saturday is 6. This is calculated from the other fields and can not be changed directly.

Variable yday

int System.TM.yday


The day of the year, from 0 (the first day) to 365 This is calculated from the other fields and can not be changed directly.

Variable zone

string System.TM.zone


The timezone of this structure

Class System.Time


The current time as a structure containing a sec and a usec member.

Method create

System.Time System.Time(int fast)


If fast is true, do not request a new time from the system, instead use the global current time variable.

This will only work in callbacks, but can save significant amounts of CPU.

Variable sec
Variable usec

int System.Time.sec
int System.Time.usec


The number of seconds and microseconds since the epoch and the last whole second, respectively. (See also predef::time())


Please note that these variables will continually update when they are requested, there is no need to create new Time() objects.

Variable usec_full

int System.Time.usec_full


The number of microseconds since the epoch. Please note that pike needs to have been compiled with bignum support for this variable to contain sensible values.

Class System.Timer

Method create

System.Timer System.Timer(int|void fast)


Create a new timer object. The timer keeps track of relative time with sub-second precision.

If fast is specified, the timer will not do system calls to get the current time but instead use the one maintained by pike. This will result in faster but more or less inexact timekeeping. The pike maintained time is only updated when a Pike.Backend object stops waiting and starts executing code.

Method get

float get()


Return the time in seconds since the last time get was called. The first time this method is called the time since the object was created is returned instead.

Method peek

float peek()


Return the time in seconds since the last time get was called.

Module System.FSEvents

Method describe_event_flag

string describe_event_flag(int mask)


describe the event flags associated with an event.


a string describing the flags set.

Inherit _FSEvents

inherit System._FSEvents : _FSEvents


The System.FSEvents module provides an interface to FSEvents. FSEvents is an API in Mac OS X which allows an application to register for notifications of changes to a given directory tree without forcing the application to continously poll the directory tree.

This module is designed for use in asynchronous, or backend mode. That is, rather than polling for changes, a function you specify will be called when events of interest occur.


This module requires the presence and use of a CFRunLoop based Backend object, otherwise this module will not receive events from the OS. CFRunLoop based backends are avilable on Mac OS X 10.5 and higher.

See also


Class System.FSEvents.BlockingEventStream


A variation of EventStream that provides a blocking interface.


A quirk of the underlying IO subsystem in CoreFoundation is that there is exactly one runloop per thread. Because FSEvents uses CoreFoundation, this means that there's no meaningful way to specify which backend should process these events. Therefore, always make sure that the thread you create the EventStream object is the same one you read events from, otherwise read_event will run not run the EventLoop that this EventStream is registered with, resulting in events never being delivered.

Method create

System.FSEvents.BlockingEventStream System.FSEvents.BlockingEventStream(array(string) paths, float latency, int|void since_when, int|void flags)

Inherit EventStream

inherit .EventStream : EventStream

Method read_event

mixed read_event(void|float timeout)


wait for an event to be received, and return it.

Parameter timeout

an optional limit to the amount of time we're willing to wait

Class System.FSEvents.EventStream

Method add_path

void add_path(string path)


Add a path to the monitor list.

Parameter path

this can only be called when the monitor is stopped.

Method create

System.FSEvents.EventStream System.FSEvents.EventStream(array(string) paths, float latency, int|void since_when, int|void flags)


Creates a new Public.System.FSEvents.EventStream object

Parameter paths

An array with each element containing a path to a directory, signifying the root of a filesystem hierarchy to be watched for modifications.

Additional paths may be added later using add_path(), though only if the stream is stopped.

Parameter latency

The number of seconds the service should wait after hearing about an event from the kernel before passing it along to the client via its callback. Specifying a larger value may result in more effective temporal coalescing, resulting in fewer callbacks and greater overall efficiency.

Parameter since_when

The service will supply events that have happened after the given event ID. To ask for events "since now" pass the constant kFSEventStreamEventIdSinceNow. Do not pass zero for this value unless you want to receive events for the requested directories "since the beginning of time".

Parameter flags

Flags that modify the behavior of the stream being created. See Apple's FSEvents documentation for details of the various flags available.

Method flush_async

void flush_async()


Requests that the FS Events service to flush out any events that have occurred but have not yet been delivered, due to the latency parameter that was supplied when the stream was created.

This flushing occurs asynchronously -- events most likely will not have been delivered by the time this call returns.


Only call this function after the stream has been started, via start().

Method flush_sync

void flush_sync()


Requests that the FS Events service to flush out any events that have occurred but have not yet been delivered, due to the latency parameter that was supplied when the stream was created.

Flushing synchronously when using this method; clients will have received all the callbacks by the time this call returns to them.


Only call this function after the stream has been started, via start().

Method is_started

int is_started()


Has start() been called?

Constant kFSEventStreamCreateFlagFileEvents

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamCreateFlagFileEvents


Available in MacOS X 10.7 and newer.

Constant kFSEventStreamCreateFlagIgnoreSelf

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamCreateFlagIgnoreSelf


Available in MacOS X 10.6 and newer.

Constant kFSEventStreamCreateFlagNoDefer

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamCreateFlagNoDefer

Constant kFSEventStreamCreateFlagNone

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamCreateFlagNone

Constant kFSEventStreamCreateFlagWatchRoot

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamCreateFlagWatchRoot

Constant kFSEventStreamEventFlagChangeOwner

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamEventFlagChangeOwner


Available in MacOS X 10.7 and newer.

Constant kFSEventStreamEventFlagEventIdsWrapped

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamEventFlagEventIdsWrapped

Constant kFSEventStreamEventFlagFinderInfoMod

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamEventFlagFinderInfoMod


Available in MacOS X 10.7 and newer.

Constant kFSEventStreamEventFlagHistoryDone

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamEventFlagHistoryDone

Constant kFSEventStreamEventFlagInodeMetaMod

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamEventFlagInodeMetaMod


Available in MacOS X 10.7 and newer.

Constant kFSEventStreamEventFlagIsDir

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamEventFlagIsDir


Available in MacOS X 10.7 and newer.

Constant kFSEventStreamEventFlagIsFile

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamEventFlagIsFile


Available in MacOS X 10.7 and newer.

Constant kFSEventStreamEventFlagIsSymlink

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamEventFlagIsSymlink


Available in MacOS X 10.7 and newer.

Constant kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemCreated

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemCreated


Available in MacOS X 10.7 and newer.

Constant kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemModified

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemModified


Available in MacOS X 10.7 and newer.

Constant kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemRemoved

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemRemoved


Available in MacOS X 10.7 and newer.

Constant kFSEventStreamEventFlagKernelDropped

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamEventFlagKernelDropped

Constant kFSEventStreamEventFlagMount

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamEventFlagMount

Constant kFSEventStreamEventFlagMustScanSubDirs

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamEventFlagMustScanSubDirs

Constant kFSEventStreamEventFlagNone

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamEventFlagNone

Constant kFSEventStreamEventFlagRenamed

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamEventFlagRenamed


Available in MacOS X 10.7 and newer.

Constant kFSEventStreamEventFlagRootChanged

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamEventFlagRootChanged

Constant kFSEventStreamEventFlagUnmount

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamEventFlagUnmount

Constant kFSEventStreamEventFlagUserDropped

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamEventFlagUserDropped

Constant kFSEventStreamEventFlagXattrMod

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamEventFlagXattrMod


Available in MacOS X 10.7 and newer.

Constant kFSEventStreamEventIdSinceNow

constant System.FSEvents.EventStream.kFSEventStreamEventIdSinceNow

Method set_callback

void set_callback(function(:void) callback)


Sets the function that will be called when a file notification event is received.

The method signature for the callback is:

void event_callback(string path, int flags, int event_id)

Method start

void start()


Requests that new events be delivered to this EventStream.

If a value was supplied for the since_when parameter then "historical" events will be sent via your callback first, then a HistoryDone event, then "contemporary" events will be sent on an ongoing basis.

Method stop

void stop()


Stops watching for new events.

Module System.Inotify


This module implements an API to linux inotify. It is available on all kernels from version 2.6.13 onwards. Inotify offers fast and scalable file notifications.

Constant IN_ACCESS
Constant IN_ATTRIB
Constant IN_CLOSE
Constant IN_CREATE
Constant IN_DELETE
Constant IN_MODIFY
Constant IN_MOVED_TO
Constant IN_OPEN
Constant IN_MOVE
Constant IN_MASK_ADD
Constant IN_ISDIR

constant System.Inotify.IN_ACCESS
constant System.Inotify.IN_ATTRIB
constant System.Inotify.IN_CLOSE
constant System.Inotify.IN_CLOSE_WRITE
constant System.Inotify.IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE
constant System.Inotify.IN_CREATE
constant System.Inotify.IN_DELETE
constant System.Inotify.IN_DELETE_SELF
constant System.Inotify.IN_MODIFY
constant System.Inotify.IN_MOVE_SELF
constant System.Inotify.IN_MOVED_FROM
constant System.Inotify.IN_MOVED_TO
constant System.Inotify.IN_OPEN
constant System.Inotify.IN_MOVE
constant System.Inotify.IN_CLOSE
constant System.Inotify.IN_DONT_FOLLOW
constant System.Inotify.IN_MASK_ADD
constant System.Inotify.IN_ONESHOT
constant System.Inotify.IN_ONLYDIR
constant System.Inotify.IN_IGNORED
constant System.Inotify.IN_ISDIR
constant System.Inotify.IN_Q_OVERFLOW
constant System.Inotify.IN_UNMOUNT


Please have a look at the inotify(7) manpage for information about these constants.


Some constants may not be available when the module has been compiled on a machine with linux kernel before 2.6.15. See the manpage for more details.


constant System.Inotify.IN_ALL_EVENTS


This is a derived constant that is not part of the standard inotify API. It is the union of all other constants.

Method describe_mask

string describe_mask(int mask)


Turn an event mask into a human readable representation. This is used for debugging purpose.

Method parse_event

array(string|int) parse_event(string data)


Parses one inotify_event struct from data.


Returns an array consisting of

int 0

The watch descriptor returned by _Instance()->add_watch() when the watch for this file was added.

int 1

An integer that describes the event that occured. See the inotify manpage for a list of possible events and their numerical identifiers.

int 2

An integer cookie that can be used to group together different events that were triggered by moving a file from one location to another.

string 3

The name of the file. This will only be present if the event happened to a file in a directory that was watched, e.g. with System.Inotify.IN_CREATE. Otherwise this will be 0.

int 4

The length of the data that has been parsed. If the data string contains more than one inotify event, this parse function needs to be called again with the remainder as an argument.

Class System.Inotify.Instance


More convenient interface to inotify(7). Automatically reads events from the inotify file descriptor and parses them.


Objects of this class will be destructed when they go out of external references. As such they behave differently from other classes which use callbacks, e.g. Stdio.File.


The number of inotify instances is limited by ulimits.

Method add_watch

int add_watch(string filename, int mask, function(int, int, string, mixed ... :void) callback, mixed ... extra)


Add a watch for a certain file and a set of events specified by mask. The function callback will be called when such an event occurs. The arguments to the callback will be the events mask, the cookie, the filename and extra.


Returns a watch descriptor which can be used to remove the watch.


When adding a second watch for the same file the old one will be removed unless System.Inotify.IN_MASK_ADD is contained in mask.


The mask of an event may be a subset of the mask given when adding the watch.


In case the watch is added for a regular file, the filename will be passed to the callback. In case the watch is added for a directory, the name of the file to which the event happened inside the directory will be concatenated.

Inherit _Instance

inherit _Instance : _Instance

Class System.Inotify._Instance


Simple wrapper class that gives direct access to the inotify(7) interface. On create an inotify instance is initiated by calling inotify_init(2). Every object of this class has its own inotify file descriptor. Use this class only if you want direct access to the file descriptor to read from it manually. For a more user friendly interface use System.Inotify.Instance.

See also


Method add_watch

int add_watch(string path, int mask)


Add a watch for a certain file or directory and specific events.

Adding more than one watch for a path will overwrite the previous watch unless System.Inotify.IN_MASK_ADD is contained in the mask.

Parameter path

Path of the file or directory.

Parameter mask

Integer mask specifying the event type. This can be a combination of different event types using bitwise OR. See the inotify manpage for possible values and their description. The values defined by the inotify header file are exported by System.Inotify as constants using the same names (e.g. System.Inotify.IN_CREATE).


Returns a watch descriptor on success, and -1 on filesystem-related failures, in which case errno() will indicate the cause. These typically indicate time of check, time of use race conditions. For other failures errors are thrown.


Subdirectories are not watched. If you want to watch subdirectories as well, you need to add watches for them individually.


At creation of a watch for a directory, simulated IN_CREATE-events with cookie 0x7fffffff will be added for the initial contents of the directory. This is to reduce the risk of losing state changes due to races. Note that is is not known whether these paths are in flux or not. Note also that there may be multiple notifications for content that is created at the moment the watch is created.


In old versions of Pike errors were thrown for all failures.

See also

rm_watch(), parse_event()

Variable event_callback

private function(int, int, int, string:void) System.Inotify._Instance.event_callback


Callback function that is called when an event is triggered.

See also

set_event_callback(), query_event_callback()

Method get_event_callback

function(int, int, int, string:void) get_event_callback()


Get the current event_callback.

See also

set_event_callback(), event_callback, poll()

Method poll

void poll()


Check for any pending events.

Any pending events will be read and parsed, and event_callback will be called once for each event. The arguments to the event_callback will be:

int 1

The watch descriptor that was triggered.

int 2

The event that was triggerend (one of IN_*).

int 3

An integer cookie used to identify grouped events.

string 4

The name of the path segment (if any).


This function is called by the backend when there are events pending.

See also


Method query_fd

int query_fd()


Returns the file descriptor associated with this inotify instance.

Method rm_watch

int rm_watch(int wd)


Remove a watch.

Parameter wd

The watch descriptor that was returned by add_watch().

Method set_backend

void set_backend(Pike.Backend backend)


Set the backend used for callbacks.

See also

set_event_callback(), set_nonblocking(), poll()

Method set_blocking

void set_blocking()


Disable backend callback mode.

The configured backend will stop calling poll(), so poll() will need to be called by hand.

See also

set_blocking(), poll()

Method set_event_callback

void set_event_callback(function(int, int, int, string:void) cb)


Set the event_callback.

See also

get_event_callback(), event_callback, poll()

Method set_nonblocking

void set_nonblocking()


Enable backend callback mode.

The configured backend will call poll() automatically as soon as there are events pending.

See also

set_blocking(), poll()

Module System.Wnotify


An interface to Windows filesystem change information.




constant System.Wnotify.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME


constant System.Wnotify.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME






constant System.Wnotify.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE

Class System.Wnotify.EventPoller

Method add_handle

void add_handle(NotificationHandle handle)

Method poll

NotificationHandle|int poll(void|float timeout)

Class System.Wnotify.NotificationHandle

Method create

System.Wnotify.NotificationHandle System.Wnotify.NotificationHandle(string path, int watch_subtree, int filter)

Method get_error

int get_error()

Module Thread

Method `()

optional __deprecated__ Thread `()(mixed f, mixed ... args)


Create a new thread.


Replaced by predef::Thread.Thread.

Method all_threads

array(Thread.Thread) all_threads()


This function returns an array with the thread ids of all threads.

See also


Method get_thread_quanta

int(0..) get_thread_quanta()


Returns the current thread quanta in nanoseconds.

See also

set_thread_quanta(), gethrtime()

Method set_thread_quanta

int(0..) set_thread_quanta(int(0..) ns)


Set the thread quanta.

Parameter ns

New thread quanta in nanoseconds. A value of zero (default) disables the thread quanta checks.

When enabled MasterObject.thread_quanta_exceeded() will be called when a thread has spent more time than the quanta without allowing another thread to run.


Setting a non-zero value that is too small to allow for MasterObject.thread_quanta_exceeded() to run is NOT a good idea.


Returns the previous thread quanta in nanoseconds.

See also

set_thread_quanta(), gethrtime()

Method this_thread

Thread.Thread this_thread()


This function returns the object that identifies this thread.

See also


Method thread_set_concurrency

void thread_set_concurrency(int concurrency)


Document this function

Class Thread.Condition


Implementation of condition variables.

Condition variables are used by threaded programs to wait for events happening in other threads.

In order to prevent races (which is the whole point of condition variables), the modification of a shared resource and the signal notifying modification of the resource must be performed inside the same mutex lock, and the examining of the resource and waiting for a signal that the resource has changed based on that examination must also happen inside the same mutex lock.

Typical wait operation:

  1. Take mutex lock

  2. Read/write shared resource

  3. Wait for the signal with the mutex lock in released state

  4. Reacquire mutex lock

  5. If needed, jump back to step 2 again

  6. Release mutex lock

Typical signal operation:

  1. Take mutex lock

  2. Read/write shared resource

  3. Send signal

  4. Release mutex lock


You have some resource that multiple treads want to use. To protect this resource for simultaneous access, you create a shared mutex. Before you read or write the resource, you take the mutex so that you get a consistent and private view of / control over it. When you decide that the resource is not in the state you want it, and that you need to wait for some other thread to modify the state for you before you can continue, you wait on the conditional variable, which will temporarily relinquish the mutex during the wait. This way a different thread can take the mutex, update the state of the resource, and then signal the condition (which does not in itself release the mutex, but the signalled thread will be next in line once the mutex is released).


Condition variables are only available on systems with thread support. The Condition class is not simulated otherwise, since that can't be done accurately without continuations.

See also


Method broadcast

void broadcast()


broadcast() wakes up all threads currently waiting for this condition.

See also


Method signal

void signal()


signal() wakes up one of the threads currently waiting for the condition.


Sometimes more than one thread is woken up.

See also


Method wait

void wait(Thread.MutexKey mutex_key)
void wait(Thread.MutexKey mutex_key, int(0..)|float seconds)
void wait(Thread.MutexKey mutex_key, int(0..) seconds, int(0..999999999) nanos)


Wait for condition.

This function makes the current thread sleep until the condition variable is signalled or the timeout is reached.

Parameter mutex_key

A Thread.MutexKey object for a Thread.Mutex. It will be unlocked atomically before waiting for the signal and then relocked atomically when the signal is received or the timeout is reached.

Parameter seconds

Seconds to wait before the timeout is reached.

Parameter nanos

Nano (1/1000000000) seconds to wait before the timeout is reached. This value is added to the number of seconds specified by seconds.

A timeout of zero seconds disables the timeout.

The thread that sends the signal should have the mutex locked while sending it. Otherwise it's impossible to avoid races where signals are sent while the listener(s) haven't arrived to the wait calls yet.


The support for timeouts was added in Pike 7.8.121, which was after the first public release of Pike 7.8.


Note that the timeout is approximate (best effort), and may be exceeded if eg the mutex is busy after the timeout.


In Pike 7.2 and earlier it was possible to call wait() without arguments. This possibility was removed in later versions since it unavoidably leads to programs with races and/or deadlocks.


Note also that any threads waiting on the condition will be woken up when it gets destructed.

See also


Class Thread.Farm


A thread farm.

Method debug_status

string debug_status()


Get some statistics for the thread farm.

Method run

Result run(function(:void) f, mixed ... args)


Register a job for the thread farm.

Parameter f

Function to call with @args to perform the job.

Parameter args

The parameters for f.


Returns a Result object for the job.


In Pike 7.8 and earlier this function was broken and returned a Result object that wasn't connected to the job.

See also


Method run_async

void run_async(function(:void) f, mixed ... args)


Register a job for the thread farm where the return value from f is ignored.

Parameter f

Function to call with @args to perform the job.

Parameter args

The parameters for f.

See also


Method run_multiple

Result run_multiple(array(array(function(:void)|array)) fun_args)


Register multiple jobs.

Parameter fun_args

An array of arrays where the first element is a function to call, and the second is a corresponding array of arguments.


Returns a Result object with an array with one element for the result for each of the functions in fun_args.


Do not modify the elements of fun_args before the result is available.


If any of the functions in fun_args throws and error, all of the accumulated results (if any) will be dropped from the result, and the first backtrace be provided.

See also


Method run_multiple_async

void run_multiple_async(array fun_args)


Register multiple jobs where the return values are to be ignored.

Parameter fun_args

An array of arrays where the first element is a function to call, and the second is a corresponding array of arguments.


Do not modify the elements of fun_args before the result is available.

See also


Method set_max_num_threads

int set_max_num_threads(int(1..) to)


Set the maximum number of worker threads that the thread farm may have.

Parameter to

The new maximum number.

If there are more worker threads than to, the function will wait until enough threads have finished, so that the total is to or less.

The default maximum number of worker threads is 20.

Method set_thread_name_cb

void set_thread_name_cb(function(object, string:void) cb, void|string prefix)


Provide a callback function to track names of threads created by the farm.

Parameter cb

The callback function. This will get invoked with the thread as the first parameter and the name as the second whenever a thread is created. When the same thread terminates the callback is invoked again with 0 as the second parameter. Set cb to 0 to stop any previously registered callbacks from being called.

Parameter prefix

An optional name prefix to distinguish different farms. If not given a prefix will be generated automatically.

Class Thread.Farm.Handler


A worker thread.

Method debug_status

string debug_status()


Get some statistics about the worker thread.

Class Thread.Farm.Result


An asynchronous result.

Method `()

mixed res = Thread.Farm.Result()()


Wait for completion.

Method provide

void provide(mixed what)


Register a completed result.

Parameter what

The result to register.

Method provide_error

void provide_error(mixed what)


Register a failure.

Parameter what

The corresponding backtrace.

Method result

mixed result()


Returns the result if available, a backtrace on failure, and 0 (zero) otherwise.

Method set_done_cb

void set_done_cb(function(:void) to)


Register a callback to be called when the result is available.

Parameter to

Callback to be called. The first argument to the callback will be the result or the failure backtrace, and the second 0 (zero) on success, and 1 on failure.

Method status

int status()


Returns 1 when the result is available.


Returns 0 (zero) when the result hasn't arrived yet.


Returns negative on failure.

Class Thread.Fifo


Fifo implements a fixed length first-in, first-out queue. A fifo is a queue of values and is often used as a stream of data between two threads.

See also


Method create

Thread.Fifo Thread.Fifo()
Thread.Fifo Thread.Fifo(int size)


Create a fifo. If the optional size argument is present it sets how many values can be written to the fifo without blocking. The default size is 128.

Inherit lock

inherit Mutex : lock

Inherit r_cond

inherit Condition : r_cond

Inherit w_cond

inherit Condition : w_cond

Method read

mixed read()


This function retrieves a value from the fifo. Values will be returned in the order they were written. If there are no values present in the fifo the current thread will sleep until some other thread writes one.

See also

try_read(), read_array(), write()

Method read_array

array read_array()


This function returns all values in the fifo as an array. The values in the array will be in the order they were written. If there are no values present in the fifo the current thread will sleep until some other thread writes one.

See also

read(), try_read_array()

Method size

int size()


This function returns the number of elements currently in the fifo.

See also

read(), write()

Method try_read

mixed try_read()


This function retrieves a value from the fifo if there is any there. Values will be returned in the order they were written. If there are no values present in the fifo then UNDEFINED will be returned.

See also


Method try_read_array

array try_read_array()


This function returns all values in the fifo as an array but doesn't wait if there are no values there. The values in the array will be in the order they were written.

See also


Method try_write

int try_write(mixed value)


Append a value to the end of the fifo. If there is no more room in the fifo then zero will be returned, otherwise the number of items in the fifo after the write is returned.

See also


Method write

int write(mixed value)


Append a value to the end of the fifo. If there is no more room in the fifo the current thread will sleep until space is available. The number of items in the queue after the write is returned.

See also


Class Thread.Local


Thread local variable storage.

This class allows you to have variables which are separate for each thread that uses it. It has two methods: get() and set(). A value stored in an instance of Local can only be retrieved by that same thread.


This class is simulated when Pike is compiled without thread support, so it's always available.

Method get

mixed get()


Get the thread local value.

This returns the value prevoiusly stored in the Local object by the set() method by this thread.

See also


Method set

mixed set(mixed value)


Set the thread local value.

This sets the value returned by the get method.

Calling this method does not affect the value returned by get() when it's called by another thread (ie multiple values can be stored at the same time, but only one value per thread).


This function returns its argument.


Note that the value set can only be retreived by the same thread.

See also


Class Thread.Mutex


Mutex is a class that implements mutual exclusion locks. Mutex locks are used to prevent multiple threads from simultaneously execute sections of code which access or change shared data. The basic operations for a mutex is locking and unlocking. If a thread attempts to lock an already locked mutex the thread will sleep until the mutex is unlocked.


This class is simulated when Pike is compiled without thread support, so it's always available.

In POSIX threads, mutex locks can only be unlocked by the same thread that locked them. In Pike any thread can unlock a locked mutex.

Method _sprintf

string sprintf(string format, ... Thread.Mutex arg ... )


Describes the mutex including the thread that currently holds the lock (if any).

Method current_locking_key

Thread.MutexKey current_locking_key()


This mutex method returns the key object currently governing the lock on this mutex. 0 is returned if the mutex isn't locked.

See also


Method current_locking_thread

Thread.Thread current_locking_thread()


This mutex method returns the object that identifies the thread that has locked the mutex. 0 is returned if the mutex isn't locked.

See also


Method lock

MutexKey lock()
MutexKey lock(int type)


This function attempts to lock the mutex. If the mutex is already locked by a different thread the current thread will sleep until the mutex is unlocked. The value returned is the 'key' to the lock. When the key is destructed or has no more references the mutex will automatically be unlocked.

The type argument specifies what lock() should do if the mutex is already locked by this thread:


Throw an error.


Sleep until the mutex is unlocked. Useful if some other thread will unlock it.


Return zero. This allows recursion within a locked region of code, but in conjunction with other locks it easily leads to unspecified locking order and therefore a risk for deadlocks.


If the mutex is destructed while it's locked or while threads are waiting on it, it will continue to exist internally until the last thread has stopped waiting and the last MutexKey has disappeared, but further calls to the functions in this class will fail as is usual for destructed objects.


Pike 7.4 and earlier destructed any outstanding lock when the mutex was destructed, but threads waiting in lock still got functioning locks as discussed above. This is inconsistent no matter how you look at it, so it was changed in 7.6. The old behavior is retained in compatibility mode for applications that explicitly destruct mutexes to unlock them.

See also


Method trylock

MutexKey trylock()
MutexKey trylock(int type)


This function performs the same operation as lock(), but if the mutex is already locked, it will return zero instead of sleeping until it's unlocked.

See also


Class Thread.MutexKey


Objects of this class are returned by Mutex()->lock() and Mutex()->trylock(). They are also passed as arguments to Condition()->wait().

As long as they are held, the corresponding mutex will be locked.

The corresponding mutex will be unlocked when the object is destructed (eg by not having any references left).

See also

Mutex, Condition

Class Thread.Queue


Queue implements a queue, or a pipeline. The main difference between Queue and Fifo is that Queue will never block in write(), only allocate more memory.


