This is the complete list of members for OGRSpatialReference, including all inherited members.
AutoIdentifyEPSG() | OGRSpatialReference | |
Clear() | OGRSpatialReference | |
Clone() const | OGRSpatialReference | |
CloneGeogCS() const | OGRSpatialReference | |
convertToOtherProjection(const char *pszTargetProjection, const char *const *papszOptions=nullptr) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
CopyGeogCSFrom(const OGRSpatialReference *poSrcSRS) | OGRSpatialReference | |
Dereference() | OGRSpatialReference | |
DestroySpatialReference(OGRSpatialReference *poSRS) | OGRSpatialReference | static |
dumpReadable() | OGRSpatialReference | |
EPSGTreatsAsLatLong() const | OGRSpatialReference | |
EPSGTreatsAsNorthingEasting() const | OGRSpatialReference | |
exportToERM(char *pszProj, char *pszDatum, char *pszUnits) | OGRSpatialReference | |
exportToMICoordSys(char **) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
exportToPanorama(long *, long *, long *, long *, double *) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
exportToPCI(char **, char **, double **) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
exportToPrettyWkt(char **, int=FALSE) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
exportToProj4(char **) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
exportToUSGS(long *, long *, double **, long *) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
exportToWkt(char **) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
exportToXML(char **, const char *=nullptr) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
FindMatches(char **papszOptions, int *pnEntries, int **ppanMatchConfidence) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
FindProjParm(const char *pszParameter, const OGR_SRSNode *poPROJCS=nullptr) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
Fixup() | OGRSpatialReference | |
FixupOrdering() | OGRSpatialReference | |
FromHandle(OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS) | OGRSpatialReference | inlinestatic |
GetAngularUnits(char **) const CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Use GetAngularUnits( const char**) instead") | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetAngularUnits(const char **=nullptr) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetAttrNode(const char *) | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetAttrNode(const char *) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetAttrValue(const char *, int=0) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetAuthorityCode(const char *pszTargetKey) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetAuthorityName(const char *pszTargetKey) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetAxis(const char *pszTargetKey, int iAxis, OGRAxisOrientation *peOrientation) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetEccentricity() const | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetEPSGGeogCS() const | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetExtension(const char *pszTargetKey, const char *pszName, const char *pszDefault=nullptr) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetInvFlattening(OGRErr *=nullptr) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetLinearUnits(char **) const CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Use GetLinearUnits( const char**) instead") | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetLinearUnits(const char **=nullptr) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetNormProjParm(const char *, double=0.0, OGRErr *=nullptr) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetPrimeMeridian(char **) const CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Use GetPrimeMeridian( const char**) instead") | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetPrimeMeridian(const char **=nullptr) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetProjParm(const char *, double=0.0, OGRErr *=nullptr) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetReferenceCount() const | OGRSpatialReference | inline |
GetRoot() | OGRSpatialReference | inline |
GetRoot() const | OGRSpatialReference | inline |
GetSemiMajor(OGRErr *=nullptr) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetSemiMinor(OGRErr *=nullptr) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetSquaredEccentricity() const | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetTargetLinearUnits(const char *pszTargetKey, char **ppszRetName) const CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Use GetTargetLinearUnits( const char* | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetTargetLinearUnits(const char *pszTargetKey, const char **ppszRetName=nullptr) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetTOWGS84(double *padfCoef, int nCoeff=7) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetUTMZone(int *pbNorth=nullptr) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
GetWGS84SRS() | OGRSpatialReference | static |
importFromCRSURL(const char *) | OGRSpatialReference | |
importFromDict(const char *pszDict, const char *pszCode) | OGRSpatialReference | |
importFromEPSG(int) | OGRSpatialReference | |
importFromEPSGA(int) | OGRSpatialReference | |
importFromERM(const char *pszProj, const char *pszDatum, const char *pszUnits) | OGRSpatialReference | |
importFromESRI(char **) | OGRSpatialReference | |
ImportFromESRIStatePlaneWKT(int nCode, const char *pszDatumName, const char *pszUnitsName, int nPCSCode, const char *pszCSName=nullptr) | OGRSpatialReference | |
ImportFromESRIWisconsinWKT(const char *pszPrjName, double dfCentralMeridian, double dfLatOfOrigin, const char *pszUnitsName, const char *pszCSName=nullptr) | OGRSpatialReference | |
importFromMICoordSys(const char *) | OGRSpatialReference | |
importFromOzi(const char *const *papszLines) | OGRSpatialReference | |
importFromPanorama(long, long, long, double *) | OGRSpatialReference | |
importFromPCI(const char *, const char *=nullptr, double *=nullptr) | OGRSpatialReference | |
importFromProj4(const char *) | OGRSpatialReference | |
importFromUrl(const char *) | OGRSpatialReference | |
importFromURN(const char *) | OGRSpatialReference | |
importFromUSGS(long iProjSys, long iZone, double *padfPrjParams, long iDatum, int nUSGSAngleFormat=USGS_ANGLE_PACKEDDMS) | OGRSpatialReference | |
importFromWkt(char **) | OGRSpatialReference | |
importFromWkt(const char **) | OGRSpatialReference | |
importFromWkt(const char *) | OGRSpatialReference | |
importFromWMSAUTO(const char *pszAutoDef) | OGRSpatialReference | |
importFromXML(const char *) | OGRSpatialReference | |
IsAngularParameter(const char *) | OGRSpatialReference | static |
IsCompound() const | OGRSpatialReference | |
IsGeocentric() const | OGRSpatialReference | |
IsGeographic() const | OGRSpatialReference | |
IsLinearParameter(const char *) | OGRSpatialReference | static |
IsLocal() const | OGRSpatialReference | |
IsLongitudeParameter(const char *) | OGRSpatialReference | static |
IsProjected() const | OGRSpatialReference | |
IsSame(const OGRSpatialReference *) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
IsSame(const OGRSpatialReference *, const char *const *papszOptions) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
IsSameGeogCS(const OGRSpatialReference *) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
IsSameGeogCS(const OGRSpatialReference *, const char *const *papszOptions) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
IsSameVertCS(const OGRSpatialReference *) const | OGRSpatialReference | |
IsVertical() const | OGRSpatialReference | |
morphFromESRI() | OGRSpatialReference | |
