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policy", "Configuring phpMyAdmin", "Installation", "Custom Themes", "Transformations", "Two-factor authentication", "User Guide", "Distributing and packaging phpMyAdmin"], "terms": {"you": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22], "need": [0, 2, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20], "have": [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19], "configur": [0, 4, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 19, 20, 21], "phpmyadmin": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21], "storag": [0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20], "featur": [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19], "ani": [0, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19], "queri": [0, 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 17], "i": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22], "execut": [0, 2, 7, 10, 15, 17], "can": [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22], "mark": [0, 2, 4, 7], "page": [0, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19], "where": [0, 2, 3, 7, 8, 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"bookmarks"]], "Storing bookmarks": [[0, "storing-bookmarks"]], "Variables inside bookmarks": [[0, "variables-inside-bookmarks"]], "Browsing a table using a bookmark": [[0, "browsing-a-table-using-a-bookmark"]], "Charts": [[1, "charts"]], "Chart implementation": [[1, "chart-implementation"]], "Examples": [[1, "examples"], [2, "examples"]], "Pie chart": [[1, "pie-chart"]], "Bar and column chart": [[1, "bar-and-column-chart"]], "Scatter chart": [[1, "scatter-chart"]], "Line, spline and timeline charts": [[1, "line-spline-and-timeline-charts"]], "Configuration": [[2, "configuration"], [6, "configuration"], [18, "configuration"]], "Basic settings": [[2, "basic-settings"]], "Server connection settings": [[2, "server-connection-settings"]], "Generic settings": [[2, "generic-settings"]], "Cookie authentication options": [[2, "cookie-authentication-options"]], "Navigation panel setup": [[2, "navigation-panel-setup"]], "Main panel": [[2, "main-panel"]], "Database structure": [[2, "database-structure"]], "Browse mode": [[2, "browse-mode"]], "Editing mode": [[2, "editing-mode"]], "Export and import settings": [[2, "export-and-import-settings"]], "Tabs display settings": [[2, "tabs-display-settings"]], "PDF Options": [[2, "pdf-options"]], "Languages": [[2, "languages"]], "Web server settings": [[2, "web-server-settings"]], "Theme settings": [[2, "theme-settings"]], "Design customization": [[2, "design-customization"]], "Text fields": [[2, "text-fields"]], "SQL query box settings": [[2, "sql-query-box-settings"]], "Web server upload/save/import directories": [[2, "web-server-upload-save-import-directories"]], "Various display setting": [[2, "various-display-setting"]], "Page titles": [[2, "page-titles"]], "Theme manager settings": [[2, "theme-manager-settings"]], "Default queries": [[2, "default-queries"]], "MySQL settings": [[2, "mysql-settings"]], "Default options for Transformations": [[2, "default-options-for-transformations"]], "Console settings": [[2, "console-settings"]], "Developer": [[2, "developer"]], "Basic example": [[2, "basic-example"]], "Example for signon authentication": [[2, "example-for-signon-authentication"]], "Example for IP address limited autologin": [[2, "example-for-ip-address-limited-autologin"]], "Example for using multiple MySQL servers": [[2, "example-for-using-multiple-mysql-servers"]], "Google Cloud SQL with SSL": [[2, "google-cloud-sql-with-ssl"]], "Amazon RDS Aurora with SSL": [[2, "amazon-rds-aurora-with-ssl"]], "reCaptcha using hCaptcha": [[2, "recaptcha-using-hcaptcha"]], "Copyright": [[3, "copyright"]], "Third party licenses": [[3, "third-party-licenses"]], "Credits": [[4, "credits"]], "Credits, in chronological order": [[4, "credits-in-chronological-order"]], "Translators": [[4, "translators"]], "Documentation translators": [[4, "documentation-translators"]], "Original Credits of Version 2.1.0": [[4, "original-credits-of-version-2-1-0"]], "Developers Information": [[5, "developers-information"]], "FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions": [[6, "faq-frequently-asked-questions"]], "Server": [[6, "server"]], "1.1 My server is crashing each time a specific action is required or phpMyAdmin sends a blank page or a page full of cryptic characters to my browser, what can I do?": [[6, "my-server-is-crashing-each-time-a-specific-action-is-required-or-phpmyadmin-sends-a-blank-page-or-a-page-full-of-cryptic-characters-to-my-browser-what-can-i-do"]], "1.2 My Apache server crashes when using phpMyAdmin.": [[6, "my-apache-server-crashes-when-using-phpmyadmin"]], "1.3 (withdrawn).": [[6, "withdrawn"]], "1.4 Using phpMyAdmin on IIS, I\u2019m displayed the error message: \u201cThe specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers \u2026\u201d.": [[6, "using-phpmyadmin-on-iis-i-m-displayed-the-error-message-the-specified-cgi-application-misbehaved-by-not-returning-a-complete-set-of-http-headers"]], "1.5 Using phpMyAdmin on IIS, I\u2019m facing crashes and/or many error messages with the HTTP.": [[6, "using-phpmyadmin-on-iis-i-m-facing-crashes-and-or-many-error-messages-with-the-http"]], "1.6 I can\u2019t use phpMyAdmin on PWS: nothing is displayed!": [[6, "i-can-t-use-phpmyadmin-on-pws-nothing-is-displayed"]], "1.7 How can I gzip a dump or a CSV export? It does not seem to work.": [[6, "how-can-i-gzip-a-dump-or-a-csv-export-it-does-not-seem-to-work"]], "1.8 I cannot insert a text file in a table, and I get an error about safe mode being in effect.": [[6, "i-cannot-insert-a-text-file-in-a-table-and-i-get-an-error-about-safe-mode-being-in-effect"]], "1.9 (withdrawn).": [[6, "faq1-9"]], "1.10 I\u2019m having troubles when uploading files with phpMyAdmin running on a secure server. My browser is Internet Explorer and I\u2019m using the Apache server.": [[6, "i-m-having-troubles-when-uploading-files-with-phpmyadmin-running-on-a-secure-server-my-browser-is-internet-explorer-and-i-m-using-the-apache-server"]], "1.11 I get an \u2018open_basedir restriction\u2019 while uploading a file from the import tab.": [[6, "i-get-an-open-basedir-restriction-while-uploading-a-file-from-the-import-tab"]], "1.12 I have lost my MySQL root password, what can I do?": [[6, "i-have-lost-my-mysql-root-password-what-can-i-do"]], "1.13 (withdrawn).": [[6, "faq1-13"]], "1.14 (withdrawn).": [[6, "faq1-14"]], "1.15 I have problems with mysql.user column names.": [[6, "i-have-problems-with-mysql-user-column-names"]], "1.16 I cannot upload big dump files (memory, HTTP or timeout problems).": [[6, "i-cannot-upload-big-dump-files-memory-http-or-timeout-problems"]], "1.17 Which Database versions does phpMyAdmin support?": [[6, "which-database-versions-does-phpmyadmin-support"]], "1.17a I cannot connect to the MySQL server. It always returns the error message, \u201cClient does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client\u201d": [[6, "a-i-cannot-connect-to-the-mysql-server-it-always-returns-the-error-message-client-does-not-support-authentication-protocol-requested-by-server-consider-upgrading-mysql-client"]], "1.18 (withdrawn).": [[6, "faq1-18"]], "1.19 I can\u2019t run the \u201cdisplay relations\u201d feature because the script seems not to know the font face I\u2019m