// Copyright John Maddock 2007. // Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2010. // Use, modification and distribution are subject to the // Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // Note that this file contains quickbook mark-up as well as code // and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups! //[policy_ref_snip1 #include using boost::math::tgamma; //using namespace boost::math::policies; may also be convenient. using boost::math::policies::policy; using boost::math::policies::evaluation_error; using boost::math::policies::domain_error; using boost::math::policies::overflow_error; using boost::math::policies::domain_error; using boost::math::policies::pole_error; using boost::math::policies::errno_on_error; // Define a policy: typedef policy< domain_error, pole_error, overflow_error, evaluation_error > my_policy; double my_value = 0.; // // Call the function applying my_policy: double t1 = tgamma(my_value, my_policy()); // Alternatively (and equivalently) we could use helpful function // make_policy and define everything at the call site: double t2 = tgamma(my_value, make_policy( domain_error(), pole_error(), overflow_error(), evaluation_error() ) ); //] #include using std::cout; using std::endl; int main() { cout << "my_value = " << my_value << endl; try { // First with default policy - throw an exception. cout << "tgamma(my_value) = " << tgamma(my_value) << endl; } catch(const std::exception& e) { cout <<"\n""Message from thrown exception was:\n " << e.what() << endl; } cout << "tgamma(my_value, my_policy() = " << t1 << endl; cout << "tgamma(my_value, make_policy(domain_error(), pole_error(), overflow_error(), evaluation_error() ) = " << t2 << endl; } /* Output: my_value = 0 Message from thrown exception was: Error in function boost::math::tgamma(long double): Evaluation of tgamma at a negative integer 0. tgamma(my_value, my_policy() = 1.#QNAN tgamma(my_value, make_policy(domain_error(), pole_error(), overflow_error(), evaluation_error() ) = 1.#QNAN */