Class TransformerUtils

  • public class TransformerUtils
    extends Object
    TransformerUtils provides reference implementations and utilities for the Transformer functor interface. The supplied transformers are:
    • Invoker - returns the result of a method call on the input object
    • Clone - returns a clone of the input object
    • Constant - always returns the same object
    • Closure - performs a Closure and returns the input object
    • Predicate - returns the result of the predicate as a Boolean
    • Factory - returns a new object from a factory
    • Chained - chains two or more transformers together
    • If - calls one transformer or another based on a predicate
    • Switch - calls one transformer based on one or more predicates
    • SwitchMap - calls one transformer looked up from a Map
    • Instantiate - the Class input object is instantiated
    • Map - returns an object from a supplied Map
    • Null - always returns null
    • NOP - returns the input object, which should be immutable
    • Exception - always throws an exception
    • StringValue - returns a java.lang.String representation of the input object

    Since v4.1 only transformers which are considered to be safe are Serializable. Transformers considered to be unsafe for serialization are:

    • Invoker
    • Clone
    • Instantiate
    • Method Detail

      • exceptionTransformer

        public static <I,​O> Transformer<I,​O> exceptionTransformer()
        Gets a transformer that always throws an exception. This could be useful during testing as a placeholder.
        Type Parameters:
        I - the input type
        O - the output type
        the transformer
        See Also:
      • nullTransformer

        public static <I,​O> Transformer<I,​O> nullTransformer()
        Gets a transformer that always returns null.
        Type Parameters:
        I - the input type
        O - the output type
        the transformer
        See Also:
      • nopTransformer

        public static <T> Transformer<T,​T> nopTransformer()
        Gets a transformer that returns the input object. The input object should be immutable to maintain the contract of Transformer (although this is not checked).
        Type Parameters:
        T - the input/output type
        the transformer
        See Also:
      • cloneTransformer

        public static <T> Transformer<T,​T> cloneTransformer()
        Gets a transformer that returns a clone of the input object. The input object will be cloned using one of these techniques (in order):
        • public clone method
        • public copy constructor
        • serialization clone
        Type Parameters:
        T - the input/output type
        the transformer
        See Also:
      • constantTransformer

        public static <I,​O> Transformer<I,​O> constantTransformer​(O constantToReturn)
        Creates a Transformer that will return the same object each time the transformer is used.
        Type Parameters:
        I - the input type
        O - the output type
        constantToReturn - the constant object to return each time in the transformer
        the transformer.
        See Also:
      • asTransformer

        public static <T> Transformer<T,​T> asTransformer​(Closure<? super T> closure)
        Creates a Transformer that calls a Closure each time the transformer is used. The transformer returns the input object.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the input/output type
        closure - the closure to run each time in the transformer, not null
        the transformer
        NullPointerException - if the closure is null
        See Also:
      • asTransformer

        public static <T> Transformer<T,​Boolean> asTransformer​(Predicate<? super T> predicate)
        Creates a Transformer that calls a Predicate each time the transformer is used. The transformer will return either Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the input type
        predicate - the predicate to run each time in the transformer, not null
        the transformer
        NullPointerException - if the predicate is null
        See Also:
      • asTransformer

        public static <I,​O> Transformer<I,​O> asTransformer​(Factory<? extends O> factory)
        Creates a Transformer that calls a Factory each time the transformer is used. The transformer will return the value returned by the factory.
        Type Parameters:
        I - the input type
        O - the output type
        factory - the factory to run each time in the transformer, not null
        the transformer
        NullPointerException - if the factory is null
        See Also:
      • chainedTransformer

        public static <T> Transformer<T,​T> chainedTransformer​(Transformer<? super T,​? extends T>... transformers)
        Create a new Transformer that calls each transformer in turn, passing the result into the next transformer.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the input/output type
        transformers - an array of transformers to chain
        the transformer
        NullPointerException - if the transformers array or any of the transformers is null
        See Also:
      • chainedTransformer

