All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractContinuousDistribution |
Base class for continuous distributions.
AbstractDistribution |
Base class for probability distributions.
AbstractEstimator |
AbstractFieldMatrix<T extends FieldElement<T>> |
Basic implementation of FieldMatrix methods regardless of the underlying storage.
AbstractFormat |
AbstractIntegerDistribution |
Base class for integer-valued discrete distributions.
AbstractIntegrator |
Base class managing common boilerplate for all integrators.
AbstractLeastSquaresOptimizer |
Base class for implementing least squares optimizers.
AbstractLinearOptimizer |
Base class for implementing linear optimizers.
AbstractListChromosome<T> |
Chromosome represented by an immutable list of a fixed length.
AbstractMultipleLinearRegression |
Abstract base class for implementations of MultipleLinearRegression.
AbstractRandomGenerator |
AbstractRealMatrix |
Basic implementation of RealMatrix methods regardless of the underlying storage.
AbstractRealVector |
This class provides default basic implementations for many methods in the
RealVector interface.
AbstractScalarDifferentiableOptimizer |
Base class for implementing optimizers for multivariate scalar functions.
AbstractStepInterpolator |
This abstract class represents an interpolator over the last step
during an ODE integration.
AbstractStorelessUnivariateStatistic |
AbstractUnivariateRealOptimizer |
Provide a default implementation for several functions useful to generic
AbstractUnivariateStatistic |
AbstractWell |
This abstract class implements the WELL class of pseudo-random number generator
from François Panneton, Pierre L'Ecuyer and Makoto Matsumoto.
AdamsBashforthIntegrator |
This class implements explicit Adams-Bashforth integrators for Ordinary
Differential Equations.
AdamsIntegrator |
AdamsMoultonIntegrator |
This class implements implicit Adams-Moulton integrators for Ordinary
Differential Equations.
AdamsNordsieckTransformer |
Transformer to Nordsieck vectors for Adams integrators.
AdaptiveStepsizeIntegrator |
This abstract class holds the common part of all adaptive
stepsize integrators for Ordinary Differential Equations.
AggregateSummaryStatistics |
An aggregator for SummaryStatistics from several data sets or
data set partitions.
AnyMatrix |
Interface defining very basic matrix operations.
ArgumentOutsideDomainException |
Error thrown when a method is called with an out of bounds argument.
ArgUtils |
Utility class for transforming the list of arguments passed to
constructors of exceptions.
Array2DRowFieldMatrix<T extends FieldElement<T>> |
Implementation of FieldMatrix using a FieldElement [][] array to store entries.
Array2DRowRealMatrix |
Implementation of RealMatrix using a double[][] array to store entries and
LU decomposition to support linear system
solution and inverse.
ArrayFieldVector<T extends FieldElement<T>> |
ArrayRealVector |
This class implements the RealVector interface with a double array.
Beta |
This is a utility class that provides computation methods related to the
Beta family of functions.
BetaDistribution |
Computes the cumulative, inverse cumulative and density functions for the beta distribuiton.
BetaDistributionImpl |
Implements the Beta distribution.
BicubicSplineInterpolatingFunction |
BicubicSplineInterpolator |
Generates a bicubic interpolating function.
BigFraction |
Representation of a rational number without any overflow.
BigFractionField |
Representation of the fractional numbers without any overflow field.
BigFractionFormat |
Formats a BigFraction number in proper format or improper format.
BigMatrix |
BigMatrixImpl |
BigReal |
Arbitrary precision decimal number.
BigRealField |
Representation of real numbers with arbitrary precision field.
BinaryChromosome |
Chromosome represented by a vector of 0s and 1s.
BinaryFunction |
BinaryMutation |
BinomialDistribution |
The Binomial Distribution.
BinomialDistributionImpl |
BisectionSolver |
BitsStreamGenerator |
Base class for random number generators that generates bits streams.
BivariateRealFunction |
An interface representing a bivariate real function.
BivariateRealGridInterpolator |
Interface representing a bivariate real interpolating function where the
sample points must be specified on a regular grid.
