Class StringKeyAnalyzer

    • Constructor Detail

      • StringKeyAnalyzer

        public StringKeyAnalyzer()
    • Method Detail

      • bitsPerElement

        public int bitsPerElement()
        Description copied from class: KeyAnalyzer
        Returns the number of bits per element in the key. This is only useful for variable-length keys, such as Strings.
        Specified by:
        bitsPerElement in class KeyAnalyzer<String>
        the number of bits per element
      • lengthInBits

        public int lengthInBits​(String key)
        Description copied from class: KeyAnalyzer
        Returns the length of the Key in bits.
        Specified by:
        lengthInBits in class KeyAnalyzer<String>
        key - the key
        the bit length of the key
      • bitIndex

        public int bitIndex​(String key,
                            int offsetInBits,
                            int lengthInBits,
                            String other,
                            int otherOffsetInBits,
                            int otherLengthInBits)
        Description copied from class: KeyAnalyzer
        Returns the n-th different bit between key and other. This starts the comparison in key at 'offsetInBits' and goes for 'lengthInBits' bits, and compares to the other key starting at 'otherOffsetInBits' and going for 'otherLengthInBits' bits.
        Specified by:
        bitIndex in class KeyAnalyzer<String>
        key - the key to use
        offsetInBits - the bit offset in the key
        lengthInBits - the maximum key length in bits to use
        other - the other key to use
        otherOffsetInBits - the bit offset in the other key
        otherLengthInBits - the maximum key length in bits for the other key
        the bit index where the key and other first differ
      • isBitSet

        public boolean isBitSet​(String key,
                                int bitIndex,
                                int lengthInBits)
        Description copied from class: KeyAnalyzer
        Returns whether or not a bit is set.
        Specified by:
        isBitSet in class KeyAnalyzer<String>
        key - the key to check, may not be null
        bitIndex - the bit index to check
        lengthInBits - the maximum key length in bits to check
        true if the bit is set in the given key and bitIndex < lengthInBits, false otherwise.
      • isPrefix

        public boolean isPrefix​(String prefix,
                                int offsetInBits,
                                int lengthInBits,
                                String key)
        Description copied from class: KeyAnalyzer
        Determines whether or not the given prefix (from offset to length) is a prefix of the given key.
        Specified by:
        isPrefix in class KeyAnalyzer<String>
        prefix - the prefix to check
        offsetInBits - the bit offset in the key
        lengthInBits - the maximum key length in bits to use
        key - the key to check
        true if this is a valid prefix for the given key