morphToESRI() | OGRSpatialReference | |
OGRSpatialReference(const OGRSpatialReference &) | OGRSpatialReference | |
OGRSpatialReference(const char *=nullptr) | OGRSpatialReference | explicit |
operator=(const OGRSpatialReference &) | OGRSpatialReference | |
Reference() | OGRSpatialReference | |
Release() | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetACEA(double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetAE(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetAngularUnits(const char *pszName, double dfInRadians) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetAuthority(const char *pszTargetKey, const char *pszAuthority, int nCode) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetAxes(const char *pszTargetKey, const char *pszXAxisName, OGRAxisOrientation eXAxisOrientation, const char *pszYAxisName, OGRAxisOrientation eYAxisOrientation) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetBonne(double dfStdP1, double dfCentralMeridian, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetCEA(double dfStdP1, double dfCentralMeridian, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetCompoundCS(const char *pszName, const OGRSpatialReference *poHorizSRS, const OGRSpatialReference *poVertSRS) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetCS(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetEC(double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetEckert(int nVariation, double dfCentralMeridian, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetEckertIV(double dfCentralMeridian, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetEckertVI(double dfCentralMeridian, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetEquirectangular(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetEquirectangular2(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfPseudoStdParallel1, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetExtension(const char *pszTargetKey, const char *pszName, const char *pszValue) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetFromUserInput(const char *) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetGaussSchreiberTMercator(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetGeocCS(const char *pszGeocName) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetGeogCS(const char *pszGeogName, const char *pszDatumName, const char *pszEllipsoidName, double dfSemiMajor, double dfInvFlattening, const char *pszPMName=nullptr, double dfPMOffset=0.0, const char *pszUnits=nullptr, double dfConvertToRadians=0.0) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetGEOS(double dfCentralMeridian, double dfSatelliteHeight, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetGH(double dfCentralMeridian, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetGnomonic(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetGS(double dfCentralMeridian, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetHOM(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfAzimuth, double dfRectToSkew, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetHOM2PNO(double dfCenterLat, double dfLat1, double dfLong1, double dfLat2, double dfLong2, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetHOMAC(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfAzimuth, double dfRectToSkew, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetIGH() | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetIWMPolyconic(double dfLat1, double dfLat2, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetKrovak(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfAzimuth, double dfPseudoStdParallelLat, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetLAEA(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetLCC(double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetLCC1SP(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetLCCB(double dfStdP1, double dfStdP2, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetLinearUnits(const char *pszName, double dfInMeters) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetLinearUnitsAndUpdateParameters(const char *pszName, double dfInMeters) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetLocalCS(const char *) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetMC(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetMercator(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetMercator2SP(double dfStdP1, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetMollweide(double dfCentralMeridian, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetNode(const char *, const char *) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetNode(const char *, double) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetNormProjParm(const char *, double) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetNZMG(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetOrthographic(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetOS(double dfOriginLat, double dfCMeridian, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetPolyconic(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetProjCS(const char *) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetProjection(const char *) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetProjParm(const char *, double) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetPS(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetQSC(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetRobinson(double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetRoot(OGR_SRSNode *) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetSCH(double dfPegLat, double dfPegLong, double dfPegHeading, double dfPegHgt) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetSinusoidal(double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetSOC(double dfLatitudeOfOrigin, double dfCentralMeridian, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetStatePlane(int nZone, int bNAD83=TRUE, const char *pszOverrideUnitName=nullptr, double dfOverrideUnit=0.0) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetStereographic(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetTargetLinearUnits(const char *pszTargetKey, const char *pszName, double dfInMeters) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetTM(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetTMG(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetTMSO(double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetTMVariant(const char *pszVariantName, double dfCenterLat, double dfCenterLong, double dfScale, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetTOWGS84(double, double, double, double=0.0, double=0.0, double=0.0, double=0.0) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetTPED(double dfLat1, double dfLong1, double dfLat2, double dfLong2, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetUTM(int nZone, int bNorth=TRUE) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetVDG(double dfCenterLong, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetVertCS(const char *pszVertCSName, const char *pszVertDatumName, int nVertDatumClass=2005) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetWagner(int nVariation, double dfCenterLat, double dfFalseEasting, double dfFalseNorthing) | OGRSpatialReference | |
SetWellKnownGeogCS(const char *) | OGRSpatialReference | |
StripCTParms(OGR_SRSNode *=nullptr) | OGRSpatialReference | |
StripVertical() | OGRSpatialReference | |
ToHandle(OGRSpatialReference *poSRS) | OGRSpatialReference | inlinestatic |
Validate() const | OGRSpatialReference | |
~OGRSpatialReference() | OGRSpatialReference | virtual |