BlockFieldMatrix<T extends FieldElement<T>> |
Cache-friendly implementation of FieldMatrix using a flat arrays to store
square blocks of the matrix.
BlockRealMatrix |
Cache-friendly implementation of RealMatrix using a flat arrays to store
square blocks of the matrix.
BracketFinder |
Provide an interval that brackets a local optimum of a function.
BrentOptimizer |
Implements Richard Brent's algorithm (from his book "Algorithms for
Minimization without Derivatives", p.
BrentSolver |
Implements the
Brent algorithm for finding zeros of real univariate functions.
CardanEulerSingularityException |
This class represents exceptions thrown while extractiong Cardan
or Euler angles from a rotation.
CauchyDistribution |
Cauchy Distribution.
CauchyDistributionImpl |
ChiSquaredDistribution |
The Chi-Squared Distribution.
ChiSquaredDistributionImpl |
ChiSquareTest |
An interface for Chi-Square tests.
ChiSquareTestImpl |
CholeskyDecomposition |
An interface to classes that implement an algorithm to calculate the
Cholesky decomposition of a real symmetric positive-definite matrix.
CholeskyDecompositionImpl |
Calculates the Cholesky decomposition of a matrix.
Chromosome |
Individual in a population.
ChromosomePair |
ClassicalRungeKuttaIntegrator |
This class implements the classical fourth order Runge-Kutta
integrator for Ordinary Differential Equations (it is the most
often used Runge-Kutta method).
Cluster<T extends Clusterable<T>> |
Clusterable<T> |
Interface for points that can be clustered together.
CombinedEventsManager |
Complex |
Representation of a Complex number - a number which has both a
real and imaginary part.
ComplexField |
Representation of the complex numbers field.
ComplexFormat |
Formats a Complex number in cartesian format "Re(c) + Im(c)i".
ComplexUtils |
Static implementations of common
Complex utilities functions.
ComposableFunction |
CompositeFormat |
Base class for formatters of composite objects (complex numbers, vectors ...).
ConjugateGradientFormula |
ContinuedFraction |
Provides a generic means to evaluate continued fractions.
ContinuousDistribution |
Base interface for continuous distributions.
ContinuousOutputModel |
This class stores all information provided by an ODE integrator
during the integration process and build a continuous model of the
solution from this.
ConvergenceException |
Error thrown when a numerical computation can not be performed because the
numerical result failed to converge to a finite value.
ConvergenceException |
Error thrown when a numerical computation can not be performed because the
numerical result failed to converge to a finite value.
ConvergingAlgorithm |
ConvergingAlgorithmImpl |
CorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator |
Covariance |
Computes covariances for pairs of arrays or columns of a matrix.
CrossoverPolicy |
Policy used to create a pair of new chromosomes by performing a crossover
operation on a source pair of chromosomes.
CurveFitter |
Fitter for parametric univariate real functions y = f(x).
DecompositionSolver |
Interface handling decomposition algorithms that can solve A × X = B.
DefaultFieldMatrixChangingVisitor<T extends FieldElement<T>> |
DefaultFieldMatrixPreservingVisitor<T extends FieldElement<T>> |
DefaultRealMatrixChangingVisitor |
DefaultRealMatrixPreservingVisitor |
DefaultTransformer |
A Default NumberTransformer for java.lang.Numbers and Numeric Strings.
DerivativeException |
This exception is made available to users to report
the error conditions that are triggered while computing
the differential equations.
DescriptiveStatistics |
Maintains a dataset of values of a single variable and computes descriptive
statistics based on stored data.
Dfp |
Decimal floating point library for Java
DfpDec |
Subclass of Dfp which hides the radix-10000 artifacts of the superclass.
DfpField |
Field for Decimal floating point instances.
DfpField.RoundingMode |
Enumerate for rounding modes.
DfpMath |
Mathematical routines for use with Dfp .
DifferentiableMultivariateRealFunction |
DifferentiableMultivariateRealOptimizer |
DifferentiableMultivariateVectorialFunction |
DifferentiableMultivariateVectorialOptimizer |
DifferentiableUnivariateMatrixFunction |
DifferentiableUnivariateRealFunction |
DifferentiableUnivariateVectorialFunction |
DimensionMismatchException |
DimensionMismatchException |
Exception to be thrown when two dimensions differ.