using!": [[6, "i-can-t-run-the-display-relations-feature-because-the-script-seems-not-to-know-the-font-face-i-m-using"]], "1.20 I receive an error about missing mysqli and mysql extensions.": [[6, "i-receive-an-error-about-missing-mysqli-and-mysql-extensions"]], "1.21 I am running the CGI version of PHP under Unix, and I cannot log in using cookie auth.": [[6, "i-am-running-the-cgi-version-of-php-under-unix-and-i-cannot-log-in-using-cookie-auth"]], "1.22 I don\u2019t see the \u201cLocation of text file\u201d field, so I cannot upload.": [[6, "i-don-t-see-the-location-of-text-file-field-so-i-cannot-upload"]], "1.23 I\u2019m running MySQL on a Win32 machine. Each time I create a new table the table and column names are changed to lowercase!": [[6, "i-m-running-mysql-on-a-win32-machine-each-time-i-create-a-new-table-the-table-and-column-names-are-changed-to-lowercase"]], "1.24 (withdrawn).": [[6, "faq1-24"]], "1.25 I am running Apache with mod_gzip- on Windows XP, and I get problems, such as undefined variables when I run a SQL query.": [[6, "i-am-running-apache-with-mod-gzip-1-3-26-1a-on-windows-xp-and-i-get-problems-such-as-undefined-variables-when-i-run-a-sql-query"]], "1.26 I just installed phpMyAdmin in my document root of IIS but I get the error \u201cNo input file specified\u201d when trying to run phpMyAdmin.": [[6, "i-just-installed-phpmyadmin-in-my-document-root-of-iis-but-i-get-the-error-no-input-file-specified-when-trying-to-run-phpmyadmin"]], "1.27 I get empty page when I want to view huge page (eg. db_structure.php with plenty of tables).": [[6, "i-get-empty-page-when-i-want-to-view-huge-page-eg-db-structure-php-with-plenty-of-tables"]], "1.28 My MySQL server sometimes refuses queries and returns the message \u2018Errorcode: 13\u2019. What does this mean?": [[6, "my-mysql-server-sometimes-refuses-queries-and-returns-the-message-errorcode-13-what-does-this-mean"]], "1.29 When I create a table or modify a column, I get an error and the columns are duplicated.": [[6, "when-i-create-a-table-or-modify-a-column-i-get-an-error-and-the-columns-are-duplicated"]], "1.30 I get the error \u201cnavigation.php: Missing hash\u201d.": [[6, "i-get-the-error-navigation-php-missing-hash"]], "1.31 Which PHP versions does phpMyAdmin support?": [[6, "which-php-versions-does-phpmyadmin-support"]], "1.32 Can I use HTTP authentication with IIS?": [[6, "can-i-use-http-authentication-with-iis"]], "1.33 (withdrawn).": [[6, "faq1-33"]], "1.34 Can I directly access a database or table pages?": [[6, "can-i-directly-access-a-database-or-table-pages"]], "1.35 Can I use HTTP authentication with Apache CGI?": [[6, "can-i-use-http-authentication-with-apache-cgi"]], "1.36 I get an error \u201c500 Internal Server Error\u201d.": [[6, "i-get-an-error-500-internal-server-error"]], "1.37 I run phpMyAdmin on cluster of different machines and password encryption in cookie auth doesn\u2019t work.": [[6, "i-run-phpmyadmin-on-cluster-of-different-machines-and-password-encryption-in-cookie-auth-doesn-t-work"]], "1.38 Can I use phpMyAdmin on a server on which Suhosin is enabled?": [[6, "can-i-use-phpmyadmin-on-a-server-on-which-suhosin-is-enabled"]], "1.39 When I try to connect via https, I can log in, but then my connection is redirected back to http. What can cause this behavior?": [[6, "when-i-try-to-connect-via-https-i-can-log-in-but-then-my-connection-is-redirected-back-to-http-what-can-cause-this-behavior"]], "1.40 When accessing phpMyAdmin via an Apache reverse proxy, cookie login does not work.": [[6, "when-accessing-phpmyadmin-via-an-apache-reverse-proxy-cookie-login-does-not-work"]], "1.41 When I view a database and ask to see its privileges, I get an error about an unknown column.": [[6, "when-i-view-a-database-and-ask-to-see-its-privileges-i-get-an-error-about-an-unknown-column"]], "1.42 How can I prevent robots from accessing phpMyAdmin?": [[6, "how-can-i-prevent-robots-from-accessing-phpmyadmin"]], "1.43 Why can\u2019t I display the structure of my table containing hundreds of columns?": [[6, "why-can-t-i-display-the-structure-of-my-table-containing-hundreds-of-columns"]], "1.44 How can I reduce the installed size of phpMyAdmin on disk?": [[6, "how-can-i-reduce-the-installed-size-of-phpmyadmin-on-disk"]], "1.45 I get an error message about unknown authentication method caching_sha2_password when trying to log in": [[6, "i-get-an-error-message-about-unknown-authentication-method-caching-sha2-password-when-trying-to-log-in"]], "2.1 The error message \u201cWarning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by \u2026\u201d is displayed, what\u2019s the problem?": [[6, "the-error-message-warning-cannot-add-header-information-headers-already-sent-by-is-displayed-what-s-the-problem"]], "2.2 phpMyAdmin can\u2019t connect to MySQL. What\u2019s wrong?": [[6, "phpmyadmin-can-t-connect-to-mysql-what-s-wrong"]], "2.3 The error message \u201cWarning: MySQL Connection Failed: Can\u2019t connect to local MySQL server through socket \u2018/tmp/mysql.sock\u2019 (111) \u2026\u201d is displayed. What can I do?": [[6, "the-error-message-warning-mysql-connection-failed-can-t-connect-to-local-mysql-server-through-socket-tmp-mysql-sock-111-is-displayed-what-can-i-do"]], "2.4 Nothing is displayed by my browser when I try to run phpMyAdmin, what can I do?": [[6, "nothing-is-displayed-by-my-browser-when-i-try-to-run-phpmyadmin-what-can-i-do"]], "2.5 Each time I want to insert or change a row or drop a database or a table, an error 404 (page not found) is displayed or, with HTTP or cookie authentication, I\u2019m asked to log in again. What\u2019s wrong?": [[6, "each-time-i-want-to-insert-or-change-a-row-or-drop-a-database-or-a-table-an-error-404-page-not-found-is-displayed-or-with-http-or-cookie-authentication-i-m-asked-to-log-in-again-what-s-wrong"]], "2.6 I get an \u201cAccess denied for user: \u2018root@localhost\u2019 (Using password: YES)\u201d-error when trying to access a MySQL-Server on a host which is port-forwarded for my localhost.": [[6, "i-get-an-access-denied-for-user-root-localhost-using-password-yes-error-when-trying-to-access-a-mysql-server-on-a-host-which-is-port-forwarded-for-my-localhost"]], "2.7 Using and creating themes": [[6, "using-and-creating-themes"]], "2.8 I get \u201cMissing parameters\u201d errors, what can I do?": [[6, "i-get-missing-parameters-errors-what-can-i-do"]], "2.9 Seeing an upload progress bar": [[6, "seeing-an-upload-progress-bar"]], "2.10 How to generate a string of random bytes": [[6, "how-to-generate-a-string-of-random-bytes"]], "Known limitations": [[6, "known-limitations"]], "3.1 When using HTTP authentication, a user who logged out can not log in again in with the same nick.": [[6, "when-using-http-authentication-a-user-who-logged-out-can-not-log-in-again-in-with-the-same-nick"]], "3.2 When dumping a large table in compressed mode, I get a memory limit error or a time limit error.": [[6, "when-dumping-a-large-table-in-compressed-mode-i-get-a-memory-limit-error-or-a-time-limit-error"]], "3.3 With InnoDB tables, I lose foreign key relationships when I rename a table or a column.": [[6, "with-innodb-tables-i-lose-foreign-key-relationships-when-i-rename-a-table-or-a-column"]], "3.4 I am unable to import dumps I created with the mysqldump tool bundled with the MySQL server distribution.": [[6, "i-am-unable-to-import-dumps-i-created-with-the-mysqldump-tool-bundled-with-the-mysql-server-distribution"]], "3.5 When using nested folders, multiple hierarchies