Ought to be made API-compatible with ADT.Queue.

See also

Fifo, ADT.Queue

Inherit lock

inherit Mutex : lock

Inherit r_cond

inherit Condition : r_cond

Method peek_array

array peek_array()


Returns a snapshot of all the values in the queue, in the order they were written. The values are still left in the queue, so if other threads are reading from it, the returned value should be considered stale already on return.

Method read

mixed read()


This function retrieves a value from the queue. Values will be returned in the order they were written. If there are no values present in the queue the current thread will sleep until some other thread writes one.

See also

try_read(), write()

Method read_array

array read_array()


This function returns all values in the queue as an array. The values in the array will be in the order they were written. If there are no values present in the queue the current thread will sleep until some other thread writes one.

See also

read(), try_read_array()

Method size

int size()


This function returns the number of elements currently in the queue.

See also

read(), write()

Method try_read

mixed try_read()


This function retrieves a value from the queue if there is any there. Values will be returned in the order they were written. If there are no values present in the fifo then UNDEFINED will be returned.

See also


Method try_read_array

array try_read_array()


This function returns all values in the queue as an array but doesn't wait if there are no values there. The values in the array will be in the order they were written.

See also


Method write

int write(mixed value)


This function puts a value last in the queue. If the queue is too small to hold the value it will be expanded to make room. The number of items in the queue after the write is returned.

See also


Class Thread.ResourceCount


Implements an inverted-semaphore-like resource counter. A thread can poll or perform a blocking wait for the resource-count to drop below a certain level.

See also

ResourceCountKey, Condition, Mutex

Method acquire

final ResourceCountKey acquire()


Increments the resource-counter.


A ResourceCountKey to decrement the resource-counter again.

Method drained

final bool drained(void|int level)

Parameter level

The maximum level that is considered drained.


True if the resource counter drops to equal or below level.

Method wait_till_drained

final void wait_till_drained(void|int level)


Blocks until the resource-counter dips to max level.

Parameter level

The maximum level that is considered drained.

Class Thread.ResourceCountKey


When this key is destroyed, the corresponding resource counter will be decremented.

See also

ResourceCount, MutexKey

Inherit DestructImmediate

private inherit Pike.DestructImmediate : DestructImmediate

Class Thread.Thread

Method _sprintf

string sprintf(string format, ... Thread.Thread arg ... )


Returns a string identifying the thread.

Method backtrace

array(mixed) backtrace()


Returns the current call stack for the thread.


The result has the same format as for predef::backtrace().

See also


Method create

Thread.Thread Thread.Thread(function(mixed ... :mixed|void) f, mixed ... args)


This function creates a new thread which will run simultaneously to the rest of the program. The new thread will call the function f with the arguments args. When f returns the thread will cease to exist.

All Pike functions are 'thread safe' meaning that running a function at the same time from different threads will not corrupt any internal data in the Pike process.


The returned value will be the same as the return value of this_thread() for the new thread.


This function is only available on systems with POSIX or UNIX or WIN32 threads support.

See also

Mutex, Condition, this_thread()

Method id_number

protected int id_number()


Returns an id number identifying the thread.


This function was added in Pike 7.2.204.

Method interrupt

void interrupt()
void interrupt(string msg)


Interrupt the thread with the message msg.


The argument msg is currently ignored.


Interrupts are asynchronous, and are currently not queued.

Method kill

void kill()


Interrupt the thread, and terminate it.


Interrupts are asynchronous, and are currently not queued.

Method status

int status()


Returns the status of the thread.


Method wait

mixed wait()


Waits for the thread to complete, and then returns the value returned from the thread function.


Rethrows the error thrown by the thread if it exited by throwing an error.

Module Tools

Class Tools.PV


Display a image on the screen. Requires GTK.

Typedef PVImage

typedef Standards.URI|string|Image.Image|Image.Layer|array(Image.Layer) Tools.PV.PVImage


The image types accepted. If the image is a string, it is assumed to be a filename of a image that can be loaded with Image.load. This includes URLs.

Method get_as_image

Image.Image get_as_image(PVImage i)


Return the current image as a Image object, with the alpha combining done.

Inherit Window

inherit GTK.Window : Window

Method save

void save(string filename, string|void format)


Write the image to a file. If no format is specified, PNG is used. The alpha combination is done on the image before it's saved.

Method scale

void scale(float factor)


Scale the image before display with the specified factor.

Method set_alpha_colors

void set_alpha_colors(Image.Color.Color c1, Image.Color.Color|void c2)


Set the colors used for the alpha combination. c2 is only used for the Squares alpha mode.

See also


Method set_alpha_mode

void set_alpha_mode(AlphaMode m)


Set the alpha combining mode. m is one of Squares, Solid, None and AlphaOnly.

Method set_image

void set_image(PVImage i)


Change the image.

Enum Tools.PV.AlphaMode


The alpha combination modes.

Use set_alpha_mode() to change the mode.

Constant AlphaOnly

constant Tools.PV.AlphaOnly


Only show the alpha channel (if any).

Constant None

constant Tools.PV.None


Ignore alpha.

Constant Solid

constant Tools.PV.Solid


Solid color.

Constant Squares

constant Tools.PV.Squares


Checkerboard pattern (default).

Module Tools.AutoDoc

Enum Tools.AutoDoc.Flags


Flags affecting autodoc extractor behaviour.

See also

ProcessXML.extractXML(), MirarDocParser, Tools.Standalone.extract_autodoc()


constant Tools.AutoDoc.FLAG_COMPAT


Attempt to be compatible with old Pike.


constant Tools.AutoDoc.FLAG_DEBUG


Full verbosity.


constant Tools.AutoDoc.FLAG_KEEP_GOING


Attempt to keep going after errors.


constant Tools.AutoDoc.FLAG_NORMAL


Normal verbosity.


constant Tools.AutoDoc.FLAG_NO_DYNAMIC


Reduce the amount of dynamic information in the generated files (line numbers, extractor version, extraction time, etc).


constant Tools.AutoDoc.FLAG_QUIET


Keep quiet about non-fatal errors.


constant Tools.AutoDoc.FLAG_VERBOSE


Extra verbosity.


constant Tools.AutoDoc.FLAG_VERB_MASK


Verbosity mask.

Class Tools.AutoDoc.AutoDocError


Base class for errors generated by the autodoc extraction system.

Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.AutoDocError Tools.AutoDoc.AutoDocError(SourcePosition position, string part, string message)

Variable message

string Tools.AutoDoc.AutoDocError.message


Error message.

Variable part

string Tools.AutoDoc.AutoDocError.part


Which part of the autodoc system.

Variable position

SourcePosition Tools.AutoDoc.AutoDocError.position

Class Tools.AutoDoc.BMMLParser

Inherit is_example

inherit Regexp.SimpleRegexp : is_example

Inherit lastident

protected inherit Regexp.SimpleRegexp : lastident

Inherit megamagic

protected inherit Regexp.SimpleRegexp : megamagic

Method magic

string magic(string s, int quote)


Convert a block of tab-indented text to a set of paragraphs.

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeParser


A very special purpose Pike parser that can parse some selected elements of the Pike language...

Constant EOF

constant string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeParser.EOF


The end of file marker.

Constant WITH_NL

constant int Tools.AutoDoc.PikeParser.WITH_NL


Newline indicator flag value.

Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.PikeParser Tools.AutoDoc.PikeParser(string|void s, string|SourcePosition|void _filename, int|void line, .Flags|void flags)

Variable currentPosition

SourcePosition Tools.AutoDoc.PikeParser.currentPosition


The current position in the source.

Method eat

string eat(multiset(string)|string token)


Consume one token, error if not (one of) the expected in token.

Method eatIdentifier

string eatIdentifier(void|int allowScopePrefix)


Expect an identifier.


Also ::ident, scope::ident.


This function also converts old-style getters and setters into new-style.

Method eatLiteral

string eatLiteral()


Expect a literal constant.

See also


Method getReadDocComments

int getReadDocComments()


Returns the number of documentation comments that have been returned by readToken().

Inherit PikeObjects

protected inherit .PikeObjects : PikeObjects

Method literalType

Type literalType(string literal)


Returns the type of a literal. Currently only recognizes the top level type. Currently does not thoroughly check that the literal is syntactically valid.

Method lookAhead

string lookAhead(int offset, int|void with_newlines)


Peek offset tokens ahead, skipping newlines, unless with_newlines is set.

See also


Method parseArgList

array parseArgList(int|void allowLiterals)


Parse the list of arguments in a function declaration.

Parameter allowLiterals

If allowLiterals != 0 then you can write a literal or Pike idents as an argument, like:

void convert("jpeg", Image image, float quality)

For a literal arg, the argname[] string contains the literal and the corresponding argtypes element is 0


Expects that the arglist is followed by a ")".

Method parseArray

ArrayType parseArray()


Parse an array type.

Method parseDecl

PikeObject|array(PikeObject) parseDecl(mapping|void args)


Parse the next Pike declaration from the token stream.


parseDecl() reads ONLY THE HEAD, NOT the ";" or "{" .. "}" !!!

Method parseFunction

FunctionType parseFunction()


Parse a function type.

Method parseIdents

string|void parseIdents()


Parse a '.'-separated identitifer string.


Also parses stuff preceded by "scope::" or "::"

Method parseInt

IntType parseInt()


Parse an integer type.

Method parseLiteral

void|string parseLiteral()


Parse the next literal constant (if any) from the token stream.

Method parseMapping

MappingType parseMapping()


Parse a mapping type.

Method parseModifiers

array(string) parseModifiers()


Parse a set of modifiers from the token stream.

Method parseMultiset

MultisetType parseMultiset()


Parse a multiset type.

Method parseOrType

Type parseOrType()


Parse a union type.

Method parseString

StringType parseString()


Parse a string type.

Method peekToken

string peekToken(int|void with_newlines)


Peek at the next token in the stream without advancing.

Parameter with_newlines

If set will return "\n" tokens, these will otherwise silently be skipped.


Returns the next token.

See also

readToken(), lookAhead()

Method readToken

string readToken(int|void with_newlines)


Read the next token from the stream and advance.

Parameter with_newlines

If set will return "\n" tokens, these will otherwise silently be skipped.


Returns the next token.

See also


Method setTokens

void setTokens(array(string) t, array(int) p)

Method skip

void skip(multiset(string)|string tokens)


Skip the next token if it is a member of the tokens set.


The newline token ("\n") is not skipped implicitly by this function.

See also

readToken(), peekToken(), eat(), skipUntil()

Method skipBlock

void skipBlock()


Skip passed a matched pair of parenthesis, brackets or braces.

Method skipNewlines

void skipNewlines()


Skip past any newlines.

Method skipUntil

void skipUntil(multiset(string)|string tokens)


Skip tokens until one of tokens is the next to read.


The newline token ("\n") is not skipped implicitly by this function.

See also


Method tokenize

array(array(string)|array(int)) tokenize(string s, int line)


Tokenize a string of Pike code.

Class Tools.AutoDoc.SourcePosition


Class used to keep track of where in the source a piece of documentation originated.

Method copy

SourcePosition copy()


Returns a copy of the current object.

Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.SourcePosition Tools.AutoDoc.SourcePosition(string filename, int firstline, int|void lastline)

Variable filename

string Tools.AutoDoc.SourcePosition.filename

Variable firstline
Variable lastline

int Tools.AutoDoc.SourcePosition.firstline
int Tools.AutoDoc.SourcePosition.lastline


Range of lines.

Method xml

string xml(Flags|void flags)


Returns a string with an XML-fragment describing the source position.

Module Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser

Constant EOF

constant Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.EOF


End of file marker.

Inherit PikeObjects

inherit .PikeObjects : PikeObjects

Variable keywordtype

mapping(string:DocTokenType) Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.keywordtype


The DocTokenTypes for the documentation @-keywords.

Method splitDocBlock

array(array(Token)) splitDocBlock(string block, SourcePosition position)


Split a block of documentation text into segments of Tokens split on METAKEYWORDs.


Each of the arrays in the returned array can be fed to Parse::create()

Enum Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.DocTokenType


Enum of documentation token types.


constant Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.BRACEKEYWORD


eg @i{@}


constant Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.CONTAINERKEYWORD


eg @mapping


constant Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.DELIMITERKEYWORD


eg @param


constant Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.ENDKEYWORD


eg @endmapping


constant Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.ENDTOKEN


End of documentation marker.


constant Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.ERRORKEYWORD


eg @invalid


constant Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.METAKEYWORD


eg @decl


constant Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.SINGLEKEYWORD


None existant.


constant Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.TEXTTOKEN


Documentation text.

Class Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.DocParserClass


Internal class for parsing documentation markup.

Variable argHandlers

mapping(string:function(string, string:string)|function(string, string:mapping(string:string))) Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.DocParserClass.argHandlers


Contains functions that handle keywords with non-standard arg list syntax. The function for each keyword can return a mapping or a string:


If a mapping(string:string) is returned, it is interpreted as the attributes to put in the tag.


If a string is returned, it is an XML fragment that gets inserted inside the tag.

Variable currentPosition

SourcePosition Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.DocParserClass.currentPosition

Method getDoc

string getDoc(string context)


Returns the documentation corresponding to the context as an XML string.


getMetaData() must be called before this function.

Method getMetaData

MetaData getMetaData()


Returns the MetaData for the documentation string.

Class Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.MetaData


Metadata about a Documentation object.

Variable belongs
Variable appears

string Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.MetaData.belongs
string Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.MetaData.appears


Relocation information.

Variable decls

array(PikeObject) Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.MetaData.decls


Set of declarations.

Variable inherits

array(PikeObject) Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.MetaData.inherits


Set of inherits.

Variable name

string Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.MetaData.name


If type is one of "class", "module", "endmodule", or "endclass".

Variable type

string Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.MetaData.type


Type of documented entity.

Class Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.Parse


Documentation markup parser.

This is a class, because you need to examine the meta lines before you can determine which context to parse the actual doc lines in.

Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.Parse Tools.AutoDoc.DocParser.Parse(string|array(Token) s, SourcePosition|void sp, .Flags|void flags)


Parse a documentation string s.

Method doc

string doc(string context)


Returns the documentation corresponding to the context as an XML string.


metadata() must be called before this function.

Inherit DocParserClass

inherit DocParserClass : DocParserClass

Method metadata

MetaData metadata()


Returns the MetaData for the documentation string.

Module Tools.AutoDoc.PikeExtractor

Method extractClass

Class extractClass(string s, void|string filename, void|string className, void|.Flags flags)


Extract documentation for a Pike class (aka program).

See also

extractNamespace(), extractModule()

Method extractModule

Module extractModule(string s, void|string filename, void|string moduleName, void|.Flags flags)


Extract documentation for a Pike module.

See also

extractNamespace(), extractClass()

Method extractNamespace

NameSpace extractNamespace(string s, void|string filename, void|string namespaceName, void|.Flags flags)


Extract documentation for a Pike namespace.

See also

extractModule(), extractClass()

Inherit DocParser

protected inherit .DocParser : DocParser

Module Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects


This module contains classes to represent Pike objects such as classes, modules, methods, variables ... The classes can produce XML representations of themselves.

Variable EmptyDoc

protected Documentation Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.EmptyDoc


The empty Documentation.

Inherit "module.pmod"

protected inherit "module.pmod" : "module.pmod"

Inherit Tree

protected inherit Parser.XML.Tree : Tree

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.ArrayType


The class for representing array types.

See also


Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.ArrayType Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.ArrayType()

Inherit Type

inherit Type : Type

Variable valuetype

Type Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.ArrayType.valuetype


The Type of the array elements.

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.AttributeType


The class for representing attributed types.

See also


Variable attribute

string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.AttributeType.attribute


The name of the attribute.

Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.AttributeType Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.AttributeType()

Inherit Type

inherit Type : Type

Variable prefix

int Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.AttributeType.prefix


Flag indicating:


The attribute is on the type.


The attribute is a prefix and acts as a modifier. This is only used for functions.

Variable subtype

Type Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.AttributeType.subtype


The type that is attributed.

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.AutoDoc


The top-level container. This container should only contain namespaces, and they in turn contain modules etc.

Inherit _Class_or_Module

inherit _Class_or_Module : _Class_or_Module

Constant objtype

constant string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.AutoDoc.objtype

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Class


Represents a class.

Inherit _Class_or_Module

inherit _Class_or_Module : _Class_or_Module

Constant objtype

constant string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Class.objtype

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Constant


Represents a named constant.

Inherit PikeObject

inherit PikeObject : PikeObject

Constant objtype

constant string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Constant.objtype

Variable type

Type Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Constant.type


The type of the constant, if known.

Variable typedefType

Type Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Constant.typedefType


Typedef Type if it is a typedef.

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.CppDirective


Representation of an inherit.

Inherit PikeObject

inherit PikeObject : PikeObject

Constant objtype

constant string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.CppDirective.objtype

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.DocGroup


A class associating a piece of Documentation with a set of PikeObjects.

Variable appears
Variable belongs

string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.DocGroup.appears
string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.DocGroup.belongs


Relocation information.

Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.DocGroup Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.DocGroup(array(PikeObject) objs, Documentation doc)

Variable documentation

Documentation Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.DocGroup.documentation


The Documentation for the objects.

Variable objects

array(PikeObject) Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.DocGroup.objects


The set of PikeObjects that are documented.

Method xml

string xml(.Flags|void flags)


Returns a string with an XML representation of the documentation.

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Documentation


The base class for documentation strings.

See also


Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Documentation Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Documentation(string|void text, string|void xml, SourcePosition|void position)

Variable text
Variable xml
Variable position

string|void Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Documentation.text
string|void Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Documentation.xml
SourcePosition|void Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Documentation.position

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Enum


The enum container.

Method addChild

void addChild(DocGroup c)


Adds c to the set of children.

Variable children

array(DocGroup) Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Enum.children


The set of children.

Variable documentation

Documentation Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Enum.documentation


Mimic the class { ... } behaviour.

Inherit PikeObject

inherit PikeObject : PikeObject

Constant objtype

constant string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Enum.objtype

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.EnumConstant


The values inside enum Foo { ... }

Inherit PikeObject

inherit PikeObject : PikeObject

Constant objtype

constant string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.EnumConstant.objtype

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.FloatType


The class for representing the float type.

See also


Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.FloatType Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.FloatType()

Inherit Type

inherit Type : Type

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.FunctionType


The class for representing function types.

See also


Variable argtypes

array(Type) Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.FunctionType.argtypes


An array with types for the arguments to the function.

Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.FunctionType Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.FunctionType()

Inherit Type

inherit Type : Type

Variable returntype

Type Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.FunctionType.returntype


The type for the return value of the function.

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Import


Representation of an import.

Inherit Inherit

inherit Inherit : Inherit

Constant objtype

constant string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Import.objtype

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Inherit


Representation of an inherit.

Variable classname

string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Inherit.classname


Name of the class that is inherited.

Inherit PikeObject

inherit PikeObject : PikeObject

Constant objtype

constant string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Inherit.objtype

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.IntType


The class for representing integer types.

See also


Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.IntType Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.IntType()

Inherit Type

inherit Type : Type

Variable min
Variable max

string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.IntType.min
string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.IntType.max


The minimum and maximum range limits for the integer type.

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.MappingType


The class for representing mapping types.

See also


Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.MappingType Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.MappingType()

Variable indextype
Variable valuetype

Type Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.MappingType.indextype
Type Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.MappingType.valuetype


The types for the indices and values of the mapping.

Inherit Type

inherit Type : Type

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Method


Represents a function.

Variable argnames

array(string) Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Method.argnames


The names of the arguments.

Variable argtypes

array(Type) Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Method.argtypes


The types for the arguments.

Inherit PikeObject

inherit PikeObject : PikeObject

Constant objtype

constant string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Method.objtype

Variable returntype

Type Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Method.returntype


The return type for the function.

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.MixedType


The class for representing the mixed type.

See also


Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.MixedType Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.MixedType()

Inherit Type

inherit Type : Type

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Modifier


A modifier range, e.g.:

final protected {

Inherit _Class_or_Module

inherit _Class_or_Module : _Class_or_Module

Constant objtype

constant string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Modifier.objtype

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Module


Represents a module.

Inherit _Class_or_Module

inherit _Class_or_Module : _Class_or_Module

Constant objtype

constant string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Module.objtype

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.MultisetType


The class for representing multiset types.

See also


Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.MultisetType Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.MultisetType()

Variable indextype

Type Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.MultisetType.indextype


The type for the indices of the multiset.

Inherit Type

inherit Type : Type

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.NameSpace


Represents a name space, eg: predef:: or lfun::.

Inherit _Class_or_Module

inherit _Class_or_Module : _Class_or_Module

Constant objtype

constant string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.NameSpace.objtype

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.ObjectType


The class for representing object types.

See also


Variable classname

string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.ObjectType.classname


The name of the class for the object.

Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.ObjectType Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.ObjectType()

Inherit Type

inherit Type : Type

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.OrType


The class for representing union types.

See also


Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.OrType Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.OrType()

Inherit Type

inherit Type : Type

Variable types

array(Type) Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.OrType.types


An array with the types that are member of the union.

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.PikeObject


Base class for representing a documentable Pike lexical entity.

This class is inherited by classes for representing classes, functions, variables, etc.

See also

Inherit, Import, Class, Module, NameSpace, AutoDoc, Modifier, Method, Constant, Typedef, EnumConstant, Enum, Variable

Variable appears
Variable belongs

string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.PikeObject.appears
string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.PikeObject.belongs


Relocation information.

Variable modifiers

array(string) Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.PikeObject.modifiers


The set of modifiers affecting this entity.

Variable name

string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.PikeObject.name


The name of the entity.

Constant objtype

constant string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.PikeObject.objtype


The object type identifier.

Variable position

SourcePosition Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.PikeObject.position


The source position where the entity was found.

Method print

string print()


Returns a string with a Pike syntax representation of the entity.

Variable squeezedInDoc

Documentation Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.PikeObject.squeezedInDoc

Method xml

string xml(.Flags|void flags)


Returns a string with an XML representation of the entity.

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.ProgramType


The class for representing program (aka class) types.

See also


Variable classname

string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.ProgramType.classname


The name of the class (if any).

Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.ProgramType Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.ProgramType()

Inherit Type

inherit Type : Type

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.StringType


The class for representing string types.

See also


Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.StringType Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.StringType()

Inherit Type

inherit Type : Type

Variable max

string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.StringType.max


The maximum value for characters in the string.

Variable min

string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.StringType.min


The minimum value for characters in the string.

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Type


The base class for representing types.

Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Type Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Type(string name)

Variable name

string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Type.name

Method print

string print()


Returns a string with a Pike-syntax representation of the type.

Method xml

string xml(.Flags|void flags)


Returns a string with an XML representation of the type.

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.TypeType


The class for representing type types.

See also


Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.TypeType Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.TypeType()

Inherit Type

inherit Type : Type

Variable subtype

Type Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.TypeType.subtype


The subtype of the type.

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Typedef


Represents a typedef.

Inherit PikeObject

inherit PikeObject : PikeObject

Constant objtype

constant string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Typedef.objtype

Variable type

Type Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Typedef.type


Typedef Type.

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.VarargsType


The class for representing varargs types.

See also


Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.VarargsType Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.VarargsType(Type t)

Inherit Type

inherit Type : Type

Variable type

Type Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.VarargsType.type


The type that is varargs.

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Variable


Represents a variable.

Inherit PikeObject

inherit PikeObject : PikeObject

Constant objtype

constant string Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Variable.objtype

Variable type

Type Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.Variable.type


Type of the variable.

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.VoidType


The class for representing the void type.

See also


Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.VoidType Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.VoidType()

Inherit Type

inherit Type : Type

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.ZeroType


The class for representing the zero type.

See also


Method create

Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.ZeroType Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects.ZeroType()

Inherit Type

inherit Type : Type

Class Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects._Class_or_Module


Base class for representing classes, modules and namespaces.

See also

Class, Module, NameSpace, AutoDoc, Modifier

Method AddChild

void AddChild(_Class_or_Module c)


Adds c to the set of children.

Method AddGroup

void AddGroup(DocGroup d)


Adds d to the set of docGroups.

Method AddInherit

void AddInherit(PikeObject p)


Adds p to the set of inherits.

Variable children

array(_Class_or_Module) Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects._Class_or_Module.children


Entities that are children to this entity.

Method containsDoc

int containsDoc()


Returns 1 if there is any documentation at all for this entity.

Variable docGroups

array(DocGroup) Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects._Class_or_Module.docGroups


Documented entities that are children to this entity.

Variable documentation

Documentation Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects._Class_or_Module.documentation


The documentation appears as a child of the <class> or <module>

Method findChild

PikeObject findChild(string name)


Returns the first child with the name name if any.

Method findObject

DocGroup findObject(string name)


Returns the first DocGroup that documents an entity with the name name if any.

Inherit PikeObject

inherit PikeObject : PikeObject

Variable inherits

array(Inherit|Import) Tools.AutoDoc.PikeObjects._Class_or_Module.inherits


Inherits and Imports that affect the symbol lookup for the entity.

Module Tools.AutoDoc.ProcessXML

Method extractXML

string extractXML(string filename, int|void pikeMode, string|void type, string|void name, array(string)|void parentModules, void|.Flags flags)


This function extracts documentation from a file. The parameters type, name, and parentModules are used only when pikeMode != 0 and no C-style doc comments are present.

Parameter filename

The file to extract from.

Parameter pikeMode

Non-zero if it is a Pike file. If the file contains style doc comments, C-mode is used despite pikeMode != 0.

Parameter type

"class", "module" or "namespace".

Parameter name

The name of the class/module/namespace.

Parameter parentModules

The ancestors of the class/module/namespace.

Parameter flags

Flags adjusting the extractor behaviour. Defaults to FLAG_NORMAL.


// To extract doc for Foo.Bar.Ippa: string xml = extractXML("lib/modules/Foo.pmod/Bar.pmod/Ippa.pike", 1, "class", "Ippa", ({ "Foo", "Bar" }));

Method handleAppears

void handleAppears(SimpleNode root, .Flags|void flags)


Take care of all the @appears and @belongs directives everywhere, and rearranges the nodes in the tree accordingly

Parameter root

The root (<autodoc>) node of the documentation tree.

Inherit "module.pmod"

protected inherit "module.pmod" : "module.pmod"

Inherit Tree

protected inherit Parser.XML.Tree : Tree

Method mergeTrees

void mergeTrees(SimpleNode dest, SimpleNode source)


Puts all children of source into the tree dest, in their correct place module-hierarchically.

Used to merge the results of extractions of different Pike and C files.

Some minor effort is expended to normalize the result to some sort of canonical order.

Parameter source
Parameter dest

The nodes source and dest are <class>, <module>, <namespace> or <autodoc> nodes that are identical in the sense that they represent the same module, class or namespace. Typically they both represent <autodoc> nodes.


Both source and dest are modified destructively.


After calling this method, any <class> or <module> nodes that have been marked with @appears or @belongs, are still in the wrong place in the tree, so handleAppears() (or postProcess()) must be called on the whole documentation tree to relocate them once the tree has been fully merged.