DirectSearchOptimizer |
This class implements simplex-based direct search optimization
DiscreteDistribution |
Base interface for discrete distributions.
Distribution |
Base interface for probability distributions.
DividedDifferenceInterpolator |
DormandPrince54Integrator |
This class implements the 5(4) Dormand-Prince integrator for Ordinary
Differential Equations.
DormandPrince853Integrator |
This class implements the 8(5,3) Dormand-Prince integrator for Ordinary
Differential Equations.
DoubleArray |
Provides a standard interface for double arrays.
DummyLocalizable |
Dummy implementation of the Localizable interface, without localization.
DummyStepHandler |
This class is a step handler that does nothing.
DummyStepInterpolator |
This class is a step interpolator that does nothing.
DuplicateSampleAbscissaException |
Exception thrown when a sample contains several entries at the same abscissa.
EigenDecomposition |
An interface to classes that implement an algorithm to calculate the
eigen decomposition of a real matrix.
EigenDecompositionImpl |
Calculates the eigen decomposition of a real symmetric
ElitisticListPopulation |
Population of chromosomes which uses elitism (certain percentace of the best
chromosomes is directly copied to the next generation).
EmbeddedRungeKuttaIntegrator |
This class implements the common part of all embedded Runge-Kutta
integrators for Ordinary Differential Equations.
EmpiricalDistribution |
Represents an
empirical probability distribution -- a probability distribution derived
from observed data without making any assumptions about the functional form
of the population distribution that the data come from.
EmpiricalDistributionImpl |
Implements EmpiricalDistribution interface.
Erf |
This is a utility class that provides computation methods related to the
error functions.
EstimatedParameter |
EstimationException |
EstimationProblem |
Estimator |
EuclideanIntegerPoint |
A simple implementation of Clusterable for points with integer coordinates.
EulerIntegrator |
This class implements a simple Euler integrator for Ordinary
Differential Equations.
EventException |
This exception is made available to users to report
the error conditions that are triggered by EventHandler
EventHandler |
This interface represents a handler for discrete events triggered
during ODE integration.
EventHandlerWithJacobians |
EventState |
This class handles the state for one event handler during integration steps.
ExponentialDistribution |
The Exponential Distribution.
ExponentialDistributionImpl |
ExtendedFirstOrderDifferentialEquations |
This interface represents a first order differential equations set
with a main set of equations and an extension set.
FastCosineTransformer |
FastFourierTransformer |
FastHadamardTransformer |
FastMath |
Faster, more accurate, portable alternative to StrictMath .
FastSineTransformer |
FDistribution |
FDistributionImpl |
Field<T> |
Interface representing a field.
FieldDecompositionSolver<T extends FieldElement<T>> |
Interface handling decomposition algorithms that can solve A × X = B.
FieldElement<T> |
Interface representing field elements.
FieldLUDecomposition<T extends FieldElement<T>> |
An interface to classes that implement an algorithm to calculate the
LU-decomposition of a real matrix.
FieldLUDecompositionImpl<T extends FieldElement<T>> |
Calculates the LUP-decomposition of a square matrix.
FieldMatrix<T extends FieldElement<T>> |
Interface defining field-valued matrix with basic algebraic operations.
FieldMatrixChangingVisitor<T extends FieldElement<?>> |
Interface defining a visitor for matrix entries.
FieldMatrixPreservingVisitor<T extends FieldElement<?>> |
Interface defining a visitor for matrix entries.
FieldVector<T extends FieldElement<T>> |
Interface defining a field-valued vector with basic algebraic operations.
FirstMoment |
Computes the first moment (arithmetic mean).
FirstOrderConverter |
This class converts second order differential equations to first
order ones.
FirstOrderDifferentialEquations |
This interface represents a first order differential equations set.
FirstOrderIntegrator |
This interface represents a first order integrator for
differential equations.
