/* * # GEOS C API example 2 * * Thread-safe version of example 1. Uses the * re-entrant API. * Reads two WKT representations and calculates the * intersection, prints it out, and cleans up. */ /* To print to stdout */ #include #include /* Only the CAPI header is required */ #include /* * GEOS requires two message handlers to return * error and notice message to the calling program. * * typedef void(* GEOSMessageHandler) (const char *fmt,...) * * Here we stub out an example that just prints the * messages to stdout. */ static void geos_message_handler(const char* fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vprintf (fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } int main() { /* * Each thread using the re-entrant API must get its * own context handle */ GEOSContextHandle_t context = GEOS_init_r(); /* * The notice/error handlers route message back to the calling * application. Here they just print to stdout. */ GEOSContext_setNoticeHandler_r(context, geos_message_handler); GEOSContext_setErrorHandler_r(context, geos_message_handler); /* Two squares that overlap */ const char* wkt_a = "POLYGON((0 0, 10 0, 10 10, 0 10, 0 0))"; const char* wkt_b = "POLYGON((5 5, 15 5, 15 15, 5 15, 5 5))"; /* Read the WKT into geometry objects */ GEOSWKTReader* reader = GEOSWKTReader_create_r(context); GEOSGeometry* geom_a = GEOSWKTReader_read_r(context, reader, wkt_a); GEOSGeometry* geom_b = GEOSWKTReader_read_r(context, reader, wkt_b); /* Calculate the intersection */ GEOSGeometry* inter = GEOSIntersection_r(context, geom_a, geom_b); /* Convert result to WKT */ GEOSWKTWriter* writer = GEOSWKTWriter_create_r(context); /* Trim trailing zeros off output */ GEOSWKTWriter_setTrim(writer, 1); char* wkt_inter = GEOSWKTWriter_write_r(context, writer, inter); /* Print answer */ printf("Geometry A: %s\n", wkt_a); printf("Geometry B: %s\n", wkt_b); printf("Intersection(A, B): %s\n", wkt_inter); /* Clean up everything we allocated */ GEOSWKTReader_destroy_r(context, reader); GEOSWKTWriter_destroy_r(context, writer); GEOSGeom_destroy_r(context, geom_a); GEOSGeom_destroy_r(context, geom_b); GEOSGeom_destroy_r(context, inter); GEOSFree_r(context, wkt_inter); /* Clean up the global context */ GEOS_finish_r(context); /* Done */ return 0; }