Package javax.servlet

Interface ServletContextListener

    • Method Detail

      • contextInitialized

        default void contextInitialized​(ServletContextEvent sce)
        Receives notification that the web application initialization process is starting.

        All ServletContextListeners are notified of context initialization before any filters or servlets in the web application are initialized.

        Implementation Requirements:
        The default implementation takes no action.
        sce - the ServletContextEvent containing the ServletContext that is being initialized
      • contextDestroyed

        default void contextDestroyed​(ServletContextEvent sce)
        Receives notification that the ServletContext is about to be shut down.

        All servlets and filters will have been destroyed before any ServletContextListeners are notified of context destruction.

        Implementation Requirements:
        The default implementation takes no action.
        sce - the ServletContextEvent containing the ServletContext that is being destroyed