#define btSimplexSolverInterface
Typically the conservative advancement reaches solution in a few iterations, clip it to 32 for degene...
The btConvexShape is an abstract shape interface, implemented by all convex shapes such as btBoxShape...
GjkConvexCast performs a raycast on a convex object using support mapping.
const btConvexShape * m_convexB
btSimplexSolverInterface * m_simplexSolver
virtual bool calcTimeOfImpact(const btTransform &fromA, const btTransform &toA, const btTransform &fromB, const btTransform &toB, CastResult &result)
cast a convex against another convex object
const btConvexShape * m_convexA
btGjkConvexCast(const btConvexShape *convexA, const btConvexShape *convexB, btSimplexSolverInterface *simplexSolver)
The btMinkowskiSumShape is only for advanced users. This shape represents implicit based minkowski su...
RayResult stores the closest result alternatively, add a callback method to decide about closest/all ...