are displayed in a wrong manner.": [[6, "when-using-nested-folders-multiple-hierarchies-are-displayed-in-a-wrong-manner"]], "3.6 (withdrawn).": [[6, "faq3-6"]], "3.7 I have table with many (100+) columns and when I try to browse table I get series of errors like \u201cWarning: unable to parse url\u201d. How can this be fixed?": [[6, "i-have-table-with-many-100-columns-and-when-i-try-to-browse-table-i-get-series-of-errors-like-warning-unable-to-parse-url-how-can-this-be-fixed"]], "3.8 I cannot use (clickable) HTML-forms in columns where I put a MIME-Transformation onto!": [[6, "i-cannot-use-clickable-html-forms-in-columns-where-i-put-a-mime-transformation-onto"]], "3.9 I get error messages when using \u201c\u2013sql_mode=ANSI\u201d for the MySQL server.": [[6, "i-get-error-messages-when-using-sql-mode-ansi-for-the-mysql-server"]], "3.10 Homonyms and no primary key: When the results of a SELECT display more that one column with the same value (for example SELECT lastname from employees where firstname like 'A%' and two \u201cSmith\u201d values are displayed), if I click Edit I cannot be sure that I am editing the intended row.": [[6, "homonyms-and-no-primary-key-when-the-results-of-a-select-display-more-that-one-column-with-the-same-value-for-example-select-lastname-from-employees-where-firstname-like-a-and-two-smith-values-are-displayed-if-i-click-edit-i-cannot-be-sure-that-i-am-editing-the-intended-row"]], "3.11 The number of rows for InnoDB tables is not correct.": [[6, "the-number-of-rows-for-innodb-tables-is-not-correct"]], "3.12 (withdrawn).": [[6, "faq3-12"]], "3.13 I get an error when entering USE followed by a db name containing an hyphen.": [[6, "i-get-an-error-when-entering-use-followed-by-a-db-name-containing-an-hyphen"]], "3.14 I am not able to browse a table when I don\u2019t have the right to SELECT one of the columns.": [[6, "i-am-not-able-to-browse-a-table-when-i-don-t-have-the-right-to-select-one-of-the-columns"]], "3.15 (withdrawn).": [[6, "faq3-15"]], "3.16 (withdrawn).": [[6, "faq3-16"]], "3.17 (withdrawn).": [[6, "faq3-17"]], "3.18 When I import a CSV file that contains multiple tables, they are lumped together into a single table.": [[6, "when-i-import-a-csv-file-that-contains-multiple-tables-they-are-lumped-together-into-a-single-table"]], "3.19 When I import a file and have phpMyAdmin determine the appropriate data structure it only uses int, decimal, and varchar types.": [[6, "when-i-import-a-file-and-have-phpmyadmin-determine-the-appropriate-data-structure-it-only-uses-int-decimal-and-varchar-types"]], "3.20 After upgrading, some bookmarks are gone or their content cannot be shown.": [[6, "after-upgrading-some-bookmarks-are-gone-or-their-content-cannot-be-shown"]], "3.21 I am unable to log in with a username containing unicode characters such as \u00e1.": [[6, "i-am-unable-to-log-in-with-a-username-containing-unicode-characters-such-as-a"]], "ISPs, multi-user installations": [[6, "isps-multi-user-installations"]], "4.1 I\u2019m an ISP. Can I setup one central copy of phpMyAdmin or do I need to install it for each customer?": [[6, "i-m-an-isp-can-i-setup-one-central-copy-of-phpmyadmin-or-do-i-need-to-install-it-for-each-customer"]], "4.2 What\u2019s the preferred way of making phpMyAdmin secure against evil access?": [[6, "what-s-the-preferred-way-of-making-phpmyadmin-secure-against-evil-access"]], "4.3 I get errors about not being able to include a file in /lang or in /libraries.": [[6, "i-get-errors-about-not-being-able-to-include-a-file-in-lang-or-in-libraries"]], "4.4 phpMyAdmin always gives \u201cAccess denied\u201d when using HTTP authentication.": [[6, "phpmyadmin-always-gives-access-denied-when-using-http-authentication"]], "4.5 Is it possible to let users create their own databases?": [[6, "is-it-possible-to-let-users-create-their-own-databases"]], "4.6 How can I use the Host-based authentication additions?": [[6, "how-can-i-use-the-host-based-authentication-additions"]], "4.7 Authentication window is displayed more than once, why?": [[6, "authentication-window-is-displayed-more-than-once-why"]], "4.8 Which parameters can I use in the URL that starts phpMyAdmin?": [[6, "which-parameters-can-i-use-in-the-url-that-starts-phpmyadmin"]], "Browsers or client OS": [[6, "browsers-or-client-os"]], "5.1 I get an out of memory error, and my controls are non-functional, when trying to create a table with more than 14 columns.": [[6, "i-get-an-out-of-memory-error-and-my-controls-are-non-functional-when-trying-to-create-a-table-with-more-than-14-columns"]], "5.2 With Xitami 2.5b4, phpMyAdmin won\u2019t process form fields.": [[6, "with-xitami-2-5b4-phpmyadmin-won-t-process-form-fields"]], "5.3 I have problems dumping tables with Konqueror (phpMyAdmin 2.2.2).": [[6, "i-have-problems-dumping-tables-with-konqueror-phpmyadmin-2-2-2"]], "5.4 I can\u2019t use the cookie authentication mode because Internet Explorer never stores the cookies.": [[6, "i-can-t-use-the-cookie-authentication-mode-because-internet-explorer-never-stores-the-cookies"]], "5.5 (withdrawn).": [[6, "faq5-5"]], "5.6 (withdrawn).": [[6, "faq5-6"]], "5.7 I refresh (reload) my browser, and come back to the welcome page.": [[6, "i-refresh-reload-my-browser-and-come-back-to-the-welcome-page"]], "5.8 With Mozilla 0.9.7 I have problems sending a query modified in the query box.": [[6, "with-mozilla-0-9-7-i-have-problems-sending-a-query-modified-in-the-query-box"]], "5.9 With Mozilla 0.9.? to 1.0 and Netscape 7.0-PR1 I can\u2019t type a whitespace in the SQL-Query edit area: the page scrolls down.": [[6, "with-mozilla-0-9-to-1-0-and-netscape-7-0-pr1-i-can-t-type-a-whitespace-in-the-sql-query-edit-area-the-page-scrolls-down"]], "5.10 (withdrawn).": [[6, "faq5-10"]], "5.11 Extended-ASCII characters like German umlauts are displayed wrong.": [[6, "extended-ascii-characters-like-german-umlauts-are-displayed-wrong"]], "5.12 Mac OS X Safari browser changes special characters to \u201c?\u201d.": [[6, "mac-os-x-safari-browser-changes-special-characters-to"]], "5.13 (withdrawn)": [[6, "faq5-13"]], "5.14 (withdrawn)": [[6, "faq5-14"]], "5.15 (withdrawn)": [[6, "faq5-15"]], "5.16 With Internet Explorer, I get \u201cAccess is denied\u201d Javascript errors. Or I cannot make phpMyAdmin work under Windows.": [[6, "with-internet-explorer-i-get-access-is-denied-javascript-errors-or-i-cannot-make-phpmyadmin-work-under-windows"]], "5.17 With Firefox, I cannot delete rows of data or drop a database.": [[6, "with-firefox-i-cannot-delete-rows-of-data-or-drop-a-database"]], "5.18 (withdrawn)": [[6, "faq5-18"]], "5.19 I get JavaScript errors in my browser.": [[6, "i-get-javascript-errors-in-my-browser"]], "5.20 I get errors about violating Content Security Policy.": [[6, "i-get-errors-about-violating-content-security-policy"]], "5.21 I get errors about potentially unsafe operation when browsing table or executing SQL query.": [[6, "i-get-errors-about-potentially-unsafe-operation-when-browsing-table-or-executing-sql-query"]], "Using phpMyAdmin": [[6, "using-phpmyadmin"]], "6.1 I can\u2019t insert new rows into a table / I can\u2019t create a table - MySQL brings up a SQL error.": [[6, "i-can-t-insert-new-rows-into-a-table-i-can-t-create-a-table-mysql-brings-up-a-sql-error"]], "6.2 When I create a table, I set an index for two columns and phpMyAdmin generates only one index with those two columns.": [[6, "when-i-create-a-table-i-set-an-index-for-two-columns-and-phpmyadmin-generates-only-one-index-with-those-two-columns"]], "6.3 