Method moveImages

string moveImages(string docXMLFile, string imageSourceDir, string imageDestDir, int|void quiet)


Copy all images to canonical files in a flat directory.

Parameter docXMLFile

The contents of the XML file. The XML file is the result of extraction from a single C or Pike file, for example the result of calling extractXML.

Parameter imageSourceDir

The directory that is the base of the relative paths to images. This should be the directory of the source file that was the input to extract the XML file.

Parameter imageDestDir

The directory where the images should be copied.

Parameter quiet

Quiet operation.


The XML file contents (with decorated <image>-tags)

Method postProcess

void postProcess(SimpleNode root, string|void logfile, .Flags|void flags)


Perform the last steps on a completed documentation tree.

Parameter root

Root <autodoc> node of the completed documentation tree.

Calls handleAppears(), cleanUndocumented() and resolveRefs() in turn.

See also

handleAppears(), cleanUndocumented(), resolveRefs()

Class Tools.AutoDoc.ProcessXML.NScope


A symbol lookup scope.

Method addImplicitInherits

void addImplicitInherits(string|void fallback_namespace)


This function improves the symbol resolution by adding implicit inherits for modules in compatibility namespaces.

Module Tools.Hilfe

Method format_hr_time

string format_hr_time(int i)


Helper function that formats a time span in nanoseconds to something more human readable (ns, ms or s).

Class Tools.Hilfe.Command


Abstract class for Hilfe commands.

Method doc

string doc(string what, string with)


A more elaborate documentation of the command. This should be less than 68 characters per line.

Method exec

void exec(Evaluator e, string line, array(string) words, array(string) tokens)


The actual command callback. Messages to the user should be written out by using the safe_write method in the Evaluator object.

Method help

string help(string what)


Returns a one line description of the command. This help should be shorter than 54 characters.

Class Tools.Hilfe.CommandReset


Variable reset command. Put ___Hilfe->commands->reset = Tools.Hilfe.CommandReset(); in your .hilferc to have this command defined when you open Hilfe.

Inherit Command

inherit Command : Command

Class Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator


This class implements the actual Hilfe interpreter. It is accessible as ___Hilfe from Hilfe expressions.

Method add_buffer

void add_buffer(string s)


Add buffer tokenizes the input string and determines if the new line is a Hilfe command. If not, it updates the current state with the new tokens and sends any and all complete expressions to evaluation in parse_expression.

Method add_input_hook

void add_input_hook(function(:void)|object new)


Adds a function to the input hook, making all user data be fed into the function.

See also


Method add_input_line

void add_input_line(string s)


Input a line of text into Hilfe. It checks if s is ".", in which case it calls state->flush(). Otherwise just calls add_buffer.

Method add_writer

void add_writer(object|function(string:int(0..)) new)


Adds another output function.

Variable assembler_debug_level

int Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.assembler_debug_level


The current assembler debug level. Only available if Pike is compiled with RTL debug.

Variable commands

mapping(string:Command) Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.commands


This mapping contains the available Hilfe commands, including the built in ones (dump, exit, help, new, quit), so it is possible to replace or remove them. The name of a command should be 10 characters or less.

Variable compiler_trace_level

int Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.compiler_trace_level


The current compiler trace level. Only available if Pike is compiled with RTL debug.

Variable constants

mapping(string:mixed) Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.constants


The locally defined constants (name:value).

Variable debug_level

int Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.debug_level


The current debug level. Only available if Pike is compiled with RTL debug.

Method evaluate

void evaluate(string a, bool show_result)


Compiles the Pike code a and evaluates it by calling ___HilfeWrapper in the generated object. If show_result is set the result will be displayed and the result buffer updated with its value.

Variable functions

mapping(string:function(:void)) Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.functions


The locally defined functions (name:value).

Method hilfe_compile

object hilfe_compile(string f, void|string new_var)


Creates a wrapper and compiles the pike code f in it. If a new variable is compiled to be tested, its name should be given in new_var so that magically defined entities can be undefined and a warning printed.

Variable history

HilfeHistory Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.history


The current result history.

Variable imports

array(string) Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.imports


The current imports.

Variable inherits

array(string) Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.inherits


The current inherits.

Variable last_compile_time

int(0..) Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.last_compile_time


The last compile time;

Variable last_compiled_expr

string Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.last_compiled_expr


The last created wrapper in which an expression was evaluated.

Variable last_else

bool Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.last_else


Should an else expression be carried out?

Variable last_eval_time

int(0..) Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.last_eval_time


The last evaluation time;

Method parse_expression

string parse_expression(Expression expr)


Parses a Pike expression. Returns 0 if everything went well, or a string with an error message otherwise.

Method print_version

void print_version()


Displays the current version of Hilfe.

Variable programs

mapping(string:program) Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.programs


The locally defined programs (name:value).

Method remove_input_hook

void remove_input_hook(function(:void)|object old)


Removes a function from the input hook.

See also


Method remove_writer

void remove_writer(object|function(:void) old)


Removes an output function.

Method reset_evaluator

void reset_evaluator()


Clears the current state, history and removes all locally defined variables, constants, functions and programs. Removes all imports and inherits. It does not reset the command mapping nor reevaluate the .hilferc file.

Variable reswrite

function(:void) Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.reswrite


The function used to write results. Gets as arguments in order: The safe_write function (function(string, mixed ...:int), the result as a string (string), the history entry number (int), the result (mixed), the compilation time (int) and the evaluation time (int). If the evaluated expression didn't return anything (e.g. a for loop) then 0 will be given as the result string.

Method safe_write

int safe_write(array(string)|string in, mixed ... args)


An output method that shouldn't crash.

Variable state

ParserState Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.state


Keeps the state, e.g. multiline input in process etc.

Method std_reswrite

void std_reswrite(function(:void) w, string sres, int num, mixed res)


The standard reswrite function.

Variable strict_types

bool Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.strict_types


Strict types?

Variable trace_level

int Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.trace_level


The current trace level.

Variable types

mapping(string:string) Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.types


The types of the locally defined variables (name:type).

Variable variables

mapping(string:mixed) Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.variables


The locally defined variables (name:value).

Variable warnings

bool Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.warnings


Show warnings?

Variable write

array|object|function(string:int(0..)) Tools.Hilfe.Evaluator.write


The function to use when writing to the user.

Class Tools.Hilfe.Expression


Represents a Pike expression

Method _sizeof

int sizeof( Tools.Hilfe.Expression arg )


The number of non-whitespace tokens in the expression.

Method `[]

string res = Tools.Hilfe.Expression()[ f ]


Returns a token or a token range without whitespaces.

Method `[]=

Tools.Hilfe.Expression()[ f ] = v


Replaces a token with a new token.

Method cast



An Expression object can be cast to an array or a string. In both forms all tokens, including white spaces will be returned.

Method check_modifiers

string check_modifiers()


See if there are any forbidden modifiers used in the expression, e.g. "private int x;" is not valid inside Hilfe.


Returns an error message as a string if the expression contains a forbidden modifier, otherwise 0.

Method code

string code()


Returns the expression verbatim.

Method create

Tools.Hilfe.Expression Tools.Hilfe.Expression(array(string) t)

Parameter t

An array of Pike tokens.

Method depth

int depth(int f)


Return the parenthesis depth at the given position.

Method endoftype

int(-1..) endoftype(int(-1..) position)


Returns at which position the type declaration that begins at position position ends. A return value of -1 means that the token or tokens from position can not be a type declaration.

Method find_matching

int(-1..) find_matching(string token, int(0..)|void pos)


Returns the position of the matching parenthesis of the given kind, starting from the given position. The position should be the position after the opening parenthesis, or later. Assuming balanced code. Returns -1 on failure.

Method in_sscanf

bool in_sscanf(int f)


Returns 1 if the current position is within a sscanf expression.

Method is_block

bool is_block(int pos)


Is there a block starting at pos?

Class Tools.Hilfe.GenericAsyncHilfe

Method create

Tools.Hilfe.GenericAsyncHilfe Tools.Hilfe.GenericAsyncHilfe(Stdio.File infile, Stdio.File outfile)

Variable infile
Variable outfile

Stdio.File Tools.Hilfe.GenericAsyncHilfe.infile
Stdio.File Tools.Hilfe.GenericAsyncHilfe.outfile

Inherit Evaluator

inherit Evaluator : Evaluator

Class Tools.Hilfe.GenericHilfe

Method create

Tools.Hilfe.GenericHilfe Tools.Hilfe.GenericHilfe(Stdio.FILE in, Stdio.File out)

Inherit Evaluator

inherit Evaluator : Evaluator

Class Tools.Hilfe.HilfeHistory


In every Hilfe object (Evaluator) there is a HilfeHistory object that manages the result history. That history object is accessible both from __ and ___Hilfe->history in Hilfe expressions.

Inherit History

inherit ADT.History : History

Class Tools.Hilfe.ParserState


In every Hilfe object (Evaluator) there is a ParserState object that manages the current state of the parser. Essentially tokens are entered in one end and complete expressions are output in the other. The parser object is accessible as ___Hilfe->state from Hilfe expressions.

Method datap

int datap()


Returns true if there is any waiting expression that can be fetched with read.

Method feed

void feed(array(string) tokens)


Feed more tokens into the state.

Method finishedp

bool finishedp()


Are we in the middle of an expression. Used e.g. for changing the Hilfe prompt when entering multiline expressions.

Method flush

void flush()


Clear the current state.

Method push_string

array(string) push_string(string line)


Sends the input line to Parser.Pike for tokenization, but keeps a state between each call to handle multiline /**/ comments and multiline #"" strings.

Method read

array(Expression) read()


Read out completed expressions. Returns an array where every element is an expression represented as an array of tokens.

Method show_error

void show_error(function(array(string)|string, mixed ... :int) w)


Prints out any error that might have occurred while push_string was executed. The error will be printed with the print function w.

Method status

string status()


Returns the current parser state. Used by "dump state".

Class Tools.Hilfe.StdinHilfe


This is a wrapper containing a user interface to the Hilfe Evaluator so that it can actually be used. This wrapper uses the Stdio.Readline module to interface with the user. All input history is handled by that module, and as a consequence loading and saving .hilfe_history is handled in this class. Also .hilferc is handled by this class.

Method create

Tools.Hilfe.StdinHilfe Tools.Hilfe.StdinHilfe(void|array(string) init)


Any hilfe statements given in the init array will be executed once .hilferc has been executed.

Inherit Evaluator

inherit Evaluator : Evaluator

Variable readline

Stdio.Readline Tools.Hilfe.StdinHilfe.readline


The readline object,

Method save_history

void save_history()


Saves the user input history, if possible, when called.

Module Tools.Install


Common routines which are useful for various install scripts based on Pike.

Method features

array(string) features()


Return an array of enabled features.


Used by the master when given the option --features.

See also


Method make_absolute_path

string make_absolute_path(string path, string|void cwd)

Class Tools.Install.ProgressBar


A class keeping some methods and state to conveniently render ASCII progress bars to stdout.

Method create

Tools.Install.ProgressBar Tools.Install.ProgressBar(string name, int cur, int max, float|void phase_base, float|void phase_size)

Parameter name

The name (printed in the first 13 columns of the row)

Parameter cur

How much progress has been made so far

Parameter max

The amount of progress signifying 100% done. Must be greater than zero.

Method set_current

void set_current(int _cur)


Change the amount of progress without updating on stdout.

Method set_name

void set_name(string _name)


Change the name of the progress bar without updating on stdout.

Method set_phase

void set_phase(float _phase_base, float _phase_size)

Method update

int update(int increment)


Write the current look of the progressbar to stdout.

Parameter increment

the number of increments closer to completion since last call


the length (in characters) of the line with the progressbar

Class Tools.Install.Readline

Method absolute_path

string absolute_path(string path)

Method edit

string edit(mixed ... args)

Method edit_directory

string edit_directory(mixed ... args)

Method edit_filename

string edit_filename(mixed ... args)

Inherit Readline

inherit Stdio.Readline : Readline

Method set_cwd

void set_cwd(string _cwd)

Method trap_signal

void trap_signal(int n)

Module Tools.Legal

Module Tools.Legal.Copyright


Contains functions and information to store and present copyright information about Pike and it's components.

Method add

void add(string what, array(string) holders)


Adds a copyright message for the copyright holders for the component what.


An error is thrown if the copyrighted component what is already in the list of copyrights.

Method get_all

mapping(string:array(string)) get_all()


Returns a mapping containing all the stored copyrights. The mapping maps component name to an array of copyright holders.

Method get_latest_pike

string get_latest_pike()


Return the latest copyright holder of Pike.

Method get_text

string get_text()


Returns the copyrights as a string, suitable for saving as a file.

Module Tools.Legal.License

Method get_text

string get_text()


Returns all the licenses as a string, suitable for saving as a file.

Module Tools.MasterHelp


This module contains usage strings for the master()->_main().

Method do_help

string do_help(string|int what)


Select a suitable help message.

Constant environment_help

constant Tools.MasterHelp.environment_help


The set of environment variables that the default master looks at.

Constant kladdkaka_help

constant Tools.MasterHelp.kladdkaka_help


Useful recipe for when all else fails.

Constant opt_summary

constant Tools.MasterHelp.opt_summary


Summary of the options for the Pike interpreter binary, and the default master.

Constant options_help

constant Tools.MasterHelp.options_help


Complete set of options for the Pike interpreter binary, and the default master.

Module Tools.Monger

Class Tools.Monger.MongerDeveloper

Method add_new_version

int add_new_version(string module_name, string version, string changes, string license)

Method delete_dependency

int delete_dependency(string module_name, string version, string dependency, string min_version, string max_version)

Method get_dependencies

array get_dependencies(string module_name, string version)

Method set_auth

void set_auth(string _username, string _password)


set the username and password for accessing the remote repository.

Method set_default_directory

void set_default_directory()


sets the default directory for working and storing configurations ($HOME/.monger)

Method set_default_repository

void set_default_repository()


sets the default repository location (modules.gotpike.org)

Method set_dependency

int set_dependency(string module_name, string version, string dependency, string min_version, string max_version, bool required)

Method set_directory

void set_directory(string _directory)


sets the monger directory to use for working and storing configurations.

Method set_module_source

int set_module_source(string module_name, string version, string filename)

Method set_repository

void set_repository(string _repository)


specify an alternate repository location.

this should be a URL specifying the XMLRPC endpoint for the repository.

Method set_version_active

int set_version_active(string module_name, string version, int active)

Method update_version

int update_version(string module_name, string version, string|void changes, string|void license)

Method user_change_email

int user_change_email(string|void _username, string _newemail)

Method user_change_password

int user_change_password(string|void _username, string _newpassword)

Module Tools.PEM


Support for parsing PEM-style messages.


Replaced by Standards.PEM.

Class Tools.PEM.EncapsulatedMsg


Represents an encapsulated message.

Variable body

string Tools.PEM.EncapsulatedMsg.body


Contains the raw message body. Access through decoded_body to get the decoded message.

Variable boundary

string Tools.PEM.EncapsulatedMsg.boundary


Contains the raw boundary string. Access through get_boundary to get the decoded boundary string.

Method canonical_body

string canonical_body()


Returns the raw body with all newlines as "\r\n".

Method decoded_body

string decoded_body()


Returns decoded base64 encoded message body

Method get_boundary

string get_boundary()


Returns decoded boundary string.

Variable headers

mapping(string:string) Tools.PEM.EncapsulatedMsg.headers


Contains the message headers, or 0.

Method to_string

string to_string()


Returns the message body and headers in the standard message format.

Class Tools.PEM.Msg


Disassembles PGP and PEM style messages with parts separated by "-----BEGIN FOO-----" and "-----END FOO-----".

Method create

Tools.PEM.Msg Tools.PEM.Msg(string s)


Creates a decoded PEM message

Parameter s

A string containing a PEM encoded message to be decoded.

Variable final_text

string Tools.PEM.Msg.final_text


Contains any text following the PEM message.

Variable initial_text

string Tools.PEM.Msg.initial_text


Contains any text preceeding the PEM message.

Variable parts

mapping(string:EncapsulatedMsg) Tools.PEM.Msg.parts


The decoded PEM message, as an array of EncapsulatedMsg objects indexed by message name, such as "CERTIFICATE".

Class Tools.PEM.RFC934


Represents an RFC934 text message.

Method create

Tools.PEM.RFC934 Tools.PEM.RFC934(string data)


Decodes an RFC 934 encoded message.

Variable encapsulated

array(EncapsulatedMsg) Tools.PEM.RFC934.encapsulated

Variable final_boundary

string Tools.PEM.RFC934.final_boundary

Variable final_text

string Tools.PEM.RFC934.final_text

Method get_final_boundary

string get_final_boundary()

Variable initial_text

string Tools.PEM.RFC934.initial_text

Method to_string

string to_string()

Module Tools.Shoot

Class Tools.Shoot.Test

Constant name

constant string Tools.Shoot.Test.name


The name of the test.

Method perform

int perform(mixed|void context)


perform() is the function called in the tests, when it returns the test is complete.

The function returns the number of whatever the test did.

Method prepare

optional mixed prepare()


If this function exists, it computes the context to pass to the perform() function. The time consumed by this function will not count towards the test.

Module Tools.Standalone

Class Tools.Standalone.autodoc_to_html


AutoDoc XML to HTML converter.

See also


Method image_prefix

string image_prefix()


Path to where in the destination filesystem the images are.

Variable lay

mapping Tools.Standalone.autodoc_to_html.lay


Layout template headers and trailers.

Method parse_text

string parse_text(Node n, void|String.Buffer ret)


Typically called with a <group/> node or a sub-node that is a container.

Class Tools.Standalone.forkd


Fork Daemon

This is a light-weight daemon that can be used via Process.Process to spawn new processes (by specifying the "forkd" modifier).

The typical use is when the main program is large and/or when it has lots of open file descriptors. This can cause considerable overhead in process creation.

See also

Process.RemoteProcess, Process.create_process

Class Tools.Standalone.forkd.FdStream


This is the main control Stdio.Fd and is always on fd number 3.

To spawn a new process, a new Stdio.PROP_SEND_FD capable Stdio.Fd is sent over this fd, and a single byte of data is sent as payload.

The sent fd will become a ForkFd inside a ForkStream.

Inherit File

inherit Stdio.File : File

Class Tools.Standalone.forkd.ForkStream


This class maps 1 to 1 to Process.RemoteProcess, and implements the daemon side of the RPC protocol.

It contains an array (fds) with the file descriptors that have been received so far from the remote.

Variable fds

array(Stdio.Fd) Tools.Standalone.forkd.ForkStream.fds


The remote file descriptors received so far in order.

Inherit File

inherit Stdio.File : File

Class Tools.Standalone.git_export_autodoc


Tool for converting the Pike git repository to a corresponding git repository containing the extracted autodoc.xml and documentation.

It supports incremental operation, so that it can be used to keep track with the source.

Typical use: pike -x git_export_autodoc -v --git-dir=Autodoc.git

Variable autodoc_hash

mapping(string:string) Tools.Standalone.git_export_autodoc.autodoc_hash


Mapping from doc commit sha1 or export reference to sha1 for the autodoc.xml blob.

Variable doc_refs

mapping(string:string) Tools.Standalone.git_export_autodoc.doc_refs


Mapping from doc reference to doc commit sha1 or export reference.

Variable doc_to_parents

mapping(string:array(string)) Tools.Standalone.git_export_autodoc.doc_to_parents


Mapping from doc commit sha1 or export reference to array of same for its direct parents.

Variable doc_to_src

mapping(string:array(string)) Tools.Standalone.git_export_autodoc.doc_to_src


Mapping from doc commit sha1 or export reference to the corresponding list of source commit sha1s.

Method get_version

string get_version()


Attempt to get the version for the Pike source tree.

Variable refdoc_hash

mapping(string:string) Tools.Standalone.git_export_autodoc.refdoc_hash


Mapping from source commit to refdoc sha1.

Variable rev_refs

mapping(string:multiset(string)) Tools.Standalone.git_export_autodoc.rev_refs


Lookup from source commit sha1 to the corresponding references (if any).

Variable src_refs

mapping(string:string) Tools.Standalone.git_export_autodoc.src_refs


Mapping from source reference to source commit sha1.

Variable src_to_doc

mapping(string:string) Tools.Standalone.git_export_autodoc.src_to_doc


Mapping from source commit sha1 to doc commit sha1 or export reference.

Class Tools.Standalone.pike_to_html


Convert Pike code to HTML with syntax highlighting

pike -x pike_to_html /path/to/file.pike > file.html

Method convert

string convert(string code)


Turn code into HTML.

The following css classes will be used:

  • Delimiters: delim

  • Reserved words: lang

  • Data types: type

  • Constants: const

  • Modifiers: mods

  • Root namespaces: ns

  • Strings: string

  • Comments: comment

  • Macros: macro

Parameter code

Class Tools.Standalone.pmar_install


a prototype installer for prepackaged modules

note: portions of this code are highly inefficient (wrt tar filehandling). we assume that this will be used infrequently enough that this is not going to be a problem.

a package file is a tar file that contains the following structure:

ROOTDIR/ METADATA.TXT a file containing metadata about the package format: KEY=value, where values include: PLATFORM, in the form of os/processor (either can be "any") MODULE, the name of the module, in Module.Submodule format. VERSION, the version of this module. MODULE/ any files that need to be installed in the module directory MODREF/ ??? documentation suitable for inclusion in the modref INCLUDE/ ??? any pike language include files to be installed SCRIPTS/ standalone (no bundled dependencies) scripts used to perform custom actions they receive the installer object (this) and the System.Filesystem object of the package archive as arguments to the constructor. The method "run()" should perform the actual action. The run() method should return true or false to indicate success or failure. preinstall.pike postinstall.pike

Class Tools.Standalone.precompile

Class Tools.Standalone.process_files


Boilerplate to quickly whip up rsif-like hacks for creating file processing to churn away at stdin, or files and/or directories provided on the command line, recursively or not, creating backup files or not, listing the paths of all files action was taken for, and returning an exit status of how many files that would have been taken action on which could not be written back.

The all-round quickest way of making one of these tools is nicking the top portion of lib/modules/Tools.pmod/Standalone.pmod/process_files.pike or copying rsif.pike from the same directory. (The latter is 20 lines long, including docs, or about four lines of code.) Inherit process_files, and define your own version, description, usage, process, and, if you want arguments, want_args.

Variable default_flag_docs

string Tools.Standalone.process_files.default_flag_docs


Flag docs to append to your usage description. Explains default options.

Variable description

string Tools.Standalone.process_files.description


One-liner that gets shown for this tool when running pike -x without additional options. (Assuming your tool resides in Standalone.pmod.) Does not include the name of the tool itself; just provide a nice, terse description, ending with a period for conformity.

Inherit process_files

inherit Toole.Standalone.process_files : process_files

Method main

int(0..) main(int argc, array(string) argv)


Base implementation of main program, handling basic flags and returning an exit status matching the number of failures during operation.


No easy way of adding your own command-line flags implemented yet. This would be a rather natural next feature to add, once somebody needs some.

Variable overwrite

bool Tools.Standalone.process_files.overwrite


0 to make backups, 1 to overwrite (default)

Method process

string process(string input, string ... args)


Gets called with the contents of a file (or stdin). Return your output, or 0 if you didn't do anything. args are the first want_args command-line options provided, before the list of files to process.

Method process_file

bool process_file(string path, string ... args)


Takes the path to a file and the first want_args command-line options provided, before the list of files to process. You might want to override this method if your tool needs to see file paths.

See also


Method process_path

int(0..) process_path(string path, string ... args)


Takes the path to a file or directory and the first want_args first command-line options provided, before the list of files to process. You might want to override this method if your tool needs to see all paths.

See also


Variable recursive

bool Tools.Standalone.process_files.recursive


1 to recurse into directories, 0 not to (default)

Variable usage

string Tools.Standalone.process_files.usage


Long description of the purpose and usage of your tool, for --help and the case where not enough options are given on the command line. Its invocation mode (for instance "pike -x yourtool", when invoked that way) is prepended, and a list of available flags appended to this description.

Variable verbosity

int(0..) Tools.Standalone.process_files.verbosity


0 in quiet mode, 1 by default, above = more output

Variable version

string Tools.Standalone.process_files.version


Your hack's version number. If you version control your file with cvs, we suggest you set the contents of this variable to something that that will automatically expand to a number for every new revision, for instance


string version = sprintf("%d.%d.%d",(int)__REAL_VERSION__,__REAL_MINOR__,__REAL_BUILD__);

Variable want_args

int Tools.Standalone.process_files.want_args


The number of (mandatory) command-line options your hack needs and which your process callback wants (beside the input file). By default 0.

Module Tools.Testsuite

Method log_msg

void log_msg(string msg, mixed ... args)


Logs a testsuite message to stderr. The message is shown regardless of the verbosity level. If the previous message was logged without a trailing newline then a newline is inserted first.

The message should normally have a trailing newline - no extra newline is added to it. Use log_status to log a message intended to be overwritten.

Method log_msg_cont

void log_msg_cont(string msg, mixed ... args)


Similar to log_msg, but doesn't insert a newline first if the previous message didn't end with one. Does however insert a newline if the previous message was logged "in place" by log_status.

Method log_status

void log_status(string msg, mixed ... args)


Logs a testsuite status message to stdout. This is suitable for nonimportant progress messages.

  • If the verbosity is 0 then nothing is logged, but the message is saved and will be logged if the next call is to log_msg.

  • If the verbosity is 1, the message is "in place" on the current line without a trailing line feed, so that the next log_status message will replace this one.

  • If the verbosity is 2 or greater, the message is logged with a trailing line feed.

The message should be short and not contain newlines, to work when the verbosity is 1, but if it ends with a newline then it's logged normally. It can be an empty string to just clear the last "in place" logged message - it won't be logged otherwise.

See also


Method log_twiddler

void log_twiddler()


Logs a rotating bar for showing progress. Only output at the end of an "in place" message written by log_status on verbosity level 1.

Method report_result

void report_result(int succeeded, int failed, void|int skipped)


Use this to report the number of successful, failed, and skipped tests in a script started using run_script. Can be called multiple times - the counts are accumulated.

Method run_script

array(int) run_script(string|array(string) pike_script)


Runs an external pike script from a testsuite. Use Tools.Testsuite.report_result in the script to report how many tests succeeded, failed, and were skipped. Those numbers are returned in the array from this function.

Module Tools.X509


Functions to generate and validate RFC2459 style X.509 v3 certificates.


Replaced by Standards.X509.


constant int Tools.X509.CERT_BAD_SIGNATURE


constant int Tools.X509.CERT_CHAIN_BROKEN


constant int Tools.X509.CERT_INVALID


constant int Tools.X509.CERT_ROOT_UNTRUSTED


constant int Tools.X509.CERT_TOO_NEW


constant int Tools.X509.CERT_TOO_OLD


constant int Tools.X509.CERT_UNAUTHORIZED_CA

Method decode_certificate

__deprecated__ TBSCertificate decode_certificate(string|object cert)

Method dsa_sign_key

__deprecated__ string dsa_sign_key(Sequence issuer, Crypto.DSA dsa, Sequence subject, string public_key, int serial, int ttl, array|void extensions)

Parameter issuer

Distinguished name for the issuer.

