Bullet Collision Detection & Physics Library
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2Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
3Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Erwin Coumans http://bulletphysics.com
5This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
6In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
7Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
8including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
9subject to the following restrictions:
111. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
122. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
133. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
16#include "btGhostObject.h"
17#include "btCollisionWorld.h"
34 btCollisionObject* otherObject = (btCollisionObject*)otherProxy->m_clientObject;
35 btAssert(otherObject);
37 int index = m_overlappingObjects.findLinearSearch(otherObject);
38 if (index == m_overlappingObjects.size())
39 {
40 //not found
42 }
47 btCollisionObject* otherObject = (btCollisionObject*)otherProxy->m_clientObject;
48 btAssert(otherObject);
49 int index = m_overlappingObjects.findLinearSearch(otherObject);
50 if (index < m_overlappingObjects.size())
51 {
54 }
70 btBroadphaseProxy* actualThisProxy = thisProxy ? thisProxy : getBroadphaseHandle();
71 btAssert(actualThisProxy);
73 btCollisionObject* otherObject = (btCollisionObject*)otherProxy->m_clientObject;
74 btAssert(otherObject);
75 int index = m_overlappingObjects.findLinearSearch(otherObject);
76 if (index == m_overlappingObjects.size())
77 {
79 m_hashPairCache->addOverlappingPair(actualThisProxy, otherProxy);
80 }
85 btCollisionObject* otherObject = (btCollisionObject*)otherProxy->m_clientObject;
86 btBroadphaseProxy* actualThisProxy = thisProxy1 ? thisProxy1 : getBroadphaseHandle();
87 btAssert(actualThisProxy);
89 btAssert(otherObject);
90 int index = m_overlappingObjects.findLinearSearch(otherObject);
91 if (index < m_overlappingObjects.size())
92 {
95 m_hashPairCache->removeOverlappingPair(actualThisProxy, otherProxy, dispatcher);
96 }
99void btGhostObject::convexSweepTest(const btConvexShape* castShape, const btTransform& convexFromWorld, const btTransform& convexToWorld, btCollisionWorld::ConvexResultCallback& resultCallback, btScalar allowedCcdPenetration) const
101 btTransform convexFromTrans, convexToTrans;
102 convexFromTrans = convexFromWorld;
103 convexToTrans = convexToWorld;
104 btVector3 castShapeAabbMin, castShapeAabbMax;
105 /* Compute AABB that encompasses angular movement */
106 {
107 btVector3 linVel, angVel;
108 btTransformUtil::calculateVelocity(convexFromTrans, convexToTrans, 1.0, linVel, angVel);
109 btTransform R;
110 R.setIdentity();
111 R.setRotation(convexFromTrans.getRotation());
112 castShape->calculateTemporalAabb(R, linVel, angVel, 1.0, castShapeAabbMin, castShapeAabbMax);
113 }
116 // do a ray-shape query using convexCaster (CCD)
117 int i;
118 for (i = 0; i < m_overlappingObjects.size(); i++)
119 {
120 btCollisionObject* collisionObject = m_overlappingObjects[i];
121 //only perform raycast if filterMask matches
122 if (resultCallback.needsCollision(collisionObject->getBroadphaseHandle()))
123 {
124 //RigidcollisionObject* collisionObject = ctrl->GetRigidcollisionObject();
125 btVector3 collisionObjectAabbMin, collisionObjectAabbMax;
126 collisionObject->getCollisionShape()->getAabb(collisionObject->getWorldTransform(), collisionObjectAabbMin, collisionObjectAabbMax);
127 AabbExpand(collisionObjectAabbMin, collisionObjectAabbMax, castShapeAabbMin, castShapeAabbMax);
128 btScalar hitLambda = btScalar(1.); //could use resultCallback.m_closestHitFraction, but needs testing
129 btVector3 hitNormal;
130 if (btRayAabb(convexFromWorld.getOrigin(), convexToWorld.getOrigin(), collisionObjectAabbMin, collisionObjectAabbMax, hitLambda, hitNormal))
131 {
132 btCollisionWorld::objectQuerySingle(castShape, convexFromTrans, convexToTrans,
133 collisionObject,
134 collisionObject->getCollisionShape(),
135 collisionObject->getWorldTransform(),
136 resultCallback,
137 allowedCcdPenetration);
138 }
139 }
140 }
143void btGhostObject::rayTest(const btVector3& rayFromWorld, const btVector3& rayToWorld, btCollisionWorld::RayResultCallback& resultCallback) const
145 btTransform rayFromTrans;
146 rayFromTrans.setIdentity();
147 rayFromTrans.setOrigin(rayFromWorld);
148 btTransform rayToTrans;
149 rayToTrans.setIdentity();
150 rayToTrans.setOrigin(rayToWorld);
152 int i;
153 for (i = 0; i < m_overlappingObjects.size(); i++)
154 {
155 btCollisionObject* collisionObject = m_overlappingObjects[i];
156 //only perform raycast if filterMask matches
157 if (resultCallback.needsCollision(collisionObject->getBroadphaseHandle()))
158 {
159 btCollisionWorld::rayTestSingle(rayFromTrans, rayToTrans,
160 collisionObject,
161 collisionObject->getCollisionShape(),
162 collisionObject->getWorldTransform(),
163 resultCallback);
164 }
165 }
bool btRayAabb(const btVector3 &rayFrom, const btVector3 &rayTo, const btVector3 &aabbMin, const btVector3 &aabbMax, btScalar &param, btVector3 &normal)
Definition: btAabbUtil2.h:117
void AabbExpand(btVector3 &aabbMin, btVector3 &aabbMax, const btVector3 &expansionMin, const btVector3 &expansionMax)
Definition: btAabbUtil2.h:22
#define btAlignedFree(ptr)
#define btAlignedAlloc(size, alignment)
float btScalar
The btScalar type abstracts floating point numbers, to easily switch between double and single floati...
