Provider's notes

For Oracle
For SQLite
The gda_file_exists() function
The gda_hex_print() function
The gda_hex() function
The gda_rmdiacr() function
The gda_upper() and gda_lower() functions
The regexp_match() function
For SQLCipher
How to create and encrypted database
How to encrypt an existing plaintext database to an encrypted database file
How to change the passphrase of an encrypted database
How to decrypt an existing database to a plaintext database
Mapping to GdaDataModel
How it works
JDBC drivers' location
Connection parameters

This section lists some notes and recommendations on how to use each database provider.

Before opening a connection with a database provider, one needs to specify the connection parameters. These parameters, even though some are shared by many database providers, are specific to each provider and the gda-sql or the gda-list-config tools can be used to obtain a complete list.

For Oracle

The following arguments are used to connect to an Oracle database:

Table 1. 

Argument name Description Required
DB_NAME Service name: global database name entered during database creation (it combines a database name with a domain name), can be left empty to connect to the default database. No
HOST Database server: host on which the database server is running Yes
PORT Port: database server port (leave this field empty for the default 1521 port) No
SCHEMA Schema: Name of the schema to use. If not specified, the schema defaults to that of the connected user. No

Note however all the arguments above can be replaced by a single TNSNAME argument (see the "Oracle Database Net Services Administrator's Guide" for more information about defining connection identifiers).

Also refer to the Oracle's provider's limitations.