Parameter rsa

RSA parameters for the issuer.

Parameter subject

Distinguished name for the subject.

Parameter public_key

DER-encoded integer. See Standards.PKCS.DSA.public_key().

Parameter serial

Serial number for this key and issuer.

Parameter ttl

Validity time in seconds for this signature to be valid.

Parameter extensions

Set of extensions.


Returns a DER-encoded certificate.

Method make_selfsigned_dsa_certificate

__deprecated__ string make_selfsigned_dsa_certificate(Crypto.DSA dsa, int ttl, array name, array|void extensions)

Method make_selfsigned_rsa_certificate

__deprecated__ string make_selfsigned_rsa_certificate(Crypto.RSA rsa, int ttl, array name, array|void extensions)

Method make_tbs

__deprecated__ Sequence make_tbs(object issuer, object algorithm, object subject, object keyinfo, object serial, int ttl, array extensions)

Method make_time

__deprecated__ UTC make_time(int t)


Creates a Standards.ASN1.Types.UTC object from the posix time t.

Method make_verifier

__deprecated__ Verifier make_verifier(Object _keyinfo)

Method parse_time

__deprecated__ mapping(string:int) parse_time(UTC asn1)


Returns a mapping similar to that returned by gmtime

"year" : int
"mon" : int
"mday" : int
"hour" : int
"min" : int
"sec" : int

Method rsa_sign_digest

__deprecated__ string rsa_sign_digest(Crypto.RSA rsa, object digest_id, string digest)

Method rsa_sign_key

__deprecated__ string rsa_sign_key(Sequence issuer, Crypto.RSA rsa, Sequence subject, string public_key, int serial, int ttl, array|void extensions)

Parameter issuer

Distinguished name for the issuer.

Parameter rsa

RSA parameters for the issuer.

Parameter subject

Distinguished name for the issuer.

Parameter public_key

DER-encoded RSAPublicKey structure. See Standards.PKCS.RSA.public_key().

Parameter serial

Serial number for this key and subject.

Parameter ttl

Validity time in seconds for this signature to be valid.

Parameter extensions

Set of extensions.


Returns a DER-encoded certificate.

Method rsa_verify_digest

__deprecated__ bool rsa_verify_digest(Crypto.RSA rsa, object digest_id, string digest, string s)

Method time_compare

__deprecated__ int(-1..1) time_compare(mapping(string:int) t1, mapping(string:int) t2)


Comparision function between two "date" mappings of the kind that parse_time returns.

Method verify_certificate

__deprecated__ TBSCertificate verify_certificate(string s, mapping authorities)


Decodes a certificate, checks the signature. Returns the TBSCertificate structure, or 0 if decoding or verification failes.

Authorities is a mapping from (DER-encoded) names to a verifiers.


This function allows self-signed certificates, and it doesn't check that names or extensions make sense.

Method verify_certificate_chain

__deprecated__ mapping verify_certificate_chain(array(string) cert_chain, mapping authorities, int|void require_trust)


Decodes a certificate chain, checks the signatures. Verifies that the chain is unbroken, and that all certificates are in effect (time-wise.)

Returns a mapping with the following contents, depending on the verification of the certificate chain:

"error_code" : int

Error describing type of verification failure, if verification failed. May be one of the following: CERT_TOO_NEW, CERT_TOO_OLD, CERT_ROOT_UNTRUSTED, CERT_BAD_SIGNATURE, CERT_INVALID, CERT_UNAUTHORIZED_CA or CERT_CHAIN_BROKEN

"error_cert" : int

Index number of the certificate that caused the verification failure.

"self_signed" : bool

Non-zero if the certificate is self-signed.

"verified" : bool

Non-zero if the certificate is verified.

"authority" : string

Standards.ASN1.Sequence of the authority RDN that verified the chain.

"cn" : string

Standards.ASN1.Sequence of the common name RDN of the leaf certificate.

Parameter cert_chain

An array of certificates, with the relative-root last. Each certificate should be a DER-encoded certificate.

Parameter authorities

A mapping from (DER-encoded) names to verifiers.

Parameter require_trust

Require that the certificate be traced to an authority, even if it is self signed.

See Standards.PKCS.Certificate.get_dn_string for converting the RDN to an X500 style string.

Class Tools.X509.TBSCertificate

Variable algorithm

Sequence Tools.X509.TBSCertificate.algorithm

Variable der

string Tools.X509.TBSCertificate.der

Variable extensions

object Tools.X509.TBSCertificate.extensions



Method init

this_program init(Object asn1)

Variable issuer

Sequence Tools.X509.TBSCertificate.issuer

Variable issuer_id

BitString Tools.X509.TBSCertificate.issuer_id



Variable not_after

mapping Tools.X509.TBSCertificate.not_after

Variable not_before

mapping Tools.X509.TBSCertificate.not_before

Variable public_key

Verifier Tools.X509.TBSCertificate.public_key

Variable serial

Gmp.mpz Tools.X509.TBSCertificate.serial

Variable subject

Sequence Tools.X509.TBSCertificate.subject

Variable subject_id

BitString Tools.X509.TBSCertificate.subject_id



Variable version

int Tools.X509.TBSCertificate.version

Class Tools.X509.rsa_verifier

Inherit Verifier

inherit Verifier : Verifier

Method init

this_program init(string key)

Method verify

bool verify(Sequence algorithm, string msg, string signature)

Module Tools.sed


edit commands supported:

 <firstline>,<lastline><edit command>
    ^^ numeral (17) ^^
       or relative (+17, -17)
       or a search regexp (/regexp/)
       or multiple (17/regexp//regexp/+2)

DDelete first line in space
GInsert hold space
HAppend current space to hold space
PPrint current data
c<string>Change current space
dDelete current space
hCopy current space to hold space
i<string>Print string
lPrint current space
pPrint first line in data
qQuit evaluating
y/chars/chars/Replace chars

where line is numeral, first 'line'==0

Method `()

string|array `()(string|array(string) commands, string|array(string) data, void|int suppress)

Module Unicode

Method is_rtlchar

int is_rtlchar(int c)


Returns 1 if the character is a RTL character or indicator, otherwise 0.

Method is_rtlstring

int is_rtlstring(string s)


Returns 1 if the string contains RTL characters or RTL indicators, otherwise 0.

Method is_wordchar

int is_wordchar(int c)


Returns whether a unicode character c is a word, part of a word or not.


The character is an ideograph (a CJK single-word character)


The character is a letter, number or non-spacing mark, as defined by its unicode (general category) specification


Any other character (such as symbols, punctuation and separators)

Method normalize

string normalize(string data, string method)


Normalize the given unicode string according to the specified method.

The methods are:


The methods are described in detail in the UAX #15 document, which can currently be found at http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr15/tr15-21.html

A short description:

C and D specifies whether to decompose (D) complex characters to their parts, or compose (C) single characters to complex ones.

K specifies whether or not do a canonical or compatibility conversion. When K is present, compatibility transformations are performed as well as the canonical transformations.

In the following text, 'X' denotes the single character 'X', even if there is more than one character inside the quotation marks. The reson is that it's somewhat hard to describe unicode in iso-8859-1.

The Unicode Standard defines two equivalences between characters: canonical equivalence and compatibility equivalence. Canonical equivalence is a basic equivalency between characters or sequences of characters.

'Å' and 'A' '° (combining ring above)' are canonically equivalent.

For round-trip compatibility with existing standards, Unicode has encoded many entities that are really variants of existing nominal characters. The visual representations of these character are typically a subset of the possible visual representations of the nominal character. These are given compatibility decompositions in the standard. Because the characters are visually distinguished, replacing a character by a compatibility equivalent may lose formatting information unless supplemented by markup or styling.

Examples of compatibility equivalences:

  • Font variants (thin, italic, extra wide characters etc)

  • Circled and squared characters

  • super/subscript ('²' -> '2')

  • Fractions ('½' -> '1/2')

  • Other composed characters ('fi' -> 'f' 'i', 'kg' -> 'k' 'g')

Method split_words

array(string) split_words(string input)


Splits the input string into an array of words, on the boundaries between the different kinds of word characters as defined by is_wordchar. The result is an array of words, with the non-word characters between them thrown away.

Method split_words_and_normalize

array(string) split_words_and_normalize(string input)


A less wasteful equivalent of split_words(normalize(input, "NFKD")).

Constant version

constant Unicode.version


Contains the version of the current Unicode database as a string, e.g. "5.0.0".

Module VCDiff


Pike glue for the open-vcdiff differential compression library. http://code.google.com/p/open-vcdiff/

Encoding and decoding relies on a common string that the differences are computed against - this string is called the dictionary.

Basic usage:

string dict = "abcdef";
  VCDiff.Encoder encoder = VCDiff.Encoder (dict);
  string encoded = encoder->encode ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
  VCDiff.Decoder decoder = VCDiff.Decoder (dict);
  string decoded = decoder->decode (encoded);

Module Val


This module contains special values used by various modules, e.g. a null value used both by Sql and Standards.JSON.

In many ways these values should be considered constant, but it is possible for a program to replace them with extended versions, provided they don't break the behavior of the base classes defined here. Since there is no good mechanism to handle such extending in several steps, pike libraries should preferably ensure that the base classes defined here provide required functionality directly.


Since resolving using the dot operator in e.g. Val.null is done at compile time, replacement of these values often must take place very early (typically in a loader before the bulk of the pike code is compiled) to be effective in such cases. For this reason, pike libraries should use dynamic resolution through e.g. -> or master()->resolv() instead.

Variable true
Variable false

Boolean Val.true
Boolean Val.false


Objects that represent the boolean values true and false. In a boolean context these evaluate to true and false, respectively.

They produce 1 and 0, respectively, when cast to integer, and "1" and "0" when cast to string. They do however not compare as equal to the integers 1 and 0, or any other values. Val.true only compares (and hashes) as equal with other instances of True (although there should be as few as possible). Similarly, Val.false is only considered equal to other False instances.

Protocols.JSON uses these objects to represent the JSON literals true and false.


The correct way to programmatically recognize these values is something like

if (objectp(something) && ([object]something)->is_val_true) ...


if (objectp(something) && ([object]something)->is_val_false) ...

respectively. See Val.null for rationale.


Pike natively uses integers (zero and non-zero) as booleans. These objects don't change that, and unless there's a particular reason to use these objects it's better to stick to e.g. 0 and 1 for boolean values - that is both more efficient and more in line with existing coding practice. These objects are intended for cases where integers and booleans occur in the same place and it is necessary to distinguish them.

Variable null

Null Val.null


Object that represents a null value.

In general, null is a value that represents the lack of a real value in the domain of some type. For instance, in a type system with a null value, a variable of string type typically can hold any string and also null to signify no string at all (which is different from the empty string). Pike natively uses the integer 0 (zero) for this, but since 0 also is a real integer it is sometimes necessary to have a different value for null, and then this object is preferably used.

This object is false in a boolean context. It does not cast to anything, and it is not equal to anything else but other instances of Null (which should be avoided).

This object is used by the Sql module to represent SQL NULL, and it is used by Protocols.JSON to represent the JSON literal null.


Do not confuse the null value with UNDEFINED. Although UNDEFINED often is used to represent the lack of a real value, and it can be told apart from an ordinary zero integer with some effort, it is transient in nature (for instance, it automatically becomes an ordinary zero when inserted in a mapping). That makes it unsuitable for use as a reliable null value.


The correct way to programmatically recognize Val.null is something like

if (objectp(something) && ([object]something)->is_val_null) ...

That way it's possible for other code to replace it with an extended class, or create their own variants which needs to behave like Val.null.


The Oracle glue currently uses static null objects which won't be affected if this object is replaced.

Class Val.Boolean


Common base class for Val.True and Val.False, mainly to facilitate typing. Do not create any instances of this.

Constant is_val_boolean

constant int Val.Boolean.is_val_boolean


Nonzero recognition constant that can be used to recognize both Val.true and Val.false.

Class Val.False


Type for the Val.false object. Do not create more instances of this - use Val.false instead.

Inherit Boolean

inherit Boolean : Boolean

Constant is_val_false

constant int Val.False.is_val_false


Nonzero recognition constant.

Class Val.Null


Type for the Val.null object. Do not create more instances of this - use Val.null instead.

Class Val.True


Type for the Val.true object. Do not create more instances of this - use Val.true instead.

Inherit Boolean

inherit Boolean : Boolean

Constant is_val_true

constant int Val.True.is_val_true


Nonzero recognition constant.

Module Web


Modules implementing various web standards.

Method decode_jwk

Crypto.Sign.State|Crypto.MAC.State decode_jwk(mapping(string(7bit):string(7bit)) jwk)


Decode a JSON Web Key (JWK).


Returns an initialized Crypto.Sign.State or Crypto.MAC.State on success and UNDEFINED on failure.

Method decode_jwk

variant Crypto.Sign.State|Crypto.MAC.State decode_jwk(string(8bit) jwk)


Decode a JSON Web Key (JWK).


Returns an initialized Crypto.Sign.State or Crypto.MAC.State on success and UNDEFINED on failure.

Method decode_jwk_set

array(Crypto.Sign.State|Crypto.MAC.State) decode_jwk_set(mapping(string(8bit):array(mapping(string(7bit):string(7bit)))) jwk_set)


Decode a JSON Web Key (JWK) Set.

See also

RFC 7517 section 5, decode_jwk()

Method decode_jwk_set

variant array(Crypto.Sign.State|Crypto.MAC.State) decode_jwk_set(string(7bit) jwk_set)


Decode a JSON Web Key (JWK) Set.

See also

RFC 7517 section 5, decode_jwk()

Method decode_jws

array decode_jws(array(Crypto.Sign.State|Crypto.MAC.State)|Crypto.Sign.State|Crypto.MAC.State sign, string(7bit) jws)


Decode a JSON Web Signature (JWS).

Parameter sign

The asymetric public or MAC key(s) to validate the jws against.

Parameter jws

A JWS as eg returned by encode_jws().


Returns 0 (zero) on validation failure.

Returns an array with two elements on success:

mapping(string(7bit):string(7bit)|int) 0

The JOSE header.

mixed 1

The JWS payload.

See RFC 7515 section 3.

See also

encode_jws(), decode_jwt(), Crypto.Sign.State()->jose_decode(), RFC 7515

Method decode_jwt

mapping(string:string|int) decode_jwt(array(Crypto.Sign.State|Crypto.MAC.State)|Crypto.Sign.State|Crypto.MAC.State sign, string(7bit) jwt)


Decode a JSON Web Token (JWT).

Parameter sign

The asymetric public or MAC key(s) to validate the jwt against.

Parameter jwt

A JWT as eg returned by encode_jwt().


Returns 0 (zero) on validation failure (this includes validation of expiry times).

Returns a mapping of the claims for the token on success. See RFC 7519 section 4.


The time check of the "nbf" value has a hard coded 60 second grace time (as allowed by RFC 7519 section 4.1.5).

See also

encode_jwt(), decode_jws(), RFC 7519 section 4

Method encode_jwk

string(7bit) encode_jwk(mapping(string(7bit):string(7bit)) jwk)


Encode a JSON Web Key (JWK).

Method encode_jwk

variant string(7bit) encode_jwk(Crypto.Sign.State|Crypto.MAC.State sign, bool|void private_key)


Encode a JSON Web Key (JWK).

Parameter sign

The initialized Crypto.Sign.State or Crypto.MAC.State for which a JWK is to be generated.

Parameter private_key

If true the private fields of sign will also be encoded into the result.


Returns the corresponding JWK.

Method encode_jws

string(7bit) encode_jws(Crypto.Sign.State|Crypto.MAC.State sign, mixed tbs, string(7bit)|void media_type)


Encode a JSON Web Signature (JWS).

Parameter sign

The asymetric private or MAC key to use for signing the result.

Parameter tbs

The value to sign.

Parameter media_type

The media type of tbs, cf RFC 7515 section 4.1.9.


Returns 0 (zero) on encoding failure (usually that sign doesn't support JWS.

Returns a corresponding JWS on success.

See also

decode_jwt(), RFC 7515

Method encode_jwt

string(7bit) encode_jwt(Crypto.Sign.State|Crypto.MAC.State sign, mapping(string:string|int) claims)


Encode a JSON Web Token (JWT).

Parameter sign

The asymetric private or MAC key to use for signing the result.

Parameter claims

The set of claims for the token. See RFC 7519 section 4.


Returns 0 (zero) on encoding failure (usually that sign doesn't support JWS.

Returns a corresponding JWT on success.


The claim "iat" (RFC 7519 section 4.1.6 is added unconditionally, and the claim "jti" (RFC 7519 section 4.1.7) is added if not already present.

See also

decode_jwt(), RFC 7519 section 4

Class Web.OWL


Represents an RDF tuple set from an OWL perspective.

Inherit RDFS

inherit .RDFS : RDFS

Class Web.RDF


Represents an RDF domain which can contain any number of complete statements.

Method _sizeof

int sizeof( Web.RDF arg )


Returns the number of statements in the RDF domain.

Method `|

Web.RDF res = Web.RDF() | x


Modifies the current object to create a union of the current object and the object x.

Method add_statement

this_program add_statement(Resource|string|multiset(string) subj, Resource|string|multiset(string) pred, Resource|string|multiset(string) obj)


Adds a statement to the RDF set. If any argument is a string, it will be converted into a LiteralResource. If any argument is a multiset with one string in it, it will be converted into a URIResource.


Throws an exception if any argument couldn't be converted into a Resouce object.

Method decode_n_triple_string

string decode_n_triple_string(string in)


Decodes a string that has been encoded for N-triples serialization.


Doesn't correctly decode backslashes that has been encoded with with \u- or \U-notation.

Method dereify

bool dereify(Resource r)


Turns the reified statement r into a normal statement, if possible.


1 for success, 0 for failure.

Method dereify_all

int(0..) dereify_all()


Dereifies as many statements as possible. Returns the number of dereified statements.

Method encode_n_triple_string

string encode_n_triple_string(string in)


Encodes a string for use as tring in N-triples serialization.

Method find_statements

array(array(Resource)) find_statements(Resource|int(0..0) subj, Resource|int(0..0) pred, Resource|int(0..0) obj)


Returns an array with the statements that matches the given subject subj, predicate pred and object obj. Any and all of the resources may be zero to disregard from matching that part of the statement, i.e. find_statements(0,0,0) returns all statements in the domain.


An array with arrays of three elements.

Resource 0

The subject of the statement

Resource 1

The predicate of the statement

Resource 2

The object of the statement

Method get_3_tuples

string get_3_tuples()


Returns a 3-tuple serialization of all the statements in the RDF set.

Method get_n_triples

string get_n_triples()


Returns an N-triples serialization of all the statements in the RDF set.

Method get_properties

array(Resource) get_properties()


Returns all properties in the domain, e.g. all resources that has been used as predicates.

Method get_reify

Resource get_reify(Resource subj, Resource pred, Resource obj)


Returns a resource that is the subject of the reified statement {subj, pred, obj}, if such a resource exists in the RDF domain.

Method get_resource

URIResource get_resource(string uri)


Returns an RDF resource with the given URI as identifier, or zero.

Method get_subject_map

mapping(Resource:mapping(Resource:array(Resource))) get_subject_map()


Returns a mapping with all the domains subject resources as indices and a mapping with that subjects predicates and objects as value.

Method get_xml

string get_xml(void|int no_optimize)


Serialize the RDF domain as an XML string.

Parameter no_optimize

If set, the XML serializer will refrain from doing most (size) optimizations of the output.

Method has_statement

bool has_statement(Resource subj, Resource pred, Resource obj)


Returns 1 if the RDF domain contains the relation {subj, pred, obj}, otherwise 0.

Method is_object

bool is_object(Resource r)


Returns 1 if resource r is used as an object, otherwise 0.

Method is_predicate

bool is_predicate(Resource r)


Returns 1 if resource r is used as a predicate, otherwise 0.

Method is_subject

bool is_subject(Resource r)


Returns 1 if resource r is used as a subject, otherwise 0.

Method make_resource

URIResource make_resource(string uri)


Returns an RDF resource with the given URI as identifier, or if no such resrouce exists, creates it and returns it.

Method parse_n_triples

int parse_n_triples(string in)


Parses an N-triples string and adds the found statements to the RDF set. Returns the number of added relations.


The parser will throw errors on invalid N-triple input.

Method parse_xml

Web.RDF parse_xml(string|Parser.XML.NSTree.NSNode in, void|string base)


Adds the statements represented by the string or tree in to the RDF domain. If in is a tree the in-node should be the RDF node of the XML serialization. RDF documents take its default namespace from the URI of the document, so if the RDF document relies such ingenious mechanisms, pass the document URI in the base variable.

Variable rdf_Seq

RDFResource Web.RDF.rdf_Seq


Seq resource.

Variable rdf_Statement

RDFResource Web.RDF.rdf_Statement


Statement resource.

Variable rdf_first

RDFResource Web.RDF.rdf_first


first resource.

Variable rdf_nil

RDFResource Web.RDF.rdf_nil


nil resource.

Constant rdf_ns

constant string Web.RDF.rdf_ns


The RDF XML namespace.

Variable rdf_object

RDFResource Web.RDF.rdf_object


object resource.

Variable rdf_predicate

RDFResource Web.RDF.rdf_predicate


predicate resource.

Variable rdf_rest

RDFResource Web.RDF.rdf_rest


rest resource.

Variable rdf_subject

RDFResource Web.RDF.rdf_subject


subject resource.

Variable rdf_type

RDFResource Web.RDF.rdf_type


type resource.

Method reify

Resource reify(Resource subj, Resource pred, Resource obj)


Returns the result of get_reify, if any. Otherwise calls reify_low followed by remove_statement of the provided statement {subj, pred, obj}.


The subject of the reified statement.

Method reify_low

Resource reify_low(Resource subj, Resource pred, Resource obj)


Reifies the statement { pred, subj, obj } and returns the resource that denotes the reified statement. There will not be any check to see if the unreified statement is already in the domain, making it possible to define the relation twice. The original statement will not be removed.


The subject of the reified statement.

Method remove_statement

bool remove_statement(Resource subj, Resource pred, Resource obj)


Removes the relation from the RDF set. Returns 1 if the relation did exist in the RDF set.

Class Web.RDF.LiteralResource


Resource identified by literal.

Method create

Web.RDF.LiteralResource Web.RDF.LiteralResource(string literal)


The resource will be identified by literal.

Variable datatype

string Web.RDF.LiteralResource.datatype


Used to contain rdf:datatype value.

Method get_literal

string get_literal()


Returns the literal string.

Method get_xml

string get_xml()


Returns the literal as an XML string.

Inherit Resource

inherit Resource : Resource

Class Web.RDF.RDFResource


Resource used for RDF-technical reasons like reification.

Method create

Web.RDF.RDFResource Web.RDF.RDFResource(string rdf_id)


The resource will be identified by the identifier rdf_id

Method get_qname

string get_qname(void|string ns)


Returns the qualifying name.

Inherit URIResource

inherit URIResource : URIResource

Class Web.RDF.Resource


Instances of this class represents resources as defined in RDF: All things being described by RDF expressions are called resources. A resource may be an entire Web page; such as the HTML document "http://www.w3.org/Overview.html" for example. A resource may be a part of a Web page; e.g. a specific HTML or XML element within the document source. A resource may also be a whole collection of pages; e.g. an entire Web site. A resource may also be an object that is not directly accessible via the Web; e.g. a printed book. This general resource is anonymous and has no URI or literal id.


Resources instantiated from this class should not be used in other RDF domain objects.

See also

URIResource, LiteralResource

Method get_3_tuple_name

string get_3_tuple_name()


Returns the nodes' 3-tuple serialized ID.

Method get_n_triple_name

string get_n_triple_name()


Returns the nodes' N-triple serialized ID.

Class Web.RDF.URIResource


Resource identified by URI.

Method create

Web.RDF.URIResource Web.RDF.URIResource(string uri)


Creates an URI resource with the uri as identifier.


Throws an error if another resource with the same URI already exists in the RDF domain.

Method get_namespace

string get_namespace()


Returns the namespace this resource URI references to.

Method get_qname

string get_qname(void|string ns)


Returns the qualifying name, or zero.

Method get_uri

string get_uri()


Returns the URI the resource references to.

Inherit Resource

inherit Resource : Resource

Class Web.RDFS


RDF Schema.

Method add_Class

void add_Class(Resource c)

Method add_subClassOf

void add_subClassOf(Resource a, Resource b)

Method add_subPropertyOf

void add_subPropertyOf(Resource a, Resource b)

Inherit RDF

inherit .RDF : RDF

Variable rdfs_Class
Variable rdfs_subClassOf
Variable rdfs_Literal
Variable rdfs_subPropertyOf
Variable rdfs_domain
Variable rdfs_range

RDFSResource Web.RDFS.rdfs_Class
RDFSResource Web.RDFS.rdfs_subClassOf
RDFSResource Web.RDFS.rdfs_Literal
RDFSResource Web.RDFS.rdfs_subPropertyOf
RDFSResource Web.RDFS.rdfs_domain
RDFSResource Web.RDFS.rdfs_range

Constant rdfs_ns

constant string Web.RDFS.rdfs_ns


The RDF Schema XML-namespace.

Class Web.RDFS.RDFSResource

Inherit URIResource

inherit URIResource : URIResource

Module Web.Api


The Web.Api has modules and classes for communicating with various (RESTful) web api's such as Web.Api.Facebook, Web.Api.Instagram, Web.Api.Twitter etc.


constant string Web.Api.USER_AGENT


Default user agent in HTTP calls

Class Web.Api.Api


Base class for implementing a (RESTful) WebApi like Facebook's Graph API, Instagram's API, Twitter's API and so on.

Note: This class is useless in it self, and is intended to be inherited by classes implementing a given Web.Api.

Look at the code in Web.Api.Github, Web.Api.Instagram, Web.Api.Linkedin etc to see some examples of implementations.


protected constant string Web.Api.Api.ACCESS_TOKEN_PARAM_NAME


In some API's (LinkedIn f ex) this is named something else so it needs to be overridden i cases where it has a different name than the standard one

Constant API_URI

constant int Web.Api.Api.API_URI


The URI to the remote API

Constant AuthClass

protected constant Web.Api.Api.AuthClass


Authentication class to use

Typedef Callback

typedef function(mapping, Protocols.HTTP.Query:void) Web.Api.Api.Callback


Typedef for the async callback method signature.

Constant DECODE_UTF8

protected constant int Web.Api.Api.DECODE_UTF8


If 1 Standards.JSON.decode_utf8() will be used when JSON data is decoded.

Typedef ParamsArg

typedef mapping|Web.Auth.Params Web.Api.Api.ParamsArg


Typedef for a parameter argument

Variable _auth

protected Web.Auth.OAuth2.Client Web.Api.Api._auth


Authorization object.

