#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use CGI qw/:standard *table/; # Create an index file for all the samples. my $EXT = shift || "png"; my %titles = ( sample1 => 'Bar charts', sample2 => 'Area charts', sample3 => 'Points charts', sample4 => 'Lines and Points charts', sample5 => 'Lines charts', sample6 => 'Mixed charts', sample7 => 'Miscellaneous things', sample9 => 'Pie charts', ); my %links; foreach my $sgroup (sort keys %titles) { open HTML, ">$sgroup.html" or die $!; print HTML start_html($titles{$sgroup}), h1($titles{$sgroup}), start_table(); my @samples = map { $_->[0] } sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } map { s/\.pl$//; [$_, /${sgroup}(\d+)/] } glob "${sgroup}[1-9].pl"; foreach my $sample (@samples) { my @images = reverse sort glob "${sample}*.$EXT"; warn ("No $EXT sample images found for $sample.pl") unless @images; foreach my $img (@images) { if (-f $img) { print HTML Tr( td(a({href => "$sample.pl"},"$sample.pl")), td(img({src => "$img", border => 0})) ); } else { warn("$img error: $!"); } } } print HTML end_table(), end_html(); } open(HTML, ">index.html") or die $!; print HTML start_html('GD::Graph examples'), h1('GD::Graph examples'); foreach my $sgroup (sort keys %titles) { print HTML p(a({href => "$sgroup.html"}, $titles{$sgroup}) ); } print HTML end_html();