
GooCanvasItemModelSimple — the base class for the standard canvas item models.


GooCairoAntialias antialias Read / Write
GooCairoFillRule clip-fill-rule Read / Write
gchar * clip-path Write
gchar * fill-color Write
GdkRGBA * fill-color-gdk-rgba Read / Write
guint fill-color-rgba Read / Write
GooCairoPattern * fill-pattern Read / Write
GdkPixbuf * fill-pixbuf Write
GooCairoFillRule fill-rule Read / Write
gchar * font Read / Write
PangoFontDescription * font-desc Read / Write
GooCairoHintMetrics hint-metrics Read / Write
GooCairoLineCap line-cap Read / Write
GooCanvasLineDash * line-dash Read / Write
GooCairoLineJoin line-join Read / Write
gdouble line-join-miter-limit Read / Write
gdouble line-width Read / Write
GooCairoOperator operator Read / Write
gchar * stroke-color Write
GdkRGBA * stroke-color-gdk-rgba Read / Write
guint stroke-color-rgba Read / Write
GooCairoPattern * stroke-pattern Read / Write
GdkPixbuf * stroke-pixbuf Write

Types and Values

Object Hierarchy

    ╰── GooCanvasItemModelSimple
        ├── GooCanvasRectModel
        ├── GooCanvasGroupModel
        ├── GooCanvasPathModel
        ├── GooCanvasEllipseModel
        ├── GooCanvasTextModel
        ├── GooCanvasPolylineModel
        ├── GooCanvasImageModel
        ╰── GooCanvasGridModel

Implemented Interfaces

GooCanvasItemModelSimple implements GooCanvasItemModel.


GooCanvasItemModelSimple is used as a base class for the standard canvas item models. It can also be used as the base class for new custom canvas item models.

The Model/View canvas feature may be removed in a future version of GooCanvas.

It provides default implementations for many of the GooCanvasItemModel methods.

Subclasses of GooCanvasItemModelSimple only need to implement the create_item() method of the GooCanvasItemModel interface, to create the default canvas item to view the item model.


Types and Values

struct GooCanvasItemModelSimple

struct GooCanvasItemModelSimple {
  GooCanvasItemModel *parent;
  GooCanvasItemSimpleData simple_data;

The GooCanvasItemModelSimple struct contains the basic data needed to implement canvas item models.


GooCanvasItemModel *parent;

the parent model.


GooCanvasItemSimpleData simple_data;

data used by the canvas item for viewing the model.


Property Details

The “antialias” property

  “antialias”                GooCairoAntialias

The antialiasing mode to use.

Flags: Read / Write


The “clip-fill-rule” property

  “clip-fill-rule”           GooCairoFillRule

The fill rule used to determine which parts of the item are clipped.

Flags: Read / Write


The “clip-path” property

  “clip-path”                gchar *

The sequence of commands describing the clip path of the item, specified as a string using the same syntax as in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) path element.

Flags: Write

Default value: NULL

The “fill-color” property

  “fill-color”               gchar *

The color to use to paint the interior of the item. To disable painting set the 'fill-pattern' property to NULL.

Flags: Write

Default value: NULL

The “fill-color-gdk-rgba” property

  “fill-color-gdk-rgba”      GdkRGBA *

The color to use to paint the interior of the item, specified as a GdkRGBA. To disable painting set the 'fill-pattern' property to NULL.

Flags: Read / Write

The “fill-color-rgba” property

  “fill-color-rgba”          guint

The color to use to paint the interior of the item, specified as a 32-bit integer value. To disable painting set the 'fill-pattern' property to NULL.

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: 0

The “fill-pattern” property

  “fill-pattern”             GooCairoPattern *

The pattern to use to paint the interior of the item, or NULL to disable painting.

Flags: Read / Write

The “fill-pixbuf” property

  “fill-pixbuf”              GdkPixbuf *

The pixbuf to use to paint the interior of the item. To disable painting set the 'fill-pattern' property to NULL.

Flags: Write

The “fill-rule” property

  “fill-rule”                GooCairoFillRule

The fill rule used to determine which parts of the item are filled.

Flags: Read / Write


The “font” property

  “font”                     gchar *

The base font to use for the text.

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: NULL

The “font-desc” property

  “font-desc”                PangoFontDescription *

The attributes specifying which font to use.

Flags: Read / Write

The “hint-metrics” property

  “hint-metrics”             GooCairoHintMetrics

The hinting to be used for font metrics.

Flags: Read / Write


The “line-cap” property

  “line-cap”                 GooCairoLineCap

The line cap style to use.

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: CAIRO_LINE_CAP_BUTT

The “line-dash” property

  “line-dash”                GooCanvasLineDash *

The dash pattern to use.

Flags: Read / Write

The “line-join” property

  “line-join”                GooCairoLineJoin

The line join style to use.

Flags: Read / Write


The “line-join-miter-limit” property

  “line-join-miter-limit”    gdouble

The smallest angle to use with miter joins, in degrees. Bevel joins will be used below this limit.

Flags: Read / Write

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 10

The “line-width” property

  “line-width”               gdouble

The line width to use for the item's perimeter.

Flags: Read / Write

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 2

The “operator” property

  “operator”                 GooCairoOperator

The compositing operator to use.

Flags: Read / Write


The “stroke-color” property

  “stroke-color”             gchar *

The color to use for the item's perimeter. To disable painting set the 'stroke-pattern' property to NULL.

Flags: Write

Default value: NULL

The “stroke-color-gdk-rgba” property

  “stroke-color-gdk-rgba”    GdkRGBA *

The color to use for the item's perimeter, specified as a GdkRGBA. To disable painting set the 'stroke-pattern' property to NULL.

Flags: Read / Write

The “stroke-color-rgba” property

  “stroke-color-rgba”        guint

The color to use for the item's perimeter, specified as a 32-bit integer value. To disable painting set the 'stroke-pattern' property to NULL.

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: 0

The “stroke-pattern” property

  “stroke-pattern”           GooCairoPattern *

The pattern to use to paint the perimeter of the item, or NULL disable painting.

Flags: Read / Write

The “stroke-pixbuf” property

  “stroke-pixbuf”            GdkPixbuf *

The pixbuf to use to draw the item's perimeter. To disable painting set the 'stroke-pattern' property to NULL.

Flags: Write