Class TFTPAckPacket

  • public final class TFTPAckPacket
    extends TFTPPacket
    A final class derived from TFTPPacket definiing the TFTP Acknowledgement packet type.

    Details regarding the TFTP protocol and the format of TFTP packets can be found in RFC 783. But the point of these classes is to keep you from having to worry about the internals. Additionally, only very few people should have to care about any of the TFTPPacket classes or derived classes. Almost all users should only be concerned with the TFTPClient class receiveFile() and sendFile() methods.

    See Also:
    TFTPPacket, TFTPPacketException, TFTP
    • Constructor Detail

      • TFTPAckPacket

        public TFTPAckPacket​( destination,
                             int port,
                             int blockNumber)
        Creates an acknowledgment packet to be sent to a host at a given port acknowledging receipt of a block.
        destination - The host to which the packet is going to be sent.
        port - The port to which the packet is going to be sent.
        blockNumber - The block number being acknowledged.
    • Method Detail

      • newDatagram

        public newDatagram()
        Creates a UDP datagram containing all the TFTP acknowledgement packet data in the proper format. This is a method exposed to the programmer in case he wants to implement his own TFTP client instead of using the TFTPClient class. Under normal circumstances, you should not have a need to call this method.
        Specified by:
        newDatagram in class TFTPPacket
        A UDP datagram containing the TFTP acknowledgement packet.
      • getBlockNumber

        public int getBlockNumber()
        Returns the block number of the acknowledgement.
        The block number of the acknowledgement.
      • setBlockNumber

        public void setBlockNumber​(int blockNumber)
        Sets the block number of the acknowledgement.
        blockNumber - the number to set
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        For debugging
        toString in class TFTPPacket