See also


Variable _query_objects

protected mapping(int:array(Protocols.HTTP.Query|Callback)) Web.Api.Api._query_objects


The HTTP query objects when running async.

Variable auth

Web.Auth.OAuth2.Client Web.Api.Api.auth


Getter for the authentication object. Most likely this will be a class derived from Web.Auth.OAuth2.Client.

See also

Web.Auth.OAuth2.Client or Web.Auth.OWeb.Auth.Client


Read only

Method call

mixed call(string api_method, void|ParamsArg params, void|string http_method, void|string data, void|Callback cb)


Calls a remote API method.


An exception is thrown if the response status code is other than 200, 301 or 302.

Parameter api_method

The remote API method to call! This should be a Fully Qualified Domain Name

Parameter params

Additional params to send in the request

Parameter http_method

HTTP method to use. GET is default

Parameter data

Inline data to send in a POST request for instance.

Parameter cb

Callback function to get into in async mode


If JSON is available the JSON response from servie will be decoded and returned. If not, the raw response (e.g a JSON string) will be returned. The exception to this is if the status code in the response is a 30x (a redirect), then the response headers mapping will be returned.

Method close_connections

void close_connections()


Forcefully close all HTTP connections. This only has effect in async mode.

Method create

Web.Api.Api Web.Api.Api(string client_id, string client_secret, void|string redirect_uri, void|string|array(string)|multiset(string) scope)


Creates a new Api instance

Parameter client_id

The application ID

Parameter client_secret

The application secret

Parameter redirect_uri

Where the authorization page should redirect back to. This must be fully qualified domain name.

Parameter scope

Extended permissions to use for this authentication.

Method default_params

protected mapping default_params()


Return default params

Method delete

mixed delete(string api_method, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Invokes a call with a DELETE method

Parameter api_method

The remote API method to call

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Callback function to get into in async mode

Method get

mixed get(string api_method, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Invokes a call with a GET method

Parameter api_method

The remote API method to call

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Callback function to get into in async mode

Method get_encoding

protected string get_encoding(mapping h)


Returns the encoding from a response

Parameter h

The headers mapping from a HTTP respose

Method get_uri

protected string get_uri(string method)


Convenience method for getting the URI to a specific API method

Parameter method

Variable http_request_timeout

int(0..) Web.Api.Api.http_request_timeout


Request timeout in seconds. Only affects async queries.

Method make_multipart_message

protected array(string) make_multipart_message(mapping p, string body)


Creates the body of an Upload request

Parameter p

The API request parameters

Parameter body

Data of the document to upload


An array with two indices:

  • The value for the main Content-Type header

  • The request body

Method parse_canonical_url

mapping(string:string|mapping) parse_canonical_url(string url)


This can be used to parse a link resource returned from a REST api. Many API returns stuff like:

  "pagination" : {
    "next" : "/api/v1/method/path?some=variables&page=2&per_page=20"

If pagination->next is passed to this method it will return a path of /method/path, given that the base URI of the web api is something along the line of https://some.url/api/v1, and a mapping containing the query variables (which can be passed as a parameter to any of the get, post, delete, put methods.

Parameter url
"path" : string
"params" : mapping

Method patch

mixed patch(string api_method, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Invokes a call with a PATCH method

Parameter api_method

The remote API method to call

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Callback function to get into in async mode

Method post

mixed post(string api_method, void|ParamsArg params, void|string data, void|Callback cb)


Invokes a call with a POST method

Parameter api_method

The remote API method to call

Parameter params
Parameter data

Eventual inline data to send

Parameter cb

Callback function to get into in async mode

Method put

mixed put(string api_method, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Invokes a call with a PUT method

Parameter api_method

The remote API method to call

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Callback function to get into in async mode

Method unescape_forward_slashes

protected string unescape_forward_slashes(string s)


Unescapes escaped forward slashes in a JSON string

Variable utf8_decode

bool Web.Api.Api.utf8_decode


If 1 Standards.JSON.decode_utf8() will be used when JSON data is decoded.

Class Web.Api.Api.Method


Internal class ment to be inherited by implementing Api's classes that corresponds to a given API endpoint.


protected constant int Web.Api.Api.Method.METHOD_PATH


API method location within the API


Method _delete

protected mixed _delete(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Method _get

protected mixed _get(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Method _patch

protected mixed _patch(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Method _post

protected mixed _post(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|string data, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Method _put

protected mixed _put(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Method create

Web.Api.Api.Method Web.Api.Api.Method()


Hidden constructor. This class can not be instantiated directly

Module Web.Api.Facebook

Method `()

protected this_program `()(string client_id, string client_secret, void|string redirect_uri, void|string|array(string)|multiset(string) scope)


Instantiates the default Facebook API. See Web.Api.Api() for further information.

Parameter client_id

Your application key/id

Parameter client_secret

Your application secret

Parameter redirect_uri

The redirect URI after an authentication

Parameter scope

The application scopes to grant access to

Class Web.Api.Facebook.Graph

Constant API_URI

constant string Web.Api.Facebook.Graph.API_URI


The base uri to the Graph API

Variable any

Any Web.Api.Facebook.Graph.any


Getter for the Any object which is a generic object for making request to the Facebook Graph API

See also



Read only

Method delete

mapping delete(string path, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Make a generic DELETE request to the Facebook Graph API.

Parameter path

What to request. Like me, me/pictures, [some_id]/something.

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Callback for async requests

Method get

mapping get(string path, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Make a generic GET request to the Facebook Graph API.

Parameter path

What to request. Like me, me/pictures, [some_id]/something.

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Callback for async requests

Inherit parent

inherit Web.Api.Api : parent

Method post

mapping post(string path, void|ParamsArg params, void|string data, void|Callback cb)


Make a generic POST request to the Facebook Graph API.

Parameter path

What to request. Like me, me/pictures, [some_id]/something.

Parameter params
Parameter data
Parameter cb

Callback for async requests

Method put

mapping put(string path, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Make a generic PUT request to the Facebook Graph API.

Parameter path

What to request. Like me, me/pictures, [some_id]/something.

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Callback for async requests

Class Web.Api.Facebook.Graph.Any


A generic wrapper around Method

Inherit Method

inherit Method : Method

Class Web.Api.Facebook.Graph.Method

Method delete

mixed delete(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Method get

mixed get(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Inherit Method

inherit Web.Api.Api.Method : Method

Method post

mixed post(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|string data, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Method put

mixed put(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Module Web.Api.Github

Method `()

protected this_program `()(string client_id, string client_secret, void|string redirect_uri, void|string|array(string)|multiset(string) scope)


Instantiates the default Github API. See Web.Api.Api() for further information.

Parameter client_id

Your application key/id

Parameter client_secret

Your application secret

Parameter redirect_uri

The redirect URI after an authentication

Parameter scope

The application scopes to grant access to

Class Web.Api.Github.Github

Constant API_URI

constant string Web.Api.Github.Github.API_URI


The base uri to the Github API

Variable any

Any Web.Api.Github.Github.any


Getter for the Any object which is a generic object for making request to the Github API

See also



Read only

Method delete

mapping delete(string path, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Make a generic DELETE request to the Github API.

Parameter path

What to request. Like me, me/pictures, [some_id]/something.

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Callback for async requests

Method get

mapping get(string path, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Make a generic GET request to the Github API.

Parameter path

What to request. Like me, me/pictures, [some_id]/something.

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Callback for async requests

Inherit parent

inherit Web.Api.Api : parent

Method post

mapping post(string path, void|ParamsArg params, void|string data, void|Callback cb)


Make a generic POST request to the Github API.

Parameter path

What to request. Like me, me/pictures, [some_id]/something.

Parameter params
Parameter data
Parameter cb

Callback for async requests

Method put

mapping put(string path, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Make a generic PUT request to the Github API.

Parameter path

What to request. Like me, me/pictures, [some_id]/something.

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Callback for async requests

Class Web.Api.Github.Github.Any


A generic wrapper around Method

Inherit Method

inherit Method : Method

Class Web.Api.Github.Github.Method

Method delete

mixed delete(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Method get

mixed get(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Inherit Method

inherit Web.Api.Api.Method : Method

Method post

mixed post(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|string data, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Method put

mixed put(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Module Web.Api.Google

Class Web.Api.Google.Api


Internal class ment to be inherited by other Google API's

Inherit parent

inherit Web.Api.Api : parent

Class Web.Api.Google.Api.Method

Method _delete

protected mixed _delete(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Method _get

protected mixed _get(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Method _post

protected mixed _post(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Inherit Method

inherit Web.Api.Api.Method : Method

Module Web.Api.Google.Analytics

Method `()

protected this_program `()(string client_id, string client_secret, void|string redirect_uri, void|string|array(string)|multiset(string) scope)


Instantiates the default Analytics API. See Web.Api.Api() for further information.

Parameter client_id

Your application key/id

Parameter client_secret

Your application secret

Parameter redirect_uri

The redirect URI after an authentication

Parameter scope

The application scopes to grant access to

Class Web.Api.Google.Analytics.V3

Constant API_URI

protected constant string Web.Api.Google.Analytics.V3.API_URI


API base URI.

Variable _core
Variable _realtime
Variable _management

protected Core Web.Api.Google.Analytics.V3._core
protected RealTime Web.Api.Google.Analytics.V3._realtime
protected Management Web.Api.Google.Analytics.V3._management


Internal singleton objects. Retrieve an instance via core, realtime and management.

Variable core

Core Web.Api.Google.Analytics.V3.core


Getter for the Core API


Read only

Inherit parent

inherit Web.Api.Google.Api : parent

Variable management

Management Web.Api.Google.Analytics.V3.management


Getter for the Management API


Read only

Variable realtime

RealTime Web.Api.Google.Analytics.V3.realtime


Getter for the RealTime API


Read only

Class Web.Api.Google.Analytics.V3.Core


Interface to the Google Analytics core API

Method get

mixed get(mapping params, void|Callback cb)


Get data from the core api

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Inherit Method

inherit Method : Method

Class Web.Api.Google.Analytics.V3.Management


Interface to the Google Analytics managment API

Method account_summaries

mixed account_summaries(void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Get account summaries

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Inherit Method

inherit Method : Method

Class Web.Api.Google.Analytics.V3.RealTime


Interface to the Google Analytics realtime API

Method get

mixed get(mapping params, void|Callback cb)


Get data from the realtime api

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Inherit Method

inherit Method : Method

Module Web.Api.Google.Plus

Method `()

protected this_program `()(string client_id, string client_secret, void|string redirect_uri, void|string|array(string)|multiset(string) scope)


Instantiates the default Google+ API. See Web.Api.Api() for further information.

Parameter client_id

Your application key/id

Parameter client_secret

Your application secret

Parameter redirect_uri

The redirect URI after an authentication

Parameter scope

The application scopes to grant access to

Class Web.Api.Google.Plus.V1

Constant API_URI

protected constant string Web.Api.Google.Plus.V1.API_URI


API base URI.

Variable _people
Variable _activities

private People Web.Api.Google.Plus.V1._people
private Activities Web.Api.Google.Plus.V1._activities


Internal singleton objects. Get an instance via people and activities.

Variable activities

Activities Web.Api.Google.Plus.V1.activities


Getter for the Activities object which has methods for all activities related Google+ API methods.

See also



Read only

Inherit Api

inherit Web.Api.Google.Api : Api

Variable people

People Web.Api.Google.Plus.V1.people


Getter for the People object which has methods for all people related Google+ API methods.

See also



Read only

Class Web.Api.Google.Plus.V1.Activities


Class implementing the Google+ Activities API. https://developers.google.com/+/api/latest/activities

Retreive an instance of this class through the activities property

Inherit Method

inherit Method : Method

Class Web.Api.Google.Plus.V1.People


Class implementing the Google+ People API. https://developers.google.com/+/api/latest/people

Retreive an instance of this class through the Social.Google.Plus()->people property

Method get

mapping get(void|string user_id, void|Callback cb)


Get info ablut a person.

Parameter user_id

If empty the currently authenticated user will be fetched.

Parameter cb

Callback for async request

Inherit Method

inherit Method : Method

Method list

mapping list(void|string user_id, void|string collection, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


List all of the people in the specified collection.

Parameter user_id

If empty the currently authenticated user will be used.

Parameter collection

If empty "public" activities will be listed. Acceptable values are:

  • "public"

    The list of people who this user has added to one or more circles, limited to the circles visible to the requesting application.

Parameter params
"maxResult" : int

Max number of items ti list

"orderBy" : string

The order to return people in. Acceptable values are:

  • "alphabetical"

    Order the people by their display name.

  • "best"

    Order people based on the relevence to the viewer.

"pageToken" : string

The continuation token, which is used to page through large result sets. To get the next page of results, set this parameter to the value of nextPageToken from the previous response.

Parameter cb

Callback for async request

Module Web.Api.Instagram


Instagram API implementation. https://instagram.com/developer/

Method `()

protected this_program `()(string client_id, string client_secret, void|string redirect_uri, void|string|array(string)|multiset(string) scope)


Instantiates the default Instagram API. See Web.Api.Api() for further information.

Parameter client_id

Your application key/id

Parameter client_secret

Your application secret

Parameter redirect_uri

The redirect URI after an authentication

Parameter scope

The application scopes to grant access to

Class Web.Api.Instagram.V1


Class for communicating with version 1 of the Instagram API.

Constant API_URI

protected constant string Web.Api.Instagram.V1.API_URI


The URI to the Instagram API

Variable _any

private Any Web.Api.Instagram.V1._any


Singleton Any object. Will be instantiated first time requested.

Variable _comments

private Comments Web.Api.Instagram.V1._comments


Singleton Comments object. Will be instantiated first time requested.

Variable _likes

private Likes Web.Api.Instagram.V1._likes


Singleton Likes object. Will be instantiated first time requested.

Variable _locations

private Locations Web.Api.Instagram.V1._locations


Singleton Locations object. Will be instantiated first time requested.

Variable _media

private Media Web.Api.Instagram.V1._media


Singleton Media object. Will be instantiated first time requested.

Variable _tags

private Tags Web.Api.Instagram.V1._tags


Singleton Tags object. Will be instantiated first time requested.

Variable _users

private Users Web.Api.Instagram.V1._users


Singleton User object. Will be instantiated first time requested.

Variable any

Any Web.Api.Instagram.V1.any


Getter for the Any object which can be used to query any method in the Instagram web api. The METHOD_PATH is set to / in this object.


Read only

Variable comments

Comments Web.Api.Instagram.V1.comments


Getter for the Comments object which has methods for all comments related Instagram API methods.

See also



Read only

Method delete

mapping delete(string path, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Make a generic DELETE request to the Instagram API.

Parameter path

What to request. Like me, users/self, [some_id]/something.

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Callback for async requests

Method get

mapping get(string path, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Make a generic GET request to the Instagram API.

Parameter path

What to request. Like me, users/self, [some_id]/something.

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Callback for async requests

Inherit parent

inherit Web.Api.Api : parent

Variable likes

Likes Web.Api.Instagram.V1.likes


Getter for the Likes object which has methods for all likes related Instagram API methods.

See also



Read only

Variable locations

Locations Web.Api.Instagram.V1.locations


Getter for the Locations object which has methods for all locations related Instagram API methods.

See also



Read only

Variable media

Media Web.Api.Instagram.V1.media


Getter for the Media object which has methods for all media related Instagram API methods.

See also



Read only

Method post

mapping post(string path, void|ParamsArg params, string data, void|Callback cb)


Make a generic POST request to the Instagram API.

Parameter path

What to request. Like me, users/self, [some_id]/something.

Parameter params
Parameter data
Parameter cb

Callback for async requests

Method put

mapping put(string path, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Make a generic PUT request to the Instagram API.

Parameter path

What to request. Like me, users/self, [some_id]/something.

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Callback for async requests

Variable tags

Tags Web.Api.Instagram.V1.tags


Getter for the Tags object which has methods for all tags related Instagram API methods.

See also



Read only

Variable users

Users Web.Api.Instagram.V1.users


Getter for the Users object which has methods for all users related Instagram API methods.

See also



Read only

Class Web.Api.Instagram.V1.Any


A generic wrapper around Method. This will query the root of the API, and can be used to query methods not implemented in this module.

Method delete

mixed delete(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)



Parameter s

The path to the Instagram API to query

Parameter p

Parameters to the query

Parameter cb

Async callback

Method get

mixed get(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


GET data

Parameter s

The path to the Instagram API to query

Parameter p

Parameters to the query

Parameter cb

Async callback

Inherit Method

inherit Method : Method

Method post

mixed post(string s, void|ParamsArg p, string data, void|Callback cb)


POST data

Parameter s

The path to the Instagram API to query

Parameter p

Parameters to the query

Parameter cb

Async callback

Method put

mixed put(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


PUT data

Parameter s

The path to the Instagram API to query

Parameter p

Parameters to the query

Parameter cb

Async callback

Class Web.Api.Instagram.V1.Comments


Class implementing the Instagram Comments API. http://instagram.com/developer/endpoints/comments/

Retreive an instance of this class via the comments property.

Method add

mapping add(string media_id, string comment, void|Callback cb)


Get a full list of comments on a media.


This method is not allowed by default. You have to contact Instagram in order to activate this method. http://bit.ly/instacomments


Required scope: comments

Parameter media_id

The media to retreive comments for

Parameter cb

Callback for async mode

Inherit Method

inherit Method : Method

Method list

mapping list(string media_id, void|Callback cb)


Get a full list of comments on a media.


Required scope: comments

Parameter media_id

The media to retreive comments for

Parameter cb

Callback for async mode

Method remove

mapping remove(string media_id, string comment_id, void|Callback cb)


Remove a comment either on the authenticated user's media or authored by the authenticated user.


Required scope: comments

Parameter media_id

The media the comment is for

Parameter comment_id

The comment to remove

Parameter cb

Callback for async mode

Class Web.Api.Instagram.V1.Likes


Class implementing the Instagram Likes API. http://instagram.com/developer/endpoints/likes/

Retreive an instance of this class via the likes property.

Method add

mapping add(string media_id, void|Callback cb)


Set a like on this media by the currently authenticated user.

See also



Required scope: likes

Parameter media_id
Parameter cb

Inherit Method

inherit Method : Method

Method list

mapping list(string media_id, void|Callback cb)


Get a list of users who have liked this media.

See also



Required scope: likes

Parameter media_id
Parameter cb

Method remove

mapping remove(string media_id, void|Callback cb)


Remove a like on this media by the currently authenticated user.

See also



Required scope: likes

Parameter media_id
Parameter cb

Class Web.Api.Instagram.V1.Locations


Class implementing the Instagram Likes API. http://instagram.com/developer/endpoints/likes/

Retreive an instance of this class via the locations property.

Inherit Method

inherit Method : Method

Method location

mapping location(string location_id, void|Callback cb)


Get information about a location.

See also


Parameter location_id
Parameter cb

Method recent_media

mapping recent_media(string location_id, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Get a list of recent media objects from a given location. May return a mix of both image and video types.

See also


Parameter location_id
Parameter params
"min_timestamp" : int

Return media after this UNIX timestamp

"min_id" : string

Return media before this min_id.

"max_id" : string

Return media after this max_id.

"max_timestamp" : int

Return media before this UNIX timestamp

Parameter cb

Method search

mapping search(ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Search for a location by geographic coordinate.

See also


Parameter params
"lat" : float

Latitude of the center search coordinate. If used, lng is required.

"distance" : int

Default is 1000m (distance=1000), max distance is 5000.

"lng" : float

Longitude of the center search coordinate. If used, lat is required.

"foursquare_v2_id" : string|int

Returns a location mapped off of a foursquare v2 api location id. If used, you are not required to use lat and lng.

"foursquare_id" : string|int

Returns a location mapped off of a foursquare v1 api location id. If used, you are not required to use lat and lng. Note that this method is deprecated; you should use the new foursquare IDs with V2 of their API.

Parameter cb

Class Web.Api.Instagram.V1.Media


Class implementing the Instagram Media API. http://instagram.com/developer/endpoints/media/

Retreive an instance of this class via the media property

Inherit Method

inherit Method : Method

Method item

mapping item(string media_id, void|Callback cb)


Get information about a media object. The returned type key will allow you to differentiate between image and video media. Note: if you authenticate with an OAuth Token, you will receive the user_has_liked key which quickly tells you whether the current user has liked this media item.

See also


Parameter media_id
Parameter cb

Callback function when in async mode

Method popular

mapping popular(void|Callback cb)


Get a list of what media is most popular at the moment. Can return a mix of image and video types.

Parameter cb

Callback function when in async mode

Method search

mapping search(void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Search for media in a given area. The default time span is set to 5 days. The time span must not exceed 7 days. Defaults time stamps cover the last 5 days. Can return mix of image and video types.

Parameter params

Can have:

"lat" : string|float

Latitude of the center search coordinate. If used, lng is required.

"min_timestamp" : int

A unix timestamp. All media returned will be taken later than this timestamp.

"lng" : string|float

Longitude of the center search coordinate. If used, lat is required.

"max_timestamp" : int

A unix timestamp. All media returned will be taken earlier than this timestamp.

"distance" : int

Default is 1km (distance=1000), max distance is 5km.

Parameter cb

Callback function when in async mode

Class Web.Api.Instagram.V1.Method


Internal convenience class.

Method _delete

protected mixed _delete(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Method _get

protected mixed _get(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Method _post

protected mixed _post(string s, void|ParamsArg p, string data, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Method _put

protected mixed _put(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Inherit Method

inherit Web.Api.Api.Method : Method

Class Web.Api.Instagram.V1.Tags


Class implementing the Instagram Tags API. http://instagram.com/developer/endpoints/tags/

Retreive an instance of this class via the tags property.

Inherit Method

inherit Method : Method

Method recent

mapping recent(string tag_name, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Get a list of recently tagged media. Note that this media is ordered by when the media was tagged with this tag, rather than the order it was posted. Use the max_tag_id and min_tag_id parameters in the pagination response to paginate through these objects. Can return a mix of image and video types.

See also


Parameter tag_name
Parameter params

Can be:

"min_id" : string

Return media before this min_id.

"max_id" : string

Return media after this max_id.

Parameter cb

Callback function when in async mode

Method search

mapping search(string tag_name, Callback cb)


Search for tags by name. Results are ordered first as an exact match, then by popularity. Short tags will be treated as exact matches.

See also


Parameter tag_name
Parameter cb

Callback function when in async mode

Method tag

mapping tag(string tag_name, void|Callback cb)


Get information about a tag object.

See also


Parameter tag_name
Parameter cb

Callback function when in async mode

Class Web.Api.Instagram.V1.Users


Class implementing the Instagram Users API. http://instagram.com/developer/endpoints/users/

Retreive an instance of this class via the users property

Method feed

mapping feed(void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Get the currently authenticated users feed. http://instagram.com/developer/endpoints/users/#get_users

Parameter params

Valida parameters are:

"count" : string|int

Number of items to return. Default is 20.

"min_id" : string

Return media later than this min_id

"max_id" : string

Return media earlier than this max_id

Parameter cb

Callback function when in async mode

Method followed_by

mapping followed_by(string|void user_id, void|Callback cb)


Get the list of users this user is followed by.


Required scope: relationships

See also


Parameter user_id
Parameter cb

Callback function when in async mode

Method follows

mapping follows(void|string user_id, void|Callback cb)


Get the list of users this user follows.


Required scope: relationships

See also


Parameter user_id
Parameter cb

Callback function when in async mode

Inherit Method

inherit Method : Method

Method liked

mapping liked(void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


See the authenticated user's list of media they've liked. May return a mix of both image and video types. Note: This list is ordered by the order in which the user liked the media. Private media is returned as long as the authenticated user has permission to view that media. Liked media lists are only available for the currently authenticated user.


Parameter params

Valida parameters are:

"count" : string|int

Number of items to return. Default is 20.

"max_like_id" : string

Return media liked before this id.

Parameter cb

Callback function when in async mode

Method recent

mapping recent(void|string uid, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Get the most recent media published by a user. May return a mix of both image and video types. http://instagram.com/developer/endpoints/users/get_users_media_recent

Parameter uid

An Instagram user ID

Parameter params

Valida parameters are:

"count" : string|int

Number of items to return. Default is 20.

"min_id" : string

Return media later than this min_id

"max_id" : string

Return media earlier than this max_id

"max_timestamp" : int

Return media before this UNIX timestamp.

"min_timestamp" : int

Return media after this UNIX timestamp.

Parameter cb

Callback function when in async mode

Method relationship

mapping relationship(string user_id, void|Callback cb)


Get information about a relationship to another user.


Required scope: relationships

See also


Parameter user_id
Parameter cb

Callback function when in async mode

Method relationship_change

mapping relationship_change(string user_id, string action, void|Callback cb)


Modify the relationship between the current user and the target user.


Required scope: relationships

Parameter user_id

The user to change the relationship to

Parameter action

How to change the relationship. Can be:

  • "follow"
  • "unfollow"
  • "block"
  • "unblock"
  • "approve"
  • "deny"
Parameter cb

Callback function if in async mode

Method requested_by

mapping requested_by(void|Callback cb)


List the users who have requested this user's permission to follow.


Required scope: relationships

See also


Parameter cb

Callback function when in async mode

Method search

mapping search(string query, void|int count, void|Callback cb)


Search for a user by name.


Parameter query

A query string.

Parameter count

Max number of users to return

Parameter cb

Callback function when in async mode

Method user

mapping user(void|string uid, void|Callback cb)


Get basic information about a user.

Parameter uid

An Instagram user ID. If not given the currently authenticated user will be fetched

Parameter cb

Callback function when in async mode

Module Web.Api.Linkedin

Method `()

protected this_program `()(string client_id, string client_secret, void|string redirect_uri, void|string|array(string)|multiset(string) scope)


Instantiates the default Github API. See Web.Api.Api() for further information about the arguments

Parameter client_id

Your application key/id

Parameter client_secret

Your application secret

Parameter redirect_uri

The redirect URI after an authentication

Parameter scope

The application scopes to grant access to

Class Web.Api.Linkedin.V1

Constant API_URI

constant string Web.Api.Linkedin.V1.API_URI


The base uri to the API

Variable any

Any Web.Api.Linkedin.V1.any


Getter for the Any object which is a generic object for making request to the Linkedin API

See also



Read only

Method default_params

protected mapping default_params()


Default parameters that goes with every call

Method delete

mapping delete(string path, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Make a generic DELETE request to the Linkedin API.

Parameter path

What to request. Like me, me/pictures, [some_id]/something.

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Callback for async requests

Method get

mapping get(string path, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Make a generic GET request to the Linkedin API.

Parameter path

What to request. Like me, me/pictures, [some_id]/something.

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Callback for async requests

Inherit parent

inherit Web.Api.Api : parent

Method post

mapping post(string path, void|ParamsArg params, void|string data, void|Callback cb)


Make a generic POST request to the Linkedin API.