FirstOrderIntegratorWithJacobians |
Fitness |
Fitness of a chromosome.
FixedGenerationCount |
Stops after a fixed number of generations.
FixedStepHandler |
This interface represents a handler that should be called after
each successful fixed step.
FourthMoment |
Computes a statistic related to the Fourth Central Moment.
Fraction |
Representation of a rational number.
FractionConversionException |
Error thrown when a double value cannot be converted to a fraction
in the allowed number of iterations.
FractionField |
Representation of the fractional numbers field.
FractionFormat |
Formats a Fraction number in proper format or improper format.
Frequency |
Maintains a frequency distribution.
FunctionEvaluationException |
Exception thrown when an error occurs evaluating a function.
Gamma |
This is a utility class that provides computation methods related to the
Gamma family of functions.
GammaDistribution |
The Gamma Distribution.
GammaDistributionImpl |
GaussianDerivativeFunction |
GaussianFitter |
GaussianFunction |
A Gaussian function.
GaussianParametersGuesser |
GaussianRandomGenerator |
This class is a gaussian normalized random generator for scalars.
GaussNewtonEstimator |
GaussNewtonOptimizer |
Gauss-Newton least-squares solver.
GeneticAlgorithm |
Implementation of a genetic algorithm.
GeometricMean |
GillIntegrator |
This class implements the Gill fourth order Runge-Kutta
integrator for Ordinary Differential Equations .
GLSMultipleLinearRegression |
The GLS implementation of the multiple linear regression.
GoalType |
Goal type for an optimization problem.
GraggBulirschStoerIntegrator |
This class implements a Gragg-Bulirsch-Stoer integrator for
Ordinary Differential Equations.
HarmonicCoefficientsGuesser |
This class guesses harmonic coefficients from a sample.
HarmonicFitter |
This class implements a curve fitting specialized for sinusoids.
HarmonicFunction |
Harmonic function of the form f (t) = a cos (ω t + φ) .
HasDensity<P> |
HighamHall54Integrator |
This class implements the 5(4) Higham and Hall integrator for
Ordinary Differential Equations.
HypergeometricDistribution |
The Hypergeometric Distribution.
HypergeometricDistributionImpl |
IntegerDistribution |
Interface for discrete distributions of integer-valued random variables.
IntegratorException |
This exception is made available to users to report
the error conditions that are triggered during integration
InvalidMatrixException |
Thrown when a system attempts an operation on a matrix, and
that matrix does not satisfy the preconditions for the
aforementioned operation.
InvalidRepresentationException |
Exception indicating that the representation of a chromosome is not valid.
JDKRandomGenerator |
KMeansPlusPlusClusterer<T extends Clusterable<T>> |
Clustering algorithm based on David Arthur and Sergei Vassilvitski k-means++ algorithm.
KMeansPlusPlusClusterer.EmptyClusterStrategy |
Strategies to use for replacing an empty cluster.
Kurtosis |
Computes the Kurtosis of the available values.
LaguerreSolver |
LeastSquaresConverter |
LegendreGaussIntegrator |
LevenbergMarquardtEstimator |
LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer |
This class solves a least squares problem using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.
LinearConstraint |
A linear constraint for a linear optimization problem.
LinearInterpolator |
Implements a linear function for interpolation of real univariate functions.
LinearObjectiveFunction |
An objective function for a linear optimization problem.
LinearOptimizer |
This interface represents an optimization algorithm for linear problems.
ListPopulation |
Population of chromosomes represented by a List .
Localizable |
Interface for localizable strings.
LocalizedFormats |
Enumeration for localized messages formats used in exceptions messages.
LoessInterpolator |
LUDecomposition |
An interface to classes that implement an algorithm to calculate the
LU-decomposition of a real matrix.
LUDecompositionImpl |
Calculates the LUP-decomposition of a square matrix.
MathConfigurationException |
Signals a configuration problem with any of the factory methods.
MathException |
Base class for commons-math checked exceptions.
MathIllegalArgumentException |
Base class for all preconditions violation exceptions.
MathIllegalNumberException |
Base class for exceptions raised by a wrong number.
