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An Example that Omits Destructor Calls For Types with Trivial Destructors

Demonstrates a simple algorithm that uses __has_trivial_destruct to determine whether to destructors need to be called (see trivial_destructor_example.cpp):

// algorithm destroy_array:
// The reverse of std::unitialized_copy, takes a block of
// initialized memory and calls destructors on all objects therein.

namespace detail{

template <class T>
void do_destroy_array(T* first, T* last, const boost::false_type&)
   while(first != last)

template <class T>
inline void do_destroy_array(T* first, T* last, const boost::true_type&)

} // namespace detail

template <class T>
inline void destroy_array(T* p1, T* p2)
   detail::do_destroy_array(p1, p2, ::boost::has_trivial_destructor<T>());
