Class DefaultFTPFileEntryParserFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultFTPFileEntryParserFactory

        public DefaultFTPFileEntryParserFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • createFileEntryParser

        public FTPFileEntryParser createFileEntryParser​(java.lang.String key)
        This default implementation of the FTPFileEntryParserFactory interface works according to the following logic: First it attempts to interpret the supplied key as a fully qualified classname (default package is not allowed) of a class implementing the FTPFileEntryParser interface. If that succeeds, a parser object of this class is instantiated and is returned; otherwise it attempts to interpret the key as an identirier commonly used by the FTP SYST command to identify systems.

        If key is not recognized as a fully qualified classname known to the system, this method will then attempt to see whether it contains a string identifying one of the known parsers. This comparison is case-insensitive. The intent here is where possible, to select as keys strings which are returned by the SYST command on the systems which the corresponding parser successfully parses. This enables this factory to be used in the auto-detection system.

        Specified by:
        createFileEntryParser in interface FTPFileEntryParserFactory
        key - should be a fully qualified classname corresponding to a class implementing the FTPFileEntryParser interface
        a string containing (case-insensitively) one of the following keywords:
        the FTPFileEntryParser corresponding to the supplied key.
        ParserInitializationException - thrown if for any reason the factory cannot resolve the supplied key into an FTPFileEntryParser.
        See Also:
      • createFileEntryParser

        public FTPFileEntryParser createFileEntryParser​(FTPClientConfig config)
                                                 throws ParserInitializationException

        Implementation extracts a key from the supplied FTPClientConfig parameter and creates an object implementing the interface FTPFileEntryParser and uses the supplied configuration to configure it.

        Note that this method will generally not be called in scenarios that call for autodetection of parser type but rather, for situations where the user knows that the server uses a non-default configuration and knows what that configuration is.

        Specified by:
        createFileEntryParser in interface FTPFileEntryParserFactory
        config - A FTPClientConfig used to configure the parser created
        the @link FTPFileEntryParser FTPFileEntryParser} so created.
        ParserInitializationException - Thrown on any exception in instantiation
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if config is null
      • createVMSVersioningFTPEntryParser

        public FTPFileEntryParser createVMSVersioningFTPEntryParser()