MathIllegalStateException |
Base class for all exceptions that signal a mismatch between the
current state and the user's expectations.
MathInternalError |
Exception triggered when something that shouldn't happen does happen.
MathRuntimeException |
Base class for commons-math unchecked exceptions.
MathThrowable |
Interface for commons-math throwables.
MathUnsupportedOperationException |
Base class for all unsupported features.
MathUtils |
Some useful additions to the built-in functions in Math .
MathUtils.OrderDirection |
Specification of ordering direction.
MatrixIndexException |
Thrown when an operation addresses a matrix coordinate (row, col)
which is outside of the dimensions of a matrix.
MatrixUtils |
A collection of static methods that operate on or return matrices.
MatrixVisitorException |
Thrown when a visitor encounters an error while processing a matrix entry.
Max |
Returns the maximum of the available values.
MaxEvaluationsExceededException |
Error thrown when a numerical computation exceeds its allowed
number of functions evaluations.
MaxIterationsExceededException |
Error thrown when a numerical computation exceeds its allowed
number of iterations.
Mean |
Computes the arithmetic mean of a set of values.
Median |
Returns the median of the available values.
MersenneTwister |
This class implements a powerful pseudo-random number generator
developed by Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura during
MessageFactory |
Class for constructing localized messages.
MicrosphereInterpolatingFunction |
MicrosphereInterpolator |
Interpolator that implements the algorithm described in
William Dudziak's
MS thesis.
MidpointIntegrator |
This class implements a second order Runge-Kutta integrator for
Ordinary Differential Equations.
Min |
Returns the minimum of the available values.
MullerSolver |
Implements the
Muller's Method for root finding of real univariate functions.
MultidimensionalCounter |
Converter between unidimensional storage structure and multidimensional
conceptual structure.
MultiDirectional |
This class implements the multi-directional direct search method.
MultipleLinearRegression |
The multiple linear regression can be represented in matrix-notation.
MultiStartDifferentiableMultivariateRealOptimizer |
MultiStartDifferentiableMultivariateVectorialOptimizer |
MultiStartMultivariateRealOptimizer |
MultiStartUnivariateRealOptimizer |
Special implementation of the UnivariateRealOptimizer interface adding
multi-start features to an existing optimizer.
MultistepIntegrator |
This class is the base class for multistep integrators for Ordinary
Differential Equations.
MultistepIntegrator.NordsieckTransformer |
Transformer used to convert the first step to Nordsieck representation.
MultivariateMatrixFunction |
An interface representing a multivariate matrix function.
MultivariateRealFunction |
An interface representing a multivariate real function.
MultivariateRealInterpolator |
Interface representing a univariate real interpolating function.
MultivariateRealOptimizer |
MultivariateSummaryStatistics |
Computes summary statistics for a stream of n-tuples added using the
addValue method.
MultivariateVectorialFunction |
An interface representing a multivariate vectorial function.
MutationPolicy |
Algorithm used to mutate a chrommosome.
NaNStrategy |
Strategies for handling NaN values in rank transformations.
NaturalRanking |
Ranking based on the natural ordering on doubles.
NelderMead |
This class implements the Nelder-Mead direct search method.
NevilleInterpolator |
NewtonSolver |
NoDataException |
Exception to be thrown when the required data is missing.
NoFeasibleSolutionException |
This class represents exceptions thrown by optimizers when no solution
fulfills the constraints.
NonLinearConjugateGradientOptimizer |
Non-linear conjugate gradient optimizer.
NonMonotonousSequenceException |
Exception to be thrown when the a sequence of values is not monotonously
increasing or decreasing.
NonSquareMatrixException |
Thrown when an operation defined only for square matrices is applied to non-square ones.
NordsieckStepInterpolator |
This class implements an interpolator for integrators using Nordsieck representation.
NormalDistribution |
Normal (Gauss) Distribution.
NormalDistributionImpl |
NormalizedRandomGenerator |
This interface represent a normalized random generator for
NotARotationMatrixException |
This class represents exceptions thrown while building rotations
from matrices.