How can I insert a null value into my table?": [[6, "how-can-i-insert-a-null-value-into-my-table"]], "6.4 How can I backup my database or table?": [[6, "how-can-i-backup-my-database-or-table"]], "6.5 How can I restore (upload) my database or table using a dump? How can I run a \u201c.sql\u201d file?": [[6, "how-can-i-restore-upload-my-database-or-table-using-a-dump-how-can-i-run-a-sql-file"]], "6.6 How can I use the relation table in Query-by-example?": [[6, "how-can-i-use-the-relation-table-in-query-by-example"]], "6.7 How can I use the \u201cdisplay column\u201d feature?": [[6, "how-can-i-use-the-display-column-feature"]], "6.8 How can I produce a PDF schema of my database?": [[6, "how-can-i-produce-a-pdf-schema-of-my-database"]], "6.9 phpMyAdmin is changing the type of one of my columns!": [[6, "phpmyadmin-is-changing-the-type-of-one-of-my-columns"]], "6.10 When creating a privilege, what happens with underscores in the database name?": [[6, "when-creating-a-privilege-what-happens-with-underscores-in-the-database-name"]], "6.11 What is the curious symbol \u00f8 in the statistics pages?": [[6, "what-is-the-curious-symbol-o-in-the-statistics-pages"]], "6.12 I want to understand some Export options.": [[6, "i-want-to-understand-some-export-options"]], "6.13 I would like to create a database with a dot in its name.": [[6, "i-would-like-to-create-a-database-with-a-dot-in-its-name"]], "6.14 (withdrawn).": [[6, "faqsqlvalidator"]], "6.15 I want to add a BLOB column and put an index on it, but MySQL says \u201cBLOB column \u2018\u2026\u2019 used in key specification without a key length\u201d.": [[6, "i-want-to-add-a-blob-column-and-put-an-index-on-it-but-mysql-says-blob-column-used-in-key-specification-without-a-key-length"]], "6.16 How can I simply move in page with plenty editing fields?": [[6, "how-can-i-simply-move-in-page-with-plenty-editing-fields"]], "6.17 Transformations: I can\u2019t enter my own mimetype! What is this feature then useful for?": [[6, "transformations-i-can-t-enter-my-own-mimetype-what-is-this-feature-then-useful-for"]], "6.18 Bookmarks: Where can I store bookmarks? Why can\u2019t I see any bookmarks below the query box? What are these variables for?": [[6, "bookmarks-where-can-i-store-bookmarks-why-can-t-i-see-any-bookmarks-below-the-query-box-what-are-these-variables-for"]], "6.19 How can I create simple LATEX document to include exported table?": [[6, "how-can-i-create-simple-latex-document-to-include-exported-table"]], "6.20 I see a lot of databases which are not mine, and cannot access them.": [[6, "i-see-a-lot-of-databases-which-are-not-mine-and-cannot-access-them"]], "6.21 In edit/insert mode, how can I see a list of possible values for a column, based on some foreign table?": [[6, "in-edit-insert-mode-how-can-i-see-a-list-of-possible-values-for-a-column-based-on-some-foreign-table"]], "6.22 Bookmarks: Can I execute a default bookmark automatically when entering Browse mode for a table?": [[6, "bookmarks-can-i-execute-a-default-bookmark-automatically-when-entering-browse-mode-for-a-table"]], "6.23 Export: I heard phpMyAdmin can export Microsoft Excel files?": [[6, "export-i-heard-phpmyadmin-can-export-microsoft-excel-files"]], "6.24 Now that phpMyAdmin supports native MySQL 4.1.x column comments, what happens to my column comments stored in pmadb?": [[6, "now-that-phpmyadmin-supports-native-mysql-4-1-x-column-comments-what-happens-to-my-column-comments-stored-in-pmadb"]], "6.25 (withdrawn).": [[6, "faq6-25"]], "6.26 How can I select a range of rows?": [[6, "how-can-i-select-a-range-of-rows"]], "6.27 What format strings can I use?": [[6, "what-format-strings-can-i-use"]], "6.28 (withdrawn).": [[6, "faq6-28"]], "6.29 Why can\u2019t I get a chart from my query result table?": [[6, "why-can-t-i-get-a-chart-from-my-query-result-table"]], "6.30 Import: How can I import ESRI Shapefiles?": [[6, "import-how-can-i-import-esri-shapefiles"]], "6.31 How do I create a relation in designer?": [[6, "how-do-i-create-a-relation-in-designer"]], "6.32 How can I use the zoom search feature?": [[6, "how-can-i-use-the-zoom-search-feature"]], "6.33 When browsing a table, how can I copy a column name?": [[6, "when-browsing-a-table-how-can-i-copy-a-column-name"]], "6.34 How can I use the Favorite Tables feature?": [[6, "how-can-i-use-the-favorite-tables-feature"]], "6.35 How can I use the Range search feature?": [[6, "how-can-i-use-the-range-search-feature"]], "6.36 What is Central columns and how can I use this feature?": [[6, "what-is-central-columns-and-how-can-i-use-this-feature"]], "6.37 How can I use Improve Table structure feature?": [[6, "how-can-i-use-improve-table-structure-feature"]], "6.38 How can I reassign auto-incremented values?": [[6, "how-can-i-reassign-auto-incremented-values"]], "6.39 What is the \u201cAdjust privileges\u201d option when renaming, copying, or moving a database, table, column, or procedure?": [[6, "what-is-the-adjust-privileges-option-when-renaming-copying-or-moving-a-database-table-column-or-procedure"]], "6.40 I see \u201cBind parameters\u201d checkbox in the \u201cSQL\u201d page. How do I write parameterized SQL queries?": [[6, "i-see-bind-parameters-checkbox-in-the-sql-page-how-do-i-write-parameterized-sql-queries"]], "6.41 I get import errors while importing the dumps exported from older MySQL versions (pre-5.7.6) into newer MySQL versions (5.7.7+), but they work fine when imported back on same older versions ?": [[6, "i-get-import-errors-while-importing-the-dumps-exported-from-older-mysql-versions-pre-5-7-6-into-newer-mysql-versions-5-7-7-but-they-work-fine-when-imported-back-on-same-older-versions"]], "phpMyAdmin project": [[6, "phpmyadmin-project"]], "7.1 I have found a bug. How do I inform developers?": [[6, "i-have-found-a-bug-how-do-i-inform-developers"]], "7.2 I want to translate the messages to a new language or upgrade an existing language, where do I start?": [[6, "i-want-to-translate-the-messages-to-a-new-language-or-upgrade-an-existing-language-where-do-i-start"]], "7.3 I would like to help out with the development of phpMyAdmin. How should I proceed?": [[6, "i-would-like-to-help-out-with-the-development-of-phpmyadmin-how-should-i-proceed"]], "Security": [[6, "security"]], "8.1 Where can I get information about the security alerts issued for phpMyAdmin?": [[6, "where-can-i-get-information-about-the-security-alerts-issued-for-phpmyadmin"]], "8.2 How can I protect phpMyAdmin against brute force attacks?": [[6, "how-can-i-protect-phpmyadmin-against-brute-force-attacks"]], "8.3 Why are there path disclosures when directly loading certain files?": [[6, "why-are-there-path-disclosures-when-directly-loading-certain-files"]], "8.4 CSV files exported from phpMyAdmin could allow a formula injection attack.": [[6, "csv-files-exported-from-phpmyadmin-could-allow-a-formula-injection-attack"]], "Synchronization": [[6, "synchronization"]], "9.1 (withdrawn).": [[6, "faq9-1"]], "9.2 (withdrawn).": [[6, "faq9-2"]], "Glossary": [[7, "glossary"]], "Import and export": [[8, "import-and-export"]], "Import": [[8, "import"]], "CSV": [[8, "csv"], [8, "id1"]], "CSV using LOAD DATA": [[8, "csv-using-load-data"]], "ESRI Shape File": [[8, "esri-shape-file"]], "MediaWiki": [[8, "mediawiki"], [8, "id2"]], "Open Document Spreadsheet (ODS)": [[8, "open-document-spreadsheet-ods"]], "Table name": [[8, "table-name"]], "Column names": [[8, "column-names"]], "SQL": [[8, "sql"], [8, "id3"]], "XML": [[8, "xml"], [8, "id5"]], "Export": [[8, "export"]], "CodeGen": [[8, "codegen"]], "CSV for Microsoft Excel": [[8, "csv-for-microsoft-excel"]], "Microsoft Word 2000": [[8, "microsoft-word-2000"]], "JSON": [[8, "json"]], "LaTeX": [[8, "latex"]], "OpenDocument Spreadsheet": [[8, "opendocument-spreadsheet"]], "OpenDocument Text": [[8, "opendocument-text"]], "PDF": [[8, "pdf"]], "PHP Array": [[8, "php-array"]], "Data Options": [[8, "data-options"]], "Texy!": [[8, "texy"]], "YAML": [[8, "yaml"]], "Welcome to phpMyAdmin\u2019s documentation!": [[9, "welcome-to-phpmyadmin-s-documentation"]], "Indices and tables": [[9, "indices-and-tables"]], "Introduction": [[10, "introduction"], [19, "introduction"]], "Supported features": [[10, "supported-features"]], "Shortcut keys": [[10, "shortcut-keys"]], "A word about users": [[10, "a-word-about-users"]], "Other sources of information": [[11, "other-sources-of-information"]], "Printed Book": [[11, "printed-book"]], "Tutorials": [[11, "tutorials"]], "\u010cesky (Czech)": [[11, "cesky-czech"]], "English": [[11, "english"]], "\u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439 (Russian)": [[11, "russian"]], "User management": [[12, "user-management"]], "Creating a new user": [[12, "creating-a-new-user"]], "Editing an existing user": [[12, "editing-an-existing-user"]], "Deleting a user": [[12, "deleting-a-user"]], "Assigning privileges to user for a specific database": [[12, "assigning-privileges-to-user-for-a-specific-database"]], "Configurable menus and user groups": [[12, "configurable-menus-and-user-groups"]], "Relations": [[13, "relations"]], "Technical info": [[13, "technical-info"]], "Relation view": [[13, "relation-view"]], "Relation view example": [[13, "relation-view-example"]], "Designer": [[13, "designer"]], "Requirements": [[14, "requirements"]], "Web server": [[14, "web-server"]], "PHP": [[14, "php"]], "Database": [[14, "database"]], "Web browser": [[14, "web-browser"]], "Security policy": [[15, "security-policy"]], "Typical vulnerabilities": [[15, "typical-vulnerabilities"]], "Cross-site scripting (XSS)": [[15, "cross-site-scripting-xss"]], "Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)": [[15, "cross-site-request-forgery-csrf"]], "SQL injection": [[15, "sql-injection"]], "Brute force attack": [[15, "brute-force-attack"]], "Reporting security issues": [[15, "reporting-security-issues"]], "Configuring phpMyAdmin": [[16, "configuring-phpmyadmin"]], "Installation": [[17, "installation"]], "Linux distributions": [[17, "linux-distributions"]], "Debian and Ubuntu": [[17, "debian-and-ubuntu"]], "OpenSUSE": [[17, "opensuse"]], "Gentoo": [[17, "gentoo"]], "Mandriva": [[17, "mandriva"]], "Fedora": [[17, "fedora"]], "Red Hat Enterprise Linux": [[17, "red-hat-enterprise-linux"]], "Installing on Windows": [[17, "installing-on-windows"]], "Installing from Git": [[17, "installing-from-git"]], "Installing using Composer": [[17, "installing-using-composer"]], "Installing using Docker": [[17, "installing-using-docker"]], "Docker environment variables": [[17, "docker-environment-variables"]], "Customizing configuration": [[17, "customizing-configuration"]], "Docker Volumes": [[17, "docker-volumes"]], "Docker Examples": [[17, "docker-examples"]], "Using docker-compose": [[17, "using-docker-compose"]], "Customizing configuration file using docker-compose": [[17, "customizing-configuration-file-using-docker-compose"]], "Running behind haproxy in a subdirectory": [[17, "running-behind-haproxy-in-a-subdirectory"]], "IBM Cloud": [[17, "ibm-cloud"]], "Quick Install": [[17, "quick-install"]], "Manually creating the file": [[17, "manually-creating-the-file"]], "Using the Setup script": [[17, "using-the-setup-script"]], "Setup script on Debian, Ubuntu and derivatives": [[17, "setup-script-on-debian-ubuntu-and-derivatives"]], "Setup script on openSUSE": [[17, "setup-script-on-opensuse"]], "Verifying phpMyAdmin releases": [[17, "verifying-phpmyadmin-releases"]], "phpMyAdmin configuration storage": [[17, "phpmyadmin-configuration-storage"]], "Zero configuration": [[17, "zero-configuration"]], "Manual configuration": [[17, "manual-configuration"]], "Upgrading from an older version": [[17, "upgrading-from-an-older-version"]], "Using authentication modes": [[17, "using-authentication-modes"]], "HTTP authentication mode": [[17, "http-authentication-mode"]], "Cookie authentication mode": [[17, "cookie-authentication-mode"]], "Signon authentication mode": [[17, "signon-authentication-mode"]], "Config authentication mode": [[17, "config-authentication-mode"]], "Securing your phpMyAdmin installation": [[17, "securing-your-phpmyadmin-installation"]], "Using SSL for connection to database server": [[17, "using-ssl-for-connection-to-database-server"]], "Known issues": [[17, "known-issues"]], "Users with column-specific privileges are unable to \u201cBrowse\u201d": [[17, "users-with-column-specific-privileges-are-unable-to-browse"]], "Trouble logging back in after logging out using \u2018http\u2019 authentication": [[17, "trouble-logging-back-in-after-logging-out-using-http-authentication"]], "Custom Themes": [[18, "custom-themes"]], "Creating custom theme": [[18, "creating-custom-theme"]], "Theme metadata": [[18, "theme-metadata"]], "Sharing images": [[18, "sharing-images"]], "Transformations": [[19, "transformations"]], "Usage": [[19, "usage"]], "File structure": [[19, "file-structure"]], "Two-factor authentication": [[20, "two-factor-authentication"]], "Authentication Application (2FA)": [[20, "authentication-application-2fa"]], "Hardware Security Key (FIDO U2F)": [[20, "hardware-security-key-fido-u2f"]], "Simple two-factor authentication": [[20, "simple-two-factor-authentication"]], "User Guide": [[21, "user-guide"]], "Distributing and packaging phpMyAdmin": [[22, "distributing-and-packaging-phpmyadmin"]], "External libraries": [[22, "external-libraries"]], "Specific files LICENSES": [[22, "specific-files-licenses"]], "Licenses for vendors": [[22, "licenses-for-vendors"]]}, "indexentries": {"$cfg['actionlinksmode']": [[2, "cfg_ActionLinksMode"]], "$cfg['allowarbitraryserver']": [[2, "cfg_AllowArbitraryServer"], [2, "index-141"], [17, "index-0"], [17, "index-33"]], "$cfg['allowthirdpartyframing']": [[2, "cfg_AllowThirdPartyFraming"]], "$cfg['allowuserdropdatabase']": [[2, "cfg_AllowUserDropDatabase"]], "$cfg['arbitraryserverregexp']": [[2, "cfg_ArbitraryServerRegexp"], [2, "index-140"]], "$cfg['authlog']": [[2, "cfg_AuthLog"], [2, "index-4"], [17, "index-55"]], "$cfg['authlogsuccess']": [[2, "cfg_AuthLogSuccess"], [2, "index-2"]], "$cfg['availablecharsets']": [[2, "cfg_AvailableCharsets"]], "$cfg['bzipdump']": [[2, 