Class ElitisticListPopulation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Iterable<Chromosome>, Population

    public class ElitisticListPopulation
    extends ListPopulation
    Population of chromosomes which uses elitism (certain percentace of the best chromosomes is directly copied to the next generation).
    $Revision: 990655 $ $Date: 2010-08-29 23:49:40 +0200 (dim. 29 août 2010) $
    • Constructor Detail

      • ElitisticListPopulation

        public ElitisticListPopulation​(java.util.List<Chromosome> chromosomes,
                                       int populationLimit,
                                       double elitismRate)
        Creates a new ElitisticListPopulation instance.
        chromosomes - list of chromosomes in the population
        populationLimit - maximal size of the population
        elitismRate - how many best chromosomes will be directly transferred to the next generation [in %]
      • ElitisticListPopulation

        public ElitisticListPopulation​(int populationLimit,
                                       double elitismRate)
        Creates a new ListPopulation instance and initializes its inner chromosome list.
        populationLimit - maximal size of the population
        elitismRate - how many best chromosomes will be directly transferred to the next generation [in %]
    • Method Detail

      • nextGeneration

        public Population nextGeneration()
        Start the population for the next generation. The elitismRate percents of the best chromosomes are directly copied to the next generation.
        the beginnings of the next generation.
      • setElitismRate

        public void setElitismRate​(double elitismRate)
        Sets the elitism rate, i.e. how many best chromosomes will be directly transferred to the next generation [in %].
        elitismRate - how many best chromosomes will be directly transferred to the next generation [in %]
      • getElitismRate

        public double getElitismRate()
        Access the elitism rate.
        the elitism rate