NotPositiveDefiniteMatrixException |
This class represents exceptions thrown when a matrix expected to
be positive definite is not.
NotPositiveException |
Exception to be thrown when the argument is negative.
NotStrictlyPositiveException |
Exception to be thrown when the argument is negative.
NotSymmetricMatrixException |
This class represents exceptions thrown when a matrix expected to
be symmetric is not
NullArgumentException |
All conditions checks that fail due to a null argument must throw
this exception.
NumberIsTooLargeException |
Exception to be thrown when a number is too large.
NumberIsTooSmallException |
Exception to be thrown when a number is too small.
NumberTransformer |
Subclasses implementing this interface can transform Objects to doubles.
ODEIntegrator |
This interface defines the common parts shared by integrators
for first and second order differential equations.
ODEWithJacobians |
OLSMultipleLinearRegression |
Implements ordinary least squares (OLS) to estimate the parameters of a
multiple linear regression model.
OnePointCrossover<T> |
One point crossover policy.
OneWayAnova |
An interface for one-way ANOVA (analysis of variance).
OneWayAnovaImpl |
Implements one-way ANOVA statistics defined in the OneWayAnovaImpl
OpenIntToDoubleHashMap |
Open addressed map from int to double.
OpenIntToFieldHashMap<T extends FieldElement<T>> |
Open addressed map from int to FieldElement.
OpenMapRealMatrix |
Sparse matrix implementation based on an open addressed map.
OpenMapRealVector |
OptimizationException |
OutOfRangeException |
Exception to be thrown when some argument is out of range.
ParameterizedODE |
ParametricGaussianFunction |
A Gaussian function.
ParametricRealFunction |
An interface representing a real function that depends on one independent
variable plus some extra parameters.
PascalDistribution |
The Pascal distribution.
PascalDistributionImpl |
PearsonsCorrelation |
Computes Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficients for pairs of arrays
or columns of a matrix.
Percentile |
Provides percentile computation.
PermutationChromosome<T> |
Interface indicating that the chromosome represents a permutation of objects.
PoissonDistribution |
Interface representing the Poisson Distribution.
PoissonDistributionImpl |
PolynomialFitter |
This class implements a curve fitting specialized for polynomials.
PolynomialFunction |
Immutable representation of a real polynomial function with real coefficients.
PolynomialFunctionLagrangeForm |
Implements the representation of a real polynomial function in
Lagrange Form.
PolynomialFunctionNewtonForm |
Implements the representation of a real polynomial function in
Newton Form.
PolynomialSplineFunction |
Represents a polynomial spline function.
PolynomialsUtils |
A collection of static methods that operate on or return polynomials.
Population |
A collection of chromosomes that facilitates generational evolution.
PowellOptimizer |
Powell algorithm.
Preconditioner |
This interface represents a preconditioner for differentiable scalar
objective function optimizers.
Product |
Returns the product of the available values.
ProperBigFractionFormat |
Formats a BigFraction number in proper format.
ProperFractionFormat |
Formats a Fraction number in proper format.
QRDecomposition |
An interface to classes that implement an algorithm to calculate the
QR-decomposition of a real matrix.
QRDecompositionImpl |
Calculates the QR-decomposition of a matrix.
RandomAdaptor |
RandomData |
Random data generation utilities.
RandomDataImpl |
Implements the RandomData interface using a RandomGenerator
instance to generate non-secure data and a SecureRandom
instance to provide data for the nextSecureXxx methods.
RandomGenerator |
Interface extracted from java.util.Random .
RandomKey<T> |
Random Key chromosome is used for permutation representation.
RandomKeyMutation |
RandomVectorGenerator |
This interface represents a random generator for whole vectors.
RankingAlgorithm |
Interface representing a rank transformation.
RealConvergenceChecker |
RealMatrix |
Interface defining a real-valued matrix with basic algebraic operations.
RealMatrixChangingVisitor |
Interface defining a visitor for matrix entries.
RealMatrixImpl |
RealMatrixPreservingVisitor |
Interface defining a visitor for matrix entries.
RealPointValuePair |
This class holds a point and the value of an objective function at this point.
