Import & Export

Video editing projects (including tracks, clips, and keyframes) can be imported and exported from OpenShot Video Editor in widely supported formats (EDL: Edit Decision Lists, and XML: Final Cut Pro format). For example, if you start editing a video in a different program (Adobe Premier, Final Cut Pro, etc…), but later need to move all your edits to OpenShot (or vice versa).

EDL (Edit Decision Lists)

The following features are supported when importing and exporting an EDL file with OpenShot.



EDL Format

CMX-3600 (a very widely supported variation)

Single Track

Only a single track can be imported at a time (this is a limitation of the EDL format)

Tape Name

Only AX and BL tape names are currently supported in OpenShot

Edits (V and A)

Only edits are currently supported (transitions are not yet supported)


Opacity keyframes are supported

Audio Levels

Volume keyframes are supported

Example EDL format supported by OpenShot:
 TITLE: Clips - TRACK 5

 001  BL       V     C        00:00:00:01 00:00:03:17 00:00:00:01 00:00:03:17
 001  AX       V     C        00:00:00:01 00:00:10:01 00:00:03:17 00:00:13:17
 * FROM CLIP NAME: Intro.png

 002  BL       V     C        00:00:00:01 00:00:05:09 00:00:13:17 00:00:18:25
 002  AX       V     C        00:00:00:01 00:00:10:01 00:00:18:25 00:00:28:25
 * FROM CLIP NAME: FileName.mp4
 * OPACITY LEVEL AT 00:00:00:01 IS 0.00%  (REEL AX)
 * OPACITY LEVEL AT 00:00:01:01 IS 100.00%  (REEL AX)
 * OPACITY LEVEL AT 00:00:09:01 IS 100.00%  (REEL AX)
 * OPACITY LEVEL AT 00:00:10:01 IS 0.00%  (REEL AX)

 003  BL       V     C        00:00:00:01 00:00:33:15 00:00:28:25 00:01:02:09
 003  AX       V     C        00:00:14:25 00:00:34:29 00:01:02:09 00:01:22:13
 003  AX       A     C        00:00:14:25 00:00:34:29 00:01:02:09 00:01:22:13
 * FROM CLIP NAME: FileName2.mp4

 004  BL       V     C        00:00:00:01 00:00:26:25 00:01:22:13 00:01:49:07
 004  AX       A     C        00:00:00:01 00:02:20:01 00:01:49:07 00:04:09:07
 * FROM CLIP NAME: Music.wav
 * AUDIO LEVEL AT 00:00:00:01 IS -99.00 DB  (REEL AX A1)
 * AUDIO LEVEL AT 00:00:03:01 IS 0.00 DB  (REEL AX A1)
 * AUDIO LEVEL AT 00:02:17:01 IS 0.00 DB  (REEL AX A1)
 * AUDIO LEVEL AT 00:02:20:01 IS -99.00 DB  (REEL AX A1)

XML (Final Cut Pro format)

The following features are supported when importing and exporting an XML file with OpenShot. This XML format is supported in many video editors (not just Final Cut Pro). In fact, most commercial video editors have some support for importing and exporting this same XML format.



XML Format

Final Cut Pro format (but most commercial video editors also support this format)

All Tracks

All video and audio tracks are supported


All clips on all tracks are supported (video, image, and audio files). Transitions are not yet supported.