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"cfg_SaveCellsAtOnce"]], "$cfg['savedir']": [[2, "cfg_SaveDir"], [8, "index-1"], [17, "index-19"]], "$cfg['senderrorreports']": [[2, "cfg_SendErrorReports"]], "$cfg['serverdefault']": [[2, "cfg_ServerDefault"], [2, "index-134"], [2, "index-135"]], "$cfg['serverlibrarydifference_disablewarning']": [[2, "cfg_ServerLibraryDifference_DisableWarning"]], "$cfg['servers']": [[2, "cfg_Servers"], [2, "index-160"], [2, "index-6"], [2, "index-9"], [17, "index-30"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['allowdeny']['order']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_AllowDeny_order"], [2, "index-152"], [17, "index-48"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['allowdeny']['rules']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_AllowDeny_rules"], [2, "index-129"], [2, "index-153"], [6, "index-18"], [17, "index-49"], [17, "index-51"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['allownopassword']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_AllowNoPassword"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['allowroot']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_AllowRoot"], [17, "index-52"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['disableis']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_DisableIS"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['logouturl']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_LogoutURL"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['maxtableuiprefs']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_MaxTableUiprefs"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['sessiontimezone']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_SessionTimeZone"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['signoncookieparams']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_SignonCookieParams"], [17, "index-36"], [17, "index-42"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['signonscript']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_SignonScript"], [2, "index-131"], [2, "index-132"], [17, "index-37"], [17, "index-39"], [17, "index-43"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['signonsession']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_SignonSession"], [17, "index-35"], [17, "index-41"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['signonurl']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_SignonURL"], [17, "index-38"], [17, "index-44"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['auth_http_realm']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_auth_http_realm"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['auth_swekey_config']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_auth_swekey_config"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['auth_type']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_auth_type"], [2, "index-75"], [17, "index-40"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['bookmarktable']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_bookmarktable"], [2, "index-78"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['central_columns']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_central_columns"], [2, "index-114"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['column_info']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_column_info"], [2, "index-90"], [2, "index-91"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['compress']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_compress"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['connect_type']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_connect_type"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['control_*']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_control_*"], [2, "index-60"], [2, "index-61"], [2, "index-65"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['controlhost']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_controlhost"], [2, "index-63"], [17, "index-11"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['controlpass']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_controlpass"], [6, "index-17"], [17, "index-13"], [17, "index-27"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['controlport']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_controlport"], [2, "index-64"], [17, "index-14"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['controluser']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_controluser"], [2, "index-92"], [6, "index-16"], [17, "index-12"], [17, "index-26"], [17, "index-29"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['designer_coords']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_designer_coords"], [2, "index-88"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['designer_settings']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_designer_settings"], [2, "index-116"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['export_templates']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_export_templates"], [2, "index-120"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['extension']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_extension"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['favorite']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_favorite"], [2, "index-103"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['hide_connection_errors']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_hide_connection_errors"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['hide_db']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_hide_db"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['history']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_history"], [2, "index-156"], [2, "index-95"], [17, "index-8"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['host']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_host"], [2, "index-12"], [2, "index-13"], [2, "index-137"], [2, "index-14"], [2, "index-15"], [2, "index-59"], [2, "index-7"], [2, "index-74"], [2, "index-8"], [17, "index-1"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['navigationhiding']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_navigationhiding"], [2, "index-112"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['nopassword']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_nopassword"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['only_db']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_only_db"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['password']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_password"], [17, "index-47"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['pdf_pages']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_pdf_pages"], [2, "index-83"], [2, "index-86"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['pmadb']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_pmadb"], [2, "index-1"], [2, "index-102"], [2, "index-105"], [2, "index-108"], [2, "index-111"], [2, "index-113"], [2, "index-115"], [2, "index-117"], [2, "index-119"], [2, "index-121"], [2, "index-123"], [2, "index-124"], [2, "index-143"], [2, "index-62"], [2, "index-76"], [2, "index-77"], [2, "index-79"], [2, "index-81"], [2, "index-84"], [2, "index-89"], [2, "index-94"], [2, "index-98"], [17, "index-15"], [17, "index-7"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['port']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_port"], [2, "index-11"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['recent']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_recent"], [2, "index-99"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['relation']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_relation"], [2, "index-80"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['savedsearches']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_savedsearches"], [2, "index-118"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['socket']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_socket"], [2, "index-10"], [6, "index-7"