dune-functions 2.9.0
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
Dune::Functions::ImplDoc::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase< B, V, NTRE >::LocalFunctionBase Class Reference

#include <dune/functions/gridfunctions/discreteglobalbasisfunction.hh>

Inheritance diagram for Dune::Functions::ImplDoc::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase< B, V, NTRE >::LocalFunctionBase:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

using Domain = LocalDomain
using Element = typename EntitySet::Element

Public Member Functions

void bind (const Element &element)
 Bind LocalFunction to grid element. More...
void unbind ()
 Unbind the local-function. More...
bool bound () const
 Check if LocalFunction is already bound to an element. More...
const ElementlocalContext () const
 Return the element the local-function is bound to. More...

Protected Member Functions

 LocalFunctionBase (const std::shared_ptr< const Data > &data)
 LocalFunctionBase (const LocalFunctionBase &other)
 Copy-construct the local-function. More...
LocalFunctionBaseoperator= (const LocalFunctionBase &other)
 Copy-assignment of the local-function. More...
template<class To , class From >
void assignWith (To &to, const From &from) const
template<class Node , class TreePath , class Range >
decltype(auto) nodeToRangeEntry (const Node &node, const TreePath &treePath, Range &y) const

Protected Attributes

std::shared_ptr< const Datadata_
LocalView localView_
std::vector< CoefficientlocalDoFs_

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Domain

template<typename B , typename V , typename NTRE >
using Dune::Functions::ImplDoc::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase< B, V, NTRE >::LocalFunctionBase::Domain = LocalDomain

◆ Element

template<typename B , typename V , typename NTRE >
using Dune::Functions::ImplDoc::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase< B, V, NTRE >::LocalFunctionBase::Element = typename EntitySet::Element

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LocalFunctionBase() [1/2]

template<typename B , typename V , typename NTRE >
Dune::Functions::ImplDoc::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase< B, V, NTRE >::LocalFunctionBase::LocalFunctionBase ( const std::shared_ptr< const Data > &  data)

◆ LocalFunctionBase() [2/2]

template<typename B , typename V , typename NTRE >
Dune::Functions::ImplDoc::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase< B, V, NTRE >::LocalFunctionBase::LocalFunctionBase ( const LocalFunctionBase other)

Copy-construct the local-function.

This copy-constructor copies the cached local DOFs only if the other local-function is bound to an element.

Member Function Documentation

◆ assignWith()

template<typename B , typename V , typename NTRE >
template<class To , class From >
void Dune::Functions::ImplDoc::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase< B, V, NTRE >::LocalFunctionBase::assignWith ( To &  to,
const From &  from 
) const

◆ bind()

template<typename B , typename V , typename NTRE >
void Dune::Functions::ImplDoc::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase< B, V, NTRE >::LocalFunctionBase::bind ( const Element element)

Bind LocalFunction to grid element.

You must call this method before operator() and after changes to the coefficient vector.

◆ bound()

template<typename B , typename V , typename NTRE >
bool Dune::Functions::ImplDoc::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase< B, V, NTRE >::LocalFunctionBase::bound ( ) const

Check if LocalFunction is already bound to an element.

◆ localContext()

template<typename B , typename V , typename NTRE >
const Element & Dune::Functions::ImplDoc::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase< B, V, NTRE >::LocalFunctionBase::localContext ( ) const

Return the element the local-function is bound to.

◆ nodeToRangeEntry()

template<typename B , typename V , typename NTRE >
template<class Node , class TreePath , class Range >
decltype(auto) Dune::Functions::ImplDoc::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase< B, V, NTRE >::LocalFunctionBase::nodeToRangeEntry ( const Node &  node,
const TreePath &  treePath,
Range &  y 
) const

◆ operator=()

template<typename B , typename V , typename NTRE >
LocalFunctionBase & Dune::Functions::ImplDoc::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase< B, V, NTRE >::LocalFunctionBase::operator= ( const LocalFunctionBase other)

Copy-assignment of the local-function.

Assign all members from other to this, except the local DOFs. Those are copied only if the other local-function is bound to an element.

◆ unbind()

template<typename B , typename V , typename NTRE >
void Dune::Functions::ImplDoc::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase< B, V, NTRE >::LocalFunctionBase::unbind ( )

Unbind the local-function.

Member Data Documentation

◆ data_

template<typename B , typename V , typename NTRE >
std::shared_ptr<const Data> Dune::Functions::ImplDoc::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase< B, V, NTRE >::LocalFunctionBase::data_

◆ localDoFs_

template<typename B , typename V , typename NTRE >
std::vector<Coefficient> Dune::Functions::ImplDoc::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase< B, V, NTRE >::LocalFunctionBase::localDoFs_

◆ localView_

template<typename B , typename V , typename NTRE >
LocalView Dune::Functions::ImplDoc::DiscreteGlobalBasisFunctionBase< B, V, NTRE >::LocalFunctionBase::localView_

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