Class ClassicalRungeKuttaIntegrator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    FirstOrderIntegrator, ODEIntegrator

    public class ClassicalRungeKuttaIntegrator
    extends RungeKuttaIntegrator
    This class implements the classical fourth order Runge-Kutta integrator for Ordinary Differential Equations (it is the most often used Runge-Kutta method).

    This method is an explicit Runge-Kutta method, its Butcher-array is the following one :

        0  |  0    0    0    0
       1/2 | 1/2   0    0    0
       1/2 |  0   1/2   0    0
        1  |  0    0    1    0
           | 1/6  1/3  1/3  1/6

    $Revision: 810196 $ $Date: 2009-09-01 21:47:46 +0200 (mar. 01 sept. 2009) $
    See Also:
    EulerIntegrator, GillIntegrator, MidpointIntegrator, ThreeEighthesIntegrator
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClassicalRungeKuttaIntegrator

        public ClassicalRungeKuttaIntegrator​(double step)
        Simple constructor. Build a fourth-order Runge-Kutta integrator with the given step.
        step - integration step