Class PassiveExpiringMap.ConstantTimeToLiveExpirationPolicy<K,​V>

    • Constructor Detail

      • ConstantTimeToLiveExpirationPolicy

        public ConstantTimeToLiveExpirationPolicy()
        Default constructor. Constructs a policy using a negative time-to-live value that results in entries never expiring.
      • ConstantTimeToLiveExpirationPolicy

        public ConstantTimeToLiveExpirationPolicy​(long timeToLiveMillis)
        Construct a policy with the given time-to-live constant measured in milliseconds. A negative time-to-live value indicates entries never expire. A zero time-to-live value indicates entries expire (nearly) immediately.
        timeToLiveMillis - the constant amount of time (in milliseconds) an entry is available before it expires. A negative value results in entries that NEVER expire. A zero value results in entries that ALWAYS expire.
      • ConstantTimeToLiveExpirationPolicy

        public ConstantTimeToLiveExpirationPolicy​(long timeToLive,
                                                  TimeUnit timeUnit)
        Construct a policy with the given time-to-live constant measured in the given time unit of measure.
        timeToLive - the constant amount of time an entry is available before it expires. A negative value results in entries that NEVER expire. A zero value results in entries that ALWAYS expire.
        timeUnit - the unit of time for the timeToLive parameter, must not be null.
        NullPointerException - if the time unit is null.