Definition: btScalar.h:314
#define btAssert(x)
Definition: btScalar.h:153
int size() const
return the number of elements in the array
int findLinearSearch(const T &key) const
void push_back(const T &_Val)
btCollisionObject can be used to manage collision detection objects.
CO_GHOST_OBJECT keeps track of all objects overlapping its AABB and that pass its collision filter It...
btTransform & getWorldTransform()
btBroadphaseProxy * getBroadphaseHandle()
int m_internalType
m_internalType is reserved to distinguish Bullet's btCollisionObject, btRigidBody,...
const btCollisionShape * getCollisionShape() const
void calculateTemporalAabb(const btTransform &curTrans, const btVector3 &linvel, const btVector3 &angvel, btScalar timeStep, btVector3 &temporalAabbMin, btVector3 &temporalAabbMax) const
calculateTemporalAabb calculates the enclosing aabb for the moving object over interval [0....
virtual void getAabb(const btTransform &t, btVector3 &aabbMin, btVector3 &aabbMax) const =0
getAabb returns the axis aligned bounding box in the coordinate frame of the given transform t.
static void objectQuerySingle(const btConvexShape *castShape, const btTransform &rayFromTrans, const btTransform &rayToTrans, btCollisionObject *collisionObject, const btCollisionShape *collisionShape, const btTransform &colObjWorldTransform, ConvexResultCallback &resultCallback, btScalar allowedPenetration)
objectQuerySingle performs a collision detection query and calls the resultCallback....
static void rayTestSingle(const btTransform &rayFromTrans, const btTransform &rayToTrans, btCollisionObject *collisionObject, const btCollisionShape *collisionShape, const btTransform &colObjWorldTransform, RayResultCallback &resultCallback)
rayTestSingle performs a raycast call and calls the resultCallback.
The btConvexShape is an abstract shape interface, implemented by all convex shapes such as btBoxShape...
Definition: btConvexShape.h:33
The btDispatcher interface class can be used in combination with broadphase to dispatch calculations ...
Definition: btDispatcher.h:77
void convexSweepTest(const class btConvexShape *castShape, const btTransform &convexFromWorld, const btTransform &convexToWorld, btCollisionWorld::ConvexResultCallback &resultCallback, btScalar allowedCcdPenetration=0.f) const
virtual void removeOverlappingObjectInternal(btBroadphaseProxy *otherProxy, btDispatcher *dispatcher, btBroadphaseProxy *thisProxy=0)
this method is mainly for expert/internal use only.
void rayTest(const btVector3 &rayFromWorld, const btVector3 &rayToWorld, btCollisionWorld::RayResultCallback &resultCallback) const
btAlignedObjectArray< btCollisionObject * > m_overlappingObjects
Definition: btGhostObject.h:37
virtual ~btGhostObject()
virtual void addOverlappingObjectInternal(btBroadphaseProxy *otherProxy, btBroadphaseProxy *thisProxy=0)
this method is mainly for expert/internal use only.
Hash-space based Pair Cache, thanks to Erin Catto, Box2D, http://www.box2d.org, and Pierre Terdiman,...
virtual btBroadphasePair * addOverlappingPair(btBroadphaseProxy *proxy0, btBroadphaseProxy *proxy1)
virtual void * removeOverlappingPair(btBroadphaseProxy *proxy0, btBroadphaseProxy *proxy1, btDispatcher *dispatcher)
virtual void addOverlappingObjectInternal(btBroadphaseProxy *otherProxy, btBroadphaseProxy *thisProxy=0)
this method is mainly for expert/internal use only.
btHashedOverlappingPairCache * m_hashPairCache
Definition: btGhostObject.h:98
virtual void removeOverlappingObjectInternal(btBroadphaseProxy *otherProxy, btDispatcher *dispatcher, btBroadphaseProxy *thisProxy=0)
this method is mainly for expert/internal use only.
static void calculateVelocity(const btTransform &transform0, const btTransform &transform1, btScalar timeStep, btVector3 &linVel, btVector3 &angVel)
The btTransform class supports rigid transforms with only translation and rotation and no scaling/she...
Definition: btTransform.h:30
void setRotation(const btQuaternion &q)
Set the rotational element by btQuaternion.
Definition: btTransform.h:161
void setIdentity()
Set this transformation to the identity.
Definition: btTransform.h:167
btQuaternion getRotation() const
Return a quaternion representing the rotation.
Definition: btTransform.h:119
btVector3 & getOrigin()
Return the origin vector translation.
Definition: btTransform.h:114
void setOrigin(const btVector3 &origin)
Set the translational element.
Definition: btTransform.h:147
btVector3 can be used to represent 3D points and vectors.
Definition: btVector3.h:82
The btBroadphaseProxy is the main class that can be used with the Bullet broadphases.
RayResultCallback is used to report new raycast results.
virtual bool needsCollision(btBroadphaseProxy *proxy0) const
RayResultCallback is used to report new raycast results.
virtual bool needsCollision(btBroadphaseProxy *proxy0) const