#include /* Include PARI headers */ #include /* Include OpenMP headers */ #define MAXTHREADS 3 /* Max number of parallel threads */ int main(void) { GEN M,N1,N2, F1,F2,D; struct pari_thread pth[MAXTHREADS]; int numth = omp_get_max_threads(), i; /* Initialise the main PARI stack and global objects (gen_0, etc.) */ pari_init(8000000,500000); if (numth > MAXTHREADS) { numth = MAXTHREADS; omp_set_num_threads(numth); } /* Compute in the main PARI stack */ N1 = addis(int2n(256), 1); /* 2^256 + 1 */ N2 = subis(int2n(193), 1); /* 2^193 - 1 */ M = mathilbert(80); /*Allocate pari thread structures */ for (i = 1; i < numth; i++) pari_thread_alloc(&pth[i],8000000,NULL); #pragma omp parallel { int this_th = omp_get_thread_num(); if (this_th) (void)pari_thread_start(&pth[this_th]); #pragma omp sections { #pragma omp section { F1 = factor(N1); } #pragma omp section { F2 = factor(N2); } #pragma omp section { D = det(M); } } /* omp sections */ if (this_th) pari_thread_close(); } /* omp parallel */ pari_printf("F1=%Ps\nF2=%Ps\nlog(D)=%Ps\n", F1, F2, glog(D,3)); for (i = 1; i < numth; i++) pari_thread_free(&pth[i]); return 0; }