Opacity keyframes are supported

Audio Levels

Volume keyframes are supported

Example XML format supported by OpenShot (abbreviated):
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE xmeml>
<xmeml version="4">
    <sequence MZ.EditLine="3237704870400" MZ.Sequence.AudioTimeDisplayFormat="200" MZ.Sequence.EditingModeGUID="795454d9-d3c2-429d-9474-923ab13b7017" MZ.Sequence.PreviewFrameSizeHeight="480" MZ.Sequence.PreviewFrameSizeWidth="720" MZ.Sequence.PreviewRenderingClassID="1061109567" MZ.Sequence.PreviewRenderingPresetCodec="1685480224" MZ.Sequence.PreviewRenderingPresetPath="EncoderPresets/SequencePreview/795454d9-d3c2-429d-9474-923ab13b7017/QuickTime DV NTSC.epr" MZ.Sequence.PreviewUseMaxBitDepth="false" MZ.Sequence.PreviewUseMaxRenderQuality="false" MZ.Sequence.VideoTimeDisplayFormat="102" MZ.WorkInPoint="0" MZ.WorkOutPoint="5432902675200" MZ.ZeroPoint="8475667200" Monitor.ProgramZoomIn="0" Monitor.ProgramZoomOut="5432902675200" TL.SQAVDividerPosition="0.5" TL.SQAudioVisibleBase="0" TL.SQHeaderWidth="236" TL.SQHideShyTracks="0" TL.SQTimePerPixel="0.050923888888888894" TL.SQVideoVisibleBase="0" TL.SQVisibleBaseTime="0" explodedTracks="true" id="X3N90QWYU1">
                <track MZ.TrackTargeted="0" TL.SQTrackExpanded="0" TL.SQTrackExpandedHeight="25" TL.SQTrackShy="0">
                    <clipitem id="XAUWQHBX4K">
                        <file id="FL840TGBJK">
                                <parameter authoringApp="OpenShot">
                    <clipitem id="A2ZIIOZCH9">
                        <file id="SG00IW75Y5">
                                <parameter authoringApp="OpenShot">
                <track MZ.TrackTargeted="0" TL.SQTrackExpanded="0" TL.SQTrackExpandedHeight="25" TL.SQTrackShy="0">
                    <clipitem id="0E25FKQBWG">
                        <file id="KTBZK4AR5A">
                                <parameter authoringApp="OpenShot">
                    <clipitem id="YBPQ8J4LC9">
                        <file id="MMRR3KIDHF">
                                <parameter authoringApp="OpenShot">
                    <clipitem id="SQ3995OKWV">
                        <file id="SG00IW75Y5">
                                <parameter authoringApp="OpenShot">
                <track MZ.TrackTargeted="1" PannerCurrentValue="0.5" PannerIsInverted="true" PannerName="Balance" PannerStartKeyframe="-91445760000000000,0.5,0,0,0,0,0,0" TL.SQTrackAudioKeyframeStyle="0" TL.SQTrackExpanded="0" TL.SQTrackExpandedHeight="25" TL.SQTrackShy="0" currentExplodedTrackIndex="0" premiereTrackType="Stereo" totalExplodedTrackCount="2">
                    <clipitem id="A2ZIIOZCH9-audio" premiereChannelType="stereo">
                        <file id="SG00IW75Y5"/>
                                <name>Audio Levels</name>
                                <parameter authoringApp="OpenShot">
                <track MZ.TrackTargeted="1" PannerCurrentValue="0.5" PannerIsInverted="true" PannerName="Balance" PannerStartKeyframe="-91445760000000000,0.5,0,0,0,0,0,0" TL.SQTrackAudioKeyframeStyle="0" TL.SQTrackExpanded="0" TL.SQTrackExpandedHeight="25" TL.SQTrackShy="0" currentExplodedTrackIndex="0" premiereTrackType="Stereo" totalExplodedTrackCount="2">
                    <clipitem id="SQ3995OKWV-audio" premiereChannelType="stereo">
                        <file id="SG00IW75Y5"/>
                                <name>Audio Levels</name>
                                <parameter authoringApp="OpenShot">
                    <clipitem id="N2D64Q4B9F-audio" premiereChannelType="stereo">
                        <name>The Epic.wav</name>
                        <file id="PTWYH9FRCD">
                            <name>The Epic.wav</name>
                            <pathurl>The Epic.wav</pathurl>
                                <name>Audio Levels</name>
                                <parameter authoringApp="OpenShot">