
The gda-list-config-5.0 tool simply lists all the declared data sources, and all the installed providers, giving some other useful information as well for each. This tool has no option.

An example output will be:

[prompt]> gda-list-config-5.0
=== Installed providers ===
Provider: SQLite
Description: Provider for SQLite databases
Location: /usr/lib/libgda-5.0/providers/
Data source's parameters (Name / Type / Description):
  DB_NAME / gchararray / Database name
  DB_DIR / gchararray / Directory
  EXTRA_FUNCTIONS / gboolean / Extra functions

Provider: Berkeley-DB
Description: Provider for Berkeley databases
Location: /usr/lib/libgda-5.0/providers/
Data source's parameters (Name / Type / Description):
  FILE / gchararray / Database file
  DATABASE / gchararray / Database name


=== Declared data sources ===
Data source: Sales
  Key 'DSN' = 'DB_NAME=sales'
  Key 'Description' = 'Sales'
  Key 'Password' = ''
  Key 'Provider' = 'PostgreSQL'
  Key 'Username' = ''