Parameter path

What to request. Like me, me/pictures, [some_id]/something.

Parameter params
Parameter data
Parameter cb

Callback for async requests

Method put

mapping put(string path, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Make a generic PUT request to the Linkedin API.

Parameter path

What to request. Like me, me/pictures, [some_id]/something.

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Callback for async requests

Class Web.Api.Linkedin.V1.Any


A generic wrapper around Method

Inherit Method

inherit Method : Method

Class Web.Api.Linkedin.V1.Method

Method delete

mixed delete(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Method get

mixed get(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Inherit Method

inherit Web.Api.Api.Method : Method

Method post

mixed post(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|string data, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Method put

mixed put(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Module Web.Api.Twitter

Method `()

protected this_program `()(string client_id, string client_secret, void|string redirect_uri, void|string|array(string)|multiset(string) scope)


Instantiates the default Twitter API. See Web.Api.Api() for further information.

Parameter client_id

Your application key/id

Parameter client_secret

Your application secret

Parameter redirect_uri

The redirect URI after an authentication

Parameter scope

The application scopes to grant access to

Class Web.Api.Twitter.V1_1

Variable any

Any Web.Api.Twitter.V1_1.any


Getter for the Any object which is a generic object for making request to the Twitter API

See also



Read only

Method default_params

protected mapping default_params()


Default parameters that goes with every call

Method delete

mapping delete(string path, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Make a generic DELETE request to the Twitter API.

Parameter path

What to request. Like me, me/pictures, [some_id]/something.

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Callback for async requests

Method get

mapping get(string path, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Make a generic GET request to the Twitter API.

Parameter path

What to request. Like me, me/pictures, [some_id]/something.

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Callback for async requests

Inherit parent

inherit Web.Api.Api : parent

Method post

mapping post(string path, void|ParamsArg params, void|string data, void|Callback cb)


Make a generic POST request to the Twitter API.

Parameter path

What to request. Like me, me/pictures, [some_id]/something.

Parameter params
Parameter data
Parameter cb

Callback for async requests

Method put

mapping put(string path, void|ParamsArg params, void|Callback cb)


Make a generic PUT request to the Twitter API.

Parameter path

What to request. Like me, me/pictures, [some_id]/something.

Parameter params
Parameter cb

Callback for async requests

Class Web.Api.Twitter.V1_1.Any


A generic wrapper around Method

Inherit Method

inherit Method : Method

Class Web.Api.Twitter.V1_1.Method

Method delete

mixed delete(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Method get

mixed get(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Inherit Method

inherit Web.Api.Api.Method : Method

Method post

mixed post(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|string data, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Method put

mixed put(string s, void|ParamsArg p, void|Callback cb)


Internal convenience method

Module Web.Auth


Various authentication modules and classes.

constant GOOGLE_KEY = "some-key-911bnn5s.apps.googleusercontent.com";
constant GOOGLE_SECRET = "5arQDOugDrtIOVklkIet2q2i";

Web.Auth.Google.Authorization auth;

int main(int argc, array(string) argv)
  auth = Web.Auth.Google.Authorization(GOOGLE_KEY, GOOGLE_SECRET,

  // The generated access token will be saved on disk.
  string progname = replace(sprintf("%O", object_program(auth)), ".", "_");
  string cookie = progname + ".cookie";

  // If the cookie exists, set the authentication from the saved values
  if (Stdio.exist(cookie)) {

  // Not authenticated, can mean no previous authentication is done, or that
  // the authentication has expired. Some services have persistent access tokens
  // some don't
  if (!auth->is_authenticated()) {
    // Try to renew the access token of it's renewable
    if (auth->is_renewable()) {
      write("Trying to refresh token...\n");
      string data = auth->refresh_access_token();
      Stdio.write_file(cookie, data);
    else {
      // No argument, start the authentication process
      if (argc == 1) {
        // Get the uri to the authentication page
        string uri = auth->get_auth_uri();

        write("Opening \"%s\" in browser.\nCopy the contents of the address "
              "bar into here: ", Standards.URI(uri));


        string open_app;

        // Mac
        if (Process.run(({ "which", "open" }))->exitcode == 0) {
          open_app = "open";
        // Linux
        else if (Process.run(({ "which", "xdg-open" }))->exitcode == 0) {
          open_app = "xdg-open";
        // ???
        else {
          open_app = "open";

        Process.create_process(({ open_app, uri }));

        // Wait for the user to paste the string from the address bar
        string resp = Stdio.Readline()->read();
        mapping p = Web.Auth.query_to_mapping(Standards.URI(resp)->query);
        string code;

        // This is if the service is OAuth1
        if (p->oauth_token) {
          code = p->oauth_verifier;
        // OAuth2
        else {
          code = p->code;
        // Get the access token and save the response to disk for later use.
        string data = auth->request_access_token(code);
        Stdio.write_file(cookie, data);
      // If the user gives the access code from command line.
      else {
        string data = auth->request_access_token(argv[1]);
        Stdio.write_file(cookie, data);

  if (!auth->is_authenticated()) {
    werror("Authentication failed");
  else {
    write("Congratulations you are now authenticated\n");

Method query_to_mapping

mapping query_to_mapping(string query)


Turns a query string into a mapping

Parameter query

Class Web.Auth.Facebook


This class is used to OAuth2 authenticate agains Facebook

Inherit Client

inherit .OAuth2.Client : Client

Class Web.Auth.Github


This class is used to OAuth2 authenticate against Github

Inherit Client

inherit .OAuth2.Client : Client

Class Web.Auth.Instagram


This class is used to OAuth2 authenticate agains Instagram


constant string Web.Auth.Instagram.OAUTH_AUTH_URI


Instagram authorization URI


constant string Web.Auth.Instagram.OAUTH_TOKEN_URI


Instagram request access token URI

Variable _scope

protected string Web.Auth.Instagram._scope


Default scope

Inherit Client

inherit .OAuth2.Client : Client

Variable valid_scopes

protected multiset(string) Web.Auth.Instagram.valid_scopes


Valid Instagram scopes

Class Web.Auth.Linkedin


This class is used to OAuth2 authenticate against LinkedIn


protected constant Web.Auth.Linkedin.DEFAULT_SCOPE


Default scope to use if none is set explicitly

Constant STATE

protected constant int Web.Auth.Linkedin.STATE


Adds the state parameter to the request which will have the value of a random string

Inherit Client

inherit .OAuth2.Client : Client

Class Web.Auth.Param


Representation of a parameter.

Many Social web services use a RESTful communication and have similiar API's. This class is suitable for many RESTful web services and if this class doesn't suite a particular service, just inherit this class and rewrite the behaviour where needed.

See also


Method _sprintf

string sprintf(string format, ... Web.Auth.Param arg ... )


String format method

Parameter t

Method `<

bool res = Web.Auth.Param() < other


Checks if this object is less than other

Parameter other

Method `==

bool res = Web.Auth.Param() == other


Comparer method. Checks if other equals this object

Parameter other

Method `>

bool res = Web.Auth.Param() > other


Checks if this object is greater than other

Parameter other

Method create

Web.Auth.Param Web.Auth.Param(string name, mixed value)


Creates a new instance of Param

Parameter name
Parameter value

Method get_name

string get_name()


Getter for the parameter name

Method get_value

string get_value()


Getter for the parameter value

Method low_set_value

private void low_set_value(string v)


Makes sure v to set as value is in UTF-8 encoding

Parameter v

Variable name

protected string Web.Auth.Param.name


The name of the parameter

Method name_value

string name_value()


Returns the name and value as querystring key/value pair

Method name_value_encoded

string name_value_encoded()


Same as name_value() except this URL encodes the value.

Method set_name

void set_name(string name)


Setter for the parameter name

Parameter name

Method set_value

void set_value(mixed value)


Setter for the parameter value

Parameter value

Variable value

protected string Web.Auth.Param.value


The value of the parameter

Class Web.Auth.Params


Parameter collection class

See also


Method _indices

array(string) indices( Web.Auth.Params arg )


Parameter keys

Method _sprintf

string sprintf(string format, ... Web.Auth.Params arg ... )


String format method

Parameter t

Method _values

array(string) values( Web.Auth.Params arg )


Parameter values

Method `+

this_program res = Web.Auth.Params() + p


Add p to the array of Parameters

Parameter p

A new Params object

Method `-

this_program res = Web.Auth.Params() - p


Remove p from the Parameters array of the current object.

Parameter p

Method `[]

Param res = Web.Auth.Params()[ key ]


Index lookup

Parameter key

The name of a Paramerter to find.

Method add_mapping

this_program add_mapping(mapping value)


Add a mapping of key/value pairs to the current instance

Parameter value

The object being called

Method cast



Casting method

Parameter how

Method clone

this_program clone()


Clone the current instance

Method create

Web.Auth.Params Web.Auth.Params(Param ... args)


Creates a new instance of Params

Parameter args

Method get_params

array(Param) get_params()


Returns the array of Parameters

Variable params

protected array(Param) Web.Auth.Params.params


The parameters.

Method sign

string sign(string secret)


Sign the parameters

Parameter secret

The API secret

Method to_mapping

mapping(string:mixed) to_mapping()


Turns the parameters into a mapping

Method to_query

string to_query()


Turns the parameters into a query string

Class Web.Auth.Twitter


Twitter authentication class


constant string Web.Auth.Twitter.ACCESS_TOKEN_URL


The endpoint to send request for an access token


constant string Web.Auth.Twitter.REQUEST_TOKEN_URL


The endpoint to send request for a request token


constant string Web.Auth.Twitter.USER_AUTH_URL


The enpoint to redirect to when authenticating an application

Inherit Authentication

inherit Web.Auth.OAuth.Authentication : Authentication

Module Web.Auth.Google


Google authentication classes.

Class Web.Auth.Google.Analytics


Google Analytics authorization class

Constant SCOPE_RO
Constant SCOPE_RW

constant string Web.Auth.Google.Analytics.SCOPE_RO
constant string Web.Auth.Google.Analytics.SCOPE_RW
constant string Web.Auth.Google.Analytics.SCOPE_EDIT
constant string Web.Auth.Google.Analytics.SCOPE_MANAGE_USERS
constant string Web.Auth.Google.Analytics.SCOPE_MANAGE_USERS_RO


Authentication scopes

Variable _scope

protected string Web.Auth.Google.Analytics._scope


Default scope

Inherit Authorization

inherit Authorization : Authorization

Variable valid_scopes

protected multiset(string) Web.Auth.Google.Analytics.valid_scopes


All valid scopes

Class Web.Auth.Google.Authorization


Default Google authorization class For more info see https://developers.google.com/+/web/api/rest/oauth


constant string Web.Auth.Google.Authorization.OAUTH_AUTH_URI


constant string Web.Auth.Google.Authorization.OAUTH_TOKEN_URI


constant string Web.Auth.Google.Authorization.SCOPE_EMAIL


constant string Web.Auth.Google.Authorization.SCOPE_OPENID


constant string Web.Auth.Google.Authorization.SCOPE_PROFILE

Inherit Client

inherit Web.Auth.OAuth2.Client : Client

Variable valid_scopes

protected multiset(string) Web.Auth.Google.Authorization.valid_scopes


All valid socpes

Class Web.Auth.Google.Plus


Google+ authorization class

Constant SCOPE_ME

constant string Web.Auth.Google.Plus.SCOPE_ME
constant string Web.Auth.Google.Plus.SCOPE_LOGIN


Authentication scopes

Variable _scope

protected string Web.Auth.Google.Plus._scope


Default scope

Inherit Authorization

inherit Authorization : Authorization

Variable valid_scopes

protected multiset(string) Web.Auth.Google.Plus.valid_scopes


All valid scopes

Module Web.Auth.OAuth


OAuth module


import Web.Auth.OAuth;

 string endpoint = "http://twitter.com/users/show.xml";

 Consumer consumer = Consumer(my_consumer_key, my_consumer_secret);
 Token    token    = Token(my_access_token_key, my_access_token_secret);
 Params   params   = Params(Param("user_id", 12345));
 Request  request  = request(consumer, token, params);

 request->sign_request(Signature.HMAC_SHA1, consumer, token);
 Protocols.HTTP.Query query = request->submit();

 if (query->status != 200)
   error("Bad response status: %d\n", query->status);

 werror("Data is: %s\n", query->data());


constant string Web.Auth.OAuth.CALLBACK_KEY


Query string variable name for a callback URL.


constant string Web.Auth.OAuth.CONSUMER_KEY_KEY


Query string variable name for the consumer key.

Constant NONCE_KEY

constant string Web.Auth.OAuth.NONCE_KEY


Query string variable name for the nonce.


constant string Web.Auth.OAuth.SIGNATURE_KEY


Query string variable name for the signature.


constant string Web.Auth.OAuth.SIGNATURE_METHOD_KEY


Query string variable name for the signature method.


constant string Web.Auth.OAuth.TIMESTAMP_KEY


Query string variable name for the timestamp.

Constant TOKEN_KEY

constant string Web.Auth.OAuth.TOKEN_KEY


Query string variable name for the token key.


constant string Web.Auth.OAuth.TOKEN_SECRET_KEY


Query string variable name for the token secret.

Constant VERSION

constant string Web.Auth.OAuth.VERSION




constant string Web.Auth.OAuth.VERSION_KEY


Query string variable name for the version.

Method get_default_params

Params get_default_params(Consumer consumer, Token token)


Returns the default params for authentication/signing.

Method nonce

string nonce()


Generates a nonce.

Method normalize_uri

string normalize_uri(string|Standards.URI uri)


Normalizes uri

Parameter uri

A string or Standards.URI.

Method query_to_params

Params query_to_params(string|Standards.URI|mapping q)


Converts a query string, or a mapping, into a Params object.

Method request

Request request(string|Standards.URI uri, Consumer consumer, Token token, void|Params params, void|string http_method)


Helper method to create a Request object.


An error if consumer is null.

Parameter http_method

Defaults to GET.

Class Web.Auth.OAuth.Authentication


The purpose of this class is to streamline OAuth1 with OAuth2. This class will not do much on it's own, since its purpose is to be inherited by some other class implementing a specific authorization service.


constant int Web.Auth.OAuth.Authentication.ACCESS_TOKEN_URL


The endpoint to send request for an access token.


constant int Web.Auth.OAuth.Authentication.REQUEST_TOKEN_URL


The endpoint to send request for a request token.


constant int Web.Auth.OAuth.Authentication.USER_AUTH_URL


The enpoint to redirect to when authorize an application.

Method call

string call(string|Standards.URI url, void|mapping|.Params args, void|string method)


Does the low level HTTP call to a service.


An error if HTTP status != 200

Parameter url

The full address to the service e.g: http://twitter.com/direct_messages.xml

Parameter args

Arguments to send with the request

Parameter mehod

The HTTP method to use

Method create

Web.Auth.OAuth.Authentication Web.Auth.OAuth.Authentication(string client_id, string client_secret, void|string redir, void|string|array(string)|multiset(string) scope)


Creates an OAuth object.

Parameter client_id

The application ID.

Parameter client_secret

The application secret.

Parameter redirect_uri

Where the authorization page should redirect back to. This must be a fully qualified domain name. This can be set/overridden in get_request_token().

Parameter scope

Extended permissions to use for this authentication. This can be set/overridden in get_auth_uri().

Method get_access_token

.Token get_access_token(void|string oauth_verifier)


Fetches an access token.

Method get_auth_uri

string get_auth_uri(void|mapping args)

Method get_request_token

.Token get_request_token(void|string|Standards.URI callback_uri, void|bool force_login)


Fetches a request token.

Parameter callback_uri

Overrides the callback uri in the application settings.

Parameter force_login

If 1 forces the user to provide its credentials at the Twitter login page.

Inherit oauth

inherit .Client : oauth

Inherit oauth2

inherit Web.Auth.OAuth2.Client : oauth2

Method is_authenticated

bool is_authenticated()


Returns true if authenticated.

Method low_get_access_token

protected string low_get_access_token(void|string oauth_verifier)


Fetches an access token.

Method normalize_method

protected string normalize_method(string method)


Normalizes and verifies the HTTP method to be used in a HTTP call.

Method parse_error_xml

mapping parse_error_xml(string xml)


Parses an error xml tree.


A mapping:

"request" : string
"error" : string

Method request_access_token

string request_access_token(string code)


Same as get_access_token except this returns a string to comply with the OAuth2 authentication process.

Method set_authentication

void set_authentication(string key, void|string secret)


Set authentication.

Method set_from_cookie

this_program set_from_cookie(string encoded_value)


Populate this object with the result from request_access_token().


The object being called.

Class Web.Auth.OAuth.Client


OAuth client class.


This class is of no use by it self. It's intended to be inherited by classes that uses OAuth authorization.

Variable access_token_url

protected string Web.Auth.OAuth.Client.access_token_url


The endpoint to send request for an access token.

Variable consumer

protected Consumer Web.Auth.OAuth.Client.consumer


The consumer object.

Method create

Web.Auth.OAuth.Client Web.Auth.OAuth.Client(Consumer consumer, Token token)


Create a new Client.


This class must be inherited

Method get_access_token_url

string get_access_token_url()


Returns the url for requesting an access token.

Method get_consumer

Consumer get_consumer()


Returns the consumer.

Method get_request_token_url

string get_request_token_url()


Returns the url for requesting a request token.

Method get_token

Token get_token()


Returns the token.

Method get_user_auth_url

string get_user_auth_url()


Returns the url for authorizing an application.

Variable request_token_url

protected string Web.Auth.OAuth.Client.request_token_url


The endpoint to send request for a request token.

Method set_token

void set_token(Token token)
void set_token(string token_key, string token_secret)


Set the Token.

Parameter key

Either a Token object or a token key.

Parameter secret

The token secret if key is a token key.

Variable token

protected Token Web.Auth.OAuth.Client.token


The token object.

Variable user_auth_url

protected string Web.Auth.OAuth.Client.user_auth_url


The enpoint to redirect to when authorize an application.

Class Web.Auth.OAuth.Consumer


An OAuth user

Variable callback

string|Standards.URI Web.Auth.OAuth.Consumer.callback


Callback url that the remote verifying page will return to.

Method create

Web.Auth.OAuth.Consumer Web.Auth.OAuth.Consumer(string key, string secret, void|string|Standards.URI callback)


Creates a new Consumer object.

Parameter callback

NOTE: Has no effect in this implementation.

Variable key

string Web.Auth.OAuth.Consumer.key


Consumer key

Variable secret

string Web.Auth.OAuth.Consumer.secret


Consumer secret

Class Web.Auth.OAuth.Param


Represents a query string parameter, i.e. key=value.

Method `==

bool res = Web.Auth.OAuth.Param() == other


Comparer method. Checks if other equals this object.

Method `>

bool res = Web.Auth.OAuth.Param() > other


Checks if this object is greater than other.

Method `[]

object res = Web.Auth.OAuth.Param()[ key ]


Index lookup.

Method create

Web.Auth.OAuth.Param Web.Auth.OAuth.Param(string name, mixed value)


Creates a new Param.

Method get_encoded_value

string get_encoded_value()


Returns the value encoded.

Method get_name

string get_name()


Getter for the name attribute.

Method get_signature

string get_signature()


Returns the name and value for usage in a signature string.

Method get_value

string get_value()


Getter for the value attribute.

Variable name

protected string Web.Auth.OAuth.Param.name


Param name

Method set_name

void set_name(string value)


Setter for the value attribute.

Method set_value

void set_value(mixed _value)


Setter for the value attribute.

Variable value

protected string Web.Auth.OAuth.Param.value


Param value

Class Web.Auth.OAuth.Params


Collection of Param

Method _sizeof

int(0..) sizeof( Web.Auth.OAuth.Params arg )


Returns the size of the params array.

Method _values

mixed values( Web.Auth.OAuth.Params arg )


Returns the params.

Method `+

this_program res = Web.Auth.OAuth.Params() + p


Append p to the internal array.


The object being called.

Method `-

this_program res = Web.Auth.OAuth.Params() - p


Removes p from the internal array.


The object being called.

Method `[]

mixed res = Web.Auth.OAuth.Params()[ key ]


Index lookup


If no Param is found returns 0. If multiple Params with name key is found a new Params object with the found params will be retured. If only one Param is found that param will be returned.

Method add_mapping

this_program add_mapping(mapping args)


Append mapping args as Param objects.


The object being called.

Method cast



Supports casting to mapping, which will map parameter names to their values.

Method create

Web.Auth.OAuth.Params Web.Auth.OAuth.Params(Param ... params)


Create a new Params

Parameter params

Arbitrary number of Param objects.

Method get_auth_header

string get_auth_header()


Returns the params for usage in an authentication header.

Method get_encoded_variables

mapping get_encoded_variables()


Returns the parameters as a mapping with encoded values.

See also


Method get_query_string

string get_query_string()


Returns the parameters as a query string.

Method get_signature

string get_signature()


Returns the parameters for usage in a signature base string.

Method get_variables

mapping get_variables()


Returns the parameters as a mapping.

Variable params

private array(Param) Web.Auth.OAuth.Params.params


Storage for Params of this object.

Class Web.Auth.OAuth.Request


Class for building a signed request and querying the remote service.

Method add_param

this_program add_param(Param|string name, void|string value)


Add a param.


The object being called.

Method add_params

void add_params(Params params)


Add a Params object.

Variable base_string

protected string Web.Auth.OAuth.Request.base_string


The signature basestring.

Method cast



It is possible to case the Request object to a string, which will be the request URL.

Method create

Web.Auth.OAuth.Request Web.Auth.OAuth.Request(string|Standards.URI uri, string http_method, void|Params params)


Creates a new Request.

See also


Parameter uri

The uri to request.

Parameter http_method

The HTTP method to use. Either "GET" or "POST".

Method get_param

Param get_param(string name)


Get param with name name.

Method get_params

Params get_params()


Returns the Params collection.

Method get_signature_base

string get_signature_base()


Generates a signature base.

Variable method

protected string Web.Auth.OAuth.Request.method


String representation of the HTTP method.

Variable params

protected Params Web.Auth.OAuth.Request.params


The parameters to send.

Method sign_request

void sign_request(int signature_type, Consumer consumer, Token token)


Signs the request.

Parameter signature_type

One of the types in Signature.

Method submit

Protocols.HTTP.Query submit(void|mapping extra_headers)


Send the request to the remote endpoint.

Variable uri

protected Standards.URI Web.Auth.OAuth.Request.uri


The remote endpoint.

Class Web.Auth.OAuth.Token


Token class.

Method cast



Only supports casting to string wich will return a query string of the object.

Method create

Web.Auth.OAuth.Token Web.Auth.OAuth.Token(string key, string secret)

Variable key
Variable secret

string Web.Auth.OAuth.Token.key
string Web.Auth.OAuth.Token.secret

Module Web.Auth.OAuth.Signature


Module for creating OAuth signatures

Constant HMAC_SHA1

constant int Web.Auth.OAuth.Signature.HMAC_SHA1


Signature type for hmac sha1 signing.

Constant NONE

protected constant int Web.Auth.OAuth.Signature.NONE


Signature type for the Base class.


constant int Web.Auth.OAuth.Signature.PLAINTEXT


Signature type for plaintext signing.

Constant RSA_SHA1

constant int Web.Auth.OAuth.Signature.RSA_SHA1


Signature type for rsa sha1 signing.

Constant SIGTYPE

constant Web.Auth.OAuth.Signature.SIGTYPE


Signature types to signature key mapping.

Method get_object

Base get_object(int type)


Returns a signature class for signing with type.


An error if type is unknown

Parameter type


Class Web.Auth.OAuth.Signature.Base


Base signature class.

Method build_signature

string build_signature(Request request, Consumer consumer, Token token)


Builds the signature string.

Method get_method

string get_method()


Returns the method.

Method get_type

int get_type()


Returns the type.

Variable method

protected string Web.Auth.OAuth.Signature.Base.method


String representation of signature type.

Variable type

protected int Web.Auth.OAuth.Signature.Base.type


Signature type.

Class Web.Auth.OAuth.Signature.HmacSha1


HMAC_SHA1 signature.

Method build_signature

string build_signature(Request request, Consumer consumer, Token token)


Builds the signature string.

Inherit Base

inherit Base : Base

Class Web.Auth.OAuth.Signature.Plaintext


Plaintext signature.

Method build_signature

string build_signature(Request request, Consumer consumer, Token token)


Builds the signature string.

Inherit Base

inherit Base : Base

Class Web.Auth.OAuth.Signature.RsaSha1


RSA_SHA1 signature. Currently not implemented.

Method build_signature

string build_signature(Request request, Consumer consumer, Token token)


Builds the signature string.

Inherit Base

inherit Base : Base

Module Web.Auth.OAuth2


OAuth2 client

A base OAuth2 class can be instantiated either via `() (Web.Auth.OAuth2(params...)) or via Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base().

Method `()

protected Base `()(string client_id, string client_secret, void|string redirect_uri, void|string|array(string)|multiset(string) scope)


Instantiate a generic OAuth2 Base class.

Parameter client_id

The application ID.

Parameter client_secret

The application secret.

Parameter redirect_uri

Where the authorization page should redirect back to. This must be a fully qualified domain name. This can be set/overridden in Base()->get_auth_uri() and/or Base()->set_redirect_uri().

Parameter scope

Extended permissions to use for this authentication. This can be set/overridden in Base()->get_auth_uri().

Class Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base


Generic OAuth2 client class.

Constant STATE

protected constant int Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base.STATE


Some OAuth2 verifiers need the STATE parameter. If this is not 0 a random string will be generated and the state parameter will be added to the request.


protected constant string Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base.USER_AGENT


User agent string.

Constant VERSION

protected constant string Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base.VERSION


Version of this implementation.

Variable _access_type

protected string Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base._access_type


Access type of the request.

Variable _client_id

protected string Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base._client_id


The application ID.

Variable _client_secret

protected string Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base._client_secret


The application secret.

Variable _grant_type

protected string Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base._grant_type

  • GRANT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION_CODE for apps running on a web server

  • GRANT_TYPE_IMPLICIT for browser-based or mobile apps

  • GRANT_TYPE_PASSWORD for logging in with a username and password

  • GRANT_TYPE_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS for application access

Variable _redirect_uri

protected string Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base._redirect_uri


Where the authorization page should redirect to.

Variable _response_type

protected string Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base._response_type

  • RESPONSE_TYPE_CODE for apps running on a webserver

  • RESPONSE_TYPE_TOKEN for apps browser-based or mobile apps

Variable _scope

protected string|array(string)|multiset(string) Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base._scope


The scope of the authorization. Limits the access.

Variable access_token

string Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base.access_token



Getter for access_token.


Getter for access_token.

Method cast



If casted to string the access_token will be returned. If casted to int the expires timestamp will be returned.

Method create

Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base(string client_id, string client_secret, void|string redirect_uri, void|string|array(string)|multiset(string) scope)


Creates an OAuth2 object.

Parameter client_id

The application ID.

Parameter client_secret

The application secret.

Parameter redirect_uri

Where the authorization page should redirect back to. This must be a fully qualified domain name. This can be set/overridden in get_auth_uri() and/or set_redirect_uri().

Parameter scope

Extended permissions to use for this authentication. This can be set/overridden in get_auth_uri().

Variable created

Calendar.Second Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base.created


Getter for when the authentication was created.


Read only

Method decode_access_token_response

protected bool decode_access_token_response(string r)


Decode the response from an authentication call. If the response was ok the internal mapping gettable will be populated with the members/variables in r.

Parameter r

The response from do_query()

Method do_query

protected string do_query(string oauth_token_uri, Web.Auth.Params p, void|function(bool, string:void) async_cb)


Send a request to oauth_token_uri with params p

Parameter async_cb

If given an async request will be made and this function will be called when the request is finished. The first argument passed to the callback will be true or false depending on if the request was successfull or not. The second argument will be a string. If the request failed it will be an error message. If it succeeded it will be the result as a string encoded with predef::encode_value().

Variable expires

Calendar.Second Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base.expires


Getter for when the authentication expires.


Read only

Method get_access_type

string get_access_type()


Getter for the access type, if any.

Method get_auth_uri

string get_auth_uri(string auth_uri, void|mapping args)


Returns an authorization URI.

Parameter auth_uri

The URI to the remote authorization page

Parameter args

Additional argument.

Method get_client_id

string get_client_id()


Returns the application ID.

Method get_client_secret

string get_client_secret()


Returns the application secret.

Method get_default_params

protected Web.Auth.Params get_default_params(void|string grant_type)


Returns a set of default parameters.

Method get_grant_type

string get_grant_type()


Returns the grant_type of the object.

Method get_redirect_uri

string get_redirect_uri()


Returns the redirect uri.

Method get_scope

mixed get_scope()


Returns the scope/scopes set, if any.

Method get_token_from_jwt

string get_token_from_jwt(string jwt, string token_endpoint, string|void sub, void|function(bool, string:void) async_cb)


Get an access_token from a JWT. http://jwt.io/

Parameter jwt

JSON string.

Parameter token_endpoint

URI to the request access_token endpoint.

Parameter sub

Email/id of the requesting user.

Parameter async_callback

If given the request will be made asynchronously. The signature is callback(bool, string). If successful the second argument will be the result encoded with predef::encode_value(), which can be stored and later used to populate an instance via set_from_cookie().

Method get_valid_scopes

protected string get_valid_scopes(string|array(string)|multiset(string) s)


Returns a space separated list of all valid scopes in s. s can be a comma or space separated string or an array or multiset of strings. Each element in s will be matched against the valid scopes set in the module inheriting this class.

Method has_scope

bool has_scope(string scope)


Check if scope exists in this object.

Variable http_request_timeout

int(1..) Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base.http_request_timeout


Request timeout in seconds. Only affects async queries.

Method is_authenticated

bool is_authenticated()


Do we have a valid authentication.

Method is_expired

bool is_expired()


Checks if this authorization has expired.

Method is_renewable

bool is_renewable()


Checks if the authorization is renewable. This is true if the Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base() object has been populated from Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base()->set_from_cookie(), i.e the user has been authorized but the session has expired.

Method list_valid_scopes

multiset list_valid_scopes()


Returns the valid scopes.

Method refresh_access_token

string refresh_access_token(string oauth_token_uri, void|function(bool, string:void) async_cb)


Refreshes the access token, if a refresh token exists in the object.

Parameter oauth_token_uri

Endpoint of the authentication service.

Parameter async_cb

If given an async request will be made and this function will be called when the request is finished. The first argument passed to the callback will be true or false depending on if the request was successfull or not. The second argument will be a string. If the request failed it will be an error message. If it succeeded it will be the result as a string encoded with predef::encode_value().

Variable refresh_token

string Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base.refresh_token


Getter for refresh_token.


Read only

Method request_access_token

string request_access_token(string oauth_token_uri, string code, void|function(bool, string:void) async_cb)


Requests an access token.


An error if the access token request fails.

Parameter oauth_token_uri

An URI received from get_auth_url().

Parameter code

The code returned from the authorization page via get_auth_url().

Parameter async_cb

If given an async request will be made and this function will be called when the request is finished. The first argument passed to the callback will be true or false depending on if the request was successfull or not. The second argument will be a string. If the request failed it will be an error message. If it succeeded it will be the result as a string encoded with predef::encode_value().


If OK a Pike encoded mapping (i.e it's a string) is returned which can be used to populate an Web.Auth.OAuth2 object at a later time.

The mapping looks like

"access_token" : string
"expires" : int
"created" : int
"refresh_token" : string
"token_type" : string

Depending on the authorization service it might also contain more members.

Variable request_headers

protected mapping Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base.request_headers


Default request headers.

Method set_access_type

void set_access_type(string access_type)


Set access_type explicilty.

Parameter access_type

Like: offline

Method set_from_cookie

this_program set_from_cookie(string encoded_value)


Populate this object with the result from request_access_token().


An error if the decoding of encoded_value fails.

Parameter encoded_value

The value from a previous call to request_access_token() or refresh_access_token().


The object being called.

Method set_grant_type

void set_grant_type(GrantType type)


Set the grant type to use.

Method set_redirect_uri

void set_redirect_uri(string uri)


Setter for the redirect uri.

Method set_scope

void set_scope(string scope)


Set scopes.

Variable token_type

string Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base.token_type


Getter for token_type.


Read only

Method try_get_error

private mixed try_get_error(string data)


Try to get an error message from data. Only successful if data is a JSON string and contains the key error.

Variable user

mapping Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base.user


Getter for the user mapping which may or may not be set.


Read only

Variable valid_scopes

protected multiset(string) Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base.valid_scopes


A mapping of valid scopes for the API.

Enum Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base.GrantType


Grant types.






constant Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base.GRANT_TYPE_IMPLICIT


constant Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base.GRANT_TYPE_JWT


constant Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base.GRANT_TYPE_PASSWORD


constant Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base.GRANT_TYPE_REFRESH_TOKEN

Enum Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base.ResponseType


Response types.


constant Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base.RESPONSE_TYPE_CODE


constant Web.Auth.OAuth2.Base.RESPONSE_TYPE_TOKEN

Class Web.Auth.OAuth2.Client


This class is intended to be extended by classes implementing different OAuth2 services.


protected constant int Web.Auth.OAuth2.Client.DEFAULT_SCOPE


Scope to set if none is set.


constant int Web.Auth.OAuth2.Client.OAUTH_AUTH_URI


Authorization URI.


constant int Web.Auth.OAuth2.Client.OAUTH_TOKEN_URI


Request access token URI.

Method get_auth_uri

string get_auth_uri(void|mapping args)


Returns an authorization URI.

Parameter args

Additional argument.

Method get_token_from_jwt

string get_token_from_jwt(string jwt, void|string sub, void|function(bool, string:void) async_cb)


Make an JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication.

Inherit Base

inherit Base : Base

Method refresh_access_token

string refresh_access_token(void|function(bool, string:void) async_cb)


Refreshes the access token, if a refresh token exists in the object.

Parameter async_cb

If given an async request will be made and this function will be called when the request is finished. The first argument passed to the callback will be true or false depending on if the request was successfull or not. The second argument will be a string. If the request failed it will be an error message. If it succeeded it will be the result as a string encoded with predef::encode_value().

Method request_access_token

string request_access_token(string code, void|function(bool, string:void) async_cb)


Requests an access token.


An error if the access token request fails.

Parameter code

The code returned from the authorization page via get_auth_url().

Parameter async_cb

If given an async request will be made and this function will be called when the request is finished. The first argument passed to the callback will be true or false depending on if the request was successfull or not. The second argument will be a string. If the request failed it will be an error message. If it succeeded it will be the result as a string encoded with predef::encode_value().


If OK a Pike encoded mapping (i.e it's a string) is returned which can be used to populate an Base object at a later time.

The mapping looks like

"access_token" : string
"expires" : int
"created" : int
"refresh_token" : string
"token_type" : string

Depending on the authorization service it might also contain more members.

Module Web.CGI

Class Web.CGI.Request


Retrieves information about a CGI request from the environment and creates an object with the request information easily formatted.

Variable client

array(string) Web.CGI.Request.client

Variable config

multiset(string) Web.CGI.Request.config


If used with Roxen or Caudium webservers, this field will be populated with "config" information.

Variable cookies

mapping(string:string) Web.CGI.Request.cookies

Method create

Web.CGI.Request Web.CGI.Request()


creates the request object. To use, create a Request object while running in a CGI environment. Environment variables will be parsed and inserted in the appropriate fields of the resulting object.

Variable data

string Web.CGI.Request.data

Variable method

string Web.CGI.Request.method

Variable misc

mapping(string:int|string|array(string)) Web.CGI.Request.misc

Variable pragma

multiset(string) Web.CGI.Request.pragma

Variable prestate

multiset(string) Web.CGI.Request.prestate


If used with Roxen or Caudium webservers, this field will be populated with "prestate" information.

Variable prot

string Web.CGI.Request.prot

Variable query
Variable rest_query

string Web.CGI.Request.query
string Web.CGI.Request.rest_query

Variable referer

array(string) Web.CGI.Request.referer

Variable remoteaddr
Variable remotehost

string Web.CGI.Request.remoteaddr
string Web.CGI.Request.remotehost

Variable supports

multiset(string) Web.CGI.Request.supports


If used with Roxen or Caudium webservers, this field will be populated with "supports" information.

Variable variables

mapping(string:array(string)) Web.CGI.Request.variables

Module Web.Crawler


This module implements a generic web crawler.


Fully asynchronous operation (Several hundred simultaneous requests)

Supports the /robots.txt exclusion standard


URI Queues

Allow/Deny rules


Number of concurrent fetchers

Bits per second (bandwidth throttling)

Number of concurrent fetchers per host

Delay between fetches from the same host

Supports HTTP and HTTPS

Class Web.Crawler.ComplexQueue

Method create

Web.Crawler.ComplexQueue Web.Crawler.ComplexQueue(Stats stats, Policy policy)

Inherit Queue

inherit Queue : Queue

Variable stats
Variable policy

Stats Web.Crawler.ComplexQueue.stats
Policy Web.Crawler.ComplexQueue.policy

Class Web.Crawler.Crawler

Method create

Web.Crawler.Crawler Web.Crawler.Crawler(Queue _queue, function(:void) _page_cb, function(:void) _error_cb, function(:void) _done_cb, function(:void) _prepare_cb, string|array(string)|Standards.URI|array(Standards.URI) start_uri, mixed ... _args)

Parameter _page_cb

function called when a page is retreived. Arguments are: Standards.URI uri, mixed data, mapping headers, mixed ... args. should return an array containing additional links found within data that will be analyzed for insertion into the crawler queue (assuming they are allowed by the allow/deny rulesets.

Parameter _error_cb

function called when an error is received from a server. Arguments are: Standards.URI real_uri, int status_code, mapping headers, mixed ... args. Returns void.

Parameter _done_cb

function called when crawl is complete. Accepts mixed ... args and returns void.

Parameter _prepare_cb

argument called before a uri is retrieved. may be used to alter the request. Argument is Standards.URI uri. Returns array with element 0 of Standards.URI uri, element 1 is a header mapping for the outgoing request.

Parameter start_uri

location to start the crawl from.

Parameter _args

optional arguments sent as the last argument to the callback functions.

Class Web.Crawler.GlobRule


A rule that uses glob expressions

Parameter pattern

a glob pattern that the rule will match against.



Method create

Web.Crawler.GlobRule Web.Crawler.GlobRule(string pattern)

Inherit Rule

inherit Rule : Rule

Variable pattern

string Web.Crawler.GlobRule.pattern

Class Web.Crawler.MemoryQueue


Memory queue

Method create

Web.Crawler.MemoryQueue Web.Crawler.MemoryQueue(Stats _stats, Policy _policy, RuleSet _allow, RuleSet _deny)

Method get

int|Standards.URI get()


Get the next URI to index. Returns -1 if there are no URIs to index at the time of the function call, with respect to bandwidth throttling, outstanding requests and other limits. Returns 0 if there are no more URIs to index.

Inherit Queue

inherit Queue : Queue

Method put

void put(string|array(string)|Standards.URI|array(Standards.URI) uri)


Put one or several URIs in the queue. Any URIs that were already present in the queue are silently disregarded.

Class Web.Crawler.MySQLQueue

Method create

Web.Crawler.MySQLQueue Web.Crawler.MySQLQueue(Stats _stats, Policy _policy, string _host, string _table, void|RuleSet _allow, void|RuleSet _deny)

Inherit Queue

inherit Queue : Queue

Class Web.Crawler.Policy


The crawler policy object.

Variable bandwidth_throttling_floating_window_width

int Web.Crawler.Policy.bandwidth_throttling_floating_window_width


Bandwidth throttling floating window width. Defaults to 30.

Variable max_bits_per_second_per_host

int Web.Crawler.Policy.max_bits_per_second_per_host


Maximum number of bits per second, per host. Defaults to off (0).

Variable max_bits_per_second_total

int Web.Crawler.Policy.max_bits_per_second_total


Maximum number of bits per second. Defaults to off (0).

Variable max_concurrent_fetchers

int Web.Crawler.Policy.max_concurrent_fetchers


Maximum number of fetchers. Defaults to 100.

Variable max_concurrent_fetchers_per_host

int Web.Crawler.Policy.max_concurrent_fetchers_per_host


Maximum concurrent fetchers per host. Defaults to 1.

Variable min_delay_per_host

int Web.Crawler.Policy.min_delay_per_host


Minimum delay per host. Defaults to 0.

Class Web.Crawler.Queue


A crawler queue. Does not need to be reentrant safe. The Crawler always runs in just one thread.

Method get

int|Standards.URI get()


Get the next URI to index. Returns -1 if there are no URIs to index at the time of the function call, with respect to bandwidth throttling and other limits. Returns 0 if there are no more URIs to index.

Method put

void put(string|array(string)|Standards.URI|array(Standards.URI) uri)


Put one or several URIs in the queue. Any URIs that were already present in the queue are silently disregarded.

Class Web.Crawler.RegexpRule


A rule that uses Regexp expressions

Method create

Web.Crawler.RegexpRule Web.Crawler.RegexpRule(string re)

Parameter re

a string describing the Regexp expression

Inherit Rule

inherit Rule : Rule

Class Web.Crawler.Rule


Abstract rule class.

Method check

int check(string|Standards.URI uri)

Class Web.Crawler.RuleSet


A set of rules

Method add_rule

void add_rule(Rule rule)


add a rule to the ruleset

Method remove_rule

void remove_rule(Rule rule)


remove a rule from the ruleset

Class Web.Crawler.Stats



Method bytes_read_callback

void bytes_read_callback(Standards.URI uri, int num_bytes_read)


This callback is called when data has arrived for a presently crawled URI, but no more often than once a second.

Method close_callback

void close_callback(Standards.URI uri)


This callback is called whenever the crawling of a URI is finished or fails.

Method create

Web.Crawler.Stats Web.Crawler.Stats(int window_width, int granularity)

Variable window_width
Variable granularity

int Web.Crawler.Stats.window_width
int Web.Crawler.Stats.granularity

Module Web.RSS


Represents a RSS (RDF Site Summary) file.

Method parse_xml

Index parse_xml(string|Parser.XML.Tree.Node n, void|string base)


Returns an Index object, populated with the rss information given in the rss file n.

Class Web.RSS.Channel


Represents an RSS channel.

Method add_item

void add_item(Item i)


Adds the Item i to the Channel.

Variable title
Variable link
Variable description
Variable image
Variable textinput
Variable items

string Web.RSS.Channel.title
string Web.RSS.Channel.link
string Web.RSS.Channel.description
string|Standards.URI Web.RSS.Channel.image
string|Standards.URI Web.RSS.Channel.textinput
array(Item) Web.RSS.Channel.items

Inherit Thing

inherit Thing : Thing

Method remove_item

void remove_item(Item i)


Removes the Item i from the Channel.

Class Web.RSS.Image


Represents an RSS image resource.

Inherit Thing

inherit Thing : Thing

Variable title
Variable url
Variable link

string Web.RSS.Image.title
string Web.RSS.Image.url
string Web.RSS.Image.link

Class Web.RSS.Index


Represents the top level of an RSS index.

Variable channels

array(Channel) Web.RSS.Index.channels


The RSS channels.

Method create

Web.RSS.Index Web.RSS.Index(.RDF|void _rdf)

Variable images

array(Image) Web.RSS.Index.images


The RSS images.

Variable items

array(Item) Web.RSS.Index.items


The RSS items.

Variable rdf

.RDF Web.RSS.Index.rdf


The underlying RDF representation of the RSS index.

Variable textinputs

array(Textinput) Web.RSS.Index.textinputs


The RSS textinputs.

Class Web.RSS.Item


Represents an RSS item resource.

Variable title
Variable link
Variable description

string Web.RSS.Item.title
string Web.RSS.Item.link
string Web.RSS.Item.description

Inherit Thing

inherit Thing : Thing

Class Web.RSS.Textinput


Represents an RSS textinput resource.

Variable title
Variable description
Variable name
Variable link

string Web.RSS.Textinput.title
string Web.RSS.Textinput.description
string Web.RSS.Textinput.name
string Web.RSS.Textinput.link

Inherit Thing

inherit Thing : Thing

Class Web.RSS.Thing


The base class for the RSS resources.

Method create

Web.RSS.Thing Web.RSS.Thing(string about, mapping attributes)
Web.RSS.Thing Web.RSS.Thing(.RDF.Resource me)


Creates an RSS resource.

Method get_id

.RDF.Resource get_id()


Returns the RDF.Resource that identifies this RSS resource.

Module Web.Sass


constant int Web.Sass.HTTP_IMPORT_NONE
constant int Web.Sass.HTTP_IMPORT_GREEDY
constant int Web.Sass.HTTP_IMPORT_ANY




Default value of Compiler.http_import. Prohibits imports over HTTP.


Allow imports over HTTP only if the returned content type is text/scss.


Anything goes.


constant string Web.Sass.LIBSASS_VERSION


The libsass version, as a string, this module was compiled agains.


constant int Web.Sass.STYLE_NESTED
constant int Web.Sass.STYLE_EXPANDED
constant int Web.Sass.STYLE_COMPACT
constant int Web.Sass.STYLE_COMPRESSED


Styling of output. Use as argument to Compiler.set_output_style()


The default setting. The output will look like:

a {
  property: value;
  other-property: value; }
  a:hover {
    property: value; }
b {
  property: value; }

Fully expanded output:

a {
  property: value;
  other-property: value;
a:hover {
  property: value;
b {
  property: value;

Somewhat minified output:

a { property: value; other-prop: value }
a:hover { property: value; }
b { property: value; }

Minified output


Method libsass_language_version

string libsass_language_version()


Returns the language version of Sass this module was compiled against

Method libsass_version

string libsass_version()


Returns the libsass version this module was compiled against

Method sass2scss

string(8bit) sass2scss(string(8bit) data)
string(8bit) sass2scss(string(8bit) data, int options)


Convert Sass syntax (i.e. indented syntax) to SCSS syntax.

Parameter data

Sass syntax text to convert to SCSS syntax.

Parameter options



data converted to SCSS syntax.

Method sass2scss_version

string sass2scss_version()


Returns the sass2scss version this module was compiled against

Class Web.Sass.Api


Low-level Sass/SCSS compiler.

You probably want to use Compiler instead of this class.

See also


Method compile_string

string(8bit) compile_string(string(8bit) source)


Compiles the string source and returns the generated CSS.


If the source contain @import directives you have to explicitly set the include path via include_path.

Parameter source

The string to compile

Variable include_path

string(8bit) Web.Sass.Api.include_path


The base path of @imports. Note! This needs to be set when compile_string() is used.

Variable omit_source_map_url

bool Web.Sass.Api.omit_source_map_url


Set whether writing the sourceMappingUrl=# or not.

Variable output_style

int(2bit) Web.Sass.Api.output_style


Determines the level of compression on the generated output.

See also


Variable precision

int Web.Sass.Api.precision


Set the precision of fractional numbers. Default is 5.

Variable sass_syntax

bool Web.Sass.Api.sass_syntax


Set whether the code is Sass syntax, i.e. indented syntax or not. Only necessary when using compile_string()

Variable source_comments

bool Web.Sass.Api.source_comments


Emit comments in the generated CSS indicating the corresponding source line. Default is false.

Variable source_map_embed

bool Web.Sass.Api.source_map_embed


Set whether embedding sourceMappingUrl=# as data uri or not.

Variable source_map_file

string(8bit) Web.Sass.Api.source_map_file


Set the path of the source map file.

Variable source_map_root

string(8bit) Web.Sass.Api.source_map_root


Set the root path of the source files, relative to where the source.map file is written.

Module Yp


This module is an interface to the Yellow Pages functions. Yp is also known as NIS (Network Information System) and is most commonly used to distribute passwords and similar information within a network.

Method default_domain

string default_domain()


Returns the default yp-domain.

Inherit "___Yp"

inherit "___Yp" : "___Yp"

Class Yp.Domain

Method all

mapping(string:string) all(string map)


Returns the whole map as a mapping.

map is the YP-map to search in. This must be the full map name, you have to use passwd.byname instead of just passwd.

Method create
Method bind

Yp.Domain Yp.Domain(string|void domain)
void bind(string domain)


If domain is not specified , the default domain will be used. (As returned by Yp.default_domain()).

If there is no YP server available for the domain, this function call will block until there is one. If no server appears in about ten minutes or so, an error will be returned. This timeout is not configurable.

See also


Method map

void map(string map, function(string, string:void) fun)


For each entry in map, call the function specified by fun.

fun will get two arguments, the first being the key, and the second the value.

map is the YP-map to search in. This must be the full map name. eg passwd.byname instead of just passwd.

Method match

string match(string map, string key)


Search for the key key in the Yp-map map.


If there is no key in the map, 0 (zero) will be returned, otherwise the string matching the key will be returned.


key must match exactly, no pattern matching of any kind is done.

Method order

int order(string map)


Returns the 'order' number for the map map.

This is usually the number of seconds since Jan 1 1970 (see time()). When the map is changed, this number will change as well.

map is the YP-map to search in. This must be the full map name. eg passwd.byname instead of just passwd.

Method server

string server(string map)


Returns the hostname of the server serving the map map. map is the YP-map to search in. This must be the full map name. eg passwd.byname instead of just passwd.

Class Yp.Map


Network Information Service aka YP map.

Method _indices

array(string) indices( Yp.Map arg )


Return the keys of the map.

Method _sizeof

int sizeof( Yp.Map arg )


Return the number of entries in this map.

Method _values

array(string) values( Yp.Map arg )


Return the values of the map.

Method match
Method `[]

string match(string key)
string res = Yp.Map()[ key ]


Search for the key key. If there is no key in the map, 0 (zero) will be returned, otherwise the string matching the key will be returned.


key must match exactly, no pattern matching of any kind is done.

Method all

mapping(string:string) all()


Returns the whole map as a mapping.

Method cast



Convert the map to a mapping

Method create

Yp.Map Yp.Map(string map, string|void domain)


Create a new YP-map object.

map is the YP-map to bind to. This may be a nickname, such as passwd instead of just passwd.byname.

If domain is not specified, the default domain will be used.


If there is no YP server available for the domain, this function call will block until there is one. If no server appears in about ten minutes or so, an error will be returned. The timeout is not configurable.

Method map

void map(function(string, string:void) fun)


Call a function for each entry in the map.

For each entry in the map, call the function fun.

The function will be called like void fun(string key, string value).

Method order

int order()


Return the order number for this map.

Method server

string server()


Return the server that provides this map.

Module ZXID


ZXID is a library that implements SAML 2.0, Liberty ID-WSF 2.0 and XACML 2.0.

This module implements a wrapper for ZXID. The interface is similar to the C one, but using generally accepted Pike syntax.

Inherit ZXID

inherit "___ZXID" : ZXID

Method mapping_to_query

string(8bit) mapping_to_query(mapping(string(8bit):string(8bit)) map)


Convert a mapping of query variables to a query string.

Method version

int version()


Return the numeric version of the zxid library.

Class ZXID.Configuration


A set of configuration parameters for a ZXID context.

This is typically overloaded with new definitions for the various callback functions.

Method create

ZXID.Configuration ZXID.Configuration(string|mapping(string(8bit):string(8bit)) conf)


Create a new Configuration.

Parameter conf

ZXID configuration parameters. Either as a configuration string (as per the ZXID book chapter 7 and 10), or as a mapping of parameter settings. These are the most common parameters:

"PATH" : string(8bit)

Path to the directory containing the "zxid.conf" file.

"URL" : string(8bit)

URL of the SP.

"CDC_URL" : string(8bit)

The Common Domain URL.

Method idp_list

mapping(string(8bit):mapping(string(8bit):string(8bit))) idp_list()


Return a list of known identity providers.


Returns a mapping from IdP EID to display name (if any).

Inherit Configuration

inherit ZXID::Configuration : Configuration

Class ZXID.Configuration.Session


Represents the current session state for a user.

Variable auth_info

mapping(string:mixed) ZXID.Configuration.Session.auth_info

Method authenticate

mixed authenticate(string(8bit) uri_path, string(8bit)|mapping(string(8bit):string(8bit)) query)


Authenticate via SAML given the query-string query.


Returns a mapping when interaction with the browser is needed.


Returns a string to ask for some specific actions.


Returns 0 (zero) on successfull authentication. auth_info will be set with the corresponding user information.


Throws errors on most error conditions.

Method authenticate

string(8bit) authenticate(string(8bit) uri_path, string(8bit) query)


Authenticate via SAML given the query-string query.

Parameter uri_path

Current URI path (before '?').

Parameter query

Query variables (after '?').


Returns JSON-encoded data on success, and various other strings otherwise.

Method create

ZXID.Configuration.Session ZXID.Configuration.Session(string|void session_id)


Create a new or look up an existing session.

Method get_auth_info

mapping(string:mixed) get_auth_info()

Inherit Session

inherit Configuration::Session : Session

Variable session_id

string(8bit) ZXID.Configuration.Session.session_id


Session id (if any).

Module _Ffmpeg

Constant CODEC_ID_AC3
Constant CODEC_ID_H263
Constant CODEC_ID_H263I
Constant CODEC_ID_H263P
Constant CODEC_ID_MP2
Constant CODEC_ID_PCM_S8
Constant CODEC_ID_PCM_U8
Constant CODEC_ID_RV10
Constant CODEC_ID_SVQ1
Constant CODEC_ID_WMV1
Constant CODEC_ID_WMV2

constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_NONE
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_AC3
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_QT
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_ADPCM_IMA_WAV
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_ADPCM_MS
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_H263
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_H263I
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_H263P
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_MJPEG
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_MPEG1VIDEO
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_MPEG4
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_MP2
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_MP3LAME
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_MSMPEG4V1
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_MSMPEG4V2
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_MSMPEG4V3
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_PCM_ALAW
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_PCM_MULAW
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_PCM_S16BE
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_PCM_S8
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_PCM_U16BE
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_PCM_U16LE
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_PCM_U8
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_RAWVIDEO
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_RV10
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_SVQ1
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_VORBIS
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_WMV1
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_ID_WMV2


Various audio and video codecs.