RealTransformer |
Interface for one-dimensional data sets transformations producing real results.
RealVector |
Interface defining a real-valued vector with basic algebraic operations.
RealVector.Entry |
Class representing a modifiable entry in the vector.
RealVectorFormat |
Formats a vector in components list format "{v0; v1; ...; vk-1}".
Relationship |
ResizableDoubleArray |
A variable length DoubleArray implementation that automatically
handles expanding and contracting its internal storage array as elements
are added and removed.
RiddersSolver |
Implements the
Ridders' Method for root finding of real univariate functions.
RombergIntegrator |
Rotation |
This class implements rotations in a three-dimensional space.
RotationOrder |
This class is a utility representing a rotation order specification
for Cardan or Euler angles specification.
RungeKuttaIntegrator |
This class implements the common part of all fixed step Runge-Kutta
integrators for Ordinary Differential Equations.
SecantSolver |
Implements a modified version of the
secant method
for approximating a zero of a real univariate function.
SecondMoment |
Computes a statistic related to the Second Central Moment.
SecondOrderDifferentialEquations |
This interface represents a second order differential equations set.
SecondOrderIntegrator |
This interface represents a second order integrator for
differential equations.
SelectionPolicy |
Algorithm used to select a chromosome pair from a population.
SemiVariance |
Computes the semivariance of a set of values with respect to a given cutoff value.
SemiVariance.Direction |
The direction of the semivariance - either upside or downside.
SimpleEstimationProblem |
SimpleRealPointChecker |
SimpleRegression |
Estimates an ordinary least squares regression model
with one independent variable.
SimpleScalarValueChecker |
SimpleVectorialPointChecker |
SimpleVectorialValueChecker |
SimplexSolver |
Solves a linear problem using the Two-Phase Simplex Method.
SimpsonIntegrator |
Implements the
Simpson's Rule for integration of real univariate functions.
SingularMatrixException |
Thrown when a matrix is singular.
SingularValueDecomposition |
An interface to classes that implement an algorithm to calculate the
Singular Value Decomposition of a real matrix.
SingularValueDecompositionImpl |
Calculates the compact Singular Value Decomposition of a matrix.
Skewness |
Computes the skewness of the available values.
SmoothingBicubicSplineInterpolator |
SmoothingPolynomialBicubicSplineInterpolator |
Generates a bicubic interpolation function.
SparseFieldMatrix<T extends FieldElement<T>> |
Sparse matrix implementation based on an open addressed map.
SparseFieldVector<T extends FieldElement<T>> |
SparseRealMatrix |
Marker interface for RealMatrix implementations that require sparse backing storage
SparseRealVector |
Marker interface for RealVectors that require sparse backing storage
SpearmansCorrelation |
Spearman's rank correlation.
SplineInterpolator |
Computes a natural (also known as "free", "unclamped") cubic spline interpolation for the data set.
StandardDeviation |
Computes the sample standard deviation.
StatisticalMultivariateSummary |
Reporting interface for basic multivariate statistics.
StatisticalSummary |
Reporting interface for basic univariate statistics.
StatisticalSummaryValues |
Value object representing the results of a univariate statistical summary.
StatUtils |
StatUtils provides static methods for computing statistics based on data
stored in double[] arrays.
StepHandler |
This interface represents a handler that should be called after
each successful step.
StepHandlerWithJacobians |
StepInterpolator |
This interface represents an interpolator over the last step
during an ODE integration.
StepInterpolatorWithJacobians |
StepNormalizer |
StoppingCondition |
Algorithm used to determine when to stop evolution.
StorelessUnivariateStatistic |
Sum |
Returns the sum of the available values.
SummaryStatistics |
Computes summary statistics for a stream of data values added using the
addValue method.
SumOfLogs |
Returns the sum of the natural logs for this collection of values.
SumOfSquares |
Returns the sum of the squares of the available values.
SynchronizedDescriptiveStatistics |
SynchronizedMultivariateSummaryStatistics |
SynchronizedSummaryStatistics |
Implementation of
SummaryStatistics that
is safe to use in a multithreaded environment.
