Interface WovenClass

  • @ProviderType
    public interface WovenClass
    A class being woven. This object represents a class being woven and is passed to each WeavingHook for possible modification. It allows access to the most recently transformed class file bytes and to any additional packages that should be added to the bundle as dynamic imports.

    Upon entering one of the terminal states, this object becomes effectively immutable.

    $Id: b86db7713c738ae7147fe86f754302e2e324676b $
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int DEFINE_FAILED
      The woven class failed to define.
      static int DEFINED
      The woven class has been defined.
      static int TRANSFORMED
      The woven class has been transformed.
      static int TRANSFORMING
      The woven class is being transformed.
      static int TRANSFORMING_FAILED
      The woven class failed to transform.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      BundleWiring getBundleWiring()
      Returns the bundle wiring whose class loader will define the woven class.
      byte[] getBytes()
      Returns the class file bytes to be used to define the named class.
      java.lang.String getClassName()
      Returns the fully qualified name of the class being woven.
      java.lang.Class<?> getDefinedClass()
      Returns the class defined by this woven class.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getDynamicImports()
      Returns the list of dynamic import package descriptions to add to the bundle wiring for this woven class. getProtectionDomain()
      Returns the protection domain to which the woven class will be assigned when it is defined.
      int getState()
      Returns the current state of this woven class.
      boolean isWeavingComplete()
      Returns whether weaving is complete in this woven class.
      void setBytes​(byte[] newBytes)
      Set the class file bytes to be used to define the named class.
    • Field Detail


        static final int TRANSFORMED
        The woven class has been transformed.

        The woven class is in this state after weaving hooks have been called and before the class is defined. The woven class cannot be further transformed. The woven class is in this state while defining the class. If a failure occurs while defining the class, the state transitions to DEFINE_FAILED. Otherwise, after the class has been defined, the state transitions to DEFINED.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DEFINED

        static final int DEFINED
        The woven class has been defined.

        The woven class is in this state after the class is defined. The woven class cannot be further transformed. This is a terminal state. Upon entering this state, this object is effectively immutable, the bundle wiring has been updated with the dynamic import requirements and the class has been defined.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final int TRANSFORMING_FAILED
        The woven class failed to transform.

        The woven class is in this state if a weaving hook threw an exception. The woven class cannot be further transformed or defined. This is a terminal state. Upon entering this state, this object is effectively immutable.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final int DEFINE_FAILED
        The woven class failed to define.

        The woven class is in this state when a failure occurs while defining the class. The woven class cannot be further transformed or defined. This is a terminal state. Upon entering this state, this object is effectively immutable.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getBytes

        byte[] getBytes()
        Returns the class file bytes to be used to define the named class.

        While in the TRANSFORMING state, this method returns a reference to the class files byte array contained in this object. After leaving the TRANSFORMING state, this woven class can no longer be transformed and a copy of the class file byte array is returned.

        The bytes to be used to define the named class.
        java.lang.SecurityException - If the caller does not have AdminPermission[bundle,WEAVE] and the Java runtime environment supports permissions.
      • setBytes

        void setBytes​(byte[] newBytes)
        Set the class file bytes to be used to define the named class. This method must not be called outside invocations of the weave method by the framework.

        While in the TRANSFORMING state, this method replaces the reference to the array contained in this object with the specified array. After leaving the TRANSFORMING state, this woven class can no longer be transformed and this method will throw an IllegalStateException.

        newBytes - The new classfile that will be used to define the named class. The specified array is retained by this object and the caller must not modify the specified array.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If newBytes is null.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If state is TRANSFORMED, DEFINED, TRANSFORMING_FAILED or DEFINE_FAILED.
        java.lang.SecurityException - If the caller does not have AdminPermission[bundle,WEAVE] and the Java runtime environment supports permissions.
      • getDynamicImports

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getDynamicImports()
        Returns the list of dynamic import package descriptions to add to the bundle wiring for this woven class. Changes made to the returned list will be visible to later weaving hooks called with this object. The returned list must not be modified outside invocations of the weave method by the framework.

        After leaving the TRANSFORMING state, this woven class can no longer be transformed and the returned list will be unmodifiable.

        If the Java runtime environment supports permissions, any modification to the returned list requires AdminPermission[bundle,WEAVE]. Additionally, any add or set modification requires PackagePermission[package,IMPORT].

        A list containing zero or more dynamic import package descriptions to add to the bundle wiring for this woven class. This list must throw IllegalArgumentException if a malformed dynamic import package description is added.
        See Also:
        "Core Specification, Dynamic Import Package, for the syntax of a dynamic import package description."
      • isWeavingComplete

        boolean isWeavingComplete()
        Returns whether weaving is complete in this woven class. Weaving is complete after the class is defined.
        true if state is DEFINED, TRANSFORMING_FAILED or DEFINE_FAILED; false otherwise.
      • getClassName

        java.lang.String getClassName()
        Returns the fully qualified name of the class being woven.
        The fully qualified name of the class being woven.
      • getProtectionDomain getProtectionDomain()
        Returns the protection domain to which the woven class will be assigned when it is defined.
        The protection domain to which the woven class will be assigned when it is defined, or null if no protection domain will be assigned.
      • getDefinedClass

        java.lang.Class<?> getDefinedClass()
        Returns the class defined by this woven class. During weaving, this method will return null. Once weaving is complete, this method will return the class object if this woven class was used to define the class.
        The class associated with this woven class, or null if weaving is not complete, the class definition failed or this woven class was not used to define the class.
      • getBundleWiring

        BundleWiring getBundleWiring()
        Returns the bundle wiring whose class loader will define the woven class.
        The bundle wiring whose class loader will define the woven class.