The list of supported codecs depends on Ffmpeg library.


constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO
constant _Ffmpeg.CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO


Type of codec.

Class _Ffmpeg.ffmpeg


Implements support of all codecs from a nice project Ffmpeg. You can find more info about it at http://ffmpeg.sf.net/.

Method create

_Ffmpeg.ffmpeg _Ffmpeg.ffmpeg(int codec_name, int encoder)


Create decoder or encoder object.

Parameter codec_name

Internal number of codec, eg. CODEC_ID_MP2.

Parameter encoder

If true, encoder object will be created, decoder object otherwise.

Method decode

mapping|int decode(string data)


Returns a mapping with the new decoded frame and lenght of data which was used for decoding.

Method decode

int decode(string data, function(:void) shuffler)


Decode all data buffer and pass result to shuffler. Returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise.


Shuffler variant isn't implemented, yet.


Usable only in decoder.

See also


Method get_codec_info

mapping|int get_codec_info()


Returns mapping with info of used codec.

See also


Method get_codec_status

mapping|int get_codec_status()


Returns a mapping with the actual codec parameters.

See also


Method list_codecs

array(mapping) list_codecs()


Gets all supported codecs.


Array of mapping with codec features.

Method set_codec_param

int set_codec_param(string name, mixed value)


Sets one codec parameter

Parameter name

The name of parameter. One of "sample_rate", "bit_rate", "channels".


Returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise (parameter not known).

See also


Module _Sass


Sass is a scripting language that is interpreted into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). This module is a glue for libsass.

See also

SASS http://sass-lang.com/

Typedef s8

protected typedef string(8bit) _Sass.s8


Shorthand for string(8bit)

Class _Sass.Compiler


Sass/SCSS compiler.

Web.Sass.Compiler compiler = Web.Sass.Compiler();

// Allow for HTTP imports, disallowed by default.
compiler->http_import = Web.Sass.HTTP_IMPORT_ANY;

// Minify the output and create a source map file.
  "output_style" : Web.Sass.STYLE_COMPRESSED,
  "source_map_file" : "path/to/write/source.map"

if (mixed e = catch(compiler->compile_file("input.scss", "output.css"))) {
  werror("Failed compiling input.scss to output.css\n");

Variable check_file_access

bool _Sass.Compiler.check_file_access


Should file access be tested right away when paths are set or should that be left to Sass to handle? The default value is true.

Method compile_file

mapping(s8:s8) compile_file(s8 input_file)


Compile the file input_file and return the result

Parameter input_file

The SCSS file to compile


A mapping with the generated CSS and source mapping file if such is set to be generated

"css" : string(8bit)

The generated CSS

"map" : string(8bit)

The generated source mapping data

Method compile_file

variant void compile_file(s8 input_file, s8 output_file)


Compile the file input_file and write the result to output_file. If a source mapping file is set to be generated either via set_options() or source_map_file it will be written as per the value set in the option.

Parameter input_file

The SCSS file to compile

Parameter output_file

The name of the CSS file to save the result in.

Method handle_sass_import

protected string|array(string(8bit)) handle_sass_import(string(8bit) path, void|string(8bit) absolute_path, void|string(8bit) relative_path)


Resolve imports in sass/scss files.


In general this method doesn't need to overloaded. In principle it's only necessary if the Sass files reside in a non-standard filesystem.


If overloaded abs_path and rel_path is the absolute and relaive paths of the file containing the import statement path. If the Sass/SCSS files are located in a normal filesystem this method can return the contents of path as a string and libsass will resolve the paths to the imports by itself.

However, if the files are not located in a normal filesystem this function should return an array of two indices, where the first index should be the contents of path and the second the calculated absolute path of path.

Parameter path

This is the value of `path` in @import 'path'.

Parameter absolute_path

This is the absolute path of the file containing the @import statement.

Parameter relative_path

The relative path of absolute_path in relation to the prevoius absolute_path


If undefined is returned the import resolution is given back to libsass.


The contents of path


if an array is returned it should contain two indices, where the first if the contents of path and the second should be the absolute path path. This is only useful (needed) if the Sass files doesn't reside in a normal filesystem that libsass can read.

Variable http_import

int(0..2) _Sass.Compiler.http_import


If a Sass file is importing an external URI this flag determines if thats allowed at all, or if the content type of the imported file has to be in http_import_allow_ct, or if anything goes. Default is HTTP_IMPORT_NONE.

See also


Variable http_import_allow_ct

multiset(s8) _Sass.Compiler.http_import_allow_ct


List of allowed content types if http_import is set to HTTP_IMPORT_GREEDY. The default is to allow text/scss and text/sass.

Inherit Api

inherit Api : Api

Method set_options

void set_options(mapping(s8:s8|int) opts)


Set options to the SASS compiler.

Parameter opts
"output_style" : int

Any of the STYLE_NESTED, STYLE_EXPANDED, STYLE_COMPACT or STYLE_COMPRESSED constants. See also output_style.

"include_path" : string(8bit)

Path to root of incude files. See also include_path.

"source_map_file" : string(8bit)

File to write source map file to. See also source_map_file.

"source_comments" : bool

Turn on/off comments in the output containing info about the source file - line numbers and such. Default of false. See also source_comments.

"source_map_embed" : bool

Turn on/off if a source map should be embedded in the output or not. Default is false. See also source_map_embed.

"source_map_root" : string(8bit)

Set the root path of the source files, relative to where the source.map file is written. See also source_map_root

"omit_source_map_url" : bool

Omit the #sourceMappingURL or not. See also omit_source_map_url

"sass_syntax" : bool

Turn on/off Sass syntax, i.e. indented syntax. Only necessary when using compile_string()

"precision" : int

Floating point precision. See also precision.

Module __builtin

Module __builtin.Nettle

Class __builtin.Nettle.AE


Base class for AE (Authenticated Encryption) algorithms.

AE algorithms behave like a combination of a Cipher and a HMAC.

Note that no actual AE algorithm is implemented in the base class. They are implemented in classes that inherit this class.

See also


Method `()

State res = __builtin.Nettle.AE()()


Calling `() will return a State object.

Method digest_size

int(0..) digest_size()


Returns the size of a hash digest.

Inherit Cipher

inherit __builtin.Nettle.Cipher : Cipher

Class __builtin.Nettle.AE.State


This is the context for a single incrementally updated AE cipher.

Most of the functions here are only prototypes, and need to be overrided via inherit.

Method digest

string(8bit) digest(int|void length)


Generates a digest, and resets the hashing contents.

Parameter length

If the length argument is provided, the digest is truncated to the given length.


The digest.

Method digest_size

int(0..) digest_size()


Returns the size of a hash digest.

Inherit State

inherit Cipher::State : State

Class __builtin.Nettle.AEAD


Base class for AEAD (Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data) algorithms.

AEAD algorithms behave like a combination of a Cipher and a HMAC.

Note that no actual AEAD algorithm is implemented in the base class. They are implemented in classes that inherit this class.

See also


Method `()

State res = __builtin.Nettle.AEAD()()


Calling `() will return a State object.

Inherit AE

inherit __builtin.Nettle.AE : AE

Inherit __Hash

inherit __builtin.Nettle.__Hash : __Hash

Class __builtin.Nettle.AEAD.State


This is the context for a single incrementally updated AEAD cipher.

Most of the functions here are only prototypes, and need to be overrided via inherit.

Inherit State

inherit Cipher::State : State

Inherit State

inherit __Hash::State : State

Class __builtin.Nettle.BlockCipher


Base class for block cipher algorithms.

Implements some common convenience functions, and prototypes.

It also implements operating modes other than ECB.

Note that no actual cipher algorithm is implemented in the base class. They are implemented in classes that inherit this class.

Inherit Cipher

inherit .Cipher : Cipher

Module __builtin.Nettle.BlockCipher.CTR


Implementation of Counter Mode (CTR). Works as a wrapper for the cipher algorithm in the parent module.

This cipher mode works like a stream cipher with a block size >= 1. This means that the same key and initialization vector (aka counter) should never be reused, since a simple xor would reveal information about the plain text. It also means that it should never be used without a suiteable Message Authentication Code (MAC).

See also


Inherit Cipher

inherit .Cipher : Cipher

Method name

string(7bit) name()


Returns the name of the base cipher extended with ".CTR".

Class __builtin.Nettle.BlockCipher.CTR.State


The state for the embedded algorithm

Inherit this_program

inherit ::this_program : this_program

Class __builtin.Nettle.Cipher


Base class for cipher algorithms.

Implements some common convenience functions, and prototypes.

Note that no actual cipher algorithm is implemented in the base class. They are implemented in classes that inherit (usually via predef::Nettle.Cipher) this class.

See also

predef::Nettle.Cipher, Crypto.Cipher

Method `()

State res = __builtin.Nettle.Cipher()()


Calling `() will return a State object.

Method block_size

int(0..) block_size()


The block size of the cipher (1 for stream ciphers).

Method decrypt

string decrypt(string(8bit) key, string(8bit) data)


Works as a shortcut for obj->set_decrypt_key(key)->crypt(data)

Method encrypt

string encrypt(string(8bit) key, string(8bit) data)


Works as a shortcut for obj->set_encrypt_key(key)->crypt(data)

Method key_size

int(0..) key_size()


The recommended key size for the cipher.

Method name

string(7bit) name()


Returns a human readable name for the algorithm.

Class __builtin.Nettle.Cipher.State


This is the context for a single incrementally updated cipher.

Most of the functions here are only prototypes, and need to be overrided via inherit.

Method block_size

int(0..) block_size()


The block size of the cipher (1 for stream ciphers).

Defaults to just returning global::block_size().

Method crypt

string(8bit) crypt(string(8bit) data)


Encrypts or decrypts data, using the current key. Neither the input nor output data is automatically memory scrubbed, unless String.secure has been called on them.

Parameter data

For block ciphers, data must be an integral number of blocks.


The encrypted or decrypted data.

Method key_size

int(0..) key_size()


The actual key size for this cipher.

Defaults to just returning global::key_size().

Method make_key

string(8bit) make_key()


Generate a key by calling Crypto.Random.random_string and initialize the object for encryption with that key.


The generated key.

See also


Method name

string(7bit) name()


Returns a human readable name for the algorithm.

Defaults to just returning global::name().

Method set_decrypt_key

this_program set_decrypt_key(string(8bit) key, void|int force)


Initializes the object for decryption.

See also

set_encrypt_key, crypt

Method set_encrypt_key

this_program set_encrypt_key(string(8bit) key, void|int force)


Initializes the object for encryption.

See also

set_decrypt_key, crypt

Class __builtin.Nettle.ECC_Curve


Base class for Elliptic Curve Definitions.

See also

Crypto.ECC.Curve, Nettle.ECC_Curve

Class __builtin.Nettle.ECC_Curve.Point


Base class for a point on an elliptic curve.

Method create

__builtin.Nettle.ECC_Curve.Point __builtin.Nettle.ECC_Curve.Point(Gmp.mpz|int x, Gmp.mpz|int y)
__builtin.Nettle.ECC_Curve.Point __builtin.Nettle.ECC_Curve.Point(Stdio.Buffer|string(7bit) data)


Initialize to the selected point on the curve.


Throws errors if the point isn't on the curve.

Method encode

string encode()


Serialize the Point.

The default implementation serializes according to ANSI x9.62 encoding #4 (uncompressed point format).

Class __builtin.Nettle.Hash


Base class for hash algorithms.

Implements common meta functions, such as key expansion algoritms and convenience functions.

Note that no actual hash algorithm is implemented in the base class. They are implemented in classes that inherit this class.

Method P_hash

string(8bit) P_hash(string(8bit) password, string(8bit) salt, int rounds, int bytes)


This is the Password-Based Key Derivation Function used in TLS.

Parameter password

The prf secret.

Parameter salt

The prf seed.

Parameter rounds


Parameter bytes

The number of bytes to generate.

Method `()

State res = __builtin.Nettle.Hash()()


Calling `() will return a State object.

Method crypt_hash

string(7bit) crypt_hash(string(8bit) password, string(8bit) salt, int rounds)


Password hashing function in crypt_md5()-style.

Implements the algorithm described in http://www.akkadia.org/drepper/SHA-crypt.txt.

This is the algorithm used by crypt(2) in methods $5$ (SHA256) and $6$ (SHA512).

See also


Method hash

string(8bit) hash(string(8bit) data)
string(8bit) hash(Stdio.File file, void|int bytes)


Shortcut for hashing some data.

Parameter data

String to hash.

Parameter file

Stdio.File object to read some data to hash from.

Parameter bytes

The number of bytes of the file object file that should be hashed. Negative numbers are ignored and the whole file is hashed.

Works as a (possibly faster) shortcut for State(data)->digest(), where State is the hash state class corresponding to this Hash.

See also

Stdio.File, State()->update() and State()->digest().

Inherit __Hash

inherit .__Hash : __Hash

Method openssl_pbkdf

string(8bit) openssl_pbkdf(string(8bit) password, string(8bit) salt, int rounds, int bytes)


Password Based Key Derivation Function from OpenSSL.

This when used with Crypto.MD5 and a single round is the function used to derive the key to encrypt Standards.PEM body data.


Derived from OpenSSL. Is there any proper specification?

It seems to be related to PBKDF1 from RFC2898.

See also

pbkdf1(), pbkdf2(), crypt_password()

Method pbkdf1

string(8bit) pbkdf1(string(8bit) password, string(8bit) salt, int rounds, int bytes)


Password Based Key Derivation Function #1 from RFC 2898. This method is compatible with the one from PKCS#5 v1.5.

Parameter password
Parameter salt

Password and salt for the keygenerator.

Parameter rounds

The number of iterations to rehash the input.

Parameter bytes

The number of bytes of output. Note that this has an upper limit of the size of a single digest.


Returns the derived key.


RFC 2898 does not recommend this function for anything else than compatibility with existing applications, due to the limits in the length of the generated keys.

See also

pbkdf2(), openssl_pbkdf(), crypt_password()

Method pbkdf2

string(8bit) pbkdf2(string(8bit) password, string(8bit) salt, int rounds, int bytes)


Password Based Key Derivation Function #2 from RFC 2898, PKCS#5 v2.0.

Parameter password
Parameter salt

Password and salt for the keygenerator.

Parameter rounds

The number of iterations to rehash the input.

Parameter bytes

The number of bytes of output.


Returns the derived key.

See also

pbkdf1(), openssl_pbkdf(), crypt_password()

Method pkcs_digest

string(8bit) pkcs_digest(object|string(8bit) s)


Make a PKCS-1 digest info block with the message s.

See also


Class __builtin.Nettle.Hash.SCRAM


SCRAM, defined by RFC 5802.

This implements both the client- and the serverside. You normally run either the server or the client, but if you would run both (use a separate client and a separate server object!), the sequence would be:

client_1 -> server_1 -> server_2 -> client_2 -> server_3 -> client_3


If you are a client, you must use the client_* methods; if you are a server, you must use the server_* methods. You cannot mix both client and server methods in a single object.


This implementation does not pretend to support the full protocol. Most notably optional extension arguments are not supported (yet).

See also

client_1, server_1

Method client_1

string(7bit) client_1(void|string username)


Client-side step 1 in the SCRAM handshake.

Parameter username

The username to feed to the server. Some servers already received the username through an alternate channel (usually during the hash-function selection handshake), in which case it should be omitted here.


The client-first request to send to the server.

See also


Method client_2

string(7bit) client_2(string(8bit) line, string pass)


Client-side step 2 in the SCRAM handshake.

Parameter line

The received server-first challenge from the server.

Parameter pass

The password to feed to the server.


The client-final response to send to the server. If the response is null, the server sent something unacceptable or unparseable.

See also


Method client_3

bool client_3(string(8bit) line)


Final client-side step in the SCRAM handshake. If we get this far, the server has already verified that we supplied the correct credentials. If this step fails, it means the server does not have our credentials at all and is an imposter.

Parameter line

The received server-final verification response.


True if the server is valid, false if the server is invalid.

Method server_1

string server_1(string(8bit) line)


Server-side step 1 in the SCRAM handshake.

Parameter line

The received client-first request from the client.


The username specified by the client. Returns null if the response could not be parsed.

See also


Method server_2

string(7bit) server_2(string(8bit) salt, int iters)


Server-side step 2 in the SCRAM handshake.

Parameter salt

The salt corresponding to the username that has been specified earlier.

Parameter iters

The number of iterations the hashing algorithm should perform to compute the authentication hash.


The server-first challenge to send to the client.

See also


Method server_3

string(7bit) server_3(string(8bit) line, string(8bit) salted_password)


Final server-side step in the SCRAM handshake.

Parameter line

The received client-final challenge and response from the client.

Parameter salted_password

The salted (using the salt provided earlier) password belonging to the specified username.


The server-final response to send to the client. If the response is null, the client did not supply the correct credentials or the response was unparseable.

Module __builtin.Nettle.Hash.HMAC


HMAC (Hashing for Message Authenticity Control) for the hash algorithm.

RFC 2104.

See also


Method `()

State res = __builtin.Nettle.Hash()()


Returns a new State object initialized with a password.

Constant hmac_jwa_id

protected constant string __builtin.Nettle.Hash.HMAC.hmac_jwa_id


JWS algorithm id (if any) for the HMAC sub-module. Overloaded by the actual implementations.

Inherit MAC

inherit .MAC : MAC

Method iv_size

int(0..0) iv_size()


HMAC has no modifiable iv.

Method jwa

string(7bit) jwa()


JWS algorithm identifier (if any, otherwise 0).

See also

RFC 7518 section 3.1

Method key_size

int(0..) key_size()


Returns the block size of the encapsulated hash.


Other key sizes are allowed, and will be expanded/compressed to this size.

Class __builtin.Nettle.Hash.HMAC.State


The HMAC hash state.

Method `()

string(8bit) res = __builtin.Nettle.Hash.HMAC.State()()


Hashes the text according to the HMAC algorithm and returns the hash value.

This works as a combined update() and digest().

Method create

__builtin.Nettle.Hash.HMAC.State __builtin.Nettle.Hash.HMAC.State(string(8bit) passwd, void|int b)

Parameter passwd

The secret password (K).

Method digest_info

string(8bit) digest_info(string(8bit) text)


Hashes the text according to the HMAC algorithm and returns the hash value as a PKCS-1 digestinfo block.

Inherit this_program

inherit ::this_program : this_program

Method jwk

mapping(string(7bit):string(7bit)) jwk(bool|void private_key)


Generate a JWK-style mapping of the object.

Parameter private_key



Returns a JWK-style mapping on success, and 0 (zero) on failure.

See also

create(), Web.encode_jwk(), RFC 7517 section 4, RFC 7518 section 6.4

Method set_iv

this_program set_iv(string(8bit) iv)


HMAC does not have a modifiable iv.

Class __builtin.Nettle.MAC


Base class for Message Authentication Codes (MAC)s.

These are hashes that have been extended with a secret key.

Inherit __Hash

inherit .__Hash : __Hash

Method iv_size

int(0..) iv_size()


Returns the size of the iv/nonce (if any).

Some MACs like eg Crypto.SHA1.HMAC have fixed ivs, in which case this function will return 0.

Method jwa

string(7bit) jwa()


JWS algorithm identifier (if any, otherwise 0).

See also

RFC 7518 section 3.1

Method key_size

int(0..) key_size()


Returns the recomended size of the key.

Constant mac_jwa_id

protected constant string __builtin.Nettle.MAC.mac_jwa_id


JWS algorithm id (if any). Overloaded by the actual implementations.


Never access this value directly. Use jwa().

See also


Class __builtin.Nettle.MAC.State


The state for the MAC.

Method create

__builtin.Nettle.MAC.State __builtin.Nettle.MAC.State(string key)

Parameter key

The secret key for the hash.

Inherit this_program

inherit ::this_program : this_program

Method iv_size

int(0..) iv_size()


Returns the size of the iv/nonce (if any).

Some MACs like eg Crypto.SHA1.HMAC have fixed ivs, in which case this function will return 0.

Method jose_decode

array(mapping(string(7bit):string(7bit)|int)|string(8bit)) jose_decode(string(7bit) jws)


Verify and decode a JOSE JWS MAC signed value.

Parameter jws

A JSON Web Signature as returned by jose_sign().


Returns 0 (zero) on failure, and an array

mapping(string(7bit):string(7bit)|int) 0

The JOSE header.

string(8bit) 1

The signed message.

on success.

See also

jose_sign(), RFC 7515 section 3.5

Method jose_sign

string(7bit) jose_sign(string(8bit) message, mapping(string(7bit):string(7bit)|int)|void headers)


Signs the message with a JOSE JWS MAC signature.

Parameter message

Message to sign.

Parameter headers

JOSE headers to use. Typically a mapping with a single element "typ".


Returns the signature on success, and 0 (zero) on failure (typically that JOSE doesn't support this MAC).

See also

jose_decode(), RFC 7515

Method key_size

int(0..) key_size()


Returns the recomended size of the key.

Class __builtin.Nettle.Sign


Base class for cryptographic signature algorithms.

Typical classes implementing this API are Crypto.RSA, Crypto.DSA and Crypto.ECC.Curve.ECDSA.

Method _equal

bool equal(__builtin.Nettle.Sign from, mixed x)


Check whether two objects are equivalent.

This includes checking both the public and private keys.

See also


Method jose_decode

array(mapping(string(7bit):string(7bit)|int)|string(8bit)) jose_decode(string(7bit) jws)


Verify and decode a JOSE JWS signed value.

Parameter jws

A JSON Web Signature as returned by jose_sign().


Returns 0 (zero) on failure, and an array

mapping(string(7bit):string(7bit)|int) 0

The JOSE header.

string(8bit) 1

The signed message.


The default implementation returns 0 for all parameters, and can thus serve as a fallback for signature algorithms that don't support or aren't supported by JWS (eg Crypto.DSA).

See also

jose_sign(), pkcs_verify(), RFC 7515

Method jose_sign

string(7bit) jose_sign(string(8bit) message, mapping(string(7bit):string(7bit)|int)|void headers, .Hash|void h)


Signs the message with a JOSE JWS signature using hash algorithm h and JOSE headers headers.

Parameter message

Message to sign.

Parameter headers

JOSE headers to use. Typically a mapping with a single element "typ".

Parameter h

Hash algorithm to use. Valid hashes depend on the signature algorithm. The default value depends on the signature algorithm.


Returns the signature on success, and 0 (zero) on failure (typically that either the hash algorithm is invalid for this signature algorithm),


The default implementation returns 0 for all parameters, and can thus serve as a fallback for signature algorithms that don't support or aren't supported by JWS (eg Crypto.DSA).

See also

jose_decode(), pkcs_sign(), RFC 7515

Method jwk

mapping(string(7bit):string(7bit)) jwk(bool|void private_key)


Generate a JOSE JWK mapping representation of the object.

Parameter private_key

If true, include private fields in the result.


Returns a mapping as per RFC 7517 section 4 on success, and 0 (zero) on failure (typically that the object isn't initialized properly, or that it isn't supported by JWK).

See also

Web.encode_jwk(), Web.decode_jwk(), RFC 7517 section 4

Method key_size

int(0..) key_size()


Returns the number of bits in the private key.

Method name

string(7bit) name()


Returns the printable name of the signing algorithm.

Method pkcs_algorithm_identifier

Sequence pkcs_algorithm_identifier()


Returns the PKCS-1 AlgorithmIdentifier.

Method pkcs_public_key

Sequence pkcs_public_key()


Creates a SubjectPublicKeyInfo ASN.1 sequence for the object. See RFC 5280 section

Method pkcs_sign

string(8bit) pkcs_sign(string(8bit) message, .Hash h)


Signs the message with a PKCS-1 signature using hash algorithm h.

Method pkcs_signature_algorithm_id

Sequence pkcs_signature_algorithm_id(.Hash hash)


Returns the PKCS-1 algorithm identifier for the signing algorithm with the provided hash algorithm.

Method pkcs_verify

bool pkcs_verify(string(8bit) message, .Hash h, string(8bit) sign)


Verify PKCS-1 signature sign of message message using hash algorithm h.

Method public_key_equal

bool public_key_equal(this_program other)


Check whether the public key is the same in two objects.


This function differs from _equal() in that only the public key is regarded, and that it only needs to regard objects implementing Crypto.Sign.

See also


Class __builtin.Nettle.__Hash


Base class for hash algorithms.

Note that no actual hash algorithm is implemented in the base class. They are implemented in classes that inherit this class.

Method block_size

int(1..) block_size()


Returns the internal block size of the hash algorithm.

Method digest_size

int(0..) digest_size()


Returns the size of a hash digests.

Method name

string name()


Returns a human readable name for the algorithm.

Class __builtin.Nettle.__Hash.State


This is the context for a single incrementally updated hash.

Most of the functions here are only prototypes, and need to be overrided via inherit.

Method block_size

int(1..) block_size()


Returns the internal block size of the hash algorithm.

Method create

__builtin.Nettle.__Hash.State __builtin.Nettle.__Hash.State(string(8bit)|void data)


Create the new context, and optionally add some initial data to hash.

The default implementation calls update() with data if any, so there's usually no reason to override this function, since overriding update() should be sufficient.

Method digest

string(8bit) digest(int|void length)


Generates a digests, and resets the hashing contents.

Parameter length

If the length argument is provided, the digest is truncated to the given length.


The digest.

Method digest_size

int(0..) digest_size()


Returns the size of a hash digests.

Method init

this_program init(string(8bit)|void data)


Reset the context, and optionally add some initial data to the hash.

Method name

string name()


Returns a human readable name for the algorithm.

Method update

this_program update(string(8bit) data)


Add some more data to hash.

Module spider

Method _dump_obj_table

array(array(string|int)) _dump_obj_table()

Method _low_program_name

string _low_program_name(program prog)

Method discdate

string discdate(int time)

Method fd_info

string fd_info(int fd)

Method parse_accessed_database

array(mapping(string:int)|int) parse_accessed_database(string database)

Method parse_html

string parse_html(string html, mapping(string:function(string, mapping(string:string), mixed ... :string|array)) tag_callbacks, mapping(string:function(string, mapping(string:string), string, mixed ... :string|array)) container_callbacks, mixed ... extras)

Method parse_html_lines

string parse_html_lines(string html, mapping(string:function(string, mapping(string:string), int, mixed ... :string|array)) tag_callbacks, mapping(string:function(string, mapping(string:string), string, int, mixed ... :string|array)) container_callbacks, mixed ... extras)

Method set_end_quote

void set_end_quote(int quote)

Method set_start_quote

void set_start_quote(int quote)

Method stardate

string stardate(int time, int precision)