/* Example code to show how to send a string to a function called "word_split", reduce each chunk with the function count, and then print the results. */ #include #include #include #include int main(void) { gearman_client_st *client= gearman_client_create(NULL); gearman_return_t ret= gearman_client_add_server(client, "localhost", 0); if (gearman_failed(ret)) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } gearman_argument_t value= gearman_argument_make(0, 0, "this dog does not hunt", strlen("this dog does not hunt")); gearman_task_st *task= gearman_execute_by_partition(client, "word_split", strlen("word_split"), "count", strlen("count"), // function NULL, 0, // no unique value provided NULL, &value, 0); if (task == NULL) // If gearman_execute() can return NULL on error { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", gearman_client_error(client)); gearman_client_free(client); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Make sure the task was run successfully if (gearman_success(gearman_task_return(task))) { // Make use of value gearman_result_st *result= gearman_task_result(task); printf("%.*s\n", (int)gearman_result_size(result), gearman_result_value(result)); } gearman_client_free(client); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }