Live manual

Live Systems

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Manual Live Systems

Sobre esse manual

1. Sobre esse manual

This manual serves as a single access point to all documentation related to the Live Systems Project and in particular applies to the software produced by the project for the Debian 9.0 "stretch" release. An up-to-date version can always be found at ‹

While live-manual is primarily focused on helping you build a live system and not on end-user topics, an end user may find some useful information in these sections: The Basics covers downloading prebuilt images and preparing images to be booted from media or the network, either using the web builder or running live-build directly on your system. Customizing run time behaviours describes some options that may be specified at the boot prompt, such as selecting a keyboard layout and locale, and using persistence.

Alguns comandos mencionados no texto devem ser executados com privilégios de super-usuário, que podem ser obtidos tornando-se usuário root via su ou usando sudo. Para distinção entre os comandos que talvez possam ser executados como usuário não privilegiado e aqueles que requerem privilégios de super usuário, os comandos são precididos por: $ ou # respectivamente. Esse simbolo não é parte do comando.

1.1 Para os impacientes

Embora acreditemos que tudo neste manual é importante para pelo menos alguns de nossos usuários, percebemos que tem muito material para cobertura e você pode querer experimentar o sucesso precoce utilizando o software antes de se aprofundar nos detalhes. Portanto, sugerimos a leitura na seguinte ordem.

First, read this chapter, About this manual, from the beginning and ending with the Terms section. Next, skip to the three tutorials at the front of the Examples section designed to teach you image building and customization basics. Read Using the examples first, followed by Tutorial 1: A default image, Tutorial 2: A web browser utility and finally Tutorial 3: A personalized image. By the end of these tutorials, you will have a taste of what can be done with live systems.

We encourage you to return to more in-depth study of the manual, perhaps next reading The basics, skimming or skipping Building a netboot image, and finishing by reading the Customization overview and the chapters that follow it. By this point, we hope you are thoroughly excited by what can be done with live systems and motivated to read the rest of the manual, cover-to-cover.

1.2 Terminologia

1.3 Autores

Lista de autores (em ordem alfabética)

1.4 Contribuindo com esse documento

This manual is intended as a community project and all proposals for improvements and contributions are extremely welcome. Please see the section Contributing to the project for detailed information on how to fetch the commit key and make good commits.

1.4.1 Applying changes

In order to make changes to the English manual you have to edit the right files in manual/en/ but prior to the submission of your contribution, please preview your work. To preview the live-manual, ensure the packages needed for building it are installed by executing:

# apt-get install make po4a ruby ruby-nokogiri sisu-complete

Você também pode construir o live-manual a partir do primeiro nível do diretório do seu Git checkout executando:

$ make build

Since it takes a while to build the manual in all supported languages, authors may find it convenient to use one of the fast proofing shortcuts when reviewing the new documentation they have added to the English manual. Using PROOF=1 builds live-manual in html format, but without the segmented html files, and using PROOF=2 builds live-manual in pdf format, but only the A4 and letter portraits. That is why using either of the PROOF= possibilities can save up a considerable amount of time, e.g:

$ make build PROOF=1

When proofing one of the translations it is possible to build only one language by executing, e.g:

$ make build LANGUAGES=de

Também é possível construir, por tipo de documento, por exemplo:

$ make build FORMATS=pdf

Ou a combinação dos dois, por exemplo:

$ make build LANGUAGES=de FORMATS=html

After revising your work and making sure that everything is fine, do not use make commit unless you are updating translations in the commit, and in that case, do not mix changes to the English manual and translations in the same commit, but use separate commits for each. See the Translation section for more details.

1.4.2 Tradução

Note: For the translation of the man pages see Translation of man pages

In order to translate live-manual, follow these steps depending on whether you are starting a translation from scratch or continue working on an already existing one:

After running make commit you will see some text scroll by. These are basically informative messages about the processing status and also some hints about what can be done in order to improve live-manual. Unless you see a fatal error, you usually can proceed and submit your contribution.

live-manual comes with two utilities that can greatly help translators to find untranslated and changed strings. The first one is "make translate". It launches an script that tells you in detail how many untranslated strings there are in each .po file. The second one, the "make fixfuzzy" target, only acts upon changed strings but it helps you to find and fix them one by one.

Keep in mind that even though these utilities might be really helpful to do translation work on the command line, the use of an specialized tool like poedit is the recommended way to do the task. It is also a good idea to read the Debian localization (l10n) documentation and, specifically to live-manual, the Guidelines for translators.

Observação: Você pode usar make clean para limpar a sua árvore git antes de enviar. Este passo não é obrigatório graças ao gitignore., Mas é uma boa prática para evitar enviar arquivos involuntariamente.

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