        public static <T> Transformer<T,​T> chainedTransformer​(Collection<? extends Transformer<? super T,​? extends T>> transformers)
        Create a new Transformer that calls each transformer in turn, passing the result into the next transformer. The ordering is that of the iterator() method on the collection.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the input/output type
        transformers - a collection of transformers to chain
        the transformer
        NullPointerException - if the transformers collection or any of the transformers is null
        See Also:
      • ifTransformer

        public static <T> Transformer<T,​T> ifTransformer​(Predicate<? super T> predicate,
                                                               Transformer<? super T,​? extends T> trueTransformer)
        Create a new Transformer that calls the transformer if the predicate is true, otherwise the input object is returned unchanged.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the input / output type
        predicate - the predicate to switch on
        trueTransformer - the transformer called if the predicate is true
        the transformer
        NullPointerException - if either the predicate or transformer is null
        See Also:
      • ifTransformer

        public static <I,​O> Transformer<I,​O> ifTransformer​(Predicate<? super I> predicate,
                                                                       Transformer<? super I,​? extends O> trueTransformer,
                                                                       Transformer<? super I,​? extends O> falseTransformer)
        Create a new Transformer that calls one of two transformers depending on the specified predicate.
        Type Parameters:
        I - the input type
        O - the output type
        predicate - the predicate to switch on
        trueTransformer - the transformer called if the predicate is true
        falseTransformer - the transformer called if the predicate is false
        the transformer
        NullPointerException - if either the predicate or transformer is null
        See Also:
      • switchTransformer

        public static <I,​O> Transformer<I,​O> switchTransformer​(Predicate<? super I> predicate,
                                                                           Transformer<? super I,​? extends O> trueTransformer,
                                                                           Transformer<? super I,​? extends O> falseTransformer)
        Create a new Transformer that calls one of two transformers depending on the specified predicate.
        Type Parameters:
        I - the input type
        O - the output type
        predicate - the predicate to switch on
        trueTransformer - the transformer called if the predicate is true
        falseTransformer - the transformer called if the predicate is false
        the transformer
        NullPointerException - if either the predicate or transformer is null
        See Also:
      • switchTransformer

        public static <I,​O> Transformer<I,​O> switchTransformer​(Predicate<? super I>[] predicates,
                                                                           Transformer<? super I,​? extends O>[] transformers)
        Create a new Transformer that calls one of the transformers depending on the predicates. The transformer at array location 0 is called if the predicate at array location 0 returned true. Each predicate is evaluated until one returns true. If no predicates evaluate to true, null is returned.
        Type Parameters:
        I - the input type
        O - the output type
        predicates - an array of predicates to check
        transformers - an array of transformers to call
        the transformer
        NullPointerException - if the either array is null
        NullPointerException - if any element in the arrays is null
        IllegalArgumentException - if the arrays have different sizes
        See Also:
      • switchTransformer

        public static <I,​O> Transformer<I,​O> switchTransformer​(Predicate<? super I>[] predicates,
                                                                           Transformer<? super I,​? extends O>[] transformers,
                                                                           Transformer<? super I,​? extends O> defaultTransformer)
        Create a new Transformer that calls one of the transformers depending on the predicates. The transformer at array location 0 is called if the predicate at array location 0 returned true. Each predicate is evaluated until one returns true. If no predicates evaluate to true, the default transformer is called. If the default transformer is null, null is returned.
        Type Parameters:
        I - the input type
        O - the output type
        predicates - an array of predicates to check
        transformers - an array of transformers to call
        defaultTransformer - the default to call if no predicate matches, null means return null
        the transformer
        NullPointerException - if the either array is null
        NullPointerException - if any element in the arrays is null
        IllegalArgumentException - if the arrays have different sizes
        See Also:
      • switchTransformer

        public static <I,​O> Transformer<I,​O> switchTransformer​(Map<Predicate<I>,​Transformer<I,​O>> predicatesAndTransformers)
        Create a new Transformer that calls one of the transformers depending on the predicates.

