Class NaccacheSternKeyGenerationParameters

  • public class NaccacheSternKeyGenerationParameters
    extends KeyGenerationParameters
    Parameters for NaccacheStern public private key generation. For details on this cipher, please see
    • Constructor Detail

      • NaccacheSternKeyGenerationParameters

        public NaccacheSternKeyGenerationParameters​( random,
                                                    int strength,
                                                    int certainty,
                                                    int cntSmallPrimes)
        Parameters for generating a NaccacheStern KeyPair.
        random - The source of randomness
        strength - The desired strength of the Key in Bits
        certainty - the probability that the generated primes are not really prime as integer: 2^(-certainty) is then the probability
        cntSmallPrimes - How many small key factors are desired
      • NaccacheSternKeyGenerationParameters

        public NaccacheSternKeyGenerationParameters​( random,
                                                    int strength,
                                                    int certainty,
                                                    int cntSmallPrimes,
                                                    boolean debug)
        Parameters for a NaccacheStern KeyPair.
        random - The source of randomness
        strength - The desired strength of the Key in Bits
        certainty - the probability that the generated primes are not really prime as integer: 2^(-certainty) is then the probability
        cntSmallPrimes - How many small key factors are desired
        debug - Turn debugging on or off (reveals secret information, use with caution)
    • Method Detail

      • getCertainty

        public int getCertainty()
        Returns the certainty.
      • getCntSmallPrimes

        public int getCntSmallPrimes()
        Returns the cntSmallPrimes.
      • isDebug

        public boolean isDebug()