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['ssl']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_ssl"], [2, "index-161"], [2, "index-166"], [2, "index-22"], [2, "index-28"], [2, "index-34"], [2, "index-40"], [2, "index-46"], [2, "index-52"], [2, "index-66"], [17, "index-57"], [17, "index-64"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['ssl_ca']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_ssl_ca"], [2, "index-164"], [2, "index-167"], [2, "index-18"], [2, "index-24"], [2, "index-30"], [2, "index-43"], [2, "index-49"], [2, "index-55"], [2, "index-69"], [17, "index-60"], [17, "index-67"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['ssl_ca_path']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_ssl_ca_path"], [2, "index-19"], [2, "index-25"], [2, "index-31"], [2, "index-37"], [2, "index-50"], [2, "index-56"], [2, "index-70"], [17, "index-61"], [17, "index-68"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['ssl_cert']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_ssl_cert"], [2, "index-163"], [2, "index-17"], [2, "index-23"], [2, "index-36"], [2, "index-42"], [2, "index-48"], [2, "index-54"], [2, "index-68"], [17, "index-59"], [17, "index-66"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['ssl_ciphers']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_ssl_ciphers"], [2, "index-20"], [2, "index-26"], [2, "index-32"], [2, "index-38"], [2, "index-44"], [2, "index-57"], [2, "index-71"], [17, "index-69"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['ssl_key']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_ssl_key"], [2, "index-16"], [2, "index-162"], [2, "index-29"], [2, "index-35"], [2, "index-41"], [2, "index-47"], [2, "index-53"], [2, "index-67"], [17, "index-58"], [17, "index-65"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['ssl_verify']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_ssl_verify"], [2, "index-165"], [2, "index-168"], [2, "index-21"], [2, "index-27"], [2, "index-33"], [2, "index-39"], [2, "index-45"], [2, "index-51"], [2, "index-58"], [2, "index-72"], [17, "index-62"], [17, "index-70"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['table_coords']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_table_coords"], [2, "index-85"], [2, "index-87"], [13, "index-0"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['table_info']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_table_info"], [2, "index-82"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['table_uiprefs']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_table_uiprefs"], [2, "index-106"], [2, "index-126"], [2, "index-127"], [2, "index-128"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['tracking']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_tracking"], [2, "index-122"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['tracking_add_drop_database']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_tracking_add_drop_database"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['tracking_add_drop_table']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_tracking_add_drop_table"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['tracking_add_drop_view']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_tracking_add_drop_view"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['tracking_default_statements']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_tracking_default_statements"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['tracking_version_auto_create']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_tracking_version_auto_create"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['user']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_user"], [17, "index-46"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['userconfig']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_userconfig"], [2, "index-125"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['usergroups']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_usergroups"], [2, "index-107"], [2, "index-110"], [12, "index-1"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['users']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_users"], [2, "index-109"], [12, "index-0"]], "$cfg['servers'][$i]['verbose']": [[2, "cfg_Servers_verbose"], [2, "index-147"], [2, "index-73"], [6, "index-23"], [17, "index-3"]], "$cfg['sessionsavepath']": [[2, "cfg_SessionSavePath"], [17, "index-56"]], "$cfg['showall']": [[2, "cfg_ShowAll"]], "$cfg['showbrowsecomments']": [[2, "cfg_ShowBrowseComments"]], "$cfg['showchgpassword']": [[2, "cfg_ShowChgPassword"]], "$cfg['showcolumncomments']": [[2, "cfg_ShowColumnComments"]], "$cfg['showcreatedb']": [[2, "cfg_ShowCreateDb"]], "$cfg['showdatabasesnavigationastree']": [[2, "cfg_ShowDatabasesNavigationAsTree"]], "$cfg['showdbstructurecreation']": [[2, "cfg_ShowDbStructureCreation"]], "$cfg['showdbstructurelastcheck']": [[2, "cfg_ShowDbStructureLastCheck"]], "$cfg['showdbstructurelastupdate']": [[2, "cfg_ShowDbStructureLastUpdate"]], "$cfg['showfieldtypesindataeditview']": [[2, "cfg_ShowFieldTypesInDataEditView"]], "$cfg['showfunctionfields']": [[2, "cfg_ShowFunctionFields"]], "$cfg['showgitrevision']": [[2, "cfg_ShowGitRevision"]], "$cfg['showhint']": [[2, "cfg_ShowHint"]], "$cfg['showphpinfo']": [[2, "cfg_ShowPhpInfo"]], "$cfg['showpropertycomments']": [[2, "cfg_ShowPropertyComments"]], "$cfg['showsql']": [[2, "cfg_ShowSQL"]], "$cfg['showserverinfo']": [[2, "cfg_ShowServerInfo"]], "$cfg['showstats']": [[2, "cfg_ShowStats"]], "$cfg['skiplockedtables']": [[2, "cfg_SkipLockedTables"]], "$cfg['suhosindisablewarning']": [[2, "cfg_SuhosinDisableWarning"], [6, "index-5"]], "$cfg['tablenavigationlinksmode']": [[2, "cfg_TableNavigationLinksMode"]], "$cfg['tableprimarykeyorder']": [[2, "cfg_TablePrimaryKeyOrder"]], "$cfg['tabsmode']": [[2, "cfg_TabsMode"]], "$cfg['tempdir']": [[2, "cfg_TempDir"], [2, "index-3"], [6, "index-1"], [6, "index-25"], [17, "index-50"]], "$cfg['textareaautoselect']": [[2, "cfg_TextareaAutoSelect"]], "$cfg['textareacols']": [[2, "cfg_TextareaCols"]], "$cfg['textarearows']": [[2, "cfg_TextareaRows"]], "$cfg['themedefault']": [[2, "cfg_ThemeDefault"], [18, "index-1"]], "$cfg['thememanager']": [[2, "cfg_ThemeManager"], [18, "index-0"], [18, "index-2"]], "$cfg['themeperserver']": [[2, "cfg_ThemePerServer"]], "$cfg['titledatabase']": [[2, "cfg_TitleDatabase"]], "$cfg['titledefault']": [[2, "cfg_TitleDefault"]], "$cfg['titleserver']": [[2, "cfg_TitleServer"]], "$cfg['titletable']": [[2, "cfg_TitleTable"]], "$cfg['translationwarningthreshold']": [[2, "cfg_TranslationWarningThreshold"]], "$cfg['trustedproxies']": [[2, "cfg_TrustedProxies"], [2, "index-130"]], "$cfg['urlqueryencryption']": [[2, "cfg_URLQueryEncryption"]], "$cfg['urlqueryencryptionsecretkey']": [[2, "cfg_URLQueryEncryptionSecretKey"]], "$cfg['uploaddir']": [[2, "cfg_UploadDir"], [6, "index-2"], [6, "index-24"], [8, "index-0"], [17, "index-18"]], "$cfg['usedbsearch']": [[2, "cfg_UseDbSearch"]], "$cfg['userprefsdevelopertab']": [[2, "cfg_UserprefsDeveloperTab"]], "$cfg['userprefsdisallow']": [[2, "cfg_UserprefsDisallow"], [2, "index-5"]], "$cfg['versioncheck']": [[2, "cfg_VersionCheck"]], "$cfg['zeroconf']": [[2, "cfg_ZeroConf"], [17, "index-25"]], "$cfg['zipdump']": [[2, "cfg_ZipDump"]], "$cfg['blowfish_secret']": [[2, "cfg_blowfish_secret"], [2, "index-138"], [6, "index-11"]], "$cfg['enable_drag_drop_import']": [[2, "cfg_enable_drag_drop_import"]], "$cfg['environment']": [[2, "cfg_environment"]], "actionlinksmode": [[2, "cfg_ActionLinksMode"]], "allowarbitraryserver": [[2, "cfg_AllowArbitraryServer"]], "allowdeny, order": [[2, "cfg_Servers_AllowDeny_order"]], "allowdeny, rules": [[2, "cfg_Servers_AllowDeny_rules"]], "allownopassword": [[2, "cfg_Servers_AllowNoPassword"]], "allowroot": [[2, "cfg_Servers_AllowRoot"]], "allowthirdpartyframing": [[2, "cfg_AllowThirdPartyFraming"]], "allowuserdropdatabase": [[2, "cfg_AllowUserDropDatabase"]], "arbitraryserverregexp": [[2, "cfg_ArbitraryServerRegexp"]], "authlog": [[2, "cfg_AuthLog"]], "authlogsuccess": [[2, "cfg_AuthLogSuccess"]], "availablecharsets": [[2, "cfg_AvailableCharsets"]], "bzipdump": [[2, "cfg_BZipDump"]], "browsemime": [[2, "cfg_BrowseMIME"]], "browsemarkerenable": [[2, "cfg_BrowseMarkerEnable"]], "browsepointerenable": [[2, "cfg_BrowsePointerEnable"]], "cspallow": [[2, "cfg_CSPAllow"]], "captchaapi": [[2, "cfg_CaptchaApi"]], "captchacsp": [[2, "cfg_CaptchaCsp"]], "captchaloginprivatekey": [[2, "cfg_CaptchaLoginPrivateKey"]], "captchaloginpublickey": [[2, "cfg_CaptchaLoginPublicKey"]], "captchamethod": [[2, "cfg_CaptchaMethod"]], "captcharequestparam": [[2, "cfg_CaptchaRequestParam"]], "captcharesponseparam": [[2, "cfg_CaptchaResponseParam"]], "captchasiteverifyurl": [[2, "cfg_CaptchaSiteVerifyURL"]], "charediting": [[2, "cfg_CharEditing"]], "chartextareacols": [[2, "cfg_CharTextareaCols"]], "chartextarearows": [[2, "cfg_CharTextareaRows"]], "checkconfigurationpermissions": [[2, "cfg_CheckConfigurationPermissions"]], "codemirrorenable": [[2, "cfg_CodemirrorEnable"]], "compressonfly": [[2, "cfg_CompressOnFly"]], "confirm": [[2, "cfg_Confirm"]], "console, alwaysexpand": [[2, "cfg_Console_AlwaysExpand"]], "console, currentquery": [[2, "cfg_Console_CurrentQuery"]], "console, darktheme": [[2, "cfg_Console_DarkTheme"]], "console, enterexecutes": [[2, "cfg_Console_EnterExecutes"]], "console, height": [[2, "cfg_Console_Height"]], "console, mode": [[2, "cfg_Console_Mode"]], "console, starthistory": [[2, "cfg_Console_StartHistory"]], "consoleenterexecutes": [[2, "cfg_ConsoleEnterExecutes"]], "cookiesamesite": [[2, "cfg_CookieSameSite"]], "dbg": [[2, "cfg_DBG"]], "dbg, demo": [[2, "cfg_DBG_demo"]], "dbg, simple2fa": [[2, "cfg_DBG_simple2fa"]], "dbg, sql": [[2, "cfg_DBG_sql"]], "dbg, sqllog": [[2, "cfg_DBG_sqllog"]], "defaultconnectioncollation": [[2, "cfg_DefaultConnectionCollation"]], "defaultforeignkeychecks": [[2, "cfg_DefaultForeignKeyChecks"]], "defaultfunctions": [[2, "cfg_DefaultFunctions"]], "defaultlang": [[2, "cfg_DefaultLang"]], "defaultquerydatabase": [[2, "cfg_DefaultQueryDatabase"]], "defaultquerytable": [[2, "cfg_DefaultQueryTable"]], "defaulttabdatabase": [[2, "cfg_DefaultTabDatabase"]], "defaulttabserver": [[2, "cfg_DefaultTabServer"]], "defaulttabtable": [[2, "cfg_DefaultTabTable"]], "defaulttransformations": [[2, "cfg_DefaultTransformations"]], "defaulttransformations, bool2text": [[2, "cfg_DefaultTransformations_Bool2Text"]], "defaulttransformations, dateformat": [[2, "cfg_DefaultTransformations_DateFormat"]], "defaulttransformations, external": [[2, "cfg_DefaultTransformations_External"]], "defaulttransformations, hex": [[2, "cfg_DefaultTransformations_Hex"]], "defaulttransformations, inline": [[2, "cfg_DefaultTransformations_Inline"]], "defaulttransformations, preappend": [[2, "cfg_DefaultTransformations_PreApPend"]], "defaulttransformations, substring": [[2, "cfg_DefaultTransformations_Substring"]], "defaulttransformations, textimagelink": [[2, "cfg_DefaultTransformations_TextImageLink"]], "defaulttransformations, textlink": [[2, "cfg_DefaultTransformations_TextLink"]], "disableis": [[2, "cfg_Servers_DisableIS"]], "disablemultitablemaintenance": [[2, "cfg_DisableMultiTableMaintenance"]], "disableshortcutkeys": [[2, "cfg_DisableShortcutKeys"]], "displayserverslist": [[2, "cfg_DisplayServersList"]], "enableautocompletefortablesandcolumns": [[2, "cfg_EnableAutocompleteForTablesAndColumns"]], "exectimelimit": [[2, "cfg_ExecTimeLimit"]], "export": [[2, "cfg_Export"]], "export, charset": [[2, "cfg_Export_charset"]], "export, file_template_database": [[2, "cfg_Export_file_template_database"]], "export, file_template_server": [[2, "cfg_Export_file_template_server"]], "export, file_template_table": [[2, "cfg_Export_file_template_table"]], "export, format": [[2, "cfg_Export_format"]], "export, method": [[2, "cfg_Export_method"]], "export, remove_definer_from_definitions": [[2, "cfg_Export_remove_definer_from_definitions"]], "filterlanguages": [[2, "cfg_FilterLanguages"]], "firstdayofcalendar": [[2, "cfg_FirstDayOfCalendar"]], "firstlevelnavigationitems": [[2, "cfg_FirstLevelNavigationItems"]], "fontsize": [[2, "cfg_FontSize"]], "forcessl": [[2, "cfg_ForceSSL"]], "foreignkeydropdownorder": [[2, "cfg_ForeignKeyDropdownOrder"]], "foreignkeymaxlimit": [[2, "cfg_ForeignKeyMaxLimit"]], "gd2available": [[2, "cfg_GD2Available"]], "gzipdump": [[2, "cfg_GZipDump"]], "gridediting": [[2, "cfg_GridEditing"]], "hidestructureactions": [[2, "cfg_HideStructureActions"]], "iconvextraparams": [[2, "cfg_IconvExtraParams"]], "ignoremultisubmiterrors": [[2, "cfg_IgnoreMultiSubmitErrors"]], "import": [[2, "cfg_Import"]], "import, charset": [[2, "cfg_Import_charset"]], "initialslidersstate": [[2, "cfg_InitialSlidersState"]], "insertrows": [[2, "cfg_InsertRows"]], "lang": [[2, "cfg_Lang"]], "limitchars": [[2, "cfg_LimitChars"]], "linklengthlimit": [[2, "cfg_LinkLengthLimit"]], "logincookiedeleteall": [[2, "cfg_LoginCookieDeleteAll"]], "logincookierecall": [[2, "cfg_LoginCookieRecall"]], "logincookiestore": [[2, "cfg_LoginCookieStore"]], "logincookievalidity": [[2, "cfg_LoginCookieValidity"]], "logincookievaliditydisablewarning": [[2, "cfg_LoginCookieValidityDisableWarning"]], "logouturl": [[2, "cfg_Servers_LogoutURL"]], "longtextdoubletextarea": [[2, "cfg_LongtextDoubleTextarea"]], "maxcharactersindisplayedsql": [[2, "cfg_MaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL"]], "maxdblist": [[2, "cfg_MaxDbList"]], "maxexactcount": [[2, "cfg_MaxExactCount"]], "maxexactcountviews": [[2, "cfg_MaxExactCountViews"]], "maxnavigationitems": [[2, "cfg_MaxNavigationItems"]], "maxrows": [[2, "cfg_MaxRows"]], "maxsizeforinputfield": [[2, "cfg_MaxSizeForInputField"]], "maxtablelist": [[2, "cfg_MaxTableList"]], "maxtableuiprefs": [[2, "cfg_Servers_MaxTableUiprefs"]], "memorylimit": [[2, "cfg_MemoryLimit"]], "minsizeforinputfield": [[2, "cfg_MinSizeForInputField"]], "mysqlminversion": [[2, "cfg_MysqlMinVersion"]], "mysqlsslwarningsafehosts": [[2, "cfg_MysqlSslWarningSafeHosts"]], "naturalorder": [[2, "cfg_NaturalOrder"]], "navigationdisplaylogo": [[2, "cfg_NavigationDisplayLogo"]], "navigationdisplayservers": [[2, "cfg_NavigationDisplayServers"]], "navigationlinkwithmainpanel": [[2, "cfg_NavigationLinkWithMainPanel"]], "navigationlogolink": [[2, "cfg_NavigationLogoLink"]], "navigationlogolinkwindow": [[2, "cfg_NavigationLogoLinkWindow"]], "navigationtreedbseparator": [[2, "cfg_NavigationTreeDbSeparator"]], "navigationtreedefaulttabtable": [[2, "cfg_NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable"]], "navigationtreedefaulttabtable2": [[2, "cfg_NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable2"]], "navigationtreedisplaydbfilterminimum": [[2, "cfg_NavigationTreeDisplayDbFilterMinimum"]], "navigationtreedisplayitemfilterminimum": 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