Class AbstractUnevenComparableAssert<S extends AbstractUnevenComparableAssert<S,​A>,​A extends java.lang.Comparable<? super A>>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractUnevenComparableAssert

        protected AbstractUnevenComparableAssert​(A actual,
                                                 java.lang.Class<?> selfType)
    • Method Detail

      • isEqualByComparingTo

        public S isEqualByComparingTo​(A expected)
        Verifies that the actual value is equal to the given one by invoking Comparable.compareTo(Object).
        Specified by:
        isEqualByComparingTo in interface UnevenComparableAssert<S extends AbstractUnevenComparableAssert<S,​A>,​A extends java.lang.Comparable<? super A>>
        expected - the given value to compare the actual value to.
        this assertion object.
      • isNotEqualByComparingTo

        public S isNotEqualByComparingTo​(A other)
        Verifies that the actual value is not equal to the given one by invoking Comparable.compareTo(Object).
        Specified by:
        isNotEqualByComparingTo in interface UnevenComparableAssert<S extends AbstractUnevenComparableAssert<S,​A>,​A extends java.lang.Comparable<? super A>>
        other - the given value to compare the actual value to.
        this assertion object.