Class JPAKEParticipant

  • public class JPAKEParticipant
    extends java.lang.Object
    A participant in a Password Authenticated Key Exchange by Juggling (J-PAKE) exchange.

    The J-PAKE exchange is defined by Feng Hao and Peter Ryan in the paper "Password Authenticated Key Exchange by Juggling, 2008."

    The J-PAKE protocol is symmetric. There is no notion of a client or server, but rather just two participants. An instance of JPAKEParticipant represents one participant, and is the primary interface for executing the exchange.

    To execute an exchange, construct a JPAKEParticipant on each end, and call the following 7 methods (once and only once, in the given order, for each participant, sending messages between them as described):

    1. createRound1PayloadToSend() - and send the payload to the other participant
    2. validateRound1PayloadReceived(JPAKERound1Payload) - use the payload received from the other participant
    3. createRound2PayloadToSend() - and send the payload to the other participant
    4. validateRound2PayloadReceived(JPAKERound2Payload) - use the payload received from the other participant
    5. calculateKeyingMaterial()
    6. createRound3PayloadToSend(BigInteger) - and send the payload to the other participant
    7. validateRound3PayloadReceived(JPAKERound3Payload, BigInteger) - use the payload received from the other participant

    Each side should derive a session key from the keying material returned by calculateKeyingMaterial(). The caller is responsible for deriving the session key using a secure key derivation function (KDF).

    Round 3 is an optional key confirmation process. If you do not execute round 3, then there is no assurance that both participants are using the same key. (i.e. if the participants used different passwords, then their session keys will differ.)

    If the round 3 validation succeeds, then the keys are guaranteed to be the same on both sides.

    The symmetric design can easily support the asymmetric cases when one party initiates the communication. e.g. Sometimes the round1 payload and round2 payload may be sent in one pass. Also, in some cases, the key confirmation payload can be sent together with the round2 payload. These are the trivial techniques to optimize the communication.

    The key confirmation process is implemented as specified in NIST SP 800-56A Revision 1, Section 8.2 Unilateral Key Confirmation for Key Agreement Schemes.

    This class is stateful and NOT threadsafe. Each instance should only be used for ONE complete J-PAKE exchange (i.e. a new JPAKEParticipant should be constructed for each new J-PAKE exchange).

    • Constructor Detail

      • JPAKEParticipant

        public JPAKEParticipant​(java.lang.String participantId,
                                char[] password)
        Convenience constructor for a new JPAKEParticipant that uses the JPAKEPrimeOrderGroups.NIST_3072 prime order group, a SHA-256 digest, and a default SecureRandom implementation.

        After construction, the state will be STATE_INITIALIZED.

        participantId - unique identifier of this participant. The two participants in the exchange must NOT share the same id.
        password - shared secret. A defensive copy of this array is made (and cleared once calculateKeyingMaterial() is called). Caller should clear the input password as soon as possible.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if any argument is null
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if password is empty
      • JPAKEParticipant

        public JPAKEParticipant​(java.lang.String participantId,
                                char[] password,
                                JPAKEPrimeOrderGroup group)
        Convenience constructor for a new JPAKEParticipant that uses a SHA-256 digest and a default SecureRandom implementation.

        After construction, the state will be STATE_INITIALIZED.

        participantId - unique identifier of this participant. The two participants in the exchange must NOT share the same id.
        password - shared secret. A defensive copy of this array is made (and cleared once calculateKeyingMaterial() is called). Caller should clear the input password as soon as possible.
        group - prime order group. See JPAKEPrimeOrderGroups for standard groups
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if any argument is null
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if password is empty
      • JPAKEParticipant

        public JPAKEParticipant​(java.lang.String participantId,
                                char[] password,
                                JPAKEPrimeOrderGroup group,
                                Digest digest,
        Construct a new JPAKEParticipant.

        After construction, the state will be STATE_INITIALIZED.

        participantId - unique identifier of this participant. The two participants in the exchange must NOT share the same id.
        password - shared secret. A defensive copy of this array is made (and cleared once calculateKeyingMaterial() is called). Caller should clear the input password as soon as possible.
        group - prime order group. See JPAKEPrimeOrderGroups for standard groups
        digest - digest to use during zero knowledge proofs and key confirmation (SHA-256 or stronger preferred)
        random - source of secure random data for x1 and x2, and for the zero knowledge proofs
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if any argument is null
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if password is empty
    • Method Detail

      • getState

        public int getState()
        Gets the current state of this participant. See the STATE_* constants for possible values.
      • createRound1PayloadToSend

        public JPAKERound1Payload createRound1PayloadToSend()
        Creates and returns the payload to send to the other participant during round 1.

        After execution, the state will be STATE_ROUND_1_CREATED.

      • calculateKeyingMaterial

        public java.math.BigInteger calculateKeyingMaterial()
        Calculates and returns the key material. A session key must be derived from this key material using a secure key derivation function (KDF). The KDF used to derive the key is handled externally (i.e. not by JPAKEParticipant).

        The keying material will be identical for each participant if and only if each participant's password is the same. i.e. If the participants do not share the same password, then each participant will derive a different key. Therefore, if you immediately start using a key derived from the keying material, then you must handle detection of incorrect keys. If you want to handle this detection explicitly, you can optionally perform rounds 3 and 4. See JPAKEParticipant for details on how to execute rounds 3 and 4.

        The keying material will be in the range [0, p-1].

        validateRound2PayloadReceived(JPAKERound2Payload) must be called prior to this method.

        As a side effect, the internal password array is cleared, since it is no longer needed.

        After execution, the state will be STATE_KEY_CALCULATED.

        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if called prior to validateRound2PayloadReceived(JPAKERound2Payload), or if called multiple times.