TDistribution |
Student's t-Distribution.
TDistributionImpl |
TestUtils |
A collection of static methods to create inference test instances or to
perform inference tests.
ThirdMoment |
Computes a statistic related to the Third Central Moment.
ThreeEighthesIntegrator |
This class implements the 3/8 fourth order Runge-Kutta
integrator for Ordinary Differential Equations.
TiesStrategy |
Strategies for handling tied values in rank transformations.
TournamentSelection |
Tournament selection scheme.
TransformerMap |
This TansformerMap automates the transformation of mixed object types.
TrapezoidIntegrator |
TricubicSplineInterpolatingFunction |
TricubicSplineInterpolator |
Generates a tricubic interpolating function.
TrivariateRealFunction |
An interface representing a trivariate real function.
TrivariateRealGridInterpolator |
Interface representing a trivariate real interpolating function where the
sample points must be specified on a regular grid.
TTest |
An interface for Student's t-tests.
TTestImpl |
Implements t-test statistics defined in the TTest interface.
UnboundedSolutionException |
This class represents exceptions thrown by optimizers when a solution
escapes to infinity.
UncorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator |
UniformRandomGenerator |
This class implements a normalized uniform random generator.
UnitSphereRandomVectorGenerator |
Generate random vectors isotropically located on the surface of a sphere.
UnivariateMatrixFunction |
An interface representing a univariate matrix function.
UnivariateRealFunction |
An interface representing a univariate real function.
UnivariateRealIntegrator |
Interface for univariate real integration algorithms.
UnivariateRealIntegratorImpl |
Provide a default implementation for several generic functions.
UnivariateRealInterpolator |
Interface representing a univariate real interpolating function.
UnivariateRealOptimizer |
Interface for (univariate real) optimization algorithms.
UnivariateRealSolver |
Interface for (univariate real) rootfinding algorithms.
UnivariateRealSolverFactory |
UnivariateRealSolverFactoryImpl |
UnivariateRealSolverImpl |
UnivariateRealSolverUtils |
UnivariateStatistic |
Base interface implemented by all statistics.
UnivariateVectorialFunction |
An interface representing a univariate vectorial function.
UnknownDistributionChiSquareTest |
An interface for Chi-Square tests for unknown distributions.
ValueServer |
Generates values for use in simulation applications.
Variance |
Computes the variance of the available values.
Vector3D |
This class implements vectors in a three-dimensional space.
Vector3DFormat |
Formats a 3D vector in components list format "{x; y; z}".
VectorialConvergenceChecker |
VectorialCovariance |
Returns the covariance matrix of the available vectors.
VectorialMean |
Returns the arithmetic mean of the available vectors.
VectorialPointValuePair |
This class holds a point and the vectorial value of an objective function at this point.
WeibullDistribution |
Weibull Distribution.
WeibullDistributionImpl |
WeightedEvaluation |
Weighted evaluation for statistics.
WeightedMeasurement |
WeightedObservedPoint |
This class is a simple container for weighted observed point in
curve fitting .
Well1024a |
This class implements the WELL1024a pseudo-random number generator
from François Panneton, Pierre L'Ecuyer and Makoto Matsumoto.
Well19937a |
This class implements the WELL19937a pseudo-random number generator
from François Panneton, Pierre L'Ecuyer and Makoto Matsumoto.
Well19937c |
This class implements the WELL19937c pseudo-random number generator
from François Panneton, Pierre L'Ecuyer and Makoto Matsumoto.
Well44497a |
This class implements the WELL44497a pseudo-random number generator
from François Panneton, Pierre L'Ecuyer and Makoto Matsumoto.
Well44497b |
This class implements the WELL44497b pseudo-random number generator
from François Panneton, Pierre L'Ecuyer and Makoto Matsumoto.
Well512a |
This class implements the WELL512a pseudo-random number generator
from François Panneton, Pierre L'Ecuyer and Makoto Matsumoto.
ZeroException |
Exception to be thrown when zero is provided where it is not allowed.
ZipfDistribution |
The Zipf (or zeta) Distribution.
ZipfDistributionImpl |