Class TournamentSelection

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TournamentSelection
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements SelectionPolicy
    Tournament selection scheme. Each of the two selected chromosomes is selected based on n-ary tournament -- this is done by drawing arity random chromosomes without replacement from the population, and then selecting the fittest chromosome among them.
    $Revision: 811685 $ $Date: 2009-09-05 19:36:48 +0200 (sam. 05 sept. 2009) $
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      TournamentSelection​(int arity)
      Creates a new TournamentSelection instance.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int getArity()
      Gets the arity (number of chromosomes drawn to the tournament).
      ChromosomePair select​(Population population)
      Select two chromosomes from the population.
      void setArity​(int arity)
      Sets the arity (number of chromosomes drawn to the tournament).
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • TournamentSelection

        public TournamentSelection​(int arity)
        Creates a new TournamentSelection instance.
        arity - how many chromosomes will be drawn to the tournament
    • Method Detail

      • select

        public ChromosomePair select​(Population population)
        Select two chromosomes from the population. Each of the two selected chromosomes is selected based on n-ary tournament -- this is done by drawing arity random chromosomes without replacement from the population, and then selecting the fittest chromosome among them.
        Specified by:
        select in interface SelectionPolicy
        population - the population from which the chromosomes are choosen.
        the selected chromosomes.
      • getArity

        public int getArity()
        Gets the arity (number of chromosomes drawn to the tournament).
        arity of the tournament
      • setArity

        public void setArity​(int arity)
        Sets the arity (number of chromosomes drawn to the tournament).
        arity - arity of the tournament