Interface SynchronousBundleListener

  • All Superinterfaces:
    BundleListener, java.util.EventListener

    public interface SynchronousBundleListener
    extends BundleListener
    A synchronous BundleEvent listener. SynchronousBundleListener is a listener interface that may be implemented by a bundle developer. When a BundleEvent is fired, it is synchronously delivered to a SynchronousBundleListener. The Framework may deliver BundleEvent objects to a SynchronousBundleListener out of order and may concurrently call and/or reenter a SynchronousBundleListener.

    For BundleEvent types STARTED and LAZY_ACTIVATION, the Framework must not hold the referenced bundle's "state change" lock when the BundleEvent is delivered to a SynchronousBundleListener. For the other BundleEvent types, the Framework must hold the referenced bundle's "state change" lock when the BundleEvent is delivered to a SynchronousBundleListener. A SynchronousBundleListener cannot directly call life cycle methods on the referenced bundle when the Framework is holding the referenced bundle's "state change" lock.

    A SynchronousBundleListener object is registered with the Framework using the BundleContext.addBundleListener(BundleListener) method. SynchronousBundleListener objects are called with a BundleEvent object when a bundle has been installed, resolved, starting, started, stopping, stopped, updated, unresolved, or uninstalled.

    Unlike normal BundleListener objects, SynchronousBundleListeners are synchronously called during bundle lifecycle processing. The bundle lifecycle processing will not proceed until all SynchronousBundleListeners have completed. SynchronousBundleListener objects will be called prior to BundleListener objects.

    AdminPermission[bundle,LISTENER] is required to add or remove a SynchronousBundleListener object.

    $Id: 6b50c6c9d8b8b091928495eb036552773284b13a $
    See Also: