#!/usr/bin/perl use X11::Protocol; use strict; use IO::Select; my $X = new X11::Protocol; $X->init_extension("RENDER") or die; my($mono1, $rgb24, $rgba32); my($formats, $screens, $subpixels) = $X->RenderQueryPictFormats(); print "Formats:\n"; for my $f (@$formats) { print " ", join(", ", @$f), "\n"; $mono1 = $f->[0] if $f->[2] == 1 and $f->[10] == 1; $rgb24 = $f->[0] if $f->[2] == 24 and $f->[3] == 16 and $f->[5] == 8 and $f->[7] == 0; $rgba32 = $f->[0] if $f->[2] == 32 and $f->[3] == 16 and $f->[5] == 8 and $f->[7] == 0 and $f->[9] == 24; } print "Screens:\n"; for my $s (@$screens) { my @s = @$s; print " Fallback: $s[0]\n"; shift @s; for my $d (@s) { my @d = @$d; print " Depth: $d[0]\n"; shift @d; for my $v (@d) { print " @$v\n"; } } } print "Subpixels:\n"; for my $sp (@$subpixels) { print " $sp\n"; } my $win = $X->new_rsrc; $X->CreateWindow($win, $X->root, 'InputOutput', $X->root_depth, 'CopyFromParent', (0, 0), 500, 500, 4, 'background_pixel' => $X->white_pixel, 'bit_gravity' => 'Static', 'event_mask' => $X->pack_event_mask('Exposure', 'KeyPress', 'ButtonPress', 'StructureNotify')); my($filters, $aliases) = $X->RenderQueryFilters($win); print "Aliases: " . join(" ", @$aliases), "\n"; print "Filters: " . join(" ", @$filters), "\n"; $X->MapWindow($win); my $picture = $X->new_rsrc; $X->RenderCreatePicture($picture, $win, $rgb24); $X->RenderChangePicture($picture, 'poly_mode' => 'Imprecise'); $X->RenderSetPictureClipRectangles($picture, 0, 0, [50, 0, 400, 50], [0, 50, 500, 400], [50, 450, 400, 50]); my $pixmap = $X->new_rsrc; $X->CreatePixmap($pixmap, $win, 32, 1000, 1000); my $pix_pict = $X->new_rsrc; $X->RenderCreatePicture($pix_pict, $pixmap, $rgba32); $X->RenderFillRectangles('Src', $pix_pict, [0xffff, 0, 0, 0x8000], [0, 0, 1000, 1000]); my $pixmap2 = $X->new_rsrc; $X->CreatePixmap($pixmap2, $win, 32, 1000, 1000); my $pix_pict2 = $X->new_rsrc; $X->RenderCreatePicture($pix_pict2, $pixmap2, $rgba32); $X->RenderSetPictureFilter($pix_pict2, "bilinear"); $X->RenderSetPictureFilter($picture, "bilinear"); my $cursor1_pixmap = $X->new_rsrc; $X->CreatePixmap($cursor1_pixmap, $win, 32, 32, 32); my $cursor1_pict = $X->new_rsrc; $X->RenderCreatePicture($cursor1_pict, $cursor1_pixmap, $rgba32); $X->RenderFillRectangles('Src', $cursor1_pict, [0, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff], [0, 0, 32, 32]); $X->RenderFillRectangles('Src', $cursor1_pict, [0, 0, 0, 0x4000], [4, 4, 24, 24]); my $cursor1 = $X->new_rsrc; $X->RenderCreateCursor($cursor1, $cursor1_pict, 16, 16); my $cursor2_pixmap = $X->new_rsrc; $X->CreatePixmap($cursor2_pixmap, $win, 32, 32, 32); my $cursor2_pict = $X->new_rsrc; $X->RenderCreatePicture($cursor2_pict, $cursor2_pixmap, $rgba32); $X->RenderFillRectangles('Src', $cursor2_pict, [0, 0x8000, 0xffff, 0xffff], [0, 0, 32, 32]); $X->RenderFillRectangles('Src', $cursor2_pict, [0, 0, 0, 0x4000], [4, 4, 24, 24]); my $cursor2 = $X->new_rsrc; $X->RenderCreateCursor($cursor2, $cursor2_pict, 16, 16); my $anim_cursor = $X->new_rsrc; $X->RenderCreateAnimCursor($anim_cursor, [$cursor1, 500], [$cursor2, 100]); $X->ChangeWindowAttributes($win, 'cursor' => $anim_cursor); my $fixed_gs = $X->new_rsrc; $X->RenderCreateGlyphSet($fixed_gs, $mono1); my $fixed_font = $X->new_rsrc; $X->OpenFont($fixed_font, "fixed"); sub pad_bit { my($bits) = @_; # return join("", map($_ ? "\x80\x00\x00\x00" : "\x00\xff\xff\xff", # unpack("b*", $bits))); return join("", map($_ . "\0\0\0", split(//, $bits))); # return $bits; } my @glyphs = ([0, 8, 8, 0, 0, 9, 0, pad_bit("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00")], [1, 8, 8, 0, 0, 9, 0, pad_bit("\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff")], [2, 8, 8, 0, 0, 9, 0, pad_bit("\xff\x81\x81\x81\x81\x81\x81\xff")]); $X->RenderAddGlyphs($fixed_gs, $glyphs[0]); $X->RenderAddGlyphs($fixed_gs, $glyphs[1]); $X->RenderAddGlyphs($fixed_gs, $glyphs[2]); $X->event_handler('queue'); my $fds = IO::Select->new($X->connection->fh); sub draw { $X->RenderFillRectangles('Src', $picture, [(0xffff)x4], [0, 0, 500, 500]); $X->RenderFillRectangles('Src', $pix_pict, [0xffff, 0, 0, 0x8000], [0, 0, 1000, 1000]); $X->RenderFillRectangles('Src', $pix_pict2, [0, 0x8000, 0, 0x8000], [0, 0, 1000, 1000]); my @rects; for my $i (0 .. 11) { for my $j (0 .. 11) { push @rects, [40 * $i, 40 * $j, 35, 35]; } } $X->RenderFillRectangles('Over', $picture, [0, 0, 0xffff, 0x8000], @rects); @rects = (); for my $i (0 .. 11) { for my $j (0 .. 11) { push @rects, [40 * $i + 23, 40 * $j + 23, 15, 15]; } } $X->RenderFillRectangles('Src', $picture, [0, 0, 0xffff, 0x8000], @rects); $X->RenderTriangles('Over', $pix_pict, 500, 500, $picture, 'None', [(250, 100), (100, 350), (400, 350)]); $X->RenderTrapezoids('Over', $pix_pict, 240, 0, $picture, 'None', [100, 200, ((240, 0),(0,500)),((500,500),(260,0))]); my @strip; for my $i (0 .. 40) { push @strip, [300 + 100*sin($i/10), 300 + 100*cos($i/10)]; push @strip, [300 + 120*sin($i/10 + .05), 300 + 120*cos($i/10 + .05)]; } $X->RenderTriStrip('Over', $pix_pict2, 500, 500, $picture, 'None', @strip); my @spiral; for my $i (0 .. 40) { push @spiral, [150 + (50 + $i*2)*sin($i/10), 300 + (50 + $i*2)*cos($i/10)]; } $X->RenderTriFan('Over', $pix_pict2, 500, 500, $picture, 'None', [150, 300], @spiral); $X->RenderFillRectangles('Src', $pix_pict2, [0, 0, 0, 0x8000], [0, 0, 1000, 1000]); $X->RenderTriangles('Atop', $pix_pict, 500, 500, $pix_pict2, 'None', [(125, 50), (50, 175), (200, 175)]); $X->RenderComposite('Over', $pix_pict2, 'None', $picture, 0, 0, 0, 0, 200, 240, 250, 250); $X->RenderSetPictureTransform($pix_pict2, (0.5, -0.5, 0), (0, 0.5, 0), (0, 0, 0.5)); $X->RenderComposite('Over', $pix_pict2, 'None', $picture, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 500, 250); $X->RenderCompositeGlyphs8('Over', $pix_pict, $picture, 'None', $fixed_gs, 0, 0, [150, 50, "\0\1\2\2\2\1\1\0\0\1\2\2\1"], $fixed_gs, [-100, 50, "\1\2"x10]); $X->RenderCompositeGlyphs16('Over', $pix_pict, $picture, 'None', $fixed_gs, 0, 0, [150, 60, pack("S*", 2, 0, 1, 2)]); $X->RenderCompositeGlyphs32('Over', $pix_pict, $picture, 'None', $fixed_gs, 0, 0, [150, 70, pack("L*", 2, 1, 0, 2)]); # $X->RenderCompositeGlyphs8('Over', $pix_pict, $picture, 'None', # $fixed_font, 100, 100, [150, 50, "Perl"]); } for (;;) { my %e; $X->handle_input; if (%e = $X->dequeue_event) { if ($e{'name'} eq "Expose") { draw(); } elsif ($e{'name'} eq "ButtonPress" or $e{'name'} eq "KeyPress") { exit; } } }