        The Map consists of Predicate keys and Transformer values. A transformer is called if its matching predicate returns true. Each predicate is evaluated until one returns true. If no predicates evaluate to true, the default transformer is called. The default transformer is set in the map with a null key. If no default transformer is set, null will be returned in a default case. The ordering is that of the iterator() method on the entryset collection of the map.

        Type Parameters:
        I - the input type
        O - the output type
        predicatesAndTransformers - a map of predicates to transformers
        the transformer
        NullPointerException - if the map is null
        NullPointerException - if any transformer in the map is null
        ClassCastException - if the map elements are of the wrong type
        See Also:
      • switchMapTransformer

        public static <I,​O> Transformer<I,​O> switchMapTransformer​(Map<I,​Transformer<I,​O>> objectsAndTransformers)
        Create a new Transformer that uses the input object as a key to find the transformer to call.

        The Map consists of object keys and Transformer values. A transformer is called if the input object equals the key. If there is no match, the default transformer is called. The default transformer is set in the map using a null key. If no default is set, null will be returned in a default case.

        Type Parameters:
        I - the input type
        O - the output type
        objectsAndTransformers - a map of objects to transformers
        the transformer
        NullPointerException - if the map is null
        NullPointerException - if any transformer in the map is null
        See Also:
      • instantiateTransformer

        public static <T> Transformer<Class<? extends T>,​T> instantiateTransformer()
        Gets a Transformer that expects an input Class object that it will instantiate.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the output type
        the transformer
        See Also:
      • instantiateTransformer

        public static <T> Transformer<Class<? extends T>,​T> instantiateTransformer​(Class<?>[] paramTypes,
                                                                                         Object[] args)
        Creates a Transformer that expects an input Class object that it will instantiate. The constructor used is determined by the arguments specified to this method.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the output type
        paramTypes - parameter types for the constructor, can be null
        args - the arguments to pass to the constructor, can be null
        the transformer
        IllegalArgumentException - if the paramTypes and args don't match
        See Also:
      • mapTransformer

        public static <I,​O> Transformer<I,​O> mapTransformer​(Map<? super I,​? extends O> map)
        Creates a Transformer that uses the passed in Map to transform the input object (as a simple lookup).
        Type Parameters:
        I - the input type
        O - the output type
        map - the map to use to transform the objects
        the transformer, or ConstantTransformer.nullTransformer() if the map is null
        See Also:
      • invokerTransformer

        public static <I,​O> Transformer<I,​O> invokerTransformer​(String methodName)
        Gets a Transformer that invokes a method on the input object. The method must have no parameters. If the input object is null, null is returned.

        For example, TransformerUtils.invokerTransformer("getName"); will call the getName method on the input object to determine the transformer result.

        Type Parameters:
        I - the input type
        O - the output type
        methodName - the method name to call on the input object, may not be null
        the transformer
        NullPointerException - if the methodName is null.
        See Also:
      • invokerTransformer

        public static <I,​O> Transformer<I,​O> invokerTransformer​(String methodName,
                                                                            Class<?>[] paramTypes,
                                                                            Object[] args)
        Gets a Transformer that invokes a method on the input object. The method parameters are specified. If the input object is null, null is returned.
        Type Parameters:
        I - the input type
        O - the output type
        methodName - the name of the method
        paramTypes - the parameter types
        args - the arguments
        the transformer
        NullPointerException - if the method name is null
        IllegalArgumentException - if the paramTypes and args don't match
        See Also:
      • stringValueTransformer

        public static <T> Transformer<T,​String> stringValueTransformer()
        Gets a transformer that returns a java.lang.String representation of the input object. This is achieved via the toString method, null returns 'null'.